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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1905, p. 8

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9:99». ... o *zsaeé . aw: .. as: .$$$a£## '3” 'fi‘ It. ._. : .fiar‘?’ :gmasmaaamnmang it! The Chaim-st of the Choice-- é Boots and Shoes 100 1 only Ludies’ Asuachun Jacki". 847 00 for. . . . .. I .. :3 only Men’s Coon Cons. $30 00 for ................. SMALL FUBS REGARDLESS OF COST. We will give 17 .3 HM But. Ola-an Currams . . . . .. . 7 lbs Rice .................... , 5 Packages {06 King Unrn Starch :; Packages 10c Chinese Starch . .. New Spring Hats. Lndnes’ Jackets, 32rl’s Tweed Jackets. all sizes. 84 00 for . . . . . " .4. 50 and 3b 00 for .. .. ." 3595 (or. n o- v 8550 for .............. Z'HE PEOPLE’S SHIRE yards Colored Serge-a. up to-date. An Unrivalled display of Bargains to! this week. ROBERT BURNETT Mothers! here’s a Chance to Jacket you! Girls. GROCERIES FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Alex. Russell All Bargains must be Cash or Produce. PARTING PRICES OF HIGH GRADE FURS LADIES’ JACKETS AT COST AND UNDER. Saturday only from 9 to IO a. m. But you need not wait for the Weather to clear to realize that it is approaching. (Jail and see our stock. If it won’t take the chill off the atmosphere and warm you up nothing;r will. We are just bubbling over with enthusiasm Why shouldn't we '3 We have the best se- lected lot of Dress Goods we have ever shown. Don ’t expect us to describe them. We simply can't. Prices can’t be beat. give 17 lbs l-{Mputh’s Granulated Sugar Nu mm'e than 81 meh to any One person. The Big Store 60 DAILY ARRIVING HERE Spring Goods TRY US FOR FRESH GBOCEBIES. This \("I\' inadequately desc1ibes the splendid qualities of one of the la1gest .1111! must 11110n1hoent pumhases The mam or boy we can’t fit and please with a spring hat will be hard to find. We have the very latest styles in either the Christy or the Soft Felt. DURHAM - â€" _ â€" â€"â€" ONTARIO ever made in this County. Their equal is not to he seen elsewhere. $6 00 for. 33 04) for. $1000 [or in all its Glory will soon be here. . . . . 35c 50c 000 60c for for for for The recent thaw was a welcome sight, eSpeciallv to those who have been melting snow for their Stock all wince r. It has put. an end to saw lagging for a few days ' A party of young folks gathered at the home of Mr. Alexander Mervyu one evening last week and sperm a pleasant time in games and dancing. Mr and Mrs. McNeal and daugh- rm', of Lakeler. have moved to the home of their son. Neil. of this place. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. Jâ€"ohn Hopkins is engaged to how the bum timber for Mr. A. Hunt which he imends to areas this com- lng summer. Mr Thomas Tompkins is busily c-nguged getting out timber for a new stable which he imeuds to build in the summer Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCaslin and famiiy have moved to their new home naar Hutton Hill We are sorry to lose them from among us. but, our loss is others gain as they were kind and obliging neighbors. We- wish them success in their new home. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Sumpton and (langhter. Effie, have moved to Bruce to spend a. while on the farm. Their son. Jame-z, is go- ing to carry on the business here as usual. We are sorry to less them from this part but wish them suc- 0083. We, the undersigned. have known F. J Chosuey for the last. 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and film“- cially able to carry on! an} obliga- tions made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, \Vholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taking inter- naHy, acting directly 0n the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent {roe Price 75m per hutle. Sold by all draggism. Mr. Amos Edmonds has returned to the West again after Spending the winter with his brother, Joseph. and at her friends. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti- pat‘ou. We did not think there were any sneak thieves in this part. But nevertheless there has been a. num- ber of whips stolen this last while back. and we would advise the ones who indulge in that kind of practice to be careful or they will get into trouble before the play is ended. We ofl'er One Hundred Dolhus re- ward for any (use of Catarrh that cannot b9 cured by HaYI’s Ca'arrh Cure. Mr Robert Brigham hurt his back one day 1:24! week while cutting ~hingl99, We» are pleased to report that the accident is not uf a serious nature. Discovered in Time. On Friday afternoon )Ir. J. RamSay when passing Peet’s shoe factory on E Stephens street, noticed that a «park fron the snack had set fire to the shingles on the roof. He immediately notified Mr. Peel and the alarm was sent in first from box 2:3 and then box 42- Niether of these were in working order and a ’phone message had to be Sent, so that fully twenty minutes elapsed before the htigage arrived In the meantime some act- ive boys had climbed Up on the roof and had the fire nearly extinguished If this had not been done it is possible that the building would have I l l ‘heen seriously damaged at luast. l l When the brigade arrived YhP. water was turned on and the little fitt- re- maining was quenched -â€"-O a Times. The' drum e Herultl coniplnmns that many \\ alkerton peoiile drixe half Way to the cemetery with it funeral and then back and the t tlttor remarks that wht-n his funeral happens he huprs the people Wlll g0 whole it ay or ht“ ’p out. of the procession. The {Diet is well taken. It is a puul‘ [hall-i of respwt :0 Show . a tlr-p‘dl'lrtl citiz~n. to go out With a luuelal and back out alter dl‘ivlug half a mile. There is is lut of liumbug in totxus and villages in connection with futitrnlswvisitors come to ofier sympathy and count the cost of the coffin to cheer the widow and see if she cries hard or only half hard, and men who hitch up and drive solemnly with the procession through the Streets when: their attendance may be publicly nmiced and then make a circuit home by the back streets when the outskirts of the town are reached. It a heartless bueiness. and it would he better if peOple quit shamming and went right ahead with their own business until their own time comes There is not perhst it place in On- tario that does uOt need to be lifted back to honest ground in its relation to funeralsâ€"Toronto Star. Yes, quit shsmming, and get back to hon est business. Honor the dead by re- membering your duty to the living. Don’t go to M funeral announced for two o’clock which will start prompt- ly at 3.30 and stsnd and shiver for 90 minutes, contracting it cold that may loud you at the head of the next solemn procession. Don’t no and stand borehesded in s cemetery for on hour or so on s cold winter’s dsy; for better to so hslf wsy and get book to your own fireside by wsy of the book street or my other street. g'l‘hsrs is lots of shunning st fun- stole probsbly. but there is slso lots let m “at: nswkish senti- . CHENEY (.30.. Toledo Allan Park. How’s Thls .â€"<. 0.0 -- I am of the opinion that ,4 fairs should be held throughout the .ountiy during the winter months. If there is One thing more than another which our farmers have to cope with every year. it ‘s that of the seed problem. For the past few years weed needs have been rapidly on the increase, and if something is not done in the near future to cheek (hie spreading. our farmers will be un- able to secme clean seed at any coat. It. is an old saying and a true one also. "wha'soaver a man soweth that shall he alau reap,” and almost any of our humans are aware that. if large plump seed is sowu,large plump SPcd ahall l-le llarvthed, and that if small plump seed. shrunken seed or broken wed he suwu,tiw result will ba orluen- auw than my isfncmry when harvewt time comes; as a large pmcemage of uh». sewl wnl not, grow, and Wreds Will glUW up lllble‘ad. Experiments have been conductul at. Guelph and other places, which will illustrate the (inference m 5 lcld from large seed and the other kinds mcmlomd In balley alarm, a Lil- ferem'u of three bulmls per acre {ereuvu of three budncls per acre were grown from large plump seed than small glmup send: seven bus~ The slanderous reptile who runs the Potato Creek Viml'cator, in his latest issue asserts that