West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 May 1905, p. 7

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basing Dr. Harte’s :rv-iron Pills. hx-siwtiun in giving 0' antes that they will pd- ucb trouble; as Thin 3‘ , Pale and Sailor Co.- lcs and Eruptions, Nav- plumes»? 1.315300! and [h- in Fag and Forgetfnlm . Dyspepsia mi indict- Headaches. Palpitation d zzy and Faint Speib, N."- n, Weakness, General lb- diseaoes ad dismdan a run-down condition a! svstem. or weak and in 5n to. T hem to Cure or Y. Chccrtully Re; .xded. } you knmv that such dal- ns us sh» dvmanded. terod readily. "Because I have read a 200% deal about sea and its trequentem” ho In the last man ml the ‘10!“ ron needlessly. All I man Is that certain precantlo. taken against a risk that b M proba‘ule. So more.” it I not repress a shudder. '1'). :ed to tell her that he “I. ’ against a host of at.“ endowml with many 310.. I perforce tongued tied. 11. rd himself (or having apo- he saw the anguish in MI 391‘ woman‘s heart acknowl- as her protector. her shield. ms.” she said simply, “1n ’9 hands. I put my trust in I) you. I am hopeful-nay. lllent. I thank you for what lone. for all that you Will do. not Ill‘t"v:'\'9.’ mv from threat- l~t :m x” '1 umld. for you arc UAR! non of DE: WI you purchase at on. written Gunman. demo benefit from. give you your money t escape him I of feeling. ll m the Might]! n of one who disguise. Th. :1; by her (let.~ be minor 1nd- NC! >1 this ex- outburst t the girl men: nchm‘ red to taken “on-d Dill), dis inci- . was that 1m CS at I THE illlflllfllll Bfififlllflu FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambmu Street, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours from 1:! to 2 o’clock. Drs. Jamieson . Macdonald ('Mrafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at funt hf 1H”. Office hoursâ€"9.11 a 11)., 2-4 p. m. 7-9 p.11) Telephone No.10. l tice in the New Hunter Block. Office hours, 8 tn 10 a. m., the 4 p. m. and 7 £09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Tn: Cuuomcu till be not to any gun”, free of postage, for “.00 pet . . 7‘“ p. able' m advanceâ€"3|. ma ”IE8 .1! 1:0: so’pmrd. 'lhe date to whic ever; in h id is d-nm :d by the numbcron the Emu“ $30 opapcr di .cuntinue'l un_ul all mean ”e paid. W a: h. e option of the proprietor. mus.” For transient advertisement: 8 cems pu hne {or the first Insertion :; cent» pr. ”IE8 . e 0 line each subsequent MINIâ€"'minlon measure. Maximal curds! not exceeding one inch, 34,00 per .annum. Mvennmnts without specific directions will be pnbhshed t. 'l forbid'and charged ac- cordingly Transient noticesâ€"“ Lost,“ “ Found, a For Sale,“ etcâ€"39 cents for first insertion, 35 Cent. for each subsequent tmeruon. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be paid hr in advance- Contract rates {mark advertisements furnished or. .pplication to th? -.â€".â€"- A.‘ , , - A . .9 THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT 3: "Jim [VIIV ‘I’I'IUICDAV MORNING “mm nun-c mm. mu nun DUN“, ONT. "23 'All idvenisuncmts, to ensure insertion in can“. week, should be btoqgh: in not late: than TUESDA; morning. .- -4.â€" FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy. Calder’s Block. Residence-Lambton Street, near the Station. W. 0. Pickering, D.D.S., I..D.S. Arthur Gun, II. D. )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- tivn in the New Hunter Block. Office [1' to University: Graduate of Royal College of Dantal Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oflice. D Uflioeâ€" over [Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. Dal-daniyré’s Block, Lower 'I‘own, Dur- ham. Collection: and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- trv ()flice. D--.;;;;:lé¢;s. “Etc. Money to' Loan. Officeszâ€"ln the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. v_â€"â€"_, or. Conveyam-er. etc. Private mono to loan. Old accounts and debts of 31 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofliceâ€"MacKonzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham, Ont. HUGH MACKAY. DURHAM, Land annator and Licensed Auction- oor for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly attended to nnd notes cashed. OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly nttended to. Call at my residence or write to Allen Park P. O. Orders may be left 3‘ the Chronicle ofico. “A“ ”V vâ€"â€"- eased Auctioneer for the County at Grey. Land Voluator. Bailifi' of the 2nd Divxsion. Court Solo: and :11 other nutter: proumflx ”tended to. Hmheet reform 9..