West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Mar 1905, p. 3

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MRS. Q l’lRK, Domoeh GARA FRAXA ROAD urns more or loss. Bong] to harm. l-‘or partied." II I) I all FRA x1 PIâ€"â€"-APPLY To .1. w. CRAWFORD. ildi as to Rent. settlement with tho slate Neil McKocbnio. :31 ha partner-ship boron“. it becomes Imperative t notes fishnuld b0 av as puaszble. My!» Nev er Negligent. DVERTISEMENT. Miller with flu boroforo am OTICE. COST s for Sale. hand r Sale. TI re Of Your )AYS DE! OTICE RT EWEN. Abotdou. >L‘ M15. N P) w_ BRICK H. H. MILLER. for Sale. SCOTT rocerles YHRIE took. Apples 3“ right. pricoo. - :\ In! INISTRATBJX. above announce- » request a soul.- indebted to m l. MUK BONNIE outed to Ety a. wtt. Day 83, or a. Receipts will eceived, : lie} of money deposit-i D COLT AND in good worth,- w IXG JOHN rv ice for 90.80. l). WALSH. With ugh. ,. Sinus“ s arranged. YANCER [CKBIS cints. ' all file us can.” ney It”. WORK, bahnc- .I hgvo '9 F003 9 late“ for that Infant” in N03- ml well Allan very “be! Mod 1163!! h of )Ir 0m t0 mm a!“ - flauiugraphs FRED W. KELSEY To Int reduce Bv\ RCLAY BELL. Durhan'. KIRHHNER MAURBR. Hanove HAHN BROS” Ronstadt. Our tine large Photographs we haw mada arrangements to given one with every dozen Cabinets. These large Photo- graphs. finished in the latest stylv, mounted on a beautiful American mount, are worth $1 50 Mono. This is going to advertize our studio far and wide and hun- dreds of people will see them. “'9 do not say how long we can guvo this offer as it means a Mt, of extra work and ex- peuw. We know this style of Photograph will pletse you as it is real artisrzc. hci over and above the ordin per day. You can stop f i out injurious efiects. If y Food at a profit your mom: from whom you buy it. It i Steers are bought, raised, and fattened tn ”'1'” mopey ; so Just a fee: words as to how thifi profit can be made and, ‘ m...- ypmatangeiééficrgzst .. The increase in “eight in steers, 13 due to '-.-.c : uptfpt 0t.1 lassim: digested and assimilated, and ttxe greater the 111111-121: mares-tee atné‘m feed- Luci. the greater the increase 111 wexght. In C1036 Lofntmegienfoéd must m4 ration lacks the variety of the open field: ‘26.". 0in dedale Stock have the “salt, pepper any} gravy added , t 18 15 y a . ‘9‘ _ - Ln..-“ kn‘n” ;‘ 9‘13 ‘IM {Q mfidfi The Woman who Would 4‘23 Grocer who wouldn’t. Every day from five to fifteen letters are received by The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. from women living in the smaller towns throughout Canada, saying they have asked their grocer for Royal Household Flour but can’t get it. One writesâ€"“I told my grocer, Mr.----, that I would buy ‘Royal Household’ regularly if he would always keep it on hand, but he said he wouldn’t take on another brand of flour until he was obliged to.” Another saysâ€"“ My grocer is an ‘old fogie’ and never gets the newest or the best things until the year after.” A third saysâ€"“We haven’t a1 enterprising grocer in our town and are obliged to send to ------- for ‘Royal Household’ or take a poorer flour.” If you can’t get “Royal Household” from your grocer, write to us directâ€"we will immediately give you the name of the nearest grocer who keeps “Royal Household” and send you also the “Royal Household” recipes. There is no good reason why your grocer should compel you to use inferior flourâ€"no first class grocer will hesitate to order “Royal Household ’Tâ€"for you, and even the smallest dealer will get it if you insist 11mm it. .Hzm OQ-F/Jm fiFOCW 2::xm 00.. Eweâ€"imv. 302fi3m>r ULR. ‘2 \\l “NT THOS. MAWHFWS C0. ‘ Write dire-(51 to Og’ilvie’s. FA To our Friends and Customers! CHURNS, the best on record. MCCLARY Sunshine Furnace and Stoves for wood or coal. DOWS‘VELL Washing Machineâ€" that will wash clean, and a Wringer that will wring dry and not tear. WILKINSON PchS and Land Roll ers have no :qual. PALHERSTON Buggies and Demo- Implement Agency! DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE, the kind that. will keep a duck or ox on their own side of the fence RUGS that will keep you warm and drg are the kind we handle. HEAD STONES and MONUMEN'I‘S of the best workmanship. JOHN CLARK onus. TA YLUR CO.. Dromure C. A. DRU \Hl. Ho!stein KhOl'l‘ BRHS . Markdule. )“ )Ivrkd4!9. (McKiunou’a old Stand) Owing to the recent thaw which took away a large quantity of the snow and left the fields bare in most places, the roads are. pretty badly used up The crows are getting thicker, and the shrubs are starting to bud which shows that sunny apring is close at hand. \Ve omitted to mention in our last: budget that Miss Kate McNally, has agaln started working on the staff in Miss Dick’s millinery establish menu Mr. John Hewitt, «110 has been under the weather for the past two weeks, we are glad to report,is again on the mend. Mr. John Staples disposed of a fine horse last week to Mr. Thos. Cald- well for the handsome figure of $110. Mr. James Wilson, of Rocky Sau keen, leaves Monday for Dauphin Miss Sarah J. Hurley, of Omaha, Neb., arrived at. