......... "cum I. prompt, care i: Vâ€"â€"-Lizzie Binnie. gquick with this powerful remedy IVâ€"Jennie McGillivray, Winnie ' which is guaranteed to cure Catarrt Binnie, Emma Beaton, May Young. m ‘0! part Of the nose, throat, bron- m Sr.~Angeline Davis. Katie,°hi‘! tubes or lune:- XcFarlane, Archie Kennedy. ' m Jrâ€"Arnelia.Rigby, Nomm‘ 8.8. 80.1013mrmcx, Fallaise. Laura Beaton. ’ . \',â€"Annie Clark. II Sr.â€"Eliza Jane Edwards. J ohni IV.â€"â€"Hugh MaoCormack, Neil Mo- Arnettfrhom“ Grasbv. . . 'Lean, Jessie Smith. II Jr.â€"George Mclnmb, Wilfred IIIâ€"Willie McNally, Beaten Mc- Nichol. Mary Gash!- :Nallv, Tommie Pntherbongh. Pt. 11 Sr.â€"-Bertha Seeley, Rnth‘ n Sr.â€"-Clara Caswell. Ross Mc- IcGillivray, N011“ M30". Donald, Tommie Johnston. Pt. II JLâ€"GOOI’RO Arnett, F10“ II Jr.-â€"Clarence McNally, Robbie McMillan. Pntherbongh. Mabel Smith. Pt 1 Sr.â€"Myrt10 Grub}: VOW†Pt. 11â€"May Grierson, Marjory Bannock. Fun! Gmâ€; , , Clark. Em IcNallyJ PtJ Jr.â€"â€"Violet Fallaxaeflhflahlfl I Sr.â€"Johnnie Clark, Johnniej IcGillivray. Vina "CN‘b- Smith, Wesley Caswell. Pt. 1 (a)-â€"8ilaa Edwards, Matthew I J r.â€"Howard Fletcher, Johnnie â€sown, Howard MoArthnr. Gï¬ergou, Boy IoNally. AW attendance 45. A---~- 7‘ “ 1'. S. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what; this .lisvase is, and that ordinaryI remedies have little more efl‘ect th so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is; dmost as severe and denn erous as ai mild ettack of cholera. There is one etteek of Cohen diarrhoea. which he ' brought home from Cube. We hed ' eevernl doctors hut ehey did him no ‘ good. One bottle of this remedy ‘ cured him no our neighbors will teet- : fly. I thank God for so velnehle e r t medicine.†For sale et Perker’e Drug Store. --- v-ovnvvu, ' Jf. Iâ€"knnie Smith, Alice Picken, Irene Vollett, Cecil Mountain, Theo- dore Ayling. Avenge attendanc a 38. Sr. 1â€" Willie Vollett, “in, Maxwell Grierson II Jr.â€"â€"Maggie Donnelly, Nina. Noble. Willie Lungrill, Eddie Hut. tog. Herbert Noble. mugnu, magma Pettv, Agnes Petty. II Stuâ€"Jean Pickt min, Leela Vollett. . McCaslin. IV Stuâ€"Edwerd Lawrence. IV Jr-â€"â€"Bessie Millignn, Charlie Lawrence, Earl Vollett. III Sinâ€"Florence Mountain, Sadie Lenzrill. Magzie Morton, .M...:-.. Mr. J. '1‘. Barber of Irivinville, Ga , always keeps a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant use. Attacks of. colic, cholera‘ mor- bus and diarrhoea come on so sudden- ly that there isno time to hunt a doc- tor or go to the store {or medicine. Mr. Barber says: “I have tried Chamberlain’stolic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedv which is one of best medicines'I ever saw. I keep a, bottle of it in my room as I have had\ Ioveral attacks of colic and it has proved to be ‘the best medicine Fever used.†Sold at Parker’s Drug Storej PE. 1. Junâ€"Inlay McCuaig, eolm McKinnon. Reaper; II Sr.â€"Willie Hooper. Charles Mc- Kinnon, Joe Hooper, Ida McCooig. Katie HcCueig, Roy McDermid. II J r.â€"Gertie McCuoig- Pt. IIâ€"Gledys Tucker. Floeeie Hooper. Maggie Kennedy, Mory Kanefly: Oleï¬n Hooper. 111 112â€"8.“ Mchhern, Ad: Mc- Lean, Jenn_io Hooper. --~ III s:.'