West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1905, p. 3

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x on FRAMEâ€"APPLY .1 w cmwm [ING a settlement .333 ' t Lleoftine late Nei‘ “exam '_ . Ii m of the partnership ; ltunw becomes in a” . rats and not” “mug h - t :10 delav as possible. dance with the abovo have therefore to r out; .\'.. u. J. ucucnxi [dine fur horse servieo for ~ vo kindly requested to y. wither ('has.Arnott. Dav Iwu'ds, Ebordalo. My. ‘ ’ for all mane): received._. I“ 0 3mm: GUESS WORK. in levelling and bib-0' 2 your horse’s foot.l h.” be Scientific Home '1‘.“ Levelier which is the law md best contrivance [or tilt )urpose and will gaunt“ misfactiou. 31R supp yall kinds and .13.. CIADLTY 0F REPAIRING. BY 01mm: or Ammflnum, ‘AA- Now offers the following: Care of Your its Feet. . . . . W ADVERTISEMENT. u want a nth-fact "cry 6: am building lot: W. GUTHRIE. h Groceries S. SCOTT Fob. lat, 1905. ANOVER CON VEYANCEI I! N1 ays Promptâ€"Never W cases for Sale. Che. my be left at either John door north of Stimn’s I shop not a. Cunt‘ mamas _ owmq Jon » kept and the my it. l-‘R ODD UR IRON PUIPS Ul W3 . Miller \\ U DAYS 0" ps Pumps! *5 THAT PUMP COST muthtwest of_Va‘rnoy, i! I“ â€"Priooo right.- NOTICE. FUR NOTICE. ,u'. - viv' v- V'UW”. n extra good farm and 4 m- ner anxious tolro WOL HEX'I‘IXUK. north of Ah I! imprnved and 030!“ m ().\ N \V H. H. MILLER. ion without tink‘i‘ y or two. fly on. ch Concession of N . n [waved 80d well Ion \vm rent if not sold. I‘KNCK. near Rocky 8- arm with good t“ )E.\'( I‘El) Mts'r MATERIM l'l'lfl‘lES alum. Suits :ot'I \(II'ID in No. l C. HORSE FOOT )west rates. ale tad] points. The Blacksmith. ck. Apples 8.. {M prices. 'l‘rouserS, they last, )f Jackets. 1‘ um .11: ' g ‘at ca“ rile they I 0N TARIO. will 3)" Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Ho... 12:213.. and to Golden Sq. Thront and Non Boo. Specialist: Eye, Ear, \Vlll b0 Will be at Knapp House Durham. the 2nd Sam. (UV in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p m. To Int roducc L R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. ‘RADULATB of London, New I Ymk and Chicago. E Diseases oi Byo. IXCLUSIVILY at the Middangh Home In Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. In. Our tine large Photographs we ;. have made arrangements to give one with every dozen Cabinets These large Photo-I graphs. finished in the latest‘g style, mounted on a beautiful American mount. are worth $1.50 alone. 1 1 RB. GEO. S. BURT. This is going to mlvertize our stmllo far and wide and hun dreds of maple will see them We do not say how long we can give this ofier as it means lot of ultra work and ex penw. “'9 know this style of thngraph will plomse you as it ld real artistic a it H DR. BROWN The cow for the dairymen is the or in milk, butter, or Cheese for the food cows are kept hr dairy purposes that d for their keep. They Camus): as muc -L .z.-.. .ml .vzre in their milking. The cmv for the «lairyrwn ix. the one 1‘12}, mm make the most profit in milk, butter, or enum- fur {2.1: fuml um. gnu". A large number of 1 rm's are kept fbr (inky yurlmres tlmt (lun'! j .2-1-1 sufficient milk to pay fur their Let-p. 1‘12-; c .._ «4.21.: 22.»: much as ;=ru.2‘£;::.1e ones and require as much tine an”. 1‘ .2": 221112121“ nailkin V. 3‘ 'n :1 good “ Milker” has gone m 111:; l Tia-rs 1.12:1 l; owing t ) 1.341.; \r care'and feeding. Many «if the 22.17; 1 x . L.:::l-.:;.: qnulniespf tin: feed are lost owing to im- pm me!“ 213.; :'J.fi:l" 1 and mmmlatwn. Tlns can be overeome by the add1tion of Clydesdale Stock Food to the ordmary feetl as 1t puts the stomach ' es If it could be demomtrate . . . . . - ' y, and thhout mJury to the land in fact im roving 1t, and at an extra rofit, wouldn’t you take 11 1) F005 will add to the milk prop: to turn out the most beautiful Bread and Cake andthe most crisp and delicious Pastry when used according to the very simple “Royal Household” recipes. That one fact out- weighs all the theories of two thousand years. A A A No other flour has ever made so many intimate friends among Canadian women in so Short a timeâ€"Perhaps it’s b:~cause “Royal Household” is made by the new electrical processâ€"that makes a wonderful difference in flour. Your grocer sells “ROYAL HOUSEHOLD” and you can have the recipes by simply sending your name and address to The Ogilvie FlOur Mills Co., Limited, Montreal, and mentioning [/26 name of this paper. Ear, Throat and Home AY BBLU. Durham. NER MAURBR. Hanover. 