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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jun 1905, p. 7

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been n remedy can". Manuals-Sm its: Dr. MI Cd- is remedy is the has. rorld for such troublo. 513 or Green Sickness, Jonplexion Nervou- Bnin Fag, hum uppew. Dir-m Dance, Female Weak. he would endeavor nkcy in the placo. full measure the in- Angloâ€"India to tho pecple. What ‘10 did: Aft” {in with good sized a Dyak hat, bloulo earth over his (to. rocpoded to pelt m .sly. For more than their lives misca- re sight of him than gurgling like 0 bottles. Finally he device was 03"- Thencetorth. what monkvy. swinging y his rifles at ninety ht be trusted to k” of intruders. But It s the difficulty. n. it by fixing two rail upport a rifle in em nter of the enemy’l and as a variant on marked lines which th other sections d twable to the foe. better «mu-z- glrhto math than ndbonnaing hedth. nototryDnBu-u'o “will sell you 0 th the un lerstandiz mtee that. if you !_ be positive that they bitants of the island. be China sea swarm. pirates. and the tribe be had earned might to some peaceablo ontlp 0003:. Again ted the advisability seaworthy raft all e the passage. But king all on a flight. the accidental db- le‘s nest had given [ere he could mat. a rolonged stand. and us! come. 80 ha (11.- tion project and do- ly to the perfect!“ L aim was to achie'. rt opening and c1051“ rk by means of two cult: was to secure til. 1 final lateral move“ It. but it suddenly C" but it he could 33‘ Dynamic: an and n to weak, won-cu women, giving “I. Ltb mt make. 1110 we Positively will Cure You may Refunded. ch06 tc .’S CELERY- PILLS. tress in the rock. finished the rope lad- s was determined I“ mi! it was placetl BO try a second time to elevate! perch. at things he cont..- ie-strucrtion it pose!» m opposite CUR Wm edge. This. however. Icticuble with the If ummaml. The top a slightLy toward tho pg short of 61mm ring operation. I“ Die by hostile mull- 9.3 ptio B E E ‘2 ,Hedeo abacus-d tumble to the toe. a. not satisfied. W land the Dyaks ‘ fruitles- latch. )l mm rch for appeth- main. saw on. :ies, he raised his companion. the confines of t1 fit {fom tho 2 three hon. ‘ may return 3:11.500 )yaks would 'omble wind '11 dusk. and easily cover .193 in fiv. istied. WM. may experi- througb th- rifie action. 1‘) his ml! ms taken 1 Lily exam!- 1 he never scrutiniud island and perhaps a edtotry )8 [ST In" 'nmnsouv mum on.“ mu m. w m W Tl. Caravan. will It} I?! to any “1‘”, rat: 0 postage at I.” um , , ,payabk in advanéoâ€"‘l. mp; O O “M u .3. sq pmd. The date to 'hic even Moo 5 gm :5 danced by the number on the. «idle-I hhd» 0 paper fix-.omtmued not“ all urea: 80 M W at the ovum: of the proptieton m fa‘rfgd'sflm' . 8 cmvr me or t tst manning; cents 9.- film . . . ling etch subsequenttnxmon- mime»: gen-un- Manual cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00 pct-annual. Mnnisements withO‘n specin directions will be published ti'l forbid and charged at. wading?! Tunsient noticesâ€"“ Last," “ Fuund. " For e,“ etcâ€"so cents for first insertion, 25 Can: [or each subsequent insertion. All advertise-tents otdcxed by strangers out be pm: ht in dunes Contact me: for candy advertisements furnished 0: Q iauiou to the} 0 cc. . . . All advent“: neuta, to ensure tnsemon tn cunc: . week, should It: broumn in wt late than Tucson FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short. distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. Ofico hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. THE JOB :: lulu avu o . 91ml! stocked with DEPARTHENT axcfiw TYPE, thus an Drs. lamieson lacdonald FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COR. Garafnu and George Streetsâ€"at foot of hill. Oflice hoursâ€"941 3.111., 2-4 p. 11)., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No.10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 6ce in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. 2to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 p. m. Special nttention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Preshvterian Church. Ebb Station. Fl’ICEâ€"FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy, Calder’s Block. Residenceâ€"Lambton Street, near V1.0. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- to Universit ;» Graduate of Royal College of Dents Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block. over Post. Ofico. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., McIntyre’s Block, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Collection and Agency promptly “tended to. Searches made at the Regis- b vo;:v’I;e-;;:~E;c: _ Money to, Loan. Ofiicos:â€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. 1‘ er. Coiiv'eyancer, etc. Private money to loen. Old accounts and debts of 31 kinds collected on commission. Farms bought end sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Ofiiceâ€"MacKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham. Ont. fading mum» to: turning out First-class our for tho_ "u v ‘- wv- - Cout‘Ity 0! 