West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1905, p. 2

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tor or a. minister at once. He knew e fellow who was bitten by n Indy bug end he just dwindled nwny couldn’t eat or eleep or work until the lady hng’l pn kicked him 0! the Itont stoop and out through the gate .4 thet owed him right evenâ€"Ex. end thet when a fellow ets ' by nindy bug he in in n "‘17 0:13;] condition and ebonld conenlt n doc- tor or e minister at once. He knew e fellow who wee bitten by e ledy Ln- nnfl In. {an-e 3â€"2-2"- 1 -- vâ€"U yvauvul, ‘ne hngologiats, are paying great . tion to the various members of the thanks to tho cool weather amall birds the bugs are more than nanally scarce; Talking of hugs all the axperta argue that the lady bug in a very important insect. and th- Mr. Bother toys: “I hove tried Chomborlain’s Colic. Cholera Diurhoes Bemodv which is one of unconscious by the shock, and still he is in e verv dezed condition. He _ knows the members of his lemily but is unable to speek st ell. His cese is considered elmost hopeless, elthough he is not eulering u greet deel of puin. Mr. Quentz ieebout 40 yem of uge.â€"Gorrie Vidette. Mrs. 8. Lindsay, of Fort William. Ontario Canada, who has sufiered quite a number of years from dys- pepsia and great pains in the stom- ach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv- er Tablets. She did so and says. "I find that they have done me a great deal of'good. I have never had any suffering since I began using them.” If troubled with dyspepsia or indiu gestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by Parker’s Drug Store. f The laxative eflect of Chamber. lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize it is the eflect of med- icine. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Thong inmtivoroua U-V flemee entirely to the roof. which wes precticelly entirely consumed. This wee ell the demege done other then thet ceused by the weter. es the stock Ives neerly all removed. The loss is covered by insurence. The building is surrounded by freme structures. and it is a. blessing the fire laddies succeeded in keeping the flernes from spreading. The origin of the fire is a. mystery.â€"Csnedian. flamea. The fire had made consider- able pragreea before it was noticed. but the firemen were promptly on hand on the alarm being sounded. and.laying two branches of hose. they succeeded in_confining the n-__, .0 Prompt ection on the port of the firemen end o perfect weter supply saved Wierton from o diustrons fire yeeterdey forenoon. At about eleven o’clock the roof of Mr. J. Flett’o cer- riege chopwos discovered to be in tone-clout“ your Ipiriu. N 0-0561; heath bringer known. Fifty cont- por box 0! fifty chocoluto outed ub- lota at :11 dulon. The Wonders of The Body. Ita mechaniam. like delicate mach- inery, by even a alight cause is ac diaranged as to be practically naeleee. A headache ia no trifling matter be- cause the atomach, hidneya and liver are sure to be aflected. To cure the canoe of headaches ahd prevent new attache. nae Ferroaone; it aida the atomach by anpplying nonriahing blood, vitilizea the nervee and brain; inatantly. Ferrozone bracesâ€"gives] uble. Then have been nun-l com- plaints o! potty thieving of Ian and it would be well if the light-fingered one: would take Inning in time.â€" Oonfodonto. .- - t pilfering by two town In â€" \ - -~tected in one of our etoree on s. .. The metter wee turn- odov~ nief Treedwell end the boy brought before Police ‘ M - + ,‘Jecgregor, who let them 3, . I. .~ -and talk on the denger o a. -ticee. The charge e- .al - mm etude, however, end '1. ‘ twill come up egein de- pth ‘ . their future behevionr, which {or the eeke oi the honeet end reapecteble funiliee to which they on well ee for their own eekee, it ie hoped e_nd believed will he irreproech- II LittloHa flu out” Rom. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. mr OUR 3103A] 638 BAY. .' 0n: Sch»! Ania. Persons. the Is how suddenly it comes. No time to hurry to the drug store, eronp deo velops the lungs are afiected with pneumonia. or tuberculosis and it’s - too late. Keep Catarrhozone on 1 hand,â€"it kills colds instantly. 