West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jan 1905, p. 7

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Vife and the firocer. Dlle sword " W'IBOO sddkion in H iguripcion word "W Fables. the money I :0 to how.- keting mm: price. (311’! you my 1t don’t 's nub-i. 319 is Diet, tries tion old’ 'end mu ked DI" mt. to )ut us he 'ld he of 3?” ur of 83 ’9 re o! mono nrooertv legal] of Don's] Roomsâ€"Calder Bio: mam 1,", Cur"? ml '7 age .. ..., s, reeo postage, or no. RATES . . . o gunpayable in advanceâ€"8|. 5:; 5. charged if not_ :9 pmd. The date to with: every mbficriwial h aid 15 d21c°2d by the number on 1h; alarms la“. 0 paper _dx ‘C mmuecl until all m u.- paid, m at [3:6 Upllun uf ! he proprietor. Err-é. lamieson Macdonald. lvuv munsou noun-o «mean-mu mum-c lam. mu m DURHAM, ONT. “MIN” 1" 'ATES o _. o lit 7 Ounxrg‘ctmulor ‘ Qplicauon to the o c (I All “Misc JG week, should he hon; THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT Wm" ’â€" ' heft-7 ‘ ions: 9 00 per mum. ai‘réaions will be publi: cord' ly Transient f‘Fo: . f‘ etaâ€"59¢ H Standard Bank. 1151111311111“ Bflfiflfllflu A. G. MACKAY. K. C. m UV” .. Land Vanâ€"1.15: and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 01 Grey. Sales prompfly attended to and notes cashed. Ii AKJt}Sne {oi the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to. Call at my residence or write to Allan Pgrk P. O. Div )AR OTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION- ; er, Conveyam‘er. etc. Private mone vluau. 01d accounts and debts of a] iuds collacted on commissian. Farms ought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. )fiiceâ€"MacKanzio’s Old Stand. Lower .‘own, Durham. Ont. vâ€"â€"â€"- __ tionee; for the County of Grey. 83100 promptly attended :0. Order: ll): .be left at his Implement Warm-coma. Mc 99} old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflico. 5‘- .- )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice UN, 8 to 10 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 1.09 m. Special attantion givan to diseases women and children. Residence op- »site Presbvwrian Church. J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. I‘E fading We: watt. . . FI’IC Static Nov. 9, m. ONOI ARRIS’I‘ERS AMES CARSON, DURHAM , LIC- nmma Annfinnml‘ for the County 0* OBERT BRIGHABJ. LICENSED OHN CLARK. LICENSED AU_C- UGH MACKAYA _ 0113.341“, Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. he veyancers. Etc RISTER iiâ€"câ€"eâ€" over fGordon’s new Jewellery .uwer Town, Durham. Any amount av to loan at 5 per cent. on farm ra fl hill MCPHAIL, LICENSED tioneer for the Coumy of Arthur Gun, M. D. Media: U‘ Denial Directorv I! Durha‘ {asideuc .n. . Lefroy McCaul. 1 GRADUATE OF TORON- ickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. A. H. Jackson. Hatan Miscellaneous. ’OR .-\ N" I) RESI DENCEâ€"COR 1'. P. Telford. “3 IR “VIN "I '0: tr FIRST DOOR EAST OF n's Etc. Monev to Loan. the McIntyre Block, over a and George St: Office hoursâ€"941 a I Telephone No. 10. ml Directorv ‘3 YUBIJSHID LEI ls completely stocked with all NEW TYPE, thus at. for turning out Pint-class 1y advertisements {an SOLICITOR. ETC SOLICITOR. ETC eaut of Knapp’s Hotel, .ower Town, Durham. to 2 o’clock. SOLICITORS, CON- sforfiminsc Directory. Pharmacy. Calder’s Jambtou Street, near RESI DENC msure insertion in cunem not late: than Tucson rgeons haduate of Royal nzeons of Ontario. ROPRIETOR. madc- v'ér Post Office 'e rtiwmems 8 at. up" lmcnlon , a an“ pen ucm ir.senion- mimon Hangers must IP rye Streetsâ€"at W. F. DUNN. 110:), 25 c C? l The Ontario Fruit Grower’s Asso ciation has passed a resolution ap- l proving of these suggestions and ex- l pressing the belief that such a change would result in larger sums of money being expended for sgri- * cultural purposes The Executive of the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders Association, at its annual meeting in Toronto. on January 16th, also passed 3 a resolution approving of these sup,- : restions and stating its opinion that llewer exhibitions would result in flarger attendances. better prizes and i better exhibits, as well as a reduction lin