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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 May 1905, p. 7

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It again. lifting the rifle. Id. 1! on her knew by his shit 3 something awful to her h and businesslike declaratia purpose. a,” she said. clasping h. an agony of entreaty. “do lid men for my sake!" own sake. then.” be gm!- od at the interruption. a th as afloat. I ask you for God’n aka ‘ 1 ask ynn for God's sake Dd ther life. What you have ul- was unavoidable. W in murder!” his weapon and Iookd It } we were prettysun Dr. W. bid do what. we claim for ti... r'n’t dare make such :1) on". p single box the Pills m 50.. ed blobd. every 6 boxes of DI. mm- [nox PILLS you package 3t on. rareer he could net have bib lerly discomflted. The luckiest sution .,11 but inexplicable. Iother member of the hand up pd ere the two as yet unsatu- ght tit to beat a retreat. This rw did with celerity, but M ,their chief with them. It wi- ‘ot Jenks’ programme to allow; I escape. He aimed again a} I nearest the trees. There wa'a Iclick and nothing more. The e was a misflre. He hastily, p eject it, and the rifle jammed. Ilng to his feet, with a yell, h. Iard. The flying men caught I '0! him and accelerated their the uggh with awe ’t, Dizzy and Faint Sfielb, Nav- m‘ation, Weakness, Genenl 1%- nd all disuse. nnd disordm from . run-down condition of mu nystem, or ”k and hi- 9 give our written Gnu-ant. you don't derive benefit. (to. p, we will xiv. you your money m't tint fair? the whispered. I,” he continued in Inbound Try and obey Incâ€"exactly. l y youâ€"to the cave. Stop the". w one you seeâ€"till I come.” Ird him wonderingly. Was ho leave her, now that he had ty clasped to his breast? 11n- Ah, she understood. Theo. It have landed in a boat. 119 to attack them again. He R to flat them single handed. would not know what happen- n until it was all over. Grad- [native quzlities of DI. W has PILLS are no ‘bsoluhly 199 cases out of a hundred“ ’ no hesitation in giving our (instance that. they '11] pd- .xre such troubles :9 Thin.‘ Blood, P110 and Ssllov 0.. Pimple: am'etruptions, Nav- Sleepkssnes», Langour And lb- Brain Fag :nd Forgcthlhu, .pctite, Dyspepsis 3nd Indigo woua Headgcheg. Pglpisaflgp d Ince w Il' of that." he re] In her. panama others? 0. A. DARLING ndesstand." he cried. and with- ing for an answer ran to the r another rifle. This time, to ement. he darted back through park toward the south beach. I: knew that the Dyaks ha! i the sandy ha y Iris had Chris» mgglers’ cove. They were ac- wlth the passage through tho came from the distant islanfi. 1 would endeavor to my. ame channel. They must it Li Take N 0 Risk nts. Just as he reached It]! fished among the trees. 3 the rifle over his shouldc. I up the girl In his arms. SIG $1008. but breathless. Ire not hurt?” he gasped, his Ling into her face with an In- nt she afterward remembered not“ Them to Care or '0. hey Checrfully Ref ,nded. ”need he to the (-2 ndustam rchasing Dr. Ham’s 'elery-lron Pills. right. As they came out Into he saw three men. not two. >1! a large sampnn. One of I the chief. Then leaks un- that his hulk-t had hit tho he Dyak‘s uplifted weapon. result already described. By ho had escaped. with the same t banished the o; Angularly one si the at all cost DU RHA M, ONT 1d 39" )l’t LOW n that you killed nearly it 33 mm from t ) \’ lew There we Ik)‘ on the coral behind ear. Instantly be u about-to see It'll. 0g." she said. " he replied. tum d to slay th' n the sun on tho he said. "or per- mvr the run. In all over. Grad- )ed. She almost conceit that oh. her feet at tho lay the thm :ulm purpono twaning phase idea conflict. greater. per- point when He knelt and missile snack DRUGGIST Ire nine m awn-mum} ave" THURSDAY momma mcaauwu ”mum amt. W 3125:. DURHAM, om. Wm '15:: Cu;¢'»ul:‘l.n Um bud-f to In re“, rec . postage, 0.00m “IE ' . . , yw,m)-abkguna@vancoâ€"$g.5o us. aged “ m 59 paw. [he meta which ':\:r ‘ aid :9 drum ed by the number 0!. 4'. dd": .; law '9 paycl' m 4. nunucz'. nn_u| all saw“; .... '4“; “Ce?! at 12):: 03mm of the mopnctor. ”SI nae, 0 w. 8. