itive Assurance oi . 'e or Your Money Refunded. lubrmittent m on an. north old. ‘ ed that some at lento! a-i‘nnctng by M The Ipmnnco at: b the 8:! belt of IND arm :2ng term . Di“ by up: mega-u I'VRA . r, non done '3" u learsome ollom Mt. Ind “'0'. a} n. being than through is form M; on tiptoo. flaunt complain were nendouo mm they look- †gang as (My 9001‘! 11 space- now brilliantly the mom. I modal. intuition that to do to. was to M ’ty. H0 dismissed "I. c. At! his preparatio- all: search. It would ho be told himself, to plo- Liea Far better 3‘“! I her. it that were pod- . 0 D the :mmediate mace?†bl cautiously «tough» u *3 O "1mm. '17!» dd all van-n: in In no olluwern. showed: th“ I :12: had dared m. 9‘ loud; with all in. no.- rod that 113 did not 3 '3 him further. Perha that he was safe. might: ed her terror and N t!» d (or onmtenment. b“ exa UARANTEB U CURE.†'0 Nestssanv m sow uornmua 81" mible,†h ? made a grave Inb- bOW a man may at] by the danger at By killing the Dyan â€JULSION 0 name no AID nterest Id of an angry- of coral away else from M' lieasant opal. of necessity Stlll ham- ropn'eton a he 1'0( lmon GIST not her SD' ’lmp- 0W0! )le Try my 13de Land mum: and Licensed Auction- oer fur the County 01 Grey. 8310! promptly Ittended to and notes cashed. " Auctioneer for the County of Gray. 8“.“ promptly attended to. Call at my 'Nldence or write to Allan Pgrk P. 0. Orders my belch at the Chronicle on“. UGH MACKAY, DURHAM. Laud Vglmtnr And Linansd Auction- OBERT BRIGHAM. LICENSED Auctioned“- for 1h. Cnnntv of Gr". ‘ er. Conveyunmr, etc. Private none to. loan. Old accounts and debts of l kmds collected on commission. Fame bought and sold. Insurance Agent, etc. OfllCB-MaCKenzie’s Old Stand, Lower Town, Durham, Ont. \exancers, Etc. Ila Ll Oflices :-â€"-In the “duty" Standard Bank. bu ulxlOLDn, WULULLVL.’ uAvu , )Iclutyre’s Block. Lower Town. Dur- cam. Collection and Agency prmptjy attended t0. Searches made at the Regis- ‘W Utï¬ce. N (mice over Gordon’s new Jewellery SF‘T“. aner Town, Durham. Any amount 0‘ m‘mev to loan at 5 per cent. on ï¬rm OTUDel‘tv. w. (3. Pickering, 0.0.8., L.D.S. H A. H. Jackson. (MARY PUBLIC, CQMAMISSION- H Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and None Law Amistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. En;.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Non Hon I. flee in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬ce hours, 8 to 10 n. m., 2to 4 p. In. and? to9 p. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Garafraxa and George VSB‘OOEOVâ€"jé foot of hill. Oflico hoursâ€"941 a.m., 2-4 p. m., 7â€"9 p. m. Telephone No. 10. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- the in the New Hunter Block om... OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’a Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durban. Oflice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, QON- Drs. lamieson flacdon ald ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC" THB JOB : : ls conplcttly stocked with DEPARTHENT m NEW TYPE, thus 3!. {outing facilities for turning out First-clu- HHDULATE of London, New I Yurk and Chicago. “if All advertise nun, to ens ' ' . _ are msmnon ’ reek, should be Enough: m no: late: than $531133); homing. u l- 'v- II" .0.“ Ulfl'gcu ac aidingl); . Traésicn! MKOCéCflâ€"“ Lost,†u Fou ,d "ForSae, etaâ€"â€cents forï¬minsenion '. to: mch subsequent insertion. ' ’5 0cm All advertisements otdered b t . « III’ in advance. ys â€we" must be pm Contract ma for .4" “misc . mplimtion (.0 an? ce. ’y mu Misha! o; -_â€" A I. l. P. Telford. mumm, somcrron: mo. . MACKAY. K. C. QWERTISING 5 hr "ATES . _. . lir F or transient advertisements 8 ce mflnnflm line for the ï¬rst insertion; 3 cc» ‘ATES . . . line each su - ueminsenion-w ï¬gure. Profeaaiunal cards... not exceeQing 01“ 34.00 per .annum. Advemsmemsynhau s direaions '01 be quhsbed t3?! forbid and char: Jeâ€" . I W at {£33 'opciun of the proprietor; 5083mm Tat Cmvm address, free “IE8 . -o_: o year, payabh L. chased. f *1 doc. £5 $5 “Wynn II ï¬nd is d Addrcsghhel o pave! evuv muasmv anon-mm "momma mmnc noun. mu mm DURHAM, ONT. DR. BROWN L. 1:. c. P., LONDON. ENG. IKE Dflï¬ï¬gi‘li BHHUNELI: J. G. Hutton, I1. 