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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jun 1905, p. 6

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Siamiaxd Bank of Banada. Imam (i. H. Stinson “'9‘: 3'; “a am like! t’h NM. Br bu! aver Bread W. E). CONNOR- Punms of all Kinds. (inhumizml and Iron Pip intr; thus», Brass Lined auu' lrun Cylinderfl. Pumps {mm $2 upwanfi IIO? open our] afternoon. AH '.L'.'2l’ \Ht. ‘1“ prOtan} .m' DEW FOUND )RY Cabin; Authorize: Pu puul snaking buying. any ad. Duh: issued 3nd collections 4. on :1] min“. Dove‘s“ re- or DURHAM AGENCY. .“y at l ”'9 HEAD OFFICE. TDBOITO Gocds always on hand ELKST-CLASS LINE» of Bakery S. P. SA UNDERS THE SAVINGS BAIX. HANUFAOI'URED BY “But why do you “It is the: Innac _ ___.‘A .. l...- d. KELLY, Agent. f l! tad upvuds Maud MODEL HA K PIRY ‘Jumfuzturm 0! Am] ”aim in -â€" 1H run: run. afar”: allow“ M an customers 180i I! '57‘33'. t0 w n CONNOR ) t0 Motion Harness 0i .» and Hm cilicy 3101'de ism)“. HASAUEI 0095‘ l hula!) '4”. as Bunk d0. Of t" h romp? "10 I: nr Bleepll'eeouldnot. Hemokedstendâ€" ll], with n magnificent prodiznlity, for hblmnll stock of tobacco was fastdi- mlnllhlng. He ransacked his brains to discover lame method of escape from this enchanted island. where fairies jostled with demons and hours of utter happiness found their bane in moments of frightful peril. Of course he ought to have killed those fellows who escaped. Their same pan might have provided a last despero ate expedient it other savages enacted _ . .35.... 8 :3 an. 8:: 05 can .983 98- akunm €~£3352a33§ .a§_§§ofiu¢§b€>a ceived some warning iris and he might retreat in the darkness to the cover of the trees. A last stand could he made among the bowlders on Summit rock. But of what avail to purchase their freedom until daylight? And thenâ€"â€" If ever man wrestled with desperate If ever man wrestled with desperate problem, Jenka wrought that night. He smoked and pondered until the Item passed, and, with the changeful- nm of a poet’s muse, a full moon flooded the island In glorious radiance. He rose, opened the door and stood without, looking steadily at the Dr!!- llant luminary for some time; then his eyes were attracted by the strong ligfitn thrown upon the rugged face at the precipice into which the cavern burrowed. Suddenly he uttered a star- tled exclamation. “By Jove!" he murmured. “I never noticed that before." The feature which so earnestly clalm- ed his attention was a deep ledge di- rectly over the mouth of the cave. but some forty feet from the ground. Ile- hlnd it the wall of rock sloped dark- ly Inward, suggesting a recess extend- tng by haphazard computation at least a couple of yards. It occurred to hlm that perhaps the fault in the lnterlor of the tunnel had lts outcrop here, and the Influences of rain and sun had ex- tended the weak point thus exposed in the hold panoply of stone. ll» surveyed the ledge from different points or view. it was quite inacces- aiblv and most diiiicult to estimate ac- curatvly from the ground level. The sailor was a man of action. He chose Hu- nearest tall tree and began to‘ rliml». lie was not eight feet from the annual before several birds flew out Trim 3:.4 leafy recesses. filling the air with shrill ducking. "The devil take them!" he growled. f'n' he feared that the commotion would awaken lrls. He was still la- hm-ionsiy worming his way through tlu- inner maze of branches when a well known voice reached him from the ground. "Mr. Janka. what on earth are you dining up there?" "Oil! '80 those wretched (owls arouso ed you?" he replied. “Yes. but why did you arouse them 7’ “I had a fancy to roost by way of n cha nge." . 1' I 59.. .Qffld {nr ("'3 Sflm7“'o ' â€" dam); v‘lzmt‘l“ . u rs tchcd {owls arous SCO'H‘ a; lzuwxu, Chemists. ! He picked up a fagot with its queer “l |, . 