West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Dec 1904, p. 4

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»r Sale or Rent. Durha ‘own Lots for Sale. 'ION 2W Ifl’flflfl I an ‘9! SM‘ Strut BE Dl Park Lot For $8. In 6 House LotI i’ov. lochâ€"3m“! ,s “33 F1331” 01" II caring yf Pricevillq. .Fu. “5 3, Good building. a 'nnVflDiOflt to “I. ha. ,zlars applv to .p I). MrLAcnm, . Pricovillo P, m moot i Heifers Hm .\I Stock for . g nf twent .610 ..f {‘orporation cl lmcribOd ‘8 South‘ E. H. K. Clonal; Cumt'oruble brick . fluid frame hf. I wing orchard. an 1‘ 4 running WSW. 4 'l‘wrms euw and rt particulars :9 For Sale. NTI NUMBER 131 Sheep for MB coulomb“ House for V E Sidoroul Hl'N'l‘ER. ht MA Hf Grey. . For 10"”! fl t. but-ham. 5‘ - apply at red \I I) I. P. TIL} r‘s' 801305. 2f. [)A' SCAR! the K.. Ulonol‘ 01,111le I HA r» Trust“. 9 col“ and d 50. 1} 6’ II [183 lll‘ 81 B. Maoist-lane jr., Durham, Door Bob., We are moving into our new promises after Jan. 181:. If you want some bargains come down. Will give you my personal attention. Yours truly, regular Wholesale prices and still have a fair profit A line of china cups and saucers are exceptionally good value. 250 Lines for 100 and 150 W cc u - _ _ 25C 75c 38 1. Take 3 look through our Stock, no matter whether you want. to buy or not, :3 we always consider it. 3 plans- ure to show our goods. The following letter from n mem- ber of the firm,“’l‘he Fancy Goods Co. of Canada” speaks for itself. Euly Buyers Always Got The Best Choice. Dolls Toys China Albums Dressing Cases Come and let us show you them. Fortunately for you and ourselves as well, we had not bought the bulk of our Xmas stock of: We readily availed our- selves of this good chance We were nofidisappoint- ed nor will vou be when you see what we have to offer. COME EARLY. Tonom‘o. Nov. 28th, 1904. H H IN H “ Musical of all Kinds Instru- ments J . H. WOOD. 350 500 DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham, Dec. 15th, 1904. J udge Morrison presided at Divi- eiou Court. held here on Friday lust and the following cases occupied most. of the day : Smell ve Robert sonâ€"The plaintifi. who lives at Ar- thur. sued H. K. Robertson. of Os- prey. for amount of note. something over 820,00, which had been given by him to an insurance aceut for pre- mium on a policy The detendant claimed that the policy issued to him proved fradulent and upon the evi- dence produced the Court ordered nonsuit. Jae. Scott‘ Hopeville, vs Thos. Watson, Egremont. Action for $5, the price of an old horse which the defendant claimed proved worthless. Judgment for the Pleintifi. Robert McMaster vs. Wm. Mc- Clennan and son John, all of Osprey. This case arose out of an assult upon the Plaintifi who brought action for 360,00 for damages and was given judgment for $20.00 and costs. W. G. Pickell. vs. Mrs. Catherine Shore and M J. Shore, all of Mark- dale The Plaintifi sued for 35,00 which he alleged was promised him for ron delivery of sheep, and was given judgment for the same. E. Sargent, Ceylon. vs. Armstrong, Flesherton. This was an action to recover damages for timber claimed by the Plaintifi, but claim was net sustained and the case ended with nonsuit. On Tuesday of last week there died at the home of her son-in-law Mr. Wm. Chard, 4th line, Mrs. Mary Hepburn at the age of 78 years and 11 months. The funeral took place to iMaxwell, on Thursday. Rev. W. L. Thom of this place conducting the burial services. The deceased was a native of Scotland and has been a resident of Artemesia for about ‘25 years, most of which time she has been a widow. After a long illness borne with Christain resignation there passed peacefully away at her home here on Sunday afternoon last Mrs. Robert Trimble, who had reached the age of nearly 73 years. She was a very