Durham, March 16, 1905. DURHAM CHRONICLE The Provincial Board of Health, subject to the approval of the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council enacts the following regulations: Whenever scarlet fever is present in any municipality, and the Medical Health Ofï¬cer requires the assistance of sanitary police for the purpose of assisting such ofï¬cer or omcers in car- rying out the health regulations in force in the municipality, he shall tem- porarily employ one or more persons as sanitary police until the council of the municipality shall have appointed such oflicer or officers. Should such council refuse or neglect to make such appointments on the request of the lledical Health Ufliccr, they may be made by the Provincial Board of “.5. The Local Bmtltl of Health «if any lllltult'llutllly, and where there is‘ he lueul hoard, the Medical Health Ul- t’uer. may, either \\ lth or without plim' agreement, take possession of any non-neeupied land or building not l hung neat-er than one hundred and “My yards to an inlmlnted dwelling, (or the purpose of an isolation hospi- tal, subject to the provisions of sec- tions 22. to 28, R. S. 0., 1397. Cap. 245, both melusn e. “1th i-eterence to com- pensation anu othetwise. Any title acqluuu sllitll \‘t'st in themunicnpality. The health authorities shall establish on sand land, or in said building, an hospital, as lllU\lU(ll under bee. 1116, Cap. 243, 1;. a. U. m7. with necessary appliantes we the reception and care 01 ‘atlthlt, and shall tqtup the same to the sattstuetion 01' an unit-et- of the Plonnemt Luann 01 health. An alu- hhnee or other suitsble conveyance in“ also be plovided. livedâ€). 3. All) nuauatun the putt of the authonuca m any mmucipahty in tak- ing immedmte and cï¬eche action in carrying out the regulations of the Provincna) Board of Health, or any of thehealth Acts of the Province, or any health by-law in force in the nunicipahty, shall at once he reported by Medical Health Oflicer to the my oi the Provinciu Board of m in owe:- that the aid bond Grip Tablets For Lingering Colds MacFarlane Co. Pinol Balsa Druggisls 8. Booksellers. ’. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. If taken in time will break up a cold in ‘2! hours. Is ljuet what its name indi- cetee, a specially prepnred syrup for the little folks. mey be given to the most delicnte infant. l‘ryit. There is nothing better than our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Don’t let. a cold hung on, check it. now Seems to be at the right combination 1' a. stubborn cough or (:01 Every bottle fully mutant d. For recen colds gives splon. did result It. allgva all ir~ BOARD OF HEALTH. 25¢ a bottle. 25¢ a bottle. 35¢; a Abogtle 5r 3 for 81.00. its name indi- .c a bottle. meet u) um! 11. The secretary of every local at Board 0‘ Board of Health shall promptly notify 3 said how“ the Provincial Board of Health of as it deems nun-‘1 anti-monk nf non-Inf. fawn-u 1nd sanitary arrangements. to eflectively combat the said disease. Until the time has arrived when,‘ in the opinion of the Medical Health Officer, all casue for suspicion of dan- ger is passed, the suspected case shall be isolated and otherwise dealt with in the manner as prescribed for a case of scarlet fever. 5. On the occurrence of the ï¬rst or any case of scarlet fever in the muni- cipality, the Medical Health Ofï¬cer shall at once place the person attacked in the isolation hospital, tent, or other place provided underthe Act, and shall take proper measures for the disinfec- tion, or, if necessary, the destruction of all clothing which may haye been exposed to the contagion, and for the disinfection, and purification of every house, conveyance, rail-car, steamlmat, sailing,r vessel, carriage or other vehi- cle which may have been exposed to the contagion. (3. “'here the emergency demands such lneasures, he shall further place in another building or tent, which shall be prm ided as prescribed in the act, all persons who may have been exposed to [he contagion, and Shall supply them with all necessaries until the period of incubation of the disease shall have elapsed as provided in sec. 93 of the Public Health Act. No per- son who has not had scarlet fever shall go, or be permitted to go, abroad until the period of incubation of the disease has elapsed, and until the clothing or efl'ects worn or carried by or with all persons exposed to the contagion be disinfected as provided in the. Act. The Medical Health Ofï¬cer of a municipality, or any of his medical assistants, having received informa- tion of a suspected case of scarlet fever therein, shall immediately inquire into the facts, either by consultation with the attending physician, or by his ow 11 personal tht rvation, or by both. if the than“ te1 1st1t symptoms of the disease are not sufficiently_ developed at the time of 1m est1gat1on. -the Medi- cal Health Officer shall keep the case under observation until its true nature is discovered. VI-quâ€" â€". 