West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Mar 1905, p. 1

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present mouse". 3 “1 young Decals With g are always in (IO-t“, ' red to .1 . . 0 their Work him..." Flln this way. {hay nod” h in such subjects In "I and are enabled to le- Larable in a 8130" begin the course :3 any e in the matrimonifil Eyes make or W ace, the other tutu". ever so comely. tptir k red. inflamed or g vyvs will spoil tn PrOperly adjunct! ill cure most of the“ Our qudiflcuim ipmen: for eye 08m- are the most ‘horou‘h darn. our choice of and mate for fitting unexcwued. supply you with Broc ms, Bauer Butt" Ludels. But- 19. Butter Workers. d Barrel Churn». acks. Clot he. floral. FPins. Bu Racks, honors. Rolling Pin, Mount”, Gull s. Bun! Bonds, rubs. Washing MO. Wringors. Stop Lud- }he Store where Ext everything re ...... . . somo bugsins to .‘oup and Pie Plates, ucers. Bowls. round I Pudding Dish». Jars. Milk Pitchcra, Preeerving Koala. . lrving Pans, Pota- Kneading Pans. us. 301 Pans, Chun- ith Many Eyes, locking :0 «qua! our uod I§ t preveutuliVO dware. PflSmflNSi ’ neighbor nbout tho Ember" range “d Cook" stove. The, lg hat. W. wet. I! to secure mower rook. A few second- ninc Stoves in stock. :e is my fortune,” a“ :y maid in the chilling. lads. She hnd ptom tiou of the value! a. Black. I ) RANGES. CLANCY,Pfin ARE ount Forest lefty Sees Yet Soap Dishes and her articles. Jeweiler. Optioi‘lo hIll ordon ’pulntOd it. dip] mmendauon in ma May.” All 0.." parately gt I“: work indomm‘ ”THERED DURING THE P187 WEEK CHRONICLE ӣ10538. Local News Items Um your Saws summed at the Durham Foundry. GIRL “Axumâ€"Apply at the Mid- laugh House. 51mm “food for Balmâ€"Apply to lamos Marshall, Middaugh House.â€"tf House: and lot for galaâ€"«Apply Mrs. Thos. FOILâ€"t! )luszx' savers are certainly buying zmnwear at Peel’s. THE Cement Works are expected to ‘mrt as soon as the weather opens. -\lre:uly, a large gang are at work re- pairing and getting ready. THE remainder of boys’ oil tan asins for 650. a. pair at Peel’s. ( 'l.'S'l‘0.\l SAme.â€"Robert Smith has purchased a portable mill. and is pre- pztl't‘d to do custom sawing at the Durham Foundry. S'r. PATRICK’S DAY. toomorrow. I.\' some churches they have ushers mt out at Ebenezer they have an hustler. A contributor tells us that .nme penple think it’s all right. “79 lnn't see why it shouldn’t he. Sm; Flarity’s change of ‘ad., page 2. Y 1-? Editor and daughtm- were in 'l'nua-uhury Saturday and the cross a-mmtry demonstrates clearly to his mind that Durham and vicinity have nu monopoly of the snow-drifts. Col- iingwood and Euphrasia have lots of the: "hemitiful" and in many places the travelled roads are away above xlw fences. The “Valley R '” from mm]. and “iv Weather quite warm, ' h. -u,.;h earlier in the semen, exceed- inglv cold weather was experienced. \\'I«: have been informed that Altai“ “Home, éwevet, Home,” was the i'. Nichol purchaseda valuable pug finest selection given by Mr. Fox. 3â€": H” Thursday last from Jimmy 11*" Mrs. Newton’s musical ability is so ll.- nl' Palmerston. The ferocious ; well known that any reference to her :1!” :u'x'ivml Saturday night 0" 55- ,part Would be a mere repetition of .. " _ lformer efforts to give credit to her 1 ma l’arkertarm has been purchas-~l musical talents. Dr. Brown, of Hol- 3 it" “m“ Scarf “”1 Sons. along l stein is always a favorite and the zili the herd of Shorthorns. They masterly performances on this occa- 21'}m<i‘('itl°l‘.\'lllg on the business much sion endear him more strongly to the‘ H- ~.uue as 311-. Parker. music lovers of Durham. Mrs. Lauder M“ . . who often won laurels here in her own \l \N\’ people are not aware ot their town never a ‘ d t hett . d - . , , . ppeare o 7 er a van :ty whena contagious disease han- tage. Her two selections on this oc- .-u.~ to VlSlt their homes. . The law Is casion were exceedingly well rendered. .