West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jan 1905, p. 8

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We have turned prices topsy-turvey on all winter goods which will move them qmckly from our shelves. We will have surprises here for you that you never fireamed of before as we don’t wish to oarry goods .over from one season to another. Now for genmne bargains. ROBERT BURNETT Ihe Big $1011: TI" “8 FOR FRESH GRBCERIES. DURHAM ONTARIO {Tiany Clearing Sale ! l The little tots were as usual very entertaining. Jeweller Armstrong’s flittle son Wesley mede his debut in a e cute recitation end the little Misses 'Bvelyn end Muriel Wilson, Alede Mitchell. Elde Karetedt and Leone Thompson were also cute and plees ing. "Crowning the May Queen“ by anumber of little girls was a very prettv number, in this Miss Dell Thurston, who looked very sweet was chosen Queen. Two pantomimes by some of the larger girls were taking numbers. Miss Wass gave an excel- lent reading, which Was very heartily applauded. Short and pleasing ad dresses were also given by Revs. L W. Thom and J. Wa.ss The Methodist Sshhsrh School An-i niverssry on Iondsy evening of lest ; week wss very successful. the pro-'l ceeds smonntisgto 86000. An ex ‘ cellent res wss served in the wheel- room of the church, after which to s ‘ lsrge sndience in the snditorinln s splendid progrsrnme wss rendered under the guiding bend of Mr. I. K 1 Bichsrdson. who in the shsence of; the psstor through illness, presided} in his nsnel pleasing msnner. The} musical selections by the school were well rendered. Misses Lily Boyd“ Bu. Ksrstedt snd Willie Wright? sve very pleasing recitations and isses Lllisn snd Lsnrs Armstrong gsve s very sweetly rendered duet. Messrs. Wm. Clayton and' W. W. Trimble have been elected Police Trustees of this place {or the current year. Another member is yet to be added to the board. “'0‘.- w-â€"- '_'_--__ At the municipal elections in Arte- i nesley “3311, mesta on the 2nd met the vote polled ; Mr. Edgar Bellamy left last week was large showing the deep interest . , . taken by the electors in the selection 1 for Owen Sound to resume hls studies of officers to manage the townshipfa ! at the Northern Business College. afl'airs for the current year. The Rev. L- W- Thom attended PTGS' vote was as follows: For Reeveâ€"J. lbytery 8" Orangeville on 1‘09““?- A. Boyd 413. D. McTarish 303, maj. lHe W“ accompanied by MTS- Tl")!!! for the former 110. For Councillor ztngether ‘70 spend 8 few days With â€"Alex, Carson 352; T, R, McKenzie. f old friends at Arthur 333; R. Best. 301 ; R. D. Purvis. ; Mr. L. Karstedt, of Moorfield visit- 285, J. C. Adams, 223; J. Graham. .ed over Sunday and Monday with his 105, The four elected, Messrs. Best ' brother F. G. here. and Purvis were members of . - ... - . ,. the council last year. Mr. Me: ' V lienzie was a member in 1003. Mr. arney. Carson, who heads the list, is a new member. but will doubtless soon be- Mr. Herbert Irwnn ard sister Miss vome familiar with the work of the’Cla'a, SOD and flaw-Elli” 0‘ Mr. R- counctl. The reeve has had municip- : IrWiD are spenting a 00“ P18 0‘ "10111118 al experience and is therefore fam With friends around here. iliar with the work now entrusted to‘ Mr. George Alexander who has him. When the result of the poll , been ditching for Will Lauder for was known a large crowd assembled 1 some time fell on the ice and sprain in. the town were refreshments were l ed his ankle. Mr. Alexander left provided by the newly elected reeve. ! Thursday to join his wife near Lisro- Mr. J. McK. Duncan was elected ' well. where she went to spent the chairman and speeches were given by winter. the successful candidates, followed Mrs. John Schilling is spending a by W° Sh"P~ G" Pritchard. 