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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 May 1905, p. 2

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Mr. C B. Wainwright. of Lemon City. Fla., has written the manufac tnrers that much better results an. obtained from Chnmberlain Colic. Choleru md Ditrrhoea Remedy in use: of peins in the stomach, colic ad cholera morbue by taking it in wgter u hot :5 cu: be drunk. That then taken in this way the eflect is double in rupidity. “It seems to go: a the right spot intently,” he «ya. for “10 3t Parker’s Drug Store. Hall’s Catsrrh Ours is taken inter nally. and acts directly on the blool sud mucous surfaces of the system Send for tostimonisls (roe. F. J. CHENEY d: 00.. Toledo,() Sold by all drucgists. 75c Take Hull’s Family Pills for consti psfion. A man who committed perjury in the personation of another voter at London. during the last Dominion election. has been sentenced to one year in jail. This is one more step forward in the direction of political reform. Each time a sentence of this kind is pronounced upon a man con. victed of crookedness in connection with election matters such crood- edness is properly and ofiiciaily stamped as a crime. and a deterrent is placed upon others who might be disposed to take part in similar practices. â€"Weekly Sun. STATLUF UHIO. CITY 0FTOLEDO.] t “It is this way.” said the, leOD; LUCAS Coma-y f {“1 fee] content. of seeing my friends Frank J. Cheney makes oath thatIiD the 1163“ world, bUt this may be he is senior perm/er of the firm of F. ; my last chance 0‘ seeing you ’7 -Cheney Coo. doing business in' _ “61in of Toledo, County and Statef the Sid. and that said firm will pay: ' LARSyr, ONE HUNDRED DOL [Always SICK, , , _ ' Lurch"! :u'mmtnz In Act of the I'arnamcnt Ol canaua. in I. [he hang man s duty. necessary as it is; In our present imperfect state of society and of humanity. is a duty ‘ which most men regard with a Show} Are You Costive? dc-r. and we are apt. also‘to transfer; If you knew how bad for health the feeling 0f loathing WbiCh Ibflgconstipation is you would be more work incites t0 thP men who do the careful, Irregulgr bowels cause up work- Radclivv. the 011135811 hang- pendicitis. jaundice. anaemia and a man '0' the Dominion. frequently thousand other diseases too. Ham- has difficulty in obtaining shelter ilton’s Pills changes all quickly, 101' him-*8” 3" some 0‘ 001' tOWDS They are made to cure constipation 80d cities and there have been cases . in one night, and always do so. By where ht: has been the ObjBCf. Of VlO itaking I)“ IIBYDlltOD’S Pills; you are lent demonstrations. It does not l sure of a keen appetite splendid col seem ‘0 occur [0 those who abboI‘yor. jovial spirits and sound restful him that he too. may loath his work. sleep. Gentle in action; good for "V1 th“ {991302 appears '0 be thfiS men. Women or children. 250. per be rather ODlOVS it- (”13" be (1093' box. or five for $1.00. At all dealers not do so however is evident in aiin medicine note which he sent to a sherifl at; Sherbrooke in reference to the com . mutation of the sentence of Fouquet,' in which be congratulated the sher-' ii and himself on escaping a “ duty recovering from an illness. and was at once repugnant and terrible.” It denying himself to all visitors. when is refreshing to our faith in hu-lRobert Ingersoll called The Bishop manity to know that even the hang- received him at once. ‘ I appreciate man of the community has a heart of! this very much.” said Mr. Ingersoll. fleshâ€"«Montreal Star. ”but whv do vou see me whom vnn Their Roads Diverged. Some years ago Philips Brooks was 'fiorn to before me and subscribed [my presence. this 8th day of Don ‘mher, A. D. 1996. ’ (Sam A. w. GLEASON. ed m hlkm Its“ cause soaks now blue overytbil sky. clou The was yellow the res blue. If the sun were green we would have a little varrety. Things that are now yellow would still be yellow. things that are blue would be blue, and things that are green would still be green. but there would harm reds. purples