West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 May 1905, p. 1

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it, or you will soon be Give your hair some sHair Vigor. The fall- ill stop, the hair will 5 Week wing atti-ndeol the Summer wings in Toronto we ere pared to make up preuier }s then ever The style. p9 changed greatly end we to mode it e point to vie“ the leading recoil stores“ II as wholesoles end gee Roughly ecqneinted with liS great ewoperative I this country. It has lisb more in the future. 'Drse it by becoming . Subscribe at once. k1 Household Utensils. pun in those lines. and the scalp will be and healthy. Why be :d with poor hair when no make it rich? btimated previous”, WI no p9 TO KEEP svsnvrmm), but barman c4 mrmuoa QUAmv g Goods 0“! re owything bright mi Imple our ”Rea Feather” up h.ygienical)y.. in get. ‘cbmolt pspetsâ€"novor is package. in Blast, Green or .0! of pt shat “his 2% the plm to :9: Choice Butter. 3 meantime. we are Olders and customers Lave satisfied. Many g with 113' We are :ing the expence, we ers at a much lower Street. By the quality of the Goods. falling of your hair! tr nutiy all can. out. I then It \ngr 9.4} only on}. botpgg - Groceries Gingham-ms. Chunbnys and Art Muslin... ed and Phin Loan“, and lunatic-I. 'o elegantly embroidered Pains” a: 100. out. you» sad» (or some nor. use Delicious Bulk Pic-kl... .cturing new styles for Summer linen. ISS DICK that at the request opening up a was [151011 ’83"â€" Sii'r'ciiuc' h nu thief“ ' ‘ :o__cuxly."â€"lll. L. I. 8117-. mer Hats. 3 Judged ’8 wish to make spook! mention tint we havo Lyers and Gates Get our prices. cArthur inspection 01 our 11 every deput- Durban, Ont. GATHERED DURING THE P187 WEEK FOR CHRONICLE 3510538. HERE it is, the 24th of May, and too on“ t0 (10 without 8 fire. Local News Items A xvmmn of our citizens went to Mt. Forest on Saturday last. They may have attended the great one hul'sv show they had down thereaome- timw known as a circus. I’hmgh shares and sole plates for the \‘zu'imH plows in use at the Durham Fuumll'y. Hnl'SE and lot for sale.â€"â€"Apply to 31w. 'l‘hos. Fox.-â€"t.f . In )S'T forget that all kinds of carpets am» being cleared out at live bargain prim-4 at J as. Ireland’s. THE Rev. \Vray R. Smith, pastor of mu Methodist. church, is doing excel- lent work in Arthur. All branches of the vhurch are prospering under his direction, and the Rev. gentleman has sm'm‘ml the good-will of all classes by his liberalityâ€"a feature that is very wsswlltial in connection with Christian m n-k. â€"-Enterprise. .~\.\' exchange tells of a farmer who l5 abusing himself because he gave his daughter a pair of chickens two years ngn and promised to feed the increase fur t'mu' years if she would take care 0f them. She says that she has sixty- I'nm' dollars in the bank and also 200 chickens that he had to feed all Win- ma He also says that at the end of {Mir years she will own the farm and will he charging him rent for living on it. “(q-nan Day passed off quietly. IN a. local school the other day, the roau-her asked the scholars to write a wntence with the phrase, “bitter em ” wntence with the phrase, “hitter end” in it. Of course, one handed in the ~mtmnent. Russia. is determined to :Lmt out the present war to the hitter1 and. " Another said that the Easter hnlulms had come too soon to their hitter end,” and so forth. The sen- n nee that took the cake, however, \\ LL51 that written by a bright ten-year- tullowing: “Our hull pup chased Smiths black cat across the back the fence he “bitter en .” \V.\ NTEI)â€"â€"Immediately a good gen- ul Imusvmaid. Mrs. T. U. Holt. A WT of the youngsters were out at M ward’s Victoria. Day. \VALKEBTON pwple visiting the parliament buildings at Tomato lately have been surprised to notice a photo .\ MOVEMENT is on foot to aoonsn {lu- fameons opium trade wrhlch. fumed upun the Chinege b-y BrltlSh cupndlty, n ru.:.... __,1 “3131011“ been the bane or union uuu the disgrace of Great Britain. British philanthropy has repeatedly struggled against the abuse, but always in vain. Tht- most notable and most disgrace. I'ul incident in the history of the trade was thv Lorcha War Of 1856. made by Palmerston, who may be regarded 8-3 (411:1g0'd in opium trade. and wrong-' f-aliy flying the British flag. Fur this P'ii-Ilt'l's‘tlfll made War on China, bom- hm‘ml (7nan, and exacted a henvy imio-nmity. The. good Elgiu, who War i mnplnymi in the Wank 0f coercion. R'n-nnk from h‘s Viifiltask. Palmers- Innk :u-tion was culsdemnal by Parlia- nu-ut. hut, h» awn-Med to the WM' p33- ~'iuns of the country not in vain. Bright, Cohdren, and others who had how-n cnnspmons in the side of human- ity. lost. their out? In mum which has: of their «WWW the M“ VOL. 38---N0.1993. 