r woman With nerVfl air. A. gctive inti- 2 her sarvatlon, bfll ran in such a canal. OUS WOMAN. ll Do to Get Hem“ (‘ondltlom o! lienovstll' n0. BedraKKled. H PLU MES. ltly three d lirt. \thn If two baths 0‘ 1 trifle mom linute over . plate in or. ?p at 1701'. :t. A cele- f you wish ith reason, ore. : is neither The hot- can stand ms Times- get it to 1d. If tho refractory cu rl Wit“ must b. too much ï¬nd 'j uvenato wledgo '1 tered. bar as k for r the Put the [be It If )mO owe the thou: OB 11$ 0K )9 W001) \VANTEDâ€"Brick wood, four Mm long, at the Durham Brickyaaiâ€" \yling Sons. 5pd Mn. .10th Pm'rmnnw, of Wascana, Mum, has made us happy by remitting ‘ do] 131'. 'l‘u any person who purposes build- ‘ng wire fences this season Mr. W. D. < I; nnor announces that he handles the Page and Empire the best and cheap- ,.,vt nn the market.â€"-â€"3 pd- (mint Lows No. 109, I. O. 0. F. are ' .leing up an excursion to Detroit to «Re place some time early in August. should the idea materialize, an excel- {he Straits." This will certainly be a magniï¬cent trip, and a cheap one. IF \ou want. to purchase a. house ul lot in Durham. see A. H, Jackson. Jive masonahle and good terms. 4. meal News Items MR. H, V. C(YITRELL, of Vancouver ill accept thanks for remittance on hscription. THOSE who read a notice from a {53:33 man in British Columbia. who wishes a lady correspondent with the view of matrimony, must not imagine it anything of a fake nature. The young man we believe is very repect- able and advertises with honest intentions, We hope he’ll get a. good wife through the advertising influence of THE CHRONICLE. laugh 8 Tm: excursion to the Model Farm on ‘ Saturday was well patronized, and my, Holstein and Mount Forest. The weather was not the very best, on ac- count of the rain, but the excursion was a success flnanciallymevertheless. ken, VOL. 38---N0. 1996. MR. J. (7. JOPP. of Moosemin, Assa., says,â€"â€Nothing can surpass the beautiful weather prevalent in this district. Following the ample supply of rain this season, and at the right time, causes wheat and other grain to llï¬' 'l'hos THE ï¬nal line in the (2. P. R. survey" is now made through the town. From the west. it runs along George Street part of the way. Crosses the. river at darafraxa Street bridge, at the foot of the hill, and cuts through the school grounds within a few feet of the building. Building operation have not ‘ commenced yet, and before the line 15 completed there may in som deviations. One thing certain, the road will not go in the right place to Ivy ED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. ( IT WAS a sort of a. tame send off, the the soldier boys got on Tuesday morn- ' ing last as they entrainel for Niagara. to attend the annual drill. The Company consisted of twenty-ï¬ve ‘ inemlx-rsz mostly young fellows with the bulk of their lives before them.. Amongst those of the Cnnp-luy who are always seen at camp. were, Captain Snider and Messrs, \V- Haulage and Baht. Tory. The ths are all good stuff, but a cnmml look at‘. the "thin red line " would lend a onelude them on average to be a little under-Shel. They all felt happy on leaving, an'l we hope they will all be able to give a good account of themselves, and come home with a. training that will Show a. development of military precision. Some went to camp, we imagine, for the fun of the thing, their minds never once being burdened with the person to c idea of a real light. How much more vening 1 shares and sole plates for the ' HIDES.-â€"I will pay plOWS in use at the Durham med Beef Ring hides : holes, 7.3:: per. 1h. 2 ! â€"T. Smith. â€"â€" 1nd lot for 3. FOX. -â€"tf res clot“ )I‘ u'n on July lst. Open{ Apply to Jas. Mc sale.