-.I yromptly attended to. urnished if required. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUG. tioneer {or the County of Grey. 8:100 prougptly attended to. Order: ma .bo left at [us Implement Wamooms, Me 011’: old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflico. _ _ D MCl’flAlh, blunu any . “UVâ€" tioueor for the County of Grey. Tenn moderate wd utiaftcfion teed. The unwant- and un- tos of 3310: can be made at Tm! CHRONIC“ of- two. Buidongo and P. 0.. 00371011. .Telo- l. G. Hutton. M. D.. C. M. v v ID JUU , ls co'lnplctely stocked with =PARTnE T w mew TYPE, thus an. fouling facilities for turning out First-elm work. . . FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR_. Iqu. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, (EON.- ARRISTER. SOLICITQR. BIC” Nov. 9, '03. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- AMES CARSON, DURHAM . LIC- nnafil‘ Allfltinnmr for the County 0’ O'I‘ARY PUBLIC, CO_M.MI‘SSION- Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. EDITOR AND PROPRIE'rou. Medial! Dz’redorv. G. Lefroy McCaul. Denial Directorv. MacKay Dunn. :w. IRWIN Legal Dz'reclorv Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. .. H. Jackson. W. F. DUNN. AUC- FARMING IN THE OLDEN TIME When Timothy Oats was sorry and sad And thought there was trouble to come He found that the very best trio: id ho had Was a rammer 0! red hot rum. And a rammer of red hot rum he took, Which made his heart feel gay. And then he went down to the mar ket town. To sell his timothy buy. Now. he wan wise in a. sort of way. As wise as a farmer could be. But whenever he sold his timothy hay. He went. on a jamboree. His wife got as mad as mad could be And said it was always the way, Old Timothy went on a. jamboree When he sold his timothy hay. Then Timothy nearly went. out of his head And the (lickens was soon to pay, For he painted the tcwn a. vermillion red. And blowecl in his timothy hay. Mr. C. B. Wainwright. of Lemon City. Fla., has written the manufac- turers that much better results are obtained from Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morhus by taking it in water as hot as can be drunk. That when taken in this way the efl'ect is double in rapidity. “It seems to get at the right spot instantly.” he says. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Met in the Clerk’s office, Hanover, on Momlav. the 24th day of April, 1905; members all present; the Reeve in the chair; the minutes of February meeting read and passed Mr. Jacklln, the assessor, handed in the Assessment Roll for the present year which shows: Number of acres assessed 75,852 " “ “ cleared 445,213 ” “ " woodland 11,082 “ ” “ swamp. etc 17,557 " ” persons in-family 3,135 Total am’t of assessment $1809.400 By-law No. 5.190;”), fixing the scale of Statute Labor to he performed un- der the present year’s assessment was duly passed. The rate of labor in the by-law is on the same basis as that in force in past years. Follow ing accounts were ordered to be paid. viz.â€"W. T. Redford 750 re. moving drift wood from bridge; Oliver McCaslin 82.50 repairing bridge on con. 13. lot 19; Edward Redford $150 filling washout con. 6 and 7; John Reid $3.60 cutting brush on Durham Road at lot 12 G. ’1‘. 'Railway 63 freight on grad- er repairs; 8. B. Wilson «$801) $17.13 for plank , Mun. World 86. ()3 asses- sor ’s stationery and pathmasters’ lists; Sawyer Massey $17 for new blades for grader; $100. 37 legal and witness fees and other expenses in suit for damages Clark vs. the Cor- poration; the Treasurer was in- structed to hand over to trustees of U. S. S. No. 3, Bentinck and Glen- elg. cheque for 836 received from Treasurer of Glenelg re School Arbi- tration; the sum of $300 was ap- proprinted on roads in such of the 4 road divisions of the township; ord- cred that the grant of 88 quarterly to the late John Smith he continued to his widow. Council sdjonrned. BENTIN CK COUNCIL. By Torpeio Palmetto Because so often lmltated. It is said that “ Imitation is .the sincerest flattery," and imitation creeps into everythingâ€"even a good brand oftea. worthi ° mntatinw ' ' 1t 13 well worth buv° mur a b. b, will imitate an inferior article. If Red Rose Tea Will you judge it for yourself? Ask your grocer to send you a package. A Good Suggestion. Red Rose Tea is very often imitatedâ€"but no man Insist on getting the genuine article. REASON N916 CANTO Ill. . 