our wife has sued us for diverse on acc0unt of exoessive and repeated cruelty. In order that our readers may know just how much truih there is in this story we will BXplaili. Om Wife has not sued us for' divorce at all We haven’t any wife. We never had a Wife. The whole story grows out. of the circumstance ihuz there is a re- port in circulation to the efltut that we are to he married Wtek after noxr. And there isn’t any truth in this story either. It is all We can do to support ourself in this durned town. let alone a. wife. But If the lying other blatherskite of the POW to L'reek sheet doesn’t Want to get into trouble. let him keep out of our Way for the next month or twc. If you are going to buy a Windmill see our mill and prices before you buy. We are not soliciting orders but we are ready to fill your order and save you money. If you are not a shareholder it will pay you to become one at once. The shareholders of the are well satisfied. Sarsaparilla If your blood is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor’s medicine. “I owe my life, without doubt. to Ayer’n Safltparilla. It i: the most wondotful modi- cino in theyorlgljor nervousness. My cu. II A A._-_‘- n.- Ann--h " c'llolll I’ll 'V‘l. I“ -v- -v..- permanent. and I cumot thank {an cum ‘1 -- n." , . Wit v a-nrlr Door flcalth A SLIGHT CORRECTION Get our Binder Twine prices before going elsewhere. ICIIB, .0!“ I V- “II VI: “v-..â€" Mns. DILIA ”HOWELL, SEED FAIRS Farmers’ Manufacturing #mmmw for J. o. AYER 00.. Lows". Mum, Ignorance The Flaneur iu the Mail and Em- pire says: I am in receipt of many letters asking various questions about Easter. Doubtless in the next few weeks I shall receive many more asking substantially the same ques- tions. Therefore. I reproduce the following article from Nature (Lon- don) which contains about all there is to say on the subject 2â€"â€" â€"_.v _ Thepresent year 18 one of which uncertainty might arise as to the date of Easter, 1! the Prayer Book rule were suicuy followed. Dr. Downing. F. R. b. of the Nautical Alumnae oliice. snues that. inquiries have been address. d to him on the inbj ct. According to the Prayer Book Easter day( n which all other mow ble feasts anu uoly days depend) “is aiways the firs. Sunday after the' full moon which ha. pens upon or next site: the 2lst day t f March,” In 1905 the moon is full on the morning of 'l‘uesday,Match ‘21 at 4h 56 min. Greenwich time. a d therefore Easter day would Seem to no the Sunday fol- lowing. March ‘26. But, explains Dr. Downing “the moon referred to in the ecclesiastical calender is not the actual moon in the sky. which is full at a definite instant of time; but a fictitious moon, the times of the phases of which are so an} ranged as not to difler much from the actual moon. These phases are held to occur vaguely on certain days and hold good for all longitudes. In [the instance before us the actual moon is full at3 h. 56 min. a. m.. Greenwich mean titne.while the same moon is full at 11h. 48 min. p. m. (on i the preceding (lav) Washington mean time. Thus peeple adapting Green. wich time would keep Easter on Mar. ‘26. while those adopting Washington time would keep it on April ‘23, the next full moon ” Dr, Downing gives us the simplest expression for the (late of the Paschal full moon March (44 cpact). When the epact is equal H) or greater than 24 fhlS 9XpreSSi0H gives the date of the preceding full moon is found by adding 2!) to this date. In 19”.") the enact is ‘24. and the calender moon is full on March 20 and April 18. The latter day is (fltfl‘t‘ful'c the Pat-171m; {ml moon. and Easter (lav la‘ the Sunday following. Aptil 2:5 â€"-as slated In the aluiatiacs. lu buying a couan medicine for chlldreu never be nrrmd to buy Uhamhorlmu’sb‘ouuhRommiy There ia no danger from it and relief is alwayssnre to {(llow It. is cspec ially valuahla fol maids. cramp and wlfnopiug (Suuhh. For sale at Park- sDru' Scum ASafe Cough Medicine for Children Millinew fluening WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mal. 29th 81 30th We invite you to visit the department at your earliest convenience McIntyre Block. ()0. who have bought (fonds