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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jan 1905, p. 5

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'l'lfl flesh Forming 3. Mclachlan 3 INCIPALS. O >‘m‘w 0RD. ONTARIO. Class Merit. m izer. n, young woman, ndtut room for you r ad more respons- a 0! life. You no W/ 31,1; Zip W re: a business or mining and much Enter our school f possible. us School O .\ ew Big 4 N TS. )1 ings uone Spice 0f g Horses, ion \\ ith. ion. 75C )OC I???” ( )NT 0C YSTEM. 0U ill In order to reduce our stock ot Winter Goods, we will sell for Cash or its equivelant, all Clothing, Furs, Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers, Caps, etc. at a big reduction. This is a genuine clearing sale, so come along and get the bargains, they are for you. We quote as fOllOWS: 1 Goat. Robe. lot-go 3329, was 89.00, now $6.50. 1 Man’s Imitation Lamb Con, won 815 00. now $12.00. All Men’s Suits that were 88.00 and 39.00, now $6.00. ond .11 others «1: equally low pricos. l Mom's Heavy Frieze Coats. were 87.00. now 85.00. L “lb->5 F9». new goods, were 87.00 to $7.50, now $5.00. MUD POSITIONS. The Mount Forest | NW; ‘smith Business Collegejm Com Very" Proud British National Stock Food. JNO. A.‘DAR_LING The People's Draggist. « Clearing Sale Mathew)" nay als need all its graduates in good posi- nd has several good positions in In cameos are the most up to-date ~ heat mat can be obtained in Can- rhe l'nited States. and. as its oxam~ prs spooially appointed. its diplomgs oxcellent recommendation In both .nmries. Ill! md Evening Classes .‘isimrs always welco W. T. .CLANCY, Prin. able )usitlons present the rson. and young pee training are always uw prepared to receive (1 gentlemen who wis .tiuns in April and M . and (1" ‘I‘filr WUTIS luuuyvuuuu. that. In this way. they receive mention in such subjects as are 0 them. and are enabled to ac- mnsiderable in a short tune. v also. begin the course at any Farm for Sale. We are also sole agents {or this foodâ€"tho best and cheap- Out in the market. OVER TWO Toss IN STOCK. Fully gnar- ameed. Try it. hr If farm con: “oodlaud turtable d huikliugs. t place f0 121i MK DRUG STORE. gm 'a‘ix'd May. Allmir ht separately at their their work independent w fishes {N ETT. Proprietor, DU mm M, ONT )ll Are we or we peaition anainad by us in our line of business. and we wish to than]: a'l our patrons for this record~ breaking y e a r inst. past. The increasing trade assures us‘ that our stock of Drugs and Sun- dries has been properly selected and that the rea- sonableness of our prices is fully appreciated. It is our particular aim to keep our Are Fresh and up-to ' date. as our sy- stem of low prices makes rat-t pid selling cer- tain. Il’ drugs. like ours, on be duplicated i n; price or qualiW‘ anywhere in this town. we ere not eware of it. the )me Drugs people With at ya in demand. aive any your“! wish to agcept Trial Lesson '. LGRANT, to The newly elected Council of Glen- elg, met. Jan. 9th. according to statute. Members present. Thomas McFadden, Esq, Reeve; Wm. Weir, Edwin W. Hunt. Geo. E. Arrow smith. and John McMillan, Esqrs , Councillors. Each member made: and subscribed to the necessary Declarations of Qualification, and of office. and took his seat. the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meet- ing read and confirmed. Communi- cations read as Iollows:â€"-â€"From the Clerk, Statement of the votes polled and the expenses of the election; John Kelly, statement of Glenelg’s balance in Bank; Messrs. McGirr, McLellan, Cook and Ellison. Collect- ors account. with Treasurer; Thomas Greenwood, grate! account; Wm. Black. account for sundries {or hall; 0. Rat‘nage, account for printing; Dr. Hutton. analysis of water used by family of John Bell; John McDon- ald and James Staples applications for