West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 May 1905, p. 8

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4.3m Wâ€"Q m‘ficzm. #fi*k#§%€-$*€*$%fi% News Ladies! see our new line ¥‘.“$$fl THE PLACE WHERE YOI' RECEIVE COURTEOUS TREATMENT Now is the time to Paperzmtl Paint, we carry both. New Collars. Alex. Russell Don’t bother making a collar when you can get them at the prices we 0591'. and the very swellest at that. You cannot. get them anywhere else in town as we are sole agents for The Ladies’ Wear, Limited. WE PEOPLE’S STORE ROBERT BURNETT r“ uuuurs into your pocket. This is eaetly what we are H' stock from beginning to end is at its best and we have u make this spring; and summer season the banner season In: general store business. Our goods have been bought [ close prices and we are in a position to show the nannln 0f Parasols. They please the most fastidious. ‘.. "'"o and we are in a posmon to show the people range of goods at close and correct prices I950~Ladles’ Shirt Wa'st Shes 3‘8. 34. 36, 3‘4. 40. %%%%% Woman’s delight is to make home pleasant and beautiful. One of the plishment of this worthy mission is the Window Curtains. All varieties can be found in our stock. We have an egtensive and varied as- The illustration given here shows a the exact Style of this popular kind fi of Coat. All shades and sizes. E . n Ranncoats a From $5.00 to $12.00. g Gentlemen ! be prepared $ for the next shower with one K of our “Regent” Water- a proof (30:13.. E Lace Curtains From 500 to $3.00. T. Mercer, A. F. \Vyville. M. Oliver, Markdale, Joseph Cairns, Coyion, James Patton, (‘3 horses). Swinton Park and Wm. Burnett. Flesherton Agricultural Class.â€"-two entriesâ€" Joseph Cairns. Ceylon and another whose owner’s name we have not learned. General Purpose,â€"â€"1 entry- R. Ferris, Lady Bank Roadsters,â€" 2entries-«C. Palmer, Dnndalk, W, Bush, Markdale. Hackney, 1 entry. From $1 to $2.50. The East, Grey Agricultural Socie- ty’s Spring; horse shew held here on Friday last was for the initiative quite succeasful. Notwithstanding that idea! seeding weather prevailed, about. two hundred spectators view. ed with interest the neatlyeroemed. fine Specimens of horseflesh shown. The Clydesdale class predominated there being seven entries as follows: ones on hand for a new residenc: The Bamist congregaLiOu, ministered to at Salem by Rev. Hurlburc. are asking for tenders for the erection of a. new church on the Collingwo«,.d Road, a little easr uf Rockvule. Death which has on several occa- sions been the source of sorrow in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. of the west back line. again invaded their family circle on Sunday morn- ing last. when their daughter Annie Alice. who has teen ill for some time with consumption. was called away, aged 17 years 9 months The deceas- ed being the youngest. and only re- maining daughter the bereavement. is a severe one and sincere sympathy extends to the grief~strickeu parents and their two remaining sons in the 1055 they have sustained. The fune- ral took place to the Flesherton cem- etery on Tuesday. Rev. L, W. Thom conducting the funeral service. The contractors of this place and vicinity report plenty of work ofl'ered and much activity in the building line throughout the township this summer. b‘. S. No. 4.. east of the village will erect a new brsck school- house. Mr. C W. Bellamy. contract- or. Wright and McDonald will do the brickwork. Mr 1‘. M. Bannon, Toronto line. will erect a fine brick residence, Mr. Bellamy doing the woodwork and Mr Ryder the mason- ry; Wm.Cameron and Jas. Megee, 8th concession will veneer their res;- dences With brick and build new kitchens. C. W. Bellamy will do the woodwork and T. Strain the brick- work. Wesley Buskin will complete his brick residence. the work. to be done by C. \V Bellamy. JohniPm't- eons will mild a. new residence. l0 be brick veneered. on the Coiling. wood Road eaSt of the village. Large barns will he built by Councillor Pm- vis. near Eugenia, and Jim. Johnstm near Portlnw. John Whittun who has several smaller jibe bring the contractor. W. J. Bzackburn, ne r the Durham Road. is 5. repel-m; for a new barn and Jake) Lever in”? the brick on hand for a new i'eeim-izc: The ’tht congregation. ministered Flesherton. bought a a It Will Pay Yo'u Our business is expanding so rapidly that at the request of our numerous shareholders we are opening up a ware room in another large town. In the meantime, we are attending to the wants of our shareholders and customers in this locality. All our shareholders are satisfied. Many testify that they make money dealing with us We are not giving away goods, but, by reducing the expence, we are furnishing them to our shareholders at a much lower price. Tobecome a Shareholder in this great cooperative movement which has come to stay in this country. It has accomplished