West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Mar 1905, p. 7

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:ARANTE erious signs in the M'- rve-y in a manner M awe. “I see but .3 0111 this spot a band d alum-r coming to give you ure mighty men and tr!!- ssul thee. and therefor. My win. But these tu- must not be taken Into wouhlst have them to: thy fighting men and 3. We will remain hon. fe." fathers. holy ones of th. r." be said. ”for I am hilt rt of the Zannuch.” In." said Harvey, with . rmbling voice as he pock- nick w the came!- I). hvm to lumel. paninus wilt thou In". rs," he said. “The” holy blessml me, and I h." resents. I shall Win great .into the bowdah by tho I, and Urskofl. with sp- Pness. climbed in with cauwls rose to their 100' mitzm proudly led on. I! y «135‘ that a chief"!- s in his caravan. fidgt'ty. He knew M chm! the monastery thy cted to leave, but be bid R‘Vt‘y wuuld surmount (M I: saw Harvey scam ‘ mumbling and makil‘ l. “urn-y allied to M I. "We are weary, and far. Hast thou no I“! mel? I see there are two fly but little load." that thy presence tum Domitan in a sort of ex- Iose camels bear the one ny bride and the one who ride of my brother. Sure- well for us It the holy. b them. «“ome.” fough, Group, Ironch'ttis ip, Asthma, Diphtheria A. DARLING - AND -â€" DRUGGIB’P Rum, ()x'r. A tmumf good working .ly to J. “7. anfovd, Wicked :8; NE "1811’ reamp. gallant Russian!” about“ re turned his camel and H; with the blade of 1” beast new like the nu myth: is «mad o'er tho dim - ialtuh. with our, heal. W RI ‘ 03713 FEB. I’Q a boon to lath-Hath. holy one ‘l’(‘ L of the ameer's Ioldlefl It‘ norm I "\’ ‘Oc mdise were brought ers pm asidv their an 183 l5 m! yuu have do- Ieir use, you ~ es. tnuvther with in: Pills. 80170“. mean...» u”. ke our word“ complish. t do you - We wm obey uly enough to H H Us enrich it. Hi invigoc.“ rig in sickly. that at! it. makes? k. Isn’t that ’09 your money Tl M 1 3‘!“ of l and led e: camel. "8 39 furs at in“ We! B PU BLISHID at" mono" noun-o am mm mm m. mun mm DUN-Om, ONT. [HES 111E 1|!!me mum THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT ()I’I’IC’E AND RESIDENCE A 4...” distance «at of Knapp’s Hotel, Lmnhhm Street, Lower Town, Durham. «may», hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Bra. Jamieson . Macdonald 0 “{tfix.‘ Specialvattel'xtiou gi'ven tn diseaaoo of women and qhildren. Residence op- White Presbvtemm Church. tics in the New Hunter Block. Ofico hours, 8_to 10}. an. g to 4p. m.‘ an}! 7 to 9 the Station ()Fl’ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Him-k. Residence-Lunbton Street, near I ()NOR. GRADUATE OF TORON- t) Universit ; Graduate of Royal (tuilege of Dent: Surgeons of Ontario. Rmmsâ€"Caldor Biook. over Post Ofice. oropertv. {\nnlolnlfi, Uvuavcâ€"v_-, . )lclntyre’s Block, Lowor'l‘own, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly “handed to. Searches mada at the Regis- ‘rv Office. IIUL31v-u.-- v--. Office over’Gordon’e new Jewellery Sture, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount \f mnnev to loan 31 5 per cent. on farm )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, gr. :1“ “16 l Duo. Wuav- â€" '_-.. 7 veyancers. Etc. Money to, L631). mliceszâ€"lr. the Mcln‘yro Block, over Standard Bank. A G. MACKAY. K. C. TES Ll AAnav- â€" A or, (Ionveyancer. etc. Privote mono a, Man. Old accounts and debts of a! Ends collected on commission. Farms :mmzht and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. «Hm-elbâ€"MacKeusie’e 0H Stand. LOW" Town, Durban. Ont. V (:arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at ,r uf ‘hill. Office hoursâ€"SH! 3.11)., 2-4 m . 