8308.. Ronstadt. Eur Nose and Tth1. iMCCLARY Sunshine Furnace and auu L Stoves for wood or coal. Va'élhog E DOWSWELL Washing Machineâ€" mony ' that will wash clean, and a ‘ and in VVrinaer that will wring dry and DOC tear. To our Friends and Customers! Implement Agency! CHURNS, the best on record. DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind that will keep a duck or ox on their own side of the fence PAL VIERSTON Buggies CTfitS. RUGS that will keep you warm and dry are the kind we handle. HEAD WILKINSON Pltws: ers have no equal. '1‘ “ U \PUUV ‘Jv Vvâ€"â€"‘ good location. garden lot. with each. Rent reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to FoR SALEâ€"A terunof good working Apply to J. \V'. Crawford, horsvs. Durham. :aaaeaefiacoooOOO. W0 GOOD HOUSES. 1313 W. BRICK JOHN CLARK XD STONES and MONUMENTS of the best workmanship. JAMES CARSO V or ED. WALSH. L Frost Wire Fenceéi Has no equal as General Purpose Farm Fence It will turn Stock without injuryâ€"beautify the Farm â€"- does not need constant patching and with reasonnble usage ‘Ll last a lifetime. Booklet end full particnlu's given on :12qu Houses to Rent. McKinnon’s old Stand) TAYLOR CO.. Dromore C. A. DRUMM. Holstein KNOT’I‘ BROS, Mnrkdale. and Int, for sale. Apply to Kinm-v. Durham. and Lani Roll and Demo- |Valley. This was the first marriage cere- lmony in the new Baptist Church, land in order that thegevent might be remembered with grace and gratitude by the newly wedded couple. they were presented with a Bible. 1 I-) One of those interesting events took place on Wednesday afternoon last at 4 p 111.. when the Rev. W. L. NeWton. in the presence of a large number of interested spectators. said the words that made man and wife of Mr. Robt. McLean, of this town. and Miss Clara Maud Hill, of Grand 'VUIIJ r. V‘Jvâ€"-'<-â€" .. The cmtracting parties looked their best The bride, who was as- sisted by Miss Millie Mann, was dressed in cream silk. and carried in her hand a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bridesmaid wore a dress of white organdie. and also carried a bouquet of carnations. The groom was assisted by Mr. David Gibson, who discharged his duties in a very becoming manner. The presents were numerous and .cosrly, the groom’s present to the wvuâ€"v bride being a valuable and handsome gold watch, and to the bride’s maid a gold locket set with pearls and opale. The ceremony over, the newly-wed couple repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Keys, brother-in-law and sister of the bride, where a re- ception was given. ‘I 1 ll..- 1].. VU HOV.- v w- "_ _ _ ,, . We congratulate Mr. and Mrs Mc Lean on their matrimonial venture, and welcome them as citizens of Durham, where they intend to settle The marriage of Miss Frank Saundo E are, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Saunders. of this place, to Mr. 1 James R. McLeod, of Kincardine. I was solemnized in the Presbyterian g church here, at five‘o’clock, on Wednesday afternoon of this week. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of the Wedding March, played by Mrs. Albert McGlinton The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a handsome gown of sheer French Organdy, «n train. the bodice trimmed with bertha of white satin. bebe ribbon and exquisite point lane. The regulation bridal veil of embroidered tulle, completed a most charming toilette. The bridesmaid. Miss Jessie Saunders, daintily gown- ed in white. with deep girdle and hair ornamems of pale blue. perform «d her duties very gracefully. while .