West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Mar 1905, p. 2

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Fu rnitu re Factory In Ashes. L088 840,000â€"IAY BE BE-BUILT On Thursday evening last, shortly’ after seven o’clock. many of the citizens were startled by the sound of-tbe whistle in the Furniture Fact orv, only to discover that fire had1 ‘ and hadi already made considerable progress. The inflammable character of the material in the finishing room where the fire originated. and indeed throughout the whole building, gave very little hope that anything could be saved. Over sixteen thousand dollars’ worth of finished furniture was piled up in the store room, and a strenu- ous but truitless eflort was made to save this portion of the factery, which was separated by a heavy brick wall. The fire started in the south-east corner, and as the wind was. unfortunately {or the company, from the same direction. the building and contents seemed doomed from the start The manager, Mr. Catton. and Mr. Koch, the hook-keeper. were back after supper, and were just looking over the daily papers in the ofice,’ when Miss Burnett. who happened to be passing. noticed fire in the up- per windows just above their heads, ‘ and gave them notice of the fire.' Mr. Wright, the night watchman, was also on duty, filling up the, boil ers. according to the regular custom of his routine work. How the fire originated is a mys- tery. Some seem to think it was caused by the electric light wires which entered the building just about where the fire was first seen. Othersimagine that it might have been acase of spontaneous combus- tion. some of the waste used in the finishing having caught fire This theory, however, has no weight, if it be true. as we are told that waste was not allowed to accumulate in the building. That a match thrown by any of the workmen when leaving the factory at six o’clmtk would lie smouldering amongst varnishes and oils evm for one hour without burst- ing into flunes. is almost. inconceiv- sblc, ya: no om knows. and the cause of its origin is likely to remain 3 mystery. The building was a solid brick 1 seems like a very conservative estim- structure ouilt about rive or six years ' ate to put the depreciation of property ago. Originally it was in the form lrom this calamity alone at ten to 20 of an L. 7.0 let-t wide by 127.; fi-etlong per cent. of the assessed valuation. on one side and 1m feet long on the- ! Moreover the stockholders are light Olin-1'. A subsequent addition was 3 or heavy losers according to the made which squared out the building . amounts invested in a concern which making ii a rectangle 1w by l'ls'i. promised before long to be adividend Besides the stone basement there producer. Viewing the afiair in the were two storevs. The shaking was ' best way possible the loss is general mostly in the ham-merit, the heavylto the whole town and everybody machinery on the first lloor show-,1 suffers more or less in consequence and the light work of finishing was 3 of the destruction of the factory. done on the upperiial The original Realizing the seriousness of the cost of tlie building alone was some situation a public meeting was called where in the neighborhood of ten 1 on Friday night last to consider mat- thousaiid dollars. and the subsequent I ters in connection with the fire and additions Illa'lh would increase tlii- l to discuss means to be employed for cost considerably ; the resurrection of the factory, The For girder security against tiir i hall was packed and much regret was the boiler rooms and furnaces aere’shown over the loss while great placed away from the building and .enthusiasm was manifested overpres- With all conceitable pl'0’6KUt-0u3 and 3 pef‘ts of rebuilding. The company’s the etut.lo)lnent alwayeul a reliable i preposition requests that the town night t'.atcliman the company and the l cancel the ten thousand loan granted 8t0('k-hOiti(flS lelt tolerably secure l them at its organization, and that from fire. lanother loan of ten thousand dollars The toral loss to the company will l be made by the town for a term of be more than forty thousand dollars, years without interest. It was also roughly estimated as follows: The thought well to have the charter in- building 14 or 15 thousand dollars. creased and another ten thousand finished furniture 15 or 125 thousand dollars sold and paid for. Under dollars. machinery about 12 or. 13 such provlsions being carried out the thousand. The tetal insurance was company will rebuild on an enlarged 324mm. placed in small amounts in scale and bind themselves to furnish several companies. The