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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Feb 1905, p. 8

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‘ ‘1‘ ”smwmaannammna ~55: *%%¢¢aa$¢a¢¢¢a¢¢$¢¢¢a¢$a $5 35$ 1b is We. 1:111 111.: to attract the attention of the eager 11111111; - M11 this month if low p1ices will do it. Y on 1111: ~1 "1 so too when you examine the quality of om 1,111111ls,the wonderful variety and the low prices “1.» flier during our » We have turned prices t0psy-turvey on all winter goods which will move them quickly from our shelves. We will have surprises here for you that you never dreamed of before as we don’t wish to carry goods over from one season to another. Now for genmne bargains. We Sell W WPLE’S; SHIRE ’ho f0"( ROBERT BURNETT Alex. CONTINUED FDR ANOTHER WEEK. ii}; Goods ! You Take the Profits ! The Big Store Winter Goods MUST GET A MOVE ON TM US FOR FRESH GHOCEBIES. wing prlc aise in W: FURS BELOW COST DURING SALE. we tell v0.1 anything you can GROCERIES THE BIG STORE Ladies’ Skirts mr woru. good to : advertis W ram) Jan Clearing Y Sale ! W rm UTS. Mantl ONTARIO [3 “OS I] pen 1) I‘ll ats (o 5m It wouldn't do u! the money if we didn’t fact. that the .ing' is gratify- 01) our Word. m as good as a to you. r ya: can CATSUP for 150. PIG’S FEET for 19¢ '3') yard 1N 0' ‘ cg. 0| ZN 7." 09" J}; A"; s 4’4 O 'r» '1 3'54 Now, Hearu was so nearsighted that ten feet from his nose all objects were misty and indistinct, and it is doubt- ful if he could distinguish the nearest house from the point to which he had climbed. The Belief Was Once Held That It Disclosed Men’s Thoughts. A belief that the mariner’s compass disclosed men’s thoughts was enter- tained by a number of ancient Mexi- can companions and allies of Hernan- do Cortes. His habit of consulting his compass and chart in his advance through the country and the ease and assurance lwith which he reached whatever town or village he deter- mined to make for tended to coulirm this idea. He obtained the position by present- ing his application in person to the cal. tor. "We don’t need anybody at present.” said the editor. “i said we don’t need anybody,” re- [;i‘tl~‘.'(‘d the editor loudly. "i heard you,” replied Hearn 31-. rainy. "I will just sit here until you happen to need somebody.” That editor was not long in "need- ing" Ilearn. Fm- lack of anything better the new man was sent out for a descriptive Siul‘y to be written in the steeple of the L‘ailniic cathedral. When the story was handed in it proved to be a com- position rivaling the word painting feats of a Ruskin or a Gautier. lie pictured the city as it ldoked from the steeple and imparted to his description something besides beauty. There was reality in it. Persons who had viewed the city from the steeple averted that the story was marvelous for photographic accuracy. lleuru sat down on a chair, pulled a [1001; out Of his pocket. wiped his glass- es and smiled. the Way Lateudlo Bean-n Pulled Himself Into a Situation. Lafcadio Hearn at one time in his ureer was employed on a daily paper in Cincinnati. In the estimation of the Mexicans the compass was a universal oracle. Accordingly in one of the conspiracies which were set on foot against Cortes by the Aztecs a number of the natives, most likely innocent of what was in contemplation, were earnest in entrcat- ing Cortes to have recourse to his in- fallible guide, the compass, that he might ascertain for their mutual satis- faction that they at least were faith- ful. Cortes himself records the singu- lar idea held of the powers of the mag- netic needle by his Aztec associates and their request in a letter addressed to the Emperor Charles V. Their be- lief, he adds, was one in which