West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Feb 1905, p. 2

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Artemesia Council met on Satur- day last and among other things re. ceived the auditor’s report for 1904, of which the abstract statement showed the receipts to have been as follows: Cash on hand. $1154.44: resident taxes. 815866.12; Non-resi dent taxes. 8115. 98; fines. 826.;00 licenses. 8155 50; debentures. $112. 84; loans. $3000. 00; miscellaneous, 874. 36; Expenditureâ€"Salaries. etc. ., 81070. 45; stationery and printing, 8122. 04; law costs, 8724. 20; roads and bridges, R256 48; charity; 8161. 55: county rate, 3192?. 64; schools, 87545 93; Board of Health, 86.00; debentures, G2. 47; coupons and debentures, $78. 50; loans. 83062. 55; sinking had. 0477. 24; miscellaneous, 8235 98; Merton Police Trustees. 8672. 62; House on band, .107. 59; total. “.24 The total expenditure “I 81230 less than the previous ghhweoetsthere waeanis- _ e “£11299:- Mm. This. distressing ailment results from a disordered condition 'of the stomach. All that is needed to ef- fect a cure is a dose or two of Cham- berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. In tact, the attack may be wardsd of. or greatly lessened in severitv. by taking a dose of these tablets as soon as the first symptom 0! an at- tack appears. Sold by B. Parker. Risa Mary Calvert left. the put such to visit friends in Conton, Ohio. Miss Emmo Brown in home from Toronto on u visit. One of our residents has recklessly felled his ancient and well establish- ed fruit ranch. Evidently he ex- pects hard times and accumulating disasters since the Ross government has been overthrown But then Jim. says they are only being grafted. R. Torry entertained some of the young peOple one evening Inst week They report a good time. Once more we begin February. but this time much more pleaannt out- looks than the last, .3 rognrds wenher at any “to. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Queen tnd children. of Roleau. visited the form Or’s uncle. Mr John Queen, last week. Our burg bad a call from Tom Cald we“ on a business trip. Mr. stid Leith, of Varney. made 3 purchase of thoroughbred Short- horn cattle from the Eckhsrdt firm luely. This is Mr. Leith’s first venture in this line of business end hes no doubt msde s good one as the Iessrs. Eckbsrdt have s good herd to select from. Ir. end Mrs. J smes Hopkins trest- ed the young peOple of the neighbor- hood to n psrty on Fridsy night inst. It wss in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenkens who leave todsy, Monday, [or their home in the hr 05 west. It wss sn opportunity for Mrs Jen- kens, who is an old Isvorite, to bid her msny friends s lsst good-bye, end for them to extend to her their best wishes for s prolonged lile of joy snd happiness. The night wss most enjoysbly spent in music, gnmes end dsncing. All were loud in their prsises lor the kind hospital- ity of Mr. and Mrs. Hapkins. Our blacksmith is sufioring from to atuck of la grippe. Mr George Schram has disposed of his driyer [or a. handsome sum. We understand that Mr George Lewis has bought. Jas. McVaiu’s term. Miss Ethel Dawson was the guest of Miss Minnie Douglass. last Sun- thy. Mr J. Bag'e. of Mt. Forest, wu the guest of Mr Pindor one dty last rook. “’9 are sorry to state thut Harry Lewis is still under the doctor’s care. Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains. and prefer to do so rather than take strong medicine usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and with- out taking any medicine internallv. For sale by B. Parker. Mr. Henry Eckbardt spent Sundsy week with friends at Hanover and Elmwood. "Accidents will happen” was an adage brought to memory. While Hr. Andrew Picken and his assistant were drawing wood from the bush on Friday last. one o! the horses was brought to a sudden halt by a sharp stick entering the abdomen which ran in about fifteen inches. She bled profusely and was dead in less than ten minutes. It means a loss of about 317»). (Intended for hot week.) Mr. George Myers purchued e :boroughbrvd Clyde