West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 May 1905, p. 7

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xhausz. ', Aeneas He ' at. hr. .5 Dance, Femalo Wat. pies and Eruptions, Hun Pd- bbormess o! Bretth, Dink. mess. ‘jeneral Weakne- m an anxious to try Dr. m m Pills. V. will all y. C ‘ $2.50 with the under-ta ‘the mutant“ that if ’0‘ hot, (brinfing benefit from m } Pil'n‘. ur‘w-r taking three box. In dirm'tnms, you may 1““. bay boxes. together with tho I 3 nothing better for p.10, ow-eyed girls to M M Leland (“ll of banning” BOWSB, 4 70mm. Oat. «30:19 but the Pin: It. 5“ [ARTE’S CELER IRON PILLS. '* emcdy we Posiflw ran {cc will Carey“ pur Money Refund“. In tbt ). A. DARLING 7}: to take chances iewnd one. Scott’s m is a prevexitive as a cure. - Take gremboontum,“ men and women, giving h on: health thst nth. lifi season’s first cold slightâ€"may yield treatment but the »1d “ill hang on it will be more ome. too. Un- r _ AND ._ DRUGGISP DURHAM. ONT. throat and lung 'es the cold out. i ’0' fr“ unfit. ’8 EIflUlSlflll III and 91101118! cue-table I vol-y 0t III SH yet een z an honest m 4% IN‘. 1W. u * ur Green Si *nplexion, Nerve.- .rain Fag, 1mm ppetite. Dunn-1 ave your mom, lalut Of South r a commercial rat contain a I'h Qumges by s as hard I x! as a substi- nkful that tho a sailor mad. ich be rigid)! lace. be com- had two com- . in which I!!! I!) served as 1 m1 provided I "you are II)- I” the wind: is. Our villa, ;y and drafty p. the who“ xre then m0“ 1! or fever, in I shall be to- ynu with I t‘tiug of the "Iit'l‘ history «(01' friend; acquaintanfl ' tuwanl can lt'f ordinary nod as noth- t flirtation. they labored at daybreak Ilight tailed. sunshine .1: Id tasks do- ring cincho- (‘01 why h. red at lean 'k before it Iris wished we immedi- hl not near 118 Inf made up nature]. preps" I small 9 excel- » better 29 such ,. 0 top- um lent )5 8W Tilt Cnxmucv 3 Vi“ be Den ‘ ¢ I t w dikes, free of postage, for ".01“, RATES . . year 'able ad ’ P“ , a :9“)! ,1" vanceâ€"S!. Omay be ch”. 8.“ 00!. ‘0. pam. He date to 'hlc evan- mmpgm h find 15 dmoud by the number on {h m‘ o |Paper gm «:untinued any] all arrow: “a p, except at h.e option of the prepnetor. I tice in the New Hunter Block. Ofiice bums, 8 to 10 3. m.. 2 to 4 p. In. and 7 t09 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. "Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. ( )r‘r‘lw ALV U “ESIUI‘JNUI‘J short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, L:'.rnbt.0n Street, Lower Town, Durban. (Mm-e hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. 0 (:arafraxa and George Streetsâ€"at {wt of hill Office hoursâ€"941 a. m., 2-4 p. m., 7-9 p. m Telephone No. 10. mug” For mansient advgnifictpcms 8 map: line {or the fitst anscmon; 3 can!» pd BATES . . . ling each subsequent impion-mimo measure. Mammal cards! no: exceccgmg one ind 54,00 pa pnnum. Mvcrtnmcnts thhm: speciti directions VII" be published h'l forbid and chamcd m w._iin_;ly Transient notices-u“ Lost,” “ Found. u for Sate," ecu-50 cent; for first insertion, 25 can for each subseqt'ent insertion. .Xi“. advertisements ordered by strangers must be pai firs. lamieson 8:. Macdonald [\Ir‘lr‘IC-E AND RESIDENCE A the Station. w. C. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. Fl’ICEâ€"FIRS'I‘ DOOR EAST UP the Durham Pharmacy. Caldor’n Block. Residence-Lambton Street. near THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT ONOR‘GRADU ATE OF TORON- to Universit ; Graduate of Royal College of Denta Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post Office. propertv. J'---v â€" â€"â€"- buUfice over ,Gnrnon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm ARRIS’I‘ERS. SOLICITORS, CON- veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Ufiices:â€"In the Mcln‘yro Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. A. H. Jackson. *OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION er Conve) ancer, etc. Private mono 0 loan. Old accounts and debts of 1 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Odiceâ€"MacKenaie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham. Ont. HUGH MACKAY. DURHAM, Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. Sales prompfiy attended to and notes cashed. