West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Mar 1905, p. 7

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p nothing better for pale, Ii“. L-cyed girls to mnko them {land full of bounding health. 2 anxious to try Dr. Hutch bale ho: tho Pins m Pills, '0 win sell you O 2.50 with tho understands Io guaranteq that. if, you I . never been 3 remedy ca“ 3 with such en honest M behind it. u Dr. Hutch 0d- .ls. This remedy is the but a the world for such trouble. . Cblorosis or Green Sicknean, allow Complexion, Nervou- Bssness, Brain Fag, Impaired m ofOAppeute. DySPepm. bastion, Nervous Honda-beg, '.. Vitus Dance, Female Weak- beca as sud Eruptions, Heart. Pa]. ortness of Breath, Dizziness ass, Genenl Wetkncu Id no: 9 pl :- Plan tatlon. at boon to we“, WM ten and women, giving than In health thst makes [11. able. The fat sur- 'their little nerves bionsthem. When re scrawny those are hurt. at every {6 touch. They in Scott’s Emul- t deriving benefit fiom tho ills, after taking three boxes pdirections, you may return r boxes, together with the 3 mes. and have your money nedy we Positively .ntee will Cure You 1’ Money Refunded. «ole! >. C>ZEZO I .yzc l 3328. 55,2. .sza. lb I IS as sweet as me to them. 0N PILLS. for {no sample. DEEC )I Thin 165 Be sure that this pick” . the form of : label I: on!“ wrapper of our, but". i Incision you buy. Jean 45- Baum. Chemist: Toronto, Out. 5“- II‘ 31-00 In! Scott’s what he account is why If Your ny baby , it does .ter for 0. Fat take bet- u of Hal‘- matter sxne’a Int bu! Hltako giniaâ€" t parts equal the ture. nted ura- into Ii!) in- lC ‘8 PUBLISDIID "SUV 7|“!!!th MORUIIO ”mm mm I00“. mu "I!!! Ta! Cmmmcu. will be sent to any “It”, free of pouage, {at 8.90 pa 0 ye", payable in advance-3|.” may . CW l! 30¢ 50 pan}. The date to which everv mm“ b git! is dmc'ed by the number on :hc (ins. “- u! 0 per di 4; minch unnl all arrcar Arc MW at. the Optnuu of the proprietor. gigamua m1“ For transient advertisements 8 ccr. ls. p1 fine for the fifat insertion; 3 gems pt: ”IE8 . . 0 line each subsequent insertion»- mu...» More. “.55th cards, not exceeding one iluh 54.00 woman. .Advenisemenu witho'u sheds}. directions '0"). published (I forbid and chavqed .u. wrdi 1y Transient noticesâ€"" Lou," “ Founu. " Fat e,” etaâ€"go cents for first insertion, 35 cent to: each subgeqm insenioq.‘ ,-____-_- __-_- L- _- .. Wylmswu uv wv: v-.._-- H Al Odmnc'm, go more 'msenioa in cunem weekt should In Brought In no: later than Tuuww THE JOB: : II ID JV” 0 o h col-plea], stockcd with DEPARTnENT :11 NEW TYPE, thus af- Drs. Jamieson Macdonald (FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance on: of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. ()tfice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. [1 tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours. 8 to 10 a. m., 2:0 4 p. m. and 7 $09 p. 111. Special nttention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite I’resbvterian Church. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tico in the New Huntpr Block. ‘ Qf‘ficg Garafrau and George Streetsâ€"at but of hill. Oflice hours-941 a.m., 2-4 3. m., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. Block. Ra the Station. W. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. Vâ€"- taquiversity; Graduate of Royai College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Office. ()N‘ ARDIOLDLD, Uvulv ...... v, Ufice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. D McIntyre’ 8 Block ham. Collection and attended to. Searches Irv Ofiice. fora-g facilities to: turning out First-elm (Tfliceszâ€"lln the Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. er. Conveysnrer, etc. rnvuw mum. to man. Old accounts and debts of :1 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ufiiceâ€"MacKenzie’e Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham . Ont. l. G. Hutton, M. D., F FICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. ‘ Land Valuator and Li oer tor the County 0! Grey. attended to and notes cashed Sales promptly Oatton resndeuce or wnto Orders may be left at AJILLJ vaAuuv--, _. _ J eased Auctioneer for the County or Grey. [and Vsluntor. Bailifl’ of the 2nd Divxsion. Court Sales and all other matters romptly attended to. Hmhefl referooncs Elrnished if required. Fl’ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EA‘SfILOF J OTARY \IUAV Vunlvaxy u-v____ l (I tioneer for the County of Grey. bes‘ 1:1": Drnmpfly attended to. 0:6ch "1’? ’ at. his Implement erogms, Me muons old stand. or fit the Chronicle Oflice. :Em'ron AND Pnornm'rou. D MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- . tioneer for the County of Grey. 