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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Jan 1905, p. 1

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being of such . in reading you 10- Id your punt or ban 14 inches from ublo you to I00 ti. a romodiad in tin. r method. method consists 3. er eyeglasses ID..- to overcome the I of the eyeballs. ness is «used by '«n’ e: not 0an LI! who lining. hock for price 3nd ‘k of Slates, Bud obagans. Sleigh 9. Bugs. Whipl, kets. Carry Combo, aws, Buck Sun, trunks. thiul, hblo Burma, no. ordon .on 31 ways grow. m TAILOR LARITY :o thunk you for at patronm dur- Wo} tool justified ing :11» your up- rill bout the (min 1 business in tho up! we have pro- V//// id for FURS ware. of Cod Oil jolt Bring in your lack Jam: experienco h.- n boo nded sadl- 'ong and rm Tweed 3:13 we. fit nnd SUPP-83808 ted on. ILsonablo SO Remember the Young Men’s “At Home” in the 'Methodist Church on January 30th. Local News Items UNERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE 8510538. ll ll \l 11. (Hen. l’l-lf’l‘Y returned Saturday: ' l'1'11111S111l1'is', .‘lzulltnb'l. where he; ~:> .111 111~i;1~11-igl1t Ul‘ nine months. 'I 1 likva‘ the country well and will re- .111 in the spring.) Plenty of wood 11.11lls1is.ma_\ be obtained from a . 11110 the mist for soft stuff being nit sc sen dollars a cord 008' runs I'l‘nln full? dollars for 80“ to seven dollars for what he calls Gait Coal, whioh we presume is something like mll' Anthracite. THE CHRONICLE was 1 11 uh nme weekly visitor and will con- :inue to go on regularly. Mr. Petty luuks well, and evidently feel: well. liahitants. ‘\ MUCH respected resident of Dray-l tun passed away on Monday evening 1f ter several months of intense suffer- ing. in the person of Mrs. Warming- mn. She was a lady of considerable natural ability and exceedingly vigor- nus for her extreme age. In fact she provided her own living up to the time She- tuok to her bed. She was tender. l)’ waited on by her daughter, Miss McPheetm-s, who gave her every at.- tention in her‘evere amiction. She was a member of the Prdbytel'inn vluu'ch, Drayton, and was a Christian through; The watchman at nf undoubted integrity. Her remains tumbled to the rocket and came wvre laid to rest in Victoria. cemetery the pal, 'oponed the gate an on “'ednesday afternoon, quite youngmm was allowed to so to large number being pro-ant. to p31 nua- .wlflch the Md slow]: a n ___.-_. _._.Q-A. -_.2_ ll us»: and lot for sale. Apply to mm Kinnee, Durham. \ entertainment is announced for rum-y 10th to be held in \Vatson’s I. Priceville. Miss Jessie Mac- :Ian and her company of artists furnish the program is a. suf- m. guarantee of its excellence. mission SUV. All seats reserved. nissiun you want a good daily newspaper mm to the close of the Dominion ”um-Ht we can furnish you the ntn \Vorld for the small sum of VOL. 38-«N0. 1975. present. large hi" \' person interested in raising will (10 well to call at the Farmer’s mm nring and Supply Company’s ' and examine their incnbaotrs hmmh-rs. Booklets given to those HE <. (Hen. BRADLEY, Sta, Lot 23, :. I'Igremout. offal-s for sale, farm and implmnents, on Friday, J an. I). McPhail. Auctioneer. See 01’ particulars. .\l tn rent of 10‘ acres, at Var- nnwn as the Rombough prop' Apply to C. T. Lveson. Varney. ll l'nmlt'l tl)( Im'k ll r: :m- twelve candidates out for m-il. Look out for your hen Only six can be elected and umhl he the best. I :s'r c‘vjsh prices paid for Raw ’m-l‘s shoe store. Durham.â€"tf. mum] c-nngregational meeting Presbyterian church will be Munday, the 23111, at half past m-k. At the close of the busi- ainll the ladies invite the con- m tn 3 social tea. «‘Ul 'ents ll ndy stove pipe shelves at Foundry. I SERVICES preparatory to the com- ' munion will he held in the Presbyter- ian church on Friday, at half past two l in the afternoon. and at eight in the l evening. The Rev. T. McCullough : will preach at, lmth services. All are ? cordially invited. SKATES sharpened at the Durham Foundry. FOR SALE.â€"â€"The Moore property in town. consisting of twenty-three and a. half arres. Apply to Hugh MacKay. Now is the time your saws need gumming. you can get them done right at the Durham Foundry. MR. J. JENKIXS, of Kamloops, B.C., is joining heart and hand to-day with Miss Lawrence, daughter of Mrs. S. Lawrence. Particulars will likely be given us later. In the meantime, we offer our c-«mgratulations. THE annual rally of the B, Y. P. U., of Owen Suund Association, will he held in Port; Elgin on Thursday Jan. 26th., when the Rev. H. C. Speller 0f session. Country members holding books over four weeks, kindly return same at once. By order of Com. NOTICE. All parties in town hold- ing books belonging to the Public Library ()vvr the allotted time of two