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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1905, p. 6

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330.3 Punum‘ 1-? all Kinds. ““ EUREKA ” SCHOOL DESK. 1'50ng wifeo! the house aluava ,flkOI to baw- good Bread. and the hoot Broad is to be had at Stimson’s . The whites'. awe-test and most} bodtbtul made. No husband will‘ ever find fault with Stinaon’s Brflnd ? We turn out a first. class articleb whoaher it’s Bread. P593 or Calves and give special attention to our! customers. ' orly at m: For . 3. CONNOR.- Interest snowed on ngings Bunk do- gait: of 81 and upunrds. Prompt "omen living 3t 3 distlnm. FIRST-CLASS LINE Goods always on hand ”do on all points. Deposit. ro- dvod :nd interest allowed gt cur- rent rates. A (enersl Bsnking business trsns- sued. Drsits issued sud collections Pumps hum $ MANUFACTURED BY We: inallpnncipdpoinuinon «no, Quebec. lamb, United States and England. HEAD OFFICE. TONI"). a P. REID. ._ _ MANAGER Standard Bank of Canada. 0’0 9. Capital Authorized. . . 82.0%.” Pu‘d Up ............ 1.000.000 Insane Fond ........ 1.000.” nnou xmng at a distance. ‘ “But all my thread .15 gone. I have barely a needleful left." d. KELLY, Agent. ! “In that case we must fall back on ‘ our supply of hemp.” 5 “I suppose that might be made to [ nerve.” she said. “You are never at a ‘ loss {or an expedient.” r m ‘ “It wlll be a poor one, I fear. But . . . ‘ you can make up for it by buylng some Mach [me 011, Harness 011, nloe gowns at Doncet’s or Worth’s.” ITH 6: SONS m SAVINGS BANK. very :Iter amount" 09 [baht in --. and Iron Harnessmaker 193. CQNNER of li<:.in}: privileges." "I don't see that at all. You find a gold mine and coolly tell me that I am a half owner of it because you dragged me out of the sea, fed me, housed me, saved my life from pirates and general- ly acted like a devoted nursemaid In charge of a baby. Really, Mr. Jenks”-- “Really, Miss Deane, you will annex me seriously If you say another use. fishing “You!" he repeated. “Are we not partners in this island? By squatter’s right it by no better title we own land. milwmls, wood, game and even such weird belongings as ancient lights and His manner was so earnest that he rompelled seriousness. Iris took the proffered specimen and looked at it. “From the cave, I suppose? I‘vthought you said antimony was not very valu- able?" "Do you mean by pelting her?" she lnquired mischievously. “Far worse. By wearing a more ex- pensive costume.” "Here is your walking dress,” he said, handing her a lump weighing about a pound. "With the balance in the heap there you can stagger the best dressed woman you meet at your first dinner in England.” “No. I intend my words to be under- stood In their ordinnrv sense. You are very, very rich. Miss Deane, an ex- i‘wagantly wealthy young person.” Iris looked puzzled. "Is that your way of telling me that fine feathers would make me a fine bird?” she asked. “Of course you know you are talking nonsense. Why, only the other day my father salt?» “Excuse me. What is the average price of a walking dress from a lead- ing I 'aris house?" "Thirty pounds." "And an evening dress '2” “Uh, anything from fifty upward.” He picked up a few pieces of quartz from the canvas sheet. “If any woman can afford such a sum for the purpose you are at least herequaL" ° “Is that really your best dress 7” old dad may let we run riot in Paris on our way home. But that will not last. We are fairly well off. but I can- not aflord ten thousand a year for dress alone.” ‘ “Unfortunately there isn’t anotheris- ,9 land," she said severely. “No. I meant that it might be possi- g bie toâ€"erâ€"contrive some sort of rig ; that will serve all purposes.” , “Yes. This is my blue serge. The i brawn cloth did not survive the sock- ! in; it received in salt water. After a few days it simply crumbled. The oth- 9 era are muslin or cotton and have been . -er-adapted.” “There is plenty of mens clothing.” he began. She laughed dellghtedlye “Perhaps in his joy at my reappearance my dear up mat may your best dr’eaa?" he '3‘0: A bony and undeveIOped arm is egg]. ly and quickly rounded out by daily arm exercises and massaging with eo- cba butter. for the hands is composed of equal por- tions of honey, mutton tallow (clariâ€" fied) and lemon Juice, melted together until of the consistency of cream. The married woman who earns wages may in some cases not have to work as hard as the woman who is trying to make her husband’s salary meet the family expenses.