'l'ennq modenta and patisfaction guaran- dates of teed. The "augments and {ales can be made at Till! CHRONICLE of- nce. Resident.» and P. 0.. Ceylon. Talo- phone connection. ARRISTER, SQLICITOR ETC. OBN tion ONOR GRADUATE; OF TQIEON- J .v.- - __ the Durham‘ Pharmacy. Calder’s :. Residenceâ€"Lanzhou Street, near , hov. A MES CARSON, DUB‘EAB OBERT BRIGHAfij . Medical Dz’rectorv. veyancets Arthur Gun, II. D. 6. Lefroy McCaul. Dental Direciorv MacKay Dunn. Legal Directorv. Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. L H. Jackson. ( PUBLIC. COMMISSION. “A'v ers. the Etc. Monev to, Loan. McIntyre Block, ‘lyg Uvunvâ€"â€" v -- 93 Block, Lower 'I‘ovtvn, Duf- on and Agency promptly Marches made at the Regis- etc. Prjvpte mpney W. F. DUNN. M . LIC- l b Q] was at. 81 and For further advice and intonation write Dr. Blocfx‘gfiignl d. 179 ng Street West, oronto, Can. fi;â€"_â€"â€"-‘-_‘, ‘_ A.- ‘ ‘A C U .uul, ”I“. s'bLomi's'irâ€"KLL DRUGGISTS AT :51 and $2. n“..â€" l). 1). McLaughlin with having used insulting language in his howl at Ceylon the Saturday previous. H: admitted his guilt, and Was thereupon fined 35 and costs. in all over $12. On Wednesday of last week Arthur Whittaker, of Ceylon was before Magistrate VanDugeu charged by The members of the Epworth League were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis. Toronto line, in their commodious home. on Friday evening last. The drive was enJoy- able, and the evening pleasantly Spent with the 'hOSpitable host and hostess. Dr Murray has recovered sufficient- ly from his recently severe illness to be able to resume practice this week, and his waiting patients are pleased to see him again in his oflice. Mr. Hub. Smith purchased a hand- some driver last. week from Walter Taylor, and 13 now wanting the re- turn of good roads for an evenin; spin on the wheels Rev’ 3 J. S. 1. Wilson. of this place and J. 5 “ass, of the Eugenia. cir cuit, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. Owing to the bad roads from the thaw, Mr. Thom did not reach his outside work at Eugenia and Proton Station. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Arte niesia District L. L). L , which met at Proton Station on Tuesday even ing of last week. and concluded its session at Ceylon on Thursday evening. conferred the Scarlet de gree on thirteen candidates at the former place and five at the latter. Prince Arthur Lodge. A. F. A.| M. had a well attended and lengthyl meeting on Friday evening last. Inl addition to general business. an in- itiation and conferring of the sublime degree of Master Mason on' two candidates gave the officers a busy night. It was one o’clock. a. 111.. when the call from labour to refresh- ments “as given. An “At Home” is to be given by the Lodge this Tuesday evening. Aload of ten young people from Dundalk Spent Friday evening last with Mr. Chas Munshaw, and the Misses Munsbaw here. Mr. S, Boggs has removed to Mrs. Armstrong’s residence on Durham street. recently vacated by W. H. Heard. ‘_ “gr“ .3 EM 4‘ -..‘.’ m; Lac .: “unwrd has bought from Geo, Boyd. the old Wm. Wright store on Toronto street We are pleased to see Mr. Moore in- vest in real estate here, and congratu- late him upon this evidence of pros- perity. The officers and teachers of the Presbyterian Sunday School havel commenced a series of Bible reading meetings on the east back line. The meeting wan held last week at Mr. W. J. Stewart’s. The rain of Saturday last has re- newed the water in manv wells and cisterns that were dry here. The electric lights have been greatly im- proved bv the increased water power at the Eugenia power house. Mrs. (Dr.) Murray was in Toronto Miss Ethel Crossley was bridesmaid at the marriage of Miss Nelson in Markdale last week. Mr. Jefi Thistlowaite left on Mon- dav to ply his trade in Toronto this Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blackburnmf Creemore. have been spending a few days with relatives in this vicinity and visited the farmer’s brother here on Friday last. ( Ingendcd for last week.) F Iesherton. PSYCHINE addinpastlzmouths. My Whole System is pronounced “To-day I am enjoying good health, solely through the use of Psychine. When I began using Psychine, l wan suffering with a heavy cold in the bronchial tubes, and a cough which seemed to rack me to pieces. The doctors’ medicine gave me no relief, nnd I began to dread consumption working on me. With the second dose, Psychinve benefited me and gave new strength. Psychine toned up my whole system, and quickly stopped the cough. I heartily recommend Psychine to persons run-down, in need of a tonic, or sufiering with coughs, colds or catarrh. I bless the day I tried Psychi_ne.”