79 p.11). Telephone No.10. fouling m {or work. . . . J. G. Hutton, M. 0., O. M. :vlsmu AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. ’UUDL.L ”b'bvâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly pt residence or wntp ”38109000 or wnw w nu.- Orders may be left at J“ .u “U V“ LW eased Auctioneer Grey. Land thuntor, Divxsion. CourtSdOI sue-3nd all other matter. Promptofi “tended to. urnish f the County 01 3:115 of the 2nd RIISIIO f: OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUs‘g tionoer for the County ”Grey. promptly attondedw w. Onion no at his ImplanontW ml " old stand. or at the Chrome“ Mme; A. H. Jackson. : ()TARY PUBLIC, coumssmN- @Mfltt \RRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. ARRISTER, spucnqp, ETC.. ract rates I, “W (1 [ion to the care: All advemnnts, measure 3min: .houldhchcongzinnotlauthu Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. ,S. Nov. 9. m. ‘ For transient vertisemenu 8 cems '8'” line to: the fig: insertion; 3 cents : . . . line each subsequent micaâ€"min: . Messiah! cards, not exceeding one in; per annum. Mvutimenu without spec )S will be pubhehed :itl forbid and charged . y Transient notices-“ Lou," “ Foam Lie,“ etaâ€"go cent} to: first inaction, 35 ce subsequent insertion. venisenenu «dead by strange" must be p: .vanoe. AMES CARSON. 908.353; OBERT BRIGHAbl. LICENSED â€" . 1“...- Hun-on AND Pnopmxon. . Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, II. D. G. Lefroy McCauI. Dental Director» MacKay 8:. Dunn. Legal Directorv. J. P. Telford. Miscellaneous. P‘!‘ re insertion in current. later than Tussoav :m “nation-â€" encoding ow mu without : 'l'bid ”d Chaf: W. F. DUNN. "Jmishcd urged ac- Found, 3’ cents. apn- it LIC- Of id NERVOUS PROSTRATION AND STOMACH TROUBLES Are the Outcome of Overwork and Worry of Busi- ness Life. Two Prominent Canadian Insurance Men Praise “I suffered much with indigestion and dyspepsia, and tried so many things to cure me without relief that I made up my mind my case was hope- less. I tried Psychine, and in a few weeks I was entirely rid of stomach trouble."â€"Arthur Tennison, 88 London street. Toronto. For sale by an druggists at $1.00 a bottle. For further aflvice and infor- mation. write Dr. Slocum, Limited, 179 King street west, Toronto, Canada. Psychinc is pronounced Sn-keen Psychine HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Form IIIâ€"Arthur Weir, Rosie Brooker. Clara Aljoe, John Johnston, Lily Walker. Form lIâ€"Ethel Morrison. Hattie Lawrence, Joe Reid, Oliver Hunter, Elsie Petty. Form Iâ€"Irene Latimer, Robbie Laid aw, Fanny Moran, Willie Law- rullce. .‘tanlev McNally. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr IV classâ€"Thos. Holt. Jean Watson. Cecil Wolfe. Lizzie Kinnee, Lynn Grant. Jr IV classâ€"Laura Siegner, Vod- die Caleell. Hazel Marshall. Eva Burnett. Garfield Colling. Sr. III classâ€"Ruby Knisley, Brock Grant. Willie McCrie, Hazel Guthrie, Ida Harbottle. Jr. 111 classâ€"Nellie Hepburn. Jamie Farqubaraon. Mary Wright, Willie Browning, Harper Kress. Sr. 11 class-o Rex McGowan, Edith Watson. Louis'Lavelle, Mabel Lati- mer, Florence Byrow. Jr. 11 (”classâ€"Lhasa AMacKay, Jr. 11 (a) classâ€"Tressla MacKay, Maggie McNully, Bessie Saunders. Fred Laidlaw and Len Lavelle eq., Winnifred McUaul. Maggie Long. Jr‘ II (b) clas-nâ€"Milton Mills. May Cliff. Vivien Crawford, George