West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jan 1905, p. 7

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In 121! morning I W“ .- p two men on board (h. pen before. One was Q in: like a Russian. .3. p certainly an 01mm it me that unless I and I u I was bid I won]. py did not release no. down the riwr. Justbo. pd Sninin they I?“ th. r! me that Hiartnlkis had “1.”! L3 daughter to an path and leaped a. Itened me with a pistol. telled to do his bidding. vessel on the Caspian. assistance from then, as and ran away. Tho and I told the 0mm Iar it. by the prophet. told the truth. I km you letting teachers in guiding your chil- If so you are simply 1’ your hands one of means of governing the teacher and ask a list of books that suited to your chlkl t your own, comp." and call in a third which is of most ndo about nothing.” 7. Not at all. huuderotand me wh- hl of most worth an In those that give most I: from it. Let the 006 fiction, dream in er among the tables dance and sing with let it not stop there. I over again the live. good men and women. world’s battles, know. “creepln’, mill’ h of the dr and tho and highway. But. 1. your CXCCHCDCiCS. .3. old me. At Salain. how. pt my into-ntion to at. m, but to procved until Isaiah guntmat, when I *r the young lady. But knew whim boat Ibo am. out In a null] m ds, guide it yourself. here your child is in I of hunting-Ex- at man “ya in 3 lie.” p: the mere fact that turnod coldly to Hat- mid lmard my boat ; 1 must tako the‘ _ They told no an. d and unleaa I obey- .xgled. The! laid I to 'l'iflifl without I).- E YOUNG. “'5! ' back to mm: dia- l wantad lit early, .1: up the r the one : on the “Ila: '99," you what he guardian mr Just \Vblt W3. :omo tho een she tie. 1V0 (I). 0f 11' l fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to w e. m., 2m 4 p. In. and 7 to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Shnrt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambtun Street, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Drs. Jamieson Macdonald. (FHCE AND dESIDENCB A .shurt distance east of Knann's Hotel. _ (larafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at font of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"911 a.m., 2-4 p. m 7 9 p.11) Telephone No. 10. U the Durham Pharmacy, Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lawbton Street. near the Station. UNIV. quVVI DVVVu’urâ€"yv - __,_- , of monev to loan at 5 {)3}â€" cont. on farm proportv. w. 0. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. [1â€" to Universitv: Graduate of Royal College of Donn] Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms-Calder Block. over Post Ofiice. {rv 06cc. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC.. McIntyre‘s Block, Lower Town, Dur- hem. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT "-v vâ€"~ â€" Ufiice 0R} 'Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, quham. Ahny am'ou‘eit IIOXOII WERTISIIOL ‘7 HAYES. mm Tan Cmnmcu will be sent to any address, free of postage, for 5|.00per , . . . yummy-able i': advance-Shso may to :harged if 00!. sq paid. 'l‘ne date to which every ”mm-h Rind :5 d :ju' :d by the numbgr on the [VERY THURSDAY nonmuo «mm numuc noose. mu sum DURHAM, ONT. b. .;;:V'-a:léeâ€"rsfi Etc. Monev to' Loan. Oflices: --â€"In the McIntyre Block over Standard Bank. Kidd‘s! w x0 piper dLL ‘ nzih°‘e'l an"! 3" mm In paid. W it. t..e Optic.» ol the promietor. A. G. MACKAY. K. THE Bflflflflm flflflflfllflLIz er, Conveyancer. etc. rnvaw mone to loan. Old accounts and debts of 31 kinds collected on commissien. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Oficoâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town. Durham. Ont. Land MEREâ€"ind Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly attended to and note’s cashed. Ii Auctignee’r for} the County of Grey. Sales promptly _attended to. Call at my residence or wnte to Allan Park P. 0. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofice. uguuv vâ€".â€"- v _ eased Auctioneer for.t.he County ot Grey. Land Vduflor, Ballgfi of the 2nd Divnsion. Court 8:106 and all other matters yromptly attended to. Highest refereencs urnisbed if required. d tioneer for the C4“ promptly attended tf‘ at his Implement “- old stand. or at the L D MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- . tim‘oer for thn County of Grey. Terms nudmato and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arrangements and dates of sales can be made at THE CHRONICLE o!