West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1905, p. 1

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au in graduates in and " "- ‘3’ wu'eral “(I’d mi“ mums any the mos up " L man. can be! obtfilod i. nited Stan“. and.” it: . rs are read by a ' eially app-:inted. ih J'- Ham recommendation in stmns ”9’9”, “”300"!- n. and young peoolo with w ining are always in N prepared tn receive any {OIIHOH‘IOII who wish to us in April and May. A”- a taught separately .. 1 sud do their work ' “ Dr. In this way. tho, m Ution in such subjects on. '0 “- hem, and are enabled Ham, begin the course at m .nsiderable in a. short WARE waning C lasses. Trial 1“ rs always welcome. Ls AN D SPILES. '00? linighh ‘ 8-!“th “a hiring groom “the! wood W03} 0 many articles :quire in our es- ment. 0 o o o o O iOVBLs smily ahnultl he withOOI 0! our Bn-ul Mixotl F persun ia- delighud has one. cummon expres- mng our custom- It they are de- at being able to Ire ¢iv5ng AWty In“ F. lb Ball nu Pond" . every Jim; Snow Show! T. CLANCY. “XI-3R3 assorrnwm of Trix-kl. 's and flair Cases «0 r) of inspecviou. rfiware. Garden ess Coll Mount Forest ETC Plefly Sees P081110 are we have tho i it in no trouble w r an line etting "may do net to:- i'. Sap Pail! V Rh! 0!. 0" “on. I», ~~Y'-'mt!50‘ present. Opticifll. menu; puma m: mar wax ran cunomcus nuoens. 5. Local News Items! The Chronicle, to new subscribers for ha]. of year and Daily News for one year $1.40. Tm; Ontario Legislature opem Wrd nesda y. Mm. \\'.\.\'TED.â€"Apply gt the Mid. Maugh House. SHHHT “'ood for Sale.-â€"Apply to Harm's Marshall, Middaugh House.â€"tf ”Hush: and lot for sale._Apply Mrs. 'l‘hos. FOX.â€"tf WERE it not for a few green badge's Wm.” by the boys, St. Patrick’s Day in Durham might have passed unnoticed. (1311»): SA wma.-â€"â€"Bobert Smith has purchased a portable mil), and is pre- pan-«1m do custom sawing at the Durham Foundry. 'I‘ur: llan-iston Tribune is about the ..nly paper on ourexchange list that is ready [U swallow the NOflh'WQSt Anhmnllly B!“ in itS entirety. [Sun S \LE. â€"â€"A splendid draught! fillx xi~ing three years, or a fine mare‘ fin m ul'suld, in foal. Apply to Geo. : Rim-him Edge Hill. ' Stand Ill “’2: not'u'c by the Toronto papers that lie-v. Mr. Bnone, son-in-law of MI; and Mrs. Colin McDougall, has re- 4.:me his «huge as pastor of the l. uningtun Baptist church, to accept. apnntmntc- in a. Baptist church In ll Chas ill \\’r: n-grvt to learn of the very ser- inlh iHm-ss‘. from pneumonia, of Mrs. Hun. Lawrence, of Hutton Hill. Mr. Luvx'rnrr himself is scarcely yet rec a‘nw'l'ml fl't)!“ an 1‘th 0f the same kind. Mrs. Lawrence was reported ~mmn~1iu1m for four days. but a thmgt- fnl the better came Sunday, mu! m- are pleased tolearn she is on 1hr m-‘lul. m H :ulvvrt‘isihg patrons think we’re haul when we u-fnse changes of ad- n-m iwnwnu Intm- than'l‘nesdny noun. “In: hulk Herald says “copy fen-chang- v~ m'h't Iw in nut laver than 6 p. m. cm M whys." The. Herald is perfc-ctly 1-z_r.-r n this. and sinus Mnnday is the Lusim-ss day in Durham. 'hvre httlv reason why Hwy din \. L: sow-y ‘ yvry mm! m ’t :«c-c-mmmnatv us hy gzvmg ”h7- rhnnm-s 31' the smut" 'illw. t} 1w. 'w’tm' tn his mmlwr. d'tr'd .“4: ‘w Rt. .“3‘. R. J. Sv'utf, Hf Gwat B. a .i . umu‘hewuu, is loudly prais- tin m stt‘ In (mmtry. In part he ”ya- " 'Hnw ; w van for sleighing? Ours is all « u and w» have beautiful warm WV" 512‘1'. People were narrows"; um 12M days of February. The country is still humming here. Last wvek there Was :1 fnruuof 325) acres. with hardly any improvements. 801d for will“). Thv 7min is at Baltimore, 8 miles from thw. The town lots of Goodrich were P‘" «m the market tt 8%) each.” 'i‘m-I Advertising Agencies have Imm- vlwek than a canal mule. “.0 l’l-‘n'v just received an offer 8816““ for Si\ inrhes of set up matter every ka. tupuf column next to reading umtrm- and all the other conditinns Ihv Agvncy knows about to hold the lll‘;l\f..m A‘lh“."‘ in hi“! mn- ..