West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Feb 1905, p. 1

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letty Sees means weak hair. [then your halt; he only hair lood, Vigor. It check: . makes the hair lctcly cures dan- it always restores lhair, all the rich, [early life. for .mng ment Ll! kinda of Stoves. I] Oil Hate: to a Mr" Range. A“ :hbor thou! this is my fortune,” all maid in the chin-g- is. She had pm on of the value of O in the matrimonial Eyps make or na- :0, the other “an". at so c-omely, 31).“ red, inflamed C eyes will spoil all Progverlv adjust“ H cure most of “I.“ Our qualificukl. l' brooms wen tho cupeu. zimc to buy Sella. rec your choice 0! or style. m gflt along with- >0: Swoeper? Tho ordon to: Mid one of out I: Mops and you phavo dean floor. Mina: your bandl. '04! your cocoon ? ware. I38 g Hair PERS 279 er Many Eyes. :3. 21mm. 3.1. .113: mm: in variety of Handled Axes for eye 013-0 most thorough our choice o! Me for fitting r and l '1. fled AM. (why; M h an old w when man )1- ast. alto 10W 0'18 marked iuco ch »-:..:al News Items Lmu-zs look younger, which is the Maire of one and all. Take the trou- Mu of visiting Prof. Dorenwend’s pri- \ m- show rooms. in the Middaugh ”muse, “'ednesday, Feb. 8th. andsee mo- heautiful inventions in styles of Hannah Haircoverings, \Vigs, Bangs, mvitches, etc" and inspect his new 2. went. structure. One day only. [Hun in Detroit, Jan. 2nd, Frank R. balm, sun of Mrs. G. Lebo. Deceased .. ,m a bright. little fellow of two years, .mr months, and his loss is deeply “unwed by all who knew him. The ' - mains were brought here and interr- :l in Durham Cemetery on Jan. 8th. l‘lu- pull-hearers were Frank MacKay, l lunplwll Saunders, J08€ph Warming- »rx and Melburne MacKay. Mrs. ; .uhu was a daughter of Thos. Saund- _ w of this town.â€"Cmn. :10L.38---uo. 1977. ”mimnent and tea. on Monday. The iqne feature was that everything .5 done by the mhle sex while the lius looked on and criticized. Mn. AND Mas. ARTHUR MCDONALD turned home on Monday night after pleasant honeymoon trip in the city Toronto. A reception was given 1 will at the home of the groom’s par- its. where about thirty or forty had ~‘t‘lll‘llt‘d to honor the occasion, en- :y the festivities, and take part in u.- (-VMIing‘s program, which lasted all on into the morning. The young mple will settle shortly in their new wine. and the novelties of the honey- mun fortnight will beexchauged for 3w I'Q‘zliltit‘fl of married life. \H parties indebted to the under- dmwd either by Note or BOOK account an- urged to call and make settlement nu or before Saturday February 11th. I have sold my business and after above mentioned date all unsettled 3c- mnnts will be placed in other land. f. )r collection. E. '1“. MCCLOCKUN, Butcher. Durham, Feb. lit ".5 Mount Forest Representative. \MENTAL servnces ' Slvthodist Church DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR 3:180NICLE READERB. Baptist Church unni' were held on Sund 'last. when the Rev. Jo ()f Paisley, took a very \ report of the proceedil next week. will \V “VT! I"! the press to announce the u- tuwnsman, Mr. Henry :) died suddenly this ‘Ved- 1 lot. for H \Sh .51) prices paw 101' 0 shoe store. Durham ht The Moore property in mg of twenty-three and \pply t0 Hugh MacKay. If 3'1!“ hut Ill \\ \s'mr» .1111 printing tight; kmd Durham. 30K LCD-45mm! composu- m-rally useful about pl NOTICE- Silk of MI fiL't‘S will be held much on Sunday The preparatory guthf-Pd on Friday possession paid for m Sunday and Rev. J onathan )k a very special prm'eedings will IS purchased amni versaI-y Apply to omposit- At this {aw good good tf. l on The Official Report For South Grey Majority for J amieson, Majority for J amieson, 1-H Majority f Majority for J amioson, No.1 No. 2 N0. 