- fice. Residence and P. 0., Coylon._.'l‘olo- â€"_vâ€" phone connection. rthur Bun, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. fouling {mimics work. . . FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF ARRISTER, A SQLICITOR_. 13w. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, (PON- NOV. 99 m. o ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- AMES CARSON, DURHAM, LIC- Mmma Momma” for the County of O'I‘ARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION- 011x CLARK.__LICEDZ§ED_ AUC- 0-1-- OBERT 133mg”. LICENSED n n_‘-_- UGH MACKAY.’ _ DU‘RHAM. Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. JuA‘ Vuunvuv -â€" â€"- tioneer for the Cmntyâ€" of Grey. Sales mptly attended t0 Orders ma be left nis Implement W. "OIOOIDS, My 'innon’s stand. or at the L..ronicle Ofllce. Burma AND Pnopnm'rou. Medial! Dirac/on). Denial Directorr MacKay Dunn. . Lefroy McCaul. Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. “I. IR‘VIN J. P. Telford. . H. Jackson. ‘3 "Manama ls completely stocked with I all NEW TYPE, thus a. 1 tot turning out First-clu- ! ) ensure insertion in current. 1 not later than Tunsmw etc. Privgte mpney 'ertiscmcms {‘Jmi »y strangers mus: be paid W. F. DUNN. anion, 25 cent 9p" I 2. Our Goals for 1905. Phil. 3:12-16. 1 (Consecration). i ('. E. \Vatson. Miss V. McFadden. i ‘J. The Makingr of a Christian: his : birth. John 3: 1-8. ' Rev. Mr. (felling. Miss M. Sharpe. ! 16. Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Gen. 1:8-15. (A Temperance Meet- ing.) Business and Collection. Rev. Mr. Masson. Miss R. Irwin. 23. How to \Vin Souls for Christ. i John 1:4046. Q Geo. \Vright. Miss M. Douglas. \thit I Owe to Christian En- deavor. ngk. 47:1-12; Psalm 36:8. ((Junsm-mtiun.) Anvil (300k. Miss M. Glass. (‘hrist a Servantâ€"and we are Servants. Phil. 2 :3-11. Mrs. McAnulty. Miss B. (Jaton- (ilm'ifying God in Our Home. Eph. 6:14). Business and Col- lection. Dave Smith. \Vill McDonald. 30. Socialvvening. 6. Tim Making of a Christian: his spvvch. Psalm 145:1-12, 21: Matt. 10:32-33. (Consecration). .l. L. Flarity. Mel. Storrey. 13. Christ. the Physician. Lnke4: iii-19; Luke 5:27-32: 1 l’etvr 2:21. Miss M. Vickors. Miss A. Mac-Kay. :30. ("rlm-ifying God in Our Daily Work. Matti}: 13-16: Romans 12:11. Business and Collection. Mrs. A. Mckilucklin. Miss B. Morton. 27. ('hristian Endeavor Cmnradeship: with other churches, at home, and with distant lands. Acts 47-53. (Consecration). A. A. Catton. John Shaw. 10. W'hat Does Christ’s Life Show Us About the Father? John 14:6-24. 17. "The Power of His Resurrection.” Romans 6: 3.13; Phil. 3: 10. (Easter Meeting). Business and collection. Miss B. Coiling. Miss F. Saunders. 24. Social evening. January to June inclusive [)i’rhqm methodist alum!» O O l 905 O O TOPICS AND LEADERS The Making of a Christian: his exervise. James 1:22-27. (Con- secrntion ). Miss E. Slatcher. Bert Moore. (ilorifying God in Our Recre- ations. l (‘or. 10:31: Psalm 16: 5-1]. Miss A. Howard. Alf. Noble. Spirit-filled Christians. Acts 2: Li. and vvrses 41-47. Business and ('ollm-tion. Miss (‘lam Aljov. Charlie Moore. (irmving l'p for God. Eph. 4: 11- 16. I'nion meeting with the Juniors. Miss B. Sparling. Stanley McNally. 29. Missions in Roman Catholic Conntrivs. Psalm 67 : 1-7. 3. The Makin Of a Christian: his food. 2 im. 3:14-17; John 6: HON. PRES., Rev. T. Coiling. PRESIDENT, C. E. \Vatson. ls'r V1CE-PRES., Miss A. Bradley. Christian Endeavor Meeting at eight 501.2%. Heroes of Home Missions: what they teach us. Jer. 1:7-19. Business and (.‘Olleciion. Miss A. BIL-Creary. \Vill Laidlaw. Our National Heritage. Isa. 00: 1-13. The Making of a Christian: help- ing one another. Eph. 4-1.6; ”eh. I”: 24-25. ((_.‘~unsecrati0n). ! Percy Glass. Esdon \anfo. ; Not Ashamed of the Gospel. Ro-i mans 1:13-.17 I Hairy Burnett. VlissG. Barclay. ‘ Minor \Ioraligies.“13nh. 4:25-32.: 4 topics and finders. 17:24-28; John 17:20-21. Missionary Committee. Mr. Limin. Miss M. Duncan. OFFICERS. every Monday evening Everybody welcome. FEBRI'ARY. JANUARY. MARCH. Temperance Committee, Missionary Conunittce. APRIL. Missionary (‘onunitte-e. MAY. .ll'Nl‘I. FOR ()F Misses MarS' McNallv and Olive Cook and Masters Roy McNally, Earnio and Tommy Cook spent, a jolly New Year’s Day with Bencinck friends on Monday. VISI'I‘ING.‘-6th V.-I”1°es., Miss M. Lynn: Miss B. Morton, D. Smith, Miss V. McFadden. Miss M. Doug- las, Miss Lizzie Lauder. 'l‘CMPERANC1*].m7t11 V.