2% :“3’3ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚m3flï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ THEPEBPLE’SW We have turned prices topsy-turvey on a" Winter goods which will move them quickly from our shelves. We will have surprises here for you that you never dreamed of before as we don’t wish to carry goods over from one season to another. N ow for genuine bargains. Everything in our Winter Stock must go. We do not for a moment consider the cost of goods in this sale. All we think of is they must be sold. Take them at your own price. 3 1b.. Seeded Ruining, Saturdny ‘25 4 lbs. Curnnta. Saturday 25c. Huts-Vita. Swiss Food. Saturday 12c pkg. We are Quins: to attract the attention Ofthe eager buying: pnhho this month if low prices will do it. You will my 50 too when you examine the quality of our growls, the wonderful variety and the low prices we offer during our Fancy Plain and Stripe Elects. Just a low o'ld lines. Were 88.50. Saturday 06.50. Lndies’ Whiz. Undonkiru, the cotton alone is worth twice the price we uh, Sum-d†25c. Ladios’ Undoukiru, better quality, Suarday, 350 to 81 50. Ladiu' Blue Felt Undoukirts, Saturday 35c. Having just ï¬nished stock-taking, we have un- earthed a few good things for you. Remnants, short lines ot’difl‘erent stocks, such as Whitewear. Men’s Suits, Underwear for men and women, etc. These we are bound to clear before the Spring Goods arrive. You must see the goods to ap- . preciate the prices. BARGAIN ITEMS Alex. Russell TI" US FOR FRESH BROBEBIES. Winter Goods MUST GET The Big Star! SATURDAY, FEB. 11 fl GROCERIES THE BIG STORE Cash for Produce. Men’s Suits. Whitewea r. FOR 5A MOVE ON air which “New York marvels, but does not yet understand her friends across the border, who have a way of doing things ï¬rst and talking after. Why should we not feel pride in having such a people as neighbors?" such a commanding waytz; Hr. Boonâ€"“Yes I notice as rapidly as Canada is making it- self really known and understood to and by all the civilized world, as, for all practical purposes, it is an independent entity, with a future 3?th and development, social and ï¬nancial, that will not be eclipsed by any other people. “While New York has been talking canals for years. Canada quietly went ahead and built her. magniï¬cent artiï¬cial waterways. and changed the route of tranSportation over and through her own territory, to the great markets. beyond the sea. 13.0. Indlans Dying Out. The Indian tribes of British Co- lumbia, tortured by insidious dis- ease, for the introduction of which the whites are primarily responsible, and face to face with the fact of rapidly diminishing numbers that bespeaks extinction in the near fu- ture, are adopting heroic measures in the hope of check-mating fate. It is not race suicxde in the gen- eral acceptance of the term that is to blame, but the usual penalty of the red race when it touches the white, for the vast majority of the tribes are by constitutional disease ruined, and when children are born they are unhealthy from birth. It may be of interest to Cana- dians to know that although the met- ric system was ï¬rst applied in France, the idea was that of a great Englishman. At the Imperial Confer- ence in London two years ago. when representatives were present of the British Government [and all the self- governing colonies. the following re- solution was adopted: “That it is advisable to adopt the metric system of weights and mea- sures for use within the Empire, and the Prime Ministers represented at this conference promise to give con- sideration to the question 0! its early adoption." Thinking men of the tribes are seeking external remedies, and the adoption of white children by stealth â€"varied with an occasional out-and- out purchaseâ€"is becoming common. Only a few years ago the chiefs and sub-chiefs of one of the Vancouver Is- land west coast tribes united to pay Peter llellinger $4,000 for his five- year-old