'ery The Chronicle for Balance FOR SALE,â€"-House and lot 111 Upper: Town. Apply to MacKay Dunn. i FOR SALE-Gentleman’s Bicycle. Cheap. At this office. ‘ SOME of the members of the Metho- dist choir sang at Orchardville on Wednesday night. FARMERS should have printed En- velopes. We furnish them in large or small lots. IF you want a new, stylish Raincoat at a. decided bargain. you can get it at .1118. Ireland’s. IF we hadn’t seen the little string of chubs Sam McCracken might have told us about the big trout he saw the women catching. To any person who purposes build- ing wire fences this season Mr. W'. D. Connor announces that he handles the Page and Empire the best and cheap- est on the market.â€"-3 pd. JAMES IRELAND has just received some very handsgme Tweed and Wor- sted suitings, for men, which will make up very swell suits. At very reasonable prices. “I ’VE no sympathy with single men who get, into debt,” said Judge Emden of Lambeth county court, when he committed a. bachelor for the non-pay- ment of debt. “Unmarried men now- a-days are most. extravagant.”-â€"â€"Ex. ON Tuesday morning Mr. Samuel Patterson and his young son a boy about 16 years of age went to Stratford where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Dr. Gun accompanied them. This is the third or fourth time the young lad has been attacked with that. now very prevalent disease. How is your label? HAVE you paid your subscriptionP: A}: auction sale of household furni ture will be held on Thursday May 25, at the residence of the late H. Parker. Articles can be bought by private sale up to that date, balance to be sold a above. Terms of sale: Cash, in all cases. 8. J. Parker, Administrator; 0. A. Shepard, in chargeâ€"20. Willie, the fourteen year old son of Mr. John Patterson of Bentinck town- ship, had a. narrow escape the other day by sustaining a kick from a. horse on the forehead right between _ the eyes. He was unconscious for a time, and after he had apparently come to, he seemed to be in a sort of dream for a while andlwas not cognizant of what actually took place. He will recover. -â€"Post. advertisiing. Mrs. N. w. Campbell i has been without a girl for some time. but didn’t Care to advertise. Last week, however, she decided, after all other methods failed. to try our reme- dies. The day after the paper left this office she was rewarded with an appli- cation, and is now in the full enjoy- mnnf. of libertv and comfort. Twenty meat of liberty and comfort. Twenty five cents for a short local at this omce. A STORY is told of an old bachelor who bought a pair of socks and found attached to one a paper with these words: “I am a young lady of twen- ty and would like to correspond with a bachelor with a view to matrimony.” got this reply: “My mamma was mar- ried twenty years ago. Evidently the merchant whom you bought those socks of did not advertise, or he would have sold them long ago. My mother handed me your letter and said possibly I might suit. I am eighteen.” THE Blyth Standard says: One of our local subscribers has sent us the following for publication: "There has been considerable comment of late in ‘ _L ‘mUUI v-â€"â€"_V _ V town about the questionable conduct of some of our youths and misses. ‘A number of them would be better inl church at service time than meander- ing the streets, and at home when loit- eriug on the bridge and other places. Self-respect is the first consideration WE again emphasize the value of -V Blyth has; bad its share of a crowing! out of such thought- I THE coma AND comm; 0F ounmmres ! AND THEIR FRIENDS. Mr. R. Macfarlane is in Toronto. Miss Slatcher went to Toronto on Tuesday morning. Mr. Charles Parrott is spending a. couple of days in Toronto. Mrs. Lachlin McKenzie went to G uelph Tuesday. Miss Margaret Hunter is spending a few days in Toronto. Master Fred Katstadt, was in town Tuesday and gave us a call. Mrs. T1108. 0. Morton is visiting friends near Port Elgin. Miss Etta Fox left for Toronto last week. Mr. Wm. Cowan, of Dumfries, Scot- land, is visiting the Morton families in and around Durham. Mr. “Bob” Armstrong of New York, the guest; of his sister, Mrs. D. J ack- SOD. Mrs. Kinney and son, of Buffalo, were guests last; week of Miss Eleanor Kress. MissNellie MacKav, of Walkerton, visited last week with Miss Elennop Kress. Mrs. FamuhatsomMrs. J. R. Gun, Miss Marion Gun spent Tuesday in Mt. F01 est. Mr. J. S. Drysdalc visited old friends at Hamilton and Dundas, over the 24th. Mr. J. W. Potter and his sister-in- law, Mrs. Fred Scott, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., were guests last week of Mrs. ‘ Thomas Brown. ‘ Mr. Wm. Reid, son of Mr. W. K. Reid, left Monday morning for Guelph Where he has secured a position as iron moulder. He has been some time in Smith’s Foundry here, and proved himself reliable and trustworthy. Mr. J. \V. Crawford returned Mon- (lav from a few weeks visit in Man- Mr. J. \V. Crawford returnea mou- day from a. few weeks visit in Man- itoha. ON Friday night May 19th, a. robe was taken from a buggy in the Mid- daugh House shed. The person who took it knows all about it, and who owns the robe, as the owners name is on it. The owner of the robe knows who took it and dosen’ t charge him with theft. Now to come to the point, no publicity will be given to the mat- ter if the robe is returned at once, otherwise proceedings will he institut- ". 