estimate of employment to twenty or thirty more costs given above are, of course, not men. - This seemed to meet the ap- accurate, but are in all probability proval of many present but whether less than the burned material could or not the people would sanction the now be replaced for. proposition in voting on a bylaw is The almost impassable condition of something we can hardly foretell. The almost impassalfle condition of the streets gave tbs; firemen great Rouble in gegting out the engine, and the time seenzvd long before they made their appearance on the scene and had water playing on the tire. From the first. blowing of the whistle. however. only twenty min- utes elapsed till the water came. \\ e canteen the time seemed like an hour yet the acme] time by the clock was he“: Illness. Three streams were ~06 1010- the £0.00 0% idilerem .. m " "he“ 19*. M [H ' RH AM FURNITURE FACTORY. did the best they knew how and the best- they could. company we think had every reason to be thankful that the fire was confined to the building and that ' ' ' line oltl e fire . we claim did excellent work and we ihave no fault to find - ‘ Shortly after the fire broke out the g brigades at Palmerston and Mt.Forest ,1 were telegraphed for and a special .3 was sent out by the Grand Trunk to Lget them here as soon as possible. :, Palmerston came as far as Mt.Forest . i and the Mt. Fores'. brigade had their llChemical Fire fighting appliances at H the station ready to come on when 1[ they were notified from here that itheir services would not be needed: ’2 It was feared that the lumber piles I? would take fire as they were just in - Â¥ line, and if they once caught several >9 residences were almost sure to be r doomed. Fortunately, however, the r3danger was subdued by the energies a of our firemen and through the order 1 to Palmerston and Mt.Forest was can- , celled, the interested citizens are ; none the less grateful at the willing 1 disposition they manifested in lend- ing us a helping hand. By the regular . night train about forty Mt. Foresters r came up,thinking thev could get back A- LA‘OA 0-mv “y, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" a on the special hioh was to take their tire appliances. As this didn’t come they were obliged to stay over for the regular train south next morning. ' ,1 L... IuVI ”In“. The factory is now a ruin, and by its destruction the town as well as the company suflers a great deal. It was only a small concern compared with many others, but it gave regular ; employment the year round to from forty to fifty hands. Of those em- played there were over twenty heads of families who are now out of em- ploy ment and will have to seek work elsewhere and may be obliged to leave town. Reducing the population of the town by the removal of these families is alone a great loss, and under existing circumstances it seems about the only thing likely to occur unless the company and the town can make some arrangement by lwhich the industry will be. reâ€"estab- Elished at an early date.- 3 making their bread and butter out of \factory great loscrs by the calamity, Ibut the whole property of the town is reduced very materially by the . wiping out of such an industry. It E seems like a very conservative estim- { ate to put the depreciation of property 3 lrom this calamity alone at ten to 20 :per cent. of the assessed valuation. EMoreover the stockholders are light 3 or heavy losers according to the ! amounts invested in a concern which ' promised before long to be adividend .producer. Viewing the aflair in the »; bust way possible the loss is general {on Friday night last to consider mat- lgterst in connection with the fire and to discuss means to be employed for : the resurrection of the factory, The 'hall was packed and much regret was gshown over the loss while great ienthusiasm was manifested over pros- :pects of rebuilding. The company’s gprOposition requests that the town guancel the ten thousand loan granted 2 them at its organization, and that lanother loan of ten thousand dollars 3be made by the town for a term of lyears without interest. It was also g thought well to have the charter in- . creased and another ten thousand l dollars sold and paid for. Under ! such provisions being carried out the loompany will re-buildon an enlarged Not to the Vwbole town and everybody suffers more or less in consequence of the destruction of the factory. In order to provide lumber the company during the past winter pur- chased between four and five thou. sand dollars worth of logs. and in- tended to build a saw will this spring provided satisfactory arrangements could