6:07 afarâ€"tire County 0! Grey. E “tended to and notes cashed. OBERT BRIGHAM . LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly .nttonded to. Call at my rosidenco or wnto to Allan Park P. O. Orders may be left at the Chronicle ofioo. ARRISTER, _ SQLICITOR. ETC. J tioneer for the County of Grey. prompt 1y attended t0. Orders mnv 1 at his Implement WarorooIns, McKi old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. sues can In III-“V -' " flee. Residence uni PIC" phone connection. gm. 3, mâ€"lmâ€"-â€" "' Dr. T. G. Holt, L. ARRISTERS. SOLIQITORS, CON- EDITOR AND Pnormn'ron. Nov. 9. )mptl attended to nish “1'0de OHN CLARK.“ LICENSED AUC- _ -£n_-.. q_‘_ Medical Dz’rectorv. Arthur Gun, II. D. 6. Lefroy McCaul. Dental Directorv. MacKay Dunn. Legal Directory. I'â€" l. P. Telford. Miscellaneous. . H. Jackson. Uvâ€"ww â€" â€"â€" â€"- Sales promptly W. F. DUNN. tenemeâ€" would betray their where- abouts or at any rate excite dangerous curiosity. So he reluctantly abandoned his original design, though not wholly. El Will be seen In due course, In pursuance of his latest idea he1 ledulously removed from the foot ot' [the clii! all traces of the clearance lflected on the ledge, and, although he provided supports for the tarpaulin hovering, he did not adjust it. Iris and he might lie perdu there for days with. out their retreat being found out. This 'development suggested the necessity of hiding their surplus stores and am- munition, and what spot could be more Initable than the cave? Bo Jenks began to dig once more in {the interior, laboring manfully with pick and shovel in the locality of the fault with its vein of antimony. Rainbow island had given him the one thing a man prizes above all elseâ€" : pure yet passionate love for a woman beautiful alike in body and mind. And now it was to endow him with riches that might stir the pulse of even a , South African magnate, for the sail- or. unmindtul of purpose other than providing the requisite cache, shovel- ing and delving with the energy pecul- m- to all his actions, suddenly struck a Beep vein of almost virgin gold. 31.. ;;|S'hoe Dressings â€"vvr - v-.â€" To facilitate the disposal at a dis- tance of the disturbed debris he threw each shovelful on to a canvas sheet, which he subsequently dragged among the trees in order to dislodge its con- â€"'vâ€"v tents. After doing this four times he noticed certain metallic specks in the fifth load which recalled the presence or the antimony. But the appearance of the sixth cargo was so remarkable when brought out into the sunlight that it invited closer inspection. El‘hough his knowledge of geology was slight, he was forced to believe that the specimens he handled so dubiously contained neither copper nor iron pyrites, but glittering yellow gold. Their weight, the distribution of the metal through quartz in a transitior Some . . SOME SNAPS. of many kinds always in stock. Don’t forget we claim that “ HALF-TIME ” is the best, cheapest and quickest paste shine on the market that we know of. 10c for a large box. only to he had here. CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING promptly attended to. EGGS taken sune as CASH in ex- change for goods. J. S. Mellraith It has what might be called a fruity t'asteâ€"a rich, ripe flavor that is very pleasing to the palateâ€"a taste you won’t forget. the result of scientiâ€"ficv study and methods on the tea plantations, and in the tea testing and blending rooms. Why do you buy certain varieties of fruit and vegetables? Is it not because you like the flavor of some better than others? Flavor is the special quality which stamps one brand of food product as superior to another, and is the quality that always commands the highest price. OF OUR CUSTOMERS think we are too far down. and some not far enough; but. under present circumstances we will We have some good values in Strap Slippers. prices $1.00 to $1.75). Also Misaos’ and Chil- dren’s. in Patent Leather, Tan or 0003013. We tnve a. line of Ladies’ Royal Purple Don- gola Bale to retail at $3.00. I‘hey are beauties. Try a pair. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, NB. .The delicate, fragrant flavor of Red Rose Tea is Because of Its flavor. REASON. N919 TERMS CASH. Blue Label is recommended. BRANCHES: TORONTO. WINNIPEG. WHY YOU SHOULD USE To Cure 3 Cold in One qu . I: mks. state between an oxide and a telluride, compelled recognition. ‘vâ€"-r ' Somewhat excited, yet halt skeptical, he returned to the excavation and scoeped out yet another collection. This time there could be no mistake. Nature’s own alchemy had fashioned a veritable ingot. There were small lumps in the ore which would only need alloy at the nnnt before they could be issued as sovereigns, so free from dross were they. --v Iris had gone to Venus’ bath and would be absent for some time. Jenks sat down on a tree stump. He held in his hand a small bit of ore worth per- haps £20. Slowly the conjectures al- ready pieced together in his mind dur- ing early days on the island came back to him. The skeleton of an Englishman ly- ing there among the bushes near the well, the Golgotha of the poison filled hollow, the mining tools, both Chinese and European; the plan on the piece of tinâ€"ah, the