0 lUM‘ ' ' ' Toronto, Unin- l attachment, shouldered a rifle and i ‘11 5'0“?" “0 "‘PHN- - ”'and’w”; ‘ndmg‘fim' smiled when he saw the businesslike “Yes, but why did 3'00 31‘0““ them?” air with which Iris slung a revolver “l lmd a fancy to roost by way of a the 00b: 0! the Hair. around her waist. change.” Illamcopical examinations show whey walked rapidly to smugglers- “Please be serious.” that when light is transmitted through cove. and the girl soon perceived the “i am more than serious. This tree the shaft the hair appears dark, but ingenuity of his automatic signal. He grows a variety of small sharp than u m. um consistency and color ot securely bound-the bl k of wood to a that induces a maximum of mvivâ€" heir. slide from the pigment. are those tree where it was bid n by the under- before one takes the next step” _ of m or Athe flue: nails 3 '29} growth. Breaking the bullet out of e ‘ At - ,,l “I"; “ _‘A‘-‘ A- “‘h‘- ' Ak-“ 11ml done that work too well. 7111mm malls." mmouummmm atonehofanxietyinhertonethattn- mflymadetheuflorapolocedc. Bo toidhernbonttheledgeandexphined his half formed notion that here they mightseenreasafe retreat incaseof further attack, a refuge from which they might defy assault during many days. It was, he said, absolutely imo possible to wait until the morning. He must at once satisfy himself whether the project was impracticable or wor- thy of further investigation. 80 the girl only enjoined him to be careful. and be vigorously renewed the climb. At last, some twenty-five feet from the ground. an accidental purtfrz'; It “Uni y too sure, unfortunately." ”ilow remorseless poor humanity is when the veneer is stripped oil“! Why eanmt they leave us in peace? Per- haps :f i had not been here they would not have injured you. Somehow I seem to he I; itind up with your misfortunes.” “I would not have it otherwise were it in my power.” he answered. For an instant he left unchallenged the girl’s assumption that she was in any way responsible for the disasters which had broken up his career. lie looked into her eyes and almost forgot him- self. Then the sense of fair dealing that dominates every true gentleman rose within him and gripped his waver- ing emotions with ruthless force. Was his a time to play upon the high strung sensibilities of this youthful daughter of the gods, to seek to win from her a confession of love that a few brief days or weeks might prove to be only a spasmodic but momentarily all pow- erful gratitude for the protection he had given her? He described the nature of the cavity as well as he understood it at the mo- Hunt and emphasized his previous ex- planation of its virtues. Here they might reasonably hope to make a suc- 1:63:55; 1:] stand against the Dyaks. "Then you feel sure that those awful CNMUU’CS’ will come back?” she said slowly. I" And he spoke aloud, striving to laugh, lest his words should falter: “You can console yourself with the thought, Mlss Deane, that your pres- ence on the island will in no way affect my fate at the hands of the Dyaks. Had they caught me unprepared today my head would now he covered with a solution of the special varnish they carry on every foreign expedition." “And yet these men are human be- ings!‘ “For purposes of classification, yes. Keeping to strict fact, it was lucky for me that you raised the alarm and gave_ me a chance to discount the odds of mere numbers. 80, you see, you really dld me a good turn.” “What can be done now to save our lives? Anything wlll be better than to awalt another attack.” W “The first thing to do is to try to get some sleep before daylight. How did you know I was not In the castle?” “1:. Jean, tell me at once mt you “I, cannot tell you. I awoke and knew you were not near me. If I wake in the night I can always tell whether or not you are In the next room. So I dressed and came out.” “Ah!" he said quietly. “Evidently I snore." Iris “fetreuted, and the sailor, tired out at last, managed to close his weary a .1531; (3! sufficient length and strong enough to bear his weight I)! tying two y by means 01 Kore excited I cared for Iris d to appear mined the gm Well.” she 88 figxt morning he hastily congtr‘cted GUN TIMUE Those who are gaining flesh and strangth by regular treat- ment wfth Scott’s Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot. weather: smaller dose and a HtUG cgql milk wi_tbilt_will do away wsth any objection whlch I8 attrched to fatty pro- ducts during the heated soason._ {cum ny nus (“new for Iris to know, I) uppear unconcerned the ground. she said, “to” me me a] :1 be nndtheextrunedghtottheopposing piercing cold of the night might be unified by judiciously rigging up a orlouget’atapinch. Howcanitbe pouible that I should have lived on this island so many days and yet hit Not until he reached the level again could he solve the puzzle. Then he perceived that the way in which