0' W' few weeks at the parental home. Bellamy T. A. Blakely, M. Baird S. . . . . ’ ’ Miss Alice Steele, of Toronto, is the Gabe" and W' J' Boyd. The meet- guest of her friend Miss Dunn this ing closed with a vote of thanks to h . l the chairman and three cheers for week, w o “"1 accompany her bwk to the city on Monday. the reeve and council of 1905. l Court Flesherton No. 995, I. O. F., has elected oflicera for 1905 as follow: C. W. Bellamy. Court Deputy; J08 Cornfield, C. R.; Dr. J. P. Octerwell C. P. R. ; Andrew Bentham. V. C. B.; H. A. Willem. F. 8.; Wesley Ruskin. Socrenry; R. Walter. Ow tor; S. McMullen. S. W. ; W. Talbett J. W. ; C. Scafiord. S. B. ; D. McLeod Mr. John Stewart of the west back- line and his father-inolaw Mr. Chas. Neil had a narrow escape from in- stant death on Wednesday of last week. They were engaged falling a large shade tree in the Open field and havingit almost out through at the base with asaw endeavoured to start it with a wedge when it suddenly fell in an unexpected direction knock- ing them both down and pinning them helplessly to the snow-covered ground. Fortunately a neighbor Mr. Stewart was at hand and after ex- tricating the men from their perilous position Secured help and conveyed thr-m home. Dr. Carter was called and later had the assistance of Dr. McWilliams of Dundalk in examining and attending to the injuries of the sufferers. Mr. Stewart. we learn, has two ribs broken with severe in- juries to the back and chest, but h'e is doing well. Mr. Neil’s injuies are much more serious his spinal column being broken and lower limbs para- lyzed. His sufiering is great and he as well as Mr. Stewart have many friends to sympathize with them in their distress. Rev. Mr. Wilson was sumciently recovered from his illness to occupy his pulpit here at bath services on Sunday. Mr. Richsrdson, who has been mnrh called upon of late, sup- plied nt Ceylon in the morning nnd Meniord Bond in the afternoon. The members of Artmeein Council assembled nt the town hell here on Mondny end after taking the declare- tion of ofioe entered upon the year’s work with n lengthy eeeeion. Mine Christine Richerdeon geve e party to e number of her friend. on Thundey evening lest. Mr. W. G. Hooking, of Toronto, who he. opened 3 new livery hore, hu moved into Mr. '1‘. J. Shepperd’e reeidenoe. Mr. and Mrs. Defoe, of Indinnnpolie formerly of this piece, are the sub. jecte of congretnletions upon the ed- dition of e young eon to their funily circle end we ere planned to to ex- tend onr greetings to our former ee- teerned neighbors. We regret. to leern the: Mr. Samuel Turner. formerly of thie plece, who â€" â€"â€"v â€"-â€"v- -vâ€" â€"'â€"'-'-v“ '-â€"- “v of Beings. Msrkdsle, was seized hgd seen Ch3mhrl‘in’g Pain lem some dsys 880 With ‘ psrslytic sdvercised for sprains and soreness, stroke. end she asked him NJ buy her s bottle Mr. Frank Irwin spent_80ndsy 9f it._yhich h_e digi3 ‘Iq QuiqklyAre‘o “'9” “a "'9 {’9 pleuea ‘0 ‘° ex- Mre.J‘ohunne Soderholm, of Fergus tend our greetmgs to our former ee- Fella. Minn.. fell and .dieloceted her teemed neighbors. shoulder. She hud u surgeon get it We regret to learn thet Mr. Semuel back in plug a goon “ponible, but Turner. formerly 0i “Ii! place, Who it Ins quite core end puined her very is with his wife_bour’_di_ng in the 39039 much. Her eon mentioned that he manhood and has seen much of war and of the world since be last visited this place. Mrs. M K Richardson has .return- â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-_ Correct any tendency to constira- tlon with small doses of Ayer’s P lls. Mr. George Alexander who has been ditching for Will Lauder for some time fell on the ice and sprain ed his ankle. Mr. Alexander left Thursday to join his wife near Lisro- well. where she went to spent the winter. Miss Wass left on Saturday for To- ronto to resume her studies in elo- ution and physical' culture at An- nesley Hall. Rev. L. W. Thom attended Pres- bytery at. Orangeville on Tuesday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Thom tngetber to spend a few days with old friends at Arthur Miss Alice Steele, of Toronto, is the guest of her friend Miss Dunn this week, who will accompany her back to the city on Mondsy. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn entertained the youth of the neighborhood on Monday evening. All report a good time. Mr.:nd Mrs. Nelson Eden apen’ Christin» holidays with Mrs. Allan Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison enter- tained Mt. Forest and Glsmmas friends on Christmas. having a. full house. Mr. and Mrs. Flustts,of Bsy Port. Micb.. visited at Mr. Crawford’s sud R. McMsskin’s and other friends Christmas week. Mr. Jtmea 30310 and bride are visiting the farmer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bagle before taking up house-keeping in town. We wish themahappy and prOSperous New Year. James Bay and Rob Gadd are en- gaged with Wm. McMeekin getting out. timber. At the annual school meeting of the Varney Union School, Mr. Blyth took the place of R. Barber as trusree. Mrs. Elizebeth Crittenden spent last. week renewing old acquaintances in Varney and Orchard. Mr. Jas Eden was a caller at the Post Office on Saturday. Mr. J. W. Blyth has got the brick home for his new house and is mak- ing other preparations for building in the Spring. Th9 icy roads has kept. our black- smith 5 very busy man of late. it. is quite a contrust from a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eden. visited Egremont fnends last week. Two pioneer settlers of Normsnby passed to the crest beyond lest week in the persons of Mr, James Peters and George Wells, both highly re- spected gentlemen with very. inter- eating experiences in the esrlv days. THE Cnnomcma readers would like to know more‘sbont them if some one would kindly give the hots. The young men who writes Hilley Dale new: to the Review, has no doubt eeoured the most suitable em- ployment where intellect and judg- ment is required that he hee bed in many 0. day. At least in writing newe freeto a. news peper be con eceroeiy get diemieeul and 815.00 out on one urticle. - wâ€"râ€"vvvvâ€"â€"- __ , count. at! land colds! ow. 11.11.. 1mm. N. Y. J. 0. Am 00., I- _ __]1)well. Man. A ___.____._-A‘ Don’t cheap cough medi- cines. er the best Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. W at a record it has, sixty yea s of cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn’t use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Bronchitis Cherry Pectoral Dislocated Her Shoulder. for Cm’a Cough Cu is in tree], mann- teed by Xacfultno’c, u 50c, 3 bottle. You can get Misses and children’s felt slippers for 25¢. while they la: 1: Peel’s. At the Big Store Clouuce 8.10. they sell thg goods, you take the pm- (in. Peel's on now linking their own line. of felt footwenr, end ere coins felt thot is double the strength end will give double the wear of toy other felt shoe mode. “’ Lou's thtt headtcha 3t Infu- lsne’s drug more, they store than u 10c. s piece. The prices you 3 et gt the Big Store Cloartnco Sale, are like 3 rise in wages to you. I Mrs. E McIlvrids. and her daugh- ter Mrs.Jhmes