orange. pinks, or any of “1050 cheery hues that make the world look so bright. W A German satronomer hu recent- ly published some interesting obser- vations on the theoretical eflects o! n chsnce in color of the sun. It is nmszing to consider the possibilities if the son were green. blue or red. in- stead of what it is. If it were blue there would be only two colors in the worldâ€"blue and black. If it were red. then everything would he red or black. If it were yellow, then every- thing would be yellow or black. Everyone knows that the light of our sun consists of six colors, and the renson.the things are difierent hues is that some swallow up five of the colors and reflect only one. Thus. can!“ Bach and every case off use 0‘ ..at cannot be cured by thei [1311’s Catarrh Cure. t If the Sun Were Colored. Sprained Her Ankle A Good Suggestion. ls and all, would be blue. I this time would be blueb . it reflacts both blue and Hair would be all black and [the face would be acloudy FRANK J. CHENEY, NOTARY PUBLIQ 5 Are You Costive? : i If you knew how bad {or health' l [constipation is you would be more? careful. Irregular bowels cause up ' pendicitis. jaundice. anaemia. and a} thousand other diseases too. Ham-l1J ilton’s Pills changes all quickly? They are made to cure constipation, l fin one night. and always do so. By ‘ itaking Dr. Hamilton’s Pills you are ‘sure of a keen appetite splendid col lOl‘. jovial Spirits and sound restful" laleep. Gentle. in action; good for! men. women or children. “.350 perl box. or five for $1.00. At all (lealersl l o . n i in medicine l Always Sick, Constantly Tired $2, 50 At drnggisto, or by mail from The Fen-ozone Companv. Kings. ton, Out. Got 3 supply to dty “The benefit I derived from Form zone,” writes Mr. Al. P. Whitehead Monetion. "is really marvellous. For two years I didn’t have one day’s freedom from nervous headaches and pains in the back ard side. I van salted doctors in Montreal. but wasn’t helped. I used Ferrozoue. and am glad to say my health is bet ter to dav than for many years. I “'0th ten pounds more and look and feel stronger. Ferrozone is the best tonic I ever used ” The cores of Ferrozone are lasting. because it. does its work thoroughly. It is a Specific {or all forms ol skin disease, kidnev liver. and Stomach trouble. It cures headache and lan- guid feeling in a short, time Ferro- zone contains more nourishment and vitalizing properties than you can get in any other wayâ€"in short, it assures health and costs but 500. for three weeks treatment. or six boxes for Mrs Duncan W. Dunhaln. of Port- land. writes: "Lasgwinter I was at- tacked by neuralgia and was run down in health I used all sorts of medicinee. but found Fen-ozone the best. ' It brought back my appetite and made me Strong. so that I don’t expect. to be bothered with neuralgia or weak spells again ” Nerves on Edge, Appetite Poor. Sleep Disturbedâ€"You Need this very much.” said Mr. Ingersoll. ‘buc why do you see me when you deny yourself to your friends?” The Prime Minister of Great Britain. 2‘ paradox. A power in politics, he cares n01 no ambition. he has risen to a position see: dreamy. philosophic temperament, he has action in every emergency. He was born in 1848 in Scotland. the Lady Cecil, sister of the late Lord Salish won no medals for special brilliancy, ant vealed a germ of future greatness. He l society of enthusiasts vainly seeking the “ unattainables. When twenty-six ‘he éntere (-ynic-al. taking neither himself nor his w (-ynteal. taking neither himself nor his work seriozsly; a Hilt:""l1l:' m“ M, rather than a struggler. As the weak member of “tire rem-t1. Party." il-'- the good~natured butt of the House and was usually mounted up by it .‘;:= loans as “clever but hopelessly lazy.” in 1886, to the amazement and amusement of 'Ez'urlauti. ii..‘:isx.-.::r;., a. um-ie, named him the successor of Sir Mirhael liir‘sis-Iieaeh. (71.; ;‘ Turner; tar for Ireland. This post that had brought the srrw: m’ .