7- 0.0 -â€" 9â€". 0.0 *â€"- WHY YOU SHOULD USE QT _ Annn \ n" 4"(:’ _ vat To Cure a Cold in One qu Some doctors go so far as to say that indigestion is the national dis- ease of America. There is but one national remedv for indigestion and that remedy is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which accelerate the action of the gastric glands' and give tone to the digestiVe organs. Thev strengthen the kidneys and liver. cleanse and pnril'v the blood and thus add general tone. to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength are fast restored and the p'atient can eat and digest anv food he pleases. Test Dr Ham- ilton’s Pills yourself.-â€"-‘25c per box or five boxes for $1 00 at all dealers. The farmers to the north of us watched the surveyors set their stakes with a good deal of intereet. While they would all like to see the road go through, they dislike to see it go through their farms. Miss Dixon. of Guelph, spem last. week with her cousin, Miss Bella Allan. Good Friday was a bad day, and our citizens keptit. good in a. bad way. They didn’c work. nor they didn’t pray. Rev‘Rural Dean Ryan has an- nounced to preach his farewell ser- mon on Sunday, May 7th. Little Florence Ash. after three months intense pain from an afflic- rion of the head, which required periodical operations to make life at all bearable, passed away on Tuesday at the age of eight years and five months. She was very tenderly nursed during her illness by her grandmother, with whom she lived since the death of her mother. The assistance of a trained nurse was re- quired for the past six weeks. The remains were laid away on Wednes- day in Mapleu'ood cemetery. A large number of friends were present to pay a last tribute of respect. Cattle King Brown was up this way last. week and made uome large purchases. He has probably con- tributed more to Holswifls success than anv other who has ever resided there. and Egremont’s capital. of which we are all proud. is certainly making great strides of late. Mr. Jag. Allan was in Galt Friday in the interests of the F. M. S. Co. Mr. Dave Ritchie has purchased a threshing machine from Dan Camp bell and intends to try for a. fair share of the threshing next fall. Mr. Joe Brown. of Glenelg, has hired with E. Johreton {or the spring work. The time was. when speaking of men having hired for a term would have been considered pretty small newa, but now the hired men are the most important people in the country. Mr. A. Baird had a ploughing bee last Thursday which was well at- tended. He has not been in his usual good health of late, and is a very obliging neighbor. A dancing party in the evening Wes much enjoy- ed. Why Sufi'er From Rheumatism? Why sufier from rheumatism when one application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which this liniment af- fords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only [or a short relief from sufiering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became permanent. Mrs. V. H. Leg- gate, of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A.. writes: “I am a great snfierer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlgin’s Pain Balm is the only thing that will re- lieve the pain.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. AN AMERICAN DISEASE Corner Concerns. (Intended for last week.) 4.9 0â€"4 Sr. Iâ€"Johonie Smith. Johnnie Clank. Wesley Caawell. Jr. Iâ€"Roy Lamb. Average attendance. :27. Sr. lIâ€"Ross McDonald. Clara Cas- we”. Jr. IIâ€"Mahel Smith. Robbie Path- erhouah. Clarunce McNaHy. Pt. II--\day Griersm), Marjorie Clark. Philip McDonald. Sr. IIIâ€"Eva McAllistér, Viola Back- FOR S. S. No. 10, Ba: xcx. Vâ€"Annie Clark. Mn is Smith. IV~vasie Smith. L zie Grierson. Neil McLean. , Jr. IIIâ€"Willie McAllir-iter. .Willie Wallace. Willie Menus. Arrhu add. Sr. IIâ€"Lizzie Burns. Ir lI-â€"Minniu Kellar. Mary B k- uS,Jimm\ Marshall. Sr. Pt. Il-â€"â€"Mary McAlister. John Kerr. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Gmcia Mountain, Henrietta Kellar. Elmpr Fee. Sr. I-Stanley Mountain. Jr. I â€"-Artnur Mountain. IIIâ€"Thos. Puther ouch. Benton McNally and Willia ; Nallv eq. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUINIXE 'I‘ablvts. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grm'e’ saig‘lmture is on each box. _25(°,. The council met April 16, Fur want to adjournment. Members present,-â€"-Thos. McFadden. Reew; Wm. Wier, Geo. E. Arrowsmith. E \V.Hunt. Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and continued. Communications read as follow::.:-â€"- From "Good Roads Machinery 00.. several communications and circular; K. W, McKay, re meetingof Munici- pal Officers; A W. Campbell. re im- pmvement of roads; R. Matthewson re Deaf and Dumb Institute; Regis trar of Scuth (a‘rrey. account for searchee; A. Davidson. re Cement Tiles; l A. Nc\[illa11, regretting his inabilitv to attend the meeting; D R Wlllue. re South African Memorial; City Clerk of Toronto, relating to giving married women owning property votes. , 4 C "_ \ I". Mr. Scott of the Good Roads Co. addressed the meeting at same length. Arrowsmith -- Weirâ€"~I‘hat John ! Wilson be paid $2 5!,» for repair efi culvert. at, lot 11, con. 10, also Semi Wright 32 for repair of road and l Morrow Hill. Carried. I Weirâ€"~Hnntâ€"That A. McLachlin and D. Sinclair he paid $4 for remov- ing ice and timber lrom bridge at] sideroad 40. con. 2 N. D. R , and i that. D. Sinclair be paid 812.2?) to pay . men for building 0 ilvert. and repair of road at lot 47. con. 3 N. D. R. Car By law 451, relating to statute labor was introduced and read a first and second time. Weirâ€"Hum-â€"Geo. Arrowsmith be paid $1. overseeing road. Ward 3. C. Weirâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That this council is in favor of having sec 606 of the Municipal Act amended. by substituting therefor the following: 606.â€"“Every public road, or street bridge and highway shall be kept in repair by the corporation. and in de fault of corporation doing so shall be liable to any punishment provided by law.” and that the clerk send a copy of this resolution to Dr. Jamie- aon, for submitting to Municipal Committee of the Legislature. Car. The Reeve. Clerk end Mr. Arrow- smitb were appointed a. committee to meet a committee of Holland coun- cil re “Walker deviation.” By-lsw 451 respecting statute labor was passed. The clerk was instruct- ed to strike 0‘3 one day ststute lsbor for '1‘. C. McGirr, for work performed in 1904. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY The council adjourned. ANNIE MACCRACKEN, Teacher. S. S. No. 1 Normanby GLENELG COUNCIL. Honor Roll. W. J. RITCHIE. Teacher. J. S. BLAcK. Clerk. (Ehairs Bedroom Suites ( 3h ifi'oniers ( ‘i'ihs and Cradles ieds [run Beds Springs M att resses Hall Racks Sideboards c .‘npboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables We Sell What You TO MAKE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. L‘A RUE STOCK OI“ RATTAN GOODS J l'S'I‘ IN Nervous, Diseased Men Don’t waste your time and money on cheap, dangerous‘. experimental treatment. Don’t increase at your own cost your snfi‘eriugs by being experimented on with rein- edies which they claim to have just discovered. '1‘ her give but temporary relief. But come to us in confidence. We will treat you conscientionrlv. honemly and skillfully. and restore yo‘n to health in the shortest possuble tinm v. Iih the lmst medicine. die- comfort and eXpense practicable. Each ruse is (rmitf’d as the symptoms indicate. Our New Method is original and has stood the test {or twenty-five years. A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD We Guarantee to cure Strioture, Varlooodo, Nervous Debili'zz’ Bleed Poisons, Vltal Weaknesses ' ney and Bladder Dls- eases, am, All Diseases Peculiar to Mon and Women. I48 Shelby Street, which we are selling at a low figure. It will pay you ;to examine our bargains before purchasing elsewhere. N., B. J. McKechnie. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODUCE. Bring Along your Butter 6: Eggs IL, 6. .l. McKechnie.§ Dns.KENNEDY KERGAN Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. DRS. K. 8L K. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. CROCKERY JUST IN THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CA8” 87035. A large stock of [or Home Treatment sent Consuitation FREE. Prices Low No Cure FREE. No Pay. Blank Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings DETROIT, MICH.

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