highly reapected lady and one of the oldest residents, having lived here about 50 years. The deceased whose maiden name was Miller, was born in the county of Durham on January 23rd 1832, and on May 16, 1850 was married at Bowmanville to her now sorrowing husband. Soon after marriage she came with, her husband to Grey county and lived about four years in Holland and Owen Sound after which they settled at Flesher- ton and have since resided here. She was for nearly 40 years in poor health but withal maintained a cheerful spirit, was ambitious beyond her physical strength and reached the acme of order of her own home. Kindness was a trait of her character felt beyond her own home as was al- so the influence of her consistent Christain life. Nearly fifty years ago under the preaching of Revs. Hill and Browning she experienced conversion, joined the Methodist church and remained a steadfast member. Mrs. Trimble was the mother of three sons and one daugh- ter who survive her as follows: Jas. of Mt. Clemens. Mich; Wm. W. of Flesherton ; Mrs. J. C. Crane, Owen Sound and Robert in Washington State, James and wife and Mrs. , Crane will be here for the funeral which takes place to the public ceme- . tery on Wednesday afternoon when . . $ an appropriate service Will be held in the Methodist church conducted by the pastor Rev J. S L Wilson. Mr. Trimble now alone, aswell as the msmbars of his family have the sym- pathy of a large number of friends in their sorrow. Messrs. Sproule, Crossley Co. are taking advantage of Sproule’s empty store on the corner recently vacated by T. J. Sheppard and are this week moving into the same. so as to enable them to meet the grow. ing requirements of their trade. No doubt in their commodious pre- mises, which is one of the best busi- ness stands in town. their trade will greatly increase. This firm started in ahumble ’ Way {our and a half years ago and should they prosper in the future as they have in the past may soon lay claim to being one of the stable and progressive and busi- ness houses of this place. Miss Crossley, a member of the firm, who by close attention to the wants of customers and courtesy to all has made many friends. continues the management of the business. The front pege of the New Yorker ' friends at Hanover. Echo of Decembermthe 3rd conteine Mr. George Buckingham cerriee e an elegent photogrephnre of Mr. W. broed emile eince the errivel of e F. Doll now a. lending wetch end bright little girl on the 25th of No- jewelery menniectnrer of New York vember. , city. The Echo is printed in Germen G. A. Weteon mode 3 pnrcheee of end not being muter of that leng- thoroughbred stock from the Ech- nege we ere nneble to trenelete ell herdt firm letely. ' the good things it hes to any reepect- . in; on; former townemen and old â€"â€"-'â€"â€"_~~ - - ~â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€" - W Born. on Thursdsy last, to Mr. and Mrs. E, Paterson. of this place,a daughter. (tiâ€"end Doll. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Flesherton. New. bu ruched us of the mer- riege of hire. (De) Boeborough, who recently returned‘to Everett, Wuh- ington.~ perticulere not yet received. i‘he Advnnoe of lost week oopiefl from Toronto Saturday High the mnrringe recently of Milo Jennie tablalud 1379, Bichnrdeon of this plnce daughter of . , Henry Richardson. to M’r. R. A Mnc- M Io.“ . cm!» W Intyre of Toronto. The marriage took place in the Presbyterian church Ono-oun- I. a boon to ”tum-Moo Bonneville. the ceremony being per formed by ROV- ' ““3”". “no“ new mam It cum beam. the u: m. of the groom? ;~ . “Id Hrs. leno/ Mummy entuepdcincnn'iedoverthew enr- . -' ‘ . .I been of the bronchm tube- with every man. giving tyre Will rem h: BI‘UptOD. / peiongednnd comtnnttrentmont Thouolnconeump- MP8. J . A. Boyd GMQ‘ILfithr 3 "tendency. or sufferers from chronic bmnchitimnnd number of her ‘indy friends it n thethront. thimble party on Friday nfsernoon Vnpo-Creoolene ,, ”m I‘vBt- by druggisu or rent pre- Communion service was held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. In the Methodist church Mr. M. K. Richardson preached in the. morning and the pasto.