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. DI‘ tr L\ H, L‘nm'eyam-er,etc. Private moms mg Lu“. ()ld accounts and debts of a! kml~ mum-ted on commisaion. Farms bmuzm and sold. Insurance ARON. etc. Ufl’imw-“m-Kenzie’s Old Stand. 14‘3“”, TIM u. Durham. Ont. J. U. UGH MACKAY,DU1£nAm. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- of" 11 yr the County 0! Grey. Sales promp‘ly Intended tn and notes cash hed- OBERT BBIGHAM. LICENSED A‘H'tiulleer for the County of Grey’- salm mm uv mended to. Ca - ‘ ‘p 3 k P. o. resulé-nce .,,- write to . Orders may be left at. the Cbromclo DECO- Q] A .“l er UAROUL‘ Q U v-vâ€"â€" the County 0! Plhfld Auctioneer for 03W. Land Valuator, BM DXVisinh, Cour} $11088 lifl' of the 1‘)“ {1411:1131 u:vâ€"â€"â€" â€" Q tinuecr for the County of Grey. Prompt!) attended to Orders wage at his Implement “Luau-coma. old stand. or Nov. 9. m ”ch1 ”IV attended ”0 urnished if required ‘ ‘III | w-- rate and sausxacuuu nuts and date“ of an CHRONICLE of- O.. Ceyluu. Tole-t 'IPI'ZI’\ "Mule teed. The arrange-n 5.31% can be made at T hr“ Residence and P. phone connection. Dec. 3, “â€"lypd. . Dr. Uf mu GRADUATE OF TQIEON: JUD J. tioueer for “no 09' 'PI'Irfi moderate and sat“ bed. The arrgnggmonm m.- n‘ A11 us CARSON. QUB‘QAIQA. 19 [GEâ€"FIRST DOOR EA§T_ pp 1:. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. -: I t, I STER, SOLICITOR'. ETC. 0H): CLARK LICENSED ’ll-A-Q Arthur Gun, M. D. ICIAN AND SURGEON, ()F- in the New Hunter Block. Ofiice (~10 a. m., 2m 4 p. m. and 7109 pecial attention given to diseaaes n and children. Residence up resbvterinn Church. :mieson 8:. Macdonald I. ‘I'-'--â€" v , lfxxiversitv; Graduate of Royal ut' Dental Surgeons of “Mano. Calder Blovk. over Post Ofiice. [My .\ RY PUBLIC. “'Bl' MacKay Dunn. ISTER, SOLICITOB, ETC.. T. G. Holt, L. D. Mo }.s'Y‘ HRS. SOLICITORS, CON- I‘II'JLI’ ---v.â€"__-,V- 7 tym's Block. Lower ’l‘own. Dur- vctiam and Agmlcy promptly u. Searches made at the Reme- ’anial Din’dor'v \ N I) RESI BENCHâ€"COR. Ill A. H. Jackson. over Gordon’s u r Town, Durham. ) loan at 5 par ' JPHAIL. ngasssv \AY Miscellaneous. )m a and ( )fl'u'e u. PCBLISRfiD HTS . P. Telford. yrs, Etc. Money to Loan. the McIntyre Block, over "(38 € up PROPRIBT neut Wareroom . at the Chronic um] George Streetsâ€"at re hoursâ€"SH! 3.111., 2-4 Telephone No. 10. fa. IR \VIN JO to completely stocked .dvenAsemems mm. NEW TY? turning )ll’c’CIOI‘V by strangers must tiESI 5 p‘ar team. on farm )‘Clock LICENSED AUC * Grey. the Comm). of . nd satiation?" gumrail‘ ‘ AA. are insertion i L lax-J man '. f Knapp Town. 1 ‘II‘. '5 ' " "_ ' Hngbest refereencs COMMIb uSlu‘I DENCE new Jewellery ., Anyammmt w. F. new. *‘*:f.'i;'".‘:':;;*éf§ Tm Laxative g?» "m Gamma Tablets. ‘fly‘; : armature- DURHAM. b’s H ote Durham M, LIC- “It may be the “ ill of Providence for such a thing to happen. Yet I implore you to spare them.” He placed the rifle on the sand and raised her tenderly, for she had yield- ed to a paroxysm of tears. Not another word did either of them speak in that hour. The large triangular sail of the sampan was now bellying out in the south wind. A figure stood up in the stern of the boat and shook a menacing arm at the couple on the beach. It was the Mhlay ch-ier, cursing them with the rude eloquence of his barba- rous tongue. And Jenks well knew what he was saying. CHAPTER VIII. HEY looked long and steadfastly at the retreating boat. Soon it diminished to a mere speck on ‘ the smooth sea. The even breeze kept its canvas taut, and the sailor knew that no ruse was intended. The Dyaks were flying from the island in fear and rage. They would return with a force sufficient to insure the wreaking of thlir vengeance. That he would again encounter them at no distant date Jenks had no doubt whatever. They would land in such numbers as to render any resistance Moult and a prolonged defense im- possible. Would help come first?