West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1904, p. 4

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According to statute Artemcsis Council met on Thursday last to wind up the business of the year. Thor will be some new fscss st the council bond in 1905 as two of vv v\-t“Iufi on Wednesday evening of last week when theireldest daughter. Martha, became the bride of Mr. George C. Walker. of Holland. The marriage ceremony. which was witnessed by about fifty guests many of Whom were from Holland, was performed 13y hev. J. B. Wass. M. A., of .this ”place, the bridal party standing be- neath a pretty arch of eVergreens. The Wedding March was played by Miss Pearlie Pedlar. cousin of the bride. The handsome young bride was becomingly attired in brown pearl cloth skirt and White silk blouse trimmed with medallions, and carried a bouquet of white roses. Her at- tendants were Miss Maggie Walker, sister of the groom, who wore a green broadcloth skirt and white silk blouse trimmed with insertion, and Miss A. Pedlar, cousin of the bride. who was tttir d in green broadcloth skirt and Wineâ€"blouse with Medallions. The groomsmen were Mr. Sydney Jackson, brother of the bride, and Mr. Will Walker. brother of the groom. The ceremony over and congratula- tions to the happy couple. a sump- tuous wedding supper was served utter which pleasuruhle amusements were indulged in till 3 late hour. The residence of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Jackson near Mount Zion. Artemeeia, Ins the scene of a orettv wedding Durham, Dec. 22nd, 1904 DURHAM CHRONICLE MicFKRLANE 6200. Come early and shop Where the crowd shops, but get in ahead of time. Shep early in the week and early in the day. BOOKS. KODAKS. PERFUMES. Our stock of Perfumes is unsurpassed at 10c to $2.50. CHOCOLATES. llany of our prettiest cases and pieces of dainty china have been picked up by thoughtful buyers. Don’t put it off until the last day when we are too busy to give you the attention we would like. NEW CHINA. Drugists and Booksellers. '. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. Our fine stock of Books A Kodak would be nice it you are stuck. We have them from $1.00 to $15.00. is the wonder and de- light of all book lovers. We have a nice line of Nasmith’s Chocolates in fancy boxes 250 to $1.50 We are unpacking some nice pieces of china, late arrivals, this weeks’ see them, Flesherton. bratty wedding ng of last week “Some time ago my daughter caughtasevere cold. She complain- ed of pains in the chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy according to direc- tions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail,” says J amea Prend'ergast, merchant, Annato Bay. Jamaica, West India lslcnde. The pain in the cheat indicated an approaching at- tack of pneumonia, which in this in An Attack of Pneumonia Wan-dad Ofi‘. Merry Christmas to Editor and ":3. Rev. Wilma leaves this week to Spend Christmas with his parents at Newcastle- and Will preach Mission- ary sermons for his father next Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace of Thessaion are visiting the farmer’s sister Mrs. J. A. Board. Mrs. P. Holman leaves this 'week to visit her s-m George at Grand Rapids‘ Mich a .130 . W.; grandson P.~rcy‘Trimble. sod-i3- law J. C. Crane and old friends R. J. Sproule and A. 'aiunshaw. A large number of old lriends at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. R. Trimble last week. Rev. Wilson preached an appropraite sermon from P3, 103: 13, 14. Tue choir also rend- ered an apprOpr-iate selection. The pull-bearers werr- the sons of the de- ceased presentxumos R. and Wm. One of the young men of this place was before Magistrate VanDusen last week for using abusive and pro- fane language in the Munshaw House. It cost the young gentleman over eight dollars which will doubt- lens prove a wholesome lesson to himself and others. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clinton have removed to town from their farm in Osprey. They are occupying Mr. Qnigg’s residence on Toronto street. Miss Pickett, of Lynedoch, has been engaged for 1905 for the primary department of our public school. Miss Martin, who has had charge of this department {or a few years and has done excellent work, is giving on teaching to reside with her father at Preston. Principai Mansell was 03 duty on Friday and Monday with tonsilites, Miss Beattie took charge of his room. Mr. W. E. Richardson has been receiving contributions for the Muskoka Hospital for consumptives and in the list published in the Globe on Saturday we notice he is credited with a donation of $10.25. Prince Arthur Lodge on Friday night last also donated $5.00. A like sum was also given by the Ledge a month ago to.the Sick Children’s Hospital, To- ronto. l A: m Nonnum- for County Well. 11:. Editor, here w a. Council for Division No 6. held here on londey elternoon Hr. John Io- Arthnr of Prieevllle wee nomineted by D. Molillen end P. Bolger. end 8. Bell, of Dondelk, wee nomineted by John Sinolelr end J. A. Boebo- rough. No other nominetione being mede the former eble representetivee of this division were re-elected by ecclemetion. At 2. p. m. Mr. W. J. S Bellemy wee elected cheirmen end i eddresses were given by the newly elected members who geve en ecconnt t of county council work during the pest two yeere. ' Mr. M. K. Richard- ? eon also gave an interesting eddreee. “ egnin right eide up. It in lo 0 time since there wee eny news I here. Our corner butcher, G. itter, le engeged ee nenel, butchering for the fermere fer end neer. Mr. Hugh Atcheeon. eccompenied by friends from Bolton, spent e pleee- ent dey with his deugbter, Mrs. H. Love, et New Englend. from the Bernerdo Home. We hope he will prove to be at good boy. Mr. G. Seckett bed a wood bee and for the number of men got at good BUDDIV Of wnnfl nnt Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore of this place celebrated their paper wedding on Friday last and passed the an- niversary very enjoyably On Friday last a quiet marriage was celebrated at the Methodist par- sonage by Rev. Wilson. B. D. who joined in wedlock Mr. Lougheed and Miss Mary Coutts, both of Osprev township. Two more old residents of Artimesia have passed away as follows : Hector Kenndey. who died at his home on the 8th con.. on Saturday last, aged 76 years. Interment to-day (Tues- day) at Salem cemetery, Rev Mr. Hurlburt of this place conducting the burial services. Mrs. Thos. Morrow. who died at her home west of Ceylon on Saturday last, aged 84 years. Interment at Markdale to-day (Tues- day.) Smith; Vice-Pres, Georgeâ€"'bairns; Secretary. Ida Sullivan ; Trea., Mrs Blackburn. According to announcement Rev. 0. Watch, of Shelburne, Occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sabbath last, in behalf of missions. Mr. Watch who is a good reasoner. earnest and pieas- inc speaker delivered able sermons wide in vision and deeply spiritual in tone. The Presbyterian Sabbath School : and Christian Endeavor Society elect- ’ ed ofiicers last week for the ensuing year as followszâ€"S. S. Superinten- dant, J. A. Falstead; Assistant Chas. Stewart; Sec-Tredv Mrs. Chas. Ste- wart; Librarians, Mrs. Thom and E. Crossley ; Organists Miss Crossley and Mrs. John Chard; Teachersâ€"A. S. Van Dnsen (Bible class) John Chard Frank Chard, Chas. Stewart, Herb Smith, Mrs. Chard, Miss Lily Thistle- waite. Bert Crossley. The school has had a prosperous year and at the beginning of 1905 will take a distinct step foreward by adopting the graded plan and with the International les sons teach the supplementory lessons prepared bv the Central Sabbath School Committee of the church; gficgrs: President. Herb You can’t spend 50 cents to a. bet- tefladvnntage than on a. box of Ferro- zone, end the sooner you get Ferro- zone the sooner you will get well. Don’t accept ssuhstitute, hut insist on