1 Something magical abont the way it E cures Catarrh and Bronchitis. Cat- ‘ arrhozone is the best remedy because I it cures in nature's way; it heals. ' soothes and restores permanently: ' Carry a Catarrhozone inhaler in your ' pocket. use it occasionally and you’ll never catch coldâ€"~that’s worth re-: membering. I â€"\ Early on Saturday morning, Mr. Baker, section foreman on the rail- way, noticed a man climbing out of the ofice window of the G. T. R. station. He was in his shirt sleeves and after climbing out picked up his coat and put it on and noticing Mr, Baker approaching walked 08 at a rapid gate down the railway track. On going into the station it was ' found that burglary had been the I object. the cash drawer had been 1 broken into but it was empty and 1 ‘the burglar got nothing. The safe t was not interfered with. Constable I Brigg was notified at once and trac- ed hlm to the vicinity of Arkwright ‘ where he is supposed to have enter- sdthaswampasd made his escape. ~Leader. 5' Florence Nettleton. the little .3 daughter of Mr. F. H. Nettleton, j had a narrow escape from being kill- ed on Tuesday of last week by a run away horse. Florence was riding a bicycle on Ontario street when a horse, apparently frightened by the. gay gowns of a bevy of ladies on the1 rsidewalk. suddenly bolted and the wheel was struck and the little girl thrown under the animal. She was carried into the rectory and medical aid summoned, but it was found that though badly shaken up and consid- erably bruised. she was not seriously injured. The wheel was a total wreck.-â€"Enterpriaeoleuenger. Col- liagwood. Sold by Druggists. Pr‘iéém'fficiiglz bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. Beware of Ointment: for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, ias mercury will surley destroy the ; sense of smell and completly derange the whole system when entering in Ithrough the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy- sicans, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly; derive from them. _Hall’s Catarrh} Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney (30., Toledo 0. contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous sur-’ faces of the system. In buying- Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials free.. On December 13, 1901, the scientific world was astounded by the news that Marconi had succeeded in talking to England from Newfoundland across 2,000 miles of air and water. There was a smile of compassionate tolerance for the inventor who imagined he had done this, the smile of one who does not wish to arouse another from the empty happiness of a pleasant dream. But soon it was science that awoke to the realization of the marvel, and the fresh morning newspaper printed from news carried to the vessel by “marconi- grams" and served with the fresh rolls on the breakfast table in midocean. proves anew the wonder that grows greater as its field broadens and develops. Marconi was the first to send a recorded message through space by electro- magnetic waves (in 1894); the first to telegraph from a moving ship (in 1897), and the first to speed a wireless message across the Atlantic. Entered acrording to Act of the Parliament of Canada. in the year 1904. by W. C. Mack. at the Departnwnt of Agrivu‘m- .. _â€" .wâ€"â€" w..â€" v v v; “VIM”. When he was twenty-one he went to England and somehow managed to interest Sir William Preece, engineer of the British telegraph system, suffi~ ciently to secure his co-operation. When Marconi succeeded in sending a mes- sage two milesâ€"a success sumcient to irritate him by the golden visions of greater distances yet to masterâ€"he was like Moses viewing the Promised Land which seemed impossible for him to enter. It seemed hopeless to persist further and he was discouraged almost to despair, but stuck loyally to the problem until the high-water mark of conquered distance met: to one hun- dredAand twenty-five miles. At eight years of age, Guglielmo showed the first faint buds of promise of inventive genius; at twelve his tutor attempted to rob him or one of his devices; at sixteen he was absorbed in chemical, electrical and mathematical problems; and at twenty he was almost taxing the faith and love of his mother with the seemingly insane proposition of attempting to