'opietors . ‘I‘III‘I‘I'III‘IZ' Killer ban V08 th r and ’a good Corset for 500 in the white. and. Wray Co.. London. orsets orsets orsets . GRANT Store 'ull Linejo! the ~Filled Cora“, White, at 91.00. n Stnight front 81.00. Ill 'OUND Darling S PARIS GREEN. JUST TO HAND WHO WOULD IN MIXED PAINTS [)0 YOU REQUIRE HAMMOCKS INSECT POWDER, HELLEBORE. The Popular Drug Store JNO. A. DARLING BLUE STONE. WHALE OIL SOAP. Hardware. W. Black. (Best English) Be without a Hand Sprayer when you can get one so cheap, and such a variety to pick from. Paris Green and Blue- stone in abundance for amazing purposes. An immense shipment of supeior Graniteware of the latest design. Every woman should see this stock, as it is one to satisfy. There is nothing to equal our variety of 'l‘inware and Kitchen Utensils. Let us know of something we have not got that you re- quire. We lead. We sell the celebrated Sherwinâ€" Williams paint, as well as nearly every other brand that other (la-al- ers handle. A fancy work basket, Scrap, Market or Clothes basket ? If so give us a call. It is advisable to secure a. Hammock before all the best are picked up. INSECTICIDES And all kinds of DRUG STORE. Province. Sq. Miles. Ontario, July 1, 1867........-.-. 260.862 Quebec, July 1, 1867 .......... 351.873 Nova. Scotia, July 1, 1867 21,428 New Brunswick, July 1, 1867.. 27.985 Manitoba. July 15, 1870 ..... . 73,732 British Columbia, July 20, ’71. 372,630 P. E. Island. July 1. 1878...... 2.184 Saskatchewan. July 1. 1905....‘300,000 Alberta, July 1, 1905 ........*250,000 'Estimated approximate area. under 1 bill recently brought down in Parlia- 1 metal. Expansion of the Dominion since Con- federation 38 Years Ago. The expansion or Canada. since Con- federation, thirty-eight years ago, is briefly shown in the statement or the dates of admission of the several Pro- vinces and their area, following: The other Territories of Canada, not yet made Provinces, and the date 0! their organization as Territories, are as follows: Territory. Sq. Miles. Keewatin, April 12, 1876...... 470,416 Yukon, June 15, 1898 ........ 196,976 Mackenzie, Oct. 2, 1895 .~..... 562,182 Ungava, Oct. 2, 1895 ........ 354.961 Franklin, Oct. 2, 1895 ....... . 500,000 'I‘hfl area of Great Britain is only 88,- 396 :«jluru‘v milws. The 3' A re.- think such hig fellows must he clumsy. } but they are not. They can run faster:P than any horse. swingingtwelve to! fourteen feet at a leap. This all‘ sounds like a fairy story. but not so I when you hear that these African‘ giants nreâ€"ostrh-hes. Perhaps you have been told some foolish stories about these birds. That when [unnamed they stick their heads} in the sand and hemmse they cannot, see they imagine that no one can seei them. , o other is kill: Boston Glob< Where did William the Conqueror stand when he landed in England? On his feet. What is the difference between an angler and a dunce? One baits his book; the other hates the book. 0‘ m n m wh ioh Why is it easy to break into an old man's house? Because his gait is bro- ken and his looks are few. li( 1 ost CANATDA’S EVOLUTION. ~l 7!. at one blow. Perhaps you 11 big follows must be clumsy. are not. They can run faster ' horse. swingingtwelve to THE FARMERS. MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY COMPANY, and share the beneï¬ts 0f the exceptional values we are prepared to offer in all kinds of Farm Machinery Which is the direct result of (so-operation. . . . And Many Farmers Require a New Mower. This machine is unexcelled by any Mower on the market. Guaranteed in every particular, and may be seen at our Ware-rooms. Examine our stock and ask for prices. St )1“ up 'onumlru mm. The Farmers’ Manufacturing And Supply Company, Limited. Durham, Ontario. Tex'enee between stab- killing :1 110g? One is intent to kill, and the with intent to salt.â€" m‘wr Ul and has bu lll them Y! (fanning: and Instead of ho- w's}: (1mm): 6. 11 Sq. Miles. .. 470,416 .. 196,976 562,182 .. 354,961 .. 