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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1905, p. 2

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I%--¢- .-.-cm-.. "‘9 .-~.-- EXCHANGE ARTICLES 1 . loafers with a brown bear s'rurk town but Saturday and1 had the animal do a few tricks for; ._ _ , - the amusement. of the populace. not; 7' forgetting to pass the hat. Therei are different t-asy wars of getting a' ‘ ”-134; ;;;:,,:-;‘i,,_:;;_-_ living. and 'iiisyvay of taking it out. 3:2 . of the hide Of a hear is irobably 0001 of the oasicst. if the bear wouldi make a meal of its raptors the world‘ would he done a gOO’l =l-rvic0.--â€"â€"Har- fiStOD Tribune Your Worn-Out Stomach. \Vhat it needs is Strenutliing inlluenc of Dr. Hamil-1 ton’s Pills~â€"they work marvels where 1 the stomach and digestion are poor. I In out: day the appetite increases: and the whole system is rapidly; strengthened. No stomach spec1al-1 ist could writ.- a better prescription, than Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man-1 drake and Butternut. At all dealprs‘I inayellow dox. price 25s, or five; boxes for one. dollar. ‘ It is expected that, in the forth-1 coming budget speech, some provr-i sions will be. made to grant relief.to1 the binder twine industry. The aim! and object of the International trustl is to crush the Canadian manufac-1 turers out of existence, when they1 will have control of the market and1 be enabled to lay the iron hand of1 monOpoly on this indispensible article by raising the price to the customer1 The success of Lillian Nordica, one 7, _";.'.- :4; . '. ' 1 . . so ‘ 5- 4‘ . - . . . , fly? . .;. f ‘.* _ 3.. ' ‘l I p. 4 .2 > ‘ ‘1," I '1. I: l . .: I 4;... . _~_ 1 1. ... : ... Jpn-J . _.' . .... _ .. . - - " _ 1;. -, ' . ... .‘- - ' . - . _' 32- I _ n t . I. I, 's , . ... Copyright Photo , Aimé Dupcn LILLIAN NORDICA . The Struggles and Triumphs of a Famous Singer 8t =55£:3:-:-'-'" . bottle . t, New Y0“ of the greatest contemporary opera to a point far beyond the market1 singers, is a tribute to the ambition and struggles of two womenâ€"'thc singer value. These immense trusts areg not actuated by philanthropic mo- tives, as every user Of twine wml Farmingham. Maine, in 1859. in a family find out to his cost, unless the gov-1 the home. ernment intervenes and puts its veto1 usually sweet, rich voice. on such tranSparent means of shut-1 of village li . . out our own market from Can-E children, so when Lillia and her mother. Mrs. Norton’s ting 1 adian manufacturnsâ€"Telescope. 1 1 voice. and the mother Of the transplants Broken Sleep-Tired Next Morning. Sleep not only rests, but builds up v , l , . the body. but down the hour: 9‘1 who condensed the five years course into “BER ““1 you cut down hea t m" the slightest she was stimulated to new the same proportion. the” ”3593' “”93 go smash, you1 all)’ for the new goal of instruction. grow tired. weak. and wretched. Lillian was growing in power and To restore sleep you might gec' year asachurch 5mg .. . 1,. more bodily strength more nutri-l She audaciously hcsmged fictions in -li - . - i, 1 her grace and her persistence, “on” “JOEL hepithie‘rhonlzrves. hr 1 to her rendering of Leonora’s aria rozone so ves .e . Her father was a violinist and her mother a singrr with an un- fe; she wanted broader opportunities for the development oi‘. her n was six the family made its gladsomc exodus from Maine to Boston. the Mecca of her dreams. The future prima donna early revealed the promise of her wonderful boarding-house for the musical instruction Of her daughter. . . 1 fifteen Lillian studied at. the Boston Conservatory, u'itli l’i‘ot. .lolin 0 BEN“. Rebuilding1 her daughter’s parts in order to teach her, worked untiringiy and saved 10:.