‘ m? m ( strong men and had even killed some ot’ them in the fi7.l"':‘( (law 01' the "Lee League." was given to this young, gentle, easy-going: individual. The Erit- . members smiled knowingly and rubbed their hands in the glee or antirip. tionâ€"but it was all premature. Daniel was surely thrown into the lion’s do: . but the lions had not reckoned on the marvellous trru -i‘t:.'n::tt’c:1. The indolent, careless manner of Balfour suddenly fell from him as i’ were a magic mantle. He stood before them a man of Ewe-o1 ,i'.i:l$:.-;";lt. lrr. . will, vigorous and virile force and a. master in (-zget-utive power. it brave . alike their taunts, their threats, their insolenve and their :;o.'.-.n r; =..n.il thc became tired. They were like lany bullets that hit him but (iili not. hurt hi1; . His firmness, liberality and good sense at last won his enemies. ' From one high position to another he rose: without any seeming: effort. till his present honors fell at his feet in 1902. Balfour is a man UL (seep rcli;,~ ious spirit, sweet and gentle in nature, rerious and serene in ten'merament, simple and unaflected, seemingly unconscious of his strength, a philosopher turned statesman, and so sensitized to the great realities of life as to be un-t mindful of many things that absorb the whole life of smaller men. Ill x}. J1!” :cl." ‘IIVW. l..h.l 320: m 28er 3.2 Ix? 3 «>225 z reqxnov ( x - errozone. .nlin: tn Act of the Parliament of Canada. in the year 1904, by W. C. Muck. at tin: Department, of he Evolution of a Prime Minister ARTHUR J. BALFOUR e 1133 pron d, the son c Salisbury. :y, and no H9 was, a r the “ultim Auroral] Pm g N ervousness. A Calamity. Many who don’t realize what lies beyond. neat an attack of the “'IIeI‘ves” with indifi'erence. Others lconsider it will soon pass awav. But. :ll) every case nerveousness is 11 cal emits . Onlv one remedv vsill cureâ€"- lIerrozmIem-a nave strengthener that 'acts through the blood. First it ngves va vonr appetiteâ€"you eat plemv This fills the blood with nourishment fov rheinner nerve cells lEnergv and strength is Instilled into levury part. of the system. You get lWPllâ€"keen wellâ€"nervousness for- ieVer departs. because you’ve used l‘Perrozone PIice TIOc. per box of lfifry tablets at all dealers “It was a bust of a young woman coiling her hair. a very‘ graceful ex ample of a modern Italian sculpture. “ Mr. Clemens looked at it a mom- ent and then he said: “ “It. isn’t true to nature ’ “ ‘Wby not?’ Mr. Rogers asked. ” ‘She ought to have her mouth full of hairpins,’ said the humorist . A GUARANTEED CUBE FOR PILES l livrlln,()nt. Mav ll “High Con- !stahle Huber dishelieves a story pub Ilished in the London Free Press to lthe effect that Constable Levan 10‘ Preston. has a clue that would lead 13') the arrest. of Glory VVhalen’S murderer at Collingwood. The story lie that \V. lrislin, now serving a Sentence of five. veers in Kingston [Penitentiary for attempting to shoot. [Miss Gertie Jones at Preston, told . Miss Jones" father that be had known ’Glory W'hplan very well. and that he I was in Collingwood at the time of the Tmurder, in reply to which Mr. Jones had remarked that the murderer did well to escape. "He was no slouch.” said Brislin. Constable Levan dis- covered that offence: of the sort seemed to be a mania with Brialin. He was wan'ed in Walkerton on a charneof assault At Sault Ste Ma- rie he was wanted for a similar charge. and a man answering to his description was wanted at Buffalo on a like charge. It was well known that Brislin had been confined in Berlin jail for a crime committed at Bridgeport last fall. Mr. Huber had charge of Brislin from the time of his arresr until he was safelv landed in Kingston Penitentiary to serve five 3 ears. and although he is a bad character he cannot place credence in Levan’e ideas. "There.” he said. an be pointed to a bust of white ,marble, "what. do you think of that?’ "Mark Twain was visiting H. H. Rogers.” said the New York editor. “Mr. Rodgers led the humorist in- to his library. €00 work mber Is It Glory Whalen’s Murderer ? Not True to Nature. We power. their :‘1'.:m.a: 1 but did no :3 enemies. Mt any seer is a man oi erene in t9: nltun of a wife have you got?” "Weel. sir,” was the m-Sponse, “she’s the Lord’s handiwork. but, I cannu say she’s His masterp‘ece.” A Scorch laboring man who had married a rich widow nmwl for her plainness. was accosted by hiu mn- ployer "\Vpll, Thomas," lw said, "I hear you are married What sort of a wife have you got?” Why suffer l'xom rheuumlism uheu mm applicaziou of Chumbmlaiu’s Pain Balm will relievo the pain? The quick relief which this: linimmit af- lords making. resn and sleep posmhle, and that alone is worth "many tirrws itscow. Many who havv used it hoping only fora short relief from suffering have been happily Surprised to find that, after awhile the relief' became permanent. Mrs. V. H. Leg-i gate, of Yum Yum. 'l‘ennessce, U. S A.. writes: ”I am a. great, .NUHCI'EI‘I from rheumatism, all over from hc-adl to foot, and Chamberlain’s PainI Balm is the only thing that will I'D-l l l .. lim 3 the pain.” For sale at Parkpr’s Drug Store. He thpn gives his plan' of deal with tramps. which is‘ to [1'1th th sitdown, and with writing pad hand with writing pad at hand the name. place of I‘Hsidelu'f‘ and I idence. promising tn wxire and i find out the truth. In nearly 9v case will non Wait. but soon In himself scarce. In case a writing] is not convenient Wt: wuuid snag the advisability of (r; 111;.» lmw a, 5: club WORM alISuur as, n Hulhtin It, works-1 well in Some castes. "Need it. he remained that about 9!) out of every hundred of these U twel- lrrs are frauds and pretenders. and as a rule they only wait till the) Cal) reach the nearest bar romn to 5pm". the money they so easily make. The kind-hearted citizen who giws' five cents or 10 cents or ‘25 cents to one of these mendicnnts probably duo-s so under the firm belief that he is a good Samaritan. It is far tuo.e pl'ub' able that he has done his share tow ards supplying a thirsty brothwr with the means; of indulging in a gimntic spree. and has become a sort of ac- complice before the fact, “Oct 0" us‘ will ncmit without much argumpm that. drunkemmw i3 an RV“ o! the most svrious kind. But what abut]? men who by their pl‘Hllii.~(}IJ()u5 gilt.- giving. aid and abet their fellows in practising thpir fn practising tlwir favorite vim?” The Markham Sun thinks that the indiscriminate giving to tramm and beazars i9 encouragement of Vice. This is what it says; J. L. PLARITY Now is a good time to buy. $1.75 and $2.25. Sin-- 9513 breasted. “ Stout ” or “ slim ” sizes.” All our Vest are tailor~ ed. The fabrics will wash beautifully. The patterns are the hand- somest we could pick out. Come in and let us slip on your size, just to see how you llke it. Washable Vests are than the ordinary vests, you would not let the day go by without having at leasn one. If you once realized how much cooler, easiâ€" er, neate ' and altogeth- er more comfortable our Tramps Should Get The Bounce. For Summer Wear. Why Suffer From Rheumatism? VESTS Merchant Tailor. Not a Masterpiece alleve the path? h this liuiment and sleep posa: worth “many ti :tn wxife and film) a. In nearly evmgx ait but. Soon makt 11 case a writing mm 511) W hen D: bulletins L 9 iii“? Um ("1H ha! , 'I‘owna ntnt af- | of Lot posmble ' the pr: 1y times momed nuntl {r stable. (lea! mg. them Nov. réasofi'able. Appi y t6 U a, comfortable, convenié'nâ€"tTg‘git. uated house on Lambton street west. Spring water p in kitchen. Rent ____-u__LI A H. BURNETT. Probrietor. Jan. 20, 1905.â€"tf. DURHAM, 0x12 Durham. The farm consists of 4211; mores â€"-about 4 acres “oodland. the balance uno der grass Comfortable dwelling and good comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends going west and wishes to dispose of it. U Sullivan. 99acms more or 105;. Bough- caSt house, frame harm. For partnculars apply to U 63, Bentinck, Con. 2. “XXL-‘12,,â€" Ad- Billing the Corporation of the Town of ufhu‘n.‘ The armucoqsisgs of 42)! acres March 24th. ’05. 