- in the even-L ing when a strong prohibition ser- mon was delivered the principles en- unciated being total abstinence for individual and prohibition for the state. A large representation of the Meth- odist church League, Dundalk paid the League here a fraternal. visit on Monday evening and gave an inter- esting programme. The home League furnished refreshments and an enjoyable evening was spent. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Fred Sproule, son of Mr, R. Sproule of this place, who is a law student in the office of Mulock and Roberts, Winnipeg. has at the recent law Exam.. passed the second interme- diate with honors. Mr. W- Whitten is visiting his sister in Toronto. Mrs. Dunsmore who has been on an extended visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bellamy returned to her home at Owen Sound on Monday and was accompanied by her sister Miss Leone. Dr. Murray spent from Friday till Monday in Toronto with his will who we are pleased to learn is improving under Massage treatment. A number of the young people here attended the rink at Markdale on Monday evening. A GUARANTEED CUBE FOR PILES Itohing.Blind. Bleeding or Protmding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OIN'IMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standin , in 6 to 14 da 3. First application gives ease an rest. 500. f our drug iat hasnt it send 506 in stamps an it will forwarded postopaid bv Paris Medicine 00.. St. Louis. Mo Splendid sleighing in the Burg at present. Mr. Thomas McGirr visited friends in Guelph last wee}. Miss Margaret Lindsay, we are pleased to learn is able to be around again after a were illness. __.‘.___.__,1 a- Miss Jennie Meenagh returned to Durham Thursday last, after spend- ingafew days at the home of her brother, Mr. Thomas Meenekh. Ul'U‘JUUl’ MIL. Luvâ€"Hwy -.-..-_.--n__' We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Alex. Bell, but hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HeWItt were guests of the Timmins family Sunday. ,1 “A“- “2;-“ a“-.. - _ Messrs. Sam. Tom and Dave Ritch- ie have taken the contract of cutting wood, posts and logs 1n Mr. Wilson’s swamp. -â€" -- u. g ‘ __ J D lit-1.1;; 'Kate McNallv is on an extend- ed visit with friends in C_)w_en Spund. .v. v Mrs. McCracken and family, of Edgehill have the sincere sympathy of this community. in the death of her husband and the seriousillness of her son James for whom there is little hopes of recovery. _ - â€"- “ ‘ .IUUUV uvr'v . Mr. Stanley; Mchalls; who has been on the sick list. recently. we are pleased to learn is on the mend, Abottle would I be without Pol-I son’s Nerviline, writes J. A. Ruth. * afarmer living near Trenton. Ont.I Nerviline is the best household lini- ment I know. We use it for stomach troubles indigestion. headache and: summer complaint. I know of noth ing better to take in hot water to break up a cold, or to rub on for rheumatism or neuralgia." Ever) farmer should keep a few bottles of 1 Nerviline handv and have smaller' doctor bills. Large bottles 25c. atl druggists. Mr. John Whitmorso disposed of s tssm of horses to Mr, D. McLosn. of the mill. for the sum of 8269.09. “55; J 651i Eckhardc visited friends non Ayton_ _last week. 