he took care to confirm them. Life In a Conflict, and Error Dies In the Struggle. Life is a struggle. Wars end, but the war of the raceâ€"the antagonism of thought. the strife between men, be- tween nian and the forces external to him, within the soul of the individualâ€"- ends not save it be with extinction. Error gains many a temporary tri- umph. but the final victory is with truth. There is substance in truth that in the last balance outweighs error. Nature's process is by test and trial, by unfolding, changing, ripping up. un- doing. redoing. By contrast and con- flict she tries sincerity and treachery, honor and dishonor. fitness and unfit. ness, courage and cowardice. truth and error. The conflict of ideas between social and political systems and be- tween creeds and philosophies is as rude as the conflict between the sea and land. Error dies in the struggle.â€" From “Balance: The Fundamental Ver- ity,” by Orlando J. Smith. Fatal Applause. An English lady snake charmer named Leyton was performing at a village called Vaelhlinger, in Rhenish Prussia, in a menagerie with a boa constrictor. This she permitted to coil round her neck and breast. Her cour- age met with thunders of applause from the spectators. who little dreamed that by their signs of approval they had sealed the poor charmer‘s death warrant. Such. however, proved to be the case, for, apparently infuriated at their demonstrations. the reptile tight- ened its coils and amid the shrieks' of the public strangled the lady on the platform before anything could be done to assist her. The snake was im- mediately killed. Declared HI. Intentionl. Mrs. Rasher-Has Mr. Goldcoln. with whom you have been dancing all the evening, at last declared his intentions, Mabel? Mabelâ€"Yes, aunt. Mrs. Bush- erâ€"I am so glad! And what did he lay? Mabel-He declared he would never marry. Cautious. “Leonidas!" exclaimed Mr. Meekton’s wife on his return from a journey. “I am at a loss to understand your con- duct when we parted. I said goodby to “I was just about to do so. Henrietta, but I checked myself. I was afraid you would accuse ,me of trying to have the last word again.” A’t to Be Elusive. “Pa, who are the “authorities? ” "They are the fellows who at critical “Yes, Henrietta." “Why didn’t you any goodby ll ro- TRUTH TRIUMPHS. HE COULD MIT. Begeath Her. ' Marjorie marry for love?” ! no. She is too well bred fC_ TH E COM PASS. that they have no an- Miss Sarah Edge is this week the guest. other cousins, the Binnie sis- ters. at, Buneassan, Messrs. J. W. Firth, of Toronto. and Thomas. of Massie. were home to poll their votes on election day. Mr Robert Edge had the misfor- tune to lose a fine colt, rising one year old, last week. Mr Noble McCallum. of Manitoba and his sister. of Brussels, are‘yisit ing the actor family. Accompanied by Miss Maggie Ecmr. they drove out. to Greenock last week to visit relative? there. last Friday night two. sleighloads of voung peeple drove out to Mr. Thos. Turnbull’s, near Rocky Saugeen. and spent a very pleasant time in games and dancing. Then. on last Friday. Charlie Molfat treated them to an- other party. It was a great success. and was kept up until Well we won’t say what time. Mr. Geo. Ritchie deserves creditable mention 'or alone furnishing music for these two parties. > But, the young people are not to have all the credit, for on Tuesday night last Mr. and Mrs. J. Firth gave a party for the married, as well as for some few of the younger folks. 'l‘hey thoroughly enjoyed themselves m the old time dances. and in social intercourse. Some of the older peo- ple claim that they can beat some of the younger folks on the floor. when it. comes right down to good step Last winter there were Very few parties in this neighborhood. 