-1-y clear lll mattersof thiskmd, and To our mind she never did so well .fl. ”rude we. quote I!) this issue relat- ‘ before. Miss Crawford rendered in ‘4 t” Scarletina. Yul give mix-readers : excellent taste “For All Eternity,” .mv idea of what 8 expected of them. and was loudly encored. There was a fair attendance and the proceeds amounted to about $55.00. I l I l -â€"_â€"â€"â€" )lu..|ou.\' STEWART, of Bunessan, (I 1 -f unt\“.“\l‘ 11“!“ Llll |"I-v‘ .-_~ xhe fences. The “Valluy Road” from I’lusherton to Kimberley is an im- pmvement on the roud through Euge- nia and is used almost enumly during Hu- winter months. .\1 1x1 pvnple are not aware of their at \ when :1 contagious disease hap- us to visit, their homes. The law is 1} elem in mattels of this kind, and u .11 tu 1e we quote in this issue relat- -.: tn Scarletina, will give out-readers .1110 idea of What’s expected of them. Us Monday of last we: \Vilder, of Egremont. a! man about eighty years in his usual health find tnwn on business. 9‘"! ‘ lwiug. as far as we learn. 0x )lunday of last wee-k Mr. “'m.‘ Wilder. nf Egremont. an old gentle-i 1mm about. eighty years of age. wast in his usual health and came out to! (mm on business. part 0f his object. Ming. as far as we learn. to UN?!“ hii's! 11.1. it sulv he intended to have. E1 - ‘ quiry at both offices new showed 1.0, Linl'd to carry out. his intention in No ~pwt tn the sale hills. On Tuesday afivrnunn he took a severe pain in t) e I'r-ginn of the h a t. and went to bed, Subsequently he became very hungry and ate. heartily, after which his wife retired with him. About one o’clock fur; Parker farm has been purchas- hy Thus. Scarf and Sons, along 1h tlw herd of Shorthorns. They rpuw varrying on the business much v same as Mr. Parker. HIM mrpse. Heart. failure in sappocod ‘ be the causm 4% Mn. .1. l‘. .lupp. bf Mmysmuiu. feels n-y ful‘ Durhmuites in having to nu-ml with am much snow. Up in \- .«mmu-y {hr-re has been no sleigh- ; .‘illdt' the middlo- of February, and n uvm- eight mums uf snmv at any NW. The ground is‘ ready im- the VOL. 38-410. THE great shoe sale is still on at. Peel’s. DON’T forget the Seed Fair for) Saturdav. ALEX. CAMPBELL sold a yoke of oxen for $140 on Thursday last. :EXPERIENCED servant girl wantedâ€" Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson. ,,.. 2; HOUSE and lot for sale. Apply to Emerson Kinnee. Durham. 2M5; J 7MéCRACKEN 'annbunces an Auction Sale on Wed. Mar, 22nd. See her ad. on page 2. FFOR SALE. â€"A span of good young driving mares. Apply to George A. ‘Vatson, lots5and6, con. 4. S. D. R. Glenelg. â€"-3pd. lAPPREM’ICE WANTEDâ€"A good bright boy to learn printing. A good thing for the right kind.-~At this office. A PlEfand Box Social is to be held in the school house, S. S. No. 1, Nor- manby, on Friday. March 17th. Lad- ies bringing boxes, free. Admission, 15c. A meo-VIOLIN Recital under the B. Y. P. U. auspices was given in the Town hall on Thursday night last. Mr. George Fox, violinist, of Toronto, was the drawing card, and from the breathless attention of the audience and the rounds of applause to each number he gave excellent satisfaction. The music was all high-class, hut in our humble judgment the. rendering On reading an article in last ”week's Review signed “Fair Play” we felt somewhat astonished at the ignorance of the writer, or his willing disposition to be. untrnthful to suit his purpose. \\'ithout paying any attention to the cantankerous ignoramus who hasn’t the moral courage to sign his own name. we proceed to take exception to his statement about Mr. Calder heing "time and again, the popular choice.” In order to ascertain full particulars we mode it our business to examine the minutes ot all the annual meetings since the Furniture Company was formed. and find that in 1899 the Pro- visional Directors were chosen by an1 open \‘nte. and Mr. (.