more from Mr. futon, o! Proton. for which he pnid the sum 0! HUM. George is noted tor being one of the beat horsemen in the-e puts. Miss Maggie George. of Hanover, visited the Eckharjt family lately. (Intended for Int. weak.) Afraid of Strong Medicines (Intended for last week ) Spring Bank. Flesherton. Sick Headache. Orchard. than- in. i. Mr and Mrs W. J. Blwkhurn, Mr Geo. Bleckburn end eieter Mey at- tended the marriage of their brother at Collingwood lest week. Messrs C. and A. Spiller, of Mt. Clemens. Mich.. are visiting Mr and Mrs P. G. Ksrstedt here snd other relstives in the vicinity. Mr James Seeley and Misses Annie and Blanche Edwards, of Woodstock. are visiting Mr and Mrs Frank Chard end other relatives esst of the village. Mr S. Pence, of Owen Sound. was in town over Sunday, the guest. of Mr W. W.Trimble. Roy. '1'. C. Cooking wu'tho guest of Mr W. A. Armstrong over Mon- dny night. Mrs W. J. Bellemy is visiting her mother and brothers in Noun“ end Collingwood. When you want 3 physio thtt is In gni_ld and gonflo, any «33.30;an our- man! m1 Bv the denth of Mr Parker in Dar- ben lest week Mr Richnrdeon of this place is now we believe the oldest. dispensing druggist in Grey County. Mr John Clinton, who sustained two fractures of the thigh bones a few weeks ago, has, we are sorry to learn, not been progressing favorably the past week. Dr. Murray also has our sympathiesin his continued ill- mass with grip. He is at present somewhat improved and hopes soon to be about again. Messrs John Stewart and Charles Neil, injured by a tree some weeks ago. are improv- Bornâ€"On Sunday, the 5th inst.; to Mr and Mrs George Stuart, of this place, a son. The Presbyterian Church here having been freed from debt, special thanksgiving services are to be held on Sabbath next, when Rev. A. Wil- son. of Rosemont, a former pastor. will preach morning and evening. Under the auspices of the Epworth Lesgue Rev. '1‘. C. Cooking of Chats- worth. was here on Monday evening with his stereopticon outfit and gave an illustrated lecture on Japan, where he spent some time in mission- ary work. The views exhibitedin- cluded some scenes of the present Russ Jap war and were entirely new to those shown on his former visit here. Communion services were held in the Baptist and Methodist churches on Sabbath morning last. At the latter church in the evening the pas tor spoke on the following five hymns in the Methodist hymn book, Nos. 97, 117, 160, 398, 784 and their authors, which had been selected for him by the congregation by ballot the Sun day previous, The choir rendered No 97 for an anthem, the remaining four were sung by the congregation, and the whole service was interest ing. A movement is on foot in this township to petition the council to reduce the number of hotel licenses from seven to five. The project is being forestalleu by a counter-peti- tion to leave matters as they are. which was presented to the council on Saturday last. Chaperoned by the pastor, about thirty members of the Methodist League indulged in an outing on Fri day night last. and in response to an invitation from Mr and Mrs Andrew Beattie, of the Orange Valley, spent a very. enjoyable evening at their commodious home. in 1903. The assets of the township were shown to be 89757, and the liabilities, principally for school de- bentures. 88610. The total uncol- lected taxes for 1904 were only 8203 97, the balance being in Divi oions No. 1, 3 and 4. Mr W. L Wright. collector in No. 5, returned his roll complete Flesherton Police Trustees expended on streets 8662.62; paid township treasurer village pro- portion of salaries. etc., $73.21; of law costs, $53 01; of bridges. 