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewi: t.’s on Tuesday last and intends to make her home here. Mrs. Jas. Wilson and her two children. are residing with her par- ents until her husband takes up a home in the Sunny West. Mr. Duncan McNabb left for Dauphin, N. W. T., Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Be” of your town Callud on Mr. and Mrs. John Hewit last Friday evening The hurting months are pasflng. Anather birthday near! And souw one» is lamentiug lb secret sol hear. TwP iqlloe gosdipa whisper That 3 is much too late 1., h [m for any miracle to save an moi ma (1's fate \V: m harr- insinuation ! W hat, falsehOO-i. line on line! For lots of nicu things happen when a. girl is twenty-nine. The robin is with us at last, and his plmsaut song is ringing through the woo-ts. “Young thingy” may still he pretty. No doubt Yen critics same They’re really quite o'd-feehioned And SOI’DBWhaI nut. of date. Our dramas. powms and novels, As any one can see. Have relegated "sweet sixteene" to tales of auceStry, If heroines are older. Its certainly a sign That lots of things may happen when a girl’s “sweet twenty- nine”. So do not grow too wistful O’er long forgotten teens. With sighs of retrospection For whispered might-beve-beens, But if you smile as sweetly As then. and are as coy. And never show that you prefer a grey heard to n boy; In short. if you’re own trm- self. Yon never have to pine! For everything can happen when a girl is twenty-nine. Smithâ€"“Do you bplieve in the old saying that. absence mflkwfi the hunt grow fender ?” Mrs. Smith-â€"- ‘Well. I don’t know. I might wramble up lame liking for you if you’d go away (or a cquple of hundred years.” When a Girl is Twenty-nine. Darkies’ Corner. HO..-‘ A man pays much more heed to his own conscience if he thinks the po- lice are looking. If people were as willing to believe good of others as they ore to believe good of themselves there would be u universal grin that would compose the earth and lap over and signal liars. The easier people make money the easier they want to make in. Among the many mysteries of child- hood is why grown pe0ple cry when they are glad. There are some people who think they have discharged their full duty to you by praying for you. What. do you use most. during the day? Do you use the little white lie almost as much as your shoes? When a man makes one mistake he usually follows it up with three or four before he recovers his balance. Don’t be conceited; get any map of the United States, and do you find any merk on it to show that you are on the earth? Every one admits that rich peOple are not happier than the poor. or as happy.yet every one is striving to be. come one of the miserable rich. Look out for the small woman every time. Dangerous gOOdS usually come in small lots. Some forms of insanity are. often found under a cloud. Not quite sick,â€"‘nut robbed of am. bicion to workâ€"find it hard to think clearly. Not ill enough to think of dying. but bad enough {or life to be pretty dull. There is a remedyâ€"â€" Ferrozoneâ€"that quickly lifts that half dead feeling. Gracious, but For. rozone makes you feel good; it sharpens the (lullest appetite. makes it keen as a rozor. BLOOD? Ferrozone makes lots of it. the rich, nourishing kind that vit- alizes the whole body. You’ll be wonderfullv quickened, immensely strengthened, feel hearty and vigor one after using Ferrozone. Buoyant health. surplus vigor and reserve energy all comes from the great re- storative. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty tablets at all dealers. A writer in the Toronto World calls attention to the importance of havâ€" ing the new license commissioners selected from aclass of men who will have no business interests of their Own to serve by selling cigars. or other supplies to hotel keepers. He complains particularly abOut Toronto insurance agents being on the license board in that city. under the late government, and practically compell- ing the hotel keepers to give them their business. In so far as can be seen from the appointments so far made by the Whitney Government. there can be no special cause of com. plaint in this respect. But we need scarcely point out that it is imposs' ible for the Government to know all the commissioners personally. and that this fact imposes upon the mem- ber. or candidate, representing the patronage of the riding a special ob- ligation to nominate the best men for the position. If all do as well as South Bruce. the country will be well served, and the hotel keepers will be treated with justice and fair play.