- forced the Pmblemil charde. nobly captivated, and became her friend The youngest of six daughters of Edwin Norton, Lillian was born in where music was the atmosphere of l ambitions i-hal‘ed at the limitations (1 family laid aside moncy from her Ii‘i‘Oiii twelve to three. When her interest, flagged in energy by her niollwr. who learned (nurture. She was making. $11M“ :1 er. hut singing in church did not satisfy hor high ideals. r drew-xiiisr-room. and by i‘.(“1-‘ hearty, grout sing-er lo listen 'i‘i‘oralcrc.” 'l‘iotjcvis was She l‘Ji‘liSCtl her to go in “U makes you 5199i" SOUTH)”: gives en- 1 to New York to study with Maretzek. The dovetail ill()ill(.‘1‘ was canal to this durancc, vim. ambition. morning “'9iikl3955*"‘ln9593‘l the firei borrowed and otherwise sic-cured enough of youth will run in your veins. sup-1 ll):‘il'(‘)’,lO'lS. whore sh." watt-11ml tcndcrly plying abundance of of energy and‘ . Oii ('Oiilpl: lill’fi'. the two years, Film vigor. \Vitchery expresses the ill-1 inc“. (Jillll'li‘t"lll<"'!'i. ... ‘ ° 7 ' -. in ‘79. -. Li‘- lH‘li‘tl' '1 iii stant effect Of l t-rrozone; try it. JUIOM. . t . . (l: . term :2? his}; “fox'rnni. an. One th'Ct of the long session is to? l‘fl‘lil‘ifiili‘fihl nor " the i giro the excuse for a demand for anL 11“" 9”"“99‘3 “"11“ increase of sessiOiial indemnity. . til a couple of years ago fill" indem- nity of members was one thousand dollars per session. it was then in- creased to fifteen hundred. but oven. The laxative effect this had not satisfied them and now lain’s Stomach and LlV there is a demand for another in-Lso agrees crease. The London Free Press says (10 110$ real that a round robin is in circulation 1 icine. For and will be presented to the govern- 7 Store. merit demanding an increase of ano'g other thousand a session Thisf would bring the sessional indemnity ‘ up to 5-351»), a sum out Of all ”Op?” The newly organized Baptist church tion to the value which a majority“ Kimberley invited a council to ..rv‘ 1' " . '., 1.1;!21/i§~nivl110.. ize it is the effect of med-1 New Church at Kimberley. o 1 s of our representatives are capable of1 meet with them on Monday, June date. 8““?8 V51“? {9‘5 Bill: igicethe lam" 13, at 2.30 p. m., to consider the ter ies entirely wi e mom ers question of recognition. themselves. they are complete mas~ representatives present. from the folcl llzito-rl' ‘. ti. - vi‘riiiiifw .\«-tul'1l_.~ l’:ii'li:iv:.o-ilt- f'i‘iiimld. llllll"‘.""trl10'l lig' )‘0 more? new (“iii“l‘EIPZl’W'I she met the Occasion wilii her customary high i'iiiuiico: saved. money tor :1 two .VO‘d-Tr‘a’ stay in ill" over licr l‘olovtll ilClllgllli‘l‘. funds Wi'i‘t‘ whiting and hopes flow- 'T’fi-“l l:"‘.' for 2: hundred (‘Oi'll‘l‘~"i‘i,S in e 'l‘l'O'."‘fif-‘l'-’l in Paris, t'ollowcd by a. admirer m’ the singcr, Al. lli‘cscia, whore {‘ilill‘effi'i. " fl. 1 \' ‘\‘~f‘ 41“; L)‘ lili. A\'._ -11!- Owi'\.'licl:‘.ii:i::. her mother fainted through joy at hearing Un. unending plaudits 01' lllf.‘ (trillziisiastic audience i‘. 1i::.-l:.:it the Dt-parmieiit of Agriculture. l p . of Chamber- efforts of the now erudite writer who or Tablets is trusts that they may be appreciated tune to put her shoulder out of joint ble and so natural that you . nevertheless. Friday. the 23rd inst., will be the sale at Parker’s Druglfirst anniversary of 'the opening of ' 1 this institution and the following are ___.._.. ...H_â€"-â€" ' a portion of the statistics pertaining 1to the Home from that date to the present time of writing viz. Monday, 19th June: Number of inmates admitted up to Men. 33; women, 11 ; 44. Casualties: deaths, 9 men; 4 There were women; total, 18. Discharged from the Home through laid the swath: n Azd Of courts}: lowing 01131131108 3 Durham, D8300“ expiring of committal papers or other ' ° mom 9" 3° 8‘ l crease, Brown; Rev. “"1 Mrs.Pineo; 0W9” causes: 7 men. 2 women; total 9 cabinet ministers will have to get an Sound Rev. W. H. Cline . Thorn- incroase. every senator will get mlbury .Rev J. Strachan and Deacon increase. and the bill to the countryl Mchian . fincevme Archie McLean will be a large one. \Ve are inclined and A White . Flasherton Rev. G, to think that such a proceedings F. Hurlburt ,and Richard Allen. “Lou” not mse'lt‘ Yi‘h much favor in Rev. J. G. Brown, Secretary of For- t ecountry.