West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 May 1905, p. 2

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Messrs. Mark “'ilson and W. J' Boyd took another can load of cattle w_t_ho Toronto market on Sutorday. Ac rho regular meeting of the Methodist League on Monday even- ing of last week officers were elected as “flownâ€"Hon. Pres.. J. S. I. Wilo eon; let Vice-Free, Miss Maud Boggs; 2nd \'ice-Pres.. Mrs. W. H. Thurston; 3rd Vice-Pres.. Miss Inn Bennie, 4th Vice-Pres., Miss Minnie Bollnmy; Corn. 5.0.. Mr. Edger Bellnmy; Rec. 800.. Mr. (Shae. McMullen;Treu. Mr. Emerson Bellamy; Organist Miss Zilla Trimbie; l’wp. to District Executive. Miss Faucett. Ferrozone is noted among ‘phyei- ciens for the prompt manner in which it brings strength and vigor. It in- ereeeee the nppetite, keeps digestion in perfect order. end neeiete ueimile- tio‘n eo the: every penicle of food even is sure to noprieh nod Invigor- Mr. Aubrey E. Templemsn, of Meaning, writes: "I bsve found the greetest satisfaction in using Ferro- sone. snd consider it the best tonic msde. sts sll run down at few months ago. end in s very miserable stste of heslth. I took s few boxes of Ferrosone snd wss surprised st the result. Ferrozone drove swsy thst dull hesvy feeling. snd put my system in splendid order. I sm lever nervous or sleepless end here s hesrty sp petite. This is sll due to Perrosone. which I recommend is the highest wsy possible.” I! you he] the nut! of 3 good {tipnlgflng genie. just a: Fonozooe. Me the body. You won’t. sleep poorly, feel tired and nervous if you nee Ferrozone. becnnee it atrilree u. the root of any disease that may be working in the system. The Epwurth Leagu e entertain- ment in the Methodist church last Thursday evening was high class and very pleasing in character, but the proceeds. nearly $30.00 were not as large as eXpected due in part to the cheap Easter rates which in- duced so many to go abroad. Mark. dale was well represented about {Orty being present from there. It will be up to Flesherton to return the com- pliment at some luture time. The audietce was an appreciative one and thereby lent inspiration and pleasure to those whose duty to entertain. Hrs. Scott Rafi, of Toronto the well known and popular reader. furnished much of the pragram and was so highly pleasing to her audience that several encores were demanded. Her aslectionsincluded the dramatic, pae- thetic and humorous and in each she appeared to be equally at home show in: great versatility of talent. In impersonation Mrs. Rafi excels. She has a manner which atonce wins her audience. The pregram was varied with well rendered and pleas- in; musical selections including an anthem by the choir, a duet by Mrs. Blackburt and Rev. J. S. I. Wilson and a solo each by Miss Zilla Trimble and Dr. Murray who had to respond to an encore ”6009;: box 0} nix base. IF A TONIC IS REQUIRED A pins-m family tennion nnd christening took place at Mr. and Mn W, Wilcox’s on Friday evening lut. when two of their grand chiidten were baptised by their {nmily pntor, Bev. Ivison Wilson. Other cases were on the docket but were settled without hearing or ad« journed till next coutt. Neithercut, Patton and Sawder n George Edwardzâ€"Action was brought for the price of cutting a quantity of wood over which there waa a dispute about measurement. The plaintifla claimed 115 cords. but were allowed only about 80, deduCt- in: 85.60 for wood not split and payments made on the contract by the defendant a balance of 818 re- mained which judgment was given {or and each party pay their own coats. Boyd, flicking 5 Co. va B Blackâ€"Action for the price 0! acroee out aatv which the plaintifl alleged to have eold to the deiendant. The latte: denied having made the pur- chaaed and