â€"Washington Star. Opening the front of her bodice, she {brought to light a small gold locket containing miniatures of her fluther and mother. Inside this receptacle she carefully placed the three really mate. rial portions of the sailor's lbtter. When Jenks walked down the- hill again he heard her singing long before he caught sight of her sedulously tend- ing the tire. Somehow the two seemed to‘ fit to- gether very nicely. Yet a third carried the same wads-â€" “I love you!” They were still’ quite coherent. She did not want to look any further. She did not even turn over such of the torn pieces as had fluttered to earth face downward. for her, and at this closer range she saw another which bore the legendâ€"“I love you!" "So it was intended for me!” sne cried, throwing down her bundle and dropping to her knees. She» secured that particular slip and examined it earnestly. Not for worlds would she pick up all the scraps and endeavor to sort them. Yet thev Ind 51 fnaninnflnn She was the soul of honor for a wo- man, but there was never a Woman yet who could take her eyes off a written document which confronted her. She could not help seeing that one small morsel contained her own name. Though mutilated. it had clearlv read- “Dear Miss Deane.” The hour drew near when Janka Uhnhed to the Summit rock. He shoul- dered ax and rifle and set forth. Iris heard him rustling upward through the trees. She set some water to boil for tea and. while bringing a fresh supply of fuel. passed the spot where the torn scraps of paper littered the sand. Twomo. If you need flesh and strength use summer as in winter. Scofl’s Emulsion "There 18 a lot or monefvinTn-ere," she said. "Tons of it.” . “No need to quarrel about division. There Is enough for both or us.” "Quite enough. We can even spare some for our friends.” Disease takes no acaticzx. Close scrutiny of the work already done merely confirmed the accuracy of his first impression. While Iris held the light he opened up the seam with a few strokes of the pick. Each few inches it broadened into a noteworthy volcanic dike. now yellow in its abso- Jute purity, at times a bluish black when fused with other metals. The ad- ditional labor involved caused him to follow up the line of the fault. Sud- denly the flame of the lamp began to flicker in a draft. There was an air passage between cave and ledge. They came back into the external glare. Iris was now so serious that she ' forgot to extinguish the little lamp. She stood with outstretched hand. - mm mm w: Send for free 33mph. SCOTT 8.: BOWNE, Chemist}. 50C. and $3.00; summer yrm writing One prolflem defied solutionâ€"that of providing miment for Iris. The united skill of the sailor and herseif would not induce unraveled Cordage to supply the need of thread. It was either too . weak or too knotty. and meanwhile the [girl‘s clothes were falling to pieces. 3 Jenks tried“ the fibers of trees. the ....~-. . _...__ As a variant Jenks introduced a study of Hindustani. Ills method was to write a short sentence and explain in detail its component parts. She knitted her brows in the effort to mas- ter the ridiculous complexities of a language which, instead of simply say- ing “Take” or “Bring.” compels one to say “Take-go” and “Take-come.” It became a fixed principle with the girl that she was very ignorant. and she lnsisted that the sailor should teach her. For instance among the books he found a treatise on astrono- my. It yielded a keen dellght to both to identify a constellation and learn all sorts of wonderml things concern- ing it. When the urgent necessity for con- tinuous labor no longer spurred them to exertion during every moment of daytight. they tackled the box of books and read, not volumes which appealed to- them in common. but quaint tomes in the use of which leaks was tutor and Iris the scholar. Iris placed her arms akimbo. plant- ed her feet widely apart and surveyed Jenks with an expression that might almost be termed impudbnt. They were great friends. these two. now. “It must be convenient taken» such an elastic scale.” “Most useful. I strive to; apply the quick race when you are grumpy.” “It seems to be a tremendous time; indeed. in some respects. it figures In my mind like many years. That is when I amthinking.