-Prvs., Miss S. Dminettz Mrs. Benton, 0. E. Watson, \VillGlass, Miss A. Brad- ley, Anvil Cook. Miss Martha Anderson came up from Toronto on Saturday and re- turned on Tuesday. She spent three months in Dauphin, Manitoba, this fall. but did not fall in love with the country. The municipal strife is over and of the eight good men. four CbOiL e ones are happily chosen. Reeve McFad- ' den by acclarnation. Weir made a 2 great run. Ward one holds a big "v0te. E. W. Hunt has reason to be proud of the result, as he polled 1 heavy all 0t er the township. Arrow- smith holds a warm Spot in the « hearts of the eloctors. The old, war- ‘ horse McMillan cantered easily into fourth place. The genial Mike ' Kenny surprised some of the old heads with the big vote he captured. His chances are good in another con- §.test Wm. Kerney sufiered from his name being so close to Kenny’ s .and from three men running 1n his own corner. M. Black's own wife ididn’ t know he was in the field until ; two days before the election and his liriends weren’t aware of his coming 21m VICE-PRES., 3RD VICE-PRES., 4TH VICE-PRES., 5TH VICE-PRE8., 6TH VICE-PRES., 7TH VlCE-PRES., RE(‘.-SE(‘RETARY, CORuSECRETARY, TREASURER, I ORGANIST, PRAYER MEETING.â€"â€"â€"lst V.-Pres., - Miss A. Bradley; Miss Mary Mc- Fadden, Mrs. Benton, Mrs. T. (folling, Percy Glass. LOOK-OUT.~â€"2nd V.-Pres.. Miss J. Burnett: Miss V. McFadden, Miss P. \Volfv, George \Vright. John Shaw, Miss Bertha Morton, Miss M. Douglas. MlSSI()NARY.â€".3rd V.-Pres., Miss Phoebe “'olfe: Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Bollton, Miss E. Slatcher, J. L. I’larity. LITER.~\RY.â€"~~4th \'.-Pros., J. L. Flarity: Frank Virkers. George Yirrs, Miss M. Douglas, Miss Rita Irwin, Miss Bertha Sparling. S()(..‘lAL.-r~5tl1 V.-Pres., Will Glass: Miss M. Sharpe, Miss J. Burnett, Miss P. Wolfe, Miss Clara Aljoe, John Shaw. Miss Lizzie Scott. the new teacher in No. «3, has made a very favorable impression on both pupils and par- ents. By the by, we forgor. in our last budget. to sav a word or two about Mr. Will Ritchie, who has taught in No. 5 the last three years. He is noted for his kindness and the relationship between teacher and pupils was most harmonious. Gen- erously he treated them the clasing (lay of school. Mrs. McClocklin er. enjoyed the New Year’s feasting with members of her family in Durham. On Wednesdsv evening of last 1 week avery happy wedding took‘ place between Mr. Samuel H. Ed? wards of Bankhead Mines, Alta. and Miss Otta MacHarrison, of Caledon suburbs. The ceremony took place in the spacious parlor of the old stone home which was beautifully decorat- ed for the occasion. Rev. Mr. Stan- ley Robinson. the bride’s pastor, a genial popular Presbyterian of the modern type tied the silken knOt.. The bride was given away by her, father. She wore a lovely gown of white organdie and dotted netting trimmed with lace and baby ribbon and white silk sash. A spray of white bridal roses clustered in her hair. and she carried a shower boquet of ferns Roman hyacinths and roses. Misses Jessie MacFarlane, niece of the groom and Alva Reid, niece of the bride were a pair of winsome flower girls. in their white costumes with their laden flower-baskets. After the good wishes, the bounteous feast of good things. then, the hurried de- parture to catch the C. RR. express north and the usual big shower of rice followed. The bride received most handsome gifts. that from her hubby being a set of sable furs. They are spending a most. enjoyable {time with friends here, who are vie. ling with each other to make their visit a truly joyous one. After a lOl‘IniulH. they return toCaledon for some days, then, to visit relatives at Port Arthur. Murills and White Fish and from there to the Rockies. where Sam hasa first class situation. Bis hrnle is a maiden of winning manner. bright gifts and they begin life to- gether under most promising circumr stances. May the sun of health and prosperity shine ever upon them. Mrs. Peter Neil spent the greater part. of lasn week in Hamilton. (Continued from last week) Traverston. COMMITTEES. 4...,- Miss J. Burnett. Miss P. Wolfe. J. L. Flarity. Will Glass. Miss M. Lynn. Miss S. Dennett. Percy Glass. Miss M. Gabon. Harry Burnett. Gen. “Wight. out until the laSt few days. He scored well taking in the situation. Mr. Sullivan is considered to be too old by the majority of electors, hence his vote is small. A more harmon- ious meeting on the eve of an election we never saw in our Township Hall. The defeated (candidates retired most gentlemanly and in courteous lan- guage. A number of the electors made neat, pithy speevhes. Reeve McFadden ably presided and wished the electors '-‘. mosc prosperous year. The best Rheumatism remedy is Ferrozone. It relieves quickly, and cures so perfectlv that the disease never returns. After allother rem- edies fail, it cures, and