upon the evidence pro- duced judgment was given in his favor. There was unmistakable evid- ‘ee that a eatv had been sold to one Black. but that the defendant was the individual was not made clear to the Judge. - ‘ _ “I. J. McFarland va Edwatd Foy nnd wifeâ€"Tho plaintil brought act- ion {or a store account of about $28.00 nnd was given judgment against Foy only {or same. ht. The lu'tot claimed tbs: the {art “(I not work utislucorfly and for that. tensor) "fused to pay for it. Agnew 1. Rune“ v: D. ”60.33. allâ€"Tho planzifls med form 00. “I. price o_f : bay fork_solq {he egofgnd: Divi-ion Court was hold her. on Wednesday 0! Int week was lame], “tended. Judge Morrison presided The Judge accepted his evidence end ordered e non-suit. ud wu kept. Busy till aboin [our o’clock with the {allowing cam: Mr. A Munsbaw is exercising -‘ Remember There in No lodicino 80 Strengthening and Health Giving a errozone. (CM m but took.) Mr. end Mrs. R. Moore have be come residents here occupynig Mr. anrence’s house on Bill street. Mr. Moore has again entered the em- ploy o! J. H. Heard with whom he served his npprenticeship at the nnvil n few years ago. During the past few weeks Mr. A. Mnnshnw has hed further improve- ments made in his hotel. A new window hes been added and in the others the old twelve pene sash hsve been repleced with new ones of font panes eech. The wells end ceilings down steirs have been made to look quite bright with the new embossed metellic covering. others the old twelve pane sash have If you suffer with pains or distress been replaced with new ones of four after eating, headache, belching of panes each. The wells and ceilings gases, sour food, a bad taste in the down stairs have been made to look mouth. dizziness. pains in the heart, quite bright with the new embossed specks before the eyes. and a general metallic covering. feeling of despondency and weakness Mr. Isaac Norris. of Tara, eldest you should get well at once by son of Mrs. W. J. White, of thislstrengthening the stomach with Mi- plece, was united in marriage on 12th one. Just one small tablet out of a inst. to Miss Bertha M. Beux, of fifty cent box before eating, and your Arren township. The young couple digestive syste’m will become -so are on their wedding tour visiting strong that you will be the embodi- Ilr. and Mrs. White here before. .ment of good health and spirits. and settling in their new horns.» The need fear no germ diseases. A pretty wedding took place at the; “I" Harry 'l‘liistiewaiie, :if this residence of Mr. and Mrs J. L). place. is very iii with pleuriny and Adams. near the village. on Wednes- ‘ pneumonia day afternoon of last week when their: Mr. and Mrs W m. Stewart went eldest daughter, Miss Sara Rebecca. L to the city last Week with their son was united in marriage to Mr. Sol- Jimmie for anatlier examination by omen E Turner. eldest son of .‘.[r {the specialist We are sorry to hear Soloman Turner. near Eugenia The! that the little fellow. who had spinal ceremony was performed by Rev. J. g trouble. has had to undergo an aper- S. I. Wilson. B. 1)., of this place, and l ation for a tum ir on his side. which Miss Millie Cook. of Ceylon. played;has devolapel of late the wedding march. 'l‘he stately} Mr. and Mrs Rutledge ariddaught- bride. who was given away by herler Margaret returned last Week from father, was prettily gowned in white; New York to spend some time at their organdie trimmed with valenciennes; home here. lace. She wore a wreath of orange. Miss Nellie 302.13 has returned blossoms in her hair. The groom’s from an (amended visit with friends sister. Mia-i Bella Turner, was brides-i at Alto" and 'l‘monm. maid and wore a becoming gown of. Mr. J. A. Felstead supplied Rev. blue voile trimmed with lace. The . Mr, Wass’ pulpits on the Eugenia cir- bride’s brother Mr. Emerson Adams. CM on Sunday" was best man. After the ceremony! Mrs 'l‘hos. Kerr.of Markdale, visit. adainty supper was served and thefid last week With her mother. Mrs. guests, about twenty-five in number, ! Hustle. spent the evening very enjoyably tO'i Mr Alf. Wardrobe left on Monday gether. The bride recieved a large? t0 take a DOSitiOD in the CitV. number of valuable presents. Mr.I Mr. 3- Ireland. 