weeks, kindly return same at once. MR. “'31. CALDER is allowing his name to stand as a. member of the Durham Town Council. Some time ago he statt1l his ability to finance the tow." on n 20 mill rate, and lie is Willing to accept a. position on the do it. MASKED hugging parties are coming in vogue in some localities and are drawing card parties. By paying fifteen cents 2L man is allowed to hug a girl, but he is first blindfolded. It is : pleasant for the rest of the company* to see how mad a married man gets i when on removing the bandage from! his eyes he. finds he has been hugging ' his own wife and fifteen cents gone i for nothing except as revenue to some fund. “Dash it, let’s go home, Maria” I was What one of the disappointed ones exclaimed in a near by town. IN the Baptist church, last Sunday i evening, “hile the popula1 pastel, \\. L. .\ew ton, was just meIging into the heart of his discourse, the; aretylene light started to twinkle, and in a few minutes the congregation found themselves in the same fix as Moses did when the lights went out. The rarhide ran out, and as there was ' no surplus on hand. the service came to a hrufi' end. Now. if the choir had struck up "Hold Thou My Hand.” the ci'mgregatiou could have marched outu'as did the school children of T0- rontoumler the tire drill instruction 11f.l.l1. Hughes. There was no loss sustained ~â€"h;111ing the collection. The lights will he going next Sunday _ 111111 1 \1-1Vo111- is invited to be present, though the Baptists can ’t always 2 promise dark nights in the middle of i an interesting sermon. lat-nia will speak at, the evening touncil Board to show that he can Sumrrm' before the usual hour for] iising Sunday morning the residents Ian. 17th’1' on the lower end of (iarafraxa street near the Cement works, were aroused from their peaceful slumbers by loud yells. Lamps were lighted in the ad-u 9 joining houses. windows went up andi Keeler S e e somebody hollered to somebody else ”go up and get Mr. Carson and the fire reels,” another fellow hollered Busy Store “who stabbed him” and this got them all excited. Several ladies came with pails, one came riding bare-back on a W. D. VULLLL. Ulvln'l Is known far and near horse-back, an old gentleman came as being the cheapest through the snow in his bare feet with place in the country a gun in his hand. W’hen the yells t - . 0 buy. Here we llSt had subSIded and the crowd b d . re“ 6 a few of the lines we P the spot where all the yells came from 1 it was found that all the noise was can save 3’00 money !caused by one of the clerks in the OD. ‘cement office trying to rouse the watchman. Who afterwards came Wt Watches, Clocks, J ewelerv. Rinse, ‘ he piazza, rubbed his e es at th - 1”" t . y e Silverware.8pectacles and Eyeglasses ifzogd’nggcre: 11381;,ng stage: Violins, Guitars, Accordians Violin ' pe ’ mg a Strings etc. Purses, Pipes, Brushes, l was what the crowd wanted. “I am , [glad to see so much of you” he said, “oh" 8““0‘“?! ““1 chy GOOdI. addressing the crowd, and particu- ..,. larly abig fat women, who took ex- We also have great caption to the opening line. of the bargains for you in speech, and retorted “ Come down , ‘ here you old Wim “d “10’ mm WALL PAPER. see very much of you when I get mm» m watchman. a. int-ll llK-ealer 8’ Son WW? mitigl Llama J nwnnm. PLYMOUTH Rock Cockerels for sale. )has. Lang. THE Town Clerk has an advertise- ment for a Town Treasurer in this issue. A NUMBER of young people from the Methodist church here attended the Epworth League convention in Mt. Forest on Tuesday afternoon and evening last. “'15 give on page 3 a second letter from Rev. 1). O. Hossack, showing the falsity of the charges preferred against him, since the publication of his open letter to Premier Ross. TO-DAY, \Vednosday, January 18th. will see united in the holy bonds of matrimony, two of our estemned‘ young citizens in the perons of Mr. 1 iArthur McDonald and Miss Mary l Marshall. They enter life in the. pink 7 of health, and both being popular in ithe community we heartily tender l our congratulations, and wish the hap- Epy young couple a long and useful ilife. May their joys be many and '. their sorrows few. members IT is “ith feelings of regret we chronicle the serious illness of Mr. Thonias Scarf, of Rock)" Saugeen. He is very low from heart trouble and is not expected to recover. \Ve can only hope that his life may be pro- ‘ longed. THE printer works 365}- days in the your to get out 52 issues of his paperâ€" that’s labor. Sometimes a kind-heart- ed subscriber comes along and pays his subscriptionâ€"thnt’s capital. Then some unprincipled son-of-a-gun lets his paper come for seven or eight years and then leaves for parts unknown without paying for itâ€"thnt’s anarchy. Bye and hye he shuffles off this mortal