office of assessor. By Laws 447-8-9 re Auditors, Lo- cal Board of Heal h, and Assessor. were introduce ud read a first and second time Hu n [â€" 'iew, rowsmithâ€"That for applications of Assessor, in the said applications the for the Durham not to I' McMillanâ€"Weirâ€"That C. Ramage be paidSlhfib for printing Carried. Weirâ€"~Huntâ€"That collector be in- structed to return taxes charged against lac (liv. of 8 con. 1 E. G. R., against the land. Carried. Hum-«XicMillanâ€"«That W. Black be paid SI 4” for sundries for hall. also that. F. Hill .Co. 18 cents for hinges (or ball dour. Carried. Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That Dr. Hutton account re analysis of «mar from the well of John Bell. amounting to $4 35, being half the cost of same. he paid. Carried. . ‘ m, A H US.” vu-urv-_- ' _ wood. delivered at hall. Carried. McMillauâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That the Reeve be paid 3?. for preparing finen- (:ial statement. (101152 for committee re George Roy. Carried. Wards were divided as follows;â€" Werd 1, Weir; 2, McMillan; 3. Ar. rowemith; 4. Hunt; and the Reeve to supervise the whole township. J. S. BLACK. Held their first meeting for the year1905 at Allen Park on Monday the 9th inst., at eleven o’cloek in the forenoon. After making and subscribing to the Declnrntion and Qualificetion and Ofiice they took --- Lt- aka:- Wu“ --------- â€" _-V their seats, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of December meeting read and adopted. By-Lew No. 1 for 1905 was duly passed appointing T. Clark and J. W. Viokers auditors,‘ Henry Metcelf a member of the‘ Board of Health for three years. ‘Messrs. Grierson. Tory, Willis and Cronin Road Commissioner. D. 03mp- bell Clerk, Wm. Irwin Treeeurer. Committee appointed to look after the Clerk case ageinst the Township reported that erhitretion before GLENELG COUNCIL. 5mm. Clerk. Durham on the 23rd January, but no decision had as yet been received from the Judge. The following ac- counts were ordered to be paidzâ€"R. . McDowell C. E. 814. for surveying road in front of Clark’s place. 848; for election purposes to be refundedl by County. $4.50 to Thos. Tomkinsf for six days’ keep of W. Lawrence. and wife. $4.35 to Dr. Hutton for attendance on Mr. VVisner Typhoid fever case, $11.80 to Municipal World for election stationery. $39.65 to Treasurer Sullivan’s half cost of deviations on townline B. und S . $5 to J. W Crawford for 'winter road for public use. Collector was order- ed to bring his roll to the Treasurer not later than Feb (3th nexn. and Reeve and Auditor Vickers were ap pointed committee on Treasurer se curities. The Reeve Was paid $2? for preparing: Financial Statement Councillor Willis was instructed necessary clothing for Mrs. Wm Lawrence. and pay her passage to llUl‘ mother in Sarnia, the Clerk Was ordered to provide siz copies of the Municipal World for use of Council ’the Clerk to receive applications for lthe oil-ice of assessor up to noon on the 15th of February next. Council larljourned to meet in Elmwcod on Monday. the limb of February next. at El o’clock in the forenoou. The homes of Messrs. Robt. Mead and Chas. Grey have bozh been brightened by the presence of bright little baby girls that came Sunday, the 15th All are doing well. Mr. \V m. Mathews lost a good mere 3 week ago by its mate in the next. .emll backing Up and kickingic on the hind leg and breaking in. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MoLaughlan, of Owen Sound. vesited at the home of Mr. Jas. Allan last. Friday. Mr. Wm. Sirrs purci used a fine mam of three-year old Clyde horses from Wm. Scarf of Bentinck {or the handsome sum of $300. The young pecple of the neighbor- hood are anticipating a very pleasant time at the home ot Mr. Wm. Allan this Thursday night by way of a social gathering. \ ', . , . . . .r ‘ . \ w l-tlt‘ sorry to. ltépfi. Air. llemy tr llmnp-V' unable to more around on ‘1, awmuu' of inllnru-iror}: I‘lHHHHHt-Hlll 1,, Mr "‘mwi'tlie. \vlin saw all intlush m mum.