West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1905, p. 7

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new. ad disotd- down condition of wed and nut, 'voioildn’tthhk .wmmndemm “held“! 8 3 | chain, old style (I plan bx )Iortlay Me- m to mm been lost {ate and Edge Hill. mdfathor and full" is prized because 0! lot will be rewardd D .â€" DRUGGIST I, ONT. lady which will u ydth tnd “tong“ Lost. has not and Clocks. 01) “'0! a boon to Asthmatic. (floated. ugh, Group, Bro-chi?! 5 Asthma, Diphtheria DD WI d a Legend RLINCI fl mic ates that the wall. xry in its min! and as the a}. re of a boner math its Iliad. of TAPIJ‘IS of which II. a short (“8' n Yorkshire. yet fallen to atives 93M til it receive! :1 id to 8"“- .aylights let He lost it. 1st be on fl" Needing t0 mustnirfl and ivor. only ‘0 whriek: 60‘ [ad mine out tbe (118° I my pro- the can. pened to xus and Ne start- res )fl MW.- gvntle- volv Yet .n. 3"“ am B "numb WV 'HUIQDAY "O“IUO «mun-nu mnm.mum Tat CuInNICLn will ho ant to an; nddms, free of postage, ‘0! 3|.” pex “1E3 . o . o N" payable m advanceâ€"8|. 1313} 60 charged U 00!. sq patd. The date to vh' ever, ”My.“ h 1d Is .1210 :d by the number on 1h: .ddresn hbd 0 paper fin .c ntmuca‘ an"! all anew m paid. M at the canon of the proprietor. IRE BMW] flflfiflfllflflz <1, ranks“. n’ake; 1m “o'«"ro;.;..‘i '0 Foe e,“ M-” cents for fun' amnion, as cem (on end! nubnnqnent insertion.- ml“ For tramiem advertisements 8 cen .« pt line for the first imenion; 3 Cent» p “IE8 - o o lino “h subsequent IWiOD- mimm meann- Mammal catds, not exceeding cue inch 54.09 petpnnum. .Adverlisemcnu withon speck} direct”?! flu). pgbhsbed g I {unjbid am} charged .1: THE JOB: : b! inadm momma-math alum , , finished on qplicmion to W e. a All Mucus, go more inaction {n cunem week, should ho brought 1:) not last that: Town Drs. Jamieson Macdonald (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A _ short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street. Lower Town, Durham. Office hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. Garafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 3.11)., 2-4 p. 111., 7-9 p. m. Telephone No.10. tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to It) a. m., 2to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. _ Qfiicg [I the Durham Pharmacy, Ualder’s Black. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near the Station. proportv. ‘VOV -â€"â€" __. v 11th b'ni‘aroréity; Graduate of Royal (Inllege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ramsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oflice. tiv Ofico. H a 1.3-] V a» u-- Uflice over ’eErIaB}; new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm v0} ancerva'Etc. “Money to, Loan. Ofiicesrâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. f 'v;..;._ _ L'e Conveyam‘er etc. Private mono“ to Imen. Old accounts and debts of kinds collected“ on icommiseion. Farms -â€"â€"A A ”an. gin “In“ CU] [cum vu -v____-, bought and 9016.111“!ch Agent, Oflice-‘Iaclieuzio’s Old Stand. L Town, Durham, Ont. HUGH MACKAY. DURHAM, I la nd Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer fur the County 0: Grey. Sgloa ptompdy attended to and notes cashed. OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Salps promptly .tttendod to. Call at nby uvu o o 1' CWW'ub PARTHENT .11 new TYPE, thus an. fading facilities {or was: out First-elm Grey. Land thuator. BO Dinsion. Court Sdeoand 311 other matters promptly attendgd to. Richest reform tarnished if required. J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. promptly a at his Imp ttended to. Otden ma . lament Wareroona, ll old stand. or at the Chronicle Ofliee. FFICE AND RESI DENCEâ€"COR J OTARY PUBLIC, .ConM.MI§SION-‘ _A -‘A- Flr‘ICEâ€"uFlRST DOOR 131531103 l. P. Telford. ARRISTER, ; summon: ETC. , -II-....- ARRISTER, 391401103. me. 'n , ,___ n..- ARRISTEBS. SOLIQITOR‘S, CON- ? -_.. oxoa GRADUATE OF TORON: - C‘ ' Eon-on AND Paorm'rou. Nov. 9. m was CARSON, DUIgHAM, Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. . Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. Medical Dz’rectorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Dz’rectorv. MacKay Dunn. . Lefroy McCaul. A. H. Jackson. Miscellaneous. ordered bystnngm an: be put “L I“. DUNN. L'owel' LIC- Chronic Catarrh interest- ing let- t o r re- garding the cure of her dang h- ter, 14 y ea. r I , , . _ _ . ago, of ”M“ ‘ ' ' ' ' Cutarrh um um". sou-x, non. of t. h e Throat: “My daughter, when she was 5 years old, was troubled with a. very bad cold for over six months. She was short of breath, and seem- ed to be choked up all the time. A “The doctor said it was catarrh of the head and throat, and gave her medlclne for it, but it gave no relief. Seeing Psychlne advertised, I decided to try it, and before she had finished the first bottle she was as well as ever. The catarrh never returned, although 14 years have passed away since then, and she is now grown to young wo- manhood.”â€"Mrs. Wm. Garratt. The first stages of catarrh are com4 monly called catching cold. It may begin in the head, nose, throat, lungs, or stomach. In the majority of cases no attention is paid to a cold until serious complications set in. Neglect ism sin against yourself, your friends, and loved ones. Symptoms of catarrh, coughs, or colds are often cured with only one bottle of Psychine. Psychine can be purchased at any drug store. at $1.00 per bottle. For sale by all druggists. For fur- ther advice and information write Dr. Slocum, Limited. 179 King street west. Toronto, Canada, Sold by all Drnggists at $1.01) and $2.00. Psychine is pronounced Si-keen A Gala Easter Week for Toronto’s Great Event. 'l‘lw [oi rm" lost of the Canadian Horse! Slirrw Pas mm increnstd Px'Pry yPar unfif it lH‘HV “mounts to (rlOSP on to Hm sum c.f S‘TOHO in Cash and cups. “'hirh nrw distributed for the benefit, of 'his ”20% important agricultural. imlu-iry. 'l‘lw 11th Annual Canadian Horse Show will hp hold in Toronto on Wednesday. Thursday. Friday! and Satunlav. April 26th. 27th. 28th and 29th. This i4 Easter week and Their Excellenmw the Governor-Gen- eral and Count?“ of Urvy have se- lected this period for thoir fires visit to Toronto. and will prpside over the oppning of the Horse Show Reduced railway rates will be made; rvturn tickets being snld at. single "into on the opening day and afare and a third on the other deys, all tickevs good to return until the Monday after the Show Entries close on April 12th with the Secretary. Henry Wade. Palliament Buildings. Information in regard to boxes NC can be obtain- ed from the Manager. Stewart Hone ton. Toronto. (Pnououuczo sn-sz) A CANADIAN REMEDY â€"HOME CURES Yes. and your strength too. Stop coughing and get rid of that catarrh. The one remedy is ”Catnrrhozone” which goes to the diswaaed tissues along with the air you breathr; it can’t fail to reach the source of the trouble it’s bound to kill the germs. and as for healing up the sore places. nOtbing can surpass Catarrbozone. If you don’t get instant relief and ultimate cure you will at least get back your money for Catarrhozoneis guaranteed to cure catarrb in any part 0‘ the system. You run no risk- tberefore use Catarrhozone~at our expense if not satisfied. No Return in 14 Year: Always Caching Cold She would not wed the best of men, ’ I‘was what she said at firm. She proved her strength of purpose when She wed about. the worst. -â€" Washington Star. Champion Liniment for Rheumatism. Chas. Drake. a mail carrier at Chapinville, Conn. says: ”Chamber- lain’s Pain Balm is the champion of allllinimems. The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheuma- tism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it com- pletely cured me." There is no use of suflrring from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use fora short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale at Parker’s 3 Drug Store. CANADA’S HORSE SHOW. PROVE IT. At a meeting of the Directors of Ens-t Grev Agricultural Society held here on Monday it was decided to hold caprina show for the exhibition uf entire stock. The date to be fixed by a committee will probably be April 25th. The report. of the dele- uatee to the Fair Association was received. and the revision of the prize liet received some consideration hut will be fullv dealt with at next June meeting of the Board. Mr. Alfred Stone. who has been a great sufierer for three years, died on Friday last in the Hospital. in Toronto. where he recently under- went an operation On Saturday. his remains were brought home to the residence of his father. Mr. Ben- ry