not be made for the cutting of the legs. Tenders are now advertis- ed for but nothing definite hes been done by the compeny so fer. There WHX‘B {061' 6;" loads of fur- given on proper security. niture ready packed for shipment to non ellowed 06 for cash. British Columbia when the fire 00- Everything must be 1 curred. This would have been ship- proprietor is going Went. oél}v‘avrrcitinose who have been of whom were Quito in the tank put there yegfs ago. The books and pepere were neerly 311 saved. and ere now company’s temporary ofiice McIntyre Block, over the S Bank. Mshsger Cotton had just. paid over five hundred dollars for stock in the * fore the fire occurred Dr. Jamieson, N. McIntyre, W. Calder, A. W. H. Lauder. and James Crawford are the heaviest stock holders. “Uluvs U. The foundation appears to be in pretty good condition. and will not have to be rebuilt. The south-west A strenuous efiort was made to one the engine, but it no doubt ous- tnined serious injury through a large lot of brick that fell on it near the last of the oonflugrution. It in thought it will not eufier much from the fire. _ -â€" The-Boiler house and dry kilns es- caped almost uninjured. There is lumber in the yard estio mated to value over ten thousand dollars that escaped injury, though fire started in the piles on two or three occasions. I. -_,_ Mrs. Hutton’e house, on George street. caught fire once. but. was ex- tinguished euily. It was an inten- sely hot. fire. but the brick walls did much to prevent much greater Purgatives are Dangerous They gripe, cause burning pains and make the constipated condition Dr. Hamilton’s Pills restore regular movement of the bowels, strengthen the stomach and purify the blood. For constipation. sick headache. bil liousness and disordered digestion no medicine on earth makes such re- markablecures as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Try a 25c. box yourself. l â€" . . ! The wmgs that rxohos have are nearly always used in going instead of coming. Economy sometimes leads to wealth but usually the more economy the more 008$. Fools rush in out. You can’t. learn all from oneâ€"un- less that one is a woman. True love forgives. but it is seldom accused of forgetfulness. The less hair a woman has the more time it takes to arrange it. age. The average man is ready and wil- ling to die for his countryâ€"of old A lawyer minds his own business when he attends to the aflairs of other people. The barrister of life is full of splin- ters,and mankind slides down it, with considerable rapidity. Kind'words never die. If they did, probably they Would be more appreco iatedgâ€"Cbicago News. Champion Liniment for Rheumatism. Chas. Drake a mail carrier at Chapinville, Conn” says: “Chamber- lain’s Pain Balm is the champion of alllliniments. The past year I was troubled a great deal with rheuma» tism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it com- pletely cured me.” There is no use ‘ of sufiering from that painful ailment lwhen this liniment can be obtained gfor a small sum. One application ‘gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale at Parker’s I Drug Store. AUCTION SALE ! The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction, in Durham, in the rear of John Kinnee’e residence and shOp, along Stinson’s Bakery. on Saturday, Apr. lst, ’05 TERMS: All sums of $10 or. under, cash; over that amount 8 months’ credit will be given an prgper security. 6% par an- __..L 1 good working horse. 1 light spring wagon. 1 set. single harness. 1 horseopower and sawing machine. 1 turning lathe. 1 pair light bob sleighs. 1 well-derrick and Windlass. 1 sugar kettle, large size. 1 light team wagon. 2 cutters. 1 bed and springs. 1 sewing machine. ‘2 tables. llounge. 1 iron bed, mattress and springs. 1 dresser. 1 black Galloway robe. 1 set team harness. with collars. 64 rods Ideal wire fence. And many other articles. SALE AT 1.30 P. M. SHARP. THE FOLLOWING 3 where wise men rush were :11, or e now in the ofice in the the Standard g couple of was made to sold as the STORE Tn RESTâ€"In J. M. Hunter's Brick Block. Plate Glass \Vindows. Tables, Counters, Shelving, llotoair Furnace, Good stand on Main Street. Apply to J. M. HUNTER, Proprietor. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 01“ JAMES VAUGHAN, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG, IN THE COUNTY OF GREY, YEOMAN DE- Hurry NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Re vised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate at James Vaughan, deceased, who died on or about the fourth da of February. 