West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Mar 1905, p. 8

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mmmamsmsmwmmmu £9 Rush in your Butter and Eggs while prices are good. ID. 2 THE BIG STORE $ 888818 1811‘1-«4~‘é18$%~181181181181fi=181 fififiuflfi‘fi 3 pkg. (.Vhimso Scan-2h Happy Thought Range. The Choicost 0f the Choice-- THE PEOPLE’S SHIRE New Spring Hats. Boots and Shoes ROBERT BURNETT Leaders in npâ€"to-dato lorehandise. they were made for. But kccp on wear- ing fihcfime you know ‘The Slater Shoe” {31’55 good as Ti looks."â€"$4.00. $5.50. Alex. Russell GROCERIES FOR SATURDAY. A tanire above all others. A prize Win- ner wherever shown. A general favorite with the best housekeepers. A work of. art and will last a lifetime. We can give you testimonials hom a dozen or more of the ladies of Durham who use the Happy Thought Rance. sÂ¥#$fiifii Spring Goods DAILY ARRIVING HERE TM US FOR FRESH BROCEBIES. This very inadequately describes the n splendid qtmlities of one of the largest a and most magnificent purchases of 3 ever made in this County. Their equal is not to be seen elsewhere. The man or boy we can’t fit and please with a spring hat will be hard to find. We have the very latest styles in either the Christy 01 the Soft Felt. DURHAM â€" â€" â€" ONTARIO rvh. 97w. 4 pkg. King Corn Starch, 9.56. :pkg. McLaren’s Jelly, 250. It’s easy to sacrifice quality and produce style in shoes. What you want is both qual- ity and style at a fair price. The combin- ation of quality and style at a moderate cost has made the Slater shoe famous all over Canada. Your Money back if you want it. A pretty home wedding took place at five o’clock on Wednesday even- ing of last week at the residence of Mr. and “re. James Chard, fourtl line. Artemesia, when their only daughter, Mary. was married to Mr. Alex. 8. McMullen. son of Mr. David McMullen of this place. The bride’s pastor, Rev. L. W. Thom performed the ceremony, in the presence of about fifty guests. The handsome bride was given away by her father. and as the bridal party took their places beneath a prettily decorated arch of evergreens, Mrs. Thom play ed the wedding march. 'The bride. who was becomingly attired in a navy blue ludies’ c'mh skirt, and White tafieta silk waist trimmed with rib bun, was intended by Miss Elizabeth McMullen, the groom’s sister. who wore a ladies’ navy blue cloth skirt and White silk waist trimmed with lace Mr. Mark [‘eeter was grooms man. After the ceremony a sumptu- oue wedding supper was served. and then till a late hour the evening was enjoyably spent with music etc. The bride was the recipient of a large. number of valuable wedding presents that of the groom being a beautiful gold «atcii. Mr. McMullen havmg recently purchased the farm which has been the home of the bride, the young couple are settling thereon. and a Wide circle of friends wish them much happiness and prosperity. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs J. Stewart, of the west back line, on Thursday lest, end we extend our congratulations. Communion service was held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. Rev. Geo. Ballancyue of Mark. dale. preached at the preparatory service on Friday lb was Mr. Ba:- lamyne’s tires pulpit. appearance here and his edifging sermon was very highly appremated. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guest of Hen- derson..\la1ue, have the sympathy of their (“ends here on the loss of their little four ruouths’ old daughter Hazel lreue, who dred on Thursday last. The parents arrived here with the body on b‘aturuay and from Mrs. henry Rwhurdson’s, the home of Mrs. Guesc’s mother, the funeral took place on Sunday to the public cemetery. Mr. Alexander. Alexander. tailor, has sold Ills residence and two acre plot on Ellen street to Mr. J. Patton who takes possession at. once. Mr. Patton has also bought from Mr. Sproule the vacant let on the oppo- slte corner. Mr. AleXnnder has re. muVed to the reeldeuce and shop formerly occupled by him nexc door to the Medlcal Hall. Miss Maud Richardson, art teacher in Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas. has neen (or the second year success- [ul in having a picture painted by her accepted by the Ontario Society of Artists, for their annual exhibition in Toronto, which was held during the Last two weeks. Miss Richard- son is to be congratulated upon this evidence of success in her art work as only pictures of special merit are given a place in this annual exhibi- HOD. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. John Paul of Feverabam, agent. for the Massey-Harris company, had a large implement dellvery from this pomt to farmers in Osprey. The teams and laden sleighs Were phonographed on the village square. About thirty ladies and a few gen- tlemen were present at the meeting in the intereSts of the W. C. '1‘. U.. held in the Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon last. Miss Uuy- le. President of the County, and Mrs. McLeod, President of the Owen b‘d. branch addressed the meeting on the work of the stciety, after which or- ganization was effected here mth othcers elected as follows: President Mrs. (Rev ) L W. Thorn; VlCO-PI‘BS. Mrs. Jos. Hadley; Cor Soc. Mrs. W. The trustees of S. S. No. 8, east of the village. opened the tenders on Thursday last for their new brick building to be erected this summer. Mr C. W. Bellpmy. we learn secured the contract at $1600. The furnace and other fittings will make the total cost about $2504), On the street on Friday evening last Stanley Thurman. foreman in the Advance otiice. run «unmet. the teeth of a. crass cut saw in the hands of Mr. C. W. Bellamy and received a. nasty gash in the face. Dr. Carter Stitched and dressed the wound. A. Armstrong: Rec. Sec. Mrs. Manuel]; 'l‘reas. M183 Bogus Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet-a. All druggfists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’ uizuature in on each box.‘ 25c. Mr. George Ritchie sold a fine horse to Mr. ’I‘hos. Morrison for the sum of $149. Mr. Chas. A. Goodeve. of Acton, was the guest. of his aunt, Mrs. D. Greenwood for a couple of weeks; Dan E. Firth was home from Markdale over Sunday, He was ac- companied by his cousin, Hugh. Miss Tenn Firth visited friends in Markdale for a few days last week. Miss Millie Mann of Grand Valley is visiting at Mr. Robt. Edge’s. T0 CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Flesherton. Edge Hill. ‘ poop”: are It is with deep remet we are called upon to record the death of one of oldest settlers. in the person of Mr. Wm. Wilder, who died suddenly of heart failure on Tmesday about mid night. The deceased was barn in the neighborhood of Simcoe county about 813earsago, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn the has of a lovxng husband and kind lather. live daughters and three sons in Michigan and two at home Owing to the suddenness of his demise. the family from a distance were unable to at- 'eud the funeral. He had recently qold his farm. and intended moving the family to Michigan The inter- ment took place on Friday. the 10th. to Wilder’s cemetery. and was large- ly attended. Mrs. Robert Henry of Robb visited her relatives around the Corners last. week. Miss Barbara. Watt of Durham spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Peter Reid. We are pleased to see Mre. Robt. Henry, who has been under the weather lately. is able to around. Miss Agnes Hunter was the guest of her friend. Miss Jean Brown, of your town, part of last week. Mrs. W111 Clark of Varney visited her parent here last. week. Messrs. R. Reid and G. Swanson paid a flying visit. to Singhampcon. the latter part of last week. Your Corner' man was calling down the young Hunter from our burg for getting lost in a storm, bu‘ we would like to know what the for-Lorne led from his distriotfiinde to attract his attention around our corners. \Ve ofier One Hundred Dollars re- ward [or any case of Catarrh that cannot. be cured by Ha!l’s Catarrh Cure. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chosney for the last 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan- cially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taking inter- nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Mr. James M. Matthews of Proton visited his parents. and attended the wedding of his couain. Miss Morrison to Mr. Irvine, of the west. Mr. Wm. Brown gave a party to the youth and beauty of his parts on Friday last, dancing being the prin- cipal paStime. We judge they had amost enjoyable time. as they did not go home till morning. A few of the lads and lassies from around the Corners Spent a very en- joyable evening at Mr. David' Hamil- ton’s one night. last week. Mr. John Wilson, while on his way to Dhrham, was greatly alarmed by hearing a terrible noise fin the baseline. but upon investigation it proved to he Will Allan and Charlie Reid cutting lous. What J. W. would like to know is which was making the most noise. the falling of the trees, or the boys yelling. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti- pation. ( A good silver watch chain, old style of many years ago Stolen b Mortley Mc- Intyre and said by him to liave been lost between R. Bank’s gate and Edge Hill. Chain belonged to grandfather and father of present owner. and is prized because of its age, etc. The finder will be rewarded on returning same to To cut and rile 400,000 feet, more or less. Lumber most y hard wood. Also offers. entertained on a gnnd second hand Saw- mull either “am. or L‘m-nlar. THE 01 RHAM I l Rthl RF (1 0. Limited. We have put. up a sign. It m are going fast. and why not ? To shcreholdere $18.70 to $25 00. To others $25.00 to 835 Our mechines are non cheep grade machines but are first class i respect. A guarantee goes with each machine. TENDERS WANTED. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. 0 To shareholders $45 00 to 868.00. Henrys Corners. Chain Lost. How’s Thls. Farmers’ Manufacturing and Supply quz.»-!«_i_mj_ts_¢ THE FIRST CARLOAD OF is expected to arrive at an earfiy date. - - - BUGGIES - - - GEO. STA PDES. sign. It means low prices to shareholders. The shares [why not? You could not make a better investment. Look at the saving on the following. ~ SEWING MACHINES. CREAM SEPARATORS. Id see for yourself. YOU will find the Company’s nursro‘dms and he will be planed to furnish any O to $68.00. To others $70.00 to $110.00 Prices according to size. Fall Wheat .......... 1 Spring Wheat ........ Oats Peas . Barley...... Hay ................ Butter . ....... Eggs ............. ..u Ponatoes'per bag. . . . . . Apple~ .............. Flour per cwt ........ Oatmeal per sack ..... Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs .......... . Dressed Hogs per cwt. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins ........... Wool ............... . Lamb ............. . Tallow .............. Lard . ............... Keep the bowels e on with one of Ayer'e Pills at be time, Just one. In buying a cough medicine for children never be arraid to buy Chambvrlain’sCouqh Remedy. There is no danger from it. and relief is always sure to follow. It. is espec~ ially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Hillinery MISS PORTER our head trim. mer. is a lady of wide experience and comes to us highly recommended. having had several years’ experiences in large city establishments. Mclu tyre Block. .WCog' All druggiuotl One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. Nobronchitis. A doctor’s medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. " l have mod Ayor's Cherry Recon! in my tam"; for eight yarn. Theron nothint In! to it or coughs and 0- Mn. “peck“ tore il- dren. "â€"lu. W. a. 331113.8th Cherry ’ectoral We have just returned from attending the openings at De- troit and Toronto and are now prepared to cater to the wants of the public in everything that is requirsd {or up-to date hbadgear. To others $25.00 to 835 00. Our entire Stafl' is now busily engaged preparing for the Spring Opening which will eclipse all former ones. as our stock is the fiDt’it that, money can procure. In the meantime all orders will be filled quickly and satisfactorily. Market Report. PU o. 0' kins .. ..... .. MISS DICK DURHAM. Mar for 1 find the Company’ a} used to furnish anyl acI 95 to 81 00 95 to 1 OO 37 to 37 62 to 62 40 to 42 7 00 to 7 00 18 to 18 18 to 18 50 to 55 l 00 to 1 00 2 75 to 3 00 2 40 to 2 40 1 10 to 1 10 5 30 to 5 3O 6 50 to 7 00 5§ to 51; 50 to 1 00 :20 to :20 Durham‘ Ont. 15. 1905. 10 in every to to to 300 240 1 10 530 700 5% 1 00 75 43 GOOD POSlTION§ Hts placed all its graduates in 29m! posi, tions and has several good posninm in view. Its cannon no the most up twine and the best tnat cnn be obtained in (Jan. ad; or the United States. and. as its exam. imtion pnpm's Ire read. by a board of enminers specially :ppomtod. its diplnmS are an excellent recommendation in bun. these countries. 