much. It will accomplish more injthe future. The best farmers in the country indorse it by becoming Subscribe at once. shareholders. Call and see our stock. We carry full lines of Implementsgand Household Utensils. We can get you anything you want in those lines. Great Expansion IL; Mr. Wm. Burns. of Killarnev, Manitoba, visited a. few days last. week with his sister, Mrs. Mart an the parsonage. Mr. C. H. Man. of Grand Rapids. Minnesota. visited Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Mandershave been allowed to return from the House of Refhge to their own home here and are highly pleased to be aghin at their ain fireside. ’ May Day was flitting day for three families here. Ed. Patterson moved to Mr. VanDusen’s house vacated by Herb Smith who moved {to Mr. Da- mude’s residence vacated by Mr. W. Moore who moved to the old Wright store and residence vacated by Mr. Patterson. Mr. Moore has purchased this property, and having show-room accommodation has added a fine range of carriages to his har- ness business. on the Sunday evenings during May. The card contains an excellent por trait of Mr. Wilson. Rev.J. S. 1. Wilson has issued a card announcing a special series of sermons on papnlar amusements and Methodist standards to be delivered We have ordered Wire Fencing and Gates. Call and examine for yourselves. Get our priCes Revs. L. W. Thom of this place and James Buchanan. of Dundalk. exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. nion last the annual Easter ofiering was received. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served and an invitation having been exten- de'i to the gentlemen a few were present to participate in the pleasure of the occasion. M r. Davey, Organizer of the Chosen Friends, has been here for some days‘ in me interests of the local society and as the resultof his canvass about 255 new members have been added, making the total membership about titty-five. J. A. Myles, Thornbury. Coach. 2 entriesâ€"R. Foy. Flesherton, H. M. Douglass, Vandeleur. This being the first year of the show the society decided that no entry fee be charged nor awards made, but that the points of merit in the animals shown be dealt with by a capable judge for the edification of the spectators. and this was insuuctively and satisfactorily done by Mr. W. Black, of Durham. At the monthly meeting of the VVomen’s Missionary Society in the Mechgdist_Church on Friday after- Laxative doses of Ayers Pm: cacti night greatly aid the Sauparllla. Sarsaparilla If your blood is thin and im- purc, you are‘misa'wlc ante time. It is pace, rich Mood that invizoma. strenthcns, refreshes. You certainly know the medicine that b good health to the home, only medicine tested and tried for (invests. Adoctoflsmdlcine. “I owe, my 11h. viii-It «an. to W Ila. hum-mm“ can In tbotvoudlhr nSom-ou. Ky ”:33 emanen .ud cu: rank . ' p 188. Dal; In 31.1., {ova-k, E. . Door Health Watchmaker. are the best in the market A. GORDON g. c. 4):; Go. Jeweller. Itching, Blind. Bleedm or Protrndin Piles Druggiats refund moneyi PAZO OINT ENT foils to cure anv case, no matter of how long standing. in 6 to 14 (his. First npplication given ease and rest. 500. (Four dmggist hasn't it send 500 in stumps an it will forwarded post-paid bv Poris Medicine 00.. St. Louis. Mo' A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Mr. Angus McArthur, of the Glen, was tracked around the Centre this Monday morning. Come again, Angus. Geordie Heartwell, of Durham: spentafew days at his home here last week. A young girl arrived at the home of pretty Dan McMillan’s a fortnight ago. Allure nicely. d Mr. Malcolm McMillan had a suc- cessful plowing bee on Saturday. Mack is cropping Big Sandy on shares this year. Beaton Bros. are seeding Irish Lake farm this week. Katie McMillan, of your holidaying with friends present. John 831;) gMcDirmoud, from the south line, is in the employ of Arch. M(_:_Lellan at present. Thus. A. Arrowsmith, and sister‘ Maggie May, also Edgar Patterson. all from Pomona, visited our burg one evening last week. Mr. Thos. Binnie has again left the‘ old homestead, and intends spending the summer in Aytou. Butter.mak- ing Thomas is always missed from our burg i from Thursday last till Mondny with his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) \Vilson at the parsonage. Mr. C. N. Mansell. at- tended the Ontario Educational Asuo- ciation in Toronto last week. Mr. D. McTaviah wins in the city last week and woe accompanied home by his son Charlie who has been at- tending Business College. Mrs. W. J. Boyd and Mrs. M. E. Wilson spent a few days in the city last week. Mrs. John Chard visited friends at Owen Sound over the Easter holidnys. Mr. J. A. Aikens. nephew of the late John Clinton of this place, arriv- ed hat week from Ireland and is in- vorably impressed with Canadians and Cenlda. Mr. Aikens has already aecureda situatii-u with Mr. John Whi'ten, builder. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Douglas, of Collingwood, were in town Monday. Mr. Mcinnes. of Owen Sound, ac- companied by Miss M. McGillivray, spent Sunday week with friends in the vicinity. \ Deer Editor,â€"Ic is some little time since you heard from the Centre, and as the old scribe is out of business. you will bear with us in reporting a few of the latest happenings. let up stakes close by, [and bav caused great commotion. not sayin The new railway survevors hm! g a word about the excitement. Miss Ethel McGillivray, of Owen Sound, is home. and will remain for the summer. ‘3 Seeding will be about over in our burg this week if health and weather permits.; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Anderson, of the 4th, visited in our burg on Sun- day. _ . l Miss TenasEckhardt, of Springdale spent a few days with friends here last. week, and Harry is now lonely. Walter appears guilty. judging by the blush on his face these days. Glenelg Centre. Optician. on their town. is here at if! C. McArthur Gall Cure. Every farmer should se- cure a box of our Gall Cure, and his horses will not have sore shoulders. We are leading in the I Readymixed Paint trade , because we sell the best Paint manufactured. If you have painting, stain- ing. enameling or var- nishing to do you can't afford to miss the Sher- Win- Williams products. Carpet Sweepers. Do not wear out that good carpet by sweep- ing it with an old broom when you can buy a. CarpetSweeper so cheap. I See our assortment from $1.50 up. Fencing. There is no Fence to ual our American Steel ire Woven Fence. You can build it yourself and it will last a lifetime. 1000 dozen We are leading this year in Binder Twine. Do not place your or- der with any person until you call and ex- amine our Twine and find out our prices. They are less than you can get any place. Paints. Don’t forget about these Bulk Pickles at [00 pint. Binder Twine. Shoe Dressing. We lead with everything in our line, others follow. Easter... Millinery Brushes. How doth the little bus3 bee improve each shining hour?? ?? ??? Groceries. Soaps. Cash or Trade for Produce. AT Miss Dick's Come to us {or choice BUTTER. We make a specialty of our butter trade. Our buttermekers are unexcelled anywhere. Hardware. Best dressing at 15¢ per 3: Stove, Whitewash, Daubs Scr Brooms, Nail Brushes, etc Cnnned Goods. Bulk Pickles Prunes, Dates. Tens, Sugars Spices, Extracts, Currants Raisins, etc. Everything new WE improve our stock by ndding to it daily nice. new. bright goods in every department. Toilet and Laundry, Star Am mania. Pearline. Soap Chips Washing Soda, etc. SPECIAL EGGS wanted. Bring them to us. m Local News hm Gun. WASTE: ». House. House and l- -' 1'” In'l‘hoa. Fox. 11' PAB‘I'UBE Tu l.E’I‘.â€"-Un WASTE“. gm“! family: nurse by Rose Avenue. TU! AN oil (: 1011} la known and is n and skirts. “one and a Dominion * Guelph, Om THE Ilnplvmvm luls’illv: carried on here by A. B. Illl been transferred ta; [Allan whose genial smilv coon amongst the I'm-mm mad- the praises of Pt‘1k‘l no as to saw On Sunday next than will ”nerd pulpit exchange mun: MS of the town. The ar mat for the supplv of the s pulpit: isas follows. -â€"In the I‘ W. Mr. Culling in the nimuil It. Newmn in the mining: i Baptist, MI. quuhaisun morning and \h. (‘ ulling in 11); ins; and In the “(’iiluiii~i. \h. in the mm mug and \1: 51.: , 1 in the «waning. \\l m» W'E rvgret in 19:” Mr. Andrew Grim. for East Grey. “'1 OImall boy in tin- GfiOI‘ was Tuwnsh 0f ochools, and we trembling group wl It the tall form 01‘ I intender,” as he pui ”the lit”? log N Grier was a 1mm uf honest and honnral Wflvl‘l n “1 vannus mional 2m: modern idea 5 file Southern SIAM s I’ mt. Ml'. \I (“1“ III {in Kansas when. hw “not! with a collar“. I, Ferguson “"18 ('IlH~-. 01'. The fullmving Milt: M.1{.W.u-«i A. Price, H. M. t I. T. Hodinger, Hux' Bowler. “I J. NM" 00"”). W. H. Click“ '1'. J. Hill, Harry l’v Constitution. ROCKFORD and (.‘hivugn \Iqu M in the Wmldiug HI" \II“ “A Young, daughter uI‘ ”I‘III'}‘ 1 “l7 Oskenwald aw Imv. In J ‘m Henrv. mm uf(. 1“,. Hr! Mford, whu-h was (”I l'l In .1 ml Young home at 7 mm. I... M. Herman Pam . (If \L. l’ .IIIl “Church 83“ the N [H ”t .1! my the ClOfie fl'H “(is .1II .1 ’.-, “'98 were guvstx ”th v. hLIn. "wall. The hl'iill‘ I'IIsIM- IaI ”distinction muong lIvI' I'I'iwmi w of l [fluid of hIHIHI' \\ .1». d by two bridesmaids «ml; \I Ym and Miss AIIHOII Hun ‘.. ’0 Young served as INN! III III hil- wore a gown of [Il'ill I'.‘ “ In princes!“ sqle. lie I' I ‘“ and she CIIWIIHI ms... *7 me two maids. “are g. ' liberty silk with gun-II r': uni-d wk roses. 'lho “but 116 ammo THE pasr cummcur READER wet pct-am HIM M'f “'9 ha truul list of new I ohm footwear mohmonts Ill ”NO. 1991. Han-x ssshirt \V on 11"” 'erguson 11¢ IINLV A: ll H nu

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