telegraph without wires, through hills and forests, across streams and over fields. OUOLIILMO MARCO"! The Father of Wireless Telegraphy This is the age of the elimination of the essentials. We have horseless arriages, trackless trolleys, inkless printing, loveless marriages, grapeless wine, clocks without hands, apples without seeds, and, greatest of all, teleg- raphy without wires. Marconi, who succeeded in performing this miracle of science which has been the dream. of electrical experimenters since 1746, is a young Italian, born at Bologna and not yet thirty years old. His father is an Italian landed proprietor and his mother is the daughter of James Jameson, the famous_1rish whiskey distiller. 1'11on 0ft Odd. The world is full of them. Just sick enough to be lazy and listless; to hsve no sppetite; to sleep poorly. Quite often you’re hslf sick yourself. Chances are the trouble is in the stomsch sud bowels. Best prescript’n is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; they tone up the whole entire system. strengthen the stomach. elevste your spirits. Dr. Hsmilton’s Pills work wonders with people in your condition. Mild in nation, elective sud essy to tske. Get Dr. Hemilton s Pills toothy. 250. “_ ‘Aâ€" -‘- -“ ” . so niuch noise that people in the vicinity were nearly soured to death Indeed, it wee heard quite distinctly st Hempeon’s corners over 7 miles lswsy. And the noise wee not the worst of it. The front window was blown out of the store end all the windows in the adjoining building wns broken. but fortunately none of those who heppened to be in the store were injured. The rumor is that Bohlsnder wee smoking end al- lowed s sperk to fell into the powder, but this is only e rumor and may not be correct.-â€"Telescope. A keg of gunpowder exploded in George Bohlender’e hudwere store a Elmwood on Monday ,und it made _- â€"!-- â€" These are common ailments for which Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is especially valuable, If promply ap- plied it will save you time. momey and sufiering when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. ' master: Harold Best, who has not been at home for some months, came - home to see his mother on the 24th. (His dog remained here during his Jabsence, but did not seem to be the ' same kind of a dog that he was before his master lelt. When Harold turn- ed up on the 24th the dog was nearly frantic with delight, and he seemed to be a+ happy as a clam all through the day. Next morning when the voung man parted from the dog, the ilatter seemed very dejected. He was . put into the stable where he could be heard whining at intervals all thru the day and most of the night. But everything was quiet next morning, and on opening the door it was dis- covered that the dog was stone dead. He had literally died of grief.--Teles- cope. mus to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 dais. First application gives ease and rest. 50o. f our drug iet hasn't it send 500 in stamps am it will fie forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co.. St. Louis. Mo Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrudin Druggists refund moneyi PAZO OINTQ fails to cure any case, no matter of hm standing, in 6 to 14 dais. First applicatim ease and rest. 500. f our drug ist h: semi 590 jn gtaxpp§_ ally it will E8 for! _-._L .‘Aâ€" A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES F-Sick People. Photo. by 33“: {Sealant New York 2r Protruding Piles A "A nâ€"__._r lfiElNT 88 N OW is to buy. $1.75 and $2.25. Sin- gle breasted. “Stout” or “ slim ” sizes.” ' It’s remedy capable of afiording immediate reliei to the hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. It may be a cold, perhaps toothache, neuralgia, pain in the back,â€"â€"use Pol- son’s Nerviline, it is penetrating. pain subduing and powerful. Ner- viline is at least five times stronger than ordinary remedies and its worth in any household can’t be over es- timated. For man or beast Nerviline‘ ia a panacea for all pain and costs only 25c. per bottle. Buy Nerviline to-day from your druggist. {fimfih‘é Come in and let us slip on your size, just to see how you like it. If you once realized how much cooler, easiâ€" er, neater and altogeth- er more comfortable our