414/ Lake. Two barns. stone stahle; with cement floors. good house, well watered Cheap. For further particulars apply to MACKAY DUNN, Vendor’s Solicitors. March lOâ€"tf Ow Glenelg. a male teacher. with Second Class Prm'essinnal certificate Salary at, the rate of $40) per annum. Duties to com- mence on the third Monday in August. Ap- plications must. be in the hands of the nn~ dersigned not later than the 16th day of June. Personal application preferred. GEO. BINNIE, Secretary, linnessan. Houseâ€"five roomsâ€"t0 rent. Terms reasonable. For further particulars apply t 1A3. CARSON, Durham, or to M. O'DrmNELL. 210 Gist. Ave. W'est Duluth, Minn. OR SCHOOL SECTION Glenelu'. a male teacher- wi l good location. garden lot with each. Rent reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to WO GOOD HOUSES, NE W BRICK 200d locpjion. garden lot with each. " acres more or less lars applv to ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the qmmtygf Grey, containing‘i 1 Durham. Four lots on the West side of Albert Street, for private residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further information applv to ADril 12. lQOLâ€"tf. Dec. 2.â€"tf. one-half mile east. of Corporation of the Town af Durham. described as South part 0t Lot 59. (Jon. 2. E. G. R.. Glenelg. On the premises is a comfortable brick five- roomed cottage. a good frame barn and stable. 3 small bearing orchard. an abun- dance of the best winning water. All cleared. title good. Terms easv and rice right. For further particulars am) v to April4.19041 N THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" about six miles from Durham. Good title. Possession at once. Good land. M ust be sold. For particulars apply to HREE ROOMS ABOVE A. Mc- Laughlan’s Store. recently occupied by Dr. (hum as officeâ€"to rent on easy terms. Apply to W. H. BEAN. Sec’y A. l“. A. M. U 015:. consisting of 50 acresâ€"well wat. cred. well fenced and mostlv seeded down. Comfortable house and stables, mile from school. 5? mile from Bunessan . O. and 4 miles from Durham. An excellent pasture farm, or would suit anyone wishing to en- gage in small farming. Apply on the pre- mises. or by letter to. ALEX. FIRTH. Bunessau, ()nt. .lat -U miles north of Priceville. first class condition. Good buih running stream convenient to For further particulars applv to J. P. TELFORD. Durham Feb. 22nd 1905 -â€"tf. .\I arch thnâ€"IOpd . i? EONT .. PART OF DOUBLE lop _NO. 30. GARAFRAXA ROAD. EING_ PARTS OF LOTS (32 AND N THE CENTRAL PART OF 01112. CON. 1. s. D. R., GLEN. OT 51 JAMES CARSON or ED. “'ALSII THE FIRST OF DECEMBERâ€"â€" HOUSE TO RENT. DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- Town Lots for Sale. Good Farm for Sale. Park Lot For Sale. For Sale or Rent. Teacher Wanted. Farm For Sale. House to Rent. Houses to Rent. gQREbL NEAR WIL DER’S Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. tf Farm for Sale. consisti DIIGALD I). MCI N. MCIN’I’YRE, Durham, J. M. HUNTER. Durham THUS. DAVIS, Con. 3. N. D. R.. (:‘vlenelg â€"tf. DURHAM l M RS. QUIRK, Dornoch. TO LET. For Sale. J. P. TELFORD, Vendor’s Solicitor. Durham iting of twent-ijve acres ast_of Cprporatxon of the For terthé and particu' 3â€"Sid9road 50, I} Priceville. Farm in Good buildings with zLAanAN, Priceville P. O. the barn 0 Don't forget thtt this is the place to get Choice Butter. We have everything bright mm fresh. Sample our “Red Feather" Tea; put up hygienically. in germ proof parchmedt papersâ€"never in lead. A pucksgq. in Blnck, Green or lt:..-.l m- o land. A package. {n Bing}: Mixed Tea. for 20¢. In Our Groceries We invi (2 critical inspection of our New SpringGoods. in every deparm meat. See our As we intimated pravionaiy. Wu 1m NOT PROl-‘ESS TO KEEP Evsnv'rmxu, but we KEEP NOTHING OF INFERIOR QUALI'I‘ Raymond Sewing Machines. I sell Washers. Thomas Bros. \\‘ ers, McClary Moves, Elmira Loaders, J. 1. Case Thres )Iachines. The undersigned havinglwen reamrml in In .1 1:: by simple means. after suffering for sen-ml \ mm with a severe lung infection, and that m. m disease Consumption. lli anxious to malu- law»: to his fellow sufierern the means of mm: 'l« those who desire it. he will cheerfully semi. in . 