'wâ€" __U â€" Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wstsonmf Hol- stein visited the farmer’s old home on Sundsy. "Mini Ila-gain Eckhudt in visiting friends u Hmover. “ Not if it Costs Ten Dollars Darkies’ Corner. “-0.0 H Time Proves All Things-- Vnpo-Cronolono is sold by armist- or tent pro- psld on receipt of price. A v.po.Cruoleno out. It including a. bottlo of We 01.50. Send for free illustrated booklet. unnxo 1111.88 00.. Lat. Agents. 288 St. Jamel 8t... Montml. 083M8- 30‘ Tam HARDWARE AND TINWABE MAN DEALER IN Hardware. Tinware. Paints. Oils, Glass. Putty. Ammunition, c., c. MIDDAUGR HOUSE, DURHAM. Easy terms. Apply to MRS. J. \V. IRWIN, Box 80, Durham, Ont. AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, No Smoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives. PU LVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. -_A-__- HOT STOVE éfilc: 10cIA1' ALL GROCERS C. L. GRANT. \V. BLACK» g Elliott Mclachlan 5 PRINCIPALS. ' WWWO HE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE at Holatein every Mondny. where he will y4§c per lb for Ewes and Wotbers woig ing over 80 lbs and 4c for bucks. Good fat sheep 3§c per lb. Middaugh House for Sale. Largest and Best ! Dec 6-2:: M. This school enjoys the reputa- tion of doing the best work in Business Education in the Do- minion. The large schools in Canada and United States em- ; ‘oy our graduates as teachers. V '9 give the same instruction t4; all and that the “Best.” By the glue and glitter of things, and don’ t think you fitudeuta may enter at any Lune. Write for free catalogue. "'V avâ€"'___° 'ou pay your money for the much advertised cheep goods. And it. only needs a little ex- perience to show that. it’s the better plan and more satis- factory to buy good goods like when we have, and know that you can depend upon it to be right at all times. F. Siegner HOTEL FOR SALE. STRATFORD, ONTARIO . Boar for Service. Lambs Wanted. .I: QICfi] JOHN CALVLERjr. SANDY 1103x1119. Wear our OVERSHOES, high or low tops. CARDIGAN S at old prices. RUBBERS at unbeaton prices. FELT GAITERfi and LACED SHOES. â€" price to be without. See our Seamless LEGGINGS,- also Fleece-liar SP ATS, superior felt, in long or short. FELT SLIPPERS, in fancy colors, and very L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Bar Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Satuz‘dav in mh month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 pm. Lstas Assistant Boy. London Ophthslmic 30s., 3113.. and to Golden Sq. Thrust snd Nose Hos Will be OVERCO ATS $8.50 Overcoats for $6.50: Bhristmas floods Equal reductions throughout tho on tin ”ore. Do Your 'Xmas Shopping H These are all the latest. goods. :ialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and H000 EXCLUSIVELY u the Middsuxh Hone Int Wodnouhy of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. We have a lot of Boys’ Ulster Overcoats. The good comfortable kind, with high collar for cold and stormy weather. We are selling this line at cost price. Boys' Beaver Overcoats with Velvet collar. We are selling these coats for $3.50, although they are worth $5.50.- We DR. GED. S. BURT. Orders and Repairing promptly done. PEEL, the Shoem CHEMIST - AND - DRUGGIST In cold weather there is now the glow of warmth. AT H. PARKER COMING WITH Merciful to ; Your Feet! ‘ FOOTWEAR. 3 All kinds of Loan 5 Compuy'o ysrd {I I the following p 80ft Elm. . Ashâ€"815.00- Gloves and (Run Clu h Bags. Tolucopu. 1 Bugs. Ankle Supp“ Sex-n90. Etc.. .1 on bad. Custom work tad up “traded to at 10‘ J. S. Mcl' Fumors and ad notice tint hot-«it! price: will be mid liven-ed to our tutor _ Elm Ash $17. Why, certainly ! them in any 31 want. The Down-town SI “”1. o anbermen'e Rub kinda. Rubbers for Ledi Children end Gentle digene. Spats end Lediee’. Mieeee end Slippers of diluent Felt end leether. Shoes for ell egee. In every desired etyi and Gentlemen. X fecinge for men. STRICTLY CASH Tan Dunn”: NOTICE

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