â€"â€"--â€"-- Slandad Bank of Canada HEM llFFlC E, “TORONTD. :3." I . o. f \. I... ’ G P. R Jill ..- .- ‘.‘H\\ ‘GE:: ‘_‘:..'.0 ’ A 9 0“ o " ‘r O ‘ ‘f r] J I , . g2 .‘Cn.00‘ 1":0. ..:?.f.‘:.~.' .. . , _ _. {:..-5 By LOUIS :..: 7:515 Til ':â€â€œâ€â€™ Id ‘ ()f‘lii‘ rmmw fled . é... o 0 ‘ o ..:.- J - r ‘ .. .0... C a. 1’. '3’?!" 11 1 1. â€(if "i f ....... 51:2. 1 Copyright. “3' M 52335:?" ‘ .'-'-..'-' 1'. Edward J. Clad. ,'-‘,-:',-: :1: .. â€"-__â€"_ “o 0 d 0.. ..O 0.: :0 a: o . :... 0,0: 0...... 0.0.00..':.:. out O. o 0.00"" .0†z .. . .. . .. .. . 0.... ":..... .. ‘ '13:}...0: :0. o :. â€.3 ‘1f5. r.::.o‘20.¢3:.'~“. ..3:.0‘oo.o"o:.. no. ::3:.:E::.}: :3..:I$£:.’:':::.o:;:... 0:..:S':‘.:;$.~’:.:‘a:o 1o ...:.’ u a 3 . . . . '0‘. 0.:0 .5: :..:O... “:...o:: . o . .o g. . ... :... o... . .0. .0 . ...°.-°...0‘. 43.115, '1; . .. 1nc1pa. -' mats in .11. .. . 321;. .,-'.:r. =1,.';.'.:.-:.'-.:.‘,!.}'{-.;'S-.:1'2{3'11°-::-:Zs.:.‘}151%?1.:t17}:§'3§:-’:°r.:-'.:.:1.; 3°.-:~'-'£:r.’-.{l1,c'3:3.13.3:11'- . . . .31'. 1 b m1 i -‘-"-‘~-°-='=='~‘-: "1: ate-'15. '.:-:'.~:.-:=1r.~:~1=:1.-.: 1:1: ..~" 111:3 We â€â€™1 â€â€˜1 “ ‘., . -‘.' a .0. .0 o '3. 0:0:‘0 0. :"00 0"...â€2‘003 0.... 0 . :0" .0..0’..O .o 'o o .°..O:° . .31.. 5'114-3' .' ‘3' 1 . .- 4 1m 0 a '1‘ " ,ovm‘vb.‘M‘-QI-"_vh rates 21111 England. DU N “A?“ .‘GENCY . i 9 .'i "‘11. ‘,,’l‘ll’-:.r 'I -' l l: 1.3% ' 11.11:»: i l‘ ' 1.. , ,1 .1 ..,.‘;j,. Elï¬n 0' 1.1..;_ .ii'prs ‘ â€EVEN! a ‘ 1",T (1:. )1.\'t"l 'L' 1 f'd’. .3 1 -- ‘ THE 5.3933133 BANF. in". " 'I-).'1'11-. n ".Lvings Bani. if): «1 o "l '1i1"-:1r'i~1. Prc' t". ion .' ' v ' 10"1'}: :11 1. 11113“ 1111-r- V _ 1.5.1 1.1.111 Ll. l'{I§:lJ Y, Ago ~““*~un -~.- noun-o“... l" ‘ ~- ‘ 0 - :\ - ' . ‘ Y , - ' 11 1 ' -Hl.l1.1111cssl. , ‘ (v | - ' ‘1‘ we and 1Ie¢ i - ,'-. c. , r 1r F ii: _.. 5,1) ,0 2‘ :3 C.‘ I". "\ m1 dnUNDERb . . ... l. .. .' ..".‘"ili\:'. 1 any ' i 9 Pl! -"-'.'" 1 J 1’ :..-.1... air-1'51 ilâ€"vao‘ .1; 1 i'paiil and ‘llw .1133 13.11' '- ' '1. )t $13.5 . ‘ The. wl.?'11-. rest and most f1 ,-1'l1' ‘3. T." '.1.- l i. l ever tin“. .- 7 " .‘ii' Bread. ‘Fvvif t‘l i '1 ii i ‘la‘: (trilCle Whetln: . l View or Gales and givo :1 aft-111tim u ear 1: et's i F1}. mm: of Balm: {1001' 1...’11;,-- on hand. 0 "t' . 1 1. .3) mson 1111;).1. HHx’l'Ill MQIUJAY: .._.. ';' "’ 31‘ s a 11 - 1 1 . . I ‘ b ‘v . -1 ~~ .wt';, Pump 1:? ll Kinds. Galvan: .1'. 1nd lion Pip mg: Bras. Brass Liner‘ and hen "L'linders. ,, Pumps imm $2 upwaui. CHOP Open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. NW. ll. Billllllll O O. Q ': on'.‘ -W C- c. - on... on ,1 ergy. __.-_..~.- __ _ _ Jeni-.11, 1'05, composed himself for a thing to eat while the coast was clear 1112 f rest. He felt assured that there beneath. She needed no second bid. ’ W115 liQC the l'E'lllOi'OSC chance Of their ding for the lOll†vigil Of the previous ,1 lofty perch beinr' , daybreak 'fd 1 'w n v. ouid aw aken hi1.1. .the sight of him. His faculties were at once 011 the ' alert, though he little re: iii zed the dan found out before and the first faint streaks of \\ hen the morning brL 1.1L1z1" swept over ‘the Geo .111 and the 151.11" , w L re beginning to pale before tlc pink glory flung broadcast tlnoUgh the sky by the yet invisible sun, the sailor was aroused ‘ by the quiet fluttering of a bird about to settle on the rock, but startled by 1 gcr lagtokened by the birds rapid dart into the void. Turnin li' is he ' lIer in a smile. She might til't".li!:l3;"' of summer and I'Ingland. 