0., C. lFFICE AND RESIDENCE be seasespt Eye, Ear Nose sud Throat. F- GRANT, D. D. 5.. L- D. S. -.' :\ d: GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- G. Lefroy McCaul. MacKay Dunn. UH GRADUATE OF TORON at the Middaugh House lat Wednesday of each month. from 12 to 4 p. m. nf Toronto. Giadua}e Royal brutal Surgeons of Ontario. 'entistry in all its Branches. Calder Blcek, over Post Ofï¬ce Em'ron Miscellaneous. Arthur Sun, I. D. Dania! Dz‘rea‘orv Medical Directory. fniversiti'; Graduate of Royal r‘ Dents Surgeons of Ontario. lider Block, over Post Ofï¬ce. DR. EH]. 3. BURT. chdl Directory. Knapp House. Durham, the 2nd :1 each month. Hours- 1-6 p.m. Iv-V “dress, free Of â€(age; ?°;‘5;o : . ,w,pa,?bxcng_n a4vanceâ€"3l.5 EXCLUSIVELY ‘3 PUBLIS {SHED The date}; which eve: :d by the numbcr on 11" :untinue'l any] all area: W. F. DUNN . OYOI‘ '0 00 pe‘) 50 may 'fll J. S. Mcllraith EGGS taken same as CASH in ex change for goods. CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING promptly attended to. Shoe Blessings SOME SNAPS. Some . . The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means. after suï¬ering for several 3 ears with a severe lung aï¬ection, and that dread disease Consumption. is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send, free of charge. 3 copy of the prescription used, which they will ï¬nd a. sure cure for Consumption. Asthma. Chsurrh. Bronchitis and all throat and lung Handles. He ho s all suflerers will try his remedy. as it is invsgaable. Those desiring the prescription. which will cost them nothing and ma rove s blessin . will please address “v.80 ARDA. WI N.Brooklyn.N-w York Ladies Cravenette Raincoats up-to-date were $7, for. Men’s Fine Black'Tailor-Made Suits, up-to-date, were$15 for $9.00 and ............ Pink striped Flannette, good value at 100, per yd., now And‘many other goods like Lace Curtains, Towellmgs Btu, at very low pI'lCPS. Blue Trimmed Skirts were 3.00 for .................. Black Trimmed Skirts were 2.50, for .................. 8 1.50 U. tioneer for, the County of Grey. Term moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. The arr‘angeqpntshand dates of nn‘A_ --4~ ‘ ‘v- -u-uun‘auluuba ul“' UKlUS U, sales cain'b'e made at THE CHRONICLE uf ï¬ce. Residence and P. 0.. Ceylon. Tela phone connection. U tioneer for the Coulitvyâ€"gf-‘a‘rey. Sales p'omptly attended to Orders mav .be laft at his Implement Warerooms, McKuumu’s 01d stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. Nov. 9. ’03. 1 â€" v-vuubu. ulv‘ 0' eased Auctioneer for the County of Gfey‘ Land Valuator, Bailiff of the 2nd Dw'nszon. Court Sales and all other matters Promptly attended tp.‘Huzhest referencm I'm:uLA.‘ :tâ€"-‘__S‘__ - __ cant)“ “I. urnisbell if required 3 JAMES CARSON, DURHAM. LIC. 91198“! Annf;nnnn- 4'-.. AL. A, . J. Levine of many kinds alwaya in stock Don’t forget we claim that “ HALF-TIME †is the best, cheapest and quickest paste shine on the market that we know of. 100 for a large box. only to be had here. And are better prepared than ever to supply the wants of our customers in the Dry Goods line. We have some good valuesin Strap Slippers, prices $1.00 to $1.75. Also Misses’ and Chil- dren’s, in Patent Leather, Tan or Dongola. We have a line of Ladies’ Royal Purple Don. gala Bals to retail at $3.00. They are beauties. Try a pair. we are too far down. and some not far enough; but. under present circumstances we will be pleased to see as many as will favor as with a. call. OF OUR CUSTOMERS think OH McPHAgL. LICENSED AUC TO CONSUMPTIVES. TERMS CASH. N pyAEKL LICENSED AUC toâ€"lypd. 10.00 $1 the ï¬tful gleams within. ' He 'prod- ï¬ï¬‚i Chen) de {1139 With the pa- ' was mm agflnlts g1 fla to again approach that