â€"Ju1i. Mckihhon. John Mc- Euhorn, Churloo McDoluld. State. IVâ€"Mny Jmo Mchnig, Lizzie Mchgic, Edna Chialott Tho lsxgtivo eflect of Chunber- lain’o Stomach and Liver Tablet. is no unable and no tutors] that you do not ronlizo it is the ofl'ect of mod- Mrs. 8. Lindsay, of Fort William. Ontario Canada. who has sulfered quite a number of years from dys- pepsia and great pains in the stom- ach, was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv- er Tablets. She did so and says. "I ï¬nd that they have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any auleriug since I began using them.†It troubled with dyspepsia or indi- gestion why not take these Tablets, get well and stay well? For sale by Parker’s Drug Store. Boy Wismor. I --, Sr. Iâ€"Lowis Nowell,Tbos. Gusby. Jr. Iâ€"Eurl Vouieflunet Wiamet, Stewart McArthur, Edith Wismer, Bob. Vouio, Mary Battle}. Just What Everyone Should Do. 7 IIâ€"Goorgo Nowell. Alfred Bnrtloy, Noble Hartley. Herbie Do nlmoor, Andy Vessie Annie Eu en. Pt. IIâ€"Mnbol Veasie, Willie Edge, 1‘ ‘G'. s. s. so. 1 0mm. IV Sr.-â€"-Modno Morton. III Sr â€"Eliu Edge. 111 Jr.â€"Gortio Morton, John Gna- Cuban Diarrhoea. H UTTON HILL SCHOOL Fognd a Cure for Dyspepsia. '. Sunâ€"Henry Thck'er, Assn: L. LAWREXCE, HONOR ROLL FOB HAY. a. s. so. 10 0mm. For «In 1t Parker’s Drug u. a. s. 30. 2. B. no G . Firm, Teacher. D. MCDoxALD, Teacher. AMY 1. EDGE. Teacher. W": .5 1 "‘3'†â€W‘ as mercury will surely destroy the 301†93f] 1" 13“ sense of smell and completly derange ‘ medicine 1'3â€" . the whole system when entering in rker's Drug btore through the mucous surfaces. Such “m articles should never be used except 9 swoon on prescriptions from reputable phy- Qawrence. ;sicans, as the damage they will do is flungâ€, Charlie ten fold to the good you can possibly [9“. Iderive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Mountain, Sadie Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney. Morton. Marion ; do 00., Toledo 0. contains no mercury, ‘ ’ and is taken internallv, acting direct~ 9n,Maggie Mono-HY upon the blood and mucous sur-‘l Robert Cufl’. JCS. {faces of the system. In buying ' lHall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get Donnelly, Nina i the genuine. It is taken internally m. moi. Hm_[and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F, J.‘ ’ iChene‘y _ Co. Testimonials free.l . D n i IVâ€"-â€"Elmo Edwards, Percy Hunt, is gStewart McNally. .A;\’REN(,‘E, 1 III-Allan Davis Frank Ryan, Teacher. f Lorne McNally. 1 , II Sr.-Aleck \Vright, Ena McNal- men. P 1y, Basil Davis. Jenny Cook. . II Jr.â€"-Olive Tucker. Ivan Ed- "Wd "1 Cubiwards. Jenny Jack. .r know what, Pt. IIâ€"Mary Peart. that ordinary; I Sr.â€"-Mina Edwards, Bertie Dre BEEP}. than 2 ‘17.: a A ‘â€" . Lorne Moun- Grace Lang- Alunu' â€"v-‘ uni" Avonge 'stâ€"iéï¬duoo 32. Probablv getting worse all the time Why not give up that snuï¬ and stop dosing your stomach? The gene sure treatment is "catarrh- ‘ozone.†sure to cure because it goes where the disease really is. Certain to cure in your case because it has restored tens of thousands worse than you are. Catarrhozone is a' thorough cure because it destroys the cause as well as the eï¬ects of the disease. Relief is prompt, cure is quick with this powerful which is guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any part of the nose, throat, bron- chial tubes or lungs. â€"“ vv “0‘9, “Cl DIU Wrih 5 If?. (b)- Emerson. Peert, Myrtle McC Clocklin. Claribel Nelson. Jr. Aâ€"Eigii'ï¬ï¬gh‘é.’ "122%“ Cook, Winnie Blnck. Sold by Druggists. Prilze 750. per bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. In Your Guam-h Any Better? ; rescued some snow-bound miners; made a daring! ' om the fort, and had many other similar experiences. The ï¬rst child in the schools of Coiorado, she graduated from the State University. She has made a succ across her arm she was a sure shot, and was export and arrow. In this large unconventional life she gr girl, fearless, self-reliant, but with ï¬ne impulses an with the lasso and ew up a strong, he; d broad sympathy. Evans] awarding to Ad' Beware of Ointments for that Contain Mercury, sum, u... a um.- uuume or their tire-story see ms more like the record 'of-th-e doings of a syndicate than the biography of an individual. Such a one in Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden, founder and President-General of the Inter- national Sunshine Society, and whose generous thoughtfulness in “ on" to others her surplus ’ OYNTHIA WESTOVBR ALDEN The Romantic Career of an American Woman The lives of some people are so large, so brimful of actio plishment. so pulsing with purpose, so kaleidoscopic and diverse in expres- sion, that a mere outline of their life-story see ms more like the record of the doings of a syndicate than the biography of an individual. Such a one is Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden, founder and President-General of the Inter- national Sunshine Society, and whose generous thoughtfulness in “passing on" to others her surplus Christmas gifts was the i society with over 3,000 branches and more than 200,0 crated_to spreading sweetness and the sunshine of klnflnnan n and accom- s. N0. 5 GLENELG. '. J. Rm. Teacher. of the Parlhmont of Canada. in the year 1904. by W. her belt or a rifle slung with the lasso and bow ', Teacher. humanity was even then ma nifest. Jathe and dress the wounds of} stage driver who hflinnuo (sauna ¢L- â€A- _- Catarrh: A GUARéNTEED CURE FOR PILES ere on farm property if they so desire may join with the others in assisting to make cement sidewalks. if there are any who object to have their commutation money spent as describ- ed their money shall he spent' on general improvement within the ‘ aforesaid statute labor division and that the sum of 835 be granted by this council for the improvement of sidewalks in Elmwood. Cronin fGrieraon~That the awn-d .' The following accounts were order. .‘ ed to be paid: August Bin. 81 repairs to Neusradt Bridge; Wm. Willis $4 culvert on concessi n 2, . D. R. 35; Henrv Sickell, $8, culvert on cessions 4 and 5, lot 13; John Bad- ertcher, $6, digging ditch on town- line, Bentinck and Brent; Grader ecu count for Division No. 3, 899.90; Ed- ward Kress, 813, coflin for James Smith; Wm. Saunders, $2. 50 for digging his grnve. Willisâ€"Torryâ€"Thac the assess- ment roll as revised by the Court of Revision be accepted and the Asses- sor paid $85 for his services. stand. Met at Allan Park BENTINCK COUNCIL Mick. at the Department of Agriculture. Iclan Sludlp. chfi’ow .T'Thag the rebate L33 â€"' â€"vv-vv Mr Torry from '. led _lier in'toflthe rgtepny. ', who, after n‘k vs Treas- with N OW is to buy. All our Vest are tailor.