West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Apr 1905, p. 5

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“smut off your tter weld. IN ‘roprietors. '. um. g Store in antiripazion of ’0'? ts we have ready {or I." spection a lamb stock 0! IR 0d dependablc- kind of 300” but wear well-msuch :- ’0. Ive been grtting from til-â€" is kind you can rely on I“ fiFF?FITFFIm enigma! mvmgbeen Nevada” Mans. .sxrer «Adoring for and” ram I'm; aflectkn. and u m. 1: union. ”flow 5' ftuhrors the Icon. 01 .9 .. M. BOTTLES at rle kind. .zy ysur Prints now .Id .0. cm made up when you “'0 HM Don‘t delay. Thain“ you come the better 3“ oico. Procraatiauon ll C. in! of time. CONSUMPTIVES. mg A m . GRANT ootwear :kages and ’14 1V N SOUND. F311 WhO.‘ . . . . 0 Spring Wheat . . . . Pens ...... . Barley .. . ‘ Hay .......... . Butter ..... . .. . Eggs ....... . . .. Potatoes per bug. Apples" .......... Flour per cwt . . Oatmeal per no]; Chop per cwt . . . . Live Hogs ..... Dressed Hogs pér. Hides per 1b.. Sheepskin! ..... Wool..... Darling’s Exquisite Easter . . . Perfumes 'allow Easter Flowers. Easter Confectionery. Easter Dyes. The People’s Drug Store JNO. A._DARLING Crcsolono is a boon to Asthmatic. Pure Bred Hackney Stallion. Established 1879. Whooping Cough, Group, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Authma, Diphtheria .rtsuuzxn in a long established nnd 8W remedy he disease: indicated. It can: becnnee the nit row .1 atrnugly antiseptic is curled over the (linen-ed m- a u! the bronchial tube. with every Neath. giving mum! and constant treatment. Thou of n consump- twluh'm'y. or Indexer! from chronic Whitil. find IP'HJtO relic! mun count or inflamed condition. at 9U) lam Florrie. V0. 6685. Sire Pioneer, lb?! Imported from England bv U. ', Huelph, in March. 15135. This iml stallion: is {our years old. bright 'ulur, whim star in forehead. white s, line action. stands 16 hands high. 0 traced to best stuck in England. H ()Y. Canola. is odd gm: 0: not pro- ; receipt of rice. spa-CW cub udlng I. both of as “.50. Sand for mutated booklet. a was (30.. M. 288 8:. James 3%.. I‘ON PION There is no more dainty! ur aeceptable Easter gifti fair :1 lady than a bottle: of good, perfume. We! are making a speciali display this week of? PERFUMERY that for sweetness and‘ delicacy ut' odors cannot be sur- passed. Every bottle of uur Perfume exhales the exquisite fragrance of the flowers. Market Report. Dmuunl. Apr. m DRUG STORE. BER cwt. I). ROBERTS. Proprietor. and cheap, at. c c c c e cpcnéfi £3.13 ( W iartonlEcho.) “He was kind for three. months. and then he had cranky spells, just like all men" said wife No. “:2 to The Echo scribe. as he interviewed her about a genuine bigalny case that will create quite a sensation when the full facts are known. Wife No.2 is 58 years of age. is a modeSt, retir- ing woman and lives in this town, while wife No. l is certainly in the flesh somewhere in the County of Grey. The story of this infieresting romance, misrepresentation, and criminal act has'not yet become fully known. though the officers of the crown are now on the the tracks of the ofiender. Two years agolWilliam Hethering ton. a common day laborer, struck this town. and before long became acquainted with a self respecting widowed lady. Hotherington repre- sented himself as a widower with eight children, and. as his lady love had a grown up family. a long court ship was not necessary as borh under- stood the ropes too well for that. To- become acquainted in August and to get married in Novemhcr shows that this old couple got a gait on them that would put a lad and lassie to shame. It is however, just because of this unnecessary haste that wife No. ‘2 reproaches herself to day "You must have said yes, too quick- ly,” said the scribe. “No! I didn’t. I said no three times. and the last I told him that if he came back I would throw boiling water'on hlm, but he came back and I took him, 1 was old enough to know better, and might have had more some " “What did you marry him for anvway” ? asked the reporter. "Well, he represented himself as a verv strict Baptist. and I wanted a home of my own, so I took him for better orjer worn. for rich. A Genuine Bigamy Case. "II-l .v- v or or poorer.., The licence was ob- tained in Hepworth, and at the quietl little hamlet of Oliphant, Elder! Gerry. of the Latter Day Saints, pro- nounced the words which he thought made them man and wife. For a few months he was very kind and would‘ not allow wife 'No. 2 to bring in a stick of wood, or a pail of water. but when the letters from the children of his first wife would come he would be cranky for three or four