‘alder was not one; of them. ln I!!!) the Vote was by ballot, Mr. (‘alder being defeated. In 1901-2, the Directors were elected by acclamation, Mr. Calder having with- drawn his name on each occasion. In 1903-4 the Directors were again elected hy acclamation. Mr. Calder not even ‘ neing IlOlllilliltt t'l. \Ve are not saying a word against Mr. Calder, but how “Fair Play” can make the statement that the vote of the heavy stockhold- ers was plumwd against him ‘jtime and again” is a puzzle to any sensible man. “Fair Play” says the tables have turned. \Ve would like to know in what way. Could the heavy stock holders, if they saw fit, not plump their votes against Mr. Calder, and keep him from office ? “Pretty small potatoes” says “Fair Play,” but we would advise Mr. Ignoramus to eat lots of them before he again under- takes to.sh0w us his ignorance. Fools rush in where angels fear to trend, and We would advise “Fair Play” to Resp out of print, or sign himself “lgnoramus,” which would be a suit- a vle nom (le plume. The Auditor, who is also charged, jnins us in the above investigation 3 ul statement. 0f facts. about six miies from Durhzm. title. Poseesnmn atmu'o. G 06 had. Good Farm for Sale. Subscribe for The Chronicle, the People’s Paper. THE GARAFRAEIQ ROADâ€"â€" FAIR PLAY. People Mr. A. Buck, and wife, of Chesley, were in town Friday. Conductor . Lavelle left Thursday last for the Canadian 800 to attend the funeral of his uncle. Messrs. E. Limin and D. Campbell were in Palmerston Saturday. Mr. W. Whitchurch went to Strat- ford on Saturday. THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAM/T59 AND THEIR FRIENDS. Miss B. J. Stephenson. of Ayton, is spending this week with Mrs. Percy Lawrence. Mr, Chas. McKinnon left Monday on a four weeks’ trip through the west. He took a car of horses with Mr. Wes Hunt left Tuesday for Winnipeg. Mr. Ben Crittenden, of Varney, has moved to Elkhorn, Mgm. Mr. Harry Aldred, who has been in Toronto for some time past, has gone to the North W'est. 'Mr. Joe Burner, left, Sunday for Cey- lon, en route west. Mr. Percy Glass went to Georgetown Saturday. Mr. Norman Turner accompanied Miss McArthur to Niagara. Falls on \Vednesday of last week. Mrs. '1‘. Miners and daughter Jessie of Miniota, Man. ., st. John Spemin of St. Mal-,ys and MI. M. Bit‘thOlll of “undimm, “me the guests of their cousin. Miss C. Span-,ling last w eek. ~ Mrs. \Vm. Lediugham is visiting triemls in Owen Sound. Miss Christine Jackson is in to. ‘ Miss Vida McLachlan is visiting Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. N. McIntyre. went to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. McIntyre intends going west to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Malian. Mr. Albert Kelly spent Sunday with his brother, John Kelly. Mr. J. R. Gunn was in Toronto the beginning of the week. Mr. Robert McLean and Miss Maud Hill are uniting heart and hand this, “Wednesday, afternoon. Rev. Newton ties the nuptial knot in the Baptist Church. Last Chance for Niagara Camp I Niagara Camp begins June 13th. As all lists must be sent in by May let those who intend going must ap ply at once, stating age, height, etc. There is still room for a few more desirable men Remember the im- proved conditione and increased pay and apply to CAPT. O. M. SNIDER, Hamâ€"mien, or R TORRY, Durham. That Stock ever bee! sieting of We have the greatest. line up of “again: for you this week that has ‘0 And loss of other goods. Come the crowd uggin this week and in the snaps. R. B. KEELER 81 SONS Watch our Windows. Of Brand New Goods that. we bought at fifty cents on the dollar is going very fast. Watches, Clocks, DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1905. Chains, Solid Gold Rings, Brooches, Silverware, Purses. Pipes, Sea Shens. Jardinieres, Vases, Tea Pots Busy Burguin Score on the Busy Corner. oflered in Durham con- Know Eome with and share 'ox-on- Talks hbout Electric Light: and how his Pa got mixed up in the ' Durham Concern. Electric Lights are things put in houses to give light. Some times they give light, and more times they don’t. Some people put them in their house to use, but my pa he says the only thing he can see they’re good for is to swear at. My pa’s religious,â€"some- times, but he ain’t got much religion when he’s talking electric light. Last Saturday night my pa and ma and the dog and me and our cat was all in the sittin’ room together, and ma she was reading out of the Bible getting pa tuned up for church on Sunday, and she had justgot to the place where somebody says something about being the light of the world, and something must have gone wrong out in the country, but anyway our lights went out. Pa he got up to get a lamp I guess, and some way or other he must have stepped on our dog, for the dog yelled and pa jumped and I don’t know exactly what happened but there was an awful noise, and pa said things and ; when ma had got a lamp we found ‘ him trying to stand on his head in the coal scuttle. 