â€"â€"App1y 1:0 cash or trade for any quantity “'00! at J. J. Hunter’s. For. SAULâ€"House and lot in Up Town. Apply to MacKay Dunn. FOR Cheap. or trade, at J. Store, Dromnre. THE Canadian Order of Foresters will attend Divine Service on Sunday next at 11 a. n). The brethren are re- quested to meet at their hall at 10:30, HOW is your label iv. J. Ritchie, C. MISS ELLA ROBERTSON returned last week from a training school in Hamilton, where she graduated as a professional nurse. We are pleased to hear that she intends to remain in town, and discharge her professional duties wherever needed. We feel sat- isï¬ed that Miss Robertson will make many friends in the discharge of her chosen work. H .x Fm: SALEâ€""House and lot in Upper 3 a , _ .wn. Apply to Mac-Kay A; Dunn. . . . â€ï¬‚†‘VHO does your Miss Maggw prers returned last , Best done at Peel’s. i Saturday nfter a two weeks’ visit with 3 her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Spiers '; and other friends in Culedon. FARMERS should h Velopes. We furnish small lots. Fm: S.\LE.~rGentleman‘s Bicycle. map. At this ofï¬ce. '.__.- “'0‘†‘VANTEI’-“High“5t price in l MR. and Mrs. Chas. Brown and Rev. “1‘ trade for any quantity Ofiand Mrs. Newton are attending the -_... _ .____._,.â€".â€" L811 "0â€13t3- 3" J- Hunter’s. EBaptist Association this week 1n IF you never sav should strain a poin '_ _“ “““ f Flesherton. H11)Es.~â€"Iwillpay for green, trim-l' MR. J. H. Brown was in Kimberley the ‘ See ad on last page. ‘ ‘ed Beef Ring hides. free â€f cuts and % Monday in connection With 0195, 7-5." per. 1h- 2 "’5' per h‘de tare. 3 establishment of anew Baptistphuxch, -T. Smith. 8-3pd. ‘ \l 8 Fl M . G . or of Parkhill \VHITE and color _ * 18 em * L leg ’ .f regular 500. to $2 50. -»â€" ~ â€" (u I , , dau hter of Rev. Mr. McGregor, 1s , A ' H1(_;11Es'r price paid for \vool, in cash '1 visitging friends here. ‘ week for 00c at J. n IREVEBEND and Mrs. Boundy of London were guests over Sunday at, the latter’s mother and sister, Mrs. Newton and Mrs. George Sparling. , J--- 1.. Ullc luvwl I, vâ€" _ Newton and Mrs. George Spat-ling. Mr. Boundy returned Tuesday, but Mrs. Boundy will remain for a few days with her mother who is still the sidewalk. THREATENBD BY A PREACHER. We are in receipt of a letter from Mr .‘V. M. Bielby of Meaford, charg- ing our Edge Hill correspondent of June lst with making slanderous re- marks against him in his recent pic- '1' n 11" 1110]. no “D""“' V tut-e show at the Grange Hall. He asks us to give the name of our cor- respondent whom he says, “must eith- #. am“, an. glanderous statement er deny the slanderous or bear the legal (:0 In closing he says “Pleas< the name of the party as paper responsible for circulating slanderous statments.†This is the paragraph that Mr. Bielhy considers slanderous, and we simply repeat. it, not for the purpose of perpetuating slander, but simply to 7 refresh the minds of our readers and enable them to know what the trouble \‘E you paid your subscription \’.l‘~v is:â€"“Rev. Mr. Bieiby gave an illustra- ted lecture and moving pictui‘e show in the Grange on Friday night. He was considerably out. on some points‘ and had often to be prompted by thosei in the audience. The audience was not large which probably accounted or the poor man leaving without so much as even saying “thank you" for his board and lodging. from falling into the same trap and supporting such with their patronage, We know nothing personally about Mr. Bielby, nor Mr. Bielby’s show, and we are not going to run tafly lulne Was pI'CIUAcu u, -._- _‘ "Rev." to turn out a veritable sconnd- weeks after he left here. rtu‘pundent to ; h we to, and w even then suffer much ‘ from the gentleman who i premmes so hallghtly to make us will: under his legal threat. Mr. Bielby may be a. good, honorable, upright,‘ Christian man, deserving well the title he carries, but we don’t know any- ° and until we do we I 99 (lllWlCBS px-Pmmes so nauguu, u unde'r his legal threw may be a. good, hour) Christian man. deservil he carries, but We do thing about him, and u refuse to acknowledge fallv down and ‘ ship at his unwashed feet simply cause he happens to be 3 “Rev.