(“.,’ him “"‘v‘k. tupnfcnhlllln DEXt t0 rezwlux ' “WW-:- and at“ the other conditinns MN- 80 '1'“ .\m'm'y knows about to hold the Thursday ‘ I’l'illtt‘l‘ duwn to hard pan. "W’" hill] lung her m "mt nt his space and have him turn Christmas. nut .1 paper that WOllld one 01. “ 1'88: MP8. Gr“ "en'pt-t nu a sump fence. The munifl- her home ( H-nt nfit'l‘ uf $9.00 net is what. the 360- after visiti *‘l'Hns .-\gun(°_v offers for the work forl Wm. Caldc Unt- \\ ““19 39am of titty-two weeks. W'i Ml'o D. P svrving to themselves, of course. tbe,morning '1 right to do any amount of kickingJatwnd the Nuw, we need money hid 000mm. Mt . 803- HO ‘ it will b» a long time before the gillsmfidwell. I - take effect if the Agency '3“. for u‘Wn. Wk '. theatmoh rams. “0000"W Ill troit r ymu- Saws summed at the am Foundry. VOL. 38-400. I984. 1: t '. .nwr Concerns correspondent .1 I'm-Pntly that, Mrs. Dennet had «i ht’l‘ farm. This turns out. to be n-ur. though she would like to “ith the privilege of staying on .121” fur another year; .mquz council has voted an grinlimi 01' $150 for salaries of and councilman, $25 for each ilumn, 9nd $50 for reeve. The uni says the action is causing .u- less adverse criticism. aligns a! EXPERIENCED servant girl wantedâ€"- Apply to Mrs. (_Dr.) J anlieson. BUY your Sweet Peas at Darling’s; 12 varieties to choose from 02. or lb. VISIT Miss Dick’s Millinery Rooms and see the new spring modelsin black mourning millinery. 2' 11‘ doesn’t seem as if operations in i the building line were going to be ex- ‘ fl ceedingly brisk during the coming 1 summer, Prices of material and labor 3 have gone up so high of late that many ! are putting off for the present. The i days of cheap lumber in this part of E the. country are rapidly passing away, ' and building material is not likely to I‘ go down mueliin price. Though there is no pressing demand for houses, a nulnher of cheap, comfortable houses would soon find tenants. l 1 MR. GEORGE TWAMLEY of Dornoch sold a team Mondav to Mr. Owen Hef- fernau, of Marden. SEE Morlock’s ad. for millinery open- ing announcement. on Wednesday and Thursday and following days of next week. APPBENTICE WANTEDâ€"A good bright boy to learn printing. A good thing for the right kinda-At this office. FOB. SALEâ€"A span of good young driving mares. Apply to George A. Watson, lots 5 and 6, con. 4, S. D. R., Glenelg.â€"3pd. MR. HEFFEBNAN, of Marden, sold a valuable carriage horse last week to Mr. Robert Kennell, of Dromore. This animal wasu prize taker in his own class whenever shown, and is said to be a very valuable stock horse. N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about Sig: miles from_Durham. Good title. 'Ptmsessmu at once. Gv 0d land. Must be sold. For particulars apply to J. P. TELFORD. Durham: Feb. 22nd. 1905,â€"â€"tf. People We Know THE GOING AND COMING UP DURHAM/7TB AND THEIR FRIENDS. Dr. Jamiesmi was in Ottawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown return- ed to the west last Thursday after spending several weeks’ visit with the farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown. here. On their return trip a. short visit will he made with Mr. and Mrs. Ball, of Stratford. Mrs. Jamiesun, of London, returned Saturday after Visiting friends in town and um nding the funeral of her hrntimr-iwlaw. the late Robert Mc- qu'izuw. Dam (‘ampbell was in Palmerston on Sat-Jul. V. Sui...» Binnie was in Toronto last. week As lfleplesellLatin‘ to the Grand Lmiu- In I’ll” A. 0. U. \V . Rm. Mr. Farquhau-(m was in To- 1‘1“)“de \\'. «iii. Barrister 11mm Was in Mount Forest last Friday. Arthur Laidlaw is recovering from illness which brought him home tron: Jackson, Michigan, about six weeks ago. J. S. W'ilson, of Louise, was in town Fridav for the first time this your. Rev. James Farquharsou, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, was in town over Sunday, the guest of his brother, Rev. “7m. Farquharson. Mr. Samuel Rogers, of