West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Dec 1904, p. 1

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at Less Thar have any left out. 1c kc ()vershues E“ \ 'at 1E SALE OF RS---for everybody RU BBERS~0I| sizes iroceries for Chtistmu llh )rstcd Suitin ll) coats .3233???th Goods ! KIRT . $1.23 P“ 1" 96 days only. .I LE LOV ES ROSIERY Than Half 58}; U anv more )r you in N f llllh‘ Winter .\l illine sdsy H rds in 10‘ $3000 WGSVOO er It'd SIS very ml if 1n Gr Sat m lined orth our 11,1 Outwits, nuts and candies at Wat- gm’s Bakery. CA TMERED DURING THE PA8T WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READER8. THE only place in town to gaagood rtment of pure home- made candy- B the up town Bakery. SEE our list of Auctioneers, D. Mo- hail of Ceylon has his card in now. WOULD the party wh'o carried the wing knife and piece of lace f E ' Ed. Lender’s house, be ki E3]: to return it to her or leave it in office? ’ANDIDATES for county Council and cipal Elections can have short nddressed to the electors insert- thin paper for one dollar a» tWO weeks. ‘9 Chmnicle ”0m nowltfll 3““ “list; ‘a‘l‘o'oe grow is Store will pay 140 per 1" turkeys, weighing not 1888 band not more than 13 1b. ' than Wednesday; the Zlat Iwantfld of above. weights. Iolars of the Baptist Sunday re preparing a programme hey intend to give in the I the evening of Thursday, Keep this date, in your hat. 'algiven by Mr. Chas. S. No. 12, Egremont, Ding. Dec. 2nd, was a The Weather being ds good a lung» crowd ten to many well-ren- es, ungitations, songs etr. inability to he present sly appointed chairman, ' mphell, B. 1)., Mr. Wm. filled the position, and g programme was given:- i Boothville string band, lchool, Recitation by’ Farr Dialogue "Troubles of a :herf” by Roy Eccles and mogmmme Mr. Moore, the cold the boxes to ardent fix- the boxes were sold I; nuts were distributed M children so that. all ‘ 3 1qu hour. The pro- hflrto 867, will be used unton, Speech by Howard St by£lanche Reid and ilton, Recitation by Martin Iection by string band, The wrong box,” Recita- '.ha Watson, Recitation by n “The Curfew Bell,” Song Inc. Recitation by Grace ‘me. Ramage, Dialogue [school girls “Swinging Idapple tree," Recitation 3v, Selection by String swinging by four school tlon by Reuben W’atson, String Band. Recitation Hamilton, Recitatlon by Dialogue “The pantalouu by “Fm. Ramage, Read- btson. After the ‘flendiâ€" .I News Items McGillivmy of Glenelg as us to contradict a state- last week by our corre- ho stated that he had sold I'rm. Such is not the case knapon'dent was likely nonce the death of ken which took last at his home at sixty-(me years of strong and healthy mlfch energy. He was _ Innel McUracken of of Rubert._ McCracken Interment took place 001) to Trinity Chm-vb 'e expect somNhhe us an obituary or gt nformation. will give a con- ' Ion Friday even- ‘ The programme recitations, drills A vocal selec- asson, an instru- Newton and Mr. Id Cornet, a. violin etc. Admission 10¢ racing at 8 o’clock [them of L. O. L., ed to attend the pg of the Lodge, Lon \Vednesday, in! District South school. d to hear Bro. Qrganizer, who ~ “7.01 Ritchie, THE Globe had a scoop in being the first of the Toronto Papers to an- nounce the dissolution of parliament. It. was made Tuesday with a great blare of trumpets by the Government Urgan. The Globe says, “Some old faces will not be ‘ seen. in the New House.” It may readily be believed that the Globe is right in this predic- tion, but the blatant hypocrisy» of the leading editorial is a gmss insult to the majority of the electors in this Province. The saintly Organ belittles Mr. Whitney and upholds the immac- ulate George W. Ross who thought at one time that Whitney was quite good enough tojoin forces with him in a coalition Government. Mr. Whitney must have some little ability in the opinion of Mr. Ross, and, backed as he is by several thousand of a popula ma- jority and even a majority in the Leg. islature when tile House was dissolved the Globe’s insults against him are ago, and the 25th of January will see his fln‘ish unless, some more marvel- lous machine work is brought into re- quisition. SOME people have great ideas. We recently billed a subscriber who was four years behind. In remitting he sent us two dollars, and wondered why we should have charged hitgls for 1903 and 1904 as he left the place the paper was going to two years ago. Another was three years behind and he object- ed to pay anything because 'he left at that time. How in the name of com- mon sense are we to keep track of such characters. The amounts due still stand on our books, and we hope the consciences of such men will prompt I them to whack up. The post masters we admit are partly to blame for not giving notice of the changes of address, when the subscribers themselves failed to do so. The last election was held in 1902, and though Ross nominally held pow- er. he. never during the whole period had an unquestioned nmjority in the house. and the total vote, throughout the Dominion isestinmted at from four to seven th(_ms.