‘ Otherwise. when busy. the-days tiy like hours.” “I believe the reckoning iszazccumte.” he said. “The Sirdar was lost on the 18th of March, and I make this the let of May." “Have we really been tortyofonr days here?” the inquired after count- ing the marks with growing astonisbo ment. came- more careworn. ' He began to the weapon with effect, provided she realize why the island had not been is not called upon to fire from a stando visited already by the vase! which ing position. in which case the weight would certainly be deputy} to search ; is liable to cause bad aiming. Though for them. She was examining the.‘ it came rather late in the day, Jenks great coastline of China and Siam. i caught at the idea. He accustomed It was ms habit to mark the progress ; her in. the first instance to the use of of time on. the rudely made- gunma], 1 blank cartridges. Then when fairly which sufficiently served their require- : proficient in holding and sighting-a ments as- a clock. Iris happened to child can learn how to refill the clip ‘ watch him' chipping the forty-fourth 3 and elect each empty shellâ€"she fired notch on the edge of the horizontal ! ten rounds of serviceammunition. Th3" block of wood. f target was a white circle on a rock at 3 “Have we really been fortrfonr‘ eighty yards, and those of the ten? days here?” .he inquired after count- I ShOtS that missed the absolute mark. 1 ing the marks with growing astonish-g W001d have made- an enemy at “I"? MA". Meanwhile each night Jenks slept less soundly. Each day his face he- came- more careworn. He began to realize why the island had not been visited already by the vessel which would certainly be deputed to search for them. She was examining the great coast: line of China and Siam. m. were it not for the luck} bullet which removed two fingers and part of a third from the right hand of the Dyak chief. Not even' a healthy sav- injured' limb without a curse. They were busy again until night fell. Sitting down for a little while be- fore retiring to rest, they discussed for the hundredth time the probabilities of speedy succor. This led them to the topic of available supplies, and the sailor told Iris the dispositions he had made. Jenks deemed this query to be unan- swernble. “And of course, although you can do wonders, you cannot provide all those things, can you '2" inflolhldmybntbf'lnqmredtrhdo- mnrely. “Some lntormatlon about the mine. On second thoughts, however, I saw it was unnecessary.” “Oh, was that all ?’ “Practically all.” “Then some part was impractica- ble?” CHAPTER X. “110126 you!" 13‘ She did not reply at once-.W'Then 3 she said musingly: “Forty-four days! 15" Surely there has been ample time to to scour the China sea from end to end in search of us! My father would nev- Ofl or abandon hope until he had the 9" I most Positive knowledge that the Sir. [Ed '3 da_r_ was lost with all on board." t The sailor. through long schooling, , was prepared with an answer: “Each ‘ day makes the prospect of escape . brighter. Though I was naturally dis- appointed thls morning. I must state quite emphatically that our rescue may , come any hour." “Yes; as a last resource. that is. l have some hope that they may not dis- cover our whereabouts owing to the precautions we have adopted. Perched up there on the ledge, we will be pro- toundly uncomfortable, but that will be nothing it it secures our safety.” ‘. - _ v“â€"‘ “In other words}: she said, “I must be seen by them dressed onbv in male clothing?” Iris did not flinch fromâ€"'the topic. She we" knew its grave importance. and women. Now, it tnéy fatnrn and apparently find two well armed men awaiting them, with no prosmct of plunder. there is a chance that they may abandon the enterprise.” ers. They prowl about the coast tool:- ing not so. much {or a fight as for loot “Why did. you not think of it be~ tore?” he demanded. “Don't you see; Miss Deane. the possibility suggested by your words? I am sorry to be com, pellet] to. speak plainly. but I feel sure that if those scoundrels do attack us in force it will be more to secure you than to avenge the loss of their fellow tribesmen. First and foremost. the sea- golug Dyaks are. pirates and maraudo Then a. new