853.68, of interest. $4.46; and closed with balance of cash on hand of $175.70; total; $14,26.68. These packages protect the flavor of the tea and protect you in weight and guarantee of quality. No article of food is so easily tainted as teaâ€"it absorbs the flavor of everything it Comes in contact with. Place an orange beside some tea for an hour, and then taste or smell the teaâ€"orange too. Very few tea bins are tight enough to prevent tea from absorbing the odors of fruit, vegetables, cheese, etc., etc., usually mixed together in a groceryâ€"and the ordinary tea chest is very little protection. package and smell its fresh fragrant aroma. Packages of Red Rose Tea are always full weight and uniform in quality. The Red Rose Tea sealed lead package preserves all the original flgfl and freshness of the teaâ€"open a The Bat Physic. T. H. ESTABROOKS. St. John, N. B. Because it IS put up m sealed nackae‘es. BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. WHY YOU SHOULD USE .I. estate of the hte Neil ”cm a dissolnti )n of the partnership egietinz. _It nognbeeomee impe ENDING a. settlement estate of the hte Neil He] ' Some 0! us who sit beside good fires these davs and have plenty to , eat have no idea of what it means to be in hard luck. The Toronto Star ‘ of Saturday last tells of an old Scotch- man who walked fram Bracebridge to Toronto. 9. distance of one hundred and twenty miles, during some of the recent stormy weather. The old man recently arrived from Scotland and from an employment agency in 'l‘oromo learned that he could get work at the tannery at Bracebridge. He spent his last dollar in getting there only to find there was no work for men of his age. He was obliged to sleep in larns on the return journe, and had to trust to luck for meals. The Story is similiar to one told by a Yorkshire man who called on Rev.‘ n. Wellwood one night re- cently He said he had just arrived from England and was on his way to 01m 11 Sound where a son lived. The trip WnS more expensive than he had calculated on and had only fifty cents when he a1rived in Toronto. He immediately started out on foot and Wfllkrd to Dundalk. He was not Very warmly clad and had only low shoes 011. but was prepared to con- tinue his journey the next morning if kept over night. He was acarpen- ter by t ade and carried his tools 1n a tun g 1p His story was plausible and his appearance good and Mr Wellwood took him over to the de- pm and bought him a ticket to Owen Sound. The old gentleman was deep- lv touched by this kindness and it is hoped that heis now enjoying the comforts of a home with his «omâ€"y Hanover Post. ‘ When Life is hard. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have ward- ed it 06 by the prompt use of this remedy. The following is an in- stance of this sort: "Too much can- not be said in favor of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and especially for colds and influenza. Iknow that it cured my daughter. Laura, of a se- vere cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia.” W. D. Wilcox, Logan New York. Sold by H. Parker. Llama: In." 00.. 1m. Arena. as a June. 8t. Mound. M 808 CRESOLENF is a iong ambushed nnd standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It cures because the sir run. derod strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased lur. faces of the bronchinl tube. with every breath. giving prolonged cud constnnt treatment. Thou o! s consump- tive tendency. or oun‘erer: from chronic bronchitis. nnd immediate relief from cough: or inflamed conditions of the throat. Vapo-Cresoleno in acid by druggistl or out pro. pnid on receipt of price. A Vnpo-Cruoleno out. at including n bottle of Cranium 01.50. Sand for PeOple the world over were horri- fied on learning of the burning of a Chicago theater in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than live times this number or over 3000 people died from pneuo monia in Chicago during the same vear. with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneu- monia resulted from a cold and could have been prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Growler-e Is a boon to Asthmatic- Whooping Cough, Broup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Startling But True. Established 1879. NOTICE. All some of 85. 00 and under, cash; over thnt nmonnt 10 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. discount will be nllowed for cub in lion of No reserve. Everything must be sold as the estate is who wound up. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP 1 cow, supposed in calf; 1 two-year old henfer; 1 mare. 10 yrs. old; 1 lum- ber waggon. nearly new; 1 top buggy; 1 cutter; 1 pr. bobsleighs; 1 bay rake; 1 fanning mill; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 set iron barrows; 1 set single harness. collar and homes. nearly new; 1 sugar kettle; forks. chains. scythes, etc.; a quantity of hay and sheaf oats; 1 glass cupboard; 1 bureau; 1 sewing machine; 6 chairs; 1 clock; I cook stove; a number of hens; a quantity of potatoes. ‘ The tum. consisting of 50 acres, will be ofored for rent on (by of ale. The following goods and belonging to the estate of Jae. Vaughan :â€" i Three weeks’ treatment costs fifty }cents. six boxes. $2. 50. Ar alldrug- giSts. or by mail from the Ferrozone ‘Company, Kingston, Ont. Order Ferrozone tooday.â€"-Ic assures health The undersigned auctioneer has authorized to sell by Public Au u. Lot. 30, Can. 3. E.G.R., Glonel Thursday, FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Rev. J. C. Morse, D. D., pastor of the Baptist church, Sandy Cove, bears witness to the recovery of Mrs. Jeflry, and writes, “This is to certi- fy that Mrs. Annie Jefiry is a lady upon whose word you can depend. I have known her since childhood, and I believe her to be a. truthful, honest woman." This adds addition- al force to the testimonial of Mrs. Jeffry, and gives assurance to other sufferers that Ferrozone does what is claimed for it. ‘Before taking the first box of Fer- rozone.’ writes Mrs. Annie Jefiry of Sandy Cove, N. 8., my condition Was deplorable. Though I employed the most. skilful medical aid. I grew Steadtly weaker. In fact I was in such a low condition that it was im- possible for me to walk across the room. My heart was very weak. and I suflered from terrible palpita- tions, which the doctors said were from troubles peculiar to women. Friends urged me to try Ferrozone, and I bought six boxes. Whenlhad used up tue third box, my old-time vigor and strength returned. The palpitatio'n ceased, mv appetite in- creased. and I get a good rosy color in my cheeks. It would be impossi- ble to speak too highly of Ferrozone. All weak women should use it. I hope many suflering sisters will use Ferrozone, for it will certainly cure them.” Fred liuehn. a. young man of about 27 years of age. a resident of the 166i) concession of Normanby. is in a unique. state physically just. now. He sleeps well. eats well. and feels well and yet every time he bends down his head water drops from his nostrils without. interruption. His physician’s opinion is that he is Tuke LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE T blets. All drug ‘ata refund the money if it kiln cure. E. W. rove’ alignmufe is on each box. 25c. A Peculiar case in Normanby. Another Astonishing Case of Female Troubles Cured by snfiering from a fracture of the base of the skull. and the medical man told The Post representative that it is a most irregular case. that the neWspetper man might never hear of gnother such a case in the course of a lifetime. It is a case that is most interesting to a medical man from the standpoint of professional re« search. The young man’s condition came about in this way: On Friday set he with his mother-in law, Mr Prnes. were in the woods cutting timber. The fall of a tree accidently resulted in injury to Haehn who was struck on the scalp and knocked down. A log on the ground prevent- ed the tree from crushing Huehn. but he was quite badly bruised about the body in addition to the Scalp wound. When his wounds had leen dressed. however, he seemed to be very much improved and during the next two days apparently regained his usual good state of health. On Sunday the attending physician noted the symptons of his peculiar case quite accidently as he held his head over when the wound on his head was being dressed. What the outcome will be is amatter of great uncertainty.â€"Post. So Weak, Couldn’t Walk. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Auction Salc errozone. CREDIT JOHN W‘“? 