1905, are required on or before t 0 1st day of April A. D. 1905, to send by post, prefiaid, or to deliver to Messrs. MacKay Dunn, arristers, Durham, Solicitors for James Heslip. the execu- tor of the said deceased, their Christian names, surnames and addresses, with full particulars of their claims and the nature of all securities, if apyg‘held by then), and that atter the said day. , A A __-: ....... A on [Hutu-Hints: {ha Aflnfltfl little ally, "OI-u "J Ill‘4ul, "u“ vuuwv - the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard onlv to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated the 61h day of March A. D. 1905. MACKAY 5.: DUNN, Solicitors for the Executor. In the Matter of the Estate of George Adlam, late of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, Farmer, Deceased. Notice to Creditors OTICE is hereby given pursuant to i “The Revised Statutes of On- tario,” 1897, Chaper 129, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the Estate of the said George Adlam, who died on or about the 25th day of January A. D. 1905, are I-et‘luired, on or before the lst day of April A. I). 1905, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to one of the undersigned Execu- tors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars, of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND further take notice that after’ ‘ll’ti-liUUMI’JU “VU”U"“" "'7 such last mentioned date the said heated. 200(1‘ cellar, 352.11%an 1:22:11: Executor-s will proceed to distribute able location on beurge ”14144. ‘ "he. ‘6 the assets of the deceased among the 3““ particulars apply 0” i ‘9' "if." K, ‘ parties entitled thereto. having re- M. J. IlLTlUb. gar-(l only to the claims of which they Jan. 2311â€"2619(1- shall thcn have notice, and that the ' said Executors will not; be liable for ‘** the said assets or any part thereof to . any person or persons of whose claim House to Rent notice shall not have been received by N THE FIRST OF DECE M BERâ€"- them at the time of such distribution. 0 a co mfortable, conveniently sit- Dated at Durham this 27th day of outed house on Lambton street west. FebruaryA- 0-1905: ~ . Spring water ta. in kitchen. Rent .1. :‘ ’- .‘ __ _2_;_ AL. n l. ' M Yto - Merchant Tailoring carried on the same as ever. (JEASED. . L. FLARITY Merchant Tailor. If you want to buy one of those Crave-- nettes Flarity is selling at a bargain. They won’t last much longer, and you’ll be sorry when it is too late. OT 51, 52, 53â€"â€"Sidorond 50, 1* miles north of Priceville. Farm in first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the bcrn. For further particulars applv to Jan. 28â€"tf. A ert consisting of twent -five acresl one-half mile east of Corporation of the} Town af Durham. described as South port at Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. R.. Glenelg. On the premises is a comfortable brick five- roomed cottage. a good frame barn and stable. at small bearing orchard. an abun- dance of the best running water. All cleared. title good. Terms easv and rice right. For further particulnrs app v to THOS. DAVIS. Lot 2. Con. 3. N. D. R.. Glenelg. April 4. 1904.â€"tf. Dunnnx P. O. Durham. Four lots on the West side of Albert Street. for private residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further IN THE CENTRAL PART OF Iv v..- vvâ€" ' information applv to J. M. HUNTER. Durham. April 12. likâ€"tf. PARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to J. P. TELFORD, Dec. 2.â€"â€"tf. Vendor’s Solicitor, Durham. PURE BRED DURHAMS YOUNG Bulls Heifers and Cows. Termg pan -'“-\. I ‘1‘ ' T! I' uuua . LIV U con-\- be arranged. "VuERSCHOYLE (Imp.) at head of herd. H. PARKER. Mgmk 1..“ . Durham: Marc‘: lâ€"tf .v- -â€" v-â€" elg. consisting of 50 acresâ€" well wat- ered. well fenced and mostlv seeded down. Coniortable house and stables, 1 mile from school. 2 mile from Bunessan P. 0. and 4 miles from Durham. An excellent pasture farm, or would suit anyone wishing to en- gage in small farming. Apply on the pre- mises, or by letter to ALEX. FIRTH. Bunessan, Ont. March 6thâ€"tf. VUL'u --"__ _ streetâ€"six-rooméQ frame, 1 acre land Good well. a few bearing trees, well lo cated. App] y to ‘ ‘ â€"-A-â€"â€"‘ â€"- Feb. 15thâ€"6wpd. ' ' .‘v-'â€"â€"v Lake. ’I‘w_o barns. stone stables with cement floors, good hguse, well watered Cheap. For further partnculars apply to MACKAY 8: DUNN. March IO-tf U Inch French Burr Stones. Good flour- ers. all com late with gearing and spindle. Also one W leat Cleaner May be seen by applying to Adam Robertson at McKech- nie’s Mill. Will sell cheap. Feb 1. file. DESIRABLE PIECE 023 PROP- H. V"â€"-â€"â€" b and Cellor. Also good Woodslied. 