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 1. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. AMES CARSON, DURHAM, LIG ensed Auctioneer for the County of Ggey. Land annntor, Boilifl' of the 2nd Dwxsion, Court 8‘10. and all other mtten Promptly attended to. Richest ”forgone! urnisbed if requiredé {“FICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. ARRIS’I‘ER, SQLICITOR, ETC. ARRISTER, spLICITQR, ma, Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. act taxes (or carry advertisements f'xrnisl ion to the 0 Ice. .11 advert'me ne 1", to ensure insertion in c )ould be hon-gm in not. later “an Tu: n; facilities Arthur Gun, M. D. G. Lefroy McCauI. Medical Dz’rectorv. Dental Directorv. )ITOR AND PROPRIETOR. MacKay Dunn. Legal Directory. 1V. IRWIN J. P. Telford. Miscellaneous. ls completety stocked with all NEW TYPE, thus af- fox' turning out First-class W. F. DUNN. WILL NOT GRANT MORE LICENSES IN ONTARIO- Says Provincial Secretary Hanna to a Depntation of Presbyterian Clergymen. A deputation of Presbyterian cler gymen. members of the Synod of To- ronto and Kingston. waited upon Provincial Secretary Hanna last week and urged that the number of licenses issued in New Ontario be not increased. Mr. Hanna’s reply was brief but gratifying. He assured the deputa tion that so far as the Government’s present. policy was concerned. there would be no increases of licenses in New Ontario nor in any part of the Province. All persons indebted to the firm of N., G. 8.: J. McKechnie are hereby re- quired to call and settle their accounts with the said firm, either by note or] otherwise, within the space of one month from the date hereof, for the purpose of settling up the affairs of the Estate of the late Neil McKéchnie.‘ NOTICE. In the matter of the es- tate of the late Neil McKechnie: Any outstanding accounts; after the above named date, will he, placed with our Solicitor for collection. Dated May 8th 1905. Some . . SOME SNAPS. Shoe Dressings of many kinds always in stock. Don’t forget we claim that " HALF 'mm ” is the best, cheapest and quickest paste shine on the market that we know of. 100 for a large box. only to be had here. CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING promptly attended to. _ EGGS taken same as CASH in ex- change for goods. From The Mail and Empire. Because It Is composed of both Indian and Ceylon teas. The tea bush is indigenous to Assam in Northern India, and botanists are of the opinion that it is the parent species of all the cultivated varieties in India, Ceylon, China and elsewhere. In a wild state, it grows to a height of fifteen to twenty feet, but the cultivated shrub is only three to four feet high. OF OUR CUSTOMERS think we are too far down. and some not far enough; but under present circumstances we will be pleased to see as meny as will favor as with a call. Assam being the natural home of the tea bush, it is not surprising that this and other districts in Northern India produce the richest, most pungent teas grown in the worldâ€"teas that command higher prices than even the finest Ceylons; but Celen teas are very flavory and fragrant, and seem to be specially made to blend with the richer, more syrupy tea of India. When combined, the Ceylons give point and piquancy to the liquor; the Indians, richness and strength. - The distinctive characteristic of Red Rose_Tea, that rich, fruity flavor, is obtained by blending these fine Indians and Ceylons; and another very important feature of Red Rose Tea, viz., its uniformity of flavor all the year round, is secured the same way, something not possible to obtain where Ceylon or Indian teas are used alone. The Blue Label is recommended, and unless you like very strong tea, use only three-quarters as much for a drawing as you use of other teas. We have some good values in Strap Slippers, prices $1.00 to $1.75. Also Misses’ and Chil- dren’s. in Patent, Leather, Tan or Dongola. We have a line of Ladies’ Royal Purple Don- gola Bale to retail at. $3.00. They are beauties. Try a pair. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. TERMS CASH. REASON N917 N.. G, J. MCKECHNIE. WHY YOU SHOULD USE BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. Take LAXA'I‘IVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. All druggista refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave‘s signature is on each box. 250. A girl never knows whetlwr she likes the firsgsmrawberriei of tho season with thick cream best or a secret flirtation. l On Wednesday morning Mr. Mat'. thew McComb, who lived alone in a small dwelling at Shallow Lake.; drove to Owen Sound in companyl with a neighbor, Mr. Thos 5‘10an He spent the day in town and was as vigorous and robust as under ord- inary circumstances when he shook hands with Mr. Chas. Meyers at the Bank of Hamilton corner at 5 o’clock pm. He then took leave of Mr. Meyers and began to walk southward along the eastern side of Poulette street. When he had reached the entrance of W. G. Morgan Co’s clothing store he turned, as if seized by asudden impluse, and began to retrace his stops and had almost reached the corner again when he staggered and fell upon the pave- ment. He was carried to Oatt’a liv- ery stable by Mayor Duncan, Chas. Meyers and two other men who were on the scene. Medical aid was pro- cured without delay but the last spark of vitality had fled. Deceased. Iwho was in the neighborhood of 70 years of age, was well known in Ow- en Sound but had been a resident of Shallow Lake for some time. He is survived by a widow, who resides on Melville st., and the following fam- ily: Margaret. Hester, Wm, Stanley and John. Owen Sound; Mary, Lysla, .Sault Ste Marie.-â€"O. S. Sun. A good hearted blyth old Irishman has passed away and been gathered to his fathers in the person of Thom- as Seymour. The end came on Friday last at the old homestead. lst canoes- sion N. D. R . Bentinck He- was 88 years old Deceased was born in the Emerald Isle. and emigrated to Cana- da in the days of his youth He spent the fore part of his life in Low- er Canada, coming up this way in 1866. and settling on the preperty ‘ ,which he retained until the day of his idemise. He leaves behind a widow who is a woman of middle age, and four daughters and one son. The daughters are as follows; Maggie (Mrs. William Stade) of Elmwood, Mary (Mrs John Kunsenhouser) of Hanover, Agnes (Mrs. Wllliam Lynn) who leaves tc-morrow to reside in Murillo, New Ontario. and Kate at home. The only son is a youth of seventeen years at home. Deceased was a Presbyterian in religion but has not been able to attend church of late years owing to defective hear- "__-._.-- Alana- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ."Uv J vâ€"vâ€"â€"_ ' ing. The funeral to the Hanover cem- etery on Sunday last was largely at- tended. showing the respect in which the old gentleman was held. In the absence of Rev. Austin L. Budge, M. A.. the obsequieswere conducted by the Methodist minister. Rev. J A. McLschlsn. M. A.