the chi! bulged out on both sides prevent- ed the ledge trom becoming evident in profile, while, seen in the glare of the sunlight, it suggested nothing more than a slight indentation. He rapidly sketched to Iris the de- fensive plan which the eagle's nest suggested. Access must be provided by means of a rope ladder, securely tastened inside the ledge and capable of being pulled up or let down at the will of the occupants. Then the place must be kept constantly stocked with a judicious supply of provisions, water and ammunition. They could be cov- ered with a tarpaulin and thus kept in fairly good condition. “Danger threatens us each hour after sunset. It may come any night, though I expect at least a fortnight’s reprieve. Nevertheless I intend to act as it to- night may witness the first shot of the siege.” “We ought to sleep there every night,” he went on, and his mind was so engrossed with the tactical side of the preparations that he did not notice how iris blanched at the suggestion. “Surely not until danger actually threatens?’ she cried. Jénks Always accepted her words lit- crally. “Do vyou mean that?" she sighed. “And my little room is becoming so “Well," he announced, after a pause, “it may not be necessary to take up our quarters there until the eleventh hour. After I have hoisted up our stores and made the ladder I will en- deavor to devise an efficient cordon of sentinels around our position. We will very Not another word could Iris get out of him on the topht. Indeed, he provided her with plenty ’0: work. By this time she could splice a rope more neatly than her tutor, and her particular busi- nesa was to prepare no less than sixty rungs for the rope ladder. This was an impossible task for one day, but after dinner the sailor helped. her. They toiled late, until their fingers were sore and their backbones ereaked as they sat upright. Meanwhile Jenks swarmed up the pole again and drew up after him a crowbar, the sledge hammer and the pickax. With these implements he set to- work to improve the-accommodation. 0! course he did not attempt seriously to remove any large quantity on‘ rock, but there were projecting lumps here and inequalities of floor there which could be thumped or pounded out of existence. It was surprising to see what a clearance he made in an hour. The ex- istence of the fault helped him a. good dead. as the percolation of water at this point had oxidized the stone to nottenâ€" ness. To his great 10y he discovered that a few prods with. the pick laid bare a small cavity which could be easily enlarged. Here- he contrived a niche where Iris could remain. in. ab- solute satety when barricaded by stores, while, with a squeeze, she was entirely sheltered from the one dan- gerous point on the opposite cliff. nor need she be seen from the trees. Having hauled into position two: boxes of ammunition-tor which he had scooped out a special. receptacleâ€"the invaluable water kegs from the strand- ed boat. several tins of biscuits and all the tinned meats. together with three bottles of win and two, of bun- dy. be hhétlly abandoned the ledge and husied himself with fitting a number of gnnlocks to heavy ingots. v-0 hiernratched bls'proceedings in 31- lence for some time. At last the inter- val for luncheon enabled her to de» mand an explanation. you intend to do with those strange implements.” she said. “I will go on strike.” “It you do,” he answered. “you will create a precedent.” “I withdraw the threat and substi- tute a more genuine pleaâ€"curiosity," she cried. “Then you will be gratified promptly. These are our sentinels. Come with me to allot his post to the most (113. mm one.” O” adaplodedtheartndge. “When I have driven mks moth andtothentet'sedgconbothdul ofthecovglwflldctymantohndby night without giving us waning.” “manual-algae!“ mmmmm‘um- Muhdrimintothetrm Thenlfimteresultmmttm “Doyouknow,” “Immanu- rim “1 think you are the clever- utmnlntheworld" He was manifestly pleased by tho ms of his ingot-ions W and forthwith comp wted the coulon. To make doubly m:-~ he set and!!! snare farther within :..e trees. new” certain the Dyaks could not [III along Turtle beach if they could help it. Bythlstimethe l chtwastnmng. “That will suffice f. .