â€"â€"a distracting question to which definite answer could not be given. The sail- Or’s brow frowned in deep lines; his brain throbbed now with an anxiety singularly at variance with his cool de- meanor during the fight. He was ut- terly unconscious that his left arm en- circled the shoulder of the girl until she gently disengaged herself and said appealingly: “Please, Mr. Jenks, do not be angry with me. I could not help it. I could not bear to see you shoot them.” Then he abruptly awoke to the real- ities of the moment. “Come,” he said, his drawn features relaxing into a wonderfully pleasing smile. ‘ We will return to our castle. We are safe for the remainder of this a- ‘4' any rate." “OJ, ”0 Shoe Dressings of many kinds always in stock. Don’t forget we claim that "HALl-‘TIME” is the beat, cheapest and quickest paste shine on the market that. we know of. 100 for a large box, only to be had here. CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING promptly attended to. EGGS taken some Tea tasting can well be called one of the fine arts. A man who can taste several hundred cups of tea a day. and, by his keen senses, detect the slightest difference between them, and who. blindfolded, can tell where each and every tea was grown, not only the country, but the particular district, and often the very plantation â€"such a man is the professional tea taste-r. The head man in my tea room, Mr. W. R. Miles. is a master in his profession. He learned the business in London, Eng., and is a tea taster by right of birth, as both his Father and Grandfather were it: tasters. i- came natural to him and he is recognized as one of the~ best judges of tea in America. He and his assistants do nothing but taste the teas. and :--;uperintend the blending. - . OF OUR CUSTOMERS think we are too far down. and some not far ~enough; but undwr present clrcumstuucns We win hp pleaswd to see as; many vs “'33! fnvo" us with a Call. \V l \Ve hav». amne 20M] values in S'rfih S‘ippm's. pricvs i$100 to $1.73 A|~o Missas’ and Chil- dxeu’s, in Paceut Leather. ‘l‘an or Duugoia. We have a. line of Ladies’ Royal Purple Don- cola Bals to retail at. $3.00. They are beauties. Try a pair. RED ROSE TEA is the result en same as CASH. in ex change for goods. REASON N913 TERMS CASH- Because it is tested by skilled tea tasters. WHY YOU SHOULD USE Something must be said or done to reassure her. She was still grievously disturbed, and he naturallv ascribed her agitation to the horror of her cap- tme. IIe dreaded a complete coltapse if any further alarms threatened at " 0v ome. Yet he was almost positiveâ€" though search alone would set at rest the last misgivingâ€"that only one sam- pan had visited the island. Evidently the Dynks were unprepared as be for the events of the preceding half hour. T1101 \‘3 cm eithm 135111111: the island to 11111111111. tu1tlc 111111 [101-111- 1111-11111 01' 111111 1111-1111) called them 1111 mute to some other destination, 111111 the change 111 the wind had 1111111111111 1111111y 00111111111911 them to put ash0111. 1:11) 01111 all doubt they must haxe been sumrised by the warmth of the reception they encoun- tered. Probably when he went to Summit rock that morning the savages hnd lowered their sail and were 51:.11113' paddling north against wind an; 15..“ rent. The most L-zroi'ui serutmy o.‘ 11.9 sea would fuil to l'ei'eul them hegsz a distance of Six or seven miles :II the utmost. After landing in the hidden lmy on the south side they eroxsed the island through the trees instead of inking; the through the trees instead oi’ taking; the more natural open way alzmg the beach. Why? 'l'he fact that he and Iris were then passing the grown over tract leading to the valley of death instantly determined this point. The Dyaks knew of this affrighting hollow and would not approach any nearer to it than was unavoidable. Could he twist this circumstance to advantage if Iris and he were still stranded there when the superstitious sea rovers next put in an appearance? He would see. All depended on the girl's strength. If she gave way now; if, instead of tak- ing instant measures for safety, he were called upon to nurse her through a fever, the outlook became not only desperate, but hopeless. And, while he bent his brows in worrying thought, the color was re- turning