1; first to peer at satisï¬ed himself that she was lips were slightly be He 4110isclessly wormed his way to the verge of the reek and l through the grass roots. 0 - 31 The Iiyaks were already i wcic drawing water, L.-1")<')king, eating, I i absurdly small lunvls or oiling ' limbs and weapons with impartial en- The chief yet lay Sil’t‘lcllt’d on i the sand, but when the first beams of the sun gilded the Waters :1 man I sto1"1pL.'l over the prostrate form and said s-uncthing that causel the le'epL 1' to rise stiiily, supprn'ting himself on his uninjurL'd arm. They at once went off together toward Europa point. “T'he. have found ti e boat." Jenks. “\l (.11, they are welcome to all the information it affords." The chief gave some order, at which they all hung back sheepishly. Cursing them in choice Malay, the chief seized a thick faggot and strode in the direc- tion of the cave Goaded into activity by his truculent demeanor, some fol- lowed him, and Jenks, unable to see, but listening anxiously, knew that they were- tearing the cheval Llc frise from its supports. Nevertheless none 01" the working party entered the excavation. They feared the parched bones shone by night. As he had not been able to complete shaft it was that the communicating not The mmtroua object crouching in lumi- nous horror. now of vital importance should the Dyaks penetrate to the interior. Yet he thanked the good luck that had showered such a heap of rubbish over the spot containing his chief stores 1111.1 covering the vein of gold. Wild as these fellows were, they well knew the value of the precious metal. and if by chance they lighted upon such a well deï¬ned lode they might not quit the island for weeks. At past on a command from the chief the Dyaks scattered in various direo tions. Some turned toward Europa point. but the majority went to the east aim": Turtle beach or by way of the la. 1:111. Prospect park was desert. ed. They were scouring both seem}!!! of the islar l in full force. The quiet watcher on the ledge took no needless risks. Though it was im- possible to believe any stratagem had been planned for his special beneï¬t. an accident might betray him. With the utmost circmnzpection he moon all fours and. with comprehensive glance. examined trees. plateau and both strips 01 beach for signs of a lurking foe. 'He‘ need have no fear. 0! all place. in the island the Dyaks least imagined that stirring. Some were rex'denishing the fire, others , smoking long thin stemmed pipes with their looked down 111111151111 ’ biscuit, cold fowl, In this. the innLr .‘lt‘t-‘ilI-lll uge. they cf)'.:l.1 be seen only by or by a 11111111~i_;1111i11:.; 1'o1'ky shelf that 1'111'11111-1 the extremity of the 111-;- saiior kept a (‘l‘ir'i' EMU} and 111.11: >'.‘1L1;'.1I,'-.' aim at the llyak‘s left 11".'. :41. The birds tl‘ltterwl Illll’llll l!) augges‘tfli that they Should have some- night had made her very hungry, and the two l)1'e:1kt‘.'1:<’11'.1d right royally on ham and good water. of their refâ€" I a bird on the distant soillllel‘n 1:?111 cliff, and the H.111 in that (N1, 1161.1 be climbing to that fiï¬l ledge. Was this the end? Iris bent forward sufï¬ciently in her sheltering niche to permit her to gaze with wistful tenderness upon "Janka. She knew he would dare all for her sake. She could only pray and hope. sist ance. the blood in their veins. irresistible in 578 ï¬nial. 