your druggists supplying the gen- uine Fen-ozone, which sells for 50c. a. box or six boxes for $2.50. By mail from The Fen-ozone compcny. Kings- ton, Ont. ‘ “After my baby was born. I was left in 9. weak, sickly condition, total- ly unfit for a mother’s household duties. I somehow did not gain strength. although I took malt ex. tracts and tonics all the time. A lady friend recommended Ferrozone, which I used with splendid results. The first box helped quite a little, and when I had taken six boxes my former health. ruddy cheeks, and good spirits. were fully restored, Mrs. N ewlnnds, Swansea. Ferrozono will make you strong and capable of doing a good day’s work without. fatigue. Ibis a mar- vellous remedy and does marvellous things, as the following testimonial proves: Energy, Snap and Ambition Gone- You Need a Bracing Tonic to Ironize the Blood. Try Fagged Out, Mr. McCracken was a kind and ob- liging neighbor. and a successful far- mer, taking especial interest in horses. He was a Presbyterian in religion and Conservative in politics. To the family We tender our sincer- est sympathy in their sad hour oi trouble which is rendered doubly hard to bear by the critical illness of the son James. l Mr. McCracken was born in Ireland in 1843 and emigrated to this country at an early age, In 1866 he was mar- ried to Margaret McClinton who sur- vives him. To them were given sev- en children, five of whom survive. One son, Robert. died about twenty years ago. and John. another son died in Sept . 1901. The surviving members of the family are Mrr. H. Adams, Holstein. Mrs. Thos. Wilson. Aberdeen, Miss Mary and James at, home and William, in Durham He also leaves two brothers, Samuel in Durham and Robert at Aberdeen. -â€", -vvvv Wm. Ritchie, Durham. and Wm. Rit- chie. Edge Hill. Deceased was insur- ed in the Orange Order for $1000 and the family will now reap the reward of his foresight. After considerable sufiering Mr. J. McCracken died on Saturday Dec. 11th. He had been ailing for some time and his death was unexpected. His remains were laid to rest in the English Church Cemetery whither they were followed by a large numb- er of friends, on Monday afternoon. The pall-bearers were six brother Orangemen. Thos. McFadden. James Staples. John Staples, Robert Allan. On Friday night last two sleigh- loads of our young people drove down to the home of Mr. W. Ritchie some distance south and west of Durham. With good sleighing, bright moonlight and clear frosty air it was an ideal night for driving, and a most enioyable evening was spent in games and dancing. A load of peeple from town spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. Geo. Staples on Friday night. James McCracken Jr. Harry Williams has purchased a broncho. / One day recently Mrs. C I Williams had a. wood-bee and got about 20 cb‘ia of wood on t. Miss Jennie Meenagh Spent the last week with the Ritchiet family. Mr, W. R. Edge has purchased a piano. There will be music in the household now. A sleigh load of the youth and beauty from this-part took in the Christmas tree at Priceville and re- port a good time. We regret to learn that Mr. Thou. Aldcorn. formerly of this place, but now of Mt. Forest. is not expected to recover from hiszpresent illness. We extend our sympathy to the family in their trouble. Mr. G. Socket: had a wood .1100 and for the number of man got a good supply of wood out. The sleighing is good and every- one who has logs. shingles. timber or wood to draw is rushing it in. Our corner butcher, G. hitter, in onngod u nun], butchering for the tuners far and near. Mr. G, Witter has adopted e boy BOOTS 85 SHOES from the Bernudu Hom We hope We have also he will prove to be a. good boy §P088_ for child: Mr. Bush Atchonon. nccompnniod OVEROOATS° by friends from Bolton, spent n plou- 2 (102. H“ 010th WW“ 00d nnt day with his dnnghter, Mrs. H. Reefers Wi be 901d at reduced Love, n1: N ow Englnnd. rates. V ‘..O-.d-oâ€"- â€"~â€".