Stone, Stone’s line, from where the funeral took place on Monday, to the public cemetery here. Rev. Mr. Roach of Priceville conducted the burial service. The deceased was 28 years of age and a highly respect- ed young man in the community. Mr. and Mrs. George Bellamy er- rlved from Lindsny. we understand. to enter upon farming on the farm of the latter’s mother, Mrs. R. Rutledge near the village. Mr. Alf Harrison is in Toronto this week. a delegate to the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Dr. and Mrs. Murray are in To- ronto (.1118 week, the former attending the Dental Convention. Editor Irwin, and daughter Rita, were in town on Monday. and the warm hand clasp of the big-hparted editor gave us a lift. Springward. Mrs. Robb. Kells, and little daugh- ter of Maple Creek. Alta.. visited the farmer’s aunt. Mrs John Clinton, on Sunday. Mr. Duncan Stewart, and wife. of Parry Harbour. and Mr. Alex. Stew- art. wife and family. are here visit- ing the Mesdames Stewart’s father. Mr. George Best, who is ill. Miss Matbeeon, late at Acton; who comes very highly recommended. has arrived to take charge of B03(1.Hick- ling Co’s millinery. Rev G. F. Hurlburt, ot this place, owns several acres of land in Cuba, and some day purposes growing oranges down there. He is. we be- lieve. contemplating further invest- ment in land on the fruitful Island. Mrs. Boyd. sen. of Mt, Forest, is visiting her sons and their famllies here Mrs. J. W. Armstrong has return- ad from visiting her son and daugh car at Clarksburg. Miss Westlake. who has been on an extended visit with Mrs. Chard. fourth line, is returning to her home in Toronto this week. Mr. Joseph Blackburn and sister Bella visited relatives in this place and vicinity last. Week. Mr. W. J. Douglas, of Collingwood made a business trip here last week, and has placed a voung man in charo g9. of his seed business. Mrs. (Rev) Wane is spending a week with her son and daughter in Toronto. A Society Belle of Kingston Cured of Pimple: and Blotchea by Using Pimples Spoiled Her Beauty. Miss Evelyn ;\.l. Gaetz of Kingston. writes: "I had an attack of blood disorder which broke out in horrid looking pimples. They were ugly red disfiguring blotches and ruined the appearance of my face. I tried all sorts of medicine. but the pimples didn’tleave. I was recommended Ferrozone and gave it a trial I no- ticed an improvement after the sec and box, and kept Up the treatment which finally cleaed my skin. As the result of Ferrozone I have a. clear healthy complexion and can recom- mend it to all other young women similarly aflected.” Another young lady well known in society circles of Springfield, who (16° rived exceptional benefit from Form. zone says: “I feel it my duty to make known the value of Ferrozone. My trouble was poor, weak blood, and as a consequence my lips were pallid, and my cheeks had no color. I wasn’t at all strong and required a bracing tonic. Ferrozone soon brouht color to my cheeks, improved my ap- petite and made me stronger than I have been in years. I favor Ferro- zone because it is so simple to take and works so quickly.” Just one Ferrozone tablet at meals- that’s all. Easy to take, sure to cure, and not expensive. Better use Fer- rozoue and be beautiful and strong like other: that employ this splendid tonic. Price 500. per box or six boxes rfor $2 50. at all druggists or by mail lfrom The Ferrozone Company, King- ston. Ont. Don’t fail to get a supply of Ferrozone to-day. Miss Florrie Richardson of this (Continued from lut week.) errozone. Flesherton. plnoo. ond Miss Jun Bonnie the Volley. “tended the millinary open- inga in Toronto. and. we lear . have both second situttions in th city. Miss Bert Crossley left. lost. wool: lo takeaposition in Toronto. The vacancy in the 3136 of tenchera in the Presbvterian Sundsw School by her removal has been filled by the election of Miss Nellie Chard. Mrs. Sinclair. and Miss Sinclair. of Erin were the guests of Mrs. Price Teeter. west hack line. last week and also visited Mrs. Ilerb Smith here. Mr. W. flitcbie of Duudalk was in town Thursday and gave us a pleas. ant. cull. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall. of Whit. field. on their honeymoon. are spend~ ing a few days with the latter’s aunt. Mrs. F. G. Karatedt. Mr. Thos. Bulmer left on Monday to spend the summer with relatives at Yellowgraee. Ase... A Chicago Aldormm Owes Hi: Bloc- tion to Chamberlain’s Cough. “I can heartily and conscienti recommend Chamberlain’s Coug Remedy for afieotions of the throat and lungs.” says Hon. John Shenick. 220 So. Peoria St.. Chicago. “Two‘ years ago during a political campaign I caught cold after being overheated which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop. as I could not speak loud. In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. 1 took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had llargely subsided. I took several doses that day. kept. right on taking through the campaign. and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the Council ” This remedy is for isale at Parker’s Drug' Store. It was wi'h deep regret that. we learned of the death of Master Inhn Tncker.snn of Mr. Alfred "‘ucker who died on Wednesday evening last. after an illness of three weeks from typhoid fever. John was a bright active little boy of but. five and one half y.eare The funeral. which took place on Friday was largelv attended Rev. W. F. Roach officiating at the house and grave, The sorrowing family have our sin- cere sympathy in their sore bereave- ment. , Mr. R. J. Hawthorne. Insurance Agent, \Valkerton, made a few calls “1 the neighborhood on Saturdav. and was detained over Sunday on account of the bad condition of the roadq. Mr. Matt. Hooper has the contract of finishing the church coeds. and the proéress he is makinc will have them complete in a few days. There will he :1 sons: service in Ebpnezer church on Sunday the ‘26th of March, at the usual hour. We are pleaspd to bear that Mr. John Wileon. of Dromore. who wpnt to the hospital a couple of weeks ago has had a .uccessful operation, and we are hOping to see him home again 8001] . You’re Only Half Sick. But nevertheless you feel pretty ‘seedy.” Best prescription is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; they tone up the entire system, strengthen the atom ach. elevate your spirits and make you feel better in one day. It’s by cleaning the body of wastes, by puri- fyinz and enriching the blood that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills accomplish 'so much. Very mild. exceedingly prompt. and guaranteed in every case. Your druggist sells Dr. Ham- ilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butter. nutin yellow boxes. 250. each, or five for $1 00, Get the genuine. It is with much grief that we learn 1 of the death of Mr. Wm. Crozier,! who passed away at his home in Youngstown, N. Y., Feb. 28th 1905. Mr. Crozier was born in Bentinck, Canada. on lot 25. con. 7, on October 20th. 1857 In 1889, he married and moved to Youngstown. where he re. sided till the time of his death. He will greatly feel his loss. The fun- seal was in charge of the Select Knights, an Order in which the «le- ceased had filled every ofiice, holding at the time of his death the position of Past Commander. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Watts, and the large attendance at at the funeral'showed the love and ,esteem which all who knew him felt *for Mr. Crozier. Two of his sisters landa brother were present at the funeral; Mrs. Emily McCullough. of Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Maycock. of Hanover, and Mr. Edward Crozier, of Bentinck. .Our sympathiesgo out ,to them in their sorrow. Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective. and safe remedy for all throat irritatxons is found an Crmlene Antiseptic Tablets ' ° ' lene with They compute the germmxdal value of Creso . . the soodnng propertsee of ehppery elm and lmflfi ‘A‘ A'. M.“..‘. “-0.0 Glenmont. William Crozier. 0.. w« Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. i ! NARGE STOCK OF RATTAN GOODS JUST IN ¢ Chairs Bedroom Suites Chiffoniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE llllél t Clbl tau: . I‘READERxfi VARICOBELE CUREEE? N., G. J. McKechnie. Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Blouse Materials, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mantles, Etc. Sell What You Need ’ard Kress, Durham, Ont. March . . . Bargains THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to older LRoom Mommas

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