the undesirable features now so prevalent at manv exhibitions. iStomach Troubles and Constipation saris-faction. I tell my customers to trv them audit nor. satisfactory to come back and get their money. but. have never had a complaint.” For sale by B. Parker. The leading Agricultural societies of the Province are evincing consid- erable interest in the suggestions that. has been made by Mr. H, B. Cowan, Provincial Superintendent of Agricultural societies, that the number of exhibitions held annually in Ontario should be materially re- duced and that Agricultural Societies should receive their grants in pro. portion to the amounts they exriend for agricultural purposes. Such a change would do away with all dis- tinction between the township and the district societies. ”Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets are the beat thing {or stomach troubles and comatipation I have ever sold.” says J. R. Cullman. adruggist of Pottervnlle. Mich. 'l‘hev are easy to take and always gives "My mother has been a snfiere- formany years from rheumatismt” cmys W. H. Howard of Hitsband. Pennsylvania. ”At times she was un:.hle to move at all, while at. all times walking was painful. I pre- sented her with a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Pain Balm and after a few ap- plications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact. she is never with- out it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that. she was formerly troubled with” For sale by H. Parker. We venture to state that the “western lever” is more prevalent to-day in Canada than ever before and that it will become more acute. The agencies to that end are various Trade expansion, following the rapid settlement of land areas is respon- sible for much of the movement The branch wholesale warehouse in the prairie country affords a step up wards for the ambitious Eastern clerk. The prospectiVe consnuction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Will induce thousands to move towards the land of the setting sun. All clessea follow arailrosd ; the farmer who prefers new openings, the land agent who induces settlers 1n settlements of his own location. and the various kinds of people who feed. clothe. and labor for the settlers at the front. In their train follow the hundred and one. varieties of tradesmen and profes simml men who serve their fellows. The young men of the EaStern cities- have a tempting prosnect opening up before them. Before deciding to ‘ settle down” they would do well to ponder over Horace Greele) ’s historic words of advice : “Go West young man 3"-â€"-.\Iontreal Star. Cured His Mother Of Rheumatism Custom work and Repairing done at the Down Town Shoe Store. J. S.§Mcllraith Fewer Exhibitions Desired A few pairs of Misses and Boys lined Bals left, and will sell them at the following reduced prices Also some sizes in a ladies strap slipper to make room for spring goods arriving shortly. The Western Fever. For sale by all druggists. For fur« ther advice and information write Dr. Slocum, Limited, 179 King street west, Toronto. Canada, ' Sold hv all druguistsur $1.“:szd $2.00. Muuumm {hump}, DURHAM. Easy terms. Apph"tu MRS. J. W. IRWIN, Box 8T). Durham, Out. “’i” be at Knam Sam. d v v in each Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Chronic Catarrh She was short ed to be choked "The doctor a: the head and 1 medicine for it, Seeing Psychine to try it, and b the first bottles} The catarrh nex 14 years have 112 and she is manhood.”â€" The first stages of caturrh are com-v monly called catching cold. It may begin in the head, nose. throat, lungs, or stomach. In the majority of cases no attention is paid to a cold until serious complications set in. Neglect is a sin against yourself, your friends, and loved ones. Symptoms of catarrh, coughs, or colds are often cured with only one bottle of Psychine. Psychlne can be purchased at any drug store, at $1.00 per bottle. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos. 8113.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos Will he at the Mlddaugh [louse lat. “'edueaday of each month. from 1‘.’ L0 4 n. “My daughte old, was troub. for over six m Psychine is pronounced Si-keen Special. . Bargains No Return in 14 Years Always Catching Cold Middaugh House for 821%. L R. U P. LONDON ENG. RADULA’I'E of London, New Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. MIS‘ OARRATT, York :m' Chi: (rnououuczo ss-sz) CANADIAN REMEDY â€"HOME CURES . L. FLARITY AND the very newest. ho se- lect from. from the finest Cheviot. to the strong and re- liable Scotch Tweed and Overcoatings. Style. fit and workmanship guaranteed. IIO'i" . I, FMR ‘SAI I} '1 35']. 3.83187. DR. BROWN MERCHANT TAILOR. 110 W EXULI’SIVELY D ) ”(HIS-‘6, Durham. the 2nd month. Hum'sâ€" 1â€"6 0 m VG of breath, up all the nu it Mus very bad c M r s . W illiam Currant, Sussex, N . B . , writes, and seem- time. MP5“ :-â€"â€"-10 B ack Velvet Hats VVilliam 3 â€"7 Ladips’ Bonnets. Garratb, Eâ€"Navy Blue Velvet with Fur. Sussex, iâ€"Brown Plush with Mink N, 3,, E~RedP1ush Hat. 5â€"Green Plug]: writes : , 1r -.. n.1, :--Castor and Pale Blue Paune V elven in Loves L- 1904. Throat. 16 U- MID-WINTER Hillinery January and February W113 (10111 11113111 gossip but those \Vz‘List ($101st 211111 W 1'311'11101‘13tte.t at McArtlmr's mnkv them 52:0. mepmuxtte.r at McArthur's an» («2)1111‘11911ded upon by l, cwrx'body. c‘alists Agriculrr each and McInter Blocl Meetings as'announc perm ' m. Our (30111 plete Stock of heavy rubbers at Greatly Reduced Prices. Now is the time for We are Selling____‘ Walkerton.1‘nwn Hall. DION, Temper {(59 Hall Axum. Do ‘am’a Hall. Holstei umuhural H: Um 16. Russell Hall .. making Bibbs, “'11 them at 100. each. U Marchâ€"good brick houseâ€"in desir- able locality. For particulars apply to ED. WALSH, Jan. l5â€"2mc. or enquire at this office "PS “I Quality and Price is what W ho would FARMERS’ INSTIT C. McArthur SUPPLEM FL 'TA RY MEETINGS E still have a‘ number of trimmed hats in Felt and Velvet and in order to gag rid of them during We are marking down. We have All these hats- BLACK HA'I >5 mourning. lowest have OR AEQUT THE 15_'1‘H_ O_F MISS DICK I) REG: [ILAR MEETINGS use to Rent. ALK... “1 er add”? D V. ure IIVO' brick houaeâ€"in desir- \V H h» H when we sell waste ti me them away ll selling ihle. last“ me mam, Sn tmé mum! of table: for QSGDt Jan at Fe b ()1 Sn~ the Spa \V P of 10 11 14 «)4 51 (In pboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables A full line of Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings, Ready- nmde Clothing, and Men's and Ladies’ Suitings at very low prices to suit everybody. DRY GOO GENERAL Chairs Bedroom Suites Uhiffoniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Swings M an resws Hull Racks Sulcboards We Sell What You TO M [\KE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE N» B. J. McKechnie. GIVE US A CALL. .i. LEVINE Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Blouse Materials, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mantles, Etc. IL, 6. .l. McKecm Shopping! Edward Kress Christmas Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. Keeps Hand STOWN STOCK IS STORE Christmas shopping at this store is always a pleasure. Our stock is now very complete with goods suit- able for gift-giving. It is easy to decide what to give when you look through our stock. We have hun- dreds of useful articles to pick from. MERCHANT. THE POPULAR CA8}! 87035. THE POPUUR CASH STORE. £31; A", m‘ m 9.323% , Durham, Ont. Time Proves All Things-:- Don’t Be Deceived Hardware. Tinware. Paints, Gill, Glass. Putty. Ammunition, c.. a. THE HARDWARE AND Centre Tables Jardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries )ombmation Book eases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order ann Mouldings Folding Tables Bedroom Tables And it only needs a little 08-7 perience to Show that it's til. better plan and more ancil- factory to buy good woods lit. what, we have, and know tbnt you can depend upon it to h. right at, all times. F. Siegner By the glam and glitter of things, and don’t think you are getting a bargain who: you pav your money for ch much advertised cheap goods. G ()0 DEALER I 'I'INWARE MAI JI IN

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