23, at has been 'lic Auction Glonelg. on chattels the late 1905 RUGS that will keep you warm and is dry are the kind we handle. szcial” Bargains HEAD STONES and MONUMENTS of the best workmanship. To our Friends and Customers! CHURNS, the best on record. PALMERSTON Buggies and Demo- crate. DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind that will keep a duck or ox on their own side of the fence MCCLARY Sunshine Furnace and Stoves for wood or coal. Implement Agency! DOWSWELL Washing Machine-â€" that will wash clean. and a Wrineer that will wring dry and not. tear. WILKINSON Flows and Land Roll ers have no equal. Take Care of Your Horses Feet. . . . . ”0 MORE GUESS WORK, T0 cousuumvss. l‘ho undefined In 500an to halt]: 01mph m doom-g for norm! an by. mm ‘91 m and "a“. _ n.........; A J. L. F LARITY ~04...» S. SCOTT The cold weather is coming on and we are prelmred to sell the right kind of cluthiug to meet the mn- didons. We have an extra line uf Heavy Tweeds fur Mailings, a full line of Read y-made units, a large as- hortmem of Heavy \N'uulieu Smoke and Mitts. etc . etc. J m-t. the thins“: )ou want. outside in the cold. CLOTHING We also carry the best. Blankets that mgney can buv. and Woollen Yarn In all grades and colors FOR THE COLD WEATHER. TRY US FOR GROCERIES of all kinds. They’re always fresh Team a specialty here. Try them. JOHN CLARK â€" THE GROCER â€" HURHAM, â€" ON' Cub or Produce tnkcn In Exchange. AND the very newest. to se- lect from. from the finest Cheviot to the strong and re- liable Scotch Tweed end Oven-coatings. Style. fit and workmanship gnornnteed. (McKinnon’s old Stand) in levelling and balanc. inc your horse’s foot. I have the Scientific Horse Foot Leveller which is the latest and best contrivance for that purpose and will guarantee satisfaction. W. GUTHRIE, Mucam'r TAILOR. BLANKETS The Blacksmith. ONTARIO. Jan. 26thâ€"lmpd. v vv- u“ULu «- hatqd. 3003â€"0017”, ant-don. Desir: sble locagon on Gourge street. For terms and puucuhu apply on the premises tn FIVE-ROOMED HOUSEâ€"EASILY hated. Rood mllnr .mnl-.. than, U 63, Bentinclr. Con. 2. W. G. R.. ad 01mm: the Cor ration of the Town «‘2 urham. The arm consists of 429 am» â€"about 4 acres woodland. the balance in;- dOl‘ Eran. Comfortable dwelling and mm oomfortablo outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmm or market gardener. Sold at right prim" and on pay terms as the proprietor x}: “in“ 10"!!! west and wishes todibpoae of 1?. H. BURNETT. Proprietor, OT NO. 53, CON. 3. GARAFRAXA Road. Bentiuck. situated about 2 mime from Durham. Contains mo amen-3,60 men» being in good state of cultivntiou. and the. rest in good condition for sture. There isa new frame barn 40’ x '. and a L'uud frame dwelling house on the fulm. with a good supply of a ring water at both huuw uni burn. For urther particulurs apply t: JNO McLUHAN. Mt. Forest. or JAE BBYDON. anrton. Exocutou. LOT 51, 52. 53â€"Sideroad 50, 1* miles north of Priceville. Farm in tint clan condition. Good buildings With running strumyonvement to the barn, For further parucuhrs gppiv to DUGALD D. MCLACHLAX, Jam. 28.“. Priceville 1’, 0‘ October 11th. lintâ€"ti. A art Gonsiating of twent five acres one~hulf mile out of Corporuiou of the Town :f Durhnm. described as South pan of Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. 8.. Glenelg. 0n the premises is n comfortable brick five. roomttd compo. a good fume barn and stable. a smnll hearing orchud. an abuu. dunno of the best running water. An cleared, title good. Terms can and nice right. For further particulars aupL' 1,0 ULLS AND HEIFERS RIGHT from Imported Stock. YORKSHIRE BOARS. ready for service. bred trom Imported Stock. registered. Prices right. Apply to WM. SCARF. Durham. Out. U Registered Ttmworth will be ke tfpr service It Lot 57 on Durham Road. mule West of Durban. Terms: 81(1). SANDY HOPKINS. Dec 6-21!) pd. Proprietor. Here is a chance to buy one of the best farms in the township. For particulars, apply on the premises or by letter. to MRS. JAS. MCCRACKEN. Jan. 21. I“. March IO-tf 212 014 Ltko. Two buns. stone stable: with cement floors. good house. well watered Chenp. For further particulars apply to THUS. DAVIS. Lot 2. Con. 3. N. D. R.. Gleuelg. April 4. 