-- Edge Hill. Depressed Thinking perhaps they will cure catarrh,â€"â€"but no one ever heard of a genuine cure following such sense- less treatments. There is just one prompt and thorough cure for catarrh, and it is fragrant healing Catarrhozone which goes right to the root of the trouble. It destroys the germs, heals the inflammed mem- ,branes and cures any case no matter how obstinate or long standing. “ I experimented for years with catarrh remedies but found Catarrhozone‘ the most rational and satisfactory “writes W. L. McEachern of Water- ville. “It cured me for all time." For a sure cure use only Catarrho. zone. Complete on'tit 8.100; trial size 250. Thos. and Ellen Wallace N ormanby Dec. 19th 1904. ter Maggie also to Mr. Farquhargon and Mr. Thos. Allen who accompanied the remains to their former home As we cannot thank them all in- dividually we beg to tender our sin- cere thanks to the people of Durham for their very great kindness during the short illness of our beloved daugh- A gimme, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritations is found in Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicida! value of Cresolene with the soothing propertxes of shpperx elm and licorice, LOTS 34 AND 35 IN THE 3rd CON- cession, west of the Garafraxa Road. Bentinck, known as “ John W. Smith farm” There are 40 acres of good bush m this pro- perty.‘ For further particulars apply to C. J. MICK LE, J. S. Mcllraith Dec. 22â€"4 GIVE US A CALL and be convinced that both goops and prices are right. GROCERI ES. Fools use Washes And sham. PANTS. WRAPPERE'I'I‘ES. New floods in ‘ Sore Throat and Coughs E have a few pairs Bals in sizes 1 .to 4 to Groceriesâ€"Candies, Dates, etc. In fact everything for the Xmas trade. Men’s and Boys’ Rubbers at prices ranging from $1.50 to $3.00 per pair. ' Card of Thanks. vâ€"w v-câ€"v-Jt- ‘swvo Prices tie reduced to suit custom- ers on the following lines, viz: See our Ca. sâ€"lateat stylesâ€"Auto, Motor an Falkirkâ€"at 50c and 75¢ each. 102:. All niégias'fi' We are as ever pre- pared to do your cus- tom work and repair- ing as neatly, cheaply and promptly as pos-l sible at the down- town Boot and Shoe Store. IIII'EIIIIK‘JI Wishing you all the Compliments of the season, For Sale. . McArthur. $1.25 Chesle y, Ont. 400 Owen Sound and Durham _...â€" “My [1“ ‘IuU. price to be wiihout. See our Seamless LEGGIN GS, 3180 Fleece-lined SPATS, superior felt, in long or short. FELT SLIPPERS, in fancy colors, and very ch. “‘A‘ LA §$Â¥$$%%$%%%fi$$fi$$fi$fi‘ Wear our OVERSHOES, high or low tops. CARDIGANS at old prices. RUBBERS at unbeaton prices. “All" KOUNTS. flye minutes then would a. page of descriptions. unudren’s Cups, hvavy silver plated, hand burnished. Roger’s A1 Butter Knife and Sugar Shells in lined box In Flatware we RECOMMEND nothing but 1847 ROG Stirling Silver Baby Spoons. Quadruple Silver Plawd Baking Dishes, hand burnishe Stirling Silva? Boa-Bong Tana Rm- n......._. r - m 3-Piece Shaving Sets, quadruple silver plamte burnished, plated handled brush. Roger’s A] Cream Ladles, gold bowl, fancy I lined box. ’ Nut Sets, fantz' pattern, crack with patent match in mx. Children’s Cups, heavy silver plated, hand bur Ne w Yea rs. Evening Until Opcn‘ Every 'iece Carving Sets, genui complete in lmed case Do Your 'Xmas Shopping Christin as Goods ’ hints at (hi; $3361; “9} "chm nL_2-L__A (1 and Durham. STRICTLY CASH 8Y1 Orders and Repairing promptly done. Let the Gift be Something in PEEL, the Shoeman ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS Is noted the country ‘ wide for its collection of CLOCKS. CHEMIST -AND- DRUGGIST In cold weather there is now charm the glow of warmth. A. GORDON genuine stag handles, patent guard on fork. I I‘DQD . PARKER Tom», Spoons. 0mm Ladies. plated, shaving mug hm y mttern, gold. tines i. spring. six picks Silver. Christmu Goods Shown wi Pleasure. superb

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