light dawned upon Jenks. Iris was. much phased with her pm- flciency. “Now,” she cried. “instead of being a hindrance to you I may be some help. In any case, the Dyaks will think there are two men to face, and they have good reason to fear one of same ble. to distract his thoughts, for Iris, re verishly amious to be busy, suddenly suggested that it would be a good thing were the able to use a rifleit a fight at close- quarters became noes. “Well," the said, “I’ve done it!” “Have you?” he exclaimed bluntly. “Yes They're a little too long, and I feel very awkward, but they’re bette: thanâ€"than my poor old diu- map ported." She banned furiously, to the sallor’a complete bewilderment, but she brave- ly persevered and stretched out an . willing foot. And that was all, though she nerved herself to walk steadily past him oi her way to the well. This was discon‘ certing, even annoying, to a positive young woman like Iris. Resolving t4 and the ordeal, she stood rigidly befort H “A false alarm,” he said curtly in re sponge to her questioning look. He came back in an hour, and tho lines on his face were deeper than be fore. It did occur to him that Iris re- :eived his momentous announcement with an odd air or hauteun, and it wan passing strange she did not otter to accompany him when, after bolting hit breakfast, he returned to the observe tory. At last one memorable morning she unused the Rubicon. .Ienks had climb- “ KI, ll usual, to the Summit rock. He some back with the exciting news that he thought-he could not be certain, but there were indications inspiring hapetulness-that toward the west of the tsrofl island he could discern the smoke of n steamer. Though he had eyes for a faint cloud of vapor at least fifty miles distant, he saw nothing of a remarkable change aflected neaner home. Outwardly Iris! was attired in her wonted manner, but i l: her companion’s mind wese not whol- i ly monOpollzed by the bluish haze (119- I tected on the horizon he must have no' 2 ticed the turned Up ends of a pair oi ‘ trousers beneath the hem of her tat- ' tered skirt. must be remembered that the lady wr- on board the 81rd” were 'dreued to unit thetropicgandthehnrd mmubylm tohersenntyltock was never contemplated by the m- chelter or Bradford looms responsible for the durability of the material. As the days passed the position be- came irksome. It even threatened garments In their possession. Of course In the matter of coats and waistcoat! there was no diaculty whatever. Iris had long been weariu; those portions of the doctor’s uniform. But when it came to the restâ€" ‘ am- “all. weakened by aniline dyes nnd stunned with Chinese day, per- mit 9f_no such exhaustive research. It utter experiments covering some week; I” might hue succeeded. But modern distance extremely uncomforta; maggngou Take in a few seconhg, Take the scissoés in the right hand and a needle in the left hand and hold the needle on the_llant ot the scissors; ‘kAâ€" â€"- -â€".â€" ‘ - Ink Ital-I. It the ink bottle happens to be over- turned upon household linen lose nu time In placing a blotter beneazh lin- staln to soak up as much as possible and press another from above. Then Immerse the article in a deep vessel containing sweet milk. Wash well with 1081) 1nd bleach in the sun. _ _.,-. ....... Keep all your small paper bags {or slipping on the hands when the hearth has to he tldled. You will find them very useful. for they are slipped on in a moment and when soiled can be burn ed. The]. are better for the purpose than houdmnldi‘ gloves. for the lam-r soon get grhny and therefore are apt to sol] the hands a llttle as they are put on and om vku """ but isn‘t It atrangevhow péopre can go ttrough the world and still not km the simplest things!” Did Ya. Know This! Dld you know that you must put your right arm first into the sleeve of a new gown? Thls is to Insure admir- ers theefirst tlmeyou wear it. The girl who didn’t know mat nlnbldextrously slipped her left hand first lnto her sleeve the other day. thereby greatly shocklng her dressmnker. “I thonglxt every one knew that.” remarked that personage pltylngly. “My goodness. Instead of fretting im'exx a new dish and study the cookery pictures and try to get up something like them. That is the best and most original way to let a good table. aressmg'of chopped vegetables. Nor are