'mo're pltile'ss in his strength, whose assault! would tax to the utmost their powers of re- In another hour the sun! would be high in the heavn' ,- 1::"’ ' ' his ardent rays upon the... .11111 drying illll. lllli‘l‘li’S CELERY- lR0ll PILLS. ‘ - c1111‘ 11 a clamor of discordant yells ° 3.1110 the a1 i' 1 ,. , .0 1513,}, , †1.... y . 11 1 11.11.11 111. l†_, The Remedy we Positively fell upon her ears. Jenks tea to isi the shade of trees, but .,.,(.. knees. The Dyaks had discovered their 1 power of 111,119,4ijth pm. - - Guarantee will Cure YOU refuge and were about to open tire He ‘ the pnqgegginn of watc. offered them a target lest ile‘chancef (1-3331, l'v‘fljlyngl the “.01, OTYOWMOHCYRCfundCd. Iris were not there tjzhly screened. 3 1.". (1,“ of its '-hie‘ terrors. }; _ _ _ "1‘1“? 010301" he. “""1- "Thev have 1.. .~.' changed. Instead of working Thu h“ never been ‘ remedy ofl'cred {0111111 “1“- LOW] “1'1†be flying around; Liz--111 grateful i‘L.l:::;_'L1 they were bound. lathe public with such an honest guaran- SOOIl." ' t0 the lH'nWil l'LN'ig, V ‘ilvl SOOD “’Ollld; tee of cure behind it as Dr, Harm’s Cc}. into the 111111 bullets spa She flint-he'd back lllC Si‘. llUl' itlll I)l'.f(1.!lt’ into the ledge, of which three pierced, the tarpauiiu and one flattened itsel against the rock. Then Jenks took Up the tale. felt, 1101st tlvnlley. crevice; ' . , . . ' - SO cu‘. g10(.0 o; riousfy commuted was t111s man that, glow V1 31h radiated t, off sco“ hing gusts lik~~ unto the open- ing of :1 furnace door. f, This He had foresee: all along. 2 tarpaul 11 would yield uneasy prots' , both v ."e in perfect l tion. lat-if Iris w1 1 the ext :1 strain bl'Ol' ‘ puke! that w .11 he . ion, 1 w oundcd. whclming numbers. l the sand and twisted his head around: the has.) of the farther cliff. The (lis- .:1er::y and give; cry-Iron Pills. The , “1° Lhem some de-; and theyl :hysical condi- and one last mad ii; ht against over- This rcmedv is t 111 best ' treatment in the world for 51111-1 true". .5 i as Anaemia, Chlorosis or Green S‘i.‘ name, and Sallow Complexion, .\1r111us- 1 ness, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, l1. :palrti Memory, Loss OIOAppetite, Dvs: 11's Nerve Exhaustion, Nervous ll1ala1:'11 Hysteria, St. Vitus Dance, Fen mic \"1 1- q “'1 c 1“ ncss, Pimple: and Eruptions, ll 1.1rt. lâ€... lzt fever in its w nothing but and Faintness, General Weakness and blank 1 spair, to be 1 110d for her by. DEbilitY pitation, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness 1 Lleliriu' and mercifll. death, for him1 It is 81 gm: boon to weak, .,'iw'ornilout . 113' :1 1 need: rush 111511.; the Dyaks’ run d0“ men “Id women, gin no t em I that vigorous health that makes life i worth living. ' standing on the beach near the quarry. 191471.11, 1 ' Then the girl‘s vo'ce reached him i There is nothing better for pale, 115: 1 his 11;..1' about. to throw the remains‘ ‘ Q. .' 1. . .1 ‘-.. 'l less, hollow-eyed girls to make t‘“ p .1. .. -. . -. .. . - 1 : 1â€"911, 1011111“. JUNOW (“Hill‘- , rosy checked and full of boundinghcal'h 1.. L .. .4. 