son, who was received with honor, elected a chief with elaborate ceremony and alloted six wives, the sturdiest young women of the tribe, in order that extinction might be averted. The boy“ was rescued by vci States the reform is being advo- cated. A bill providing for the abo- lition of the British system, as the old tables are called, was accepted by both Houses of the Imperial Par- liament this year, and at the apâ€" proaching session there is every rea- son to believe that the measure will pass all stages and become the law of the land. Committees of Congress have reported in favor of the metric Bthem being made compulsory throughout the United States, but inquiry has shown that the domestic trade of the Union is stronglv oppos- ed to the change, knowing nothing of the advantages they would them- selves reap by doing business on this, the simplest, clearest, and most com- plete system of measuring that the mind of man ever devised. the provincial police and the was left disconsolate. Two white travelers roturned from (zuatsino last week with the. news that in all that once nllllll‘l‘UHS tribe there is now only one child, a boy; and after a long and intol'vSting pow-wow, the Iluldahs of Queen Charlotte Island ham sent their lit- tle girl to Quatsino to be his play- mate and bride “I am fasciiiatcd with the country as it is toâ€"day and am astounded when I study the possibilities of its future. “It must be comedui that the great majority of people, both of Great Britain and the United States, have looked upon Canada as a drear, cold, barren country, and the inhabitants of the provinces have been unfortu- nately unable to fully cxtirpate such impressions, and while these delu- sions to a large extent still exist, they are rapidly passing away, just An Outsider 0- Canada. The Hon. Charles I). Ilainos of New York, a former member of the Unit- ed States Congress, said 'in Toronto the other day: “My impression of Canada, in part or as an entirety,‘ both as to country and people can but be inadequately expressed by us- ing the word grunt. One of the most important fea- tures of Canadian legislation will be the adoption in the very early fu- ture of the metric system of weights and measures. Steps are already be- ing taken to supply the school child- ren with a knowledge of the metric tables, but ample notice will have to be given to business men before the change becomes operative. This no- tice may be ï¬ve years, or the Gov- ernor~in-Council may have power to make the transition stage even long- er than that. The reform is one, how- ever, that must almost inevitably come. The civilized world, outside of Britain, the British colonies, and the United States, to-day knows no oth- er system of measuring than the met- Me. In these latter countries, includ- ing Canada itself, the use of it has him" optional for years, and both in the United Kingdom and in the Unit- Soon to 80 Approval In Can.“ and III- forced Alter Duo Notice. THE METRlc SYSTEM. k-“Yesfl noticed that he contribution box with an Rum-ally. to Ironjawa has tribe 5125 Benny Proven’a HAY OXFORD CREAM SEPARATORS. THE DOMINION WROUGBT IRON WHEELS for Waggon and Trucks CUTTERS und CARRIAGES of all kinds. BICYCLES. A complete stock of HARNESS. COLLABS. HALTERS, STRAP‘I‘. Etc. ROBES tad COATS. We intend carrying a complete stock of evexything wanted on the Farm and Home including all kinds of MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY. Samples set up so you can see them. PIANOS and ORGANS of diï¬orent nukes. ‘ Singer " SEWING MACHINES. Chub-1m INCUBATORS mi 3110001333. I New Show Rooms opened up in Hunter’s New Store opposite the Middaugh House. s. 8 no. 11. BENTINCK. Class Vâ€"Jeun Milligw. IV Sr.-â€"Edwurd anrence. IV Jrâ€"Besaie Milligan. Churles Lawrence. Earl Vallet. John Petty, John Picken. III Jr.-â€"-Sadio Langrill. Florence Mountain. Marion Petty. Rebeca: Grierson. Maggie Morton. llI Jr.