West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Jun 1905, p. 2

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DIATH 0? Jon WATERS. Hany sincerely regret the death of Ir. John Waters which took place on Thursday morning last between uven and eight o’clock. was troubled during the last few months with stomach disorders and although the aid of local physicians and specialists was obtained he did not improve and he was informed a few weeks ago that his case was He was able to be around until the day before his death and hopeless. was even feeling so well that he had talked of a fishing excursion a day 01’ so before. Deceased was born in the townshipg of Melancthon and came to Dundalk eighteen years ago. He and Mr. D. McLean built the Queen’s Hotel and ran it for two years as partners. Mr. McLean then pulled out. and be con- ducted the business himself for five years. He then moved to Mt Forest and Durham in turn. being engaged in the hotel business ln both places Three years ago he returned to Dun. dalk and took a position with Mr. M. Bolger. of the (irand Central Hotel. ' Mr. W. .13 and afterwards with Smyth, the greet-at landlord. .The funeral took place on Saturday last to the R C. cemetery in Melancthon. aservicebeing held in the church here, en route. Rev. Father Murphy ofiiciating. The relatives left are the bereaved widow. Mrs D. McLean his sister. and Messrs David and Michael of Melancthon, and Law rence,oflMinnesota.his brothers. They have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. Those from a distance attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Murchie. To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Misses McKinnou and Mary and Alias Finnerty. Orangeville; and Misses Cecelia and Nellie Finnerty. Owen Sound.~â€"Dundalk Herald. â€"¢-0-â€" Found a Cure for Dyspepsia. Mrs. S. Lintlsay,of Fort \Villiam. Ontario Canada. who has suffered quite a number of years from (133. pepsia and great pains in the stom- ach. was aalvise'l by her druggist to take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv- er Tablets. She did so and says. “I find that ill“)! have done me a great deal of good. I have never had any suffering since- I began using them.” If troubled with dyspepsia or irdi- gestion why not take these Tablets. gct well and stay well? For sale by Parker's Drug Store. The lilkdii’tt" t'lIH'.’ Iain s Stonm sh and Liver Tablets is o \D- IClIlo-, Store. woo-â€" matteruf obituariws. decided to re-a form and. ' 'nll the truth just for once. He commented as follows on the death of a w: II known citiz-in: “I)i:»:l.~ Age l f... 3 cars. l; months and I 1'.’ days. was a mild-man- nered hr'tte with a mouth for whis- I key. and an eye. for boodle. He owetl u< several dollars on the paper. 8 largr 2:10 tt‘ lill him pray s’x blocks away. He died singing ".l- arts l’nit‘ It All." and we think ll" Wm rig/3v, as Ilt' never paid anything himself. He was buri-Hl in an asl.estr.:>,s~linml casket, and his llt'l'tms‘i-f many .‘t7o-n is ‘lm'vgw palm leaf fans ' into tie gram, as lw :n..y needthem. His ' _ tn' ~\\'ill llr‘ a resilllgpliu’tt} for boot owls. -“ Fr Just What Everyone Should Do. Mr J 'l'. inrt» .' c: lz‘winvillc, (la. l always my - t lottle of Chamber- lain's L7 ‘. . L‘ln-lt-rn. and Diarrhoea. lit‘lllt‘lfi' u' llzllul {Milly for instant use .‘t‘nn its of colic. cholera mor- bus and tli-trz‘licta come on so sudden ly that them is no timo- to hunt adoc “for go to the store for medime Mr. lath» r says: "I have tried 5 Chamberlain's L.‘ li‘. Cholera, and- Diarrhtut litlTlrtit which is one of: best medicines I ever saw. I keep a, bottle of it in my room as I have hadf several attacks of colic and it has; proved to Le the. hast medicine I ever? edus" Still at I’aiker’s Drug Store 2 l .. -â€"â€"â€"--- ~â€"-â€".~-.