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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1905, p. 5

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8°04 Corset {or 500 'n the white. mad. “I 00.. London. Bins-Filled Conan, pnd White, 3: 81. 00. etc. 9’ EED . GRANT )‘executed. :aroo, ’ ’ I0lm P. Top,” ades. pton «night (to): 01.00. CATTLE ictors . 9, Store ALSO etc 11 Line of th. V EN SOUND Who would be with- out a hammock when you can get one for 90c JUST TO HAND . . We are Open for anâ€" other 10,000 dozen of eggs this week. Bring them along and get the high price. PAINTS . . Every person knows, that has used Sherwin Williams Paints, that there are no other paints equal to them for all purposes. Headquarters for Screen Doors and Win- dow Screens, and we have the best prices going. LAWN MOWERS . . Before buying else- where inspect our lawn mowers We have the variety, ranging in price from 1 to $5.50. Another 10000 DOZEN PARIS GREEN, INSECT POWDER. HELLEBORE. The Popular Drug Store Hardware. BLUE STONE. WHALE OIL SOAP, W. Black. (Best English) A grub usortmont of Band Saws, at prices to unit every- person. See our stock of Buggy Spreads, Top Rugs. an Rubbers, Whips Harness. The person thet borrowed our Wire Fence Stretcher will confer n favor if they return it a: once. INSECTICIDES DRUG STORE. Durham, Robbâ€"McArthurâ€"That reeves re- port be edopted and he receive 82. Conn. fees.â€"Cerried. Council met Hey 29th. Minutes epproved. Comr. Robb reported road improvements in hie Div. amounting to 85.50. Gordonâ€"Fergusonâ€"Tbut foregoing report be adopted and Comr. be puid SOcte. Comn. feetâ€"Curried. Reeve reported roed improvements in his Div. amounting to 810.00 The reeve reported on the dispose! of the goods of the lute Duncan Mc- Luchlun un inmute ot the House of Refuge from Egremont. His per. sonul elects were on the vyuution of Mr. Hurkness not sufiiclent to pny frieght charges. so no action was tnken regarding them. for 85.00 Treasurer. He visited Mr. Pride, Proton, where his tools were supposed to be and diaposed of them to _Mr. Pride Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"Thet foregoing re- portbe adopted and the reevo be poid 82. for his servicemâ€"Corried. Comr. McArthor reported on road improvements in bi. Dimumonnting to 87.00. The reeve and Comr. Ferguson re- ported on tile mennieotnre. They engaged R. Christie to nuke the tile et 82. per dey. he, to render an no- oonnt of his time ond other expenses. The work hoe begun and en expendi- ture of 840.68 to dete. We recom- mend thet enficent moulde he got to keep the work going on etendily. Fergneonâ€"Gordonâ€"Thet enid re- port be ndopted, end Comr. be pnid 50cte. feee.â€"Cnrried. Comr. Gordon reported rond improvements in his Div. nmonntinc to 817.50. Gordonâ€"McArthnrâ€"Thnt the fore- going report be ndOpted end Oomr. be_pnid 50ote. Qomr. feelâ€"Curried. Robbâ€"McArthnrâ€"Thet the report on tile be adopted end thet the Clerk order another 10 in. and 16 in. moulds from some 00 Hamilton.â€" Curried. By-Law No. 187 to provide a new scale for statute labor passed. The usual readings etc. The reeve with the reeve and Clerk of Arthur met and examined. ac- counts and pathrolls on townline. and found that Egremont had expen- ded $49.80. more on townline. and than Arthur. But there were due some drainage Debenture account and expenses re McDonald’s award under the Ditches and Watercourse Act, and recommended that they 1 be paid. McArthurâ€"Gordonâ€"That the reev’s report be adopted. and he be paid $3. for his servicesâ€"Carried. Robbâ€"McArthurâ€"That the peti- tion from Dromore re commuta’n tax of village be laid over till next'meet- ing, and Clerk draft a By-Luw re- garding the sameâ€"Carried. Robbâ€"McArthur-~That we. now form a. Court of Revisson with the reeve in the chair.-â€"Carried. The members subscribed to the re- quired declaration, and the following cases were heardzâ€"NV. W. Nichol re- duced $100. “1’. L. Dixon no reduct- ion. C. Buchanan reduced $100; Cem- ent Co. Durham, laid over for legal And Many Farmers Require a New Mower. which wu paid into the aying Season 15 N ear, {in The Farmers’ Manufacturing And Supply Company, Limited. Price to Shareholders $38..28 advice: R. Benwick do. Bell Te - phone Co. reduced 8160, 'A. McG' ' ary reduced 8250, J as. Calder educ- ed 3200, A. McEachern redn d 8200, Jno. Hunter reduced 8100. S. Perk- over reduced 8100, J. E. Hamilton no reduction, J no. Spicer no reduction, W. R. Walker, reduced 8100. Names added on Roll.-oA. Knisley, 0. pt. 10 Con. 9; G. Hoflin. M. F. pt. 10 Con. 9; Jno. Andrews. M. F. E. 17 Con. 9; A. J. Culp, M. F. 28 Con. 11; Geo. Couttie, M. F. .24 Con. 12; Angus Reid M. F. 23 Con. 13; McArthurâ€"Robbâ€"Thet we new edjourn no a. Court of Bevieion till next meeting of Council.