aflrighting not. At last the daring scoundrel him- 1311, still wielding his naked sword, atrode right up to the very doorway. Stricken with sudden stupor, he gazed Q! the. ï¬ttpl gleams within. He prod- There was no time for further speech. He was absorbed in estimating,' the probable number of the Dyaks. Thus far he had seen about ï¬fty. More- over, he did not wish to acquaint Iris with the actual details of the artiï¬ce that had been so potent. Her allusion to the box of’water sodden matches had given him the notion of utilizing as an active ally the bleached remains of the poor fellow who had long ago lien a victim to this identical mob 6 cutthroat: or their associates. He had gathered the principal bones from their resting place near the well, rub- flqd them with the ends of the matches “tor damping the sulphur again and! “They have been routed by a box of matches and a few dried bones,†he answered. “What is it?†whispered Iris, eager herself to witness the tumult. “What has happened?†As well as Jenks could judge theI foremost trio of the yelping horde were impaled on the bayonets of the cheval de frise, learning too late’ its formida- ble nature. The wounded men shriek- ed in agony, but their cries were drowned in a torrent of amazed shouts from their companions. Forthwith there was a stampede toward the well, the clilf, the beaches, anywhere to get away from that awesome cavern where ghosts dwelt and men fell maimed at the very threshold. The sailor, lean- ing as far over the edge of the rock as the girl‘s cxpostulations would per- mit, heard a couple of men groaning beneath, while a third limped away with frantic and painful haste. nged them with ghastly effect on a pile of rubbish at the farther end [1 the cave, creeping under the cheval '9 trise for the purpose. a'hough not so vivid as he wished, e pale glimmering headless skeleton the intense darkness of the interior '88 appalling enough in all conscience. 'ortunately the fumes of the sulphur :6 on the bony substance. They en- : suflicient time to scare every {ya .wlp caught a glimpse of the patrons object crouching in luminous if: r ï¬lthin the dismal cavern. even the stirring exhortations of IO o,éhiet whose voice was raised ini pious speech, could induce his adher- She would have answered, but he placed a restraining hand on her shoul- der, for the Dyaks, quickly discovering that the but was empty, ran toward the cave and thus came in full View. “They must think we sleep soundly not to be disturbed by the volleys they have ï¬red already.†The noise made by the savages was so great, the screams of bewildered birds circling overhead so incessant, that Jenks was compelled to speak quite loudly when he said to Iris: Instantly they changed their tactics. Betreating hastily 'to the shade of the opposite clifl, they seemed to await the coming of re-enforcements. The sailor fancied that a messenger was dispatch- ed by way ot the north sands to hur- ry up the la-ggards, because the dis- tant ï¬ring Blackened, and ï¬ve minutes later a ï¬erce outbreak of yells among the trees to the right heralded a com- bined rush on the Belle Yue castle. Probably in less than an hour after their landing the whole tribe would have rushed peilmell to the boats, curs- ing the folly which led them to this devil haunted island. But it serves no good purpose to say what might have been. As it was, the Dyaks, silent now and moving with the utmost caution, passed the well and were about to ap proach the cave when one of them saw the house. body, already much perturbed by the unseen and intangible agencies which opened ï¬re at them in the wood, ar- rived in Prospect park to find only the dead bodies of their chief and his small force, their consternation could be turn- ed into mad panic by a vigorous bom- bardment from the rock. Eider he mm have aepï¬ied the ‘en- emy of the dominating influence in this gainpaign of revenge. When the main They advanced cautiously. 