- the present,” he told tLe girl. “Tomortuw we will plan other sentrles in portion at strategic points. Then we can sleep in the anti: with tolerable safety." By the meager light of the tiny lamp they labored sednlonaly at the rope ladder until 1113’ eyes were closing with sheer weariness. Neither of them had slept much during the preceding night, and they were both completely The first streaks of dawn were tip- ping the opposite mg: with rosette tints when the sailor was suddenly aroused by what he believed to be t gunshot. He could not be sure. H. was still collecting his scattered senses. straining eyes and ears intensely, when there came a second report. had he knew whai had happened. The sentria on the Smfigglers’ cove At such a moment Jenks was not a man who prayed. Indeed. he was prone to invoke the nether powers, :1 habit long since acquired by the British ar- my-ln Flanders, it is believed. There was not a moment to be lost. He rushed into Iris' room and gathered her in his arms. He explained to the _ , tears and prayers, Jenks insisted on making a reconnaissance in person. Let this portion of their adventures ; be passed over with merciful brevity. E Both watch guns had been fired by a ; troop of tiny won-won monkeys. Iris did not know whether to laugh or cry, i when Jenks. with much diflicuity, low- Q i i a girl as he ran with her to the foot ot the rock that she must cling to his shoulders with unfaltering courage while he climbed to the ledge with the aid of the pole and the rope placed there the previous day. it was a mag- nificent feat at strength that he essay. ed- In calmer moments heâ€" would have shrunk from its performance it only on the score of danger to the precious burden he carried. Now there was no time tor thmght. Up he went, hand over hand, clinging to the rough pole with the tenacity of a limpet and tak- ing a turn of the rope over his right wrist at each upward clutch. At last, breathless. but triumphant. he reached the ledge and was able to gasp his in- structions toJris to crawl over his bent back and. head until she was safely lodged an the broad platform of rock. Then before she could expostulate he descended, this time for the rifles. These he hastily slung to the rope. again warmed up the pole and drew the guns after him. with infinite care. “Now we are mady for them.” he growled. lying prone on the ledge and eagerly scanning both sides of Pros- yect park for a first glimpse of their For two shivering hours they waited there until the sun was high over the cliff and filled sea and land with its brightness. At last, _despite the girl’s ercd her to Mother Earth again and marveled the while how be bad man- They sat down to a belated break- fast, and Jenks then became conscious that the muscles of his arms, legs and back were aching hugely. It was by that means he could judge the true ex- tent of his achievement. Up he went, hand over hand. sailor went after those mon- ys in a mood of relentless verity. Thus tar the regular lumen: of Rainbow island CHAPTER IX. DR. HARTB’S GELERY- IRON PILLS. “Pi- dmfiet'tbé pihthmgaudMDznma and Pajamas. General Wuhan tad Debility. Itnspnthuhmhmmt run-don .93 d m pmg then M vim Hill m was -30 force combined with artifice. Fain: mom success, he would endear: to kill every monkey in the plan: complete success, he would endeam: to kill every monkey in the place. thonghbehadintnllmmre the in. Intent dislike of Anglo-India to the Wanna-ample. This. then, is what he did: After filling a biscuit tin with good aged 912be he donned : Dyak hat. [douse um belt, rubbed earth over his race tnd lands nnd proceeded to pelt tho won-won: mercilessly. For more than fled, shrieking and gurgling like a thousand water bottles. Finally he alarm guns. The device was there ought: eflective. Thenceforth. when some adventurous monkey. swinging with hands or tail among the tree- tops in the morning search for appetiz- ing nut or luscious plantain. saw one of those fearsome bogies. he raised such a hubhub that all his companions seampered hastily from the confines of the wood to the inner tastnesses. an hour he made their lives misera- ble until at the mere sight at him they During each of the two daily exami- nations of the horizon. which he never omitted. Jenks minutely scrutinized the on between Rainbow island and the distant group. It was perhaps a needless precaution. The Dyaks would come at night. With a favorable wind they need not set sail until dusk. and their fleet