West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jun 1905, p. 5

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” Mot value. over 'holm P. Top,” )0.” etc orsets orsets orsets ndidnfitmrshnd iuced. no hand- Tan Footwear a] t conditions there tainable. DOG. ‘1 9’ EM. EED D! a shoe on the CATTLE host vduo in etc. GRANT ietors- up OWEN SOUND, Store uo hand- red sub- ,9 equal high- D0 90 t1 W JNO. A. DARLING Darling S 10000 DOZEN If You;Want Just To Hand PARIS GREEN. (Boat English) BLUE STONE. WHALE OIL SOAP, INSECT POWDER. HELLEBORE. And .11 kinds of INSECTICIDES The Papular Drug Store Hardware. Of Eggs wanted, {in exchange for Sherwin Williams Paints. The best paints for every purpose manufactured Solid comiort around your house, buy one of our hammocks. From 900 up. Why allow the grass to grow to such a height on; 3793153311} " 1..“ .. when you can get a Lawn Mower so cheap. We have one only, for $1, and the balance trom $3.50 up. A shipment of Floor Oil, commonly known as “Waxoline.” We also carry an Limm mense stock of Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks, Horse Rakes. DRUG STORE. 1mm '4 In the death of Ir. Thomas Gordon which took-place early on Tuesday morning and was briefly referred to in our last issue. Owen Sound lost one of its earliest, most promient and most highly respected citizens. During his long connection with the town’s municipal afiairs, dating back to years before its incorporation in 1857, his career was always that of an upright and conscientious public man. He was born in Sutherland-u shire, Scotland and received his early education in Forres. Morris- shire, until his father, the late Chas. Gordon, an oficer of the 93rd High- landers, removed to Portsmouth, England, where the subject of this note completed his education. He was united in marriage to Miss Har- riet Russell, who predeceased him in 1894. In 1843 he emigrated to Mont- real, where he remained for afew years, and then removed to what '.‘.’ -uu “BU“ 6"I-VVV Iv vv now-v was t on the Village of Sydenham. Here he soon received the appoint- ment of clerk both of the Village of Sydenhem end the town of Derby. As first secretary of the North Grey Agricultural Society, which of first he held until succeeded by Mr. A. G. MecKey in comparatively recent years, Mr. Gordon was a veteran, as this societv held shows as far back 1854. On the 16th May, 1856, revel assent wee given to the incorporat’n of Owen Sound as a town, which went into elect on let- January, 1857. when the pepuletion numbered 1945 souls. At the first meeting of the town council on the 19th January in that year, the late Richard Carney being the first mayor. Mr. Gordon was appointed clerk end his appoint- ment was confirmed by the first by- law passed by the new corporation on the 9th of February of the same year. He mld the ofice of clerk uutil August 1903, although Mr. Chas. Gordon, his nephew, was ap- pointed assistant clerk in February, 1901, and undertook all the duties of the office from that time forward- Deceased was the Conserative nomin- ee for the House of Commous in 1868 end first accepted, but afterwards re- tired and did not contest the seat. He ale 0 occupied the position of pres dent of the Conservative Associa- tion on several occasions. He was acting clerk of the Surrogate Couat rduring the time that the late Peter ;Inglis held the office, and also served 'in the capacity of Division Court Clerk. He was a superintendent of schools under the old Ryerson sys- tem, and when that system was abol- ished in 1871, he received the ap- pointment of Public School Inspector for West Grey, which ofice he held until his resignation in 1902, when he was succeeded by Mr. H. H. Bur- gess, the present Inspector He was for years marshal of the fire brigade and also paymaster of the Blst Regi- ment. Deceased had four brothers and two sisters, of whom only two . brothers survive. They are Robert, who lives in Regina, and John in Sydenham. The late Chas. Gordon, ‘who was clerk of Sydenham from ,1855’) till 1885 and father of Mr. Chas. iGordon the present town clerk, was §another brother of deceased. One fson, Henry, survives, and two daugh- iters,Naomi, and Mrs. Wm, Robinson. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, from St. George’s Church. where services were conducted by Rev. Rural Dean Ardill. The Mason. io brotherhood. to which deceased belonged, also took part in the ser- vice. Many floral tributes werelaid .__v- on the casket, those from DUllliC bodies including: an emblem from the Masonic: Lodges; a pillow from the Board of Education; a. pillow from the Fire Department and a wreath from the mayor and council of Owen Sound. The pallobearere were Messrs. J as. McLuuchlan, Robert Wightman, S. J. Parker, Jno. Ruth- erford. Robt. McKnight, and Dr. A. Cameron. What’s in a name ? OM“- Not‘ much sometimes, but Resign-ton. we have chosen the name ---â€" the public harmonize fully wu purely miniaterul in its chutes. er all the ministers on the district With the name- we do n0t being present. T2: genersl menial:l intend t k ' opened on Thur ny morning en _ O 661) anythmg was ‘eomposed of theflollowing repre- that,3 no": reliable: and W6 Ientntivea. clericnl nndhy: Owen Sound, let, Rev. G. B. Turk; rare determmed to do an J. N. Christie;0wen Sound, West 8%.. ihODBSt, reliable business, so Rev. E. W. McBri'er, John Edwnrde, - - ----- “.4 1.-” Mnrkdnle. Bey. W. A. Bodwell. C. ‘5 Tflf are determined to do an honest, reliable business, so order. xours Ior ousmeaa, gorfim; EufihraEals. Rev. '1‘. Locum. E“... ................ 13 to . orwoo ; agoni‘. . . . , JOHN He ROSE Was, '1‘. Ttylor; Walters F3113. 12:1“: ' per “3...... 1 fi :0 .............. 0 Rev. Goo. Lawrence, Its. Bowel; THEO L S BALD'S O D TAND Cox-batten. Rev. C. ngfotd. Thou. Flour per cwt ........ 2 75 to Oldfield; Prioevillo. Rev. W. F. Bowl: mun.“ p.1- look. , , .. 2 40 to Thos.Tnckor. Bov.J. W. Fox, B. A. 0110 per cwt 1 10 to Vamey. wu elected Jenna ucroury and L, P °°°°°° I'DgR‘hO'od ahp.ti‘d'm‘ ”gm I 1'. 3:..00000 0000 e 66: :2 M in mambo 1pm oonne _ 'Drouod 03: par «It. “5:“ oflxngctgmglg.” the “3d. 3‘“ G, 3- Turk W“ 0100‘“ Eldon per 1b ........ 6} to m :0th the 1310th on eh. 0011- Show. . . .. so go Thai-gunmen“!!- THE “RELIANCE” Yours for business, GROCERY hOId W .Rutledge; Fleeherton. Rev. J .8.1 blic, Willon, M.'K. Riohordoon; Dondalk, ' Rev, N. Wellwood, '1‘. Honbory; tour Brookholm,Rev. J. w. Fox, Robt. trial Bufoot; Woodford, Rev. '1‘. J. Bot- low. John Leipeitt; Choteworth. Rev. C. L. 0. Cooking. E. O. Ionian; 3 .... Rollend Centre. Rev. B. Berry, W. ’ Norton; Eupbruis. Rev. '1‘. Leonid. 'E C. Mot-wood; Eugenio. Rev. J. B. Was. '1‘. Toylor; Walters Fella. 11 Rev. Geo. Lawrgnog, :9. Bowen; ‘ m--_ Mrs. Jske Ysundt and a friend from Ayton visited, Mrs. D. Ailsn I one day last week. Mrs. J as. Boy is under the Doctor’s cars for rheumatism in her arm and should er. â€"_v John McCslmon is still confined to his bed. He does not improve much. There will he no sermon in the church Sunday 38 Rev. Mr. Mnsson will be away to conference. a. new bieycle. Mr and Mrs. Dun Edge spent the 24th with'friends at Latona. Mr. and Mrs. John Little visited the latter’s parents here last week.- Rev. Mr. Farqnharson held a prey- er meeting in the Grange recently. It was well attended. Mr. Norman Irwin and Miss Flet- Mr. Norman Irwin and Miss Flor. ence of Grand Vally visited at Mr. Robt Edge’s a couple of days last week. Mr. Wm. Ritchie. accompanied by his daughter Maria. is in Owen Sound this week. Mr. Ritchie is in attend- ance at the Grand Lodge Meeting of the Orange Association. Rev. Mr. Bielby gave an illustrat- ed lecture and moving picture show in the Grange on Friday night. He was considerabiy out on main points and had often to be prompted by those in the audience. The attendance was not large