â€"- eescope. sign Missions, and Mr. Ephraim Viens. representativecf Grand Ligne mission in Quebec, were also present and were invited to a seat in the council. After thoroughly investi- gating the matter and inquiring as to the possibilities of growth and the Opportunity for doing mission work in the community the council heartily agreed to recognize the organization 1 Sell Your Cold For $1 ? You surely won’t stop at a dollar bill to cure that horrid snifleling cold? Go to any druggist and get “Catarrhozone”and your cold will be a thing of the past. There is al- most witchery in the swift way Ca- tarrhozone kills colds. But when you consider the penetrating, beal- asa regular Baptist church. The ing and antiseptic qualities of Catar- 1 doctrinal basis agreed upon was a,“ rhozonc perhaps it’s not so wonder-l . . , , ful. Certginly there is no remedy1specified in the constitution of the 1 s o - 0 half so promp for colds andt catarrh 1 Owen SoundTfissgilgtlgsugghB;§;?: as Catarrhozone. Refuse a substit-mhumbes' ute and insist on having only ”Catar- i “8 career with thirteen members. thozone . In the evening a large public gather. ing was held at which the following Provisional Detective Joseph Rog- programme W89 carried ODtI Ser- ors, of Toronto. who. with four rail- man by RGV- J- G. Brown 3 charge ‘30 way ofiicials, has inst completed ‘1 the church. Rev. W. H. Cline ; right tour of the settled parts of the Pro. 1 hand of fellowship to the church, vince for the purpose of dealing with i RGV- 0- 3- Pineo. Th0 little church the tramp nuisance. has made anin- . is under the pastoral care of Rev. torestingreporttorheAttorney~Gen. G. F. Hurlburt of Flesherton, who eral’s Department. He says that holds awell attended public service the party covered 2.300 miles on the 01160 8 fortnight 011 Sunday OYGDiDB- G. T. R. and C. P. R,. makinga one. May the little one blossom a thous- ful inspection of the yards and old and. hangouts, and they did not finda single tramp. Railway employees report that they have seen very fow1 tramps on the lines this year. and local police tell the same story. Wherever tramps have been found .and arrested the Magistrates have To "‘3 Enrron Dunnnr CHRONICLE: given them the extreme limit of WI! Simâ€"Being and ardent ad- punishmont allowed by the law. Six mirer of your clean and spicy paper persons riding on the bumpers of whenever an opportunity presents freight cars in order to save fares itself of pursuing its contents and were arrested by Mr. Rogers and his tbinkins perhaps. that a few items assistants, and every one was and from this institution may be accept. 310 and costs or 30 days in jail. able and perhaps interesting to the many readers of your valuable ool- l'ound a Our. “Dim umns. not only in and around Dur- Mrs. S. Lindsay,of Fort William. ham. but also in those remote points Ontario Canada. who has colored to which it finds its way; and fool- quite a number of years from dys- in; that those of your ratepayers who and great pains in the atom- asspayhc taxes forthboroction and .03."deth dragging to maintenance of this admirable and “W's “abandmv- ”headache. ‘ ,bou. clashes. moan and m 3.1 island ~ jg.” ____ __.. -..-‘1 ....-. _______ .... INDUSTRIAL HOME NOTES. From our own Correspondent. (A. â€" Mg». l- "f we Lg; Ami-macros. , = ~ ' “ O ’4‘ ‘I . »i” V , . o f. _ .. - l a .