4. Every physician or householder who has reason to know or suspect that any person under his charge has scarlet fever shall report the. same within twenty-four hours to the health authorities of the municipality, in the manner provided by the Public Health :‘(fln â€\Vhenever in a house there is a case nf scarlet fever, ur whenever thereure persuns isolated in the same on ac- count of exposure or supposed ex- posure tn scarlet fever, no children or other persons shall be permitted to leave the premises until in the hm of the Medical Health Ofï¬cer, tile-3" and their clothing .are tree from infection. a. \Vhenever a case of scarlet fever has occurred in a child attedding any school the Medical Health Ofï¬cer 8651} personally, or .through another phy- sician, cause a daily examination to be madde of all theyhildren of the school room for at least {one week from the date of the occurrence of the last case “a amongst soch chililITen. If any child- ren are absent from such school, [a medical examination shall be made of them in the same manner as if they Were in attendance at the school. 8. The minimum period of isolation of any case of scarlet fever shall be six weeks from the onset of the disease; and any person then having any dis- charge due to scarlet fever, shall be isolated for such further period as in the opinion of the Medical Health Uflicer may be necessary for the safety of the public. 9. In case of the death of any per- son sum-ring from scarlet fever, _the Medical Health Ofï¬cer shall at once be notiï¬ed by either the physician or the party in charge of the body, and shall cause the same to be enveloped in a sheet thoroughly saturated with a solution of mercuric chloride, in the proportion of oneto five-hundred parts (two drachms to the gallon), or in a carbolic acid solution of ï¬ve per cent strength. An outer sheet shall also be applied topreventevaporation. As soon as possible the body shallbe plac- ml in a coï¬iu which shall immediately thereafter be permanently closed. It shallbe the further duty of the Medi- cal Health Ofï¬cer to see that the funeral be strictly private, and that the body be. buried in some cemetery cmumonly used for the burial of per- sons (lying within the said municipal- ity, and that all infected apartments, clothing and other effects, be :Speedily ‘ and thoroughly disinfected, and that E no such apartments be entered or oc- cupied by members of the family or other persons, until they have been so disinfected. These provisions shall equally apply to all undertakers’ apartments and furnishings. ) ° The last Revised Rules for checking the Spread of Contagious and Infectious Diseases, issued by the Provincial Board of Health, shall be the guide for the speciï¬c performance of such instructions as are cpntnined in these regulations. 11. The secretu-y of every local ous month on forms printed by the Registrar-General for reporting deaths from contagious diseases. Champion Liniment for Rheumatism. Chas. Drake. a mail carrier at Cbapinville, Conn . says: “Chamber- lain’s Pain Balm is the champion of alllliniments The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheuma- tism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it com pletely cured me." There is no use of end: ring from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use fora short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bell, of Glenelg, have purchased the Towner property and will move to town about the first of April. About two weeks ago the friends and neighbors asset?)