â€"-Post. EXCHANGE ECHOES For all weakness from whic girls and women suffer. no snror emedy exists than Dr. Hamiltn . Pins. They maintain that, braci a health every woman so earnestly desires; they uproot disease, and {ring strength that lasts till old new "No mvdicinn could he moré bene- ficial than Dr Hamilton’e Pills writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton of Victoria “I have [men snengthened my diaefit- ion is hottprl have imprnvpd in color and feel considerably better since using Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Sold every WhPrP, 2:30. yer box or five boxes for one dolar. Wm. Mountain. R. J. Eden. W. Morris. P. Cornish. A. Schram. J. Garvey. J. Heanoy. G. ansden. D Halliday. Thoa. Norria. Jae. Mack. E Johnston. Al'ex Allen. Jno..Sharpn Jno. Main. M. Healev. Jas Snilh Ava Rawn. Jnn. Gardiner. 7V, Tin Hall. S. Cowan. R McDonnl Jno (lom’lyinn. “7 H Nir'hohon. 3 Roland. J. Bilmn. E Hall. ,‘has S‘nvdpr- E Mabletnfi. .1110. P( ‘t.(-r!‘ Rwoland J Bilton E Hall. .‘ Snydnr E Mapletnfl' .1110. P( tear Jno. Roe»: Jno. Bic-.Qunen W. VVil i9 R. \\ alker. J. R McBride Vt Bay, Alex Ray. Archibald \lcEacbern G. H Belton.1). \IcLachlan. Jno Omhard Jas. MCDOUgaH. R. MCE h urn. F Dillon. P MCQUFGH. Jim. Wagner. W. \Vaddpll Geo. Spvnw. 1:19. Durrant. Jag Hamilton. P. Mc- Eachern, B. Yake. Andrew Weidman. Max Ross. Jar. Courts. Archibald Mcanhprn. Chas. McRobh. Andrew Dvce. Geo. Allvs. V AilesP Mohan. W, Philips. F. Hopkins, Cond. Smith. E Haas. J. G. Johnston. W. J- Isaac. Jas. Ecclae. R. McDonald. Geo. \Vith- er. Jas. McLaughlin. Thos. Brown. A Hamper. Chan. Smail Jno \Viikin- sou. Noble Wilson, Jos. Patwrszon. \V J. Hargravo. E. Harrison. D Mc- Intyre, D, McLean. J. Mcheken. .109. Lawrence, Geo. Muir. Jones Harrison. D ALLAN. Clerk. Holstein. May 6th 1905. Martin Mason, who is a clerk in the employ of W. A. Shambroke. liquor dealer. 205 Parliament. Street. was convicted in the Police Court yesterday of selling liquor to Fred M00116, 3 person under 21 years of age Mche. who gave his age as six- teen, swore that Mason sold him a quart bottle of Seaeram’s whiskey for 75 cents. Two other boys testifi- ed that they drank out of a bottle which McCue had. One of these boys admnted getting drunk. They could not say where McCue got it. - Mason sw'ore positively that he had not. sold a bottle of whiakay to McCue. â€"M agistrateDenison believed the boy in preference to the clerk and impos- ed a fine of $10 and costs or 15 days. It hits peOple in a tender spat and makes it mighty hard to brace up Nerviline takes that kink out of vour spinal column in short order; it soothes. that’s why relief comes so soon. Nevriline penetrates. that’s why it cures. Five times strorger than ordinary remedies. Nerviline van’t fail to cure lame back, lumbago, sciatica and neuralgia. Nerviline is instant death to all muscular pain. For nearly fifty years it has been the largest selling liniment in Canada. Better try it. Egremont’s Pathmastexj For 1905 Daniel Small, who has a liquor store at the corner of Louisa and Elizabeth Streets, was convicted by Magistrate Denieon yesterdav of sel. ling a quart bottle of whiskey to Mr. McBryan after eleven o’clock p. m. A policeman testified to seeing through the shop window Small take 1 down a bottle from a shelf. wrap it 1 up. and hand it to McBryan. He saw McBrayan hand Small something aid Small go to the till and put it in. McBryan swore he had bought the bottle at noon and paid for it. and that Mr. Small had wrapped it up then and laid it aside for him He had been delivering goods for Hr. ISmall. and had returned to the store after eleven. handed Hr. Small the money, $2.40. which he had collected for him. and Mr. Small had handed him the bottle of whiskeytwhich he had bought and paid for earlier in the day, and which was already wrapped up and laid aside. vv-wrrv_ , Mr. Smeil gave evidence corrobor- ating McBryan. Magistrate Denison fined Small 820 and costs or 15 days. The Telescope had a call from Mr. R. E. Moore of Lions Head on Friday. Mr. Moore is the chairman of the Board of license commissioners for North Bruce, and he is determined he. says to mske the hotel-keepers of that district keep hotels. not saloons. He has already mode a tour of the district. and has notified all the hold- ers of licenses whst they must do. if they don't want to he cut 08. He thinks every constable who knows of an infraction of the low and does not prosecute. should he cut of the list. Women With Weakness. Gave Liquor To A Minor Cold Settles In The Back. Got. Liquor After Hours. McQuean '11 Geo. .