which probably ac,- counted for the poor man leaving. without so much as even saying “thank you” for his lodging. In the evening of Victoria Day the people in our neighborhood, together with some visitors, met together and enjoyed a good game of base ball. Will Firth and W. J. Ritchie were captains and picked out two teams from those present. After an hour or more of interesting play the score stood 17 to 18 in favor of the lat- ter. Following are the players and their positions during the game. 0. Mofiat p A. Firth J. MoGirr c n ‘G. Ritchie vâ€" _____ C. Mofiat p A. Firth J. McGirr c G. Ritchie A. Greenwood s.s. Edgar Ritchie W. J. Ritchie 1b J. H. McFayden John Firth 2h John Mofiat Dan Firth 3b Archie Ector Robt. Wilson r. f Wm. Ritchie Sam Edge _1. f Will Firth Jas. Edge c Wm. Edge Dan Edge acted as umpire and gave good satisfaction. We would like to see a base ball club organized. There are plenty of players in the neighborhood to make two teams, the evenings are long and for a month or so now, the farm- ers will not be too busy to spend at least one evening in the week in the good old game at base ball. . U“, 'Vv-Cw â€"â€"- vâ€"-â€"-â€"-r_ v week. The union on Wednesday was purely ministeritl in its chartoto er all the miniatgrs on the district. THE ELECTRICAL metastasis no? PAID UP CAPnésL $250,000; Incomum mmm ran Laws my run Donation gr 9min». Owners of _ ‘ Alsopfl’atents . Bradley 8' Lovejos' Patents Werner Patents . 1 Andrews Patents MeDougall Patents for the Dominion of canada. Having purchased all the valid basic patents for the Electrical Purification of Flour. we hereby advise that any unauthorized users of the electrical flour purification processes in Canada, -vill be prosecuted. Applications for the rights to use the process for the purification of flour by electricfty should be address- ed to The Electrical Flour Patents Co. Mr. Raymond Bell has invested in Edge Hill. 18 Youville Place,.Montreal. the Groceries Canned Goods Cocoa Cocoanut Spices Look 1! New Goods Cash or Trade for Produce. the Sunday School committee. and Rev. E W McBrien and J. H. Chris- tie, Esq . of the Epworth League committee. Mr. M. K. Richardson and Rev. J. S. I. Wilson were ap» pointed to dratt a resolution. strong- ly condemning the proposed amend- ment to the criminal code, which. if enacted. will make race track gam- bling legal. the said resolution to be forwarded at once to Dr.T. S. Sproule M. P.. at Ottawa. The following laymen were elected as representa- tives to the annual conference, to be held in Barrie, commencing June 8th. J. H. Christie, J. C. Miller. Owen Sd; C. W. Rutledge. Markdale; R. Wal- ler, Flesherton; T. Hanbury. Dun- dalk; B. Barfoot, Brookholm; J. Lip- ett, Silcox; E. O. Merriam, Chats- wortb; W. Foster, Massie, C. Mor- 'wood, Wodehouse; T. Taylor. Port Law; J. Bowes, Strathnairn; T. Old- field, Corbetton'; W. Moore, Dromore. A resolution was enthusiastically ad- apted thanking the Fleeherton friends for their hospitality. The next meeting will be_held at Markdale. Roy. H. McGee.Conforence Evange- list. and Rev. W. Biolby of Mentord were proum and “drained the meet- its. The evening’ a union wu undo: the “epic-I of tho Wom’ I Minion.” ty, when ‘blo ul- M m W by B». C. '1‘. Cooling, and ’1‘. G. Below. Rev. G. R. Turk m, ugd the. 11“}. girls Maths-Mutts” sung“nsntshePenniesDI-e”h¢.” BevaBIWilsonpn-dded. The reininteden‘viththestmdua st. the evening session which was interesting snd inspiring. C. McArthur Also some excellent. Goods in Suite. and Suit Lengths, which we are selling 03 at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We have at all Those Choice Bulk Pickles always on hand. Be sure to bring your sealer when you come for pickles. Black and Colored Lisle and Kid Gloves Calland see them, Market Report. (Concluded next week.) Dmav Prunes Dates Peanuts Candy Etc. Etc. times. fresh Mu

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