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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 May 1905, p. 8

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Â¥%%$$¢$Â¥$Â¥9Â¥$$¢$¢$Â¥$¢$¢$§ : THE BIG STORE. 3 ‘% *m*$.fi W33?" 215 a¢\z‘~*w* F“.‘E _ . gag» Ragga. 3...; figufiagmnfiagm 8 THE PLACE WHERE \‘01' RECEIVE COURTEOUS TREATMENT 240 yard. of print, worth 8 and 9c tor .................... are 300 yards of 36 in. Wrappcrerte, Wm». rpd. etc.. 20c. for... .12.};(3 Another lot of new Lustre. in all Gators. 450. to ............ 756 Men’s Suitsr-«In fancy Tweeds. en:., $6 00 up to. . . . . . .. ”$12 00 Every Person Bargain Seekers If someone slipped a few dollars inm your pocket. This is eactly what we are fl doing these days. Our stock from beginning to end is at its best and we have fl let't nothing undone to make this spring; and summer season the banner season fl of our experience in the general Store business. Our goods have been bought a in the best markets at close prices and we are in a position to show the maple a of Durham and vicinity a large range of goods at close and correct prices. fl Ladies! see our new line of Parasols. They please the most fastidious. Alex. Russell Says we are doimr the trade in Durham and What everybody says must be true. You will always find it to be the case in every city or town that the store selling the most goods, sells the best goods, and at the lowest prim. Business succeeds business. Made of fine green wire nicely mount- ed in Oiled and Varnished frames, a pair of hinges. and a pullâ€"All Complete.â€"â€"l’~‘rom $1.00 up to $3.00. Don’t worry about the flies any longer. Buy a door and a few window screens. The Screens only coet 3o 40 and 506. Delighted to visit our store during the summer months, as we are continually placing Exceptional Values on the bar- gain counter at such ridiculously low prices. It helps us out to clear up our stock, and it must surely benefit our cus- tomers. HIGHEST I’Blulfi PAH) FOR. PRODUCE. The Big _8_t_o_r§ SCREEN DOORS. How Would You Like It? KIHE PEBPLE’S STORE ROBERT BURNETT hURHAM â€" -â€" -â€" ONTARIO Raincoats 5 From $5.00 to $12.00, g 3 Gentlemen ! be prepared for the next shower with one if of our “Regent” Waterâ€" a proof Coats. 3 The illustration given here shows the exact Style of this popular kind of Cost. All shades and sizes. Woman’s delight in to make home pleasant and beautiful. One of the most important arts in the accom- plisbment of this worthy mission is ti 9 Window Curtains. All varieties can be found in our stock. We have an extensive and varied as~ soxtment of all that is noval for the coming season. Handsomely em~ broidered. hamstitched and loco trimmed. We have sold quite a. number already. We have been informed that the. item we published lasr week from my Alton correspondent concerning 0.6er tain immigrants related to somw off those that landed here a few maria-rI ago. If this-is the case the storv ofi hard luck told to their rescuers ofi that village was not what might Mi termed truthful. The facts of the! matter are,. as far as Dundalk is con-, cerned. these people were taken. In hand on their arrival here bv ”In Council and' put to work at excavat- ing the cellar for the new town hall at one dollar andI fifty cents per das . and a house was lound for that par- ticular family. Their comradesuvere therefore asmuch surprised as any when they lit out one Monday morn- ing on their journey towards the south. The others are all working yet, and have proved to be steady, industrious follows. Excavating at Ladies’ Waists Lace Curtains From 500 to $3.00. From $1 to $2.50. KING EDWARD v1.1. The Bordeauxâ€"Paris Greeen mix- ture is prepared according to the following formula: Copper Sulphate or Blue Stone. 4 lbs; Fresh Lime, 4 lbs; Water, 40 gals; Paris Green. 