Ross, of Holyrood, visited at Mrs. Chas. Gray’s last week. Carr’s pille will just keep you right i during holiday time when we no ell ept to ever work our digestive or gens. Two boxes for 25¢. at Hac- f3r100'8. See Peel’s hand made 0.1] felt turn. ed sole slippers. they fit as easy :3 a sock. Mr. Thos. Derby jr., came over from North Dakota on Wednesday to spendsfew weeks with his sister. Mrs. James Kerr, and husbsnd; also his father, who resides with them. He reports good prices for wheat this fall. and good weather to deliver it It was with deepest sorrow we learned of the instant death of Mr. Thos. Tait, of South Egremont. on Thursday, by falling from the tap of his windmill, where he had gone to see why it would not work. When freed, it knocked him 03 the stand, to the ground, thirty feet below. He leaves a widow. and family of small children, to mourn the loss of aloving husband and kind father, who was highly esteemed by all who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gordon are the proud poseessers of a bright eyed baby girl since Christmas week. It’s the genuine article. and not the kind Santa Claus was giving away that week. Mr. Joe Lennox bought a fine team of horses from cattle King Brown, last week. One horse of his Other team met with a peculiar accident. getting its foot caught during the night, pulling ofl one ear and other- wise injuring the head. A specie] meeting of the ratepayers of this section. is announoed, to he held Fridav night. when the inspect or will be present. to discuss repair- ing the old school, or building a new one. RUSKâ€"MCCALMONâ€"On Dec. 29th 1904 at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. Wm. Farqu- hat-son, Rolund Rusk. of Havana: to Lena McCslmen. of Durhem. MIDDAUGII HOUSE, DURHAM. Easy terms. Apply to MRS. J. \V. IR\\'I.\', Box 80, Durham, Ont. Specialist: Eye, Bar, Thmt and Non U York 1nd Chicago. Due-m oi Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be gt Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Sntuxdsy in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.11). nu Autumn Roy. London Ophthlmio 1100., £33., and to Golden Sq. Thrust ad No.0 Ho. .U cession west of the Gnrafrm Road. Bentinck, knownu‘ John W. Smith ftrm” There are 40 acres of (Goa bath on this pro- perty. For further particulars apply to . C. J. MIOKLE. Dec. 22-4. Che-Icy, Ont. “GLOW? Will be ut the Hiddgngh Hone ht Wodnoodny cinch-mathmnntocp. In. OT NO. 53. CON. 3, GARAFRAXA | Road. Bontinck, sitngfcd about2miles 01‘s 34 AND 35 IN THE 3rd CON_- Middaugh House for Sale. _RADULATE of London, New DR. BROWN L. R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. Bargain Counter. ‘ ! Are You , . . Corner Concerns. DR. GED. S. BURT. IIOTE L FOR SALE. Farm for Sale. For Sale. MARRIED. Q 0.. 60 acres und the There , vim hhonao mm? to ll w. Black. F Wntchmuker. Jeweller. Optichn. Special. . Bargains Our Thanks. Coal Oil. Higheat prioo ptid for FURS. Silverware. Skates. Fancy Lamps. Nm-nightgdngu‘ the eyeball boing of such t “up. flu: in radio; you re- qniro to hold your paper or book clout than 14 inches from the 070 to cashl- yon to no the print cloudy. J. L. FLARITY Mzacanr TAILOR. This condition dwsyl grows wot-o onion. romodiod in that by the proper method. The proper method _consists in huin} {proper eyegluoeu spec- inlly fitted to overcome the mdformntion of the eyebnlls. Our thirty yeen’ experience hes given the moat unbounded snic- fnction to ell who visited us. No experimenting. Removable chnrges unit you. A. Gordon Hardware. Our ancy Lamps surpasses any other stock {or price sud quslity. We wish to thonk you for your constnnt