'but. this year the young people are mak- ing up for Inst time. A week ago dancing, and we. believe they are correct. The elections are over and the result; is quite satisfactory to nearly everyone in this vicinitv. OXFORD CREAM SEPARATORS. PHE DOMINION WROUGHT IRON WHEELS for Waggons and Trucks CUTTERS tnd CARRIAGES of all kinds. l COAL OIL. nan-Ah: BICYCLES. A complete stock of HARNESS. COLLARS, HALTERS, STRAPT. Etc. ROBES 3nd COATS. New Show Rooms opened up in Hunter’s New Store opposite the Middaugh House. PIANOS and ORGANS of difierent nukes. We intend oarrying a complete stock of everything wanted on the Farm and Home including all kinds of This visit gives you a chance to consult PROF. DORENWEXI) about your Hair and to choose from the stock of Hair Goods, which he carries with hiiu-â€"just what you require. You can try on any Switch, Bang, Pompadour, etc., and see just how it will look. PROFESSOR DURENWEND can be depended upon to sell you only first quality Hair (ioods. You are not forced to buy because you call to see and examine these goods. - 4: 3 Baldness A Professor florenwend as all men know. disfigures an «1 adds an aged ex- pression to the face. “’11)! re- â€" main Bald when Professor Dorenweud can fit you with a. VVIG or TOFl’E ‘3. which will hide all t 'aces of Baldness and take the place of your own hair? Doctors reeouuuend these Toupees as a preventive for colds iu the. head, eatarrh and neuralgia. I’Rovrzsson D()REN\\'E.'I) will fit you on the spot and show you just how you look afterwards. You will never have a better up m-tunity to see fur vourself the beautiful assortment of S\ ITCHES, BANGS, POMPADOURS, WAVES, \vms, m.-., which Professor Doronweml carries with him. Remember the Date and don’t fail to call at the hotel and see Professor Dorenwend. g .m m 0 C E S U 0 H H G U A D m M E H TI. 0 TI ed., Feb. 8th The: Farmers’ Fire Insurance Promptly Attended to IN THE GREY AND BRUCE MUTUAL on have heard of Edge Hill. ; gag LADIES--READ THIS! Farmers, Give Us a Call ! Farmers’ Manufacturing DORENWEN D CO. MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY. Samples set up so you can see them. 103 AND 105 YONGE ST.. TORONTO. " Singer ” SEWING MACHINES. Chuhum INCUBATORS and BROODERS. Fall Wheat ..... . . . . .0 95 to Spring When ........ 95 to Oats ................. 30to Peat... 65 to Barley...... 40 to Ray ................ . 7 00 to Butter ....... . ....... 17 to Eggs........ ......... ‘20 to Pomtoes per bag ...... 50 to Apple- .............. 1 00 to Flour per cwt ........ 2 75 to Oatmeal per sack. 2 40 to Chop per cwt.... 1 10 to Live Hogs ........... 5 00 to Dressed Hogs per c ~ t. 6 :30 to Hides per 1b ......... 5.1. to Sheep>kins ........... 50 to “7001-........ .' 16 to America’s Greatest Hair Goods Artistâ€"He is Sheepskins Wool ..... Lamb . . . Tallow . Lard Justiceâ€"“What’s the charge gainet the prisoner?" A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but. the world will always keep an eye on the place where the crack was. r "Your Honor. he’s a public nuisance. He’s been going round in the dead of night. waking up night watchmen and then running away. Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, .efl'cctivc. and safe remedy for all throat irritations 18 found m_ .- ~ ‘. A- They combine the germicida! value of Cresolcnewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 10c. All Drugglsts 400 .auuua In Lvu nnnnnn Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets Market Report. If you cannot, call write for Prof. Dorenwend's Cat- alogueâ€"it‘s frea.‘ Dmunm Feb. 2, 1905. â€". 0.. 