â€" aml Laramie: inns farmer sh; lid) 9 uni \\'nll{t’l’ for tlw .\l Ullill win-~11 LB livwl in in new iii in the WWW lu’vi‘tl tllt‘: 5r: 'lils pull twin“) View; :lgt). is M'er on u visit. from Manitoba and a1 premtln l m runny of his 01da<lmlrlng g frinrh in Yarney church on Sumlny in night. us well as speaking to the at: Orange hreihern (in Friday night. A .\ D'JLZl'Al withm ing in the home of 9‘ “'1 v \ 0 L. b Allen on l7 Haley night gave the “ bust of enjoyment. to about one huu ill‘é-ll invited guests. The best of H lllllwll' was sizmiliel hv skillHl artists and dancing was the loading enjay- d meut while some in the (lining room 0 t} «enjoyed games of skill and chance, and some of the Methodist persuasion .. or at least of \Vesley’s leanings were 1 very happy in the parlor. The gath- iering naturally. did not disperse un-~ ltil well up in the morning. . Mr. Ben Crittenden’s Sale exceeded even his brightest anticipations of 2 his most hopeful moments by about one hundred dollars. The day was fine and the crowd large. He is firmly converted to the belief of putt- ing a list of the articles in the CHRONICLE which is eagerly looked for by everybody. He also believes that Auctioneer MacKay can take every dollar’s worth out of any arti- cle there is in it. Last Wednesday was an ideal wedding day, consequently the happy 3 company who assembled at Trinity church. Durham, to have the rights solemnized looked their very best as they entered the church. The happy couple was Mr. John W. Jenkins. of l B. C. and Miss Kate Lawrence, ' seventh daughter of Mr. Samuel ' Lawrence, of Glenelg, and the honor- . ed couple to .the afiair was Miss Ellen ’ Lawrence sister of the bride, and Mr. - Wes Arnott. The Rev. Ryan tied CH Hone uâ€"n ' , u .17 1 , . ‘3' ' . 9. - _ .. . .I I ‘3 , . . . d . . . . : lu , . ‘V A I' we, «if. f7 if . st. . 5-4! ,3. . ‘0. ; p h. y>~â€" O» . "-~.1-- __ ‘ an}... Men’s Foxed Laced Felt Boots, were $2.50, now $1.90. Men’s Black All Felt Laced Boots, were $2.00, now $1.50. Men’s Heavy Rubbers, best laced. were $2.20, new $1.90. Corner Concerns. few Men’s Grey and Blue Flannel Shirts, were $1.35 and $1.50, now $1.00 and 800. w. b“? :33: We understand that Mi‘. George Chapman is going to start farming on the Bradley farm He is young, handsome. sober and indusu'ious, and wili do his part well. We don’t exactly know what he is going to do for a houae keeper, 'but couid make a kind of a rough guess. go with them. The company. enjoy- ed themselves to their heart’s con- tent and returned home in the morn- ing. The happy couple start. on their journey to B. C. in a few days. A week ago Thursday night Mr. B. Crittenden had no thought of greater pleasure for that evening than read- ing l‘un CHRONICLE nor his good wife a thought of any recreation beside repairing the children’s stockings and it was in that attitude the neigh- bor found them when they went to bid them a formal good bye The huuse Wa-e soon filled to its utmost, and Mr James Allan appointed ehair- man when James Mack and Joseph Lennox acting for the company read an address and presented them with a purse to remind them that no good act is entirely lost even in this cold and careless world. Mr Crittenden was so overcome by the surprise and 3 expriiwsion of good will that he askedl the chairman to reply for him which I he did in a neat little speech. Al programme was then given of spemzhes by Messrs. Allan, Sirrs, Mack and others. while singing and recitations were nicely rendered by many The rest of the evening was spent in games and dancing and all enjo-ted themselves to their hearts content, l | Last, \Vednesdav