‘ ' i . - . .., , . 1 ‘ Kl Present establishment: 18 men, 5 women; 23. Total, 45. N. B.â€"One of the men discharged has been reoadmitted. Average age of the present inmates: men, 71 10-12 years; women, 78 yrs. The oldest inmate is 87 years; the youngest 53. Religious denominations : Church of England, 10 men. women 0, 10; Presbyterians, men 3, women 1. 4; Wesleyan Methodists, men 2. women 4, 6; Baptists. men 2, women 0. 2; 2D3isciples. men 1. women 0, 1 ; total, Municipalities to which the in- mates are chargeable : Artemesia 3, Bentinck 1, Collingwood 3, Derby 1, Dundalk 2. Egremont 1, Euphrasia 2, Holland 1. Koppel 2, Markdale l, 0 Sound 3, Sarawak 1, (pay inmate), St. Vincent 1, Sullivan 1. Total 23. Number of inmates confined to solitary confinement for misconduct, 5. let for peremtcrily refusing to attend divine service on the Sabbath when requested to do so by the Super- perin’t. 2. For leaving the Home with the intention of not returning and without permission from the management. 3. For insubcrdinato conduct and using abusive language to the Superintendent and matron. We very much regret to state that two out of the five delinquents were women. ' Number of names recorded in visi- tors’ book since its introduction about two months after opening the institu- tion. 1,500. To this number may be .addod fully one-fifth previous to the introduction of the visitors’ registry Wm. Romans. the old gentleman discharged by his own request on April 3rd, was ro-admittod on the 13th inst; The poor old follow ex- pressed. his pleasure st getting back again. andlwas heartily welcomed by his old- associates. He is i very quiet, tumble and inofsnfi've old writer, Mr. Editor, to gives more descriptive account of the Home and 1 its inmates. but, owing to the circum- ON THE GARAFRAXA ROAD-â€" in a correspondence wit be and fearing to trespass on your val- uable space, I thought it. wlouldlbe d 1905 tf better to refrain froma more engt y Feb.22n - ~. ' ' ‘ ‘ correspondence until further approv- figâ€" 100 ACRES IN BENTINCR. 1\ Elk ed of. - as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completly derange the whole system when entering in through the mucous surfaces. articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy- sicans, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney the genuine. Cheney Co. or Mrs. Redford of Lamlash visited Mrs. George Mighton one day last week. visited friends here Sunday. her cousin Miss Charlotte Webber, were the guests ofH Huntlast week. with her cousin Miss Hattie Law- rence. top buggy. spent a few days with relatives. recently. Good Farm fur Sale. Farms For Sale. 00 ACRES, FIVE MILES SOUTH- ance 0‘ this being my first attempt 35”“ 5i? miles from ‘Durham. Good East of Durham. First class grain and h your paper “‘10- 905”“‘0‘ ‘3' once. (”0‘1 land. Must stock farm. in first class shape. fine barns sold. F01“ particulars apply to and stables. good frame house. well watered J. P. TELFORD. Durham Offered cheap. . Rocky Saugeen. Good farm, with gm: timber. Owner giving up farming. INMATE. TOET. --...-_.........â€"â€"â€".-- THREE ROOMS ABOVE A. Mc- 1 Dr Beware of Ointment; for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, 50 ACRES IN EGREMONT Nii-\l: Orchardville. First class land. Owner glVllljJ hlan’s Store, recentl occu ied by . , . .. . (£4:ng as officeâ€"to rent onyeasypterms. and good bUlldmgb- W. ll. BEAN. Sec’y A. F. A. M. Apply to up f arming. MACKAr Dirxx. Vendor’s Solicitors. lllll'limz, Mar. 10, 04â€"tf OT 51, 52, 53â€"Sideroad so, 1} Houses for Sale. miles north Of Priceville. .Farmoin first class condition. Good buildings with running stream convenient to the barn. For further particulars applv to DUGALD D. MOLAOIiLAN, RICK OR FRAMEâ€"APPLY 'l‘l’) J. W. CRAWFORD. Also several building lots. 00,, Toledo 0. contains no mercury, Jan. 28â€"tf. Priceviile P. O. ...M, “ ""‘*â€"-'â€"‘~‘"râ€"â€"*â€"~--â€"-~â€"â€"~-r~-â€"_ and is taken-internallv, acting direct- _____________.