~l.nd against him. The government has been under a cloud all the time. protests were. pending and the government dared not to let the trials go on. North Renfrew was dis- franchised for nineteen months, and the candidates of the conventions were for the equal period .canv:-tssing tho- electorate, and no doubt committo ing Wrong on both SldeS. The chances for Premier Ross to-day seems less favorable than they were two years The Local Legislature is dissolved and a new election is fixed for the 25th of January, The Nomination will take place on the 18th. THE 20th anniversary of Varney Christmas tree will be celebrated on the evening of Monday, Dec. 26th. A good programme is already in pre- paration by local talent as well as others. Speakers will be announced for next week. The admission fee will be the same as usual, 100 and 150, and everybody is cordialw in- vited to attend. THE concert to be held in Allen’s School, No. 2, Egremont. Dec. 13th, is postponed until Dec. filth, as some of the talent expected was unable to come, but better talent is expected this week. Admission 10c and 150. l AUCTION SALE of farm istock and implements at lot 27. con. 2. N. D. R. on Thursday Dec. 220d. Alex. Mc- Millen Proprietor. John Clark Auc- tioneer. See bills for particulars. A FINE assortment of chocolates, creams and hon-bogs at Watson’s Bak- ery. THE final examination of the Model School students week 18 being held here this HIGHEST cash prices paid fOr Raw Furs at Peel’s shoe store, Durham.â€"-tf. PERFL MES all oders at all prices the lax gest part in town at Darling s Largest 815001! of Christmas at Keelez' s. ORDERS m'ay now be left for Christ,- mas cakse at theAup tom Bakery. Go to Robert Burnett’s for Christmas goods. your HAVE you paid your sub ? GREAT weather; glorious aleighing. SAN CTUM SIFTIN GS It is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the throat, bronchial tubes and nasal passages excited by germs that can only be destroyed by fra- grant healing 'Iatarrhozone which is breathed direct '0 the seat. of the dis- ease. and has never yet failed to cure. Pleasant to use. absolutely certain to cure, Cutarrhozone always gives satisfaction. "I snflered from nasal catarrh so badly that I couldn't breathe throuuh mv nostrils. writes. G. K Wilmat of Meriden. I used Catarrhozone for a few minutes and waa' relieved“ It cured in a short time ” No other remedy just like Catarrhoaone.-â€"-its the best. ' uul bull! yvulllwl 0 Miss Myrtle Thurston has been suc- __ cessful in having two schools offered, Money goes far at Keeler’s. one in Artemesia and the the other at Norway, east of Toronto near the Woodbine. She has accepted the for- mer which is only a few miles from We are sole agents forStewarts cele- her home at Flesherton. We congrat- braised confectionery at Darling’s. ulate Miss Thurston on her success - Cold feet made warm at Peel’s shoe and knowing her from her baby-hood, stores at Durham and Owen Sound. and her mother from the time she was Good goods at honest prices at Darl- a little bit of a girl 'we are confident ing. she will give her employers 800d 1100' Meet'me at Robert Burnett’s store. est service. We shall be ever pleased They always have a crowd. to hear of her success. This is our . . testimonial. .. See 033'12'998 and 8:993qu signal-lea See Peel’s black and tan hockey shoes, they fire the proper thing for skating. Miss Nora Knapp, daughter of Con. Knapp, of the Algoma Hotel, Sault Ste. Marie, is in town now visiting the acquaintances of her girlhood days. My, but she has grown! She might easily pass for 20 though more than three years from being out of her teens. We were pleased to meet her and to learn that the family is well. Mrs. Christopoer Williams invited her neighbors last week to a wood-bee and seventeen of them turned out in response to the call. That night she had twenty cords of wood cut. and part of it was piled up snugly in the yard for use. The old lady is highly gratified at the kindness of her good friends. Harry Aldred left Wednesday morn- ing forToronto where he intends to re- main for the winter. Harry doesn’t know the taste of liquor nor tobacco and if he keeps that way his services will soon he sought after. . We wish him success. Mr. John Aldred returned last week from a three months’ sojourn in the Great N orth-west. Though he likes the country well he doesn’t think of pulling up stakes and going there. Mr. J. H. Smith, B. A.. assistant principal in the Model School here, has secured a position if one of the Strat- ford schools and will enter on his du- ties immediately after the holidays. Mr. Alfred Noble returned Saturday from Toronto after leaving the hos- pital where he underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis. We are pleased note that he is getting along welf. Miss Nellie McAnulty spent acouple of weeks with Holstein friends and was accompanied home by Miss