Washable Vests are than the ordinary vests, you would not let the day go by without having at least one. There seems to be an idea abroad that this Harriston is a sort of Lord’s vineyard. While our citizens liber- ally support the local churches and their diflerent schemes. they are al- ways being called upon to subscribe to various "foreign missions.” One day last week the Quaker-like but persistent little lady who represents the Palmerston Salvation Army made her usual appeal and met with a liberal response as everybody recog- nizes the usefulness of the Army. ; But hard on the heels of the Salva- tion lassie came a dusky maiden hailing from Guelph soliciting aid for the Africa-Baptist church at Guelph; then came a professedly deaf mute talking on his fingers wanting money to build a library at Bellsville (we referred him to Andv Carnegie). Then hopped along a man from Owen .Sound who wanted money to buy a cork leg, to replace one that he was evidently lacking; and finally came the inevitable “I Am Blind" artist. That was a pretty good grist for one afternoon, but just as we were lock- inn; up two husky tramps came up. One wanted some recent papers to see how the baseball schedule stood, and the other wanted to know who had the key of the lockup. as it look- ed like a wet night.â€"Review. For Summer Wear Merchant Tailor. VESTS A Family Necessity. time uited house on Lat'nbton street west. Spring water ta in kitchen. Rent reasonable. App y to Jan. 20, 1905.4 f. BEING PARTS OF LOTS 62 AND 63, Bentinck, Con. 2, W. G. R,. sd- .Bining the Cor retion of the Town of whom. The arm consists of 42$ scres â€"ebont 4 acres woodlsn . the bshnce un- der grass. Comfortable dwelling and good comfortsble outbuildings. Smell orchsrd. tpply't'o latch 10â€"“ - v â€"â€"-u" 0 £1.10 Lake. Two berm. stone eteblee mth cement floors good house. well watered Cheep. For futtlier pertncnlu-s apply to HACKAY DUNN 212 CARSON. Durham, DONNELL, 210 618t Ave. West Dulqth, .v, -‘u '7 ULSLULL .1. good location. {milieu lot with. Rent reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to JAMES CARSON or ED. WALSH. _ ____.v -v AJVLULLL .l of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham, in the county of Grey, containing4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to, Park Lot For Sale. PARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH 0f Saddler strant in ”no Tn“... -t nu“ Dec. 2.â€"tf. IN THE CENTRAL PART OF Durham. Four lots on the West side of Albert Street, for private residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further infn’mfl‘:nh --â€" __ A- J. M. HUNTER. Durham April 12. Imaâ€"tf. Lot 2, Con. 3. N. D. R. April 4, INLâ€"tf. D1 Sullivgn house. i vâ€" -"v‘- [1 art consisting of tQZnt-fivo acres one-hglf mile out 0 Cor ntion of the _ â€"â€"w â€"v- “II VI A I IW' IMO I ‘rm ‘n first elm condition. Good buildings with running strum convenient to the bun. For further particnhu opplv to DUGALD D. McLAanAx. Jan. 28â€"“. Prioovillo P. O. THREE ROOMS ABOVE A Lanzhlan’s Store- ramntlv mm. â€"â€" v-wiivu- ”INC km, or would Tufi' :nyono wishing to on- m in small farming. Apply on the pro- mises, or by letter to; .U 613. consisting of £0 soresâ€"well wat- ered. well fenced sud most! seedegi down. Cantor blo house sud stab os, mile from school. mile from Bunesssn . O. and 4 miles from Durhun. An oxoojlggt pssture ‘Qm n- â€"--â€"" â€"--" ALEX. FIRTH. Bunosun. Much 6thâ€"100d; Feb. 22nd 1905 4:. HOUSE TO RENT. ON THE GARAFRAXA ROADâ€" a bout six miles from Durham. 0006 ids. Possession 1% once. 0001! had. Must be sold. For particuhu tpply to - J. P. TEL FORD, Durban House to Rent. Farm For Sale. Farm for Sale. ACRES Town Lots for Sale. or __12 091?. 1,_ s_. D. n... GLEN- Farm for Sale. â€"â€" "v“u. in 991cm: man-951035. Rough- », rams barn). For puticulnra Houses to Rent Good Farm for Sale. For Sale or Rent. Farm for J. P. TELFORD Vendor’s Solicitor, Durham TO LET. convenientlyâ€"git. LL-“ "a “it? t0 rgant. Terms miracuhrs apply .....L - _, 30¢? ACF'. A. u. n.. Duties to com. Y m August. Ap. “finds pf the un- Minn. WILDER’S R.. Glenelg. DURHAM P. O. _16th Qaâ€"yâ€"of Rel lancel Grocery VI. -Staple 6' 'Fancy.Groc¢r-. in ad Confectié SEE-3v“? We sell the wire. ‘ . a“ MON UMEN (IEâ€"The Doyle J ulien Mable Works. Owen Sound. Be- fore buying elsewhere see our de- sign end umplee. We can euve you money. Freshest. tad bâ€"cvuvstock Raflond Sewing sell Washers. Thc ers, McClary etO' Loaders, J. I. Machines. F1111 SW}: of MW G'lw'fi: r. . ~â€" .. .