â€"~o â€"-â€"-â€"-- , ' A Charoworth young man went to t church with his best girl not long .go. says the News; Both were quite good ltoking and modest and whenl the collection was being taken the young man explored his pockets and whispered to the young lady. ”l haven’t a cent. I changed my pants,” In the meantime the young lady had; been searching her pockets, and find- ing nOthing, blushed rosy red and atammered. "I’m in the same pre-l dicameut.” - l l : | l â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-'_. ... M'W' Cuban Diarrhoea. . U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba‘ during the Spanish war know what this disease is. and that ordinary V remedies have little more eflect than i the only remedy that cures per-man. so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is most as severe and dan" erous as a mild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, however. that can always be depended upon as will be seen by the following certificate from Mrs. Min- nie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: “I horeby certify that Cbamberlain’sl Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy cured my husband of a severe it attack of Cuban diarrhoea. which he _ height home from Cuba. We had "" i 7 :3l l fiver-I'doetors but they did him no i 2 ‘ - . One bottle of this remedy . -' :1, ~ u. as our neighbors will test- 4° ‘ lshankfledfer so valuable a fires.“ et Parker’sfrou l Deceased ‘ D. McLean. . of Charn ber- 80 agreeable and so natural that you: do not realize it is the efi'cct of med-I For sale at Parker’s Drugfw zone A .\lit_'l.ig;tn cui'or who got tired of. wielding thu whitewash brush in the» :llltl you could hear“ i l l I l l l l l l l l l I l l i l Photo. by Elliot: 8 Fry sis Fianna. ataxmt The Inventor of the Automatic Gun l The man who has invented more deadly instruments of war than. any { other inventor in the world’s history is Sir Hiram S. Maxim. an American, who left his native country about twenty years ago in a burst of indignation at the lack of recognition of his genius shown by this government at Wash- ington. Lord Salisbury said of him: “He has prevented more men from dying of old age than any other man who ever lived.” This mechanical genius who has added to the horrors of war was the l son of a wood turner in Maine, where he was born in 1840. He “began life," he says, “with a common school education and a jack knife.” He showed more skill in handling the knife than the education, and the mechanical turn of his mind soon becoming evident, he was apprenticed when he was fourteen to a carriage builder. After four years of this service he studied metal working and before he was twenty-one was foreman in a machine shop pre- paratory to a better position in the extensive works of his uncle. i In 1873 he took up the problem of his famous automatic gun, which was t not perfected until eleven years later. The inspiration of this invention of . destruction came from the kick of an old musket he was using; it was; so When the stars 3’ that he then saw faded away, it occurred to his bright mind that the energy of i the recoil might be caught and utilized to reload the rifle, and the result of l his experiments was the Maxim automatic machine gun. a death-dealing alfair i that murders humanity in war at the rate of three thousand shots a minute. . This is but one of his many improvements in ordnance and explosives. in f 1877 his attention was turned to electricity, and some of the earliest electric i lights in America were invented by him. i In 1883 he took up his permanent residence in England, and becam,n n. l severe a kick that it threw him over and bruised his cheek. 