the home of Mr. \Vn: McFadden Was in gala dress.i the « evasion being the marriage Oil his (laughter Ella (0 Mr Wm. \Vil-t Son of Boothville. At fiVH o’clockl about ninety in Cited guests tilled the f tparlor and exrery other position in thei Vicinitv oi it, from witem:a a good] View of 'th' bay windowiu which zhel ceremony was to he performed couldi be had M has Ettie McFadden play- ed the Wedding lliultzh as the (inn- tracting pal‘llrs took their place. thei bride leaning on the arm of her lath er. The Rev. Rural Dean Ryan tied the knot and pronouced them man and wife. The bride was hecorningly dressed in a suit of brown ladies cloth trimmed wnh brown veIVet. and blue silk bloiise trimmed with white silk lace and chifion with silk lace yoke. and looked the pictureol health .and happiness, l‘ne bride’s maid was Miss Martha McFadden sister of the bride. who was dressed in blue silk blouse trimmed with white silk lace. and a brown skirt. Mr Jas. Wilsonl gracefully filled the positior of best! man. The groom looked handsome l and the happieSt man in the crowd. And in reaponding to a toast. propos ed to the bride Inspector Campbell whose family have known her most intimately pronounced him the luck- iest man in the world. The wedding supper was an excellent one. in every detail «we evidence of skill in the art of house keeping. The presents to the bride were handsome and useful and only in a few cases duplicated. The company enjoyed themselves with music, games and dancing until time for dispersing. As well as con- gratulations at the close of the cere- mony the happy couple have the be-tt L‘ wishes of all who know them for a happy life in their snug home. l l I Our budgei is unusually lengthy this time, and we will have to con- clude for this week although the fact. of the matter is some of our young ladies should have had a calling down at. least some of those who are gett- ing queeuly ideas into the their heads A “simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritatnono is found an Creoolono Antiseptic Tablet- They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing pppertiu of slipped elm and licoflfi The annual meeting of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fire Ins. Co. will be held in Miller’s Hall, Hanover, on Wednesday, the first day of February next, commencing at the hour of one o’clock in the afeernoon. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Mgr. 9th January, 1905. The Annual Meeting of the German- ia. Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance, of Normanby, will be held _in the Town hall, Ayion, on Saturday. January 3th, 1N5 at one o’clock I). m. LOUIS J. Romance, Sore Throat and Coughs burrâ€"I1 "- -- 400 100. ”iii Drunk“ “-0.9 9â€". Notice- Pl: â€" _ “V mm "mm w w w .9-§§15§3 (’5‘. an? 'nfiifit? ‘7“: 7A u- u Stock-taking Sale. Carpets and Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Wool Blankets, Underwear for Men, Women and Children, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fur Ruffs and Caps. Men’s and Boys’ Over-coats. Felt Slippers. REMEMBERâ€"We’re cutting down the prices of all winter goods, rather than carry them over. J AS. REHEUBER THE PLACE A large stock to choose from. many prices. While we hsve sold 3 greet. meny peire of these since reducing the prices we have still ell sizes in all styles. All prices reduced. WE are now into the thick of the Stock-taking and so haven't time for a lengthy advertisement. But when we advertise our Stock- taking Sale we follow it up with genuine barrrains. That means vou get an extra chance to save monev. Some of the lines it will run you to buy, even if you don’t need them for immediate use, are Men’s, Women’s 3nd Children’s sizes. mrmrmrmmrmrrrrr LAIDLMV'B 0L0 STAND. Msny styles and

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