0f P0" Arthur, is and Mrs. Turner have begun house! visiting his COUS'DDS. J A and ‘V. J- keeping in their new home near Eu. '1 Boyd. ' genie and a large circle of friends; Mr. C. A. Munshaw was in Owen wigh them much happiness and pros. 5 Sound on Tuesdav evening attending parity. l“ 99“"! function there. The services in the churches here on Sunday were largely attended and by the respective pastors were on the resurrection and thoughts associated with Easter tide. The Presbyterian and Methodist choirs rendered special music and the churches were prettily decorated with foliage and flowering plants. Mr W. H. Bunt has purchased from W. Heard the lot next to F. G. Karatedt’s hardware and purposes erecting thereon“a furniture store and dwelling combined. Mr. Knrstedt bna secured suflicient of the lot. to give him a neat front lawn. Mr. and Mrs. George Bellamy are the happy parents of a son born to them on the 14th ist. new driver this week. purchased orfluuest oLMrs. M. K. Richardson on Saturday lasu. _ {Thaladny mm. A pretty wedding took place at the} .\Ir Harry Thistiewaize, of this residence of Mr. and Mrs J. C. place. is very iii with pleurisy and Adams. near the village. on Wednes. pneumonia The Premier of Canada By sheer force of ability and the compelling power of character, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has reached the highest position in Canadian politics, and won a name that "must live in the annals of the British Empire." He has overridden obstacles that would have daunted a man of less virile genius anJi patriotism. Though French was his ancestry and language, and Catholicism his religion. he has become the leader of the destinies ot a great English- speaking nation, the larger part of whose pe0ple are Protestants. He was born in St. Lin, Quebec, in 1841, of a family of rebels who fought bravely under Paplneau in the revolt of 1837. From the little country school where his teacher, a Scotchman, spurred his ambition and powerfully in- fluenced his life, he passed to L’Assomption College, and in 1864, after comâ€" pleting his course in law, entered the Bar. When he made his début in politics: in 1871 as a member of the Quebec Assembly, his magic eloquence, the fear-r lessness, strength and finality of his words, and the mastery by which h( brought order out of chaos, light out of darkness, thrilled his audience. Tall, erect, with a handsome presence, clean-shaven face. clear, penetrat ing blue eyes, a firm mouth, broad shoulders. a brow masterful and dignified. a voice soft. sonorous and ever with the suggestion of unex’pended reserve, a smile gentle and soothing as a benediction. with a. courtesy and kindness that surround him as an auraâ€"this is Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada‘s gmatc.) orator and statesman. hum! according to Act of the Minimum! Csnadt. in the year 1904, by W. C. Black. ut the Department of Agriuu /,..