___ NEW ADVERTISEMENT 1y upon the blood and mucous sur- ______ faces of the system. In buying For Sale, â€"'â€"* ’ h C D ll get â€"â€"â€"-- 0 mu S cm" are 6 8m yo DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP- H H. Mlllel‘ It is taken internally nd made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Testimonials free. Price 75c. per ert consisting of twent-five acres ' .- ‘ oneohali mile east of Corporation of the THE HANOVER CONVEYAINCLR Town af Durham. described as South part of Lot 59. Con. 2. E. G. R., Glenelg. On the remises is a comfortable brick five- . roomgd cottage, a good frame barn and 100 ACRES, south-west of Varney, ill Non- stable, a small bearing orchard, an abunv .MANBY- All extra 309d farm “Ed “'8“ dance of the best running water. All improved. Owner anxrous togo \l est. cleared, title good. Terms easv and rice 1.50 ACRES. BENTINCK, north of Allah right. For further particulars app v to Park. Well improved and Offered W”. THOS. DAVIS, cheap. Lot 2. COD- 3. N. D. R.. Glenelg. 125 ACRES. on 18th Concession of Nor.- April 4, 1904.â€"-tf. DURHAM P. O. MANRY. Well im raved and well located Offered cheap. ill rent if not sold. 100 ACRES. BENTINCK, near Rocky Sail Town Lots for Sale. 6911- Good farm witbeood timber ill sell cheap. IN THE CENTRAL PART OF DURHAM RESIDENCE,beIOiigiiigidM? Durham. Four lots on the West sideof J' 1“ Browne, photographer, Uflel‘vdi at Albert Street, for private residences. Now snap ”“09- is the time to get these lots. For further information applv to J. M. HUNTER. Durham. April 1‘2. 1904.-â€"tf. 301d by Druggists. Now Offers the followingi: Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- tipation. .__-. -.‘_..â€"â€"â€". â€"~»-- Vickers. Mr. French of Port Huron is visit- ng his uncle Mr. J. W. Vickers. Mrs. Wm. Bailey and her daught- - -â€".~â€"â€"~.â€" â€"â€"â€".. wâ€"â€"â€" _. . ~ _. _._.._-~...__ Mr. and Mrs. Legato of Durham .â€".._~â€"â€"-â€"â€"- Miss Annie Petty accompanied by MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates. INSURANCES PLACED in No. I ('m‘. panics at low rates. Park Lot For Sale. 1 DEBTS COLLECTED. BUSINESS DIFFICULTIES arranged. Mr. (‘eor 6 Gulf urchased a new PARK LOT NUMBER 13 NORTH . i 1 r . . ~ - . . 1 g p of Saddler street. in the Town of Dur- L' l ' 1" FthLTS {”1 “1" to all i‘mlilr. ham, in the county of Grey, containing 4 M arkdale acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars applv to _._._._. _ . _-_.____ . Miss Alice Lawrence spent Sunday Always Prompt-Never Negligent. H. H. MILLER. Mr. Luther Torry of J. P. TELFORD, Vendor‘s Solicitor, Durham. Mrs. Alex McCulloch of Detroit. 9... Mich.visited the McCulloch family Dec'” t‘f' Mr. Chris. Reay and sister visited HOUSCS to Rent. 1 friends in Bruce Co. The young people of Hutton Hill intend holding their school picnic on Friday June 30th. Mr. and Mrs. David Hopkins arc comfortably settled in their home on the North line. \Ve wish too young couple many years of happinesc. Mr. James Smith had the misfor- WO GOOD HOUSES, NEW BRICK good location. garden lot with each. Rent reasonable to right tenant. Situated on Queen street. Apply to JAMES CARSON or ED. \VALSll. .â€".â€"--â€" 1 The “Dcering” Iiiipl<-- 1 ments, manufactured in“ the International 11...: vester CO. Of Hamilton. lead the world. Teacher Wanted. . 