Cedarville, was in town Saturday. ' Frank Vickers was in town over Sunday. Mr. Thos. Livingston made a busi- ness trip to Montreal last week. Mrs. Robert Smith returned last Thursday to Almeda. Assn», after vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Mathers. since Mrs. Graham. of ‘Winnipeg, left for lu-r home on Thursday morning last after visiting her sister-inâ€"law, Mrs. Wm. Calder. Mr. D. P. McClocklin left Saturday morning forArkeli. near 6110191), to attend the funeral of Mr. George Wat- ‘UVvâ€"_ son. He was accompanied by Wm. ngdWell, Robert Grierson and Mrs. Wm. Whitmore. Deceased was a hrother-in-law of Caldwell, Grierson and Mrs. Whitmore. Mr. McClocklin Good Farm for Sale. I'lel‘SOIl ‘3’”AIR. B. KEELER sous Willie Laidlaw was in Stratford Monday. M'r. Aljoe left on Monday for Grand Bend. Sask. Mr. C. P. Rason, of Buntin Gillies 00., Hamilton, was in town on busi- ness Monday. Mr. Thos. Caldwell left Tuesday for Dauphin, Manitoba, taking with him a couple of cars of horses. He was ac- companied by Duncan McNab. Mr. Ben McKinnon and his sister, Miss Tens, visited friends in town on Saturday. Mrs. John McLean, of Priceville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall, for a. few days last week. Dave Smith went to' Sarnia. on bus- iness Monday. Miss King, of Mount Forest, was in town Tuesday. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., is in Toron- to at the opening of the Ontario Legis- lature. We regret to learn that Arthur Ad- lam, son of Robt. Adlani of Chebogan, Mich, had the misfortune Friday last to get his arm broken. The father, who is here, received word by tele- graph on Saturday, but particulars are not known yet. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Kelly, of Omaha, Neb., were in town last week, having come here with the remains of Dr. J. Kelly, who was interred in Trinity church cemetery on Friday afternoon last. Mr. Albert Kelly, brother of de- ceased, and Messrs. Fred and Reg. nephews, were also in attendance at the funeral. Mr. Peter Hill left Tuesday morning fur W'innipeg. Miss Margaret Campbell, who has been visiting relatives in Aberdeen, returned to her brother’s in Dakota on Tuesday morning last. Mr. Mark Wilson, of Fleshertun, Wasin town last week. Mr. W. Fields, of Flesherton, was in town on Monday. Mf. Angus Cameron has returned to Butineau, Neath Dakota, after spending the winter with his family here. He was accompanied by a ne- phew, Mr. Cameron, from near Price- ville. We wish them success. Mr. George Putherbough went to London last week where he has secur- ed lucrative employment. Mr. Conkey, who was engaged dur- ing several months at McLean’s mill, Egremont, returned last. week to his home at Kerrwood, 00. Middlesex. Miss Jemima. Saunders visited in Kincardiue last, week. Last Chance for Niagara Camp I Tbeue is still room for a few more desirable men Remembar the im- proved conditions and increased pa) and apply to CA PT. 0. M SNIDER, Hampdan, or R TORRY, Durham. Niagara Camp hegins June lilIln As all lists must, be sent In by May 1st. thosv who intund going must up ply at once, Stating age, bought, e'c. That Stock We have the greatest. line up of bargains for you this week {hat has ever been ofiered in Durham con- sisting of - And lots of other goods. Come with the crowd “gain this week and share in the snaps. ()f Brand New Goods' than. we bought at fitty cents on the dollar is going very fast. Watches, Clocks, Chains, Solid Gold Rings, Brooches, Silverware, Purses, Pipes, Sea Shells, Jardinieres, Vases, Tea Pots DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. Busy Burunin Sture on the Buy 00! mar. The last time I wrote you, my pa had just got out of a bad scrape down cellar, and We all thought he was hurt but he" said he wasn’t, and if he was going down again he’d do it exactly the same way. Now I hate to hear my pa lie like this, cause my ma and our hired girl can do enough for all of us, telling about the