West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1905, p. 7

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H limp es cn’ “Eruption“... neon ens-mes -,.5 “1m mm u lira a bag and Pm line, Djrs :‘JPPSBM were pretty me Dr. Hum do what we chin for t... . due make one a dc. gleboxtherllemh 'atjve qualities of m n... on Mus m to M 99 ca.“ nut of s hum no henna: mm in ‘i ~ wantee that they e 51- a trouble! u ' "00d, Pal. tad Sdb-flâ€"L .antce Them to Cat. or y. cy Cheerfully Re! 3“ ‘30.! 9‘” rant ought to W ti. t its time asleep. In bet. duties M its 1119 mt g, and the second ch war. time than Cb. How a baby to b. M even to see tho that visitors. Remembcr tilt iteness and not anecdo- peupie 35k to no tho not Jet the little on. Do I at him steadily. remember. Mr. Janka, Lbo wreck you told a ms He‘ddlhfies Pd, Dizzy :nd Faint as chasing Dr. flan :lery-lron Pills. Didn't you say no, It. Stains t was the truth. You In to buoy me up with fab ”In SKI-3‘ In mt of the Missal; 33's as it you um Know A. DARLING : pardonablo maul- to remain hen under this Take No Ri I’t derive benefit In Ll give you your long, abet. When it IL» it Will m :uddenly to“ able shock to it. This? ht ham! H12! hon rfx’vwl that mmlness. 'Re can go not km or for tho to the m «I even to »() ()vw trously m be!- :r“ atly n01ght 3 better 111ml!- 92 'irl BARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to lonn at 6 per cent. on fem propertv. “minded to. tn 05a. W. C. Pickering, D.D.S., L.D.S. V0 “00", me. .0 w Oficoarzln the lent?" lock. Standard Bulk. ‘ or, Conveymr, etc. Prints no to loan. Old accounts and debt! of kmds collected on commission. Fm: bollirht and sold. Inannn'eo A t, etc. Oficoâ€"MacKonxio’s Old Stan , Lower Town, Durban, Ont. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. to Universit ; Graduate of Boyd College of Dent. Surgeons of Ontario. Roomsâ€"Calder Block, over Post Ofiice. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd Satuzdzv in each month. l‘lonrs- 1-6 11.11:. I1 ty of Toronto. Graduate; Royal (,‘ullege Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Utfice.-â€"Calder Block, over Post Oflioo NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er. Conveyancor, etc. _Pr_iv_g_to mgnez Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose â€"_ “u...“ vmw' V- â€"â€" v-V' oer for the County 0: Grey Sales WOOD“? attended to and notes “81106.0 8. in e ay : Auctioneer for tho County of Grey. 1-“me WM” me “a was promptly would so. ._ own my numwhld )3 audio. 8: “my “mu W332; es ran a goofing» or grit. to All.) Pg?! Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Boo. 833.. and to Golden Sq. Throot and N030 Hoe. hours, 8 to 10 n. 111., 2» 4p. m. and? £09 p. m. Special attention given to disease: of women and children. Residence op- poaite Preshvterian Church. . Will be at. the Middaugh Home In Wodnoodny of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. p. 111., 7-9 p. m. Télofih_6ho N5: 16: OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short dietence east of Knepp’e Hotel, Lambton Street. Lower Town. Durhm. Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock. FFICE AND RESIDENCEâ€"COB. Garafrtn and George Streetsâ€"gt foot of_l_)_ill. Ofigo‘hqursâ€"gll‘g.m., 2-4 Arthur Sun, I. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fico m the New Hunter Block. Ofice Drs. lamioson Iacdonald THE JOB :: __ __ . â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ---- -â€"- ---~- “I‘- “‘50 II.“ ”ding Transient noticesâ€"“ Lost,” “ Found; ‘6 For a,“ etaâ€"so cent} for first insertion. 23 cents {or ad! subsequent insertion. Afladmiomu amend bystnnget: must be paid I! in m Coon-act me- for fly advertisement: finished on qpliation to tho e. . . a All admisencms, go ensure inaction to current at,“ b- hcoqght m not but than Tuna" mug” For transient advgnisetpenu 8 cams p. . lune for me first msemon 3 cc . . . , uh film . . . [mg each ugh-sequent insertionâ€"mini; 'L,_P In" mono" new“: gum mac mu. mu m L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. ‘RADULATE of London, New I York and Chicago. M Tu: Cagnmcfm vi]! 1)? 01;! to any m "0 0_ pmtage 0: Lupe: ”U3 3 wwwb‘as." Wane'oâ€"fl-ao may 1115 1111me BHMRIBLI: IacKay Dunn. ARMS/mas. SOLICITORS 0"N‘ISIme Blessings t vavnnmrn- Etc. Money to J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. 'ONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- l. 6. Hutton, I. 0., C. Diseases 0! Eye, Bar Nose and Throat. UGH MACKAY, BUREAU. '_ Land Vdnfior gnd W Auction- __L.__ ONOR GRADUATE OF TORON- U 1. CW! stock“! with WARTnENT am new um. thund- Mag henna. {or tannin: out Pint-clu- Medical Dz'n’ctorv. Dental Directory DR. GEO. S. BURT. DR. BROWN A. H. Jackson. Legal Directory. Miscellaneous. l. P. Telford. EXCLUSIVILY ‘3 PUBLISIIRD “ HALF-TIMI ” ie the beet, cheapest and quickest pute shine on the merket thet we know of. 100 for e lerge box, only to be hed here. CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING promptly attended to. EGGS taken same as CASH in ex- chango for goods. SOME SNAPS. Miss Mina Bunt, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bunt formerly of this plane, was married at her home in Collingwood on the 24th. Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. Bunt of this place attended the wedding and when raturning home their horse was seized with inflamation and died in a few hours. At the residence of ihe bride’s mother on the 4th line, Artemesia, a pretty wedding took place on the afternoon of Victoria. Day when Miss Alice Eveline Badgerow youngest daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Bagerow, was united in marriage to Mr. David Kirby, of Toronto. About :nirty guests witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. L. W. Thom. of this place. and Mrs. Thom played the wedding march. The bride, who was given away by her brother Mr. William Badgerow, was attired in a pretty gown of white .sdk. trimmed with lace, and also iwore the conventional bridal veil? She was attended by her niece. Miss Sadie Badgerow, who was attired in white silk, and Miss Lizzie Ferris, of Toronto, who wore a gray silk. The bride’s little nieces, Miss Pearl Badgerow and Miss Florence Badger- ow. were. flower girls and another little niece, Miss Alice Sines of Tor- onto. was ring bearer. All were dressed alike and looked quite pretty in white silk blue sashes. The groom’ s brother, Mr. Henry Kirby, of Toronto, was best man. After the ceremony was and congratulat- ions to the. happy couple a sumpt nous wedding dinner was served and the company spent an enjoyable evening; together. The bride was the recipient of a large number of beautiful wedding presents. Mr. and Mr.» Kirby are spending a couple of weeks of their honeymoon here be- fore settling in their new home in Toronto. Some . . Empire Day was fittingly observed in our public school with an interest- ing pragrnm given by the scholars nnd appropriate addresses by Revs. J. S. I. Wilson G. F. Hurlburr and Mr. M. K. Richardson. An opening address was given by master George Mcanish end mnster Kendnll Mitchll presided in n manly manner. m will ilnd a sure {are 10';- Consumption. in. Chunk. Bronchitis 3nd .1: thront nnd lung Mullet. Ho ho all nuflorou will try his remedy. u it in invn noble. Thou desiring the prescription. which will colt them nothing and ma rovo n blouin . will loose nddron Iov. BD ARDA. WI N,Brooh yn,N-'York disesse Com-pain, is anxious to make known to his fellow suflerers the means of care. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free of chsrge. 3 copy of the prescription used. which they willflflnd s sure cure for Consumption. U. tioneer for the County of Grey. Tenn moderate and utiafnction suntan- teed. The arrangements 1nd dates of sales can be made at THE CHRONICLE of- fice. Residence end P. 0.. Ceylon. Tele- phone connection. U tioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly attended to Orders may be left tt his Implement Warerooma, McKinnon’s old stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. gromptlir ytéfleaâ€"t'o': wished If required. . S. McIlraith The undersigned hevin been reetored to health 7 elmple mean. efter e em; for eeveml yeere ith e eevere 195:3 meetiop, end that dread _-A-_ n__-AA_,_,, Doc. 3. ’Otâ€"lypd. Nov. 9. ‘03. AMES_ mason, DURHAM. OHN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- or Bengals. W0 have a. line of Lndioe’ Boyul Purple Don~ gals Rd: to rettil at $3.00. They no bunnies. Try ; pgir. of many kinds alwuyl in stock. Don’t forget we clgim tlnt 3m!) Slippm, prices 81.00 to 81.75. Moo mm’md Chil- dreg’l, first”: Luther. 