â€"z§llan Connor, Prin- Pure Blood in your veins now will save you much in purse and person be- fore the winter is over. PSYCHINE makes rich red blood. keeps people well and at their best. Mrs.W.H.Bunt has been in Wood. bridge for a few days with her mother. who is reported so ill that recovery is doubtful. yer, nea} Picton, Ont. Mr. A. Munshaw Spent, a. few days last week in the city. Mr. Chas. Stafiord is in Toronto this week a delegate to the Chosen Friends. Mr. Geo. Boyd of Mt. Forest is spending a few days with his sons here. Mrs. Bunt, sr., of Woodhridge, is vi<itiug her son W. H. here. Mr. Chas. Neil. who was injured some time ago, spent a. few days last week with friends in town Mr. Neil can now walk about a little with the aid of two canes. Miss Christine Richardson is visit- ing her sisrer, Mrs. I. B. Lucas. at Markdale. Miss Mary Thompson leaves this week to visit her brother Will and Miss Rae Gillies. of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. H. Radley. Take LAXA'I‘IV'E BROMO QUININE Tablets All druggxsts refund the money if it fails to cum E. W. Gruve’ ssiguature is on each box. 250. wife in Toronto Sunday School'l‘eacher-Now, Wil- 1ie, how many commandments are there? Willie-Dere wuz ten last Sunday but Jake broke one, so I s’pose dere’s nine left. Some men are so interested in mak- ing money that. they forget how to spend ft. If girls had to darn all their stock- ings it wouldn’t. be so hard to get a good seat at the matinee. If a girl’s mother teaches her how to keep house she never worries about the girl lest she run away with a thir- ty cent. man. STRIKEN WITH PNEUMONIA Almost Ready to Dieâ€"Alonzo W. Douglass, of Woodbridge, was Saved by 9 “For the benefit of others,’ writes Mr. Douglas, “I desire to state the results I derived from the use of Fer- rozone. Two years ago I was striken with Pneumonia. So severe was the attack and so reduced was my strength that my life Was despaired of\. I had the very best medical at. tention. but made no progress to- wards recovery. When reduced to practically a skeleton, a friend told me of the remarkable powers of Fer- rozone. An improvement began al- most at once. I gained steadily in weight and strength until Ferrozone made me a new man. I will gladly answer enquiries from other sufierers if they care to have further particu- lars about my recovery. Ferrozone deserves its great measure of suc- cessfi’ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY This 18 but one of the many oases that are being cured every day by Ferrozone. No treatment was.ever known to supply a weak system so thoroughly. It is a specific for tired- ness, langour, loss of appetite. weak- ness after fevers. and debltating dis- eases. Ferrozone makes you strong â€"in a word. it assures health and costs but 500. a box, or six boxes for $2.50. at any drug store. By mail from The Ferrozone Company, King- ston, Ont. Get a supply to-day with- out fail. errozone. SI-KEEN. H 0.. W“ At least they are unpleasant, often useless. You have some disease of the nose, throat or lungs. Doctors would call it bronchitis. asthma or catarrh. The common root of these diseases is germ or microbic irrita- tion~Catarrhozone not only destroys disease germs. it does more. it heals diseased and inflamed tissue The diseaseis not only cured, but its re turn is forever prevented by using Catarrhozone which in splendid also for colds.coughs and irritated throat Remember you inhale Catarrhozone â€"Nature’s own cureâ€"use no other but Catarrhoneâ€"it’a the best catarrh We distinctively repeat our state ment made in March Word and Works concerning the central date of the Venus equinox. It properly belongs on April 5th instead of May 6th as by an unfortunate mistake it v-uâ€" wt J _ is made ted appear in our 1905 Al‘ manac This will throw the\fir9t April storm period near the center of the Venus period, as the first regui‘ Vulcan period is central on the let, extending to the 5th. vuvvâ€"â€"-â€"- .