big washings they had put out so quick, and how many young men they had on the string, and stuff like this. Pa says that ma was uglier looking than a last year’s bird’s nest, when he got her twenty years ago, and if she’d get a hoe and take of! some of the powder, paint and dirt he’d be darned if he thought she’d changed much. According to pa our hired girl and ma must have looked a lot alike, but I don’t want you to tell maor she’d dust my hip pocket for me, but it is a fact. When our hired girl laughs you couldn’t tell whether you were looking in the front end of a threshing machine, or getting a back view ofa Kansas cyclone going thru Missouri, and if you watch close you can count how many pancakes she ate for breakfast. Our girl is a warm member, all right, all right. but she can’t pull worth a cent with pa, and one morning pa said he was tired of paying out his hard-earned cash for hired girls who couldn’t boil water without burning it, and as he wasn’t busy, he’d run the kitchen department himself. Ma didn’t say anything, but looked kind of scared, and the hired girl borrowed a Sweet Caporal cigar- ette box that I wasn’t using, packed up her clothes, and moved out. l’a said the first thing on the program was the washing, and he was going to do it up quick and show the women that they didn’t know it all,â€"no sir, I not by a jug full. He yanked at the tub, but it caught on the corner of . our summer cookstove, the handle came off, and pa landed on the dog, as ' usual, and the dog tried to get away ' and pa went over backwards and ' struck his head on the table, and swore he was shot. Just about this ’ time, a can of preserves the hired girl ' had left on the table, got overbalanc- ed, and hit pa on the head and whisk- - ers, and from the color I guess pa thought it was blood and swore by the great horn spoon we had tried to murder him. and then the dog came back and saw the raspberries on the floor, and thought they were put there _ especially for him, for he started in to fill up. I guess pa didn’t like] his com- , pany, for he made a couple of passes l at him and missed and then got up . and made a kick at him, but the dog was too quick for him, and pa hit the old stove with his shin, and we had a circus. Pa said the dog hit him, and if the long-haired, curly-tailed son of , a sea cook came on the premises again he’d shoot him. Pa was holding his E? shin, doing a frog dance and quoting . Shakespeare all at the same time, but if Shakespeare had heard him I don’t think he’d have recognized himself. ’ Pa had put the water on to heat before he started, and about this time he got I . dizzy, or something, and, bumping a- ' _ gainst the stove, he knocked a leg out of it, and spilt the water all over him- self. The water was pretty hot, I can tell you, and pa got all he wanted I guess, for he hollered and cussed, said ' the Fenians were after him, and start- 5 ed on adead run for the stairs, trip- l’ ped on our best mat, and took a kind S of loop the loop dive. and landed on his fifth vest button on the washtub. Pa started to sweat, and I knew he .f was getting mad, but I suppose he had LS no wind, or couldn’t think of anything 1- good to say, for he lay on the tub as nicely as he lies in bed on a cold win- ter’s morning while we or ma gets up and starts the fire. He didn’t do a thing but puff and look at the dog, and the dog knew what was up and didn’t feel a bit scared. Pa looked too funny for anything with his whiskers full of raspberries and soap suds, and I had to go out behind the barn and, laugh. But then I felt sorry for pa, as he is pretty good to theâ€"far better than mais. Why, last 12th of July, Talk: about the Hired Girl. and how LITTLE WILLIE WESTINGHOUSE hin pa did the cm Wash Day- 9‘ #31 The Corner Store J.J.HUNTER THE BUSY BTORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. Watch this Space next week. $1.00 PER YEAR.

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