â€"g-â€"â€"_$ / -~â€"- “A “A m LFAMQUS p‘Edm #2:; BY FANNIE 14.me :34} SIR WILFRIID LAURIER ’. F5“! gydl _ Ask MmFgrlmg Co. t_o show -_-A_, Strengthen the stomach and diges- tive organs with a Mi o-na tablet be- fore each meal, and every atom of food taken into the stomach will be digested and assimilated, and the whole digestive system made so heal- thy, clean and sweet that there will be no chance for disease germs to breed. People with healthy digestion are ordinarily not subject to sickness, and can throw off readily any disease germs that enter the system. Mr. and Mrs Rutlwdge and daught- er Margarnt rmurned last Week from New York to dpt'n’i some time at their home here. Strengthen the Stomach and Digestion and You Will Keep Well. When there is an epidemic of germ disease, and most diseases are caused by germs, it. is the person with a weak stomach who succumbs first. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Stewart «mm, to the city last xvi-9k with their son Jimmie for anomher examination by the specialist We are sorry to hear that, the little fellow. who had spinal trouble. has had to undergo an Opero ation for a tum H' (m hi3 side, which has devolapei of late Mr. R R. Wilcox. of Danton, Mich.. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Wilcox Rev L. W. Thom and D. McTavish visited the churches at Dundalk and HOW TO AVOID GERM DISEASES Photo b! bloom I Ch. Quebec. EShelhnroo on Thnradsy to go: pointers : on interior decontion for the Preabv Q tetim church hero. Among thOSe abroad warezâ€"Rev. Woes, Mr. and Mrs W. A Ann- strong. Dr. and Mrs. Carter. Mr. W 3. Thurston, Mr. T A. Blakely and son Clifl’ord. Mr. and Mrs. Nuhn. Mrs. Hickling. Mrs J. A, Boyd and Miss May Hales at Toronto; Mm. Mitchell. Mr. Robert. Trimble, Miss Rubv Trimble and Miss Pickett at Owen Sound; Mr J. R. Gamble visit- ed his wife at Toronto Junction. Must be more than a stimulantâ€" must be a food as well. There is one medicine that is both a food and a tonic.â€"it aids digestion, promotes assimilation. converts food into nutriment that builds up nerves. blood. brain and bone. That tonic is Ferrozone. wh'ch contains exactly what a run-down system needs. Fer rezone supplies oxygen to purify the blood, phosphorous t0 deveIOp the brain, iron to harden the mnecles. .‘a'n wonder r main 9 :2! \ Lgornus um!) and t ..., Y ml. . .t. sleep, think and l“ . a .a. by using Ferro zone; try itâ€"now Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Ferro- zone tablets. at all dealers. Mr. Ed Ekdo‘r. of Toronto. vimad ‘lirudu new on Mondcy. Among the Enter holiday visitors hue were: -Mr. Arthur Wudrobe, n9 TOthtu. and Mr. Ed Bentbnm, '..X‘ ounto luuction, ouch visited theit 'n mar, Miss Maggie McAuley. 'lor- tn visited her taranti; Miss Alva; Prrch god Miss \lsmie Beatty. Tor on 0, each visited their mo'hev; ‘Jrs. Corbett. of Corbetton, visited hor daughter, Mrs. W. L. \Vi'ight; Mr. Jus Hemphill. Toronto. VlSiled MS mother, 4th line; Mr. Bert Buru- house, Toronto. visited friends here uni at Eugenia; Mrs. 13an and Miss of Holland Centre. was in like man- ner at. Mr. S. Boggs; Mr. George Boyd, Mt. Forest, visited his sons. J. A. and W. J.; Messrs. Lloyd Doekville, Peterborongh. Spencer Gale and George Mansell. Glenrneyer. were the guests of the latter’s bro- ther. Principal Manse“; Miss Han nah Stafl'ord was home from London Normal School. After an absence of over ten years Mr.‘Jo:§eph Alexander, of Waterloo, has returned to a position with Mr. Rumstadtler whom we understand contemplates putting another egg waggon on the read. Egan, Dunda£k, viewed vtbe lormex’s mother, Mrs. J. Runsudler; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. VanDusen, Dundulk. vis- ilrd the farmer’s home; Mr. S. Pearce, Owen Sound. was A gueSt at Mr. 