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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jan 1905, p. 8

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:e:;;t;mm...awamama éfififi E’éStock Taking Sale {5 The following prices are as good as 2‘ 3;? wise in wages to you. ¢%$¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢$¢$¢t¢$¢¢$aa$*¢ w ROBERT BURNETT We have turned prices topsy-turvey on all winter goods which will move them quickly from our shelves. We will have surprises here for you that you never dreamed of before as we don’t wish to carry goods over from one season to another. New for genuine bargains. 7 lbs. RICE for 250. 1 pkg. McLaren's JELLY for 86. We are going to attract the attention ofthe eager buying public this month if low prices will do it. You will say so too when you examine the quality of our goods, the wonderful variety and theiow prices m.- utter during our THE PEflPlE’S STBRE Alex. Russell ‘“%%%$fi%%$fi$fi$fi% ”O 4W When we tell you anything you can take us at our word. It wouldn't do us much good to spend the money we do in advertising if we didn’t keep our word. The fact that the response to our advertising is gratify- ing is because we keep our Word. )PP WCQM UNPOS COMM. °C3~20 93PM. 12c and 150 Wrupperettes (or in: per yard. Prints. 1 yard wide for To per yard. Furs. Men’s Black Russian Coats for $15.00. The Big Store Winter Goods MUST GET A MOVE ON TI" "8 FOR PRES! BRMERIES. Ladies’ Mantles. All below cost. From $1.50 to $39.00. Ladies’ Skirts. 34.50 Skirts for $2.89, Wrapperettes. DURHAM ONTARIO GROCERIES TH E BIO STORE J an’y Clearing Sale ! 1 qt. CATSUP for 150. n can PIG’S FEET for 190. On Tuesday of last week Artemesia District L. O. L. met at Ceylon and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows:â€"-Bro. Wm. Sharp, D. M ; Bro. J. A. Kennedy D. D. M.; Bro. F '1‘. Carr, Chaplain; Bro E. Thompson Rec. 800.; Bro. S. J. Halburt, F‘in. Sec ; Bro. '1‘. Elliot, 'I‘rea.; Bro. R. D. Purvis. I). of T; Bro. D. Mathewson, Lecturer, On Wednesday evening of last week the Chosen Friends Council here elected officers for the current year as follows:~~~T. A. Blakely, Chief Councillor; Mrs. W. P. Crossley. ViceC C; W. H. Bunt, Recorder; Mrs. H Smith, Asst. Rec.;Mark Wilson. Trea; MrsJW. H. Buns. Pre- late; Joseph Field. Marshall; Mrs. M. Wilson. Warden; Herb Smith, Guard; Mrs. Loucks. Sentry; Dr. Carter, Medical Examiner; Herb Smith. Delegate to Grand Council. Night of meeting first Wednesday in each month. The Annualxbdsincss mastitis of? Chalmers church was held on Th ura- day afternoon last and was very, harmoniousin chars“. Rev. Thom. opened the meeting with prayer after which J. L. Mthillen was elected chairman and J. A. Felstead secre tary. The minutes of the last meet- ing were confirmed alter which the pastor presented the session’s report which stated that the church had on- joyed a prosperous year with har- many unabated. Four communion services were held with good atten- dence and fourteen baptisms were ad- ministered. During the year twenty- four members were received on pro- fession of faith. By withdrawals and death there was a loss of 18 leav- ing the net membership 135. John Bannon, Mrs. D. McKenzie and . rs. R. Thompson were the members who had passed to their reward. The auditors report showed that on the Stipend and General Account the re- ceipts were $553.36 out of which was paid ministers stipend. $350.00; care- taker $50 00; Organist $25.00 treasur- er for 1903-04 $20 00; wood $30.25; church schemes 356 8:3 and small ac. counts 88 70 leaving balance on hand $1.56. On the church mortgage ac count the interest and balance on mortgage. in all $422.50, had been paid in full and a balance left on hand of $79.01). The Manse account show. ed receipts $298 98; disbursements $256. balance on hand 842,98. Ladies Aid Receipts $127 72; disbursements $77.26. balance on hand $50 46. Sab- bath School â€"Receip's $113 41 ; dis- bursements $68 7-1. balance on band 