2 British subject and was knighted by Queen Victoria four years ago The. l latest invention of Sir Hiram, who, it is said, has never failed to solve any ’ problem he has attempted, is an airship that really does flyâ€"so many of the s recent airships' though beautiful in theory. have failed in this one par- ticular. The persistence of Sir Hiram is shown by his carrying th flying machine problem through thirteen years of his busy life, during a lath? part of which time he has been a member of the firm of Vickers’ Sons 8: Illaxizn, which employs 14.000 men. ' Entcrc-l now-unit"; in Art, ..r tlu- i‘nrliatncnt of Canada, in thcycar 1904. by W. (‘7. Mock. at tlw l’i'l'ilmW“t "i -\ " 3‘ ‘~ i" " 1 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh; MULL CORNERS. that Contain Mercury, , l ias mercury will surely destroy the' - to be under the impression the whole system when entering inlfor ' IlII‘OUglI the mucous surfaces. Such. articles should never be used except; on prescriptions from reputable phy-l sienna, as the damage they will do is? a ct down t busi ° ten fold to the good you can possibly , g 0 ”933 3331“- We will just in derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh l G Among those Who took in the ,Cure. manufactured by I". J. Cheney; MUBIP‘h expursmn were: Mr. and 6’s Co., Toledo 0. contains no mercury, ' rs. b Puthcrbough, Messrs. Hugh and is take); ‘ V} D 111 vly upon the blood and mucous sur-ll ‘3 0"“ L- syStetu. In . Hall‘s L‘atarrh Cure he sure you get i ‘t' the genuine. It. is taken internally: Our teacher also took in faces or the Misses Cheney 8: Co. Testimonials free. making. Sold by Draggists. Price 75c. per One of our Corner young ladies bolttie . . 'had a quilting bee last week. Won- .I‘ake Hall’s Family Pills for con- der what that means? ‘Stipation. Mr. Donald McQuarrie is under .the weather at present. Hape soon to hear of his speedy recovery. .0..â€" A country editor who regards the; wishes of hi- friends has a good? We noticed some of the school boys many difficulties to contend With, ; up in high trees this week, and on and a good many news items are not 5 enquiry found examination was on printed because Special requeSts are l and they were trying to RVOld it. made by parties interested. There? By an appearance there will be no are a great manv people who do not 3 scarcity of fruit this year. wish their actions made known lest! , , , , , { Mr. Rob Ewen has erected a new their sootal s or u in l . no ””0" b 8 ess gate post. (xet a mate Bob. standing should be injured. Somel try to keep such matters secret and’ are of course disappointed. Others! are more prudent and send a polite' note to the editor or call and see him personally requesting him not to , *â€" send abroad the information that isl Quite 9' number 0" 1390919 from this known ,0 onlya few. In this waylp‘” took in the excursion to the many of the be“ news items are Model Farm on the 10th and enjoyed kept out of the columns of the coun- themselves although it did rain. . ‘ try weekly. In private conversation. Miss All.” Atkinson i8 holidaying editors often pretend to know nothing l at the DUNN“ home 35 9'98"". of an accident. a business deal. or Mr. Thomas Harrison, of Glen- exhibition of folly simply because if mont. is spending -. few days the towers WPPOSG’l lb“! were acquint- companion of M. J. Staples. ed with the facts a demand would be Mr. Thomas Timmins visited at made that the particulars be not pub- - ’ lisbed. Men who have favors to ask :2; 3:11:13". ngthairiVI'Iiotan‘ week . _ , , . should endeavor to have favors some- times to grant.â€"Ex. Several of the people of this part went over to 'McGillivray’s bridge, Lime Kiln Valley, last Sunday after- . . ‘ noon to witness the rites of baptism A Htlhon Dollars Squandered. performed by the Rev. Mr. Newton It was estimated this sum was at that lace Ei ht . oun asted last year by people trying to were im‘inersee. 