sampans would easily cover the intervening forty miles in five hours. He could at be positive that they were actual inhabitants of the islands to the south. The China sea swarms with wandering pirates. and the tribe whose animosity be had earned might be equally noxious to some peaceable fishing community on the coast. Again and again he debated the advisability of constructing a seaworthy raft and endeavorlng to make the passage. But this would be risking all on a (right- ful uncertainty, and the accidental dis- covery at the eagle's nest had given him new hope. Here he could make a determined and prolonged stand. and in the end help must come. So he dis- missed the navigation noiect and de- voted himself wholly to the perfecting of the natural lortress in the rock. That night they finished. the tape lad- der. Indeed Jenks was determined not to reflre to rest until It was placed. He did not care to try a second time to carry Iris to that elevated perch. One of the first things be contem- plated was the destruction if possible of the polm on the opposite chi! which commanded the ledge. This, however, was utterly impracticable with the ap- pliances at his command. The top of {he rock sloped slightLy toward the west. and nothing short of dynamite or regular quarrylng operations would render it untenable by hostile marks- men. the place clear of lntmdem But at nightâ€"that was the difilculty. lle partially solved it by fixing two rests on the ledge to support a rifle in exact line with the center of the enemy‘s supposed position, and an a variant on the outer rest be marked lines whlch cone-ponded with other sections 0! the entire trout avallahle to the foe. During the day his tines at ninety yards’ range might be trusted to keep Even then he was not satisfied. When time permitted. he made many expm'i ments with ropes reeved through the pulley and attached to a rifle action. He might have succeeded in his main object had not his thoughts taken a new line. His aim was to achieve some method of opening and closing the breech block by means of two ropes. The difficulty was to secure the preliminary and final lateral movement of the lever bolt. but it suddenly 00° curred to him that if he could manage to convey the lmpmsion that Iris and he bed left theuhnd the Dysks would mum-Manding- search. The '3 em but. together pen edpt .5... ad bu; vi you:h L “c g: L (h the face ot‘tho a-“ mama noun. T!!! CHR WIV'J- sill b mdrcs\.{199 t" D “?.\;C, . year,}uu.mic 1". a :vdnJ 'mell‘;- 1'.( “MIC" ”Uh 31d 1'»L-' "’A \ - , . line in? if." “all" can ' , . . line CA ”deh‘idl‘nx‘l ( .'|' pt: annum. A- \- ' WU“): pn‘Wn-I ' My 1 rau-yrx . [a le,"c!c.~ 50w huh subsequanl i . . _ wfimisemems \'1\.' ‘3. .dvanoe. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT U short distance east «1 Kn mbmu Street. Lower Tuw 0‘00 hours from 12 to 2 u‘vluck 0n. lamieson Ma I 600 in the Kew Hunter HI hour-.8 to no 0,. In.. 2m 4 p. u 9. III. Spocinl uttautiou given ‘ women had children. R0: ”in Proshvwriau Church. HYSICIAN AND SURG (ice in the New Huntgr M Uâ€" the Durham l’harmac Block. Residenceâ€"Lambtuu tho Station. W.C. Pickering. 0.0. [l to Univerhin'; Gradua' 0011028 of Dental Surgpuns Boomsâ€"Calder Block. aver l’c Mates for 31-3ny u ’w- rdno to the um. c. “advertise at 2-. '. \r.‘ *M be brought 1.. g. 4|)w (Mice over ‘Gordon‘s n4 Store. Lower Town, Durham. J lionev to 10:11 In 5 per 1 floportv . meekâ€"Ll x; Buudard B A. G. MACKAY W (utilities for FFICE AN D RES! D l. G. Hutton. FFICE AND RESIDEN UGH MACKA Lind Vduahw an “r for the County at (Sr “tended to and notes c. A llctiu “1.33 prom toudence u M0215 ma} FFICEâ€"FIRST DOOR Q’ _ iioneer for the (N. ptly attended 1”. ' v at his Imptcment “:11 “ sand. or It the Cl 210v. 9. '03. Gunfnn tad Georg of hill. 06:00 hoursâ€" .. 7-9 p.m. Telephone ARRISTEB, SQLI-Cl ONOB GRADUATE 0; A. H. lacks NOTARY PUBLIC. o had. The Humane“ .5. an)» made at T“ in. Random” ”“1 P' C *mnnocuon. ignae. 8. '0‘;- ARRIS’I‘EB, SOLICI ‘ Iclntvre’s Block, Low ARRISTEBS. SOLICI ' voyuncers. 1:230: Mu Eamon AND Paovnm OBEB’I‘ BRJGlfAM Medial! Dim Arthur Gun. G. Lefroy "cc: Dental Dim ICPHAI L , MacKay D W. IR‘VIN u PUBLlflfl'D TNURODAV H‘ I. P. Telfo egal Director ARSON he 15a I: completely I d! NEW TY; |( "'8' cumin: 0 llan LIC Ina H l (ll '6 “I

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