844 67. C. E. Societyâ€"Receipts 329- 26; disbusoments $18 97, balance on hand $10.20. On the adOption of the reports election of officers was pro ceeded with as follows: Messrs. John Blackburn, W. Stewart and 1). Mc- Tavish. retiringr members of the managing hoard, we'c elected and Mr. Price Teeter was elected in the place of Mr. Sheppard. A. S Van- Dusen and D. Mc'l‘avish were elected auditors, .los. Blackburn treasurer. and Mrs. Blackburn, Organist The leader was left. in the hands of the choir. The meeting authorized the Managing Board to proceed With the renovation of ahe church and other outside improvements at as early a date as possible. l‘hat the church now stands free of debt it was re- solved that the event be comtnemor atul by an apprOpriate service on Feb. 13th when Rev. A. Wilson. of Rosemont, under whose pastorate the church was built, will preach. On the following evening an entertain- ment is to be held for the burning of the mortgage. The Presbyterian Ladies A'id Soc- ial at Mr. Jacob Thompson’s on Fri day evening last was very successful the proceeds amounting to $1650. The large gathering enjoyed the evening verv much an} at the close tendered Mr. and Mrs Thompson a vote of thanks for their hOSpitality. A couple of lads went. from the vill age and were highly pleased with their outing. A terrible accident CCCUl'Pll on the C. P. R. track nearly live miles west of Flesherton station at 10 o’clock on Saturday night last. During the afternoon Mr. George Fisher. of the 1th concession. Osprey, delivered a load of logs at Ceylon and remained about the village until after nine o’clock when he started this way for home. In some uncountable manner he appears to have turned west up the first back line and at the Kennedy crossing where the road and railway runs closely parallel got on the track which was followed until over taken and struck by the night passenger train. From the time sighted the engineer was unable to stop his train before the death-dealing blow came. Mr. Fisher was thrown about 30 ft., the back of his head crushed in and one leg broken causing instant death the horses were also killed and the sleigh badly broken. The body was taken on the train to Markdale and the unfortunate man’s family noti- fied of the sad event, On Sunday forenoon the C. P. R. sent a coroner from Owen Sound, who issued the necessary certificate before the re- moval of the body which was brought to W. H. Bunt’s undertaking rooms here,and prepared for burial before being taken home. Tfle funeral takes place to-morrow (Tuesday) and will we understand, be under the auspices of the Orange Order of which Ir. Fischer has long be'ena member. The deceased, who was. 52 yearsal age, grew up to manhood - uuu uu‘ uuruu c l We stock all kinds of Stoves. IIUIU.5UU play 0 lure ‘ being fioken home. The funeral [OXFORD CREAM SEPARATORS. Y HEFLSf r w; as ”d Trucks I from ‘ 00.1 0” Heater to 8 takes place to-morrow (Tuesday) and THE DOMINION WROUGHT IROh W a 0 88° ' .. Penn Easter .. Rm”. Ask Will ‘76 understand, be under the CUTTERS and CARRIAGES of :11 kinds. auspices of the Orange Order of BICYCLES. which Mr. Fischer has long been a A complete stock of HARNESS. COLLARS. HALTERS, STRAP'I‘. Etc. member. The deceased. who woe 52 BOBES end COATS. Have you received your account? yenrool age, grew up to monhood “"9" quarters 0‘ ‘ mile “8‘ 0‘ thifl Benny Proven’e HAY SLINGS end BOUN D ROD TRACKS. ville“ end: wu_rherefore well known W , your neighbor about this range. Flesherton. William Fisher of the 4th line, Sum of Eugenia. Thomas and Robert near Rockvale mill. John of Collingwood, are brothers of the deceased. At the Centre Grifyf Heats-m6“ held here on Wednesday of lastfwoek Shir-if Moore, of Owen Sound. ‘p’reo sided and the names of the Candi- dates submitted were Mr. Donald Gillies. of Clarksburg. nominated by Dr. Ribby and W. W. Trimble. of this place; Mr. J. B, Lucas, of Mark; dale. nominated by- Mr. J. A. Boyd and Mr. L. W. Wright also of this