1 :12: 1.1.1z'1, 11d 1111 pro‘ “You will be glad to hear that the If you are anxious to try Dr. Harm‘s. V317 ‘ i 1 "eta-=1;- vzbcn .l1111?<~' restrained cut has stepped bleeding. It is onlyICe Celery-Iron Pills, we will sell you 6 Hi" i a scratch " 1 boxes for $2. 50 with thaundcgrstandfing â€Nâ€. 'f' ~' "1‘1 1'11ifi"'-‘~ 1: . , v0 3 "11'- ' "oz: 1:1 3 1 .1 . 71"] :1‘111111 (,1 food.†1 “fl“; (lit a 11â€.“; \: ililch 1 1e“ Eton"; of the Pills, after taking three boxes 'll - 1' 4.1-," '11...- .1:' 11.1.11" she ex? passef 101111 :18) “hi“ ti 1:11:11 tulle' according to directions, you may return ' .a, , ,4: ;1,.. 1-,,†think mist 1'0â€] “‘1 ‘1“? n M in" 111 ' . the 3 empty boxes, together with the 3 , ' .. . , ., ' thought he eclectcd a slip ht rustling g; unopened ones and have vou: moncy ‘ ' †3 U-“ l .. ,. ; among the trees where the cliff shelv~g refunded€ ., .1 ,f ‘ E: " l“ "l “"1 “"1 flat on ed up from the house. Standing as be By the single box the Pill: are 506. i 11-1. ,1 111‘. . ~ 1-: 1 11.11 was on the edge of the rock, this was a ‘ ‘ '4 l- 1 ' 1’11 “11' 11'? “1311- point he could not guard against. JNO- A. I)ARLl \(J “Y" i ‘ ' 1111' There 3" a “hen her welcome assurance recall- W“ , ‘ ‘1' ' 1 11'"1 ,_, , ,., -, ‘_-11r..1118‘# AKA â€" .i.1:_1~,,. ‘ - “ ed 111.5 scatteieu senses he etLppLd .1 , 1 . ' 1..11 had 1_-limbeds back to speak to 1191-, and in the same 1‘) . , ,. ¢ ) . "’ ;-1.~111-:i “Wk-V table instant :1 couple of bullets crashed “Lhn'dl \l' "i ' "â€3â€"? t") †“7’â€. against the rock overhead. Iris had _,_______ _ _ __ â€:..â€"a. 1 ' 1 1. 1 ’1 1 1 ' their heads. unwittingly saved him from :1 serious, .. , _ , ‘ _ _. ‘ .11 .I .. ,1. 1.111:1 1211-31 nor even 1 M.11 ills “my. “-0.13“. ! tween lll1'..;.‘ 11: ‘1' «1. ‘1 "1 .1 111,111 Itâ€. 11' l1." f‘£.a ‘~..1'i'a' i 13V ‘.‘.'('l'(‘ ('1311 110 Frilllllg 1‘) ll)" ("Xl‘l‘i’illlO right Off ElMl'll lllll‘l 911' >:..‘1‘i.11;1;.1 ,,,;11 ;1 l’O-‘L‘ ~ 1:1 ' 22:1. 1'1 1'1'11111 13:1) the It'll-L"? and boldly looked into the, 111111-11. 'TLJi'11I1‘Ii 1-.11111' 11-11 U.1'h ('11:. l "“ “' “7'" 1'11111111111' trees beneath. 'i".'-.':)liy:1k< were there, “HM" ““"H .I‘“ " .:1:'1.11;_ 1Ԡ'l- 3i“ l " ‘ l ' â€I" i'urtlwr' bel; 111111 Wanderers cut 1111’ from the, "1"â€.â€â€œâ€˜l“"“"" 3‘:“~11"""l"'i"i": .11- 1).! 12.1.“ ‘111' ."'.‘ll llill't 0i, lllt,‘ lS:l Illiilll liiitlï¬'. 31â€,}. tllYi'il headlong into llt‘ liglllt'111'l lll< j:l\\’< lii‘~ lit :13; “mi“ REEâ€"z.» tile 111115(15'2'1'51-wt11 for srii'eiy, but one? S\"‘.':'“"1‘: "1'1†1 ’ Mi; ‘ .llHil ('1'.“‘1.\'L"1_l lle: I“ , , . Oi â€â€93, \\'il2'1 lib) llllt‘. .IC‘liliS' l'lllO‘ "‘1‘1'1' :Il L‘Jll“ 7:1, 1'Tl".<'.‘11 illil l)Ol' ;‘ .,:“,! ,1 boiii \“g‘ 1':i «1111;.1' 1.1111111 1/11' III/1:]: mun/1‘11. Ulrnilfjll the (11/1, “â€1..in bin]. and its: rcverl11"3'11ting con. tie oi chain}. _.~_,. 1' .' 113:1;1-1'. Mca . ‘ ""‘i' ’ i '1') T5“ “â€111- Iâ€â€™1“'l'althougli he 1'thlil1-1sis'iy shot the savage 11115571111, 1115-11111 inn-i; and forth by the “I“? I LT“ â€f' “1'1“! >~11'1111ing to I: ' '1‘1‘ "1‘11 1‘1‘ U1" “P“- “H l11"-‘k‘1 Q Who tirrï¬t spied out their retreat. be e1-l1oL1ij-z' rocks, drowned his parting ill-““3 19“ 0" â€1"" ‘51" "‘1‘ 111“ 34-11111. 1 the rave. .~1-.;.1 he did not. see the; Was 141.1.‘115'1'11 only by the LliL-tz'fes of scream. must 1:11.11 an ;-.