the pies any better for the fact that they are. worried Into the pan and worried out and worried even to- thetable.. Bounkeeper- Who Worry. Lamb with worry sauce is no better than lamb without mint same, and nei- ther can compare- to lamb with a nice dressing of chopped vegetables. Cid-ol- lu-. peusable to the toilet. but they are an injury rather than a benefit it not kept perfectly clean. They stand washing like a pocket handkerchief it treated to lukewarm water and pure soap. Face powder rubbed into a clean chamois skin will keep the skin free from the disagreeable shiny appear. ance that characterizes the face of a neglectful woman; It can be used as often as you please without possible injury to the finest skin. has tested long enough it will wake naturally, but to be suldenly roused often causes a considerable shock to its nerves and injury to its health. Int '0'! ll...- A you lntant ought to spend the greater part or its time asleep. In fact, the two great duties at its life are teed- m; and sleeping. and the second ougfit to occupy much more time than the first. Never allow a baby to be routed from its sleep even to see the most important of visitors. Remember that ft is often politeness and not aflection which makes people ask to see the baby and do not let the little one be amused from its slumber. When lt “No, no! It wu the truth. You am seeking now to hnoy me up with false hope. It is 1,600 miles from Bong- konz to Singapore, and half as much from Siam to Borneo. Tho Six-dai- micht hove been driven anywhere in the typhoon. Didn’t you say :0. Mr. Jenn?" Ho wow-ed under this merciless emu minnflnn non.” JNO. A. DARLING CHEMIST _ AND _ DRUGGIST DURHAM, ONT. I!!! looked it him steadily. “Do you remember. Mr. Jenks, that loan afar the wreck you told me we might have to remnln here many months?” With new 6 boxes of DI. Hurts Cunt-hon Pm: you pm'chnu 3t one time, we give our mitten Guarantee thzt if you dalfit derive benefit from their use, we wi 've our mone beeklsn’t muffin-1M, y Unless we mprettymDr.Hu-te’o Pins would do mt we claim for then, we wouldn’t dare nuke each n offer. Bytheeingleboxthel’ilhmboe. 92- P’°“5I‘“9§o "VCI, cure Inca mm 0 Thin m Watery BM PI]. and 89110' Com- In Purchasing Dr. Harte’s Celery-Iron Pills. Pl per was : pardonable exaggera. Scluora. (comma. ] “Pl“.‘fily proportv. “BISTER, SOLICITO. Ichtyre’s Block, Lower 'l h. Collecuou and Agency “0‘ to. Satchels made at v ___â€"_7- v ‘ or. Conveyauoer,ebc. Priv “ha. Old accounts and de “0 collected on commission “fit and sold. Insurance A ”Kenzie's Uld Sum UGH MACKAY. U Lad thustor Ind Linen:- . h the County of Grey. 531' M to and notes cashed. A. G. IACKM'. K. C. ABRISTER, SOLICITO] Uflice over Gurdun's new M. Lower Town, Durham. A i .000? to loan at 5 per (*eu‘ VLC. Pickering, 0.0.8 A. H. Jackson. OTABY PUBLIC. COM} _ a. Conveymoer,etc. Pri' ONOR GRADFA'I‘I to University; Ural College of Dental 8mg» Iconsâ€"Calder Block, mm W: Eye, Ear, Throat Will be at K: Stand“! in e m Ant-um. Roy. London Upht .‘u Old to Golden Sq. Throat am .Ll ty of 'l'nrunu College Dental Sunge: Dentistry in al OfiJerâ€"Cslder Bluc 1 600 in the New Hunter Rh ”,8 tn 10 n. 3).. 2m 4p.m p. I. Special stuntion given ‘ women 3nd children. Rest ”it. Prosbvterian Church. . 'm be M the Mic FFICE AND dESID] abort distance out of Rm “-5000 Street. Lower Tow! “on hours from 12 to 2 o‘clock. Arthur Gun, II. HYSICIAN AND SURG 600 in the New “HIHPY B] U Omaha: and George but of hill. Ofiice hoursâ€"9-1 9.... 7-9 p.m. Telephone No Du. lamieson Mal "8108:: , . I: completely m («mm {or turning a 'i" be pu‘plum ' Tram” :.v x “d subsequent In "7 _‘I|d!vertiscmcm~ cum WV Taunsou M01 ““1 "name muss. and DUMAM, ONT1 -awam ”1's" 1133.”: ‘1' . HE idvixfoi m mm, H" 'Annls'rsns. SOLICITO Writes for\« a tothe can “advertise ne .1 . " M“ be brou‘wt J. 1’. GRANT. D. D. S FONOR GRADUATE. ‘ l. G. Hutton, I. 0., Diseases 0' Eye, Ear L. R. C RADUL .FFICE AND RESIDEN BERT BBIGHAM . L AM for the Count: I pct-aptly .gtu‘nded to. York nu ofe G. Lefroy McCa. IacKay Dun Medical Diredm Dental Di DB. SH]. 8. BUR ' fine for l,“ o 0 line each ' Nashua! ca f mum. Ad\ DR. BROW Legal Dt'rcdon Miscellaneous. It ATE mom aid is (1‘ lo papt' Tl! Cfllan MM: AND Plant B rum ll Telford. £71 flfl' navel-05cm If rm

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