potronoco dur- ing 1904. We tool justified in nnticipnting thnt your up- precistion will benr the fruits of increased business in the new year. and we have pro- vided accordingly. Another our of 00:1 Oil just to land. Bring in your damijohna. See our stock of Sketee, Head Sleighs, Tobagens. Sleigh Bells, Babel. Rugs. Whips, Horne Blankets. Curry Combs, CroemCut-Suu, Buck Saws, Axel. Trunks. Velisea, Chums, Sable Ben-owe, etc. Our showcases are full of Silverware. very suitable for Wedding Presents. There is nothing in Fogks and Spoons to equal the goods stamped “ W. BLACK." ND the very newest to se- lect from. from the finesz Cheviot to the strong and re- linble Scotch Tweed 1nd Overcootinga. Style. fit and workmanship guaranteed. ' Local News ltem< dampen DURING THE PAST wax Hm I CHRONICLE READERS. Remember th Blanus'r cash prim-s mid m “Peel's slum, stun; Inn-1 HOUSE and 101 fur 5.110. W“ Kinll(’(‘. l)l||'h;un FARM tn Wm 01 my, known as (h arty. Almiy 1” (1 SEE the 11:. mly the Durham 1"“! Tam are (Welu- mum the Council. Look out W. Onlvsix can In these should lw thv 'wst. IF you Want tron} nuxv In ”I Pulmmvm \w Toronto \Vm'h‘ fifty-fl V0 com s. 000. 3, I‘ng‘PImmt. ullm' 400k and ill)plvtnvhts.« 27. D. Mcl’lmil. Au W for pm'lirulzu's. THE annual «~011qu to the Prmhytm-ian heldon Monday. the 2 two o’clock. At HIP neon sessiun tho Indiu- Nation in :l sm'ial 1 A ”0C8 respected lesiileni u! “my hon passed awan «m \Inml. i_\ c-\ ruin; CM .9le montns Uf Int! HM sllfl'el .hg. in the person (if Mn. \\ .u min! " ton. She was a ladv ui P'Ullhl ie laiol "3' until ability and ex« etHdingh \ igni ‘ a. for her extreme age. In but 41 g provided her own li\ mg up tuthe tin: fl took to her bed. She \\ as tendu ‘I waited on b" her daughter. Mi: am. who gave her even a W In herpevere affliction. SI ‘ .. O umber of the Pram tel-ii ANY [)(‘rsun illlvrc‘st {0'1 Will (.10 we” to call :I unfurmring :Iml Sup about and vxmnine (In Indln-omlm-.~. ”Hakim: Ax entm'laimn llchlan and luv. will flunish tlu flcient gumvmh Admissiun SH». A HAPPY marriagv Is I nixed {AD-(lay at thv hmm ”1‘8. \Vln. Mt-Faddvn. 01 the contracting parties Wham Ella. and Mr. Glenelg. Both are \vvl ‘bly known lwre and w an abundanco 0f joy. T88 second Anniversary uf tlw In hill Baptist (‘hurcll will he mark with special services on Sunday. .la ”11. when the. Rev. Jonathan HIV» Wot the Paisley Baptist (”him will preach at 1] a. m. and d in] All afternoon service at 3 u'vlm-k tho being arranged fur. 5pm antic will he Given by Mrs. Nun-I and the Choir at earl) svrx-iw. l’rq Will offerings will he lmulv a: mi ”twice. (in .‘lut‘uluy fulltnfing t annual tea will he givvn iu'tlw Sumi School roman i'ulluuvd loy a tint-r1.- "pr-gram in the Audilurium. .\ \o ”(dial invitation is uxtvmlmi in all in present. l’ur furlhvr partirnl: '~ bilge hills. Mus. MR. (Min. I’x-zr'n' mm M frmn Sunris. “:mi CWO! Llw but vighl 01 He likes the. country \\ turn in the spring.) I h tells us. may h.- 0 distance, the cast for : Italic oeven dollar-3 a 4 M four dollars fur N)“ 1H N‘W‘ll “I." for what 110 calls (Qal' (XML web we presume is smnvthing like C volcome Weekly visitor and will run “Cowman regularly. Mr. I’vu] “I well. and evidently fools “‘le m- bmtbers. Dave and Charlie. ad “outstSOm'is. a rapidly gmwing ”I! of about thirteen hundwd in mm erestpd U flaimuent is a mm to he lwh undry N0. 1975. 814 Wt loud» v follc Audlturiull m is pxtvmh m- furl her I -\ll prom Rom ”H nnpa I 1y UI' tut-'Iv-‘l Ul’ lllllt’ IMO" well and will Plenty of “ ()hh‘liu! soft {l ll heim l. l) \\ ll] \\ tufl final run luoul fn pm “'1 V Ml

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