place. At '2. n. m. a large and orderly audience assembled in the town hall and listened with much interest to excellent speeches given by Doctor Sproule and Mr. Gillies. The Dr. spoke in behalf of Mr. Lucas. who was unavidably absent. Mr. J. A. Boyd occupied the chair. The ratepayers of school section No 3 east of the villiage, have in- structed the trustees to proceed with the erection of a new school house. The building is to be brick, modern in design and heated with furnace. Mr. T. Lockhart. of Weyburn. Assn. visited his sister Mrs. Edward Whitten last week; and Mr. R. Jac- ques, of Yellowsgrass. Assa. visited his sister Mrs. Bellmer. Wm. Barnhouse. of Toronto made a short visit here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McBrieu. who thirty years ago lived on the Collins:- wood Road but who have for a num- ber of years lived near Regina and made a competencv for their declin- ing years farming there, visited the past three weeks with the latter’s brother Mr. Wm. Cameron. 8000. Artimesia. They were in town Fri day renewing old acquaintances be- fore leavingfor other points in On- tario. Miés Croaslev of Nobleton. visited the Misses Crossley hen: and return- ed home last week. New Show Rooms opened up in Hunter’s New Store opposite the Middaugh House. PIANOS and ORGANS of difierent makes. " Singer ” SEWING MACHINES. Chuham INCUBATORS and BROODERS. We intend carrying a complete stock of everything wanted on the Farm and Home including all kinds of This visit gives you a. chance to consult PROF. DORENWEND about your Hair and to choose from the stock of Hair Goods, which he carries with himâ€" just what you require. You can try on any Switch, Bung, Pompadour, etc, and see. just how it will look. PROFESSOR DOREXW 1ND can he depended upon to sell you only first quality Hair Goods. You are not, forced to my because you call to see and exzunine these goods. Remember the Date and don’t fail to call at the hotel and see Professor Dorenwend. Professor Dorenwend can fit you with n \VIGr or T0 UPEE. which will hide all t wives of Baldness and take the place of your own hair? Doctors rm-ommoud these 'I‘oupeos as a. preventive for coldzé in the head, (ratm'rh and non nigin. PROFESSOR DORENWENI) will fit you on the spot, and show you just how you look afterwards. \011 will nevel have :1 buttm uppmtunity to see fm V 0111 self the beautiful assortment uf S\VITC HES, BANGS, POMPADOURS \VAVES, \VIGS, 1‘2.t(., “hich Pr'ntossm The Durenwend carries with him. Professor florenwend Coming ou have heard of Farmers, Give Us a Call! DOREN WEN D CO. Farmers’ Manufacturing and Supply Co Limited MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY Samples set up so you can see them, LADIES-~READ THIS ! 103 AND 105 YONGE:ST.. TORONTO. } Fall Wheat .......... 1 Spring Wheat ........ Oats ................ ‘Peas .. . Barley . |Hay ................ Butter ............... Eggs ................. Potatoes per bag. ..... Apples .............. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt.... Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... Wool ................ lLamb .............. Tallow .............. ‘Lard ................ Miss N ellie Boggs left on Monduy to visit. friends at Alton. Fred Norris. of Toronto. span: from Friday till Tuesday with his mother Mrs. W. J. White. Mrs. Beth Smith is visiting her sister Mrs. White at .Msrkdals this w'eek. MréW. T. McKee is home from To- ronto spending a few days with his family here. Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Thom enter- tained the elders of Chalmers church and their wives at the manse on Thursday evening last. America’s Greatest Hair Goods Artistâ€"He is Miss Brown, nf Durham, is the guest of Misses Norrie and Jessie Richardson. Baldness Market Report. as all men know. disfigures and adds an aged ‘ex- pression to the face. \Vhy re- main Bald when If you cannot call Write for l’mf. Dorenwend‘n Cat- alogueâ€"it’s frea. DURHAM. J an. eat ........ 95 ........... 