West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Feb 1905, p. 4

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forty or fifty in the House, is any more a tribute to popular opinion of Ir. Whitney’s ability than it is in- tended as a punishment to the govern- ment that has been hurled from power. It isn’t necessary to reiterate the causes. These have been given quite Inquently during the campaign. Lnst Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Fnrqnhnrson took for his text, the .enggestive words “I will overturn. overturn. overturn it; wd it shell be no more until he come Whose right his; nnd I will give it to him.” After indiceting. the immediete refer- .c0 of the words he proceeded to “nee the genernl topic of "Sociel ehugee enheervient to the kingdom d Unriet.” Hie lending ugnment m thot the conetent nnreet every- where mile“ in e clan of the .meithehI-aml {or none- m'ts. Thisis it big majority, and will leave the Conservatives fun- and notrammeled in the advancmont of wise measures for the good of the province. The new governing power, however, must not forget, as we pointed out last week, to realize that their tenure of omce depends upon the chnncter of their administration, and the honesty and ability they sh ow i- mannging the aflairs of the Prov- ince. We do not imagine for a mo- .ent the overwhehning majority of The new government, under Mr. Whitney, will start in with a majority wme‘shcre between forty and fifty, perhaps fifty all out when the house The recent swing of victory in the Dominion elections would seem to hnve an influence in keeping together the Liberal party, but the Ontario Goverhment sunk into disrepute, through questionable efforts to hold themselves in power for the past half dozen years or more. There is no of this being the main cause which led to their downfall. and the people. of Ontario have shown themselves to be indelx-ndent and conscientious in the eleotion of representatives, and earn est in their endeavor to stamp out corruption and punish wrong-doing‘ and wrong-(loers whenever our legis- lative body fails to do their dutY. ago. Mr. Binnie is a man who held honorable positions in Municipal poli- tics, and was also an active and efl‘lci- out member of the County Council. Added to these qualifications, he al- ways took a deep interest in Farmers’ Institutes and agricultural matters generally, thus bringing himself in close touch with the agriculturalists, who form a very large percentage of the electoral body. For all this, Mr. IcKechnie may be a better man, but he is certainly not so well known to the electors. So far as we know him he has always shown himself to be a gentleman, and if elected would no doubt make a good, honest and popu- lar representative of the people of South Grey. iyes are to hold sway in Ontario for a time. The result here was not at all owl-prise to the writer, though we must confess we hardly expected a majoaiqy of 410 for Dr. Jamieson. From the first we could never believe Mr. McKechnie was a stronger candi- date than Mr. Binnie was two years The elections are over now, and, strange as it may seem, the Conserva- DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham, Feb. 2, 1905. you to paper rooms if for no ing e1 out. Now when the men ha more JUST FANCY nice papers ut 233ml 3c W. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. SAN CTUM SIFTIN GS. OVEBTURN . WE KEEP A {1; Window Shades ' To continue our Wall per Sale through the month of January s we simply must have the _r In for 0 spring shipments which are xpected 21 out February First. MacFARLAN E 6: CO. DRUGGISTS AM) BOOKSELLERS to. sbou d be settled Datum. P‘eb. IIt t] We may all pray that everything - ‘ may be overturned that corrupts the :‘ human will, and threatens the very lexistence of our free institutions. {Amongst theee may be named ignor- Iance with all its narrowness, selfish- ness with its corroding power. and . everything in the perversion of . appetiteand passion, that has the , effect of unmanning men. In our own province we have lseen a mar- ' vellous overturn. It is a matter of l gratitude that we have such a form r of government that such a change Ftakes place Without disturbing the 5 peace of society; still more we rejoice 5 in the loyaltv of our peeple, who are lrmdy to give due reapect to a right- fly constituted authority, all join in jam earnest hope that wisdom may :guide our legislrtors that the inter- ieat of our province may be advanced. 1 Yet in the very hour of victory,‘ (there comes the reminder that the jreal struggle is only beginning. The inot with those we call Opponents, ibut with ourselves and those we call yfriends. Selfishness, passion and ’narrowness are harder to down than political foes but the world looks on and expects that these too shall be overturned. Let there be a fail- ure in that longing and the cry that is heard to-day to overturn one body will be held on anather day directed against those now set up. On this fact rests all the hope of progress. This fire. burning up the very ob- jects nearest to itself in its zeal for a righteousness not yet attained. is the hope of the individual and the hope of the nation. It institutions the most prized fail in their end; the prayer of every honest heart, will be "overturn. overturn, over- turn.” Till He come whose' right it is only with absolute right is abso- lute stability. PENDING: settlement with the 08km of film lgtn N-“ u..V..