- bled to say “good- -by†and to show theirrespects to the honored couple. Reeve McFadden was asked to take the chair which he ï¬lled very accept- ably. Short addresses were made by Messrs. W. J. Young and George A1- joe, and a bountiful supply of refresh- ments was provided by the ladies. .3 ‘The following address was gthen read read to which Mr. Bell ‘madewa suitable reply: MR. AND Mus. BELL. Dear Frie11ds,-~--Having heard that you are about to move from amongst us to spend your declining years in Durham, we have gathered this evens ing to visit you a last time, expres- our regret at your departure, show you in a measure with what esteem you have been regarded. by your neighbors and to wish you .God speed on leaving. Y on have been connected with this district for many years, and have shown yourselves ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Y ou have liv ed 111 pea we and7iuietness with all, have sorrowed with our sor- rows and been glad with our gladness, You,Mr. Bell, in your capac1ty of as- sessor for so long a time, by your faithfulness and complete knowledge of Glenelg have the assurance that no one else in your place has ever done his work with fewer mistakes, or more satisfaction to the people and coucil of (ilcnelg, To help to show in more than words our appreciation of you both, we pre- sent you with these chairs, wishing you many years comfort in their use and hoping that as you recline there- in you will sometime think of your old neighbors. And as you more nearly approach “that hourne from which no traveller returns†may your spirits grow lighter and may you have an abundant en- trance into that Home above to which we all at last hope to go. (Signed) Tuos. MCFADDEN. â€"7 -- Z. ,* W. J. YOUNG. “â€"â€" What Causes Appendicitis. The commonest cause of appendici- tis is constipation. When you reâ€" quire physic don’t use cheap drastic pillsâ€"get Dr Hamilton’s Pills which strengthen the stomach, regulate the bowels and prevent any tendency to appendicitis. In one day you’ll feel the tremendous beneï¬t of Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills. By purifying the blood and cleansing the system they pre- vent headaches, lift depression and drive away weariness. No mecicine so successful as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. sold everywhere in 25c. boxes with yellow cover; get the genuine. MoRTLY McINTYRE, a boy about 16 years of age, who claims to come from Mount Forest, was tried before Police Magistrate 'l‘elford on Tuesday after- noon last, on a charge laid by George Staples against said McIntyre for al- leged liousehreaking and stealing a watch chain. The accused pleaded guilty and was sent to Owen Sound gaol for a period of three months, at hard labor. He also stole a pair of mitts. which were recovered, but the chain McIntyre claims to have lost. Mr. Staples advertises cnain in this issue. The boy was a tough character for one so young, and it is to be hop- edthe punishment inflicted Wlll be a useful lesson. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec- tion to Chamberlain’s Cough. "I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs,†says Hon. John Sllenick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. â€Two years ago during a political campaign I caught cold after being overheated which irritated my throat and I was ï¬nally compelled to stop, as I could not speak loud. In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. 1 took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had largely subsided. I took segeral JUST ARRIVED.â€"A car load of Windsor Salt at Geo. Lawrence’s.â€"â€"tf Address and Presentation. day. kep} right. on ---. 0.. .v-ou : -â€"-â€"--~ To our Friends and Customers ,! CHURNS, the best. on record. Implement Agency! MCCLARY Sunshine Furnace and Stoves for wood or coal. DOWSWELL Washing Machineâ€" that will wash clean, and a Wringer that. will wring dry and not tear. WILKINSON Flows and Land Roll are have no equal. PALMERSTON Buggies and Demo- crate. HEAD STONES and MONUMENTS of the best workmanship. DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind that. will keep a duck or ox on their own side of the fence RUGS that will keep you warm and dry are the kind we handle. A STRATFORD. ONTARIO. Spring is at Hand Trunks, Vanses, Club Bags, Etc. Now is the Time Have You Seen Our Men’s Long Rubber Boots with corrigated edge and leather insole. listed at $4.35? Our price is $4.00. TERMS CASH. At the Down-town Shoe Store. J. S. McIlraith RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY TO J. W. CRAWFORD. Business men have learned that our gratuates are prepared for posi- tions of trust. No school in Canada can do more for its students’ than this one. Our graduates always so- cure positions. Write for our free catalogue, it is a handsome one. Spring term opens April 3rd. JOHN