'hn (Concluded from last. week) We but some good value. in anaod Auctions} for the Cohnty 3t ', Land Vduator. Bailifi' of the 2nd uiqp. Qourt 83103 :95! d1 other matters OF OUR CUSTOMERS think we are too far down. and some not far enough; but. under present circumstances we will be pleased to see as many as will favor as with a call. MCPHAIL, LICENSED AUC- T0 CONSUMPTIVES. TERMS CASH. Flesherton. Richest refereencs Miss Bunt of Woodbridgo is visit- ing her brother W. H. hero. Mr. Victor Qdéeâ€"nnf'Toronto. is holidaying at Mr. J. L. MoMullen’s. Mr. W. Moore was at Dnndalk on Sunday attending the Odd Fellows anniversary service. The Misses Munshsw, Miss Msths- son sud Miss Wilcox spent. Snndsy st Thornbury. Mrs. Pye has returned from on ex- tendod visit with her daughters at Toronto and Woodstock. Mr. W. Thompson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. That. Barbary, of Dnnddk. viuitod Thur-d3] hot with In. R. Moore and other triads uonnd here. Kin Hacking of Tom», in visit- ing hu- hrochor Mr. W. Mug md other relstions here. Mr. Andrew Cullen New York Stste. is visiting his brother Mr. Johnson Cullen and other old friends in this vicinity. Miss Fulton. of Woodstock, is visiting her aunt Mrs. (Dr.) Outer. Jake Lever, west of the village. had his residence moved back prepar- atory to building in front. J. J. Kaiting. of Osprey. did the job. A gang of men under John Whitten raised P. Quiggs residence in the village on Monday. The carpenter work of the new Baptist church near Rockvale has been let to Mr. Thos. Lewis of Kimberley. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong is visiting her dunghtn Mu. J. D. Oink u 0:- .‘U‘. Messrs W. Simpson and C. Stafiord leave this week on a trip to Cuba to examine the property recently pur- chased there. Mr. Richard Allen bought ten acres last week. Mrs. Geo, Mitchell and Mrs. W. H. Thurston are in Toronto this week delegates to the Womens’ Missionsy Convention. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson and Mrs. Wil- son left on Monday for a holiday at Newcastle. Mr. Wilson will be ab- sent two Sebbeths and will attend the Bay of Quinte and Toronto Con. ferences. Twenty-three more new members joined the Roval Templars on Friday night. last. Mr. F. G. Karsted has received his first consignment of stove coal for next winter’s use and is delivering it now to customers who are taking ad- vantage of the May price. l Among those who holidayed here were Mr. Thos. Fairey, of Galt at Mr. Jos. Clinton’s; Dr. E. K. Rich- ardson, and Mr. George Richardson. Toronto, at. their home with Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Richardson; Mr. and Mrs. John Blakely and daughter Miss Bella of Corbettun, at Mr. T. A Blakely’s; Mrs. R Townis‘s and daughter. Lottie, of Erin, visited Mrs. N. C. Mansell; Mr and Mrs. Low Karsted. of Bloomfield, visited Mr. F.G, Ka'rsted; Mr. W. Hemp- hill Toronto visited his brother at, Ceylon. Business was suspended and flags floated in the breeze on the 24th in honor of our late beloved Queen. A load of our young married people picnicked at Kimberley and a load of young folks visited Hayward’s Falls. Others who were abroad for pleasure were N. C. Richardson and Miss Jossie Richardson. Mr. Percy Trim ble and Miss Ethel Trimble and Mr. W. Bentham at Toronto; Miss Harper at Barrie. The Junior football clubs of Flesh- erton and Markdale played a match hero on the 24th resulting in a score of 3 to 1 in favor of our boys. The saving is most apparent in the Blue Label and better gradesâ€"buy a pound and make the test. This can be easily proved by comparing a draw; ing of Red Rose with any other tea. By doing so yod‘ will find that a Hound of Red Rose Tea Wm sgend as far assâ€"{K to 1% lbs. of other teas. High-grown tea is not only a finer quality, but con- tains much more tea juice or extract than valley-grown Because It Is Economlcal. Red Rose Tea is composed of what are known in the trade as “high-grown” Ceylon and Indian teas. These teas are grown at high altitudes on the mountain slopes, where the tea bushes grow more slowly and are more carefully cultivated than in the valleys, where the climate is warm and humid. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John. N. B. mucus: TORONIO. WINNIPEG. REASO N N920 YOU SHOULD USE All are invited and all should take this Opportunity of visiting the farm which in all its difierent departments is worthy of inspection. The experi- mental plots of all varieties of grains. grasses, roots and forage crops; the difierent breeds of Live Stock; the Farm Dairy; the Creamery; the Cheese Factory; the Museum and the Flower Department; the Rural Con- solidsted School Buildings. where the children from five School Sections are taught in a good graded school; and the McDonald Institute, sschoo'l for farmers’ daughters. The im- mense buildings have been erected by Sir William McDonald, of Montreal. Ample train accommodation will be provided, and evervthing will be comfortable. Make your arrange- ments early and take in this excur- slon. W. J. YOUNG, Gmo. Balm. Pres. S. Grey, Sec. S. Grey, Durham. Bunesesn. S. Wanna, A. Hanna, Pres. E. Well. Sec. E. Well. Kenilworth . Keuilworth . LUNCH PROVIDED ON THE FAR)! The Excursion will start by Special trains from the following Grand Trunk stations, and tickets can be had at the following rates for the round trip. Trains will run accord- ing to the following time table. DURHAM 8.003.111. $1.15 5. VARNEY 8.05 “ l. 15 HOLSTEIN 8.20 “ 1.15 M.Fomz:s'r 8.35 " 1.05 ELMWOOD 7. 20 “ 1.20 HANOVER 7.35 “ 1.15 NEUSTAD’I‘ 7.50 “ 1.15 AY'I‘ON 8.00 “ 1.10 ALSFELDT 8.05 “ 1.10 Arrive at Guelph 10. 35 mm Returning leeve Guelph a; 5. 30 p.13. Tickets good to rerun: on any train on 12th. Sat. June 10, 1905 Per Grand Trunk Railway to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Douglass. of Collingwood. were in town on Sun- day and Monday on their way Ito Owen Sound where Mr. Douglass will attend the Orange Grand Lodge meeting this week. South Grey will be held under the auspices of South Grey and East Wellington Farmers’ Institutes on EXCURSION Model Farm and East Welllngton FARMEHS’ INSIITUTES AGRICULTU RAL COLLEGE Guelph ll‘ Grand Lv. ADULTS CHILD’N 501.21%. Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Extension Tables Chairs Bedroom Suites Chifi‘oniers Cribs and Cradles‘ Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE s'rocx OF RATTAN GOODS JUST IN» .wâ€".' â€"vâ€" v â€"â€" â€"v wuvu U“... as failure. 'We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge) skill and experience are at your service. We will explain to you How and Why We Can Cure You; why the diseases of men require the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists. We do not. require to experiment with your case as we know from experience in treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms. Don't be discouraged if you have treated without success with Quacks, Fakirs, Electric Belts, Free Trials, etc. You must get curedâ€"and Doctors alone can cure you. Our New Method System of treatment has stood the test. for 25 yearsâ€"why should it fail in your case. Should your case prove incurable you need not pay us a dollar. We refer you to any Bank in this city as to our financial standing. If you cannot call write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. Consultation Free. Booklets sent Free. maximum mom i -_-__ â€" ' vâ€"v ‘O-Vâ€"‘V (v- will find it here. When we undértiike:w (Essaâ€"{13ers is no such thing as failure. 'We charge nothlna for consultation and nnr Iran-rind“ IL, 6. , .l. McKechnie. We have been curing them for 30 years. We have given our lives to it, and thousands-upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality are today living monuments to the skill. knowledge and success of Drs. Kennedy Kergan. We never hold out false hopes. we never undertake a case we cannot cure.‘ We have made so thorough a study of all the diseases of menâ€"0t Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisons. Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis, Bladder, Urinary and Kldnem‘ Diseases, General Weakness, Loss of Vitality, and have cured so many‘ thousands of cases that if there is a cure for YOUR disease you which we are selling aQa low figure. It Will guy you to examinelour bargains befom M WE PAY HIGHEST PRICESâ€"EITHER CASH OB PRODUCE. TO MAKE YOUR HOME:COMFORTABLE THE MASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA Bring Along your Butter 6: Eggs Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. I48 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH THE POPULAR 048” STOREJ Centre Tables ' J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Combination Bookcases Oflice Desks Upholstered Goods} Picture Frames Frames to order Rooszouldings 31'}. JR"

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