9â€"4 of Toronto, LIMITED 95 to 81 00 95 to .1 00 30 to 30 65 to 65 40 to 40 7 00 to 8 00 17 to 17 :20 to 90 50 to 5” 100m 100 t0 t0 1 00 2 9O 2 40 1 10 5 00 6 50 75 Emmaâ€"M Daity action of the owels Is neces Gary. Ald nature with Ayer's Pius Pretty as Pretty Sees Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician. uâ€"vv-w-v 1138. J K. NOIOMI. Walthun, Mass. $96“: f wwww rung an arm Ann. M gThe MLungs Zyers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Aycr’s Cherry Pcctoral. STOCK-REDUCTION SALE. STUCK FOOD. HAND SLEIGHS. Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. TOBOGGANS. SKATES. SNOW SHOVELS M ISCELLA N EOUS. “ I have used Ayor'l Cherry Pedant in my funny for 40 can. It in the best medicine in the World, know. tor tn throat sud iuug troubles." _ Cherry Pectoral A. Gordon Hardware. Ctnudian and American Coul Oil always in stock. Our stock-reduction sale is still going on. consequently we are giving great bargains. See our Sceble Bern-owe. Stable Brooms. Steble Screpere.Borse Blankets. Robes. Haldere. Churne, Wuhing Mechinea. Clmhes Wringere, X-Cut- Sewn, Buck Saws. Axes, Cent Hooks. Hand-made Axe Hen- dlee, etc. One-bu]! the :mount of ordin- ary feed will do your stock if you use our Stock Food. We place our entire stock of Hand Sleighs on sale at clear- ing prices. Boys’ Sleighs at 25c and 550 for Coustcrs. Girl’s Sleighs st 4%. Only one Toboggan left which you can have for one-quarter its value. 75 good. serviceable Snow Shovels whick we are uttling 08 at 250 each. There is no question u to the value of our 75c Ladies’ Full. nickled Skates. ” My face is my fortune,” 511 the pretty maid in the old 13:; lish ballads. She had pro; appreciation» of the value of {air face in the matrimon market. Eyes make or m many a facbe, the other featux may be ever so comely. a p: of weak. red. inflamed twitching eyes will spoil beauty. Properly adjust glasses will cure most of the troubles. Our qualificatio troubles. Our qualification and equipment for eye exam ination are the most thoroug and modern. our choice c frames and mate for fittiu them is unexcelled. So with Many Eves. “WERED DURING THE PAST WEEK £01 CHRONICLE READERS. Local News Item ”CUBE unfi- lu! for SHIP. Mn Kinnev. Durham [imam (ash prices paid for Ma M “Peel's shoe sun-v. Durham. 1 [lfl’l' it astonishing lmw um pop‘e understand your businvs.‘ h tat than you do yourself. DON’T forgvt the big 6” day§ s toot-Wear at Peel's. m! tell us that Colin Mel-‘ayc "not satisfied with the way R was W M: the last Martian. ”NEE WANTEDâ€"'01md ('umpur or. willing to be generally useful alx onceâ€"Apply here. mcement \VOrks am still i( but preparations {m .1 grand hr Mane being madv. FOB SALEâ€"The Moore proper! y town. consisting of twenty-Unw’ half «we. Apply m H ugh M avh ”PRESTIGE bright boy to 1 thing for £110 oflice. HOUSE and lui :‘u [5. “ms. Fox. ~tf HOT DRINKB.-r'l‘omat.u Buuil VICI‘OL Asparcx, Tmnatu Flip. Cal 061m Bouillon. BOVl‘il. lint Sol served in the latest stylv in um- 1 [oatâ€"Darling's Drug Starr. Tm; Meafuvd Monitm' unique pnxluction. \\'+ our exchange list. and 1 occasionally, in \‘iewin utistic standpoint the loaves and fie-thus. :1: eligible party mm: are .~ hardvst, \vm'km's for (In Where (-lumgvs are dua- any. we hope to see (I) we hop'o also to see sum of Whom we'll not \w a pleased w so philosw most. frivn the campu Dr. J ami looking fif month's u didn't vxp so 01 of VOL. 38---N0. 1978. "I” (1()|| awllt at helVit'r. i‘ .xe“ nuns awon tlw h~° T119 fil'v i~‘ MI! Whom :m c-lm-z Wand setting fin I.“ even the iucamh “U 1’1|{I 00” )suphi ll‘l'fl I“ ICE “'ANTED-A g tale-tn printing. A w the right, kind.- At 1 mm L few luiuut 101111 )1er ma! candida m him nl of flu M \\' the" of whom We mam-ma h“ ll] from \V wermuml it MA Apply D {VI flainl IDII {1'0an it \I‘t'l“ 0| fri HI

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