days. Seven uneventful months were spent in Oliphant and then the couple of our story moved to!Wiarton One day another letter came, and he was not able to read it, he asked wife No .2 to read it for him. She did so. and it was then she found she had been the victim of a scoundrel’e work, for it was from one of the daughters who was writing to him about her mother. Wife No. 2 immediatelyfccueed him but, he denial-ii; hot as her suspicion was aroused she soon loomed to her sorrow that his former wife, whom 180 12W t he had said was dead for anumber of 'y‘ears, was living with one of her lsons, and that they had been separat- ‘ed for four years. It is only within these last few days that the facts .connected with this bigamy case have {become known. “and Constable Brigg [ has the case in hand. and we suppese I that he will see that the laws of Can- fatla are quickly enforced. This man iHetherington has been living on in :Owen Sound for some time. and it is i now time that he became an intimate fof the cammon goal at Walkerton. Old ”Satan” Bainbridge. our town atheist. is very low. and quite a crowd is going over to see him die. Professor N. Manning Atwater, principal of the school. was out. in his new suit of clothes made recent- ly at Mode Hasuing’s. Jack Bently says they fit him like a wet umbrella half Open. M CCORDSVILLE . Al Riggers was in town transact- ing business last. week. He says his folks have all been aillng, but he has been sitting up with a sick horse. and it’s the first chance he has had to come to town and get them any medicine Miss Hairotr. Wiggins is visiting here from Tue Siding She would be a good looking girl if she just fixed her hair different. It’s in the form ofabig flute in trout. and in the shape of a question mark behind. Jack Bently says that’s the question “Is it real?” The death angel swooped down on the peaceful home of Jingly Jones. east of the sawmill, Monday. and bore him quietly away. The tubes through which the wind reached the lobes of his lungs got choked up, and death came as a great bcon. Death loves a shining light, and it certainly hit a dandy when it loosened up on Jingly.â€"â€"David Gibson in Saturday Night. Mr. O’Dcnohue informed the Ad- vance last week that it will be some little time before anything tangible will be seen in the way of develop- ment at Eugenia. owing to the fact that considerable organizing work and details have Still to be arranged. machinery to be contracted for. etc. The work Is now under way as fast as possible. All the properties con- tained in the waterpower have been acquired by the company as far up the river as Sloan’s dam and a sysâ€" tem of reservoirs will be erected whichlwill largely increase the power obtainable. The system it is propos- ed to instal is known as the Swiss system. There is only one other of this kind in America. and that is in California. In this connection it may interest some to know that the Hog: brothers havenow no financial inter- est in the company, they having sold out en bloc to the company. LTbsre will also be no stock for sale in this concern. the company being a private Country Correspondence EXCHANGE ARTICLES H 0.. "‘ The needing is rather backwnrd on account [of the wenther keeping so cold, but we hepe soon to have u change. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn left for Saska- toon. N W. '1‘.. ecouple of weeks ago to try their fortune in the Far West. We miss them lrom our midst as they were 9. genial. sociable young couple. There is a young man up here who has a horse that is a trained athlete. When it sees its shadow in the win dow, fight comes to the surface and it wales right in. On seeing a pool by the roadside, it takes a“header” into its chilly depths. We have been in bolts with the Gander and have slain him, extracted the oil, and bottled and labelled it “Ganderine.” Should che Goat re- quire any to rup his rheumatic joints just apply to the Darkoy Corner Crow. who was last seen making a neat out of cement. The complaint that the country is flooded with foreign pedlars is by no means a new one. but the number who are at the business is increasing through the influx of a foreign p0pu- lation that is of no value to the country. They are largely Russian Jews who have come to America to escape persecution and military ser. vice; others being Assyrians who are here from a similar reason The county council by-law which has fix- ed the license fee up to a point just inside of being prohibitive, provides for a substantial reward for securing conviction of unlicensed pedlars, does not'appear to be worked to the limit, and so long as the general public