10R SCHOOL SECTION NO. 1, Gleiielg, a male teacher, with Second which required medical attendance. glass tPrqus‘ggmal certificateb Salary at ---â€"-â€"--â€"-~ ______-____, '- -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-~~--- ie ra e 0 er annum. uties to com- ' -. . ' mence on the mild Monday in August. Apv Binders SE51) DRleLb' Li 1': plications must be in the hands Of the un- , TI ATORS: D 1 5 L deraigned not later than the 16th day of HARROWS. DIAMOND SMOOTH- June. Personal application preferred. ING HARRO\VS. SCUFFLL‘RS, GEO. BiNNiE, Secretary, WAGONS. WILKINSON PLOW> \IESl I |S Bunessan- AND LAND ROLLERS. Farm for Sale. Buggies. A complete line of the Palmer- ston Buggy Co.’s Buggies. For Summer Wear. EING PARTS OELOTS ca AND . . . 63, Bentinck, Con. 2, W. G. R,. ad- Bnning the Cor ration of the Town of , urham. The arm consists of 42; acres Raymond Serving Machines. DOW- â€"-â€"about 4 acres woodland. the balance on sell Washers. Thomas Bros. Wash. der grass. Comfortable dwellin and cod .. comfortable outbuildings. Sma‘il orchard. ”8’ MCClary etoves, E15311)“ 1133? 1'68 lllg Just the kind of place for a dairy farmer Loaders, 3- I. or market gardener. Sold at right price Machines. and on easy terms as the proprietor in- tends gorng west and wishes to dispose of it. B. BURNETT. Proprietor, Jan. 20, 1905.â€"â€"tf. DURHAM, ONT. ‘If you once realized Case how much cooler, easi- er, neater and altogeth- , Wire Fencing. The Dillon Wire Fence,,Co. of Owen Sound ofiers prizes of from $450 down to 8100 to per. sons putting up the greatest or more comfortable our Washable Vests are than the ordinary vests, you would not let the day go by without having at House to Rent. ...â€"â€" N THE FIRST OF DECEMBER" . . a comfortable, conveniently sit- number at rods 0‘ theirjencnlg. gated house on Lambton street west. We sell the wire. pring water ta in kitchen. Rent MONUMENTS TheD ' -â€" 0 le J 1 ii reasonable Appryto Marble Works. Owen sinnd. “ii.- N. MCINTYRE, Durham. fore buying elsewhere see our .ie- .sigus and samples. We can save you money. JOHN CLARK “ Pelorus J ack” is the name of an _~â€"- .._...._____-m___-__,_“___ old dolphin which is protected by a special act of the New Zealand Leg- islature. Accoading to an Australian colcn- Reliance Grocery ist. Mr. George Hayes. who sends an account of the fish to Lloyd’s Week- lv, the official proclamation of the Government prohibits any interfer- ence with Pelorus Jack under the penalty of £1,000. Forty years ago when Mr. Hayes first emigrated to Australia, he heard an old sailor’s tale, according to which a shoal of dolphins grounded on the shores of Cook Strait. and one ' of them escaped into the sea. That s s: a: one. which is now acknowledged to Full stock of .. . . be Pelorus Jack, never left the local. ity where he lost his companions. and Staple 6’ Fncy Go cer- aea and Confectionery. . least one. No... 3th, -...-- ..__.____ . - - .... . ...â€"_â€"-â€"-___,- â€"_ ..._ ....-- .,_._. -‘ Come in and let us slip on your size, just to ”011,111? _a_s_ Pilot. see how you like it. All our Vest are tailor-- ed. The fabrics will wash beautifully. The .38 At thezReliance Grocery you are always sure of getting the highest class goods at lowest prices. . patterns are the hand- somest we could pick out. $1.75 and $2.25. Sin-â€" gle breasted. '“ Stout ” . . as Mr. 'Hayes says. he is now proto or ‘5 slim ” Sizes.” 4. ted by the law as be has always been by sentiment." The most remarkable fact of all is the reason for the passage of the law which is that Polorus 'Jack acts as a most ofioctivo pilot, escorting all kinds of vessels in and out of the French Pass, Cook Strait, always keeping to «loop water. \ Now is a good \l“ l ." kit‘ ’ ‘ l i Mi“: 7'2. \' V'o‘ '.‘..‘l. "i- it. Mr. .iiir, “'10:". E ‘ LllSl Tlfl-ll‘.‘ lt_\ ..W ‘ â€" ‘ h. . -l youngiumiD-n«m. L l l " ,' 1 iv ‘: ill \~ ‘ *p'” . .- o ‘ . y 0 ‘ve‘.\ }‘i.':{k‘i‘Ai WE WANT Woo For which we w pay the night price in Cash Trade. 1 a large assol ment of Blankd Yarl etc, stock of Groceri

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