0: charge. a copy of the prescription usml. \\ l n . they will find a sure cure for Consumption AM“. Chin”. Bronchltls and all tln'ual :mt lung Hal-dies. He hopes allauflorvra “111m his remedy. u it is invaluable. Thaw (in-mu, the prescription, which will cost them nnthiu; Ind mawrove a hlessin . will please acltlrré' lumen ARDA. WI N.Brooklyu.l\'“u Yu'l A State lmplemgm Marble Works. Owen Sound. fore buying elsewhere see our signs and samples. “’9 can you money. MONUMENTS -â€"The Doyle J Wire Fencing. HARROWS. DIAMOND S ING HARROWN, SCUI WAGONS. WILKINSON AND LAND ROLLERS. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER Buggies. Now ofl'oro the following : 100 ACRES, south-west of Varney, in Non. IANBY. An extra good farm and W011 improved. Owner anxnous to go \Vest, 150 ACRES. BENTINCK. north «.1 Alhu Park. Well improved and “flan-:1 very cheap. 125 ACRES. on 18th COHCBSSiUH of NUR. MANBY. Well improved ayd well Limited. 0601'“ cheap. “ in rent If llnl bum. panics at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICI'LTI} C. 1’. R. TICKETS fur 5313 t.( Binders, 100 ACRES. BENTINCK. new green. Good farm with a: Will sell cheap. DURHA M RESIDENCE, belux MONEY 'I‘O LOAN INSURANCES PL H. H. Miller W e 3ch on FRAMEâ€"APPLY To J W. CRAWFORD Also several building lots. J. L. Borawue photographer snap price Bring your sealer for some more of those Delicious Bulk Pickles. Dress Ginghams. Chambrays Plain and Art Muslius. Figured and Plain Lustres. Laces 3nd Insertions. JOHN CLARK The Dillon Wire Fence Co Owen Sound ofi'ers prizes: from $450 down to 8100 to p sons putting up the great: number of rods of their leucix We sell the wire. A complete line of ston Buggy Co.’s I TO CONSUMPTIVES. Always Promptâ€"Never Neg“ hnve elegantly embroidered “Tabs" at 100. esch NEW ADVERTISEMENT. The “Deering” ments. nimnnf‘dcm the International Vestel' Co. of Hu‘ lead the world. Houses for Sale. By the quality of the Goo. 3 Judged SEED DRILI TIVATORS. DIAMOND S H. H. MILL! at [mu ACE!) 0."; ' B uggies R\l( ll Dow DOS LII ’0! r m Oldestâ€"Not the larges .1 Just the Best. This College is tin. Hm ”one ouch student i~ um; If his own desk. I.“ difficulties an) M ‘8 they occur. Hm~ ;, to .the Students and 0:. .meh more than 1]- lbw? finch Shh-it‘ll} “‘00ch s; all in hlfl wank subym'h and “M subjects. . ”It” each student. dum I... “out of all others thereby «- confidence in himself. M by nttendinu the day :. u M, students uratllmtv I; “M It 3 BflllllQCMt. use i“ gramxatm :u‘v m , L... mluous Ill Illnusl U\t‘l‘_\ ( am at .3 small‘cmt. ”use I“ graduate“ an “t positions in 31mm! c» d American city. Muse this (Julie-,3“ m. w 0‘ “I? BUSH!!!“ l‘ublir ”use It teaches Artual wt to finish. ”use its Shorthand Mm .u’vollpm work. mun: m; w minute tfr'l' athmdl muse tt the squad «of it i~ qulifiontions ad .-. tvachm a d WhOOe ambhiun is 2.. ~14 momod eitizeus. murally Sydenham Mutual Fire Ins. L‘Q'I‘A l.l [\HI'I‘ 7V3 [mum farm buildimb (wings and contents in ups. Everything in :1 dm om sum. Cullteuts Hf 4 0d“ all the tarm mu Shah and live Mm'k from 1 a. wide“ range uf insurar If your insurance 9 it Will my YUU 1“ WWW in April Nthâ€"43m N0 TICE. In the matter of the tate of the late Nexl McKech All persons indvhtml 1.. N" G. K J. MPKM‘hnic' :“ quined tn wall mu] .wnlr : With the said firm. rillu-l otherwise. within thv month from Um «IMP 1w purpose of svttling up t the Estate of NW latc- Xv Opal Lily and Allan»! Any outsmvding above mum-d «law our Solititur in] m Dated May Ht’n 12m 30 DAYS Drop I card 1 DON’T FORGET that : Fresh G rovorios DU RHA M. Take Care of Yuur Horses Feet. . . . . The Mount Forcs‘ w. T. CLANCY, m ESTABLISHED When we any “cost ' it. and damn; the Much we are date: clan out our stock 0 shove are going Got. bug-jun While the :Shorthand studeuu work. some writing D 1ft»! “minding Alwsys in stock. App! Potatoes at right prices. the hand of it is a man v as a teacher ure_ .unexc H. XcFAYDEN. Age F(__>R the Best fit \\ GIHO)‘ ill ll H'tiq Hons: FOOT “I" FAL abli gible ll»! 18‘th his I" ecu ll “I N

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