- red; The fabrics will gash beautifully. The patterns are the hand- somest we could pick (mt. Come in and let us slip on your size, just to see how you like it. Mi-o-na is a guaranteed cure for all diseases of the stomach, excepting cancer. a guarantee being given by MacFarlane Co. with every pack- age they sell, agreeing to refund the money should the remedy not give perfect satisfaction. If you once 'realized how much cooler, easiâ€" er, neater and altogeth- er more comfortable our Washable Vests are than the ordinary vests, you would not let the day go by without having at least one. No ordinary food digestive can give lasting relief. It is absolutely necessary, if one wishes to be well, to use Mi-o-na. the only known rem- edy that soothe and heals the mucous membrane of the stomach and digeso tive tract, stimulates the solar-plexus and strengthens the nerves of the stomach. This remarkable remedy puts the whole digestive system 1n so healthy, clean and sweet a state that fermentation of the food cannot exist, any disease germs in the stom- ach will be destroyed, and all food will be so well assimilated that a rap- id and healthy increase in weight will quickly result. No Need-to Fear “Germs†if the Stomach Be Healthy. The ideal breeding place for disease germs is a week stomach and diges- tive system. The food. instead of being assimilated, turns into a sour, slimy. iermentating mass, causing gases. distress after eating. bloating. and flatulency. The poisonous germs that are given OE from this undigest- ed food enter the blood, and pimples, boils, and blotched skin is the result Nervousness and sleeplesaness come more often from weakened digestion than from any other one cause. Rheumatism and gout are directly caused by an acid condition of the stomach. For Summer Wear WHERE DISEASE GERMS'E‘ AD; BREED. Famous beauties pay particular at- tention to the purity of their blood, knowing that nutritious blood means soft delicate skin, bright eyes. and enduring nerves. Those whose looks are so delightful, use Ferrozone be- cause it’s the exact food needed to tone and stimulate the blood. Fer- rozone inyigorates, braces, feeds,â€" it makes those dainty, vivacious women so pleasant to meet. You’ll. have the rosy bloom of health, dash and spirit. the satisfaction and joy of true health after using Ferrozone. You should get Fen-ozone tooday. Sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. Merchant Tailor. Croninâ€"Griersonâ€"That this coun- cil do now adjourn to meet at Dor- noch, August 7th, 1905, at nine o’. clock in the forenoon to appoint a collector. receive trustee’s levy. and the transaction of general business. VESTS Charming Femininity. 0.0â€".â€" time _._. v... uuvufllnnn‘ U a. comfortable, conveniently sit- uated house on Lambton (3 west. Shï¬â€˜na wnfnn ‘nâ€" 2.. ‘__.A u _ comfortable outbuildings. Small orchard. Just the kind of place for a dairy fsrmer or market gardener. Sold at right price and on easy terms as the proprretor in- tends going west and wishes to dispose of it. H. BURNETT. Proprietor, Jan. 20, 1905.-â€"tf. DURHAM. ONT. I -" vâ€" a I “HIV“ Durham). ‘El‘h‘év arm can: -â€"a.bout 4 acres woodlnnd‘ der grass. Comfortable d .lJ Sullivanf, 99 acres more or less. Rough- cas: house. rune harm. For particulars apply to MRS. QUIRK. Dornoch. March 24th. ’05. EING PARTS OF L B 63, Bentinck, Cpn. 2.0V'{’.SG():2R.A.1:2 Bmxï¬lfmthgngor‘pomtnqn _9{ the _'I_‘9wn of March lOâ€"tf 212 ACRES NEAR WILDER’S Two barns. stone stables wit cement flbors. good house, well watered ther particulars apply to U Houseâ€"ï¬ve rooms-â€"to rent. reasonable. For further particula JAS. CARSON. Durham or to M. O'DONNELL. 