-L_2- ing else ham to nelp keep the cold and 30 11-011. Why it would pay t more isure time get them at. it. fall behind the ever advancing de- mand. and, falling behind, wither land die. So Judaism, Roman lCatholicism and many other forms ;had their day of usefulness and !power, but when that was passed no :sacredness saved them from the idoom, and they were overturned gHuman governments are {or protec- ltion against lawlessness and tyranny ‘butin the exercise of that power, they themselves become. the tyrants, and all history has been the struggle to overturn. Britain, France and Russia give illustrations of the crav- ing for liberty. and the dissatisfac- tion with form of government, after form has led to the recurring cry “overturn, overturn.” The at- tempted overturn in Russia last week has already cost that people dearly, but even were these work- men to gain the upper hand, there would not be liberty, The mob would prove as tyrannical as the autonal and again the cry would be "overturn.” We are happy in a constitution to which the rulers whether in a province Dominion, or in the seat at Empire itself, bow at once to the populaa will, and with- out disorder or bloodshed, surrender the seals of ofice. Yet our very popular instutions are on their trial Right is not measured by the popu- lar will. and unless Democracy give expression to the laws of right. it, too must bow to the inexorable law, “overturn, overturn.” ibuilt up, serve their purpose. but I l 1 l l CHOOL Section No. 2 ' Tendon will be My“ _ 13-1. ‘A Tenders Wanted STOCK OF all Colors NOTICE. foi- '.. G. J. MCKECHNIE. :1 Eflromont. boxei for 8250 (mini. understanding and with the guarantee tint if you fee you ere not deriving benefit from the THAT WILL Underwear w_E_A_R no of the Pills, after taking three boxes 6‘ eeeordi ; Sanitary” fleeceolined a", 3 35;; gfiozéegzr niézhntfigrg underwear for boys at 50¢ per unopened ones, and here your money Pi‘°°° 39° them. refundedn. . . - . DON’T FORGET that this in the By the mg" box a. m are 60; pleee to get A1 Bn_t_te_r. Our butter- less, hollow-eyed' girl- to mike 'them rosy-checked and full of bpnnéinglultl}. '- __ , a Then 1: nothing' better for a lint- !eu. poQoq-eygq 51:1- ito mm ,them Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous Headaches, Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Female Weak- ness, Pimple. and Eruptions, Heart Pal- pitation, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness and Faintness, General Weakness and Debility. Itisagnathoontoweak,m-ont run-down men and yomen, giving they LL-L __Q_,, There has never been a remedy oflered to the public with such an honest guaran- tee of cure behind it as Dr. Harte’s Cel- cry-Iron Pills. This remedy is the best treatment in the world for such troubles as Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Pals and Sallow Complexion, Nervous- neu, Slee lessness, Brain ag, Impaired Memory, so ofOAppetite, _I_)yspep_sia. The Remedy We Positively Guarantee win Cure You orYour Money Refunded. DR. HARTE’S CELEE Y~ IRON PILLS. " Dated this 28th day of January A. D 1905. 1905, are hereby required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to 'J. P. I‘elford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the Administratrix, on or before the 23rd day of February A. D. 1905, their names and addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day, the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. O'I‘ICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 38, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Henry Dennet, who died on or about the 223111 day of January A. D. ‘nl\~ I In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Dennet, late of the Township of Egremont, in the County of Grey, Farmer, Deceased. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. to send by ost prepaid, or to deliver to J. P. Tel 0rd, of the Town of Dur- ham, Solicitor for the ExecutOrs, on or before the 16th day of February A. D. 19%, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of security (if any) held by them. duly certified, and that after the said day, the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Notice to Creditors Dated this that day of January A. D. 1905. J. P. TELFORD, OTICE is hereby iven pursuant to L R. s. 0., 1897, gap. 129, Sec. 38, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said James McCracken, Sn, who died on or about the 10th day of De- cennhex: A. I). 1904, are hereby reqnired In the Matter of the Estate of James McCracken, Sr . late of the Town- ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Farmer, Deceased. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. Notice to Creditors We had not space last week to do more than chronicle the death of John J. N iceol, of East Garafraxa. The deceased was 75 years of age and for years had lived at what is known as the Cofin House on the Garry and Amaranth townliue. He was arather genial and intelligent man. but of late had been out very little owing to blidness. He was born in the vi- cinity of of Belleville. but came to this section when it was a compare: tive wilderness and his death remov- es one of the few remaining local landmarks. He is survived by awid ow two sons and a daughter. Wm. Nichol of Mono Road, John Nichol, of Montreal. and Mrs. N. Pagan of Durham. The funeral took place to Greenwood Cemetery on January 18. â€"â€"Dufl'erin Post Coughs. colds, hoaroencu. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. JOHN J. NICHOL’S DEATH. Solicitor for the Executors, [WILLIAM MCCRACKEN, \MRs. MARGARET M CCRACKEN. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Administratrix, ANNA DENNET. Ladies’ Shoes at prices which shall make them go. ' no Assistant Roy. London Ophthlmio 1100. TBA '1‘ IS THE Q UESTIO N "8-. "Id “001400 Bq- That and Nose an Boys’ Heavy Rubbers Ready-Manes and Suit lengths H McIntyre Block. â€"â€" Durham, Ont. -â€"10 Black Velvet Hats. â€"â€"â€"7 Ladies’ Bonnets. â€"â€"Navy Blue Velvet with Fur. -â€"Brown Plush with Mink. -â€"Red Plush Hat. -â€"Greeu Plush. -â€"Castor and Pale Blue Panne Velvet. January and February MID-WINTER Flillinery FRED W. KELSEY DURHAM, ONT. To Introduce SLEIGH BELLS. AXES. Try our STOCK FOOD. We guarantee none better. X-Cut-Saws. Tinware !! To Sell m Not to Sell ?” Photographs Hardware We have an accumulation of these in sizes 3 and 4 which ladies shall find it to their ad. vantage to see before purchasing elsewhere. F. SIEGNER In sizes 1,12 and 13 must go at htlf price. Only 4 Strings of 60 Balls left, were $2.00, now $1.50. We have the Indiana, the Lance. the Whiting and Imperial which we are ofiering at § price. And we are determined to sell our stock of . . . We have the Monarch, the Daisy, the Modelâ€"at greatly reduced prices. All these hats are selling at lowest figure possible. We have a good assortment of BLACK HATS suitable for mourning. MISS DICK We are marking them away down. We have E still have a number of trimmed hats in Felt and Velvet. and in order to get rid of them during This is going to advertize our studio far and wide and hun- dreds of people will see them. We do not say how long we can give this ofier as it means a lot of extra work and ex- pense. We know this style of Photograph will please you as is is real cold. We are bound to reduce our stock and are offer- ing goods at reduced prices. Our tine large Photographs we have made arrangements to give one with every dozen Cabinets. These large Photo- graphs. finished in the latest style, mounted on a beautiful American mount. are worth $1.50 alone. Will be u the mddsuzh Hone lat Wodnoodsy of each month. from 12 to I p. m. Jpooialht: Eye, hr, Throat and Rose Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Saturday in each month. Hoursâ€"1â€"6 pm. Owen Sound and Durham L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. .RéDULATUIf} of London, New Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. York and Chicago. The ve1y best we know of 18 here, c1nd bm - ing he1e 1s a positive proof of their worthiness. We are making all our Felt Footwear and are using superior felt of a strength that will out-wear any felt shoe made. We are not ask- ing a cent more for them, and our winning prices are calling great attention and demand. You can form some idea from the following list: Men’s hand made calf laced shoes. felt lined and a wearer forever, for. . . . . . ....... ................. 2000 Women’s hand made. all felt, slippers turned soles, 6 the very best for the money ..................... 5C Women’s hand-made felt gaiters. the very best quality, in black or red .................... . ..... '025 Misses’ all felt slippers. turned soles. the very best quality for the money ........................... 40C Misses’ felt shoes. for in or out doors. the most com- fortable shoe made for cold weather .............. 75C Child’s hand-made felt shoes, which will protect your 6 feet from the frost .............................. 0C Men’s hand-made felt slippers. leather binding, the very best for any money, for .................... Men’s han_d.med_e felt geiters, easy fit. with rubbers DR. Gil]. S. BURT. DR. BROWN or overehoes, for ..... Wishing all our customers A Merry d and Durham. STRICTLY CASH 53313231.- Orders and Repairing promptly done. PEEL, the Shoeman EXCLUSIVILY FELT FOOTWEAR ‘V’-’ ‘1" 3 P RI N CI PA L8. 3 o-msm~~§o Famous School [.00 77/4”; In order to reduce our sun-y .‘Felt Boots, Heavy m 1 Out Babe. large sizs, w: I. In“ Imitation Lamb C “lion's Suits that were m'nfll'l Suits that were $~ ct oquully low prices. I: [Oil's Heavy Frh-ze Coau. \\ Moi Furs. new 200%. “171‘. Just a Few Words . . . STOCK FOOD. « Blearin In “everything a Drug Store calries Bomember “6 for British NM Nona better. THE OGlLVl DRUG STO was 89 alongr 'OQt. was I!

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