1 tell you what he looked { funny brushing the coal dust out of { his hair, and saying things. Ma told ‘ him to shut up and not be setting his only little boy a bad example using i such awful words, but pa said he i didn’t care a cuss about his only little 1 boy or the example either, and didn’t ( care a condemn about the electric { light company into the bargain, and 4 he’d be blowed if he thought the elec- tric light man and the. fellow who was light of the world were much relation. | After a while pa (tooled oi? a little and sat down in a «hair and wiped theI blood off his ear. Just then the. lights ‘ flared up again and pa started to read the paper. It wasn’t no use though,I _ and after a while pa said he’d see ifl the darn things would give light (slough to eat; an apple by. So I had ' to go down cellar for some apples, and ’ ma had some pie down there. and I got ' hungry all at once and stopped to get ‘ some. l’amust have thought I was a i 1 long time after the apples for he start- ed to come down stairs to see. what was the matter and I heard him com- ing and grabbed the apples and started up. I guess everything would have‘ been all right if the lights hadn’t gone . out again. and ma told pa not to try to go down stairs in the dark but he said he never saw a place yet he couldn’t go in the dark, and kept right 5 on coming. Our dog and cat must have run down stairs when pa was doing the coal scuttle act, but anyway I they was on the steps, and pa stepped 0 on the cat and slipped and kept right on coming only he come faster than I before. I wouldn’t have cared, but he caught me just as I started to come > up, and for a while the air was full of me, and the dog, and pa, and cat hair, and ma’s pie, and some of the awful- lest words you ever heard. Pa must y have been thinking of some girl, for just about the time he, hit he hollered for Helen Damnation, but she didn’t come, so I suppose she was out of town though I never knew she. lived in 1' Durham, and ma, who had come to the stairs with a light started to cry, and said she always thought pa was running around with other women, but hadn’t believed it till now, and was going to pack up and start for [s grandma’s in the morning. Pa said i he hoped to blazes she would, and take -y the all-fired electric lights with her, [S but for fury’s sake (this isn’t the word he used, but I can’t swear like pa can) bring the light down and let' him see where he was. Well we found pa sit- i 3 .1 .l L] t ‘3 through the top of his new $5 hat, the n- dog was lying in the corner of the cellar, and I don’t know where the cat went for she hasn’t been back since. After a while we led pa up stairs and sat him down in a chair, but he said he didn’t want any apples. I thought it wasn’t very good manners to send a fellow down stairs in the dark for them and then not eat any, but pa said his stomach was out of order from some- thing he eat for supper. and he didn’ti care for any, Next day I found a: piece of his pants on a nail in the apple harrél, and I don’t guess it was ith his stomach that bothered him much. "'0 He said he’d be keel-hauled if he was good-flighis we were having now. Gee! but my pa is an awful liar some Litmusq .. Yours, WILLIE, Clearing Sale! LADIES’ MANTLES ere now going :t cost. We hue a. few COATS left which must be cleered out. WBAPPEBETTES, reg. 100 and 12kt: 30 et 8c. EVERYTHING REDUCED. THE 8087 8T0"! 0‘ THE 808' OORUEI. To make room for Spring Goods we must move what we have on our shelves. To do this we are offering GENUINE INDUCEMENTS during the next THIRTY DAYS. flomcr Store . $1.00 PER YEAR.

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