West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jan 1905, p. 1

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rating out our stock hots. Irom 50c up- Dd Bhnkor. cut to n straps. for $1.60. D tin-o to buy Robe. 'or is .3» I0!) is talking about her ” Range. Thu at on the math“. ordon 0088 13 [work in the dark buy a hutch 'n for :ra qualiu one t hted : lack. 'l is cnusod by u: of such . Ming you to. our paper or 4 inches fro- you to see tho ould feed and be con- of var grow. in tin. JD I one Y o! te has satis- DCO :9 m Spec. 08. WHO are Pamember the Young Men’s “At Home UCZ!‘ News l tems VOL. 38-«N0. 1976. ('II'L' u 111' 'l‘uaomruu ignorance or me ‘tances we made a mistake last week in saying that Miss McFadden was married to Mr. Davis. \Ve regret. that the mistake should have been made. but it was made solely through wrong information. The lucky groom was a \lr. Wilson, of Boothville, and mngratnlate him on his good sense in making a. wise choice. Our Corner correspondence gives a few particulars of the marriage in \ (H! w ant a good daily newspapex \ nnw tn the. close of the Dominion immmt we can fmnish you the mtn \Vorld for the small sum of utivvvents. 1: haw learned of the death of ”('IHV Dennet, of Egremont, on Ln 1 wt. F rum an item in Corner um. we presume it was the re- ”1 inflammatory xhvumatism. ltatit m Throat wee ED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE 8510588. INFORMATION was given last week Hi. the death of Mrs. Pvtt‘l‘ Lenaham. of Mililnmy. mother of Messrs. Frank .m‘i .Imues Lunnban of this town. As \\ v haul no intimation of the sad be- t't'avmiwnt of our fellow citizens till after the paper was issued we were on- uhlt‘ to make mention of it at the time The deceased, who diod on the 12th inst” was a native of Roscounnon, Ire-i land. and immigrated to this country about a. quarter of a. century ago. Beâ€" sides the two sons already mentioned she leaves as mourners two sons in Mildniay, two in Rochester, lni 00°. daughter. She was sixty-Ive you at Md 1) fort un \Vednesday, Feb. lst. for .‘ltinn in diseasvs of the Eye, 'lmmt and Nose. Hours 10 to 4. it'lz'r will be at the Middaugh old pi .\l.l Irh [(-ns’ Overcoats S. l“. Morlock. purpOSt ll as in the prv-wm, c - are no doubt hundrmli ulmirc Mr. McKPchnie. “ mm will not. support bit win of hi4. howvvvr. ( ’) \\' siting \le m t1 H I) me and all. 1mm Elwtric Lights. and Tug remains of the un Review, are rivalling lam will be taken to for lack nf luminosity The [)m-h-uu. at 2 p. In. S ShUWt‘l'int-‘C «m both. a short menmrial sen Hgt's‘t unathmuas. lmt thL )enletery for intern“ SH" in lht‘ lmul, and will “will be in charge of we- if his wind h'nlds nut. s‘ are rk .uly 9 S ul 15h prices paid for Raw <hue store, I)urham.-â€"tf. Con. the keen x1, Mnnd )l rooms. in Sewn months old black .099 filly. also three, gs, Speakquick. Chas. Jon. 2, Egreumnt. ()\\‘ if .\l{\' ll nt‘ our tmvnsplim took m It .‘Iarkdalu last F ridny ~11 Moore and “Kelly" m-ml 1st. and 2nd pr 2‘ -'-n- n” rum}. While ‘VI‘ ll VUUII n ventiun sdu y n‘t'l HIM Cushion Sole Shoe, fit J. Hunter, Sole the fit ml ture in the Bap- day night. 93' H1" Kluuiliar far» of lmiv, wlmm she wiahvs - pro-wilt caunpaign. nbt hundred" of others McKm-hnie. but many .t. smmurt him, though ()n gm; which is the Take the trun- Donenwend’s pri- in the Middaugh [inns in styles of ma. \Vigs. Bangs}, l inspect his w )nc day «ml . tl III (I ll \\ U going at a up pt shin m .f the circum- \V ll p \\ the boy H ill mlm’ NH to he in! (war. run ”Jug. -- an. littlc house Gem-go. street is sale in this issue. As the Hutton, is going west in "0 “PM weeks th property will b1 llllffl'UHS ht \V ll O'Neill [I Bap ' PLYMOUTH Rock Cockerels for sale. Chas. Lang. BALAM'E of Trimmed and Untrim- med Millinex-y at half price.â€".Morlock. stsr-zs PEBBLED BALE for 65¢. a pair at Grants . in HOUSE and lot for sale. Apply to Emerson Kinneo, Durham. M orluck . FUR SALwaThe Moore property in town. cnnsisting of twenty-three and a half acres. Apply to Hugh Mac-Kay. (D Two large-sized Astrach sprcially good, and nice ¢ bargain.--â€" S. F. Morlock. ' (A). HEAR Rev. J. O’Neill’s lectureâ€"- “Around the Camp Fire”#in the Baptist church next Monday night. It is full of humor. Admission, a special offering to the church. lt H THE annual meeting of the Public Library will be held in the Reading room on Saturday night next. Jan. 28', at 8 n’cluck. All members are respect- fully requested tu be present. m FARMERS lxs'rrw'n: 1 be held m Hanover and \Vednesday and Thursda and 16th. I‘t’SPtECtiVEly. ' will be Mr. \\'. F. Kydd: THE balance of our Mantlc ). (lull and get a bargain. a. short memorial servic: (.