Kress, Harry Gordon. Srr Pt. II class-Verna Fluker, COCIl Gmbrm. Winnie Warner, Ham old Vollet, Marion McKenzie. branll, Edwin Seuch. Russell L:- velle, Caldwell Marshall. Alfie Leger L. Hardy, St. Bazile do Portneuf, P.Q., Representative of The Liverpool, London, and Globe Insurance Company, writes as fol- lows: "I Iutferecl for two years with Throat Cntarrh and an obsti- nate cough. Psychine had a. splen- did effect in my case. I obtained the permanent cure I had so long and so anxiously desired, and I shall do all in my power to increase the popularity for Dr. Slocum Re- medies in this vicinity.” ST OMACH TROUBLE. Jr: Pt. 11 (h) cumâ€"1m Campbell, Roy Farquharson. Tommy Wright, Harry Vollet, John Harhottle. ' Sr. I classâ€"May McKecknie, Wes- ley Johnston, Willie Heelitt, Della Browe, Mary McKecbnie. Jr. I classâ€"Theresa Vollet, Jessie Black, Helen Ireland. Wilbert Knis- ley. Morguerite Hutton. .Firt (a) classâ€"Ella. Carson and Franklin Morlock eq , Walter Mar- shell." First (b) class-Nellie Fluker. Wil lie Lauder. s. S. No. 9, Bmcx. IV classâ€"Mum) thker. Alfred Shewell. Douglu Cunpbell. III clueâ€"Von: Fischer. Kate Mink, Lizzie Leoodslo. Sr. II clueâ€"Kain Walker. vo Prominent Canadian Incuranne Men Praise For the Month of February. PBONOUNCED SI-KEEN. DURHAM SCHOOL. Throat Catarrh HONOR ROLLS. F. C. Marwood. District Mana- ger Mutual Life. Winnipeg. Mam. Cured Of Nervous Prostration. Some five or six years ago I was in very poor health. I was suffering from Nervous Prostration and Stomach Trouble. brought on by overwork and too close. an application to business. I was ordered to the country by my (100- tors for recuperation, and had to oe taken to the depot in a cab, for I could scarcely walk at all. I suffered severe- ly from sleeplessness and impaired di- gestion. Almost any kind of food caus- ed me distress and suffering. Soon after that I took Psychine. and continued taking it forsome months. The fresh air of the country and Psy- chine seemed to build me right up. It has not been necessary for me. to take any medicine of any kind since regain- ing my usual health with Psychine. In these days people eat too fast, work too fast. and live too fast. With the rush and bustle life dangers have in- creased: nerves give out more quick- ly: appetites fail, and loss of sleep. weakness. brain fag, and depression of spirits are common symntoms. Psy- chine re‘plenlshes wasted nerve tissue. makes rich red blood, and at all times keeps people well and at their best with strong. confident energies, ready for life’s trials, perils. and pleasures. Sr. Pt. II classâ€"Mary Keobel. Joe Keobel. Jr. Pt. II classâ€"Francis Leesdale. Sr. Pt. I classâ€"Bella Mink. Lizzie Fischer. Jr. II classâ€"Gordon Fischer. Mil~ ton Sharman. George Shewell. Jr. III class-â€"P. Aldred, C. Pettigrew, O. Morrison rison. Jr. IV classâ€"E. Pettigrew. M. Mc- Crie. F. Barber, J. Barber, E. Mor~ rison. V classâ€"7Mabel Dunn. Sr. 1V classâ€"E. Hutton, B. Lau- der, )1. McCalmon. Sr. III Classâ€"T. Hutton ber, J. McIlvride. Sr. II classâ€"W. Bogle, A. Petti‘ grew, F. Clark. B. Barber. Jr. II classâ€"M. Kerr, E. Barber A. Pettigrew, W. Blyth. H. Barber H. Gadd. E. Morrison. Pt. II classâ€"W. Hutton, M. Bogle A. Lauder. Sr. I classâ€"S. Grant, F. Kerr. L. Pettigrew, A. Gadd, E. Morrison. Jr. I (a) classâ€"W. Eden. C. Barber. Jr. I (b) classâ€"G. Grant. Average attendance, 29. BOOTHVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Based on attendance, conduct and attendance. V classâ€"Emily