1 acre ground, well and cistern. Desirable location. on College street. Durham. For terms and particulars apply at resi~ IX-ROOM ED C( )TTAG E L and Cellar. Also good V deuce to Feb'y 10thâ€"3mpd. . 05, DBIILIUCR, UUu. a. v.. --â€"- --,, , Joining the Cor ration of the Town of Durham. The arm consists of 42.1; acres -abont 4 acres “oodland. the balance un. der grass. Comfortable dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy fermer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends going west and wishes todispuse of it. For Sale or Rent. H. BURNETT. Jan. 20, 1905.-â€"tf. D .one to 0: two 111 April: 3 good heavy Town Lots for Sale. Mar. (Rhâ€"4. ‘HREE GOOD NE RUN OF FORTÂ¥.E;QHT Park Lot For Sale. DUGALD D. MCLACHLAN. Pricevillo P. O. Farm For Sale. Farm for Sale. ACRES NEAR WILDE_R"S For Sale. E GOOD YOUNG COWS-â€" to calve in March and the other pril: two thoroughbred bulls, also aavy Clyde Horse 5 yrs. old. WM. RITCHIE, Edge Hill. House for Sale. Farm for Sale. Stock for Sale. For Sale. For Sale. JOHN KEYS. Durban!- '1oo ACRES. BENTINCK. near Rocky San aeen. Good farm with good timber “'ill sell cheap. DURHAM RESIDENCE. belonging to Mr Enr gale- J. L. Brawne, photographer. offered a WM. RITCHIE. A . FORD. Proprietor. cellar, garden. DOSir- some street. ForOterms )ply on the premxses to Vendor’s Solicitors. HOUSEâ€"EASILY I‘ Proprietor. DURHAM, ONT- ,PANIRX W0 GOOD HOUSES. NEW BRICK good loation. garden lot with each. 1. good loation. garden lot with. each Rent reesoneble to right tenant. Snuated on Queen street. Apply to A an aged mare. Both good working animus. Apply to ROBERT EWEN. Aberdeen. Inch 24th. ‘05.â€"1mpd. D Sullivan, ”was more otloss. Rough- wt house. from. harm. For puticulna apply to _ MRS. QUIRK. Doruoch. March 24th. '05. Also several building lots. ENDING: settlement with the estate of the hte Neil McKechnie. and a dissolutim of the partnership heretofore existing. It now becomes imperative t at all accounts and notes should be sett ed with :3 little dehy as possible. In nccordnnee with the nbove ennonnce want we hnve therefore to request a settle ment with :11 pnrties indebted to the undersigned. N" G. J. MCKECHNIE Durham. Feb. Int. 1905. A Jerdine for horse service for seesnu of 190:; me kindly requested to ay the seme to either Chas. Arnett. Dur am, or R. '1‘. Edwards. Ehordele. Receipts will be given for ell monev received, a list of the names kept and the money deposited to his credit. RICK OB. FRAMEâ€"APPLY TO J. W. CRAWFORD BY ORDER or Anuxmsrnunlx. March 6th, 1%. THE Now offers the following : 100 ACRES. south-west of Vnrney. in NOR- ;LANBY. An extra good farm and well improved. Owner anxious to go West. 150 ACRES. BENTINCK, north of Allan Park. Well improved and ofi’ered very chea p. or NO. 30. GARAFRAXA ROAD. MONEY TO LOAN at Inwest rates INSURANCES PLACED in N0 "Dailies at low rateg DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIF 1' ICU LTIES arranged, U. P. R. TICKETS for sale mall points. Always Frommâ€"Never Negllgeut. JAMES CARSON or ED. WALSH Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... THREE-YEAR OLD COLT AND AT COST ‘5 ACRES. on 18111 ( MANBY. Wellimprov Offered cheap. Will r 30 DAYS Ready- made Suits A laige stock of Trouseis. Oveicoats “bile the3 last. A few Waterproof Jackets. A line of Prints, 250 Tea at 200. snap price Fresh Groceries LL PARTIES OWING JOHN Houses for Sale. . H. Miller Houses to Rent. NEW ADVERIISEMENT. Farm for Sale. NO‘MORE GUESS WORK. in levelling and halunc- iag your horse’s foot-.1 have the Scientific Horse Foot Leveller which is the latest and best contrivance for that purpose and will guanntee satisfaction. it. and dun'ng the month of March we are determined to clear out our stock of \Vhon we any “cost” we meaq DON’T FORGET that all the above are going “at cost.” Get bursting while they last. Always in stock. Apples and Pontoon at right. prices. For Sale. \V. GUTHRIE. .NOVER CONVEYANCER NOTICE. NOTICE. -. SCOTT FOR H. H. MILLER. eutifr The Blucksmith well loos“ Id 0m To In” Photographs BARCLAY! [([RCHN I-IR HAHN HRH 'l‘h dxe Cu" it is Tea pe u 3+ Ph \V r The digt late in: America! nice, fat. smooth fm can be shortened th over and above thc‘ words |-‘\~ W shim oducc The Every day ii The Ogilvie I: 10' smaller towns 1%! their grocer for I One writesâ€"“I 11 ‘Royal Househoh on hand, but he s flour until he “11:“ is an ‘Old fogie‘ things until the 3.1 enterprising 5.: t0 ------- for ‘Rm'ul If you can‘t 1 write to us direct of the nearest gm send you also the good reason why inferior flourâ€"m \V Mom THE 06 \V oval » BEL MA Write fieustu 1t 0115611

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