30 65 , 40 7 00 . . ....... 17 ............ 20 er bag ...... 50 ........... 1 00 cwt ........ 2 75 !r sack ..... 2 40 cwt ........ l 10 OOOOOOOOOOOO 'of Toronto, LIMITED . 1904. 2 9O 2 40 1 10 5 00 6 50 PIBNV as Ptelty Sees Watchmaker. Jeweller. Opt ic Hair Vigor Use hot wgter Mid one of our Self-wringing Mops nnd you will nlwaya have clean floors without matting your hands. STOVES. CARPET SWEEPERS. TOBAGGUNS. MOPS. 31.00 1 bottle. A ll Mums»:- SCALES. SLEIGH BELLS. AXES. X-CUToSA WS. Who would work with an old worn out X- Cot Saw wlnu you can get a good new onv so cheap? Our one- -man X- Cut- Saws are selling fut. also the Buck Saws. PRICES REDUCED Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair ; iced itwith the only hair food, Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair grow, completely cures dan- druff. And it always restores colorto gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. “I huir m at out bully and I was um I would Ion It; . Then I tried Aym- \ 8111' Vigor. It quickly pr the ’alhug a)“ nude my but all Leonid w shitum _be.j' Falling Hair A. Gordon Hardware. How do you get along with- out a Carpet. Sweeper? The majority of brooms wear the nap ol the carpets. We are determined to rPduce our stock. and are ofieriug goods at greatly redum-d prices in order to accomplish our end. Now is the time to buy Scnles. You can get. your choice of size. nuke or scyla. No person can properly enjoy a slide down one of our neiuh boring hills without a To boggan On!y one left whirl: you can have for one-third its value. We have a great Vlriety of Axes. Our 900 Handled Axcs are good value. Sleigh Bells are all marked down. 83 40 Body Strings for $3.00. “ My face is my fortune,” said the pretty maid in the old Eng- lish ballads. She had pmper appreciation of the value of a fair face in the matrimonial market. Eyes make or mar many a face. the other features may be ever so comely, a pair of weak red, inflamed or twitching eyes will spoil all beauty. PrOperly adjusted glasses will cure most of these troubles. Our qualifications and equipment {or eye exam- ination are the most thorough and modern. our choice of frames and taste {or fitting them is unexcelled. So with Many Eyes. lg but all I could with It. to be." ”800; E. ALLEN. Elizabeth, N. J 116]” S for J. c. Atxh co Loyell. Mass inn. gamma) DURING cmrom Local News NW H01:- me Emersflll \K 1-: sh duth ()1 Pnlx'rl-i », willin oernmn \\ ovom fig THE young mm m Church gave an inlm'c Wlilnvm and [031 ()1 unique featurv was t 'u done by the m'ah ladies looked on and c1 the beautiful im options in Human Hairom «rings \\ I Switches, etc" and inspt (- patent structure. Om: day R)I{ voL. 38---N0. m7. Arm DIED in Detroit. Jan. Znu. r r Lebo. son of Mrs. (i. Lehu. In W I bright little fellow of UV“ four months, and his loss i< mourned by all who kllt'“ llin mainline: were bran ed in Durham (Ivuwwry nu “he Pall-hwu‘vrs wvrv Frank M. -\\.. Cannblwll Saundm-s. ton and Melhurnc Lebo was a daught»: Mu. AND Mm. .-\| mmrned hulllv un .\ O pleasant hunvylm of Toroutn. .\ ru the!!! at ”)0 hnmv 1 outs, whm- a!" nu usemhlml m hum»! joy thv ft-slivit 'uw. the 8‘1““!ng ‘H'HfJ well on in!“ ”11' Im couple will 5m 1.. 51 home. and the nm .000 fortnight \\‘i “ malities Hf Hm evening in HIV Scn'iv! I. '6“ fiUA‘ndrd as . WHIP deg-‘0“ ml. mm to her forum-x W elocutiunist ‘ J“ Mt l‘lljnyvd. d Durban), gave a drau- on tk'mpvx'zmvc d the programme (‘( “I“ ml. 'l‘ux A“ parties indvlm *fled either by Nut. am urged m can and I” or before ha turda an urged tn call and llm a a or before Saturday 1“.' I m sold my busilu M ”domed «law all ” will be placed in of U Lit-3 ‘M :lH and festivitu-s. :1 lillggs pl'ngrn into the mum Vi“ wt! 10 elm mad the "(WM finial“, will lflfi'll \\'(‘('K THE PA E. T. MCCLUCKLIX Feb. lit '05 of NOTICE by Mr. M 93 Bram“: M ()Il st want U In Re". M 2 an inter Ll l'l )rth H‘ Ll: \V i ll“ M \ll um \\ th ll (DU ll IIN Lle

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