-.-‘ '1 i11t11r1 .1, jg mg -71.: At that unlucky 121;.11111111t thrcei stern necessity. There was :1 {(116.91 In the {11111131111111 of restored “gm. the Conversation." . .,;'1"1 Lll'iVL-“l it’llll illt‘ ll'i'i'S Oil tilt}; pinup-e that further l1[1'1.')1};:hpd “331,: {3331â€}. \i'dill’tl 1"â€. I10 Ctililllt’l' (lE‘lIiUliol ll“? g’l‘fls’ivl'il 1'1 l'iTli‘" 11.111 in]: down 011 *I't.‘-‘l l).\' l'.’.' li.";w“%lf_c Ul' lllt.‘ I)}'llli.Ԥ,l be ltVL‘l'lt‘tl. 'l'hut' l'liilllte 1;;“1 Inbrqdl. Sl’l‘llllllll. I“, llll'llt‘il illld ('l'OllCllleâ€""ly! th‘ 11-41:“. lill'l‘llclj' .2':':1Ie1ull,\' warm. â€w" "10“.“ “t" rm" “f â€â€œ3 "'1â€: ““‘l '“O’I V91??? “‘911- T110 (â€Nâ€"â€lib" 111““ 5131': â€1" abbroaclual the southern end of his LN.“- Wa" .u ‘1“): â€if.“ or sustained .‘Jz'll 1t vil't'iiiix 1111151 {0? 51m“: safe; dreadful game about tu be pl;1,'.':'113- parapet, "hr'mgh his screen of grass 51‘3’1‘1151: gun: on. denies thought he 111'L'1'li 1111 Which in alight. [ They lliltl llll'UWll the gage, llllil l“. 311- iii} ("illltl tlixflt‘l'l'l! llit? lung lllllt‘li 11min i‘(.‘i‘( 1% 'lt?'l lid“ ('lllt‘f :4 V1116? glVng m- .b-nlts swore with an Lauphasis nail swered them l"o'n' times did .iL'n’. " and “.1th face of a man “.1“ lay. on! Filiictiims to those Who had come ll;t‘ it‘s-4 Lull‘lien‘t llt‘t’llllt'ltf it was llllllO: rifle gun") (loath 1111511911, lllillUSI 11;]. fl'Ulli Hungrglers' L'L)\'t‘ filitl “'OI'G now i l i ever smaller circles. Then oneol‘ them dropped easily (111 ii) the lip of the instantly his bright eyes. encoun- . lt'l'l':l those of the 1111111. and he Llnl‘leil oil with a scream that brought his mates after him. ' The I-lyak (.1 (idem-1y noted the behav- ior oi" the birds -- his only lore was the reading of such signs-â€"and gazed in- tently at the ledge. Jenks he could not distinguish behind the screen of grass. lie might perin'lps see some portion of the tarpauiin covering the stores, but at the distance it must re- semble a weather beaten segment of the cliff. Yet something puzzled him. After a steady scrutiny he turned and yelled to others on the beach. The crucial moment had arrived. Jenks pressed the trigger, and the Dyak hurtled through the air. falling headlong out of sight. The sound of this, the ï¬rst shot of real warfare, awoke Rainbow island into tremendous activity. The winged life of the place ï¬lled the air with rau- cous cries, while shouting Dyaks scur- ried in all directions. Several came in- to the valley. Those nearest the fallen man picked him up and carried him to the well. He was quite dead, and. al- though amid hia other injuries they soon found the bullet wound, they evi- dently did not know whence the shot came, for those to whom he shouted had no inkling of his motive, and the slight haze from the rifle was instantly swept away by the breeze. Iris could hear the turmoil beneath, and she tremulousiy asked: ' “Are they going to attack us?†“Not yet,†was the reassuring an- swer. “I killed the fellow who saw us before he could tell the others.