500,000 {rim nine 516211 300 1 t) kill a Price to Shareholders $38.80. (b e ostrich ed to be- d the .180 of Strip: of Leather Cut you Binders’ Scraps. Very artistic portieres are made from leather called “binders’ scraps,†cut in strips one-half inch wide and tied in knots as we used to tie carpet rags. The more knots the more effective the portiere. I have one made from a bean- tiful shade of green leather purchased at a bookbinder‘s at 10 cents per pound. Six pounds were required. I also have two for single doors, made from leather with which law books are bound, and this becomes a lovely golden brown with age. I think this idea originated at the Roycroft and is still so new as to be uncommon. A loop is made at one end of each strip of leather and slipped on to the curtain poleâ€"Kath- erine L. Cuthbert in Good Housekeep- mg. The [unsanitary Home. “The Insanitary Nature of That Sa- cred Institution, the Home,†is the sub- ject of one of Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s contributions to her favorite subject. Charity is said to begin, at home, she says, but sanitary science does not, a circumstance which bear: very hard upon the women who are “pleasantly, piously and poetically im- prisoned†in houses and the children therewith for, say, twenty-two out of the twenty-four hours of the day. Mrs. lihnan suggests as a model for the home that institution whicn now takes in the “wreckage" of the sameâ€"name- ly, the hospital. The one need not be M) coldly colorless as the other, but should. achieve its decoration without l:::1.<>ft‘$3 of dust generating cloth. It might be as lovely as a sea shell and as smooth, with thrilling beauty of c-nlza' and of line, pure satisfying pro- put'lltfll and all manner of tender orna- ment and decoration and yet have not a needless thing in it. Let your home appear bright and sun- ny. It is not easy to be unpleasant in a cheerful room. affox L1 tity. A certain formality is necessary to save everyday life from triviality and freedom from looseness. Know how to talk and how to listen, how to entertain and amuse. Have many interests. Do not forget your home should not only be a well conducted dormitory and boarding place, but truly a home, the center of focus for all interest, pleasure and happiness for everybody concerned with it.â€"Philadelplxiu Bulletin. $63.50!} ARTISTIC PORTIERES PORTIERES or BINDERS’ scans. Hints For Homemakerl. only wlmt you can comfortably in good quality and ample quan- a as. / 1/ “1...; There Is No Em Time Like the 11d tiel in L _ )t 13.. 1.221.911 Present I Town Talk Soap SOX We have ï¬ne wool sox. thing for summer wear per pair. Best Black Chashmere sex at Ladies’ Cashmere hose at ‘2 We Make a Speciality HAVE you ever seen Niagara Falls ? If not, you should not miss the chance of the Excursion on July the 7th If you have seen them you’ll enjoy seeing them again in their changed condition. Human ingenuity is harnessing the great natural power that for ages went to waste. and through all future generations it is destined to serve a useful purpose. See the great construction works going on there, think of the illiinitahle power transferx'etl through electrical energy to distant towns and cities. Compare the present with the infancy of your own life if you have grown to manhood, and then reflect, if you will, on the great things the next generation will witness. It only costs 32.35 to go on this excm'sion. July 7th. MT. FOREST is making preparations for a. big demonst 'ation on the First of July. A special feature of the day’s amusement will he the horse racing, for which lihe 'nl prizes are offered. All lovers of this kind of sport, and there are few who look the other way in the heat of a good close ï¬nish, should avail themselves of the opportunity. ash or Trade for Produce. C. McArthur Everybody praises Town Talk Soap. price 100 per bar (Zlbs). Don’t forget to bring your seal- ers when you come for those pickles. To buy a good thing when it is oï¬ered. This is the time to buy a good suit. or suit length, as we are selling out our entire stock in these goods at greatly reduced prices. Every â€purchaser goes away pleased. We sell either by the suit or piece, as suits the customer. of our tea tradeâ€"all the best qualities in bulk and packages at 25 to 40c per 1b. ear, just. the at 20c. *Makmï¬iï¬iiï¬ï¬‚mfl "w We invite everyone to come and see our Summer Dress Fabrics. \Y e have a large stock of these goodsâ€"showing all the latest designs, shades and materials. Our Cotton Crepe-de-chines and Delainettes are the very newest. This week we have just opened up a large stock of Corsets in ell the newest shapes. We can suit all ï¬gures and at all prices from 35c to $2.25. Our stock is complete in this line. Vests for the baby, the child and the womnn. Our “Little Darling Hose †for the baby. in white, tan, red and black, are going quickly. We also carry full lines of ladies’ and children’s, in cashmere, cotton, lisle, embroidered and openwork. THE CASH SHIRE. For a good Corset see our Girdle Tops at $1.25, and Silk Finish at $1.50. , 4'45Ҡ113‘ ’A‘ We want yum Butte! and Eggs. Summer Underwear. Dress Fabrics Corsets. Hosiery. SUMMER H. H. MUCKLEH. V