-Willie McAllister. Harrv Gray, Gerrge Gray. Arthur Gadd. II Sr,-vLizzie Burns II Jr â€"Mary Backus, Minnie Kel- lar. Tammy Wallace. 11 Sr â€"Maggie Donnelly, Nina Noble. Leslie Morice. Willie Lunzo ril‘, Herbert Noble 11 Pt -â€"Eddie Button. 1-â€" Willie Vollet. Lorne Mountain. Average attendance 27. ANNIE L. LAWRENCE II Jr. Pt.â€"Mary VcAllister, John Kerr. IV Jr.â€"E. Pettiarew, F. Barber, J. Barber, E Morrison, M. Mo") ie. III Sr.â€"-'l‘. Hutton. J. Melly ride. H. Barber, lII Jr.-â€"P. Aldred, C. Pettigrew, M Hoy. A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat . irritations is found in Cresolone Antiseptic Tablets II 8r Pt.-â€"Janet Gray. Neils Marshall. II Sr.-â€"â€"Henrietta Kellar, Elmer Foe. They combine the germicida! value of Crcsolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 100. All Dragging 400 S. 8. NO. 1 NORMANBY. IV Sr.-â€"Janot Kerr. Nellie Burns IV Jr.-â€"Agnes Marshall. III Sr.â€"Eva McAllister, James Wallace. ' 1V Sr.-â€"M. McCalmou. E. Hutton. IlJr.â€"â€"W. Blytb, M Keir. A Pettigrew. E Barcer, H Barber. H Gadd. E. Morrison ISr ~-S Grant. F Kerr. L Petti grew, A. Gadd. I Jr A-C. Barber, W. Eden. 1 Jr. B-â€"G Gram. Average attendance 32. II Sr.~â€"‘V, Bugle. A. Pettigrew B Barber,F. Clark. .\I.Gadd. II Jr. PL.-â€"W,H~tton, A Lauder M Bogle. I Jr.â€"-Mabel Wallme. 'Tallo ANNIE L. M ACCRACKEN. Lard Teacher. . Sore Throat and Coughs U s. 8 NO. 1, E. AND N. Send for the “Royal Household†Recipesâ€" they cost nothingâ€"and may mean better breadâ€"better pastry-better baking gen- erally for the rest of your lifeâ€"think of what that would mean to your family. If you have never used the new Royal Household Flour, there is a delightful surprise for you in the ï¬rst batch of bread you bake with itâ€" just send a postal card for the recipes. The New Way to make Bread THE OOILVIE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LTD. MONTREAL. HONOR. ROLLS. Farmer's, Give Us a Call! Farmers’ Manufacturing and Supply Co._, lelted ANNIE P. .VlisCKEXZIE. Teacher†F1011: is th'e best I have had for either Btead or Pastry. (Signed) MRS. ROBT. ADAM. NamAuo. 83C†Nov. 2 th, 1904. I have been makm bread or nearly Lyent-ï¬vgye‘ars.‘ 5“! Royal_ {Iousthld B. Lauder, 5“. Barber, 1. MC?! i6. Melly ride Teacher. tncI BOUN D BOD TRACKS. Fall Wheat ........ Spring Wheat ..... Oats ............. . Peas .............. Barley ............. Potatoes per bag†Appleâ€" ............ Flour per cwt ...... Oatmeal per sack. .. Chop per cwm..... Live Hogs ........ Dressed Hogs per cw Hides per lb ...... Sheepskins ......... Wool. . . . .. . ..... Lamb ........ A Canadian Stallion. Color. pure black. For particulars apply to Feb 8thâ€"5pd. m-" v.1“ v‘ ‘ may actlohrraf the bpirwls is neces- sary. Aid nature wath Ayer’s Plus. The Lun gs Ayerfs For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Aycr’s Cherry Pcctoral. Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. “ I have used Ayer'a Cherry Pectonl In my family for 40 ears. It in the best medicine in the wqud, know, for all throat and lung troubles." Cherry Pectoral THOROUG H BRED FRENC H Stallion for Sale. Pn‘ ‘Uooooo.00 kinSOIOOOOC‘OCO Market Report. Dunuau, Feb. 8. 1905. .275t0 .. 2 40 to .. l 10 to . 5 30 to cwt. 6 50 to 52; to 50 to 16 to ABE HEWITT, Bervio. Bruce Co. 95 to 8100 95 to 1 00 35 to 35 62 to 62 40 to 4‘2 O to 17 to 20 to 55 to '0 t0 [O 300 240 110 530 650 17 ‘20 3) 16 Has placed all its graduates in stand pnei. tione and has several good positions in view. Its courses ere the mmt up m-dam and the best tnat can be obtained in Can. ada or the United Stem. and. an in.