will take chances in dealing with these wandering characters, there is little use of attempting to suppress the nuisance unless a speific oflicial is paid to give the matter his undivided attention. But while the pedlar is a nuisance he has his counterpart in the junk gatherers who are multiplying too rapidly for honest employment. A Sydenham resident gives an instance that has doubtless been repeated dozens of times in this vicinity. While in town on Tuesday one of these gentry called at his house and gathering up several pairs of old rubbers paid the little daughter of the household the magnificent (‘2) sum of two cents. There was a pair of her father’s good rubbers near and the little girl laid them aside. She protested that two cents was too little and the sum was doubled. but when the lather reached home it was found that the good rubbers had gone also. Beighbors tell of simJar depredations. audit is now scarcely safe to leave a “small article outside the doors. If the pedlars need to be licensed, the junk dealers should also be and their em ployees tagged in order that their depredations might be checked 0. S. Times. Séme of our young ladies’ are learning to Wade. Does the town of Durham. with all its enterprise, its great Cement mill, flourishing Separator works. and its once splendid furniture fac- tory never think that there is one addition that would add more to the comfort, contentment and happiness ofagreater number of peeple than all these industries tOgether, and that is an elevator and better yard accommodation. It is a disgrace to the town to have so inconvenient a place to unload stock or grain. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Parker, late of the Town of Dur- ham. in the County of Grey, drug- giet. deceased. Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. 1‘ “The Revised Statutes of On- tario,” 1897, Chaper 129, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the Estate of the said Henry Parker. late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Druggist. Deceased who died on or about the lst day of February A. D: 190?, are requirec}, an ' OTICE is hereby given pursuant to L “The Revised AStatgutes __0f 03}- VVâ€" r.“â€" or before the lst day of Mav A. D. 1905, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to the undersigned Solici- tor for the Adminismrator or to Step- hen Johnson Parker, Esquire, at the town of Owen Sound, Administrator of the said estate, their christian and s ames,with full particulars of their c ms and statements of their ac- counts, and the nature of the sec- urity (if any) held by them duly ver- tified by affidavit. AND Notice is hereby further iven that after the first day of May, D. 1905, the said administrator of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard on] to the claims of which notice sha l have been given as above requir- ed. And the said Administrator shall not be liable for such assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been given at the time of such distrib- utions. Insures farm buildings and contents, dwellings and eontents in towns and vil- lages. Everything in a dwelling is covered 1) one sum. Contents of outbuildings in. c udes all the farm produce nerslly. Stacks and live stool; from fire or htning; the widest range of insurance st the lowest rstes. If your msprsnos expires this year it will pay you to Insure in the Sydenhun. Drop s card to Dated at OWen Sound this 30th day of March, A. D. 1905. Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ESTABLISHED 1869. WILLIAM MASON, Solicitor for Administrator Aberdeen. â€".c.o.- \ A v A w v w \v w 3233/ %%%%%2‘¥€*a§ééz éh'éfiiéa‘éez «@3352: 23%;. " i UNION CARPETS, 25c to 50¢ yd. W001. Gunners, 5m: to $1.25 yd. Our store is well and favorably known {or its Linoleums. We oim to have exclusive patterns and the most handsome designs we can procure. Good heavy quality. dark and light colors. 50c square yd. We h1vq3jnst completed our nssortment of Floor Oil Cloth, in block und5 39rd designs+=3 It... 4 ft. 6 in. cud 6 It. widths, prices ~ 250. 40c and 50c yd. A This floor covering is more popnler then ever this eeuon. It is 3 ft. wide. Prices 206, 25c and 300 yd. Luge vuiot-y of Nottinghnm Inca Curtnna is here. We huve them tt all prices from me per ptit up. Comma CURTAIN Goons, 6c yd. to 25c yd. J AS. IRELAND IE We have the deintieet Curtein meteriele you would wish to in either white or colored goods. REUEUBER THE PM Of CURTAIN GOODS. JAPAN MATTING. LACE CURTAINS. LINOLEUMS. FLOOR OILS. Warm Counts Goons, 12§c yd. to 500 yd. LAID“ W'B 0L0 871M).

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