â€"Cerried. Council resumed. Bobbâ€"McArthurâ€"Thet Clerk write Tp. Engineer regerding his ewerd on drein Egrement end Proton townline befgre next meeting of Council.â€"Cer- r1e . ing, ond thst the teen conoult the Tp. Solicitor recording this and other legol mottors.â€"Corriod. Fergusonâ€"McArthurâ€"Thst on or- der be drawn ior.16.50 expenses re committsl Wm. Romsin.â€"-Csrried. Resolved thst the following be psid: Mun’l. World, Assessor’s supplies 86.38. W. B. Sutton express ch ges 40cts° Mun’l World psthrolls O . 7. Rep. omce, Advt. Court of Revision $1.70. Dr. Snesth poriessionsl ser- vices Cherry’s femily 310.00. Confed. oflice printing Auditor’s reports 811. 30. Chsq. Gsdd repairing bridge Vor- nsy siderond 81.00. I. Robertson, tile moulds $87.75. W. B. Sutton freight chsrges 02.11. Clerk’s qusrt- er sslsry 83845. do post cards notices to Psthmssters 88cts. O. M. Seim printing do 81.25. W. B. Sutton ex- press chsrges on psthrolls 250ts. H. Reid drswing gravel 83 50. W. Ses- msn cement 813.56. R. Christie labor and tiles 823.80. Con. Schmidt grsvel 83cts. J. M. Dixon lsbor on sidewalks 34.50. D. McIntyre, Assessor 365. Council ndjorned to meet June 9th D. ALLEN, Clerk. Gordonâ€"Robbâ€"Thet the petition from Holstein re cement oidewnlke be lnid over till next Council meet- Ferguonâ€"Gordonâ€"Thet J. Reid be paid 85.00 for bonding W. Bo- mein for two weeks after returning from the House of Refuge.â€"Cerried. U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more efleCt than so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and dangerous as a: mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however. that can always be depended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs. Min- nie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: “I hereby certify that Chamberlain’s Cclic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- ‘edy cured my husband of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea. which he ‘brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but they did him no *good. One bottle of this remedy ',cured him as our neighbors will test- ;ify. I thank God for so valuable a ‘ medicine.” For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Cuban Diarrhoea. “If We Only Knew Ladies’ Shoes. Boys’ Shoes. Cash or Trade for Produce. ‘- Men’s Boot and Shoes. ]. We H ave Moved Hiddaugh House C. McArthur Black Trimmed Skirts were 2.50, for .................. Blue Trimmed Skirts were 3.00 for .................. Ladies Cravenette Raincoats up-to-date were $7, for. M en's Fine Black Tailor-Made Suits, up-to-date, were $15 for $9.00 and ............ Pink striped Flannette, good value at 100, per yd., now 650. And many other goods like Lace Curtains. Towellings Etc., at; very low prices. We might. hove done diflerently” ie whet we often hear people sayâ€"bot no order you MAY know we quote prices of our Boots and Shoes as follows :â€" And are better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our customers in the Dry Goods line. Dongola Oxfords at 81. per pgir. Heavy Oxford: u 750. per pnir. Pebbled Gained hood shoes st 81.25 per psir. we hsve sn accumulstion of lsdies’ fine shoes, in sizes 3, 4, 4}, which we sell st reduced prices in order to elect them out. Coeree end fine,“ prices from 90 cents to 8125 per peir. Course and fine. angina from 81.25 to 2 25. Men’s Dongolu st $1.75 per peir. We have a large stock of shoe! and guurentee eetnefection to every customer. to our New Stand in Lower Town, on Gara- fraxa. St., opposite the J. Levine. l 0. 00 *:***%%%% .«%%§%**ޤ%*** WASH GOODS AND MUSLINS. . . MEN’S SHIRTS . . . READY-MADE CLOTHING for MEN 6: BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES . . . J AS. IRELAND Made of excellent qualities of Cravenette cloth in the newest styles. We’re givmg geniune burgains in this line. Here are some sample prices :â€" Ladiee’ Raincoate regular 312.00 reduced to $10.00. Ladies’ Raincoate regular 58:59 _reduced to $7.50. LIV AA Ladies’ The newest and prettiest of the seasons styles are represented here. The colorings are very dainty. New cotton voiles and Crepede-Chenes â€"18c a yard, New fancy voiles (lace efiect) 35 cents a yard. Mew vestings 30 to 40 cents a yard. 500 yds Fancy Muslinâ€"regular 150. yd. for 10c. yd. We bun ‘ lsrge stockzot Man’s Fucy Shirtsâ€"in new mum and mum-ids. We an promiu tho any shirt. you buy_horo will fit both you and your pocket wd iivo goéd war. II on 'the borgoin list just. now. Or if you prefer o unit mode to your orderâ€"we’ll also your mouuro ond sue you money. Don’t forget this this store is hudquuterl for the but makes of Boots und Shoes toflbo hod in Durham â€"â€"or anywhere elseâ€"ht prices on low :3 con he put on good goods. REUEIBER TIIE PUOE "'.-vvâ€"vw -v Raincoats regular 36. 6 50 reduced to $5. 00 LAID“ V8 OLD RTJUD.

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