13 174 Majority for McKechnie, 87. No. No. No. No. No. N0. N0. N0. No. No. Majority fur Jamieson, 23 DUN DALK. Majority for Jamiesou, Total vote. 1331. Jamieson vote ....... McKechnie vote . . . . Majority for J mnieson No. No. No. No. No. No. .ajority for J amieson, 191. PROTON. A b’ind t3 pewi‘iter operator. Geo. W. E. Raper, IS employed at the Atlas engine works. He not. only is an Operator. bpt a rapid and accurate l one. and no en’e would snSpect, see- ing his rapid and confident. manipula- tion of the keys. that he cannot. see. He works in the same manner as his numerous companions. Letters. messages and telegrams. are dictated toa graphophone, and the grapho- phone in turn dictates its message to the stenographer. N 0. N0. No. No. N o. No. No. In learning the use of the machine he had placed on the keys raised dots known as the New York count sys- tem, that represented letters corres- ponding to those represented by the keys. When he learned the location of the keys the raised dots were dis-. paused with, and now he can use al- most any typewriter with a univer- sal shift keyboard. He has been employed in several establishments as a typewriter operator, not using ,a graphophone. but taking dictation 'direct upon his machine. Mr. Raper is handicapped in one manner. and that is the correction of his manu- script. But on account of this handicap the work is superior to that of the ordinary operator who _I_.- N0. 1. Pawâ€"“Sappuse all the wenlth wor equally divided? That would be socialism.” Mikeâ€""No, it wouldn’t All the socialists would drink them- selves to denth with their shun, nnd than there’d be nothing left but cap- itnlim.’ ’ (i luau V. vâ€"v vâ€"â€"- can see, as he hAs lgarded to mpke but very few typographical arrow.â€" Indianapolis News. BLIflD MAN A TYPEWRITER HOW THEY VOTED. Subscribe for- 01‘ EGREMONT DURHAM . NORMAI‘JBY. 308 Mcchlmie, 40. GLENELG. HANOVER. ”Mm aw 120. am. 87 50 255. \ IS H 02$ 112 33 n“ H F . ch 135 74 ~19 ($0 23) 49 47¢ IX ) 87 98 2.5.) 96 133 10 21 48 348 37 58 69 80 51 53 1!! H7 63 311 410 )a THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAMITES AND THEIR FRIENDS. Mr. Val Hahn of the Knapp House was in Hanover Monday. Mls. McKenzie has been feeling 1100le for the past couple of weeks. MI. Samuel Scott is sulfel mg from a sey ere cold. Mr. George Meikle is visiting Paisley friends this week. . Mr. S. J. Parker, of Owen Sound‘ attendodthe funeral of Mrs. H. Par- ker last week. Mrs. \V. T. visiting at 1 Sunday. Mr. George Ad] 11111, 01 unnwu 11, Montana, :1111iV11d 11111111 Saturdaypight \ to attend his fathers funeral. He re- ‘ turned to the west. Tuesday morning. Mr. Gmh 1111, of\11w Denver. B. C. is visiting relatives 111111 acquaintances ' 111111111111 1111111. Ae intends going back Mr. Arthur Allan is improving from his illness causal by pneumonia and typhoid. Miss Bessie Browne returned Mon' day after spending u couple of weeks pleasantly with I“lesherton friends. Mrs. Billings, an old lady of about eighty-five years, died on Monday last. SUD“. Miss McRae. of the I has been visiting Mom-c, left \Vudnesd Glcngm'ry. M r. and Mrs. Chas. McIntosh and family have returned home after visit- ing Mrs. )Iclntush's sister, Mrs. W. A. \Villimnsou, of Durham, since before Xmas.~â€"â€"Mount Forest. Representative. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence of Hutton Hill are mourning the loss of a little girl about seven or eight years of age. We understand she died of an attack of appendicitis. In order tO make room for our large Spring Stock tO come in soon we will give you unheard Of bargains in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, RINGS, SILVERWARE. SPECTACLES. EYE GLASSES. BOOKS. STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS. PIPES. PURSES, BRUSHES COMES, VIOLINS'. GUITARS, ACCORDEONS, MOUTH ORGANS, etc. DURHAM, 0N1, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1905. School Books . . School Supplies VALENTINES R. B. Keeler 8’ Son The Chronicle, the People’s Paper. '. T. Patric of Holstein was mt Mr. James Brown’s over We have a big new stock of Valentines for Valentine Dayâ€"â€" FE BRUABY 14TH. Are also included in this February Sale. At Keeler’s . . “my down in