coil and dons his wooden overcoat and goes to his long lionileâ€"tliat’sijell, it's not heaven. \VE regret to learn of the death of Mr. Jas. Morice, of Bentinck, which took place on Sunday last at his home near Aberdeen. Only a few days pre- viously he was in town, and in the en- joyment of his usual health, but he took a cold which turned to pneu-1 monia and resulted fatally. The deceased was a brother of Reeve Morlee ot Normanhy, forty-four years of age and much respected in the com- munity wherever known. He leaves a widow and nine children to mourn over his sudden demise. Not long ago Mr. Morice sold his home in Bentinck Iwith the intention of going \Vest in l the spring. Interment took place on 1 Tuesday last. A- of Treasi1;er of the Town of Durhggn will be received by the undersigned at 1113 office up to Monday. 23rd inst. PPLICA TIONS FOR PQS__ITI_ON DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1905. . B. Keeler 8’ Soul- Treasurer Wanted. Is known far and near as being the cheapest place in the country to buy. Here we list a few of the lines we w. B. VOLLE'I‘. Clerk. People We Know THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAM/7'58 AND THEIR FRIENDS. Mr. Jas. Livingston and family, of Allan Park, have moved to Guelph this week. Misses Ada and Bessie Browne drove over to Flesherton last Saturday to visit friends. They were accompanied by Mr. Geo. Stinson. Mr. R. F. Chadwick, of Winchendon Mass., and his sister, Mrs. J. E. Roed- ing, of Ayton, are visiting at; the (old homestead) Misses Mockler. Miss H. Stafford, attending Normal at London, who was visiting relatives in Osprey. and Fleshertou, was a guest of Ye Editor last week, en route to resume studies. Mr. Joseph Burnett is home from the West, where he spent the last four or five months. \Ve haven’t seen him, but we understand he looks as well as ever. Mr. S. \Vright. of Honfyrn, who was visiting friends in Heathcote: and vicinity, was at caller the other day, His brother, \Vill, who was with him on the trip, returned to his home in Kincardine, at the szune time, The second nomination for Mayor and Councillors for 1905, was held Monday, when about twenty names were placed as candidates for the Council, in the hands of the nominat- ing officer. Mr. Vollet. When the work got going, it seemed as if all present were entitled to the honor, and it will not be far from the truth if we say the nomination became a kindiof farce. Not half of those nam- ed had any desire to run for the office, and it wouldn’t be hard to believe that some of the pr osed candidates would take very tle interest in town -v--- matters, evgn if they were elected. This kind of tom foolery is carried too far in the election of representatives on the Council Board, and the town has sometimes to suffer the indignity of putting up with a representative, who obtained his position as a mere lark on the part of a bunch of thought- less and indifferent electors. \Vhat we wanton the Council Board is a: number of intelligent and honest men. The man against whom there is a doubt as to his executive ability, should not be set up and supposted as a rep- resentative of the people in any responsible position. There’s too much nonsense in all these minor elections. just as there is too much corruption in all the larger ones. The following nominamon: made: For Mayor,â€"â€"A. S. Hunter? Saunders, Geo. Lawrence. For Councillorsvâ€"John Mcgiwan, Robt. Cochrane, Geo. Sparling, Ed. Kt‘ess, Wm. Calder, T. Moran, Geo. Meikle, John H. Hunter, John Irwin, John Livingston, Thos. R. Whelan, Alex. McLachlan, W. Black, David Kinnee, Jae. Ireland, Dr. Hutton, R. Macfarlane. Stu, and \V. P, Pat- erson. Later :â€" clamation. The following candidates have taken the Declaration of Qualification and are running for the position of Coun- cillorszâ€"G. Sparling, R. MacFarlane, T. Moran, Wm. Calder, Robt. Coch- rane, John Livingston, Thos. Whelan, Alex. McLachlan, W. P. Paterson, Ed. Kress', John McGowan, David Kinnee. Only one week more corrupt elections. If the country doesn’t bounce the Ross government this time it’s be- cause the majority of the peeple cm be bought or fooled. 8*? Vote for J emieeon end help emuh the machine. Rotd Hosaack’a letter on page 3. The Boss inbtion can’t down him. Mr. McKechnio is too para a to go to Toronto where his II: will be injured. South Grey is bound to 9190.: inon by 3 good majority. t it“: Some of the Ggic electors no ! in; the old chestnut nbont Dr. J 1 non coin: to luvs town it ele TOWN NOMINATIONS Hunter, elected Mayor by ac- following nominations were '. olec ton no work. for Ross and THE DU" 8m 0' THE BUSY coma. We wish all our} Q Patrons and Friends 21 Bright and Happy New Year florncr Store . $1.00 PER YEAR.

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