\l r Securd Shane, of Bervie, ably assisted the handsome groom The Ceremony was periormed by Rev. Wm. Farquharson, after which anvvred guests to the number of aliuut siny. repaired to the fume 0f . the bride’s parents, Lower Town. I, wheie arrception was held. Refresh lmenm \Vrl‘t' served, and music and lganws of various kinds were imlulg ‘od in Lil! a late hour. The many handsome and useful presents receised by the bride are a proof of her papularity. The bride’s going away goan was of brown has ket cloth with blouse of cream lustre handsomely embroidered in holly . design. With it was worn a picturo' hat of black velvet trimmed with large black Amazon plume. and touches of cream Renaissance lace. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod will spend a few days in town before leaving on a trip to Sarnia, Port Huron and other points. after which they will reside " near Armow. Out. We congratulate “Hâ€"‘-‘ -A wâ€" _â€" ___ the young couple. and wiSh them many years of prosperity and happi- [1888. Loss of appetite eIWaye nevus from faulty digestion. AH 'lmt IS needed is a few doses 01 Chamber. laiu’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the slomach, strengthen the digestion and give you an appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also not use gen'le laxative. For sale at Parker’s Drug Score. If it is a bilious attack take Cham- berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For “10 u Pukor’s Drug Store. FOR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE. AT HYMEN’S ALTAR- -o.o .-~ She slipped on the corner of 001- | lege end Yonge streets, s little old women. pleinly dressed. Her per- cels scattered shout the crossing, but the world hurried on, for it was rain ing. Then s men stepped out from the crowd, and gethering the parcels tagether, handed them to the unfor- tunate pedestrian, end, weiting,. helped her on the car, Then he turned and diseppesred in the vortex of humanity, hurrying along the street She did not know the man. It wss E. F. Clarke. PetriOt, citizen, and statesmen, he was not too proud to stop in the rein to help this lone old women, sl- . though the world went by unheed- ing And it was for numberless acts such as this that he will be missed. and there is a gap in the forest of men for a giant has fallen. And to-day they will honor the dead, the cortege. the flags half- masted, the slow steps to the tomb. And they will return, and the civic wheels that are stopped will start again leaving the dead with the dead but his influence will remain with I the living. - - _ . ‘ J ‘- - AN INCIDENT THAT COUNTS. And so you and I must yield to the inevitable. It may not be to day. It may not be to-morrow or the next day or the next year, but we move steadily toward the hour when we will take the long journey. U ‘80 let us do on; Best. and let us not he too large for the smell deed that needs the doing. Let us be kind. Let us take the moments as they come. and make them count, for they are the stnfi of which the years are made. gone, who rose from the printer’s case to be one of the foremost. men of the Dominion. The hand that picked up those parcels is silent now; the voice spok- en so kindly to that old lady is for ever hushed; but no orator can strengthen, no eulogy brighten, the true noblity of the man who did the true deedâ€"Chas. F. Raymond, in Toronto Star. A Bad Bruise. Often causes agood deal of trouble. The best cure is a prompt application of Nerviline which instantly stops‘ the pain, prevents swelling. removes all blackness and discoloration. Ne r- viline is antisepticâ€"prevents blood poisoning. No liniment so strong. so penetrating. so swift to destroy pain. You miss a lot of comfort by not using Polson’s Nerviline. For nearly fifty years it has been the letandard family Jiniment 01 Canada. Tbe following is again going rounds:â€" If an editor makes a mistake he has to apologize for in, but if a doctor makes a mistake he burics it. If the editor makes one there is a lawsuit, swearing and the smell of sulphur; but if the doctor makes one there is a funeral, cut flowers and a smell of varnish. A doctor can use a word a yard long without knowing what, it means, but. if the editor uses it he has to spell it. If the doctor goes to see another