4 to 6 ounces. The olue spas is dissolv- ed in 15 to 20 gallons of water in a barrel. and in another barrel the limo is slated carefully. and 10 to 15 gals. of water are added to make a milk 'of lime. Then the contents of the two barrels are poured into the spray barrel through a strainer. Finally the Paris Green is made into a paste with water and put into a barrel along with the Bordeaux. It is very necessary that the agitator should; work while pumping is going on so‘ as to keep the Paris Green we" dis- .tributed throughout the mixture. one dolhr and fifty cents per day may have proved obnoxious to aha man with the family, but he will walk a Ions: time before be will convince the public be is tic for a railway promi- dant’s chair or something uf‘ the sort, for which doubtless be is looking.â€" Duudal'k Herald THE OODLING' WORM OF THE APPLE. While there is but one brood of the CA N A D i A N A coiling mOth east and north of To roato. there are two broods west and ' . ?AC I F I C [{v. south of the same place. The oifl’er- ' . ent Stages of thisninsect pest should be familiar to the apple grower, for WILL SELL only with. this knowledge can he apply his remedies intelligently. The . HOMESEEKERS life story may be stated concisely as follows; The insect winters over as EXCURSION TICKETS a caterpillar in a cocoon in some. pro. TO THE tectecl place, and in early June when the blossoms are falling from the NORTH WEST apple the adult winged moths appear. The females deposit their eggs on the leaves and “QWIY formad ‘ru‘t" Winnipeg ....... mill Estevan ......... 83311! In about ten days the oatorpulars es Mowbray.... Yin-km” ........ runo- oape from the eggs and a tow days 2:33.".312 "“5" ;J;‘gli‘3.“dg later enter the apples, usually at the Int-amnion ........... 31 55 Lipton ........... 33.75 - - - 1; Mon ...... . Momejmv ........ .3420“ calyx eud‘ The. worm rema‘ns ")8de Lenore.....,...l- 32.00 Saskatoon. .......31.:5 the apple about 20 days. after which :ininta.fi.... Q Prince Albert... 5mm -' - - - nscart: . ......... 32 25 Maclead ........... 3800 It 000m608 out to apfn a c9000.“. WI'h‘QO ' mo.|souun..fl~~" i.:Q-a) (Jalgwy ........... “.50 which it llves until spring if there is ! Amola ............ 32.50 Red Deer-.... ..... 10.50 I but one brood. but only about two “ Smthc-onr..uo.so. I Q ' weeks if there are two broods in a: . , 6:0ngan 13th, retermng until August 3th I 393300- The Bacond NOOd 0‘ maths! Going June 27th, returning mtil Anznatxte. appear about the end of July or the} Goths-law 15th. returnina- until Sept Mb- ' ° ‘ Full mrtioulm from Canadian Pacific-Agent beginning 0‘ august, then eggs ”.6 ‘ 0r writstoC. B. Foster. U. P. A.. Tor-om. again deposnted. and the worms! 'whiob hatch from these eggs enter! ‘M'M the developed apples about the nut} 'Johnny We“ a'fishin’ dle of August, lsavnng them again in Just to “50h a “mu trout. September to make cocoons within 3 It took half “,9 vow“ of bum...“ which to spend the winter. l For to pull woe Johnny oat. The codling worm is the- cause of greater loss to the apple- industry, than any other insect. The extent of the loss to Ontario alone, runs up every year into the hundreds of thoussnds of dollars, and into the millions in the United Stntes.â€"~sll browse the remedies which hnve been discovered by the Etymologists have not. been applied. by the apple grow ers. With our knowledge of these facts ' we are able to state quate definitely , the best time to apply remedies. The é plan is to poison the worms with Paris Green or some other arsenic; mixture. before they enter the fruit. ‘ The trees should be sprayed (l) a few days after the blossoms fall. and (2). about the middle of August {or the; second brood of larvae. An addition-i al spraying ten days or two weeks} alter the first will. in most cases be] productive of much good. It is ad-i visable. of course. to use the arsenic , mixture along with Bordeaux to con trol the apple scab fungus at the same time that the codling worm is being treated. For the scab, two additional eprayings are necessary.. one before blossoming and one in i | July. 3 ~â€"o 9.. oâ€"o- ~â€"-â€" §§fGreat Expansion The practice of Funding trees :85 mmmendablu. but we. \ mm“ cakeni into accoum, is war“ wxuvumvc Minn, spraying. and 13 murunvvr. “C'l'alléyg hatmful unlrns the ban is anâ€" exun- 9 ined and the human (.198'P0de «very: ten davs or awo mâ€"«ks durum: the latter half of Mum. and a! I of Julv. ; Every {run grower aboum ankmw-g ledge the V8308 of Such hunk ad the: Cbicdadee, Downey \Vnndpecker,i Nuthatch. Bflnebird. Swellovvs. W16). .‘ and Song Sparrows in “noun; 'he; increase 0! the coddling mmh and! other injurious insects. [or w: hunt; them fruit, would scar-can be drawn. 3 Encourage the birds. the» (0 came; about the orchard. by keeping the gun at. a distancu. and hy LnllthiUg‘ the robber of birds' nest- . ' Lylemn. . . Lenore. . Mininm. . . Bins“ rm. Mausomin . Tobecome a Shareholder in this great (Kb-upernlivo movement which has come to stay in this country. It has accomplished much. It will accomplish more in the Millie. The best farmers m the country indorse it by bee minu‘ shareholders. Call and see on: stock. Subscnbe a! mum We cai'ry full lines of Implements, and Household Umnsils. We can get you anything you want in those lines. Goinanno 13th, reterning until August. 31th Going June 27th, returning)!!!“ A «mm .3810. GolngJaly 15th. returning. until Sept 16th. Full mrfloulm from Cmdian Pacific-Agent 1 or write to C. B. Footer. U. P. A.. Toronto. ' Our business is expanding so rapidly that at the request of our numerous shareholders we are opening up a ware room in another large town. In the meantime. we are attending to the wants of our shareholders and customers in this locality. All our shareholders are satisfied. Many testify that they make money dealing with us We are not giving awayr goods, but, by reducing the expence, we are furnishing them to our shareholders at a much lower price. It Will Pay You wbray. . . . min . . .. ., .1150 min ..... . . . udon ........ ~.31 55 «ton. . . . . . I. I0". 0 0.0.. o . ‘ am linm ...... 9 south ....... .. .32 99min" “w .32. 82.2 We have ordered Wire Fencing and Gates. Call and examine for yourselves. Get our prices. Estevan ...... Yorkto w.) ..... Sheba ......... Regina ........ Lipton ....... MO‘MfiM ..... Saginaw" ..... Prince Albert. ALEXANDRA, QUEEx CON SORT. (“N ............ ’04:; non ........... 33. ‘15 Mint ......... 3M!) Lkatfln ......... $3235 nee Albert ..... 10 .m clad ........... 38 00 ffitatummflfi'iut‘fy 333.1» : .3}: (:9 I This Week i i desire to publicly express my sin- :cere gratitude to the Orange Mutual lBenefit Association for their prompt- ‘ ness in paying the‘claim of one thou» i and dollars held by me on the death of I my hue husband, George Adlam. I desire-also to express my thanks to the ‘ brethren of the Lodges here, for the i devoted kindnessduring all my trouble. 5 MARTHA ADLAM. kw Summer Hats. Ls mbton Street. CARD 0F THANKS. a lot of Having attended the Summer Openings in Toronto we are prepared to make up prenier hsta than ever The styles have changed grently and we have mode it 3 point to visit all the tending recoil stores as well as wholoulea and get thoroughly thoninted with the new styles for Summer Millinoty. MISS DICK wish to mtke Special mention that we have Durban. Ont. 11009: and 10‘ M .Iflo Thu-FOX“ ‘f , shares and sulv plates f “we in. new at the In d a in Durham. 50? ”w [0.80“an and g :7. Illflloys art- lvarning \n I M for the allvl'uund suit Wship, best appvarmu tat. mods for the mum-y. diM’nM DI- BUBT. spevialist in ”he. Ear. Nose and Tlmuu. ““610 Middaugh Huuse. hm"! k mutation, \Veduvsday. J n In. 10 I. m. to 4 p. m. Eyvs n and gnu-es fitted. fl): m Cflmwlc LE « x We them as v11 III! “ve form er and d the way. ”VICE?! preparatory 1 “bu will he held in tln b Ohlll‘Ch on Friday at 1 a in the aftm'nnun and fi “0 At both svx'viw.~ X} Meson. uf Privvvillc- wi ”I; who 1H“ d ' ~, w hu OUR Old fl'ivlld writes from Liw med from a O M River at I. and that ho W McDougall u. “h now 111 ('“"1 ll Stu mms’holiday. (In .\1 Will Ti‘ls\m\nll;. “mwmain in: mm. 1‘! “n. Archie is mun- - - ‘ 0 annx curs « upped am. am what. “3' “""" hum thew W 1"” wan t immediately a good M. Mrs. T. (i. Holt '0“: 'lue LEWIS. Pin u“ us um N0. 1994. cw extends its hf “one 00 Mr. and 1: whose mm M in this ififlue- u citizens hope at and 801'“? every of life. "621 [10W about n but wa m “It ill 80 )t ll HI John 00°“ that he b4 months‘ d r m Buend h W h a 'm‘ou sbif HID WI) Apply mm f0! u“ il‘lul rh All ll

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