1‘31: cm . ‘ Business College Good positions present themselves to every person. and young people with a business training are always in deman . We are now prepared to receive any young ladies and gentlemen who wish to accept good positions in April and May. All our students are taught separately at their own desks. and do their work independent of one another. In this way. they reoeive special attention in such subjects as are difficult to them. and are enabled in ac- oomplish considerable in a short time, They may also. begin the course at any time. Dny and Evening Chases. Trial Lesson {rae Visitors ulways welcome. Pietty as Ptetty Sees Watchmaker. Jeweller. Optician. It is a common expreSc sion among our custom- ers that they are de- lighted at being able to find so many articles they require in our es= tablishment. . . . . . . SILVER WARE. SAP PAILS AND SPILES. SNOW SHOVELS. TRUN KS. ETC. RANGES. BREA D M [X ERS. A. Gordon Hardware. The Mount Forest Auk your neighbor uh: nt nu' Pmm Estiwr iinngw- Hm) urn giving groom minim-Hun with either wood ul‘ (3 mi W. T. CLANCY, Prin. “ Mv face in my fortune,” said the pretty maid in the old Eng- lish ballads. She had preper appreciation of the value of a fair lace in the matrimonial market. Eyes make or mar many a face. the other features may be ever so comely. a pair of weak red, inflamed or twitching eves will spoil all beauty. Properly adjus'ed glasses will cure most of these troubles. Our qualifications and equipment for eye exam- ination are. the mom thermaqli and modern. our choive of frames and taSte for fitting them is unexmriled. In Silverware we have the varimy and it is no trouble so select a Wedding present. Our assortment of Trunks. Valisos and Suit Cases arv worthy of inapmtion. \Vhen you are getting ready for sugu making do not {or- get that we haml’c Sap Pails and Spilcs No family should he withou' one of our Biend Mixers Every person is delighted that hns one. We ere giving away this week 1 lb. Baking Powder with every 30c Snow Shovel So with Many Eyes. m MUD!) Tribune is uhnut tilr only paper on ourcxchangv list that is I“, to SWIMU‘V U19 NHHh-‘VPM Autonomy Bill in its «mix-My. 70. SALE-*A splendid draught m. thing three years. 01‘ u lilw man ”you! old, in foal. Apply lu (im. nimble. Edge Hill. l OUR 001°!le (R nut-urns m u'rc ‘.~[ Wmmly llm' Mrs. lh-m I‘M her farm. This harn~ n an m. thuugh sl rent with the lol'iVilc' the farm fur mmthm HABKD.\L§' l'tHIIH'I upproprizuiun m' .5152 move and ('mnwilmc Gm WANTEU.~â€"Appl_\' at ,_.. .* WEED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR 1* \ 0:430:11th REA oms SHORT "WI notivo by ”)0 '1‘. “RP". 31!. Bmun-_ It. and Mrs. Culin Mr“ Whit! chargv m I Lemingtou Hamid vhu apatorute in a Hapti Detroit. H00“ and lot {0 '1... Thou. FOILâ€"[f Wu: it [10$ for a fvw gl‘twn budge» “by the boys, St. Pan-ivk‘.~ hay in arm might have passed minutivml. Ontario Imgislutun 'May \O‘l' Wt regret. [0 Ivan: u! ilw “muesli, {10m pHPllIIIHl in. H1 (M. uwnmua 0f Huthm Hill Wee himself i~ ~1¢lI\¢“\ y W frnm an auzu k uf ll: - kind. "PF. lfiHVl'l’lH‘P “Wis I'v unconscious fur fuul' days. anr ”W ‘N‘Hcr will“ 8", Indie are pleasml to h- :u n ~hc- the mend. “1 W SAWIMLâ€"Rnhert Smith has (51. Mlpm'mhlv mi“. and is pl'v- “to (10 custom sawing at llw ‘ Ill-Inn Foundry. ;. V OU‘mlvvrtkihg pm M Wht’ll “1‘ l1 fun! WHIP!” ~ lute-r lh Dundnlk Hc'l'uM say- alum-rt h“ in HM! Imam:- '11.. light in ”Ur. Mn ‘lluvsl. lt|l>il1w~~ « seems wry In: mldn’t :U't‘u'n iflleir chaugm :11 In? ynu fur glpigld'u. ! Iuys of PM“!!! u \. 'er “Maul“: hr‘u.l.:1.~‘l \\ h O farm 0f 32” acnu \\ i “I “9““?thle 50H 1 I ‘ "do Is at Baltimum .‘ l\' 1! WW" larch ls". NI! h”. The UHVH l-vts (of \i . N on the market a! $2..) .e Chronicle. ofiel' gummed at tlu ,I News Items , Middaugh Housv. N0. 1984. u-n of [In H put I Buptid M'Ut m criticism vruM Ill “'uul uld for 5 ore. 8 mil pf Goudri: 31 eat-h 11H 0f 3 pi" {wry l'.‘ the Mid “' (‘1 lb open $1M“ Ilt‘i‘ll (D SHIIH l‘l (h f! 'l\ a mi "I mg thi of“ dri‘ Tl! In. HI

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