price . . MONSTER .0. of tthm'thwest, who visiting her sister Mrs. LEADING J EWELERS. NOW ON Adlam. of Chateau, AND ay morning for House Dear Sir,-â€"-I hereby notify you of my present address, and will be pleas- ed to see the paper here next issue. Millview is nine miles North-east of Pensacola, and a huge saw-mill place. I did not like to settle for life in Pen- sacola, at least till I had seen some more of the south. The country around Pensacola is so scanty, that oranges grow only with much fertili- zer. I am making my way towards the Alabama state line, and shall go along Mississippi Sound cities, till I see a spot that strikes me as an ideal place to live and die. I expect to live in Biloxi eventually, as it is a much better seaport, and \ 'armer than it is here. Figs and oranges grow without any care, almost like corn in Durham. Millview oranges are just ripening, and are called "hitter-sweets.” Figs are green yet, and the people call it: winter, though the mercury has been. on an average, .36" the past week. Rain falls copiously, and uiggers are plentiful as hair on adog’s back. i eat as much as a pig: the salt air being good for oue’s appetite. I pay $431 week for board, and I’m sure I eatit all uu. so you see they don’t I MR. \V. IRWIN, eat it all up, so you see they mm u make much on me. 1 am at present engineer and elect- rician at the Southern States Lumber Jo's plant, and have. a white oiler and a darkey crew, six boilers, two en- gines of four-hundred horse power each, a twelve horse power dynamo ‘ engine belted to an old fashioned light- ing unit that has seen better days. 1 shall stay here to see if summer im- proves the appearance of the country, 'which is pine stumps for a radius of three. miles around the mill, and the only trees standing are those too small to rip into boards. Land is fair, and huge crops of sugar cane are grown. ”A- LL“ ‘I\UDV vâ€"â€"~‘ Eveiy white man who possesses the dignity of years is called “Majah,” and “Cunnel,” and I, being known as an ex-man-o-warsman. rate as “Captain.” To get along here, call an attorney a “J edge.” and an old man “Majah” and pretend to believe all his hair-breadth escapes in “our wah of sixty-three,” and you are his guest as long as you don’t get bored. Men drink mountain ‘ whiskey like water, and all hands “chaw long green,” or home cured tobacco. Cigars of excellent quality retail at three for five cents, and wood twenty-five cents a cord. With all the oysters you can get on the beach, yams and corn bread, huge squash piesIâ€"our table actually groans with open Oh! yes, I like the South and am here to stay, and as soon as settled, shall move my little family down. Very truly yours. R. O. WILKI E. GENTLEMEN who are bald, or have thin hair, should call on Prof. Doren- wend, at the Middaugh House, on Wednesday, Feb 8th., and see his wonderful devices in Toupees, and Wigs, worn on over 75,000 heads. Ex- planation and demonstration free. Private apartments at Hotel. Don’t fail to see his new invention, patented all over the world. Remember! For , one day, onlv. ‘ He was a young man and not usedl to dinner parties. At his side sat a lady. and in front of him were a chicken and fried sole, on which he was supposed to do execution. His; fair neighbor wished for a piece of the sole, and after a moment’s hesi- tation he attacked the chicken in the region of the wing. “No,” she said in a lender tone. “the sole." More hesitation, and be tackled a leg as a :long shot. “No, no, the sole, the sole.” reiterated the damsel. With a weary, puzzled sir he pushed the dish toward her. saying “Here, take it. body, soul and all.” _ FLORIDA SPARKS MILLVIEW FLA. Jan.25th1905. LADIES’ MANTLES ure now going at cost. We have a. few COATS left which must be cleared out. WRAPPEBETTES, reg. 100 and 12§c 30 u 8c. EVERYTHING REDUCED. To make room for Spring Goods we must move what we have on our shelves. To do this we are offering $1.00 PER YEAR. E

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