piece of tin! Mechan- ically the sailor produced it from the breast pocket of his jersey. At last the mysterious sign “32 divided by 1” revealed its significance. Measure thir- ty-two feet from the month of the inn- nel, dig one foot in depth. and you came upon the mother lode of this gold bearing rock. This. then. was the se- cret of the cave. The Chinese knew the richness of the deposit and exploited its treasures by quarrying from the outer side of the hill. But their crass ignorance of mod- ern science led to their undoing. The accumulation of liberated carbonic acid gas in the workings killed them in scores. They probably fought this un- seen demon with the tenacity of their race until the place became accursed and banned of all living things. Yet had they dug a little ditch and per- mitted the invisible terror to flow quiet- ly downward until its potency was dis- sipated by sea and air they might have mined the whole cliff with im. punity. \ The unfortunate unknown, J. S.â€"he ot the -whitened bonesâ€"might have done this thing too. But he only pos- sessed the hair knowledge of the work- ing miner and while shunning the plague stricken quarry adopted the more laborious method of making an adit to strike the deposit. He succeed- ed, to perish miserably in the hour when he saw himself a millionaire. "Wetâ€"s- this a portent of the fate about to overtake the latest comers? Jenks, of course, stood up. He always stood square on his feet when the volcano within him fired his blood. W'â€" __â€" _- “No!” he almost shouted. “I will break the Spell. I am sent here by Providence, not to search for gold, but to save a woman’s life, and if all the devils of China and Malay are in league w against me I will beat them. I,’ The sound of his own voice startled him. What was all the fuss about? With a barrow load of gold he could not buy an instant’s safety for Iris, not to mention himself. The language difficulty was insuperahle. Were it otherwise the Dyaks would simply humbug him until he revealed the source of his wealth, and then murder him as an eflective safeguard against him as an etrecnve foreign interference. Iris! Not once since she was hurled 4 ashore in his arms had Jenks so long forgotten her existence. Should he tell her? They were partners in everything appertaining to the island. Why keep this marvelous intelligence from her? Yet was he tempted, not ignobly, but by reason of his love for her. Once years ago, when his arduous pro- fessional studies were distracted by a momentary infatuation for a fair face, a woman had proved fickle when bud by you. Thetetore. in the av t oi my death before you leave the d. I wish give ydu instructions ho a col mine at great vniue whic hidden in the rock containing the cnv You re- member the eixn on the piece tin which we could not understand. e figure 81 denotes the utmost depth of the excava- tion, and the 1 signifies thntlone foot be- low the surface. on reachind _th0_f_ace__ot “V“. .0.“ v-.- â€" â€"â€"-â€"__--_ low the surface, on reachin‘X the race ot the rock. there is a rich vein of sold. The hollow on the other side at the cliir be- came filled with anhydrate gas. and this stopped the operations or the Chinese. who evidently knew of the existence of the mine. This is all the information the - â€"-" experts employed by Sir Arthur Deans 1m need. The facts are unquestionable. Assuming that I am slive, we will, of course. be copsttners 1n the mine. It I ,I,__.A 4‘ L- vvw-v Ivv 'vr" â€"â€"_ __ am dead, I wish one-sixth share to be given to my uncle. William Anstruther. Crouthwaite Manor. Northallerton. York- shire. as a recompense for his kindness to me during my early life. The remain- der is to be yours absolutely. ROBERT ANSTRUTHER. He read this remarkable document twice through to make sure that it ex- actly recorded his sentiments. He even smiled sarcastically at the endowment of the uncle who disinherited him. Then, satisfied with the perusal, he tore out the two leaves covered by the letter and began to devise a means or pro- tecting it securely while in Iris’ pos- session. At that moment he looked up and saw her coming toward him across the beach, brightly flushed after her bath. walking like a nymph clothed in tat- tered garments. Perceiving that ho was watching her, she waved her hand and instinctively quickened her pace. Even now, when they were thrown to- gether by the exigencies of each hour, she disliked to be long separated from Instantly the scales fell from his mental vision. What! Distrust Iris! Imagine for one second that riches or poverty, good repute or ill, would atfect that loyal heart when its virgiual font was filled with the love that once in her life comes to every true woman! Perish the thought! Laughing at his fantastic folly Jenks tore the letter into little pieces. It might have been wiser to throw the sheets into the embers of the tire close at hand, but for the nonce he was over- powered by the great awakening that had come to him. “Good gracious! Don’t gaze at me in that fashion. I don’t look like a ghost. do I?” cried.lris, when near enough to note his rapt expression. “You would not object it I called you a vision '2” he inquired quietly, averting his eyes lest they should speak more plainly than his tongue. “Noi: it you meant it nicely. But I fear that ‘specter’ would be a more ap- propriate word. Just look at my best gown!” -_.