new spring goods. When Easter Comes. MISS DICK SPRING {m “Mi-“afinuv Au .1 Durham Out. G001) POSITIONS. Has placed all its grndmtes in aged msi. tions and hes several good p08|liuns m view. Its emu-see ere the most up to-date and the best tnat can be obtained in (Jan- ada or the United States. and. as its exam. ination papers are read by 5 board of examiners specially appointed. ntu diplnmAs are an excelleut recommendatiuu in both these countries. The Mount Forest Business College Good positions present themselves m every person. and young people with a business training are always in demand. We are now prepared to receufe any young,' ladies and gentlemen who Wish to accept good positions in April and May. All our students are taught separately at their own desks. and do their work independent of one another. In this way. they receive special attention in such subjects as are diflicult to them. and are enabled to ac- complish considerable in a short time. They msy also. begin the course at any time. Day and Evening Classes. Trial Lesson free Visitors always welcome. Pletty as Pletty Sees _... Plow Harness. ~â€" Plow Kaine: -~ Plow Lines ~ Trace Chaim Watchmakor. Jeweller. The Hardware Store. Everything Coal ()il. Door Mats. Foot Scrapers. Stnvvs Ranges. â€"8weat Pads. â€"â€" Zinc Pads. â€"Gall Cure. ~Horle Clippers Harnvss. Etc. A. Gordon fiardware. W. Black. W. T. CLANCY. Prin. "‘ Mv face is my fortune.” said the pretty maid in the old Eng- lish ballads. She had proper appreciation of the value of a fair lace in the matrimonial market. Eyes make or mar many a face, the other features may be ever so comely. a pair of weak red. inflamed or twitching eyes will spoil all beauty. Properly adjusred glasses will cure most of these troubles. Our qualifications and equipment for eye exam- ination are the mom tlerugh and modern. our cl‘xoiee of frames and taste for lining them is llnPXCUllO‘l. Th“ .9“ (:flnm'lufl and Am. ericnn Cm“ Oil a3un55 in neck. \Vhy have dirty floors when you can buy Dom- Mus so cheap Our variety consists of Winn Cocounut, Fibre and Corn \Ve alpo sell diam-out kinds of Foul Scrapers, Th9 Sun“; is (1'snppenriuc VPTV rnpidh and 'he ground wiH yam-n h- umdv for plow 502. See our ueqortment of Du not forum that, we handle the bout an d cheapo“ Stoves and Roman: Our "Penn Efi'ho-v " rune“ i~ u€"ing knuwn fur in no- d qualities. So with Many Eyes. in season at Optician . The Chronic] > PRINCIPAL ALLAN t very sewn-é trial three. Inuvt-hs. (m m- «his son. and 1hr “tailed llax'v runclw hue better Class of v on the publiv high“ 43 railways 07 Turn“! u u 3. work of dvslrurt inn in soon become mum: I! :- wang Without H mm- dOWII and killml. Lifw. hhoeomiugofliulnmlu “ are 80 frequvm Hm ly take time to mm an Mal in thv dailic-s. Searcviy fearfu‘ r loss of H 0f Allan's S to repair th to building wasidvrnt i¢ bl"? I'm-«l I talking Hf «' We think. i~ for H’puiril' Would g0 :i el'vctiun “1'. tom seems [U in- Accidents to MI was raw. and Ire a. standing "u recount is «nan-1mm 0f “1314(1ng “1911' is only in the c-uum; and slumld w sometiuws. \\ overlook mn' m better Class of ml. Who has ha I 81' in thl‘ N' WM?!) ywu's. is _.ulln|0\‘elllmn is ‘iolfiduytin mm- satisfn ion. I a day his m ful tl now ll) ‘holiday fill ah“!- mid “Md anuw his ml: “the same as it hr \\ i‘think. a [)rnpvl' tl‘ilu ”a my of lw-ug‘nixiug a spa loam scam; right u mean) DURING THE msr we“ r cunomcus moms. Jul: in OVPI‘ a “'(‘t THE Nllmiudvl' Hf nu shoes at $5. fm- $3.9M. 1‘)! UNTIL the CHI: year, an new sub: li( QISI‘“ FOR SAI.I£.~ . Good as new. ”fessâ€"Jul") \\ GENTLEM EN ! bargains in Jim CLOVER and (Brass ity at Geo. Lawrmw. 651' your 1h HOUSE Tu RENT. (h Apply to Miss lluttun. Hon-41c and Mrs. T1105. 1" Durham Fumnh')‘ by payin Local News Item “WI“ and lergvt i(‘ In: 'lu V. ~ ‘0 see him gvt tlu- 1mm”); ~ house him implnu hv H2. ”.0 hope to see him wlm n1 ' ed V'igul. Snuw \\ :1} but we expevl m fim! “of the chapter. RAH.“ n \\'I A CAPERINE \\ E“ “'m‘k VOL. 38---NO. 1985. yum )x Calf and Vi hi and M H {\Vh' ll \"U \\ I] s I At I" t} IN lis ) Wul‘ ' kink, . kick \Vt.

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