1 ed.”â€"The rbbe may be left at the daugh House. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Silverware, China and Glassware, Ladies’ Belts. Belt Buckles, Waist Sets, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Fishing Tackle, AGENTS . . . R. B. KEELER SONS There no BIG BARGAINS awaiting you. in and the cheapest store north of Toronto to buy up to-date WALLPAPERS. U u.-.."v- Bicycleswâ€" 'he BEST wheel nude in an‘ada t-o-duy. cm OUR PRICES Buoy Baguio Store on tho Buoy Comer. AT of Year'to New Subscribers, 450. Mid- PASTURE to let by the month; apply to William Jackson, Bunessan. 2 WE congratulate our young towns- man J. R. Darling whose name ap- pears amongest the list of successful graduates in Pharmacy. Joe Collin- son was also successful, and both are now full fledged druggists. A CHANGE has just taken place in the Dental business, Dr. T. G. Holt having sold out to Dr. F. Grant, son of Mr. C. L. Grant. Dr. Grant has just completed his examinations and with a successful practical experience we feel assured he will succeed. JAMES R. DARLING who has just garduated from the School of Phar- macy is now dispensing in his father’s Drug store where he received a, good practical training before completing his college course. He has now the theory, and the practice as well and is fully competent to discharge all the duties of a dispensing chemist. A VERY successful meeting of the Mt. Forest District Methodist Church was held in Mt. Forest on Friday last. A marked advance was shown in the spiritual and financial interests of the church. A very complimentary rcso~ lution was passed at the :close to the Rev. Thomas'Colling, the able and ef- ficient chairman. ON Monday -morning last Archie McDougall took the train for Tillson- burg, where he has a good position as foreman. Archie was in our office for more than five years, and we can heartily recommend him as a good steady young man, anda tasty work- man. His habits are good, being temperate in every way. He’s a little fond of the girls, and it is possible too, that he may cultivate a feeling for 'l‘illson’s pan dried oats. Apart from this, we think he’ll be able to keep out of temptation. He was a {good worker in the Baptist church, where he will be mueh missed. A DESPATCH from Owen Sound says: Mrs. James Husband, a resident of Presqu’ Isle, a few miles north of Owen sound, found a remarkalke egg in her hennery this week.~ On the outer surface of the shell there is im- printed, clear and distinct, the figure ‘ of a baby. Side by side with the in- fant is a chick emerging from its shell. The pictures are so clearly defined that no stretch of the imagination is necessary to form an idea of what they represent. The egg was secured ‘by a collector of curios, and was brought yesterday to this town where it is attracting considerable attention. â€"Telescope. A MOST dastardly, cold-blooded and cruel murder took place in Toronto on Friday last, when Josephine Carr, a thirteen-year-old girl, kidnapped from the street in front of Eaton’s store, a baby boy only nine months’ old, and deliberately threw him over an eighty foot precipice. Her object was to get possession of the go-cart and sell it as she did previously with others she had stolen. The whole story is un- paralled in the annals of youthful crime, and the cold indiflerent man- ner in which the young murderess dis- posed of the infant and subsequenth denied to the officials all knowledge of the affair is almost beyond the power of the human mind to conceive. After! a time she confessed her guilt and is ' now in the toils. The whole story is unique, the being the result of neither premeditation nor anger, but simply [promptings of a momentary impulse. ' The girl’s record was not good and her street education and attendance at low class theatres had no influence towards improvement. that Mr. John H. Rose has opened up a grocery store in Theobali’s Old Stand, the J. M. Hunter block. and He opens up today a. stock of new fresh groceries and confections, and solicits a share at pnplic patronage. Mr. Rose is well and favorably known here THIS WILL BE THE FLAST changqukcamp on the Historic ‘ n-u-L annmn Drslls, Saturday. May 27th, June 3 , and June 10th at 6:30 pan. A few more men can still be taken. Apply at once. “'13 have pleasure in announcing Volunteers Attention ! and needs no introduqtion from No. 4. 00.. 3136 M New goods are arriving daily. Special in Men $10.00 for $8 .50: Don't fail to try a pair of McCready Cushion- Soled Shoes for spring. Ready-made Clothing. in Men’s Cravenette Raincoats, regular THE .087 8M5 ON THE BUSY 000153. NEW DRESS GOODS. PRINTS. LAWNS. INDIA LINEN. LACES. RIBBONS. CURTAINS. )re ” is better prepared than the people of Durham and $1.00 PER YEAR.

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