- A She spread out the front widths of 1 her skirt, and certainly the prospect was lamentable. The dress was so patched and mended, yet so full of fresh rents, that a respectable house- maid would hesitate before using it to 1 clean fire irons. i With more eqiiabie judgment came ai fixed resolution not to marry unless! his prospective bride cared only for? him and not for his position. To a staff corps omcer, even one with :1 small private income, this was no unattainable ideal. Then he met with the shame and agony of the court mar- tial. While his soul still quivered under the lash of that terrible down- fall Iris came into his life. He knew not what might happen if they were rescued. The time would quickly pass ; until the old order was resumed. she to go back to her position in society. he to become again a disgraced ex- oificer, apparently working out a mere existence before the mast or handing plates in a saloon. Would it not be a sweet defiance of adversity were he able, even under such conditions, to win her love and then disclose to her the potentialities of the island? Perchance he might fail. Though rich as Croesus. he would still be under the social ban meted out to a cashiered officer. She was a girl who could command the gift of coro- nets. With restoration to her father and home. gratitude to her preserx'er would assuredly remain: but. alas. love might vanish like a mirage! Then he would act honorably. Half of the stored wealth would be hers to do as: she chose with it. Yes, this was a possible alternative. In case of accident to himself and her ultimate escape he must immediately write full details of his discovery and lntrust the document to her. to be opened only after his death or six months after their release. The idea possessed him so thorough- ly that he could brook no delay. Hi' searched for one of the notebooks tak- en from the dead officers of the Sir- dar and scribbled the following letter: \ Dear Miss Deaneâ€"Whether I am living or dead when you read these lines, you will lrmw that I love you. Could I re- peat that avowal a million times in as many varied forms I should find no better phrase to express the dream I have cher- ished since a happy fate permitted me to snatch you from death. 80 I simpl} say. “I love you." I will continue to low you while life lasts. and it is my dearest hone that in the life beyond the grave I may still be able to voice my love for you. But perhaps I am not destined to be 4 331129 boy in Deering, Me, was brought before his father recently and accused of killing a chicken. “Who told you about it?” asked the boy. “The hen did,” said the father. Noth- ing more was said that day, but the next morning the hen was found dead. and the boy, being accused of killing it, admitted it, saying in defense, “Yes, I did kill the, hen, and I’ll kill every hen that tells on me." (To pm cox'rtxmm.) tummy; i : ‘hairs . 5 Bedroom Suites , Uhifi‘oniers % Cribs and Cradles 5 Beds . Iron Beds 3 Springs g Mattresses 3 Hall Racks Stdeboards :' Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets ' Kitchen Tables 2 Extension Tables 1‘0 MAKE YOUR HOMEIQOMFORTABLE LARGE STOCK OF RATTAN GOODS JUST IN i VARICOCELE’J: Sure-rm "_ '_F_ a! All sexual complaints affect the» ma. hence the ”duct? m 1. went source 0 of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of hock. tendency to 1' hand: or feet n dnowcy feeling in urinate frequently. doposit in urine, coldness 0 ice: your kidneys. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT the morning. Don't neg in guaranoeed to cure any disease of then organs or no my. _ _--- A m__ILL-_ nA----‘ Varicocele. Stncwre, We treat and cure Nervous Debmty. Lost Manhood. D! Free. Books Free. “T Dix-(ases, Kidney and Urinary Complaints. Consultation for Question List. tor Home Treatment. Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. which we areselling atfa low figure. It will pay you‘. to examine our bargains before purchasing elsewhere. I'48 SHILBY STREET; DETROIT, HIGH. __â€"‘ WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OR PRODUCE. Bring Along your Butter 6: Eggs Sell What You Need O. W. Rowe. of Jackson. Mich" says: I nan varicoceie in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years’ standing. I was operated. on twice. undergoing great suflering. but only got temporary relief. I was ilnall advised to try the NEW METHOD TREAT)! NT of Drs. K. a K. The enlarged veins disappeared in six weeks. the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality returned so I was a man in every respect. I recommendyou doctors with my whole heart." GUESS WAMITEEII. I0 (:llflE I0 PAY. nus POPULAR CASH 8TOR£.: Folding Tables Bedroom Tables Centre Tables J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Ofiice Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Rooszouldings Vtfleocele. Stdcture. Blood eroo. Books Free. WT“.

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