210 Glst Ave. . West Duluth. I“ RONT PART OF DOUBLE Houseâ€"ï¬ve l'nnmn_ 4A --__ .L' Gleuelg, a male teacher, wit Class Professional certiï¬cate. ‘ A the rate of $40) per annum. Duti‘ mence on the third Monday in Aug plications must be in the hands 0: dersigngd not later than the thl I|Il\n ““ Teacher Wanted. OR SCHOOL SECTION (nleuelu a mnla fan. ..| m. ’7 _,v, -‘u Iv ‘1‘“le 1 good location. éirden lot with each. Rent reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to .JAMES CARSON or ED. WALSH. _ ____â€". -v cvaUJ.“ .I. of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham. in the county of Grey, containing4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to, PA Park Lot For Sale. IN THE CENTRAL PART OF Durham. Four lots on the West side of Albert Street, for prints residences. Now is the time to get these lots. For further information applv to J. M. HUNTER. Durham April 12. INLâ€"tf. one-hut mile cut of Cor ration of the ‘Town gf Durhnm. descri u South put of Lot 59, Con. 2. E. G. R. Glens! . On the promnm as ; comfortable bri ï¬ve- roomod cottage. a good fume barn tnd stable, a can" boning orchud an ‘bun- dues of the boat running water. All cleared, title FM. Terms euv 3nd fries right. For urther particuhrs app v to Lot 2, Con. 3. N. D. R.. Glenelg. ‘ April 4, 1904.-tf. DURHAM P. O. l .IJ miles nortli of Prioeville. Farm in ï¬rst class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the hem. For further particulars spplv to DUGALD D. McLAanAx. Jen. 28â€"tf. Priceville P. O. .I. Luughlan’s Store. rggegtl;occ;i)ie;b; Dr. Gunn as ofï¬ceâ€"to rent on easy terms. Apply to W. 31. .BEAIi, _ HOUSE TO RENT. House to Rent. ..-.._.... “u u.walcuu pan UIU farm“ or would suit anyone wishing to en- gage in small farming g. Apply on the pre- mises, or by letter to' ALEX. FIRTH. Bunessan. Ont. March 6thâ€"10pd. elg. consisting of 50 acresâ€" well wat- ered, well fenced and mostly seeded down. Conformble house and stables, mile from school. i mile from Bu essan . O. and 4 miles from Durham. A excell‘ept pasture Feb. - J. P. TELFORD. Durham 2.â€"tf. Farm For Sale' Farm for Sale. _- fl.-.“ uuau DUU Hull 01 Personal application preferred. GEO. BINNIE, Secretary. Bunessan Town Lots for Sale. Houses to Rent Good Farm for Sale. For Sale or Rent. :‘srm consists of éi'i‘c'ré'é “Ml‘|__.l Ll- ~.TO LET. J. P. TELFORD, endor’ s Solicitor, Durham to rent. Terms Qilrticukrs apply y m Angust. Ap. hands of the un. the 19th (gay of “It. IJII’ Minn. . with Second 9. Salary at Duties to com. . 1 MONUMENTb.â€"-The Doyle Julian Marble Works. Owen Sound. Be. fore buying elsewhere see our de- signs and samples. We ran save you money. JOHN CLARK n“ A comï¬léte line of the Pa . ston Buggy Co.’s Buggies. “Rim;."¢:l“ '.‘- -* ' ‘ ' Raymond SeQi-né ‘Machines,w sell Washers. Thomas Bros. V ers, McClary etoves, Elmira Loaders, J. 1. Case Thre: Machines. he Buggies. ' SEED DRILLS. CL’L- Binders, TIVA'I‘ORS, D I s (3 HARROWS. DIAMOND SMOOTH- ING HARROWS. SCUFFLERS, WAGONS. WILKINSON PLOWs AND LAND ROLLERS. DEBTS COLLECTED. T:éH_ ‘ BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES urangedJ: C. P. R. TICKETS for ale mull points. INSURANCES PLACED in 1 union at low rates. a...†; MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rues 125 ACRES. on 18th Concouion of Non- HANBY. Well ï¬nest-owed 3nd well located Oï¬'erod cheap. ill rent if not sold. 100 ACRES. BENTINCK, non Rocky San wen. Good farm wnthvzood umber ill-011cm“); DFRIEIAM RESIDENCE. bolongi to Mr BOrawne. photographer. o cred, n nmn nnm THE HANOVER CONVEYANCER Now oï¬ou the following: 100 ACRES. south-west of Vurnoy. in N03- XANBY. An extn 309d ï¬rm and well improved. Owner alumna to go West. The Dillon Wire Fencezflo. of Owen Sound ofl'ers prizes of from $450 down to $100 to per- sons putting up the greatest number of rods of theirï¬encing. We sell the wire. f: ““"‘ . â€"_._ â€"- ~ Mar. 10, 04â€"“ 200 ACRES, FIVE MILES SOUTH. East of Durham. First class grain and stock ftrm. in ï¬rst clue shape. ï¬ne harm and stgblpa. good frame house. well mm“; J w. CRAWFORD Also several building lots. The “Deering†Imple- ments, manufactured by the International Har- vester Co. of Hamilton, lead the world. 3““ Always Promptâ€"Never Negligent NEW ADVERTISEMENT. - Farms For Sale. a Specialty of . Miller I: ï¬rst chu dupe. {Bowl-)5}: good fume house. well watered IL n' a}. ing Machines, Dow. Thomas Bros. Wash. “0"“. Elmira Hay 1. Case Threshing . H. MILLER. MACKAY 8:. anx, Vendor’s Solicitors, Durham : the "'â€"â€" v _ the Palmer- Business Col le “0 MORE GU 883 mm Custom Carding A recent IquTUstru' " 1‘ a ;( “following Skillâ€); il.‘ -'. . L4 ..u ‘he gkll'uflllfl!) \\ (60 |n“' , ‘ l m stJrE “'ltb A. I?“ In Kl “ . I m the umbrella of a 3 mun; 1.:8 “a Whileboue ribs and an. m. Mb. he will be suituhlyrcuahl 'd a“ kid: agriculturd journal a u now washing machine In - ts. wfllg.’ "Every mm h .m-n.†and in its culii DURHAM. quived to will and w!!! with the said ï¬rm. wit] othenvisv. within 1h month fmm the date pa so uf settling m the 'state of the 1.11/0 3 Any outstanding mm above named date. wil our Solivitul' for («ï¬lm Dated May 8th 190.â€). "Because all diliivultius “00d 88 they «recur, H d ciao to the students an umplish more than i~ mount; _ ‘ ‘ Incures ï¬rm I» ‘wolliugs and (w w. livorwlxitz b one sum. CH2: ndos a“ the 1 Sucks and live st. the Widest range . “us. If your in it will pay you tu Drop I card tu April 17“ WANT III thetOIdestâ€"Nm the larg Just the Best. B3336†éqch shut. out at all nllu wï¬deuce in l im~ use by anew“: it; chases. studmm ï¬ne and at a small Because its grain-1 wt With)!» in min ‘01! America'ucit \ ; 'â€" Boause thi- M of the Hm. Beam-36 it wa In". to'tinish: Because its Sh .Il‘vellous wm L pr miume aft â€this: Bocluse at 112.1 quï¬ï¬catizuu :u W’btke mam. e 'H-M (1T; “uncut 15'. Open July and OTICE In the matter of the ‘ (ate of the late Neil MCKeL-hn z This College is the lit mine each student h- tau 1’“ his own desk: ~,__--- -II )iaii....loi.... Sydenham Mums. hoe-.650 each m: â€a m‘in his weak matinee“: All persons .. G. A; J. M | WI! to receive the Best Cull‘ W Education, it i. ¢ you attend the Bestâ€" 8 H For which we will pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. We keep on hand a large assort- ment of Blankets. Tweeds, Yarns. etc, and a full stock of Groceries. 1‘ in levelling and buiuut in; your horoe’s foot.l ban the Scientiï¬c Horse i-‘oq Loveller which is tho» lami Old but contrivnnce for £111 Blundm in Newspape: ‘ - The Mount Forest W. T. CLAN J. H. HcFAYDEN . SCOTT . GUTHRIE. ll] mm £( and Spinnin fr up_ t»! J. MrKuvux 'l'ho- Lian uni! TE ll ONTARI' Agent In mer