†It was a bold risk, and he had taken it. though now the Dyaks knew for certain their prey had not escaped there was no prospect of their speedy departure. Nevertheless the position was not utterly hopeless. None of the enemy could tell how or by whom their companion had been shot. Many among the excited horde jabbering be- neath actually looked at the cliff over and over again. yet failed to note the potentialities of the ledge, with its few tufts of grass growing where seeds had apparently been blown by the wind or dropped by passing birds. J cnks understood, of course, that the real danger would arise when they vis- ited the scene of their comrade’s dis- aster. Even then the wavering bal- ance of chance might cast the lung in his favor. 'He could only wait with ‘ ‘- g.‘ll‘!\. ready rim-1.1111111 the light of battle _ lowest): in his eyes. Of one thing at least he was certainâ€"before they can- for mugs of a living foe? queud him â€he would levy a terrible m the: r quarry had lain all night within w earshot of their encampment. l they waited for no more. lire the fourth Dyak c1111] 1psed limpiy 11 here he stood others w ere tin 1 firing at the little puff of smoke 311.1111" the grass. They got in :1 few sh»... most of which sprayed at vari11; angles off the face of the cliff. 12'.t “hen the lover of the I.ee-.\icti'ord was shoved home for the ï¬fth time the opp.)1<i111.r_ crest ’as bare of all opponents save two, and they lay motionless. The fate of the flanking Lle‘1:1;'Z: l!l(Zl[ was either unperu'ived or 111:]11111111111 11;. the Dyaks left in the viLinitv 111' 1.211 house and well. As ounded by the i 1'1 ing that burst i)rtli in midair, Jen's had Lleared the dangerous rock l)e.') 0. they realized that here, 1:1)ove t.‘- cir heads, were the white 111.111 and ilel maid whom they sought. “'ith stupid zeal they blazed away furiously, only succeeding in shower-- ing fragments of splintered stone lam» the eagles nest. And thes ailor smilei. He quietly picked up an old co: 1t. rlo l1 1 1 it into a ball and pushed it into sight amidst the grass. Then he squir; .1111 round on his. stomach and took 1:, :1 position ten feet away. Of course those who still carried loaded guns discharg- ed them at the bundle of rags. where upon Jenks thrust his rifle beyond the edge of the rock and leaned over. Three Dyaks fell before the remainder made up their minds to run. vinced. however. that running was good for their health, they move ed with much celerity. The remaining cartridges in the magazine slackened the pace of two of their number. Jenks dropped the empty weapon and seized another. He stood up now and sent a quick r-e.nin.l er after the rearmost pirate. The ot.1- are had disappeared toward tire locality where their leader and his diminished troop were gathered. not daring. t). again come within range of the win: tling dumdums. The sailor. holding l-f'. rifle as though pheasant shooting. hen forward and sought :1 belated opp.) neat. but in vain. There was no 8032: ‘. save the walling .of birds. the soft sough of the sea and the yelling of the three wounded men in the house. who knew not what terrors threatened 1111.: vainly bawled for succor. Again Jcnks could look at iris. ed him. “My God!" he groaned. wounded?" She smiled bravely at him. “It is nothing " she saidâ€" “a me; 9 “Are you splash from the rock which at my . forehead.†. ‘ He dared not go to her. He could only hOpe that it was no worse so he turned to examine the v' Llcy once more ‘ o Once con- - Her ‘ face was bleeding. The sight madden- . l ey c. Jeni-.5 took careful aim, tired. 