‘ amilton. 5mm 'Ia 53" N0 NAJULS E8153) x: i;t~. - "”31" n “ .Q _ . .14.. . '1‘1‘ fixaL It. '."_'.i.’.3 1 ‘ .1 (“Quinn a] trw with a! fizxguiv - 'shvp In 1‘: . aly. 1 “1:21 a.) . -» BLUUD I-‘f‘vISONS are me most 3 ' "flue wry life blond bf {Lu \'1 'im “ \xiii (1.1196 soriuus cum; ‘ii‘zlfi :15. symr-tums-nur XICVV MH'I‘HI 11) 1er . \‘OI'NG OP. MIDDLE AGED-MES) ‘. down your system. You {.-. 1 the s) ‘44 and Vinny you are not the man 3‘ dung 1' signals? R E A D E Are you a. vict! to marry? Has ‘ness? Our New Method Treatmon it wil‘. do for you. CONSULTAT] write for an honest opinion Free < tor” (Illustrated). on Diseases of 1 9“ N0 NAMES USED WITHOU‘ v names on boxes or envelopes. cost 0! tmtment FREE (or no 03.5mm Cor. Mich. Ave. or We Sell What You Need Chairs Bedroom Suites ( :hifl‘oniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds; Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sulelxmrds TO M \KE YOUR HOME COMFORTABLE Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets kitchen Tables Extension Tables N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything commends]. Question “st 3nd cost of tmtment FREE for Home Treatment. {BLOOD POISONS are the most provaient and most serious diseues. They mo use very lite blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious compllnazions. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses mo symptomsâ€"our NEW' METHOD positively cures all blood diseases forever. ator excesses have broken YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED-MEN.-Imprudent acts or i down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally. physically and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will you need in. danger signals? - __ “mu-0“ w'a'v R E A Dâ€"Eâ€"R Are you a. victim? -Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any wak- ness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done (or 01hr?! it wil‘. do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No mutter who 11:. trented you. 'write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. _ BOOKS FREEâ€""The Golden Mom- tor” (Illustrated). on Diseases of Men. IL, 6. J. McKechnie. which we are selling at a low figure. It will pay you to examine our bargains before purchasing Das. KEN N EDY 8t KERGAN HAS‘YOU R BLOOD IEEN'DISEAS ED? E»- Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODUCE. Bring Along your Butter 6: Eggs Undertaking and m 1:: SM) (2 K o is Cor. Mich. Ave. and Shelby 8L, Detroit, Mich. WHO NAMES USED wxrnocr \vnmmx coxsnx'r. Confined to His Home for Weeks: advised me to (I.:.."J.[ urs. henneuy anc taken tvrcatment iz‘r-m tin-m himself arc! is sand skillful. He wrote 3mm and go: tlu meat. {or me. My pzogress was somewhat st. month’s tromnu m. I was somewhat (1 continued treatment {or three months lon 1th a compleze cum. I and only earn 81: op before trt-aimrnt. now I am earning y. I wish all sutterers knew of your 1318: CROCKERY THE POPULAR CASH 8TORE. A large stock of THE POPULAR CASH BTORE. Embalming a Specialty. 'Jd‘ L Drs. Kennedy an thvm himself ard k (3 11mm and got U: grass was somewhat m" Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combmation Bookcases Office Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Re. mm M «mldin 2 s '04; months lone,- r and was rewa rr 1 only earn 312 3 week In a mach I am earning Sit and never lose ew of your valuable treatmont. GODS NRY C. Locus:

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