that. is the sort of medicine you want. Pri~e 3') cents per box. or six boxes for $2.5”, Sent to your address by mail if price is forwarded to The Ferrozone Com- pany, Kingston, Ont. And it makes you dizzy to even think of eating. you need Ferrozone the greateSL appetiziug tonics, It builds up the whole body. the tasre becomes aware of new flavors in food you never noticed before. A relish and afterâ€"satisfaction in eating is another result from Ferrozone which improves the digestion and converts everything eaten into nourishment for the blood, and brain and nerves. Just one Ferrozone tablet after meals easy to take and pleasant. Try Ferr- Ozone. Price 500. at druggists. The Remarkable Case of Mr. Cullen, A Chronic Suflerer. Who was Cured in Six Weeks by Mr. Cullen of Sturgeon Bay writes: “For six years I hobbled about like a cripple. unable to move without crutches and canes. I used qnami ties on medicines. and special baths. but they didn’: help me very much ZODG Mr. Cullen’s «aseisafair exam\pi\ of the kind of cures that. FBH‘UZOHQ is effecting eva day. In severe cases of Neuralgia. Suiatim Rheu- matism, and Lmnbago. it, acts with surprising alacrity, and no cusp is revorded where it failed. "On the advice of a Presbyterian minister I .used Ferrozoue. gave It a good trial at first, and when I saw it was helping. I bought six bUXL‘S and took one tablet a: the close of each meal. I am perfeCtly cured. and am to day as Spry as at young- Ster of ten. I am convmcul that my recovery is entirely due to Ferro- Ferrozone cures these dismees be- cause it is a solvent for uric and in the blood. Then it buiidq up and in vigorates the system. and makes weak, sickly people strong and well enough to resist and ward at! disease. (Intended for last week.) Mrs. Foreman of Durham. spent New Years with her daughter Mrs. L. H. Lawrence. Sorry to hear Fred Reny is on the sick lisn wite sore throat. Hubbled Six Yeals / With Rheuma ism. Mr. Joseph Vickers who after an absence of acouple of years in the West returned to his parental home here and looks as though western life agreed with him. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Livingston of Guelph spent Sunday at the. form m"s home here. A number of young people assemb- led at the home of Mr. Robt. Lind- say’s on New Year’s night to spend the: evening in various games and dancing and etc. All report an ex- cellent time. Mr. Will Coutts returned to his home from Manitoba: a couple of days ago. and report times good out. there. We take pleasure in announcing the marriage on Wednesday Dec. 28th of Mr. Wm‘ Falkingham of your town to Mrs. George Bailey. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. W. L. Newton. , The peculiar cough which indicates croup. is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal approval than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by H. Parker.-â€"2. Is inclined to habitual constibation and should use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which cleanse the system and regulate the stomach and bowels. For mild and Sure relief use only Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Price 250. errozone. When Your Appetite Fails. Almost Every Woman. Vickers. - 0.0 ’-~ Group. J. S. Mcllraith Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. hum 1c SJ‘UPK on: RAT'I‘AN nouns .Il's’l‘ 1N Hockey Bals. Chairs Bedroom Suites Uhiffoniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hull Racks Sldebnards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables We Sell What You Need TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. left of Boy ’8 Hobkey Bals in sizes 1 t0 4 to clear at per pair Wishing you all the Compliments of the season, We are as ever pre- pared to do your cus- tom work and repair- ing as neatly, cheaply and promptly as pos- sible at the down- town Boot and Shoe Store. B have a few pairs IE‘JIIEIIE‘JIIUI $1.25 '14 9 Time Proves All Things-- THE HARDWARE AND TINWARE MAI Hardware. Tinware. Paints. Oils, Glass. Putty. Ammunition, c., c. Don’t Be Deceived Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries ()ombmation Bookmses Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings F. Siegner By the glare and glider of things, and don’t. think you are getting a bargain when you pay your money for tho much advertised cheap goodl. And it only needs a little ex- perience to show that. it’s the better plan and more antin- factory to buy good goods like what we have, and know thtt you can depend upon it to in right at all times. DEALER IN

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