to Iris’ cheeks and natural buoyancy to her step. It is the fault of all men to undermte the marvelous courage and constancy of woman in the face of ditficulties and trials. Jenks was no exception to the rule. “You do not ask me for any account of my adventures,” she said quietly, after watching his perplexed exDres- sion in silence for some time. IIer tone almost startled him, its un- assumed cheerfulness was so unlocked for. “No,” he answered. “I thought you were too overwrought to talk of them at present.” “Overwrought! Not a bit of it! was dead heat with the struggle and with screaming for you, but please don't imagine that I am going to faint or treat you to a display of hysteria now that all the excitement has ended. I admit that I cried a little when you pushed me aside on the beach and rais- ed vour gun to fire at those poor wretchcs flying for their lives. Yet ,deavor to please me, even when you know all the time that I am acting or speaking foolishly.” ‘A- -‘ L-.. mnl‘l‘. Dwuusua â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" U . The unthinking naivete of her words sent the blood coursing wildly through his veins. earnest simplicity. “God has been very good to us. I cannot believe that dangers to permit us to perish mis- erably a few hours or days before help comes. And I do want to tell you ex- .561 wha; happened!) khaiflnfl ."rnen you snarl," ne'answered. ' t first drink this.” They had re ed their camping ground, and he 11 ened to procure a small guantity of! randy. __ r_- She iewaiiowed tiie spirit, Although she really needed no such adi'entitious support. she said. ' ‘ - I 11" __‘_‘ _ “All right, ” commented Jenks. “It you don’ t want_a _(_1rink, I do.” “I can quite believe it,” she retorted. “Your case is very diiferent. I knew the men would not hurt me-after the first shock of their appearance had passed, I mean. I also knew that you would save me. But you, Mr. Jenks, had to do the fighting. You were called upon to rescue precious me. Good gra- cious! No wonder you were excited.” The sailor mentally expressed his in- ability to grasp the complexities of feminine nature, but Iris rattled on: “I carried my tin of water to the pitcher plant and was listening to the greedy roots gurgling away for dear life when suddenly four men sprang out from among the trees and seized volver.” “Thank heaven you failed!” “You think that if I had fired at them they would have retaliated. Yes. espe- cially if I had hit the chief. But it was he who instantly gave some order, and I suppose it meant that they were not to hurt me. As a matter f fact. they seemed to be quite as mue astonished as I was alarmed. But i they could hold my hands they could t stop my voice so readily. 0h, didn’t vell?” “You did. " “I suppose you could not 11 r me distinctly?” “Quite distinctly.” “Every word?” “Yes.” She bent to pick some leaves and bits of dry grass from her dress. “Well, you know,” she continued 'apidly. "in such moments one nnnot choose one'a ' words. I just shouted the first thing that came into my head." “And I,” he said. “picked up the first rifle I could lay my hands on. Now, Mira; I‘onne. as the affair has ended so I" louv tivo 71 .0 five. You cannot come with me Then she understood one at least of the tasks he must perform. and she meek] y obeyed. He thought it best to $.20 along Turtle beach to the core fllltl‘flK‘llL‘O follow the Dyaks’ trail through the wood, as this line of advance would entail prac- tically a complete circuit of the island. He omitted no precautions in his ad- vance. Often he Stopped and listened mtently; Whenever he doubled a point or passe] among: the trees he crept hack and peered along the way he hml come to see if any lurking fees were breaking shelter behind 'him. ' The mark-4 on the sand proved that only one sunipun had been benched. Thence he found nothing of special in- terest until he came upon the chief’s gun lying close to the trees on the north side. It was a very ornamental weapon, a muzzle leader. The stock was inlaid with gold and ivory, and the piece had evidently been looted from some mandarin’s junk surprised and sacked in a former foray. The lock was smashed by the impact of Jenks’ rifle bullet, but close in- vestigation of the trigger guard and the discovery of certain unmistakable evidences on the beach showed that the Dyak leader had lost two if not three fingers of his right hand. “So he has something more than his passion to nurse," mused Jenks. "1h: it. at any rate. is fortunate. lie \\ ~‘i 1-9 in no mood for further ente'pri‘ t- t' :r some time toeome." . Iie dreaded lest any of tie 33.21;; sh mid he only badly woundel :.::;‘_ like h to live. It was an aetnaf re 2.