Wilson, Mary Wil- son. Maggie McDougall. IV classâ€"John L. McDonald, Bee- nie Weir, Edgar Wilson, Willie Weir. Alex Haw. III classâ€"Clara Wilson, Eva Haw. Duncan Clark. Jennie Clark, Lillian Sacket, John F. McDonald. II classâ€"Herb Harrison. Neil ‘Mc- Donald. Harry Harrison, Daisy Haw. Ethel Haw, Olive Sackot“ Thomas Weir. Pt. II classâ€"Alberta Witter, John Wilson, Jessie Clark, Neil Sprsgne. Arthur Ronston, Jemima Ernest, Jennie McCsnnel. V clanâ€"Mary Edge. IV cluesâ€"Mum“ Fifth, Ad; Sta- ples, Ernie Greenwood. Muggie Edge, Willie Willisms. Jâ€"F.‘ C. Marwood, Winnipeg, Man. Sr. III 01:33â€"me Ector, May Spittolll. Herbie Edge. -Jr. III cluesâ€"Emu: Bitohio Her- bie Ritchie, John Greenwood, Clot; Greenwood and En Bitchxo eq. Pt. I classâ€"Earle Wilson. i. S. No. 3, Gnmm. ANNIE C. MACKENZIE. E. L. HUTTON, teacher. N0. 1. E. AND N. M. Hoy , A. Mor , H. Bar- .1: II class-Paulie Wilson, Rafe Ritchie. Roy McCracken. Eliza Wil- liams. Sr. I classâ€"Maggi!» RHChiG. Cassie Ritchie, Myrtle Ritchse. Average attendance. ‘24. ANNA SCOTT. teacher. Smilb. Sr. 1V class râ€"Jessie Smith. Lizzie Urierson. Julia Clark. Jr. IV classâ€"Willie McArthur, John Currie. Sr. III classâ€"Tommie Puther- bouah, Willie McNaily. Benton Mc Nally. Jr. III classâ€"John McDonald. Sr. 11 classâ€"Clara Caswell, 'I‘hos. Johnston. Ross McDonald Jr. II elasswâ€"Mabel Smith, Robbie Putherbough, Clarence McNally. Sr. Pt. II classâ€"MarjoryV Clark Earl \lcNally, May Grierscn. Jr. Pt. II clas'sâ€"â€" Perry Caswell\ I classâ€"Johnnie Clark, Johnnie Smith. Wesley Caswell. Average attendance, 23. W. J. RITCHIE, teacher. Sr. II claSpâ€"ROhblfl W“ (up; Willie Kenny. Clanâ€"nee f aples. Willie Ector. Arthur Wilson‘s“ Sr. Pt. II clamâ€"Nuns Williams 103. KHIHI\ . Vincwnt Paybr. LOWER RITCHIE SCHOOL. V classâ€"Fred Ritchie, Alex. A Aljoe. III classâ€"Ernest McGirr. Victoria Aljoe, Howard Whitmore. Clara Ritchie. Will McGirr. Will Atkinson. James: Crutohley. Joe Patterson. Sr. II classâ€"Nellie Collier, Robert Lawrence. Maggie Ann Ritchie, John Weir, Myrtle Crutchley. Jr. II classâ€"Lance McGirr, James Atkinson Sr. I classâ€"John Bell. Willie Moo Girr. IV classâ€"Agnes McGirr. Maggie Weir. Will Patterson. Lizzie Weir. Pt. II class-Irene Ritchie. May Patterson. Jr. I classâ€"Ruby Meenagb, Emma Atkinson. A simple. effective and safe remedy for all throat irritatxona is found in Cresolono Antiseptic Tablets _ , The following are the names in or der of merit of pupils who received the highest marks for application and conduct. V classâ€"Grace Reid. 73%. IV classâ€"Maggie Hamilton, 70%; B. Lawrence, J. Ferguson. Sr. III classâ€"Blanche Reid, 60%; J. Brown, B. Ferguson. Jr. III classnFerr Lawrence. -l()"“/o. Sr. II class-«John Davis and Rue- beu Watson. 50%; M. Wilson. G. Wilson. 0. McKenzie. M [Cm-lee. C Nelson. H. Patterson. E. Henry. Jr II class-Marv Hamilton and Maggie Eccles 1)(527; C. Davis, B, Ferguson. . B.rowu R. Eccles J Ferguson. G. Lawrence. 0. Weight- man. Pt. II classâ€"Jessie Reid, J. Wil son. E. Ecc'es PL 1 chaseâ€"Walter n. Ferguson C. D. DRIMMIE, teacher. They combine the germicida! value of Cresolene with the soothing pfgperties of slippery elm and licorice. A II n...; .1.