8 y g pauple find a cure for catarrh. Foolish for sufferers to experiment when it’s so well known that “Catarrhozone” is "'" H... Mm Darkies’ Corners. The Corner Gander imagines we tried to scare him from the field and nearly fainted. We are glad he did not for we would miss him very much; thowever, we had no inten- tion of doing so. He thinks we are had catarrh in its worst form.” 59’“. b‘“ we assure him Eh“ “Nb writes G. p, p.439... of Royan. Que. is not the case for we are quite harm- "I was so bad that ordinary medicine 103'- “009" '5“ called “PO“ ‘0 ‘0‘ didn’t even relieve; but Catarrhosone in 0‘“ o'n defence. cured perfectly.” No chance of dis- John McGirr is away to Niagan ‘PPOiMIIOM "“1 C“""h°'°n'-i“ with the nod coats to practice annual certain as death to cure your ogtarrh drill. ' _.° t t It. -- J“ "Y The Aberdeen Ostrich must have ently. Other remedies onlv relieve, but Catarrhosone cures and prevents the disease from ever returning. hI HQ.Â¥ The new provisions of the . .. . ’ . _ Act which prohibits‘tha ., W Meant ,_ have been 2.4:: ‘0 m. W. W _ b 1 - , . _. W _, ”7g . S.“ _. hf I A i l “I."EfI'v .. ‘ . _ x: ,- “ C‘; I P y t .. K . ‘ 3‘. ‘q‘ 3 .' *il. a I ‘ 't 2. 1A ‘, » . t l I . _ r v _a ’ 4 . .‘ u - ' m _' _ t a . u. ' -- I r . t . . 1 . ‘ O . . 7‘ _, » 1 ,- ., V - . *' - 1 x . ‘a a a _ ,. . -â€".. 9-, i . . l l . l i Q . ', _ 1‘ I . . ,_ _-, ._ . " i “ n, J . ~ . v '} . 4- “ . i _ . . _ s . l - . x ‘ ' .‘ . . o . . I . Ill I ' ‘b‘s’. I - '.‘.' \ _-‘.. ‘- .I “ . I i v If .' ’ debau I] Y 0 er . s I ‘ . O . . i n . a The Aberdeen correspondeut seems that we at him that we thought the Aber- deen bovs were carrying the news down that way, but now that the attraction has left we will;have to internally, acting direct. l McCormack, he” MCLN‘“ and Hugh buying] the tirp and all ,thoroughly enjoyed _ Sarah and Mary Caswell and niliill‘ in Toledo, Ohio. by I“. J. I have gone to Durham ‘30 learn dress been Wins 309109 eyes recently j else. Wh!;,jhki'l at a W his There is something in the result of the great naval battle in the straits of Korea that goes beyond the scope of enquiry of the navel experts Su- perior strategy. swifter ships. truer firing and greater daringâ€"these are only the superficial explanations of Admiral Togo’s victory. They are manifestations rather than the cause of the proud ascedanoy of Japan. The result of the battle is. in real- ity, the triumph of sober Japan over whiskey-soaked Russia. It is the greatest temperance lecture ever do- livered to the world. to nations, and to individuals as well. What was proved on the wreck- strewn straits of Korea had already been proved in the destruction of the Port Arthur squadron in the running fight with the Vladivostock cruisers. in the reduction of an almost impreg- nable fortress in the land operations in Manchuria. It was in each case Japan against Russia. but it was more. It was temperance against Japan’s achievements on land and sea were not directed by men who had spent their days and nights in idleness and dissipation. They were the product of lives of strong. stead- fast, sober endeavor. the very Oppo- site of what their enemy had been. The lesson of war is not for Rus- sia alone. It is for every individual who seeks stability and advancement. Great Britain’s greatest danger to- day is that intemperence and prog- ress do not go together. They are. as Sir Frederick Treves said the oth- er day. hopelessly antagonistic. This eminent authority made the statment that alcoholic drink. even in small quantities’ absorbs human energv and minimizes the short of the individual. Russia has learned this truth. but at a terrible cost. Let Great Britain profit by that les- son before it is too late. m .3» ..___.___ ‘Are Good Looks Valuable? If nature had her way every com- plexion would be clear and delight- ful. But many allow their blood to become weakâ€"~hence pimples, sallow skin, dark circles under the eyes. To have a beautiful complexion use Ferrozone regularly. It brings a rich. ruddy glow to the cheeks. nour- ishes the blood, and thereby destroys humors and pimples. For beauty. health and good Spirits use Ferrozone. Your appearance will improve a hundred fold. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate-coated Ferro- tabletsâ€"â€"-Don’t put oilâ€"get Ferrozone to-day. ‘. For Summer Wear. If you once realized how much cooler, casiâ€" er, neate ‘ and altogeth- er more comfortable our Washable Vests are than the ordinary vests, you would not let the day go by without having at 19am: one. Come in and let us slip on your size, just to see how you like it. All our Vest are tailor-- fixed. The fabrics will wash beautifully. The patterns are the hand- somest we could pick out. $1.75 and $2.25. Sin- gle breasted. “ Stout ” O I reasonable. Nov. 8th. refused to give space in its columns P.. for South Grey, givrng the reas- ons which led him to support the educational clauses of the Autonomy Guardian. “from'inserting a letter explaining why he thinks the edu- cational clauses of the bill should be supported because his reasons for not supporting the measure are of ' ' " ' interest rather than to the Methodist public Good Farm for Sale. ' Farms For Sale. N THE GARAFBAXA ROAD- about as .n.. from n-rh-n- a... Qmfigdfim’: rl‘g‘fl 80.3.3135 title. Pullslnun '3‘ once. 0°“ land. Must smkhrm. in firstclass the b be sold. For particulars apply ‘0 and stables. good frame nominal?" £25 J. P. TELFORD. Durham WM- Feb. find I“ -tf. 00 ACRES IN BENTINCK. Rocky 8‘an Good farm. with good . Owner givrng up farming. TO LET. -- ooACBEs. L0r53,00N 3. W.G. BREE ROOMS ABOVE A. “0‘ 1 Road.Bentinck. Mustbesold to close LIUR‘hInn’s Store, recently occu ied by _ ' DI‘. Gunn I! 0mmâ€"to rent on “gypmmg. $2‘Zztgffm.1‘xg:fi;gmymfint very Gas). Apply to . W' H' BEAN“ MACKAY . DUNN sec’y A. F. A. n. Vendor’s solicitoi‘s, Mar. 10. 04â€"“ Durham ‘ Houses for Sale. “ For Sale or Rent. 01‘ 51, 52, 53â€"â€"Sideroa'd 50, 1} miles north of Priceville. Farm in first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars spplv to DUGALD D. MCLACIILAN, ‘ ~ | RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY Tt) J. W. CRAWFORD. Also several building lots. Jan. 28-tf. Priceville P. O. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ; .m. ___._. For Sale. DESIRABLE PIECE or PROP- ert consisting of twent-iive acres one-half mile east of Corporation of the Town af Durham. described as South part of Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G.R., Glenelg. On the premises is a comfortable brick five- roomed cottage. a good frame barn and stable, a small bearing orchard, an abun- .MANBY' An ext“ 30.0“ ("in “Ed well dance of the best running water. All Improved. Owner ““1008 togo “est. cleared, title good. Terms easv and rice 150 ACRES. BENTINCK . right. For further particulars apnlv to Park. Well improved indebtiiiergii Alviiiii 'rnos. DAVIS. cheap. Lot 2, Con.3, N. D. R.. Gleuelg. 125 ACRES. on 18th Concession of Non- April 4. 1W.â€"tf. DURHAM P, O, MANBY. Well im roved and well located Offered cheap. ill rent if not sold. 1m ACRES. BENTINCK. near Rocky San eon. Good farm with good timber III sell cheap. N THE CENTRAL PART OF DURHAMRESIDENCE.belongingto Mr‘ Durham. Four lots on the West side of gfi‘l“ Brawne, photographer, offered; at Albert Street, for private residences. Now p price. is the time to get these lots. For further information applv to J. M. HUNTER. Durham. H. H. Miller THE HANOVER CONVEYANL‘l-lli Now offers the following: 100 ACRES, south-west of Varney, in Non Town Lots for Sale. N . g _ . .- . .- ...- April 12. 1904.-â€"tf. M9, in To LO“ “ ‘0“9 t We 'a. IxsbItAaCEs PLACED in x.. 1 (Tom. patties at low rates. Park Lot For Sale. l DEBTS coumcrsn. â€"â€" | ntfs‘INEss DIFFICI'L'I‘lES a. ranged. . ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTfllc. 1’. R. TICKETS for sale toall punts. of Saddler street in the Town of Dur- ham, in the county of Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to Always Promptâ€" Never Negligent. H. H. MILLER. J. P. TELFORD, Dec. 2.