â€" ._V _ A marked change to warmer, with corresponding fall of the barometer, will progressively pass from west to cast over the country during the first two or three days of April. Indica- tions of coming change and storms will be apparent to observing people over most parts of the country, and these fore running indications will culminate in storms of rain,wind and thunder, centering on the touching Monday and Tuesday, the 3rd and 4th. Any locality in all the great storm belts of the country will be _liable to these visitations.and where ever high humidity and temperature. attended by low barometer mav ex~ ist, to that extent forceful and vio- lent storms will be probable. Anyone of ordinary intelligence can tell hours before whether his immediate local- ity is going to fall in the direct path of a storm. The tendency to bail storms will be greatly increased at this time. a Popperish, electrical cloud being almost a certain precursor of approaching hail. The period will, end in change to much cooler with probable snow flurries northward, and cool to frosty nights will follow up to about the 6th. ! The 7th and 8th are central dates, Ion the touching which reactionary {changes to storm conditions will take place. These changes to warmer. falling.r barometer, with outbreaks of rain and storminess, will begin in western. and make their transit to eastern sections. being followed by rapid rise of the barometer and change In much cooler. Electrical, Venus storms until past the middle of April. should be warnings of end- den change to cooler with (rest A regular Vulcan storm periou ex 1 tends from the 11th to the 15th. The! changes that go before the formation and approach of cloudiness and storms will appear to the westward as we enter this period. and later,say from the 13th to 15th. rain with thunder and storminess will touch numerous localities in their progress eastward over the country. The Mercury dis. turbance blending with that of Venus at this time. will almost surely pro- long and intensify storm conditions 'so that little or no intermission of settled weather will follow this period before the beginning of another. Throw Medicine: to the Dogs ! The next storm period includes the 17th to tho 20th inclusive. The Eas- ter full Moon on the celestial equator and in perigee are embraced in the 17th to the 18th. Very threatening, electrical storms. violent and pos- aibly tornadic in places westward and central, and possible and probable at this time. These storms will break up into snow squalls over much of the country northward, and be fol- lowed by several days of bleak and frosty weather. Late sleet storms So much we love you " Take. dear spring. The basebnll diamond will visit many sections on and touch in; the 18th and 19th. The next regular storm period is central on the 24th. covering the 23rd to the 27th. The barometer will fall generally during the progress of this period,and April showers will thicken into wider and heavrer thunder storms. At all the periods in April up to this period, many parts of the country will get more rain than for many months pasts. Low lands in all central to western states will too much. Change to fair and cooler will follow this period.up to the 29th. On the 29th and 30th reactionary storm conditions will return. April will end with much warmer weather. ‘ low barometer and a series of thunder showers passing eastwardly across the country, ‘ _ - Irl R. Hicks. Marriage is a lottery in which there are no blanks, but. sometimes there are blankety. blank blanks. A woman may be suspicious of other men. but she will believe what a beauty doctor tells her. A sunrise may be beautiful, but for comfort it does no: begin to compare with a morning snoose. For a ring St, Louié; March 14th. Formats For April oâ€"o 0.9 H â€"-New York Sun. Chairs Bedroom Suites Chifl‘oniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE STOCK OF RATTAN GOODS JUST IN Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. N., E. J. McKechnie. I28 SHELBY amt-:51“. which we are selling at a low figure. It will pay you to examine our bargains before purchasing elsewhere. IL, 6. J. McKecéagaie. Sell What You Need PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODUCE CROCKERY THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR 01‘8” STORE. A large stock of 13m PARALVSIS. Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings I lay It to in- ssos In e331? despondent god .‘ul‘kl'd 02' not. 1‘ o looked at me. ‘4 lznagingziw , h Nervous De- ’4 of KalamazOO. bn DETROIT, MICE}! In 111 told m

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