-‘- ‘m “Ian MacLaren” recounted this story in a lecture on Scortish humor: In a dull Scottish village on a dull morning. one neighbor called at an- other’e house. He was met at the door by his friend’s wife, and the conversation which ensued was this: “Could.” sbAy." “Gaun tee be weety (rainy). I’m thinkin.” “Ay.” "Is John in ?” “On, uy! he’s in ” “Can I see him ?" “N‘.H “But I winted too see him.” "Ay, but ya count see him, John's Coughers. Hawkers. Spitters! Public expectoration is against the common law, against the laws of health. also. When the throat tickles, that's the time you need “Catarrhozone”; it soothes away the irritation,cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tight feeling. You'll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with Catarrhozone. It posi- tively prevents new attacks, and cures catarrh forever and for all time to come. Don’t take our word for it, try Catarrhozone yourself. Once used. you’llbe delighted with its pleasant and helpful influence. “Sudden?” 6.Ay." “Vern sudden ?” “Ay. verra sudden !” “Did be any anything aboot a pot ’ pent nfore be dead ?” Sore Throat and Coughs S S. No. 10. BENTINCK. classâ€"Annie Clark. Maggie S. S. No. 12. EGREMONT. THE POT 0’ PENT. JOHN A. GRAHAM. teacher. 163; "An Diddilsts 00 aflov‘ IIMMI. \Edward Kress, Durham; Ont. Chairs 1 Bedroom Suites i t Ihiffoniers 3 Cribs and Cradles i Beds i Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards . Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE STOCK 01» RA'J‘1‘.\N muons J l’H'J‘ IN N., 6. .l. McKechnie. utter Drugs. Mercury. Hot Springs. he” all failed. Wm. H. Patterson. of Saginaw. Inch" re. iates his esperirnce; “I do not like natorie-ty ‘ and especialiy of thts kind, but i feel i 0W" this much to Drs. K. K. for the great good they have done me. I had a serious blood dis. case when 24 years of age. The skin and blood sslrmptmtns griaduatllyl developedfi simples timid .. ucers orme . ruzm ng sores to e out, at B¢‘°‘°1‘“‘m°m became loose. pains in the bones and Joints. ”Treatment dyspeptic stomach. foul breath. itchy skin, (etc. it is needless for me to ray 1 tried doctors. I grew to hate the looks of one. I visited Hot Springs twice for four months 61011 time. It helped me temporarily. but in at: months after returnmg home I was as had an ever. Finally tDoctor friend. of mine advised me to F”. Drs. Kennedy Kergan. He said he had known of them for over 30 years, and as they made a specialty ofzhese diseases and treated the worst cases by the hun- dl't‘d they ought to be GX‘JOI‘t in curing thm. I was afraid of advertising doctors. but I took his advice. They agreed to treat me under a guarantee or no pay, 1 investigated their financial standing and found they were perfectly responsible, lo I commenced the new method Treatment. The eruptions disappeared in two weeks. the bone pains in four weeks and in four months I was entirely cured. Yes. sir. I can recommend the New Method Treatment for Blood and Skin Dtmseg," CURES CY.’AT‘“TEEI‘) ()9. NO PAY. (‘nngnltation Fen. Books Free. It unable to call, write for a Question Blank Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Blouse Materials, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mantles, Etc. 1‘ I‘ll-u: Consultation F”H-. Books Free. for Home Treatmvr. ' I48 SH ELBV STREET, IL, 6. J. McKechnie.§- Ikskmfl N EDY KER“! Sell What You Need . February Bargains The New Method Treatment Cog-ed mm HAD BLOOD POISON l2 YEARS THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR 048” 8TORE. ”9% a“ :"z \‘V’ a-‘Foe 1N7“. \“b 'm‘ Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables Jardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookc Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings DETROIT. MICH. W8 ”>4:

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