1904.-tf. Dumux P. 0 l. of Seddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the oounty of Grey, conteinin‘u acres more or less. For terms and particu- lers applv to J. P. TELFORD, Dec. 2.â€"tf. Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham. OT 47, CON. 3. EAST OF GARA- fraxa Road, Glenelg. about 3 mile» from Durham. and close by Edge Hill I’. 0. Contains IOO acresâ€"90 acres cleared, well fenced. tree from stones. and in excellent shame for working machinery; remainder hardwood bush and cedar. On the prop- erty is a large brick house. with cistern. 3 frame barn with stone subling underneath. and a large implement house. Two good wells adnjcent to buildings and a never failing creek runs across rear of farm. Also a large bearing orchard. 1 Durban Four lots on the West sideef Albert Street, for private residences. Now is the time to not these lots. F or further informetion npplv to .l Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Termé can be arranged. VERSCHOYLE (Imp.) at head of herd. H. PARKER. I. - 4 A ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Stddler street in the Town m D"... URE BRED DURHAMS. YOUNG Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Terms mn J. M. HUNTER. Durham April 12. III-Ir“. March 1-4! N_ THE CENTRAL PART OF Farm .for Sale. ~~ EING PARTS OF LOTS 62 AND I. comforhfivppnveqiggfi';;it- . hangâ€"A Aâ€" DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP. Town Lots for Sale. ’. IWSaâ€"tf. For Sale or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. House for Sale. Boar for Service. Farm For Sale. Stock for Sale. ACRES NEAR WILDER’B Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. For Sale. For Sale. MACKAY 8: DUNN, II. J. BUTTON Vendor’s Solicitors DURHAM. 0m Edge Hill I’. 0. Durhim. 'west. Rent =' ' A GUAR'KNT T0 CURE. A Positive Assurance of a Cure or Your Money Refunded u, “aunt‘s Luxmwinuls' l‘n. ‘ nah-e this I‘ruwdy to be :m a are {m I” diseases and disarm-n w wmk nerve-s, watery mom m .w com: tion of the system, H: ' Wit. ( 'blorosis, Yak). and 5:1 ‘2 " 'bg, Tired, Worn-out Feeling a, NOWOUSIK‘SQ, l))'3IN‘Iv>iu fflp‘tation, Impaired Memnry, \‘ Servos. Hysteria. Female \\'mkn \... firmlarifies. Depression of . r“, . ”an! \Vukness, St. Vitus’ Dance, MM" ‘3. “d Eruptions, Loss of \lull I'uwc: and General Dehility. Dr. M's Celery-Iron Pills enrich t‘n. Mm up the nerves and invigm-zm fl whole system, producing in sioki} vastly gen. 9nd. women that strong “A _--1---1::’. vigorous, he: vorth living. VWwâ€" â€" But youvxon’t need to take our word as to I'll“ that Pills can accomplish. Try than: m“. If they don’t do you pm. . you an get your money buck. Isn’t. that (all! You pnrchuo from u: 6 boxes of Dr Kai-“'0 Celery-Iron Pills, ptying for then 32.50. With every such porch-49, we gin youour posit!" written gnu-mm that n .fln taking 3 boxes of the Pills. accord JNO. A. DARLING annular â€" AND â€" DRCGGIST (an to directions. you find you have de find nu benefit from their use. you an "mm the 3 empty boxu. together with a» 3 unopened one: sad 3“ your money L. B. C. P.. LONDON. ENG. BADULATE of London, New; York nod Chmo. ‘- w 0' Hyman! Note and Throfl. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. Hm 2nd CONGO? in ”Oh month. Hours-1431» m. 0a thy agthority of lat. Ant-ant Roy. London 0 .5. and to Golden Sq. Thmu WillYohHelpIL‘? THE HOSPITAL FOR a“ yr SICK CHILDREN For It Care» for Every 510K x I: III Ontario whose Parents Cannot Alford to Pay For Treatment. “Boom“! for Sick Children, C0130: m. Toronto, appeals to tho fathvr- m. m of Outcrio for funds tn mmnm' “I thousand sick children that, n mus. 'ibhin its walls awry 3 car. '1‘hC llnqtitnl F H' “coon m7 Since its foul. .3 ‘Jon the Hm: -':.l hi themed In Tl Shi‘dl‘enâ€"tbuutl ’0'! kind thoughts the Hospital ”-3.. WHO. See the “ m on: be done for club-foo! M m H like can last year “bayou-s. ,‘ filthy feeling that makes life i RR. GEO. S. BURT. DR. BROWN IKCLOBXVILY for Every Sk‘k Child Throat and None ’mvm child Ill ut ienl gunner. H mercy ton of It lam

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