CLARK Quality and prices‘right. Are you ready for the sugar making season Sap Pails, Sap Pans, Sap Kettles, . a; ‘3, Sap Spiles‘l on shortest notice and at. rea- sonable prices. Tinsmithing, Fumace Work, Plumbing, Etc. To get your Boots and Shoes made or repaired. We also have opened out a large stock of new goods for spring in heavy and light Boots and Shoes, Oxford Slippers. etc. at. reasonable prices. Call and examine goods and get prices whether you pur- chase or not. In stock. Prices are “ right. Houses for Sale. (McKinnon’s old Stand) We are also prepared to do Elliott Mclachlan PRINCIPALS. Famous School Give Us a Call. AND ’7 70 pairs Men’s Calf Gaiters and Bale. all clearing at ........ 40 pairs Boys' Call 8313. all clearing at .................... 60 pairs Misses’ Kid Laced and Buttoned Boots. ranging $1.50, all clearing st ............................... Women’s Kid Oqurda and Trilbvs. ranging from $1.50 to $2.00. 9.11 (2 ing at .............................................. $1 UH per Women’s Kid Laced and Buttoned Boots. ranging from $1.25 to $1.7 clearing at ......................................... 811’0 per Bags. Wool. Be :Flour are payabi ‘ or outbuildings. §haa the the abo ' A Sydenham Pol I For furthar Women’s Kid Strap Slippers, ranging from $125 to 32.00. all Clvaring at ................................................. $1.00 per pair. PEEL, the Shoeman CASH ONLy, DURHAM no OWEN soup Give us your Measure for Spring. 60 Pairs Our Company pays market value for Grain, Hay and Live Stock. Hay in stacks is covered by insur- ance on contents of burn. Farm Implements used by hand. Carpen- tels’ Tools. Robes. Roots, Grain 3‘80. Wool. Beef. Pork, Fruit and Floor are pcyehle in either dwellings or outbuildings. No other company hes the the show in their contract. A Sydenhom Policy is the best. Call and be convinced that we give good value for the money. Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Save..... Your Cash By purchasing these Boots and Shoes. Boys’ Heavy Rubbers Come and look through our stock. Also 20 at 90c per pair, cash. Of Boots and Shoes to choose from. Your choice of these at 900 per pair, cash. . McArthur information gddress The chief attraction ot sale is now on Spring Summer footwear, such as THE GR EAT The undersigned hsvin been restored to heal! h by simple means. after an ering for several yesrr with s severe lung sflection. and that dread disesse Consumption. as snxious to make him“ L to his fellow sufl'erers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send. {ref ot chsrge. 1: copy of the pmscription used, whirl. the will iind s sure cure for Consumption; Asa-Is. Chsurrh. Bronchitis end all throat am. lung Medics. He ho sll sufferers willtry his remedy. so it is invs ushle. Those desiring the prescription. which will cost them nothing sud ms rove s hlessin . will plesse sddrev lev.ED ARDA. WI N.Bnoohlyn.,'ew Yor‘t, A Jardine for horse service for sensor. of 1%.? re kindly requested to pay 1hr" same to either Chas. Arnett. Durham. R. '1‘. Edwards. Ebordale. Receipts “11'- be given for all money received, a lid .4 the names kept and the money dexmitwf to his credit. PR1 N TS . BY ORDER or Anmmsrunm Much 6th. 1905. New Footwear Spring Shoe Sale LL PARTIES OWING JUH} T0 CONSUMPTIVES. Still On I Buy your Prints now and ge7 them made up when you have time. Don’t delay. The soon- er you come the better the choice. Procustietnon is the thief of time. And in anticipation of your wants we have ready for you: inspection a large stock of the good dependable kind of Boots that wear wellâ€"snob as you have been getting from usâ€"â€"~ the kind you cen rely on for style and quelity. As spring is just about here you will warm to get NOTICE. $1.00 per from $1.35 to $1.00 per pat! this and pair pant Just a Few Words . . - Help has come from all lend a 3. RJ. L, London. Ont: “ cloud ï¬nd Express 31.0 ‘10 (101 (8511!), to be used {01 Ibo Hospital for Consumptiws. in loud memory of a dear and m 0 was taken away {mm \ this disease. Kindly do nut m name in any way in avkmm 1m this, but, if it "Inst, 1w dunv, (In the initials gin-n. Yours in 1hr bar's work." Lend a In “emery of an Only Sister it, « tn $400,000 has Sanitarium AN. and extend its \\ Since the m tario from consu In the past. I Vince'havc fallen These are flu Secretary 01‘ 11w In “everything Drug Store car )lll' Il IN HELPING ON FOR SUFFERING DRUG STU consum; past tln fallen fl “E >1" carries 1C for t