- exam ination papers are read by a bnard â€1‘ examiners specially appointed. its dlplnmug are an excellent recommendation in but“ these countries. G001) POSITIONS. Good positions present themselves to every person and young people with a business training are always in demand. We are now prepared to receive any ywlng ladies and uenthmen who wish to ncvem good positions in April and May. All .mr students are taught separately at their own desks. and do their work independent. of one another. In this way. they receive special attention in such subjects as are difï¬cult to them. and are enabled to an- complish considerable in a short time. They may also. begin the course at any timn. The Mount Forest Buéiness College time: Day and Evening Cluses. Triel Lesson free Visitors “ways welcome. Pletty as Pletty Sees Watchmuker. Jeweller. Optician . COAL OIL. STOCK-REDUCTION SALE MISCELLANEOUS STUCK FOOD. HAN D SLEIG HS. SNO W SHOVELS. iObOGG A NS. A. Gordon Canadian an! American Cut] Oil nlwtyl in nook. Hardware. See our Stable Birrows. Stab“! Brooms. Stable Scrapora.Hor8é Blankets. Robes. Humidors. Chums,- Wuhing Muchines, Clmheo Wriugere, X-Cut- Suva, Buck 8"".- Axes, Cant Hooks. Hand-undo Ax. Han. dlea, etc Our stock-reduction 8““ is still going on. consequently we are giving great bargains. One-half the amount of «din-- ary feed will do your stack if you use our Stock Food. We place our entire stock of Hand Steighs on sale u, clear- ing prices Boys’ Sleighs at “256 and 550 .for Coasters. Girl’s Sleight-t at 40c. 75 good. sexviceablo Snow Shoveis whick We are; rattling 06 at 25¢ each. Only one 'l‘ubugguu left which yOu Cm. haVH l0" one-quarter Its vuluu. There is no qmasliou as to the value 0‘ OUT 75C 143(“88' Full- uiukled Skates " My face is my fortune.†said the pretty maid in the old Eng. lish ballads. She had proper appreciation of the value of a fair face in the matrimonial market. Eyes make or mar many a face. the other features may be ever so comely. a pair of weak red. inflamed or twitching eyes will spoil all beauty. Properly adjusted glasses will cure most of these troubles. Our qualiï¬cations and equipment for eye exam- ination are the most thorough and modern. our choice of frames and taste for ï¬tting them is unexcelled. W. T. CLANCY, Prin. So with Many Eyes. I W “III WIS no train from â€My. nor up w tinn : pt, in pnlit ‘ Nd ofï¬ce d1 Hon have 111' tubing bu utisfy their a! oppouvn THE “'9‘“ for the past My next. at the "turning thonewlyerecwd l’reshytvrinn ' 3‘ Hanover is to he (Ipvnmi M bathe WOPShip (If (3nd, â€a A. Stewart, I). 1)., (If(‘linhm ’ Wk morning and evening and . It. Wilson of \Valkexton in Hu- The ladies are making {v.1 un preparations fur the ' y evening. and inten».~ting ' are anticipated. The uc-Vs . ‘ will be an ornamvnt tn Ham» 1 ‘ and 3 credit 00 thv ('Lllgl‘vgntim ipping in it. . , ; which is sure Lu unm- uit. In fact. thvy .- . own sakes remain mm! in the robes uf um I iv" #11 She we k at doc gu‘l'flal those-year-old daughwr M I, My. near Vickers. had â€19 m to fdl and break Uw lam.- hath-Hes just above llw :leu. a“ h ill attendance and MW «'hiM in well. g Cement Company '{n My remain m'eflthcl hrn‘ hn-vn m'c 'wWC COUplP H1 \\ . w . Duotvery r0m11:u.(>.v luoflling new. hm \w 1‘... “maeetlwm HH'W HI‘ â€they are duv.'|h1~ u no Callie 0f [hi 1! m ‘ W and â€Huh “c! â€like. Tlleummn r: u it: lb l‘l‘pul'lt‘ti .3. wins to umkv nun-h mmndini th hluq Y m 3 0036 piano tmwr and [ï¬ll Mk) Durham this nmnth. a“. 'ith Dan Campiwl! 01' at 1"- Drug Store. a little money n- cu another "’ . ' pw‘knltlull‘ |_ m the m‘tlnn w 0‘ Wts fur Hilv :u ‘ W‘s Furnit ll. (' bhï¬gr. mum rue PAST wax ran WICLE READERS. "W 0f {lump \‘ d talus Lu manu- I‘Wdiug Hu- W 0‘ the WW†hm My 60 svl'imh .' - Them 8901115 U! k‘he iexpm-ua amullu x N. More ‘Ong. News Items , ‘ I who gives n: gt lulu the. vineym- . ...1 â€alum work. Thv hum-r; '1 hw ï¬i‘g- ' ¢ ' h‘t Mid m 801 --.‘...l M-rvu 6" ‘ l Wednesday . Iomp‘ny is still idle remain so till the hvomble. “'9 are am the company my during [[19 past I under the 04 um soon ï¬" at the morning ,1“! Presbyterian is to be opvm‘d .7an Of God. from Palmers- ' sum“ time of going‘fur sal now. all“ a sale ht km“? W \V c ‘ “'35 \V M l‘ ofl' th ‘l \\ B stnl'm mak “’er APP! bright. thing oflh‘e. put-cl] Durh hmm «m III Tm: HM Still“ (ll VPT I‘m '«bli 'llll