‘Ienwtery fm' interment will he in vhzu'ge 0f ch OYSTERSvrPER.â€"~-The brethren of the [. 0. 19., Jam-t N0. 111, intend giving an oyster supper at the Knapp House, nn'I‘m-sday evening, Jan. 3lst. Me-mhers are respectfully requested to meet at their (Emu-t, Room, at, eight glelock in the evening. \ MT. l’oREsT Business College is ad? vertised elsewhere. in this paper. It is a young institution, but we under- stand it is doing excellent work under the management of Mr. \V. T. Clancy the Principal. Some, excellent testi- monialsare already in the. hands of the College. I to a mum-2 pnrtunity again. professimm on a limlv t. Suthvflaund the nature to say wh Si'lVi’JtA'. nf mu- local “Grits" took thi' .\l-Ket'hniell‘mmx juint meet- :mnvm- Friday evening, and I't‘pnl'l, n gnml time. On the road home it is saidme of the "motors” "de an open air “spiel” that was quite en- tertaining to the chilly audience who were waiting for harness repairs by the roadside. in ing in H 116th. Irt-spwtively. The speakers ,1 be Mr. \V. F. Kydd: Simone, and Barbour. ("1-059 Hill. GENTLEMEN who are bald, or have thin hair, should call on Prof. Doren- wend, at the Middaugh House, on Wednesday, Feb 8th., and see his wonderful devices in Tonpees, and \Vigs, worn on over 75,000 heads. Ex- LQ-.. 2..-- 'O planation and demonstration free. Private apartments at Hotel. Don’t fail to see his new invention, patented T3 all over the we one day, only' 1m. AND 511 \V'E regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Henry Parker, which occurred on \Vednesday morning, the 25th. inst. For some time she has been ailing from what turned out to be vaucerot the stomach, according to information We have received. W'e knew very few particulars of the life of the deceased lady, more than to feel from our own slight personal ac- quaintance, that she was an estimable woman, of high social, moral, and intellectual qualities. Interment takes ‘ place to-morrow. Friday, to Trinity Church Cemetery, after first holding service in the church. We have much sympathy with Mr. Parker in his loneliness. and trust he may be sup- ported by the Invisible [13.1, in his seven amiction. , (lulu .0 USE F01 HS it. \V' d tlmt ll 1 S\I.E-â€" A cmnfortame )1'gvst1cet is offered for 5110. As the owner, Miss 11111.»; West in about three -~up+~1t\ will be sold (heap 11131145143 This is an 01)- .:1t, may 1101 soon ane U ed Astrachan jackets, and nice coats, at a. Morlock. Mr. Edwin Allen is home Iron); Toronto, to see his brother Arthur in his present serious illness. - Mr. James Bott and wife, of Craik, ’ ' ° ’ . o o c . o J. 0 381115 lecture“ are Vlmtlng With Mrs. Eliza Bott and ‘ . “ ,9 ' . . Lunp b Ire â€"m the other relatives in town. 9. 1‘ ' ° 7 next Iond.1.y .mght. Mrs. J as. Lauder and daughter, unnox. Admission. a Lizzie, are spending acouple of months to the “h“mh' with friends in Toronto. 11s. )I.\(.:1m.\'.-\LI) were in‘ red 1\. The. Dr. was there \ t1) pmlurm an operation 11 \«-.11'uld child 0f Mls. \\ 1- do not 11111191 stand {the tumhle, 111010 than mn- all'm: tinn of the glands 1 lm 14-1111“ ed. T110 Child world. Remember! For relllUVL‘t .11" , meetings will 1 Durham on av. Feb. 15th. must THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAM/T59 AND THEIR FRIENDS. M 1’. Geo. 8. Hull, of Owen Sound. was a. caller in town Saturday. \V. E. Theobald, of Mt. Forest, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, of Palmer- ston, were guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Voilett. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Matheson return- ed this week f rum Clinton, where they spent a few weeks visiting. II Miss Annie Jan-dine, v last fall for the West, is at Spring Lake. Alberta. MP. Thus. Caldwell. of Dauphin, Manitoba, is down here on a visit and is looking well. He is quite full of pride in the pussihilities of the West. Mr. C. A. Sheppard, of Barrio, is in town this wwk, being present at, the death-bed and burial 0f his sister. Mrs. 11. Parker. Mr. Jas. Redford, irouk-kevper for the Furniture Company, is confinvd to his bed through illness. “’0 hope tn see him out again soon. Arthur Al‘nn, son of Principal is quitv ill at present, from