man’s wife he charges for the visit. but, if the editor goes to see anather man’s wife he gets a charge of buck- shot. When a doc*or gets drunk it’s case of “overcome by the heat,” at if he dies it is bears trouble-s. When an editor gets drunk it’s a case of too much booze, and if he dies it’s a case of delirium txeinens. Anv old college can make a doctor You czin’t, make an Pditor, as he has to be born. Col R. N. Flogd Trade Press List. A GUARANTEED CUBE FOR FILES Itching. Blind. Bleedwg or Protruding Piles. Druggiats refund money if PAZO UINTMENT fails to cure anv case. no matter of how long standing. in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 500. If vour druggist hasn’t.- it send 500 in stamp» and it will be forwarded post-paid bv Paris Medicine (30.. St. Louis. Mo. A pupil at the Harriston High School was sent to the principal to be dealt with by Miss Jackson. be- cause of misconduCt. in school. Mr. McLean. the principal. administered correction to the pupil. The boy’s father complained that he was un- lawfully and unduly punished, and the magistrate. after hearing the evidence. convicted Mr McLean, and fined him $5 and $13 c'bst Mr. Mc- Lean’s defence was that the boy was troublesome by inattention. laugh- ing and talking in his classes; that he had been several tunes spoken to;. that he had also been corrected and kept in for misconduct. and finally had been Warned of punishment with the strap if he did not behave better The teachers reported him for mis- conduct. The headmaster also de- lIlel that the whipping was unduly severe. After the conviction by the magistrate the headmaster appealed against the conviction to the Court lot General Sessions and was heard on V' v - wwwâ€" Saturday. After hearing counsel for both parties, His Honor gave judgment in lavor of Mr McLean, the appellant, and quashed the con viction with costs to be paid hv the boy’s father, respondent. Albert Htrris 'vâ€" â€"â€"' v____ . ’ ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleno tablets. ten cents per box. All ammu- The Editor and the Doctor. ;, alas. humus. 39¢! my!“ 7.44.0 0â€"0 and Implements The Sherlock Utagns Eiflnua‘a‘é Sewing Machines Malone Separators D. CAMPBELL, Agent. CALDER â€"- NEW GLASSWARL. 7-piece Berry Se's at 450 each. 4, piece Tub le Sets at 400 and 60c each. Is at, 15c. 206, 300 and 500. Cake and Bread Plates at 20c and 250. Heavy Twilled Sheeting, 72in wide, 25c a. yard FLANNELFTE BLANKETS. Large Size k‘lnnnelette Bunkers. white or gray. at 8120 a pair. FLOOR OILCLOTH. 1 and 2 yards wide, at 2330 a square. TABLE OILOLOTH. 45 in wiie. white and color, 25¢ a yd. Pure Honey and Fresh Groceries always on hand. Famous School of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. He Sells Cheap DURHAM, ONT. AGENCY. BLOCK â€" DURHAM at 400 an ch. Ogilvie’s DURHAM BAKERY. the school to nipped for full Junior booth. at! mtdonhfion work. under the m on! of competent teachers for flat dam: THOS. ALLAN. lat Chou Commute. Pfll. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Chutes and M J. B. SMITH, B.A.. Mathematics and Seton“. intending students should enter at be term. or u econ efter .- pouible. d Fool. 01.00 per month. WI. JOHNSTON. Chairman. DURHAM SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. The People’s Grocery Groceries, Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Tobaccos. We also handle all kinds of Feed, Potatoes, Windsor Salt Oatmeal Cornmeal, Field and Garden Seeds. The Highest Price: Paid for Fun Produce including Butter and Egg- Mrs. Alex. Beggs J. M. HUNTER BUICK Pumps. I BEG LEAVE TO IX NRMIYM 'I‘OKERS sad the abnotn (mu! m I a plagued to fun!» A carload just received and kept for sale at the [3“ ALL ORDERS “ken st the 0H m- uar MoGownn'u Mill will be pro-pa, .g Choice Bread and Com fections constantly on hand. and delivered to all parts of town daily. In FLOUR. we handle the Listowel, Hunt’s Muni- tobn and McGowans'. Goods delivered promptly to 311 puts of the town. PROPRIETOR. . WATSON Best Flour FOR ALL KINDS OF -- TRY-- C. RAMAGE,

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