- MA complete line of the Pa] t3” ston Buggy Co_.’s BuggiesJi M. you [areâ€"always! sure fir: getting the highest class goods at lowest prices. . ' SEED DRILLS. CL’L- Binders, TIVA'I‘ORS, DISC HARROWS. DIAMOND SMOOTH- ING HARROWS. SCUFFLERS, WAGONS. WILKINSON pLows AND LAND ROLLERS. Euggies. Implements - Always Prompt-J INSURANCES PLACED in No. 1 Com union at low rates. DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES unused}: C. P.. R. TICKETS for sale tot" points. . MONEY TO LOAN at lowest nus. ovu U! 1‘ UK- IANBY. Will! 1370;}! god well outed Offered chap. ill rent 1! not sold. THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER Now ofl'eu the following: 1m ACRES. south-went of Verney. in N03. MANDY. An extte good form and w.“ improved. Owner union to so West. 150 ACRES. BENTINCK north 0! All“ thk. Well improved and ofiered very ' ' WY. P11000131). Apply to «- )ucKAY DUNN. ‘4 Vendor’s Solicitors, 200 ACRES, FIVE MILES SOUTH. But of Durham. First clus ain gud took fun. in first cluo shops. :1 g 6 b not! sublet. good frame house. well ““32; Moral elm-n [00 ACRES IN BENTINCK, NEAR Rock Samoan. Good hm. with imber. {)wnor giving up fuming. good NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Farms For Sale. . Miller ing Machines, Dow Thom-.8 Bros. Wash etovea, Elmira Bay 1. Case Threshing . H. MILLER. the Palmer Duran) his :1. the door. "I hv. mum.” ref "80" long hau P M mitt} ?” “0. thirty veurs n ”Thirty gearsf A Mr “no you do?‘ - “'We”. INN"! ha" a ('hancv L if .00 l'vu had 8 Wife. [H‘H‘H' , lull "â€"Youkers States Take Care of Your Horses Feet ..... To CUBE A COLD IN ONE DURHAM Readyomade Suits. A large stock of Trous' Overcoats while they 1 A few Waterproof Jacl A line of Prints. 250 Tea at 200. Fresh Grow-rim 30 DAYS AT COST April Nthâ€"6m All pemms indebtml tn the N" G. ‘1 J. MCKechlliv are In quimd to mill and 801”“ [In-it'd with the said firm. vilhvr by otberWise. within the- spam month from the date hkuf. ping-6e of settling u thr a the state of the lat» . '9“ Mr] Any outstanding «£00!!le gbove named duty. will he pl our Solicitor for calla-Lion. Dated May 8th 1905. W {um buildimza and dinning: and cuutems in (mu laps. Everything in a dwelling 5 one sum. Cunteuts of outobu; -nMQI ull_ flue farm“ prunlune Shah and live stock from lire or flu widest mum of insurmwe u at... If your insurance expirel ‘t will pny yuu to insure in tho 3 Drop i cud to NOTICE. In the matter 0‘ tube of the late Neil It Sydenham Mutual Fire Because at che In ad «II it is al muons as a wacheI are. “who“ ambition Is m we II good citizens morally. II ____,7 S": _ OponJuly and Auguat ."' This College is thv Hex Bounce each student i~ tang ”.9 hi. ownfle‘fka wish to remain) the 1’ cm: 1 Shorthlnd l‘duuui u. 1"» il tilt you attend the Me I The Mount Furl #3011100 “Ch studem duos hi 00’ of all omen Ihereb confidence III himself. by attending the dim h M. students graduate I uId at n small Cost use its graduates Mea eII‘ ht Minions in almost men 3‘ Ameriuu city I ””086 this College «nuns dune. ofthe Businesz- Public. Deanne it teaches Av Iual bus! M to finish. Muse it; Shorthand student: ”vellum work. some writing ” minute tfwr attending ”this. Moo nll difficulties aw find as they occur. the» :1 ‘ to the students and mu banepmplioh more than is W»: fight“. “a! in his wank subjects and "hi.“ ”(all student receive. fiubjocu. “Are you a fore I" the Oldest-Not thl Just the Best. Business C LAXA'I IV! mmmu Ql l.\'l\'lc Mum“ the wane) it 1'! mil N. "Ciflldllll’eflu «chm! 0 MORE GUESS ‘ in levelling and in: your horse’s foot. the Scientific Home Leveller which is Hui and best contrivnuce f purpose md will an Initiation. Alwnys in p When we cu, cost’ it. and during the In March we no decent clesr out our stock of DON'T FORG ET tl thowo are going “at Get bugging while :11 W. GLTHRIE. S. SCOT? 'Otltoes at W. T. CLANCY J. H. KcFAYDEN ESTABLISH El) 1869. F( )R 'LEVE LLEW G. J. M( HORSE FOOT ud Dl'kl ().\' ll

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