1.:1111 :1 whiff of sand flew 11]). Perhaps he had used too line :1 sin-1113‘ amd plowed a furrow lcueatb the l>y-. {11:8 0:11. He only heard :1 but the enterprising head v:111i.~'i:e.l.:111 there were 11:) more v particular service. He was still peering at the 311:11-1 when a cry of ununtigated :111;"1i.-.11 came-from Iris: “Oh, come quick! casks have burst!" It was not until Jenks had torn 11111 tarpaulin £10m off their st 1111s : 1111 f 11 i was wildly striving with both 1.: :11 . - , scoop up some preLious drops c 1) ‘- Our water! Tia:- .‘Vtt‘ ' ; in the small hollows of th e led 11 1 .1 r I f he realized the full magnitude o1 1 1L11I ' disaster which had beiallcn ti: c: 11 I During the first rapid c\1 11. 11,1111 of 1 ï¬re before the enemy vacated t! .e 1,1'.i.. ' several bullets had pierced the tap 1'11»t ; lln. By a stroke of exceeding b 111 to â€"1 1 tune two of them had struck each 111'.’ ’1' 1 the water barrels and suited t' I staves. The contents quietly of hot. ' i away beneath the broad sheet 11111.1 l i flowing inward by reason of the 3"1z1'wi1 . slope of the ledge. percolated thioa I the- fault. Iris and he.notwithstaz1..Z-1-, 3 their frenzied efforts. were not able 1 ) ‘1' Ill 1 save more than a pint of griit 1' L...~L .1. l cred fluid. The rest, inii nite. y 1 valuable to them than all the diamond 1 of De Beers, was now oozing three. the natural channel cut by centur I11. 1); storm, dripping upon the headth . s2.1l~ cton in the cave.so.1kin" down to too- l very heart of their buried treasure. g Jenks was so paralyzed by this 011- tastroplie that his became alarmel- 1 As yet she did not giasp its aw fui S...‘ niflcance. That be, her her.o so 11121.1. '30 co:-ï¬Llent in the face of many (1 111- 'gers. should betray such sense of iv 1~ deemablc loss frightened her much more than the incident itself. Her lips whitened. Her words: be- came incoherent. 1 “Tell me." she whispered. bear anything but silence. ' implore you. Is it so bad?" i The sight of her distress sabcv'cl him. He ground his teeth together a: a man does who submits to 11 paint .i operation and resolves not to flinch ne- neath the knife. 1 “It is very bad.†he said: “not qu. to the end, but :1 or it." “The end." she bravely answered. "in death! We are living and uninjured. You'must ï¬ght on. If the Lord wills it we shall not die. " He looked in her blue eyes and saw there the light of heaven. Hot glance dld net droop before bill. In such 1111. 11111111511111.1111: speaks to heart without dmiment. “We still â€hm a little water. she -- “E «all Tell me. i -m-w..-“ tance oft measured, was ninety yards. ‘ the target pr.1L11L .1111 a six inch bull. â€"_-. faint yell... ‘ t oluntcers for that ' 1 llu'. : ls :1il"~â€"â€" ’ menis. - I little, \ï¬at." he warned her. § 11103va l. “i wonder if he i~' hungry,†hie tin-11:31 “If so. I will interfere with ‘ then 1111- 11.553: 1 â€hit. his pooped! _;1 111 at hi 111 All. .L‘llliS.†“Yes." withLmt turning his head. He kin-‘1': it was 111.1 ordinary question. l l l i l "MAY 1:. L't‘i!“‘e" inn?" "‘0. l...., 1' :.y «.11 y '11111'.~'eli‘ 1) 1 the ledge!" _ "Ye: even that. l 11111 so tired of i 6.11.: .‘liei'e alone." 1.1!, there. is no danger at present. Licy 1112,:i1t chance to see you, and you i'L'IziL'nibe-r what I"â€"« “Yes, I raineinber quite well. If that Then-:1 was :1 rustle of gar- “I am very mannish in appear- ance. If you 1'11'11111ise not to look at me ' i will join you.