Ella. Pettigrew, who is now spending a week with her. ' on one door West of the Middaugh House Stable Will now be found in the new Hunter Block. Mrs. Jackson and her daughter, Miss Christene, returned last week from England where they have been visit- ing for several months. Mr. John Livingston Whose Imple- ment Agency has hitherto been carried Mr. Brown, son of John Brown, the Egremout cattle king, was in town Sunday. Mr. James Darling who has been at- tending the School of, Pharmacy in Toronto is home for the holidays. Miss Jessie Robertson, who has been in Toronto during the summer, has returned for the helidays. Miss Emma. McCaul returned last week from Guelph Where she was vis- iting for the last couple of months. Barrister McOaul and family are moving into the house recently occu- pied Dy Mr. Lauder. Mrs. Park and daughter Miss Park have gone to Hamilton to spend the winter with their son Dr. Park. Mr. A. W. H. Lauder is moving in! to his new house this week. Miss Georgina. Halliday, of Holstein was in town Sunday. Mrs. Alex. Bell, Sr., is quite ill of pneumonia. THE some AND comma or ounm mrEs ' AND THEIR memos. Mr. Corbett, of Guelph, is the guest of Mr. J. P. Telford. What is Catarrh ? Sensible people go to Robert Bur- nett’s to do their holiday shopping. There are great bargains at Keeler’s awaiting you. The best and newest things to be hpd in men’s furnishings at Flarity’s. ‘ Follow the crowd ta Keeler’ s for Ohms 19m gifts. .- See our pipes and smokers sundries they will please yOu at Darling’s. Most of the working men wear Peel’s seathless leggings. You get the best overcoat for the money at Flarity’ s. An elegant line of ebony goods in toilet,» manicure and shaving sets at Darling’s. 1 The Scoth concert,‘ 3n anxiously looked-for annual eventi gears gone by fives held here on Thursday of last wait. Never in the history of Ben Neiis Camp was better talent provid- ed,fand never before, to our know- ledge, was the hall sufliciently large to hid the crowds that assrmbled. We cannot explain why the attend- anc‘p was so small, and we regret that such a magnificent literary treat was not” financial success. The name of Ha ,' ld Jarvis should draw a full house from his well-deserved world wide fame, as one of the best, if not the very best singer on the American con- tinent. It was his first appearance in Durham, and all who heard him were delighted, beyond the power of pen to ‘3 describe, with the excellent rendering of every number. So well did be please the audience that he was forced - to respond every time to an encore l and sometimes twice. Mr. Jarvis has a good gentlemanly stage appearance 9 and the newspapers have not over- . drawn the picture in describing his ability as a vocalist. See Peel’s black and tan hockey shoes, they fire the proper thing for skating. We are sole agents for Stewart‘s cele- brated confectionery at Darling’s. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. and those who were present went home delighted with the whole proceeding. Dr. Hutton was chairman, but the audience was so well-behaved that there wasn’t much need of anyone to fill the position. This is no reflection however, on the Doctor’s ability, but simply a word of praise to the audi- ence for their excellent behaviour. ! Mr. John ROSS, of Acton, was the piper of the evening, but there was evidently something wrong with the blame thing, and even the Scotch- xnen didn’t seem to enjoy it as they uEually do. Mr. Ross, we have no doubt, isagood man with the pipes, having taken the first prize at the Caledonian Games held here on Domin- ion Dsy. Willie Ross, his little son, gave some good exhibitions of Scotch dancing, which were highly prized by all present. 3 gm” ”Mrs. Newton is one of ourselves, but when it comes to handling the piano she can take her place with the best of them and is always appreciated by 8. Durham audience. Seldom is an in- strumental genuinely encored' by a mixed audience, but the real applause on this occasion spoke volumes of ap- preciation for the work of our talented townswoman. Miss Agnes Dunlop, of Hamilton, contralto soloist, appeared here for the first time, and showed marked ability in her solos and the part ,she took in duets with Mr. Jarvis. She is a fine accompanist. and seemed to under- stand exactly the requirements 0‘.’ Mr. Jarvis. Then there was Miss Marietta La- Dell who is not a stranger to the town As a reader and impersonator, partic- ularly of children, she has few equals. Her rendering of the “Chariot Race ” by special request was worth the whole admission fee. She has a very attractive personality, and wins the attention of her audience from the first number. Darling’s drug store for Christmas An Excellent Bargain Counter. WWliflm the . . (Zomer Store . Call and see the large stock of fall and winter goods we have for you. We know we can please you as our assortmen is the largest in tow . THE 0087 87905 0” THE 8087 WI.)

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