thivatvns tn hp .i (-mnplication 4 phoiil and J’nmmmn in. phoid and Pneumonia. Mr. Roht. Adlam, of (‘hehoygam Michigan, reached home \Vednrsday, just a few hours after the death of his father. He much regrets his inability to be present before death occurred. Mrs. \V. J. Irwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Shaw, of this town, 1 't Saturday morning for Seaforth, . '0, she will remain a few weeks n going: to Hamilton to join her moinr prior 0 gning husband there VDHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ' “‘-_LJ [LA‘AVyIcau -â€"â€"__ St uth Grey District Agricultural c iety “ill be held in the Wednesday, Feb. I, 1905 Commencing at one o’clock in the after- nuon, for the purpose of electing ofiicers and the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1905. GEO. MINNIE. President. Watches, Clocks, Jewelerv, Rises, Silverware. Spectacles and Eyeglasses Violins, Guitars, Accordions Violin Strings etc, Purses, Pipes, Brushes, Books. Stationery and Fancy Goods. R. B.Keeler 8’ Son ANNUAL MEH TOWN HALL, DURHAM, WALL PAPER. Is known far and near as being the cheapest place in the country 31'0. We also have gran! bargains for you in LEADING J EWELERS. .-dino, who left here Vest. is now located is home from DAVIDSON. Secretary. NB. l Allzm what nf 'l‘y- CONSERVATIVES SWEEP PROVINCE â€" Four Cabinet Ministers Buried In The Avalanche. Uncertainty Regarding Ross Hnssm‘k’s 1’ Russ. VVlmt, about the 1mm. tlw buy. the doctor and thv load of hay. Lvt us see. Uitlll t1 that Rmnagv was a prophet 2‘ \Vhab was o 0 Let us sou. Didn’t. SO!11€i)0dY say that; Rmnagu was a fnlsv political prophet? \thm was he duing any- way? Lying, or simply whistling to keep his (-oui'ugo up? 1h ms. \thn (Jonser 'aLivo \‘it to puhr in, the Review ‘ off. as? guil‘y looking as had been caught sucking ’Rah furJzunicson. \Vln'rv was tlw np-tmvn prophet \lenesduy nighL 2* Ac thu Dominion Ilectiun he, was on the platform as big asahunsc, and W0. stayed with him till the. lust dog was inn)”. It, made us kind of lunosmnu last night when he didn’t; turn up at all. \V ithout any reflec tionon Mi. \Ic- Kechnic,‘ we shall just ask the Km iew to tel] 11.; win 1L (.‘ ahinet position 110 is going to got in the Ross (iovmnuwnt. It w R Gibson, Dryden Latchfurd, Evan- turel. and probably Russ. Ministers of the Cabinet, are amnngst the fallen. \Vod n vsdn y w A microscopic se. town has failed to man this morning. Lucas, in Centre Grey had own- 1000 majority againsc Donald Gillies, of Clarksburg. \Vhitney may have nowueu um. Scotch, but the hot Scotch didn’t down Whitney. o o The \Vhitney majority will likely; run to about 40. It is 40 at time of writing with west Middlesex conceed- ed to Ross by a very small majority. This will be a good working majority ; in fact it is too many in a total of 98 members. The indignation of the people however, is well shown in the vote ofyesterday. The crime deserves the punishment and it is better to bea severe one. It must not be forgotten that the vote does not show the num- erical strength of the Conservatives in T 2L-_ Cl IL“; L’VL V.'° v-â€" Ontario. Thousands of honest Liber- als have cast their ballots as a protest against corruption, for after all, cor- ruption was the great issue against the ' defeated government. Moreover the Independents in politics are yearly in- creasing and these with the honest electors on both sides may well be looked to as the salvation' of the ; country. Now that the Conservatives 1 are in a majority in Ontario it would be. well for them to know from the start that their tenure of office de- pends upon their purity of administra- tion. The Liberals and Independents who helped to put them in yesterday will have the same power in helping MacKay was elected in North Grey. to put them out four years hence. 2U] {V ills are too strung for alz-mclw. nay -h~ave downed hot the hot Scotch didn’t 00 a cold dayâ€"ufor 0 E‘ victories hogan 3w 1mm sneaked as a (10;: that, arch all over the find the Review THE ()Vt‘l‘ LADIES’ MANTLES are now going at; cost. We have a few COATS left which must; be cleared out. WBAPPERETTES, reg. 100 and 1213c go at 8c. EVERYTHING REDUCED. To make room for Spring Goods we must move what we have on our shelves. To do this we are offering during the next THIRTY DAYS. me aus’v srons ON me ever comm. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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