†"I promise.†Iris stepped‘ forth. She was flushed and. to cover her confusion, may be. she picked up a rifle. "Now there are two guns," she said as she stood. near him. He could see through the ind] of his eve that a slight but elegantly pro- 1portioned young gentleman of the sea- ,faring profession had suddenly appear- ed from nowhere. He was glad she had taken this course. It might better the positlom were the Dyaks to see her thus. “The moment i tell you you must fall “No ceremony about it. Just flopt" “I don’t know anything better cal- culated to make one flop than a bulle, " she laughed. hot yet did the tragedy of the broken kegs appeal to: her. “Yes, but it achieves its purpose in two ways. i want you to adopt the precautimary method." “Trust me for that. Good gracious!†The sailor’s rifle went of with an unexpected bang that froze the excla- mation om her lips. Three Dyaks were attempting to run the gantlct to their beleaguered: comrades. They carried I jar an two wicker baskets- He with the Jar fell. and broke it. The others doubled back like hares. and the ï¬rst man dragged himself after them. Jenks. did 91‘: ï¬re ggnln. [To an .oxvrxunnJ *â€" mt It Really lacked. “I put in the French phrases hero and there.†said the would be author. “to give the book an atmosphere of cui tore.†-uu m Willllllfl “Hill is fem-15:11.0 â€v raccoon no per (1.21.17:- 'om Will be; 1. ‘ “ugly I 1-.- “ [I‘m Sale, c21- each sul'm 111 All acvcr' m: (1' ‘ordlng incur work. VY. Elm-'1 1:1. lli\\‘lf\ A.\11 511 em ‘. ,0 1 ‘ o . ‘ / , â€'3- (\t .r ’L 7 Mt? It! 1);} t 1 0n. lamieson 81 Macon FFTCE AND ,{1'~.31.y‘_$.'g BhOf‘i diviltiuv 113.: .1 15“.... , [Albion Nun, I. ., ,- .., ‘. 06†hours-11111111.â€. 211.1l111'l. l..G Hutton. M. 0.. C FF“ l. A'Nll lit-“l l"\ ' Garatraxa :111l 1.. 1. ~1- fOOt (K hill. 'i.:.-»- i. p.m.. 7'9 [l.lli llo'lr; â€"-â€"â€"â€"_-n. Arthur Gun. it. D. H‘ir'lt‘ 1 .1\‘ ‘1 (no.1 hours 811.111.11.11 p- m. ‘ib ('Hli ' of wâ€".0mu'1 :.mi 1, . DP, GEO C ’ L819 Ar -'.~'1' i . 4 £33.. Hl'll l 1(... 1,11 \. . 1 Specialist" Eye. 13;: Willi-1c . \' 1 l DR. lit-15W. \ l. ltAill' l. I " ‘l.l'll\ ' ‘ [’istr‘t “'ill in 88‘" (l \ 1 ' __-g I'."--.'um' 0" v n-zfl V l ' 1" ‘ 1') Kid: 1 . ’_ l 5. 1 W. C.i"1c'11c::.1j, . -1 1. .l 03* '11 - â€I: . .‘ ' l 1 l ' 1'. : . _ . . . CollegL . 1 Roouismi: 1 "" i J I (7 . . { (3}1lll1 ‘ 1 i l ' l l}' 1 ' Collepi- l 1 l'1 0 Ofllu. ‘ . l ?--O-‘-II-~VI-omo . .1 \' ,1}, Li§111 .' - l l. P. leéw 1'11. ‘ ARBINZ l.‘ , s1. ' i Ufll("( ‘1‘“ ll “‘1', : , . ,1 8W8 Lm'm'l 9.2-,9' 1. . ,u ‘ none" in lu.‘-,li g,‘ ,1 y 1. , Droponv. W'm . .“é' aub‘. 1": . .0.- G. Lefroy loci aui. RRlSTER. SH]. ll'l’l‘iili. l' “ClulVH‘? H 11k l '1? 1 \‘i. COllt‘CilHll 'liltl A' iH_\ liln m to. Seai‘VhLe 11.;11i1 :1'. llm h 0600 w lacKay Dunn. ABRlSTERS. <""1l,l1‘i HillS "0‘10081'8 Fit. 3; 111111“. 1." P1“ The Llflll \l1‘ l'i"l1\. Mrd Bank. A. G. MACKM'. K. L'. , O'I‘ARY PUBI 1L'. mainssl Cf. Convevamel Lt1 l'nxate Old a('('0lllll~ and ml)†(111 L1111'1111.1.~~1 1 ln~111:.11111 .\,:e:1 XucKenzie’s ()ld Hand. Durhnm. Ont. Miscellaneous. 1 -7 4 '1' t1 13 uchAY 01 1111 had Valuatoi and Licensed A “Couutvei Grey Sales p1 » I â€â€˜0‘ news cashed :....g.