9““ â€w" ’ The pure blood in the sire Is the 1th the Pa’ mdiest means at hand for the farmer deï¬nite 929 to improve all c188“ at farm animals. L me may; The statement may sound passing strange to civilized ears, accustomed only to the routine of daily life and not inured to danger and wild sur- roundings. But the soldier who has snatched a hasty doze in the trenches, the sailor who has heard a ï¬erce gale bufleting the walls of his frail ark, can appreciate the reason why Iris, weary and surfeited with excitement, would have slept were she certain that the next sunrise would mark her last hour on earth. ‘_“If it will please you I will try,†she said, with such sweet readiness to obey his slightest wish that the won- der is he did not kiss her then and there. By previous instruction she knew exactly what to do. She crept quietly back until well ensconced in the niche widened and hollowed for her accommodation. T ere so seclud- ad was she from the uter world of horror and peril that the coarse voices beneath only reached her in a murmur. Pulling one end of the tarpaulin over her, she stretched her weary limbs on a litter of twigs and leaves, commend- ed herself and the man she loved to God’s keeping and, wonderful though it may seem, was soon slumbering peacefully. “I can only guess t at he can tell by the appearance of t e burned wood how long it is since was extinguish- e'd. Clearly they agr c with him.†. “Then they know We are still here?" “Either here or gone Within a few hours. In any case they will make a thorough search of the island at day- break.†' “Will it be dawn soon?†“Yes. Are you tired?†. “A little crampedâ€"that is all.†“Don’t think I am foolish. Can you. manage to sleep ‘2†“Sleep! With those men so near!†“Yes. We do not know how long they will remain. We must keep up our strength. Sleep, next to food and drink, is a prime necessity.†out? wow tll!’ll(‘.i t.,.\.':-.l'd tho cave alilfl lent. Unm- wllvn the (lvlute grow warn: the chic)" man-hm up at burning" bl'um'h and held it over the lilavltenml embers of the lire extinguished by .lenks. lle socnml to draw some delinito conch» sion from an examination of the char- coal, and the argument thereforth pro- ceeded with less emphasis. Whatever it was that he said evidently carried conviction. Iris, nestling close to the sailor, Whis- pered: ‘fpo you know what he has found l They spoke a language or hard vowels and nasal resonance and ate what he judged to be dr' ï¬sh, millets | and strips of tough pr erred meat. ers stuck among the glowi His heart sank as he counted all told, assembled within fort ' of the ledge. Probably several were guarding the boats or prom 15 about the island. ludeed, events Ilia. ed that more than eighty men had come ashore in three large sauipans. roomy and fleet craft. well titted {or piratieal excursions up river estuaries or along a coast. They were mostly barelegged rascals. wearing Malay hats. loose jackets reaching to the knee and samlals. u...- man (littered essentialy from the 0th ‘ ers. lie was hihhetl in me conven- tional attire of an in..i.-.n Mohamme- dan, and his skin was brawn. while we swarihy Uyaks \\'e.'e ye.l.>w bone..ih the dirt. Jeuigs thought from the than- her in which his tu:b.m “is tied that he must her. l‘iillj'util A]USJU'LUHU"‘\\‘i'.. likely an eseal ed convict from the An- damans. The nmst careful serutiny did not re- veal ;.ii..' arms of pree.,..._..i. earriul muzzle loaders. either antiquat- (rd fl-il1l()('i\'5 or guns su..i:-.entiy liiod- era 1.) he titted with nipples for per- 0.155201: (‘ aim. I t A â€6.. o‘ll EuCll l.y.zl;. of course. >21) )l‘tetl a pa- wn... :.l,. .(J‘u‘;".'i'-ll..t‘ (‘.(("~( ; :l {05' i. i, e spear». .-;:ia; :ilâ€'lt a (Lunch simultltu'vd :l i..|.‘.' .<.!' i {it [.