â€" Bruce Herald. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec- tion to Chamberlain’s Cough. "I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain’s Congn Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs,” says Hon. John Shenick, 22” S). Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a political campaign I caught cold after being overheated which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop. as I could not Speak loud. In my eXtremity a friend adviaed me to use Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy. 1 took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my senses when I found the next morning the. inflammation had largely suhsuled. I took several doses that day. kept right on taking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine Iliat I won my seat in the CnuuC-il " This remedy is for sale at Parker’s Drug S'ore. U the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale. mere will be oliered for sale by Public Auction, on at the hour of 2 o’clock. in the afternoon. at ”Arm‘s HOTEL, in the Town of DURHAM. in the County ofGrey. the following prop- ert namely: that certain parcel or tract of and and premised tituate in the Town- ship of Uienelg, in the County of" Grey, containing by admeasurement. fifty acres mure or less. being competed of the north halves of lots numbers five and six. both in the first cmzcesuon south of the Durham Road. in the said Township of Gienelg. TERMS or SALE: 10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the tune of sale, balance to be mid within 30 days thereafter without interest. or may be arranged for at the time 0f sale.- Wednesday, April 26, 1905 For further particulars and conditions of sale apply" to J. P. TEL FORD Durham. Vendor’s Solicitor. HUGH MACKAY. Auctioneer. and at Durham February 24th, A.D. I”. MORTGAGE SiLE. NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF SPRING SMILES. You Are Ailing M omwmmo b~~m‘mws‘o ENE}; Sewing Machines Malone Separators The Sherlock Dragns D. CAMPBELL, Agent. Implements CALDER â€"- BLOCK â€" DURHAM NEW GLASS WARE: The Big 4 7-piece Berry Safe: at 450 each. 4 piece Table Sets at. 400 and 60003011. Berry Bowls at 15c. 200, 306 and 50c. Cake and Bread Plates at 20c and 2330. SHEETING. Heavv Twilled Sheeting, 72-iu wide, 250 a yard. Large Size Flannelette Blankets. uhite or gray. at $1.20 a pair. FLAN N EL FTE BLANK HTS TABLE OILCLOTH. 43') in wiie. white and color, 250 a yd. FLOO R 01 LCLOTH . @“ Pure Honey and Fresh Groceries always on hand. l and 2 yards wide, at 25c a square. Business men hove learned that our gratuntes are prepared for posi- tions of trust. No school in Canada mu do more for its students than this one. Our grnduates always so- cure positions. Write for our free catalogue. it is a handsome one. Spring term opens April 3rd. lle Sails Cheap Elliott Mclachlan I'RINCII’ALS. Famous School STRATPORD. ONTARIO. of all kinds for the Farm, the Home and the Dairy. DURHAM, ONT. W. H. BEAN AGENCY. flgilvie’s BUHHAM BAKERY. intending students BhOllld enwr st beginning“ term. or u eoon after as possible. WM. JOHNSTON, on! of competent “when for (.th damn-CIT: T1108. ALLAN. let Class Certificate, Prim. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Chaim ind Mod“. J. 1!. SMITH. B.A.. Mathematics and Seton“. A. W. WATSON Thu 901100] is mp for full Junior Loud-g ‘ytlicuhfionp an. under the following The People’s Grocery SPRING SEEDS. Manitoba Flour. BEAN. SHORTS. GRAIN nod :11 kinds of FEED always in stock. Fresh Groceries Confectionery. BOOTS and SHOES. Highest price peid {or Form Produce. Goods delivered promptly in Town. Mrs. Alex. Beggs J. M. HUNTER BLOCK Au. Won Gumumn 3t “Linn! let live" Puma. I BIG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUB- ‘I‘OBRS and the public in (email M I .- pupu'od tofu-nub an Pumps um Blunts. Wan, Dunno. Ila-(Janna an Puma. done with Cement. mum. DURHAM SCHOOL. Pumps. Feel. 81.00 per month. 5?. LL ORDERS at» u the old uh- othm' a mu will ,u' and“ to. h pm- a We have now in stock a full line 0! Grass. Glover. Field and Gur- den Seeds of :11 kinds and of the best quality. Try us for pricel. “Keewatin Five Roses”-â€"tho very best. made by the Luke of the Woods Milling 00.. from hard No. 1 Manitoba when. Try it and be convinced tint there is nathing better in the mnrket. A carload just recewed and kept for sale at the Choice Bread and Con- fections constantly on hand. and delivered to all parts of town daily. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Chairman PROPRIETOR, Best Flour C. RA ”AGE, Seemul'l’.

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