} his nerves to find that the E .; .-' vi d IIe 11m cz'ooszs of C(mlh bolts 1111-30 of :1 \ 35.311011 1101311011 tm'e actiun be 1115:) dives: the men of their course g: 00110111111 six quom' looking like inverted basins. The placed in :1 heap near plants. Thencefw‘th for l the placid surface of the (115 141'. 2:119“: at (1:0 2: 12(‘1'2 Lied l; ;'. {31(- c1222 1'.,.;.'..’.. A3 11.0 two .. 2'2 321;. 22:03.} (Le «:02 ..;“; tL‘ "2 .uf. and the tron the tz‘. 2102' two. voice :1 gale. A tropical sto l;(:':'i IeLi l:;.' 1320 change L); '33:)! 2 22-115 tar...’ .. A2: 1120 two i212 look of the 2' even- lug: 22202:} {Le L'Cl‘. j lazininz: :22'21‘ lashed ti; 0 tLef. 22221 ti 9 li'H' 122:1:2229‘ L: :‘an-l: es of the t:‘ .120? tum \L). 'Led the 2;;2222021L i) of :2 gale. A trL212IL L221 storm-mot .2 t3 phoon. but :2 belated burst of the pet'iadic "‘ "':â€"..L:iu;.=.'ed the island before mid- 222‘_'.'.t. Hours earlier Iris retired. utter- ly ’2‘01‘11 by the events of the day. The ,2 1L.- chanted a wild melodv in 1113222221‘L1l chores. and the noise of the xxx-2:02 L10“ upour on the tarpaulin roof of ilelie Vue castle “as such as to ren- der canversatiou impossible save in wear): ng shouts. arms before I could reach i. mite boy in Dem-i112. Me. was brought before his father revontly :mzl :u-msml of killing a chicken. "Who ifilfl you about it?" asked the buy. “The hen did.” said the father. Noth- ing more was said that day. but the next morning the hen was found dead. and the boy. being accused of killing it. admitted it. saying in defense, “Yes. I did kill the hen. and I’ll kill every hen that tells on me.” Donne. as the affair has ended so I may I venture to ask you to n in the cave until I return?" . 1:Ev::sc"â€"â€" she begun. ally, I must insist. I would not you if it were not quite impera- You cannot (‘OIDO with me.” bod by the black ms 1 (To BE communal llltl the U u, but the their “'0 ) ihzxt Sa: in No Days. 1'9 We Sell What You Need fi‘-“ ‘ur' Chairs Hifll'mml Suites LLHfUIIiGIS \' ' .‘ - , ( ‘ .. ’ x 11 pl) And «JI dd |Cb T“ M \KE YOUR. HOME COMFORTABLE K TNE Rm; w DE BIL ITY [‘5‘ 'F‘ at. Mt. Clomons I was induced to cnnsuu urs. h“llllI'U_\ a . -....._,._. - .. lost all faith in doctors. Like a drowning man I “Jmn'u-nwnl "n er Mumml Treatment and it saved my life. The improvvmvm was llkp magicâ€"I vnuld fw-l the vigor going through my norves. I was cured mentally, phyflcally and sexually. I have sent them many patients and will conmwe to do so." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. We treat and cure VARICOCELE. STRICTURE. XERVOI'S DEBILITY. BLOOD DISEASES, URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DIS- BASES. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If “table to “I! write for 3 Question Bunk for Home Tmtment. â€"â€" .- A __â€"â€" A - -- I48 SHELBY STREET, Ht‘H hm: Underta' ing and Embalming a Specialty uncswocx Uh RAPPAN nouns IrsI which we are selling at a. low figure. you to examine our bargains before elsewhere. Edward Kress, Durham‘ Ont. ‘3“ ”him N. 'n 'l‘flhlt‘h siun 'l‘ahlc’s CROCKERY A large stock of It EATMENT will cure bxam tumour-1's :u-lee, l .hs. in 'ei ”52%? ' ’m‘ WITH PARALYSIS. Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine ,labillets Secretaries Combmatim: iim’)k(":lS(‘S Ofiice I)€Si\'b LYPhOISiCl‘Cd (int )(‘is Picture mem Frames In (mic. Room Mvnldihus DETROIT, uncut} nd mnkl YER TREAT-(NT :m, though I ha It will pay purchasing :ohsult as u of your amm so that

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