(‘t(_‘ <;. lain )é. lut‘ The next undertaking was no sooner appreciated by the sailor than he hur- rledly caused Iris to shelter herself be- neath the tarpaulin, while he cowered close to the floor of the ledge, looking only through the screen of tall grasses. They kindled a ï¬re near the well. Soon its ruddy glare lit up the dark rock with fantastic flfckerlngs and drew scintillations from the weapons and or- naments of the hideously picturesque horde gathered in its vicinity. Another vehement hahangue by the chief goaded some venturesome spirits into carrying their wounded comrade out of sight, presumably to the hut. Inspired by their leader’s fearless ex- ample, they even removed the third in- Jured Dyak from the vicinity of the cave, but the celerity of their retreat caused the wretch to bawl in agony. Eolid. Then he dragged one o m wounded men out into the m nlight. Again J enks experienced n itching desire to send a bullet rough the Dyak's head. Again he esisted the impulse. And so passed hat which is Youchsafed by fate to f menâ€"a sec- ond opportunity. . 31 and mixing rd [to u communal N'l‘ hen 0,1:sz Ill st tuba-duos: US. 0 right on†free v0 hum! ‘ Chairs 1 Bedroom Suites ' Uhiï¬â€˜oniers Cribs and Cradles Beds Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Hall Racks Sideboards Cupboards i Kitchen Cabinets 1 kitchen Tables i Extension Tables Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. LARGE STOCK OF RATTAN GOODS JUST IN “HM H Are-tyou a victim? Have you 108t 110%? Are you Intend- ing to marry? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do {or you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter ,who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREEâ€"â€"“The Golden Monitor†(illustrated), on Diseases of Men. Sealed Book on “Diseases 0! Women" Free. N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything conï¬dential. Question list and coat of treatment FREE. ï¬LOOD SEASES CURED Dru. K. 50K. Established 25 Yam. a-u House on: owrru- I ,4, \ our owglmu oouuu'r. He was surprised at low the sores heeledâ€"“I took your New Method Treatment for a serious blood disease with which I had been atl‘licted for twelve years. I had consulted a score of phy- sicians, taken all kinds of blood medicine, visited Hot Springs “ t and other mineral water re- sorts. but only got temporary ire‘llet. They would help me for a time, but after discontinuing the medicines .the symptoms would break out againâ€"running . Before â€.ant, sores. blotches. rheumatic pains. Atter mm looseness of the hair, swellings of the glands, palms or the hands scaling. itchiness ot the skin. dyspep- tic stomach, etc. I had given up in despair when a friend advised me to consult you. as you had cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago. I had no hope. but took his advice. In three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. I continued the New Method Treatment for four months and at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared I was cured 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since. My boy. three years old. is sound and healthy. I cer- tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to me privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish.†W. H. S. 'We treat Nervous Debiiity. Vsrieocele, Siricinre. \‘itnl “'enkne Blood and Skin diseases, Urinary, Bladder and Kidney complaints 0 men and women. fl' 0 NAME! II 001’ WRITTEN 0 He was marl-ed Core. healedâ€"â€I toe Method Treatment 1 blood disease with been afflicted for i I had consulted a a sicians, taken all In medicine, visited .' ‘ i and other mineral sorts, but only go \reliet. They would \ a time. but after 4 . ‘ the medicines tun would break out a: l'U Edward Kress, Durham, Ont. Co}.â€" Mâ€"ichlgu_nâ€"Kvâ€"o. an? Site“; St. Detroit. Mich. .\1 IX K‘E" Y O U R H OM E:C O M F0 R '1‘ A B L'E J ardinieres Library Tables Hall Stands Medicine Cabinets Secretaries Com bination Bookcases Ofï¬ce Desks Upholstered Goods Picture Frames Frames to order Room Mouldings D WITH- HIT. low the our New I. aerloul :h I had '0 you-s. of phy- ot blood Springs ater re- :mporary ) me for manning ymptoms -running _tc pains.