†legal consequences.†.ys “Please furnish me aparty as I hold your sible for circulating prefexed Findlay’s Busy 6tc ad by the letters a. veritable scound- in Upper THE GOING AND COMING 0F DURHAM/T58 AND THEIR FRIENDS. \VIFE WANTED.~â€"A young man 01 British Columbia. formerly of Glenelg Wishes to correspond with some young lady. Object- matrimony. Address J. A. D., Aspen Grove, B. 0., care of Otter Flat Hutel. AFTER a long illness, Miss Annie' E. Reilly, of Glenelg, near Edgehill, deceased lady, more than to say her‘ departure is much regretted by those who know her. Interment takes place (today,) Thursday, to Maplewood Cemetery, leaving the father’s house 5%“ one o’clock. Fuller particulars will be published next week if furnished by some of the friends or our own correspondent. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S.' Putherbough, of the 2nd line of Bent- inck. it being the occasion of the mar- riage of their second daughter, Sara, to Mr. W. H. E. Fillingham, of Shan- ty Bay, Ont, The weather was not; all that could be desired, but it did not; deter a great number of guests from being present, who all thoroughly en- : joyed the occasion. Space will not here permit the publishing of all the names, but We would just beg to men- tion that “Grandpa†McNally was an honored guest, and claims that he has over ï¬fty grandchildren. “ ‘L!____1 At 7 o’clock p. m. the bride attired in cream eoline, was presented by her father at the Altar of Matrinony. and was assisted by Miss Jean Puther- bough, clad in pale blue eoiline, as bridesmaid. and Mr. H. G. Martin of Shanty Bay acting as best man. ‘ -L‘AI" The knot was strongly uuu sum, tied by the Rev. W. Aitchison. of Dor- noch, and we might just advise the young people of this neighborhood that he does it well. . After the ceremony n. hountmms re- past was served by Mine Hostess, Mrs. Putherhough, which was done ample , justice to by all present. The presents were numerous and costly and showed the esteem in which the bride was held by h;-r many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fillingham will take \up house at his home in Shanty Bay. 1 â€"-Com. WEDNESDAY, June 7th, J UNE WEDDINGS R. B. KEELER 8L SONS We have the auto dam goods for weddings. In Wed-Hm: Rings we have everything that ie no av. In Fine Gold Jewelry {or the Bride and Bridesmaid. r'. e hue a most. complete assoram m . For Wedding Presents we have the Largest Stock of Fun: saver. were ever shown in D .rhazu. Also Fancy China at Ker-let’s. the noted store IOrQ'Inlity,Lurge Stock, and Low Pr'xo «. -- 0.0 " Basy Bargain SW?" on the Bus! Cormr. strongly and safely W. Aitchison. of Dor- ighb just advise the f this neighborhood young man of was a gala. to \Villiam J THE best and cheapest town-Mrs. A. Beggs. FARMERS should have printed En- velopes. \Ve furnish them in large or small lots. 11‘ you 119,101 saw Niagzua. you should st1ain a point to take in the Epwmth League Excmsion July 7th. See ad on last page. . LOST.-â€"â€"Black leather chatalaine, a.