â€"~tf. Vendor’s Solicitor, Durham. Houses to Rent. l g l l . l l l lmnlemtnts O The “Deering” Implc- ments, manufactured by the International 11ml vester Co. of Hamilton. lead the world. W0 GOOD HOUSES, NEW BRICK good location, garden lot with each. Rant reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to JAMES CARSON or ED. WALSH. ._._mwt.â€" i Teacher Wanted. , NO. Ll Glenelg, a male teacher, with Second; Class Professional certificate. Salary at; the rate ofl$40(l) parfiinndum. Duties to com-t _ SEE mence on hetnr . on ayin August. Ap-‘ t. ‘ D DRILLS. L‘l' ,. glicationsi mustlbe in the hands of t(liie un~l BinderS, TIVATORS It I j,- ersi'rnet not ater Man he thi .ay of? r" i ,‘ L” -. I June.“ Personal application breferred. l R§3R%\:§'R8k} Mthlél‘Sllll (In , I iii GEO. ll xxx»: S t - l ‘ ’ : i‘. ._ .. " ‘ .liliS ' ' $3213.25, , wacoxs. \i’lLKINSti‘lN p1,. )\.'\ _ _ , -, 4 lAND LAND ROLLERS . ! Farm For Sale. 3 Buggies 21c) ACRES NEAR WILDER’Sl N Lake. Two barns, stone stables! with cement. floors, good house, well watered Cheap. For further particulars apply to MACKAY DUNN. Vendor’s Solicitors. 4OR SCHOOL SECTION A complete line of the Pan. - :- ston Buggy Co's Buggies. fRaytnond Sewing Machines. litre-- isell \\ ashers. Thomas Bros. \'\;«~.. March lOâ€"tt‘ leis» “('Clary Moves. Elmira 11.: lLoaerSl t]. 1. Case 'I‘ht‘t sl.’;._ -_-_‘.___. ~â€"~â€"â€"-~â€"~â€"â€"â€" f M achines. Farm for Sale. 3 _~_ _____ 1 i ‘fi EING PARTS OF LOTS 6‘). AND! , 63, Bentinck, Con. 2, W. G. R,. ad-l ere FenCIng. oining the Cor oration of the.'I‘own oil )urham. The arm consrsts of 42.1. acres; The Dillon Wire Fence L't / \ â€"â€"about 4 acres uoodland. the halaiice un- l der grass. Comfortable dwelling and good 3 Owen Sound Offers mixes L ’ (iomtfotrttabkle gutbuiidingF. Srgall orchard; from $100 down to $100 to tr r .us .6 III opace ora airtfarmer sons ' 'r . .... or market gardener. 3 ' putting up [hi min“ i‘ Sold at right price: and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends gomg west and Wishes to dispose of it. H. BURNETT. Proprietor, Jan. 20, 1905.â€"tf. DURHAM, Oxr. number of rods of theiriencing We sell the wire. .MONUMENTs â€"â€"Tbe Doyle Julian Marble Works. Owen Sound. Be- fore buying elsewhere see our «ic- signs and samples. We can saw- you money. JOHN CLARK House to Rent. N THE FIRST OF DECEMBER-â€" a comfortable, conveniently sit- uated house on Lambton street west. Spring water tap in kitchen. App y to N. Mch'rYan, Durham. Rent. The Reliance Grocery 3.. -"Wâ€"“~*.- ,_ .___ .â€"-a-- ___-n-_ ~M~ The Christian Guardian recently to a letter from Mr. H. H. Miller. M. . a At the.Reliance Grocery you are always sure of getting the highest class goods at lowest prices. Bill. “He must excuse us,” said the to his own constituency . . generally.” . or “ slim ” 81288. ” _.,_._.. . ._ .__._., §taul¢ 5' Fancy Grocer- Fi" Yam ”new our“. 12. M Nation”. . , , "No one knows what I sufiered NOW 18 a good time from stomach trouble and dyspepsia’ " * ' to buy . writes Uni. A. B. Agnew of Bridge- w . water. “ or the last five years I “kg quail have been unable to digest and assim- e . , ‘ ty 0‘ I . ilate food. I had no color, my 0. 1' “0114” l the strength ran down and I felt miser. this all the time. Freshest. and beat stock I always had a heavy feeling after meals and was much troubled with discloses and again before my eyes. Dr. Hamil- ~ n’a Pillsmrgjast what! needed. lot the Oldest-Net the l lustthe Best I( '0“ “l.~ll it; l‘lt t-ixv , .n Shortlmtnl l w. an. that you :llli‘htl 3. ~ 1.. The Mount 5 ,...\_.. Business ' * it ____.. _-.â€" i For \\ hich '.\ c \\ ill pay the higthl pricc in Cztsh l Trade. ‘ \Vc kccp on hand a largo :tssnt‘il mcnt of “Initials. Twccds. \ urns, etc, and a tul SIOCK (ll (Il‘tlt‘c‘l‘it‘s Custom Cardin: and Spinll s.soorr DU RH A _\l i ~ 4“ . H @2 “9703qu A mass? ‘1 ' lll lf‘\t‘l in; an! lug \‘uut II' the Scientiti' H -».. Leveller “hull E» ‘t 811d DPS! (‘t lll‘ i\‘;it t"- purpose fllHl “.1. at am isiat-t i..t..

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