'I‘rimble‘s and Mr. J. Williams. My. \V. H. Hsniaol. Owen Sound. was in town on Thursdav lut. J. L. FLARITY Merchant Tailor. carried on the same as ever. ' ° 00 ACRES, LOTS 25 AND 26. MCrChant Tailoring ll Con. l S. D. R., Glenelz: in 3 Hood little Hurry THE TONIC OF HEALTH. It you want to buy one of those Crave-- nettes Flarity is selling at a bargain. They won’t last much longer, and you’ll be sorry when it is too late. U a comfortable, conveniently sit. gated house on! Lunbtgn qtreet greet. N THE FIRST OF DECEMBERâ€" 9 _ comfortable, conveniently sit. 1 Gun. 1 S. D. R.. Glenelg: in a good state of cultivation ; well watered. spring grog! at bun. 5)qu at booze ; g09d_ out- buildings: good guden fruit: good hurd- wood bum; well fenced. portly wire. Apply on premises to WM. JACKSON. Bunessan P. O. Jan. 20, 1905â€"“. Durham. The farm consists of 425 acres â€"about 4 acres woodland. the balance un. der grass. Comfortable dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on my terms as the proprietor ru- tends going west and wishes to dispose of it. H. BURNETT. Proprietor. U Sullivan. 99acres more nrless. Rough- cast house. frame harm. For particuhre apply to March 24th. ’05. D 63 Bentinck Con. 2 W. G. R.. ad- joining the___ Corporation of the Town of deuce to and Cellar. Also good Woodshed. 1 acre ground, well and cistern. Desirable Take Care of ligation. on dCollege lalstreet. l Durham, Agrmtezr‘ms .m nartncu rs army at reu- Horses FEEL . IX-ROOM ED COTTAGE. PANTRY k and Cellar. Also good Woodshed. } 014 Lake. Two barns. stone stables with cement floors good house, well watered Cheap. For further particulars apply to Feb'y 10th~3mpd. 212 March lOâ€"tf W. H. BEAN. Scc’y A. I". 8: A. M. 11 miles north of Prieevine. _ann in first clue condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the ban. Fpr further pnrticuhre npplv to DUGALD D. McLACHLAx, Jnn. flâ€"tf. Prioeville P. 0. U elg. consisting of 50 acres- well wat- ered, well fenced and mostlv seeded down. Contortable house and stables, {mile from school. '3 mile from Bunessau P. 0. and 4 miles from Durham. An excellent pasture farm, or would suit anyone wishing: to en. gage in small farming. Apply on the pre- mises. or by letter to ALEX. FIRTH. Bunessan, Ont. March 6thâ€"10pd. [1 er: consisting of twent -five acres one-hslf mile east of Corporstion of the Town 3! Durhun. described as South port at Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. 8.. Glenelz. On the premises is s comformble brick five roamed cottage. a good frame bnrn and stable, 1 smsll bearing orchsrd. an shun- dance of the best running water. All cleared, title good. Terms ensv and rice right. For further particulsrs spp v to THOS. DAVIS, Lot 2. Con. 3. N. D. R.. Gleuelg. April 4, 1904.â€"tf. DL'RHAX P. 0. 1 Balls, Heifers and Cows. Termé cah be arranged. VERSCHOYLE (Imp.) at head of herd. H. PAR_KEK. I. n A A- w “Va“.J. ”‘4‘“..VVII. u 1' Houseâ€"five roomsâ€"to rent. Termsl ‘ Park. Well improved andulnlllex" reasonable. For further particulars applyl cheap. t JAs. CAR‘ x, .. _ O or to M. O'DONSNOELLDurham, ' 125 ACRES. on lSth Concessxon « 210 filst Xve. LIAXBY. Well improved and well West Duluth, Offered cheap. Will rent if not 5.; Wm , 100 ACRES. BEXTINC K. near m ’ green. Good farm with and I Will 5611 cheap. .l of Saddler street in the Town of Dar- ham. in the county of Grey, containing4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to t March lâ€"tf 1 Durham. Four lots on the West side of ‘ Albert Street for private residences. Now 2 is the time to get these lots. for further‘ information :pplv to i PURE BRED DURHAMS. YOUNG Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Tm-ms mm J. M. HUNTER. Durham. April 12, INL-tf. Dec. 2.-â€"tf. R‘ $39?an PART OF DOQBLEHsQ ACRES BENTIXCK, u_0rt N THE CENTRAL PART OF 01‘ NO. 30. GARAFRAXA ROAD. EING PARTS OF LOTS 62 AND _O.'l‘A_5l, 52, §3:â€"_Sidgzoad“50, I} or 12. CON. 1, s. D. R..GLEN- ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH ZREE ROOIS AmVE A. 30-] ‘ENDEBS WILL BE RECEIVED my Store. too-flywcnpiodbyl up to Sctagdgy. Hgy 9th. for me me. DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP. Town Lots for Sale. HOUSE TO RENT. For Sale or Rent. Park Lot For Sale. Farm For Sale. House to Rent. ACRES NEAR WILDBR’S Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. House for Sale. Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. For Sale. TO LET. For Sale. M RS. QUIRK. Dornoch. J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham. MACKAY_ DUNN, Vendor’s Solicitors. A. FORD. I’ropriemr. DURHAM, ONT. Durhdm . Ready.made Suits, A large stock of Trousers. Overcoats while they last. A few Waterproof Jackets. A line of Prints. 250 Tea at 20c. Fresh Grocer 188 30 DAYS AT COST ‘0! the 9:”! u" ‘ in 5. s" 1 3 my. Mb . ‘ . ' Em: t.’ Plum sod sputum . yin: to £23725 an by app! Take Care of Your Two GOOD HOUSES. NEW BRICK; good hation. garden lot With 9301:; .l and location. mdeu lot with “'5. Ram uncouth to right tenant. smug“ 0.: Que“: strut. Apply to DEBTS COL‘ ECTED. BLSINESS DI Fl‘ [CULTIES arran C. P. R. TICKETS for sale tosll poiu Always Pramâ€"Neva Negligent THE HANOVER COX VEYANCEB MONEY TO LOAX at lowest rates INSURANCES PLACED in X). an aged mare. animals. Apply to Both 5:4 «i 1(1) ACRES, south west of Varne: IAXBY. An extra good farm improved. 0“ nor unions to m DL’RHA)! RESIDENCE. belox ROBERT EWEN, Aber hutch M. mâ€"lupd. H. H. Miller 5‘! April 17th. pufies at low rates 'Wslewggwegwrwe; J. L. Brawne snnp price. RICK OR FRAMEâ€"A PPL J. W. CRAWFORD. Alto seven! building lots. Any person having fur x nano- or organs tbs: rer uin finishing or polishing will in u o undorauned and ha york done now before homer mam-on. Chuges modertte Orders may be left with Edwa: Kreu. or with Shewell Lenaha All goods celled for and returne This is an opportunity to have 3m old furniture mede like new. Old Furniture Made New . . . S. SCOTT JAIES CARSON or ED. WALSH Always in stock. Apples and Panto» gt right prion. DON’T FORGET thut all thf‘ nbove no going “3t cost.” Got barman whilo they last. Tenders Wanted. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. \Vhen we say “cost” we mean it. Ind during the month of March we are determined to clou- out our stock of in levelling and balanc- ing your horse’s foot.I have the Scientific Horse Foot Leveller which is the latest and but contrivence for that purpose and will guarantee satisfaction. Houses to Rent. Houses for Sale. W. GUTHRIE. 0W( ’0 MORE GUESS WORK FOR For Sale. fl’ers the Fred W. Search H. H. MILLER. JAMES MACK. K motogr’npher.‘ The Blncksmitb. ll wmz We If Ye” '1th M WIâ€"V ‘ ”Ch FNdH‘HY H‘m-znu ‘I" 2.. LL. nun-h sllhic‘t'i‘ .‘Hld lhti \ Busn ness Colleg W “(ions h“ .‘i hose mnbi i 'm ha at, t1 of ca 535mm '0 ramivo the Best Commerciz " out. . W mutation, it is necessal ”M the Bestâ€" ., - ' ‘ Sydenham lusures 3' ! dwells: w- M mes 11w x \ by one HM: clude~ all ‘ Stacks and h the widest. m rum. If 3'0 it will my 3-" Diseas m Mount Forest Autism Apr,“ Pithâ€"43m 1‘. Indtl'sixlawl ha \ .1 “mule mum. am” V” a OQ‘VCI‘Q‘ lung 2 muons-pun. ' h‘. "shun fluflvl'rrv M Who dflil‘r 11. in ”~I‘Q: a 00p) M H' BI “I ulllcnud d “" ‘ .0. linear?" 5"" lug Mama In .‘ltemvdg an” ‘ -"" tapreucriwim- ~‘ O“ nu Mu" '" ' h. aliWARIDA “NZ: Fibov .0 .8 A. 9 Oldest â€"-Iot the lag Just the Best. Drop a can W. T. CLA DR u“ student does In. oft“ ntbers thereby u up in himself. by ‘tudiu‘! the day a I. Mans graduate in ha SLV Stu-(1h dreds “'6. C Ameri can 61“” a lot of This is going penae'. Photoe A!" it is real at or crimping either the st 02' method of enameni' to the appearance of the H 5 (ho heaviest and (I T0 CONSUE'JPTW (1 ll den}. receives specm cahoots uni may ch l|( If I“ ”UR eople w “'ILfiON know this ire moron; Lu; avoudiuz curv Y“ "chili: enabling visible il‘ IN mlvertii VII “I see “'8‘ Ell th

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