- bout sixty-ï¬ve cents, two keys one large. If ï¬nder does not wish to re- turn chatalaine or money, mail keys to box 58, Durham. FOR SALEâ€"House and loton George Street. Wish to sell furniture at once privately, as proprietress leaves for “ " I- \f..- Geo. Hutton. PASTURE to let by the month; apply MISS MARY HUT’I‘ON returned from Lenore, Man,, on Monday. but intends returning again to resume her school duties in the course of a week or so. We regret to learn that her sister, Miss Martha Hutton, is very ill in the hospital in Winnipeg. WE are pleasedlto learn that Ayling Sons have ï¬nished burning their first kiln of brick, consisting of a hun- Idred thousand, and that they have iproduced a genuine article. Those who intend building will now have an opportunity to get material, but they‘ must get it quick. ________._____â€"â€"â€" OUR local jockeys are getting ready , for the races, and if their fame once ! goes abroad they’ll be picked up quick “an A? fh. IF you never saw Niagan \IUO “VIII“ v..-†_ by owners of fast horses. One of the best of them gave a free exhibition here on Sunday, and he was picked out of the mud in about two minutes from the time he left the Middaugh House stables. Between times there was such a mix-up you couldn’t tell the horse from the jockey ; they were _ on top turn about ;but the horse won. mother, accident a. few days ago, by falling on the sidewalk in attempting to save a little child. For a tune the injury was thought to be serious, but she is im- | proving nicely. CROZIERâ€"In Bentinck. on Sunday J une 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Orozier, a daughter. 4 MIDDLETONâ€"On June 2nd. to Mnand Mrs. Albert Middleton, a daughter. MARRIED. MCCULLOCHâ€"JIERDâ€"On Wednesday. 1..n.'7'r.h 1905. at. the residence of June 7th 1905. at the I‘eSlaeucu u; the bride’s parents,by the Rev.Wm. Farquharson, William George Mc- Culloch to Charlotte Ann, daughter of Wm. Herd, all of Bentinck. ..._â€" FILLING HAMâ€"-PUTHBRBUUGHâ€"-At the residence of the bride’s parents, on \Vednesday June 3th. by the Rev. 1‘? [r n REILLYâ€"In Gleneig, near Edge Hill, on Tuesday June 13th, Annie E. Reilly, aged42 years. Funeral on Thursday J unc 15th, at 1 p. m. ' ULLULJ A\ -_.._-- L that; By-Law wasï¬ passed bv the Municipal Council of the Township of Egremont on the Ninth day of June. _ -nn- ,, __2 .12.... ‘nn tho :GQIIO nf A,U., Lava, tuuvu....° -..- - debentures to the muou t of $1800 for ? the purpose of enabling the Trustees of School Section No. 2. in the Town- ship of Egremout, to erect a School House in said Section in said Town- ship of Egremont. And that said Byâ€"iaw was registered in the Re istry Ofï¬ce for the South Riding of t e County of Grey, on the 12th day of J une. A.D., 19%. NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thata By. -La_~‘v wg's passed by: the mwu Wlhlll LI U1 IO tuu of registration and cannot be made thereafter. Dated at Holstein this 10th of June, A. 1).. 1905, DAVID ALLAN, Ill!!! “a, ‘11 a “uL-. ‘LO â€I, Any motion to quasi; or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within_ one month from‘the date A Mnian ""w‘wr ‘ W. Aitchison, of Dornonh. Fillingbam, of Shanty Bay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patherbough, Bentinck. 'ackson, Bunessan. your shoe repairing? Public Notice. colored Shirt \Vaists, '2 50. Your choice this J. J. Hunter’s. .4 0.9 M†BORN . L. â€UV A‘nuavu providing for the issue of A ‘- A: G‘Q‘N‘ ‘1‘“ DIED Seed Corn in to Sara. Samuel Fresh from the plantation, is noted for its Flavor, Strength, and Pure Fragrance, . . In General Dry Goods Stock in town. . Lead Packages 20, 25 Highest prices in cash or trade for W001, Butter and Eggs. . . . THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNERS $1.00 PER YEAR. . 40¢