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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jun 1905, p. 1

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D ()F THAN KS. great ¢~»-¢+el';ltive Lhis conmegx'. it has [I more in me mmre. Be it by beauminfl Subscribe at once. Household Ute] It in those lines 3m; «funded tho Summer hing» in Toronto we at. nod to make up pnuin '53» over The My!” > vhangod greatly and '0 v mm)» it a point to Vifi3 be finding nail ”on: O! In whole-«lea um] 10! Doubly acqoointod with new styios [or Sun-C inan'. met Hats. ’NSOR’I. that at the request >penin2'. up a ware meantime we are lers and customers we satisfied. Many with us We are 12 the expence, we sat a much lower SS DICK root. 8 wish to make: apocial mention that we luv. urmg Get our prices. and Gates. snon Durban. Out. nails. W A swanâ€"Immediately a good gen- ..x‘ul‘housemaid. Mrs. T. 6. Bolt. it l )1 930va MISS PORTER. beau Dick’s Millinery, was week looking up ne! Midsummer Opening and Friday of this W for consultation, Wednesday, June 7, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and glasses fitted. TH. Grant. McComb whose marriage an- nouncement. appears in t welcome them as citizens, hope they may live forever and enjoy of the WRY° riend, Dr. John Cochrane, ‘ Liverpool that he has just returned from a three months’ trip on a Platte River steamer to Buenos Ay- res and that he is about to start on another for Valparaiso, Chili. The OUR old f Incnths’ holiday. ing of last week he left here to take a position in Tillsonburg. but .was un- able to remain for more than a few days. Archie is none too well at the soon of his you warn. to purchase a. house lot in Durham. 3490 A. H, Jackson. 9 reasonable and good terms. 4. noon last. from there to London, steamer, Lake Michigan. 7 was bought. in the surrounding town- ships. by Mr. Lionel Robson of this town and Mr. T. R. O’Brien, of Fergus. There were a. hundred and twenty-six head in all and they were a fine lot of animals. ’m wnmmz'r has been For a long tim deceased gentleman, and al‘ mired him for his kindly an disposition as well as the na methodical neatness ever 3] the clerical part of his work, isit t] tht' "h", “(110 had the power LU cruau wueau u, ”V“, as ever kmdl)’ 1“ was as the time .of the “Rooshian” lf “Ulid‘W” was war. and the greed shown by the in- be 0510““ Cf‘n- human blood suckers of the time. *8 MP- (“19", caused us to have a hatred for war and intimidate hut w his visits. aunl the "ha a. pleasant remimlm of 1’. That he and the hi. who died only a. few passed over to t no runs» of wood . , around us and see gray he. Russians would come to but. of are learning to call on the all-round suit. Best p, best appearance and n- the money. f Dan Campbell’s prop- new cement. walks just head trimmer at Miss , 5-- _ Thomas Gordon, of .0 spent many years ctor in West Grey. we have known the nan. and always ad- lis kindly and genial all as the natural and new ever shown ;,in‘ of his work, He was Dr to visit the writer out nervously in the to teach "the young rse. It is only natural to call at Miss house account of FOR. SALE,-â€"HO|188 and lot in Upper Town. Apply to MacKay Dunn. FOR SALEâ€"Gentleman’s Bicycle. Cheap. At. this oflice. THE Furniture Factory is ready for the roof. FARMERS should have printed En- velopes. We furnish them in large or small lots. DON’T fail to attend the Baseball game this Thursday evening, in the school grounds. DIVISION Court was held on Thurs- day last, Judge Morrison presding. The docket was small. A MEETING of the Durham Baseball Club will be held in Dr. Pickering’s office this Wednesday evening, at 8 o’clock. To any person Who purposes build- ing Wire fences this season Mr. W. D. Connor announces that he handles the Page and Empire the best and cheap- est on the market.-â€"3 pd. AN observing spectator made enqui- ry a few days ago regarding the ladies and wished to know if only the good looking ladies got their coats made at Flarity’s or whether it was wearing Flarity’s coats gave them the good How is your label? FIFTY printed Envelopes for 25c., on Saturday. This is the first time we made such an offer and it may not be repeated. We’ll lose money by it if OWING to the absenCe of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Colling who is at Confer- ence there will be no service in the Methodist church on Sunday morning next. Inspector Campbell has kindly consented to take the work in the evening when it is hoped a. good at- ltendance will be present. AFTER undergoing a critical opera- tion two weeks ago in Fergus Hospi- tal for the removal of pus from the pleural cavity, Arthur Allan returned Monday much improved in health and appearance. He sleeps well and eats well, both of which are favorable l the change. to me come up confirm or warm muss AND THEIR memos. Barrister Dunn visited his sister, Mrs. Graham in Chesley over the 24th. Mr. Cecil Gun, of London, spent the 24th at his maternal home here. ’ Mr. D. Gibson spent the 24th at Grand Valley, Mr. Harry Benton, of Mt. Forest, was in town Monday night. J ack Shaw was home from Dundas for an hour or two on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pettigrew and fam- ily visited friends near Teeswster, last week. ' â€"â€" -' "Uvno Mr. Robb. Armstrong, of New York, left Wednesday after visiting his sis- ter Mrs. Jackson. Day in Chesley. Miss Clara Siegner left on the 24th for Toronto to take a. position as sten- ographer and typewriter. R._J. Vollet, of Toronto, spent a night last weeklwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Vollet. Mr. \V. Robertson, of Palmerston, was in town a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Black of to were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burnett on Victoria. Dav. Mr. Allie McIntyre returned home Saturday evening after an eleven months: trip through the West. Mr. S. Huff, B. A., of Meaford High School was in town Saturday and gave us a brief call. We were school mates at the Normal long ago. Misses Annie and Barbara. Watt re- turned Tuesday morning to resume their’ respective duties in Toronto after ‘ spending a pleasant holiday with their {friends here. sister, Mrs. Greig. We are not in- formed regarding the nature of the trouble more than to learn an opera- tion was considered necessary. Just, after leaving, a telegram was received announcing the death of Mrs. Greig. TO GIVE FARMERS AN OP- port-qnity t9 secure a supgly â€"-â€"A Ln-cn V ‘U UL v 11 ., -----._____ 1 portunity to secure a. supply of Printed Envelopes we have de- cided to devote our Whole time on Saturday next, June 3rd, if neces- sary to furnish Fifty Envelopes, neatly printed Name and Address, for the small sgm _of‘ Twrenty-five ”1]..-- Cents. This offer is for Saturday only and intended more] to intro- duce the use of Printed Envelopes amongst the Farming community. All orders sent in this week ac- companied by the cash will be furnished at the price named. The envelopes are good stock. Just try Quarter’s worth. JUNE WEDDINGS 50 Printed Envelopes For 250. DURHAI, OIL, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, THE CHRONICLE, Durham. We have the up-to date goods for weddings. In Wedding Rings we have everything that In Fine Gold Jewelry for the Bride and Bridesmaid. we have s most complete assortment. For Wedding Presents we hnve the Lnrgest Stock of Fine Silver-‘ wnre ever shown in Durham. Also anoy Chin: st Kaeler’s, the noted store for Quality,Lsrge Stock, and Low Prices. BB" Bugfin Store on the Buy Corner. P. H. Black of Toron- , John McKin- spent Victoria Robert son left PASTURE to let by the month; apply to William Jackson, Bunessan. 2 THE Cement Company full capacity and have m selling the output. THE Durham Manufacturing Comp- any commenced operations again Mon- day morning after being closed down a couple of weeks for repairs. ‘ ‘r-TA-Lgonn w vvw â€"â€" WE learn that Campbell McIntyre, Who is ill in Montreal, is still in a crit- ical condition. The operation has been postponed for further deveIOpments. tion to the professional card of D . . F. Grant, (successor to Dr. Holt) who opens his Dental Parlor this week over the Post Ofilce. It is needless to his profession. Holt as a citizen. “fl." Mr. W. Patterson, of Moorefield, spent Victoria Day with friends here. Alex. Mitchell, of the Stratford Her- ald, spent a. part of last week in our midst. u..â€"â€" ‘v We are pleased to report quitea gala day in our village on Victoria Day. Our villagers were aroused from their slumbers early in the morning by the -_ - - A mt... Dluauvv-â€" -v-.. , ' booming of the anvil brigade. The boys handled the fuse to their entire satisfaction, noon the football match took place in the field adjoining the park, the con- - ° (1 Holstein. T. J. Jordon officiated as umpire, and was impartial in his decisions. The game throughout was contested on the most friendly terms, and the best of feeling prevailed throughout. After an hour’s keen contest, time was call- od, the result being a tie, neither side ' game throughout was tested. but we heard T. J. Jordon bfficiated as umpire was impartial m his decisions. game. '1'ne gttu: l‘chuyv-u W... , about $20. The supper in the hall was next in order, after which an excellent program was given. Messrs. Eakett, Dillon and Hamilton discoursed the choicest music and were ably accompanied by Miss Rice, Misses King, Cook and Mrs. Scott, together with Mr. R. Cook, of Mount Ferest, gave their numbers in ' such a manner as to reflect great credit to themselves. Mrs. Haw, of Dromore’ appeared here for the first time, and rendered several piano solos in a mas- terlv manner. Mr. Will Isaac’s num- bers were well received and loudly encored. The day's sport was con- cluded by a grand display of fireworks. â€" The members of the Library Board are exceedingly grateful to all who so nobly assisted in carrying out the day’s The proceeds amounted to $91 55. and is to be used for Library cement sidewalk in front of his new residence. We'hope to report in the near future that the village has done likewise. 111. will attend Divine Service in the Baptist Church at. the hour of 11 o’clock on Sunday June 11th. Mem- bers are requested to meet. at Calder’s Hall at 10:3). A free will offering in aid of the at. once. Court Durham No. 111. Holstein. WM. JOHNSTON. JR" CAPT. o